February 2012 ISSU

The Silhouette Gazette February 2012


Silhouette Gazette February 2012

Transcript of February 2012 ISSU

Page 1: February 2012 ISSU

The Silhouette Gazette

February 2012

Page 2: February 2012 ISSU

In This Issue Power of Nice3.......... Power of Nice4.......... Sweet Treats 6.......... Purdue LaLa8.......... Valentine’s Nails_____________10.......... Can’t Buy Me Love12.......... Movie & Book Review14.......... Love Letter to Yourself16.......... Innappropriate Clothing18.......... ADT Valentines Special20......... Carly’s Favorite Things21.......... DIY Turban

Lifestyle * 32 * Table of Contents

Last issue we talked about how positive impressions left in your day-to-day life are like seeds. In this issue we would like to explore two more “powers” to consider as you go about your life.

“You Never Know.”As we sit at Greyhouse, writing this article we look around at all of the “interesting” people surrounding us. How do you know where people come from? What are their circumstances? What are they going through? Judgment, particularly within the fashion industry, is something that is becoming more rel-evant and evident every day. Two things we can all work on are not passing judgment and not letting it affect the way we interact with others. As we succumb to the power of nice, we will gradually see a positive change in not only our lives but the lives of others around us.

“People Change.”

One thing to keep in mind at all times is that no matter who you are talking to, the CEO or lowest of low, they deserve your utmost attention and respect. You never know who people are going to become, so start every person with a clean slate and don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. You really never know where your peers, co-workers, acquaintances, and close friends are going to end up. In fact, you have no idea where your career will take you!

Page 3: February 2012 ISSU

Sweet Valentine Treats1/2 box of Golden G

raham cereal

1/2 bag of miniature marshmallows

1 & 1/2 bags of Popcorn or 1 cup uncooke

d kernels

a whole bag (of course!) of chocolate chip

s - melted

1) Pop your popcorn. in the microwave or on the s


2) Blend cereal, popcorn & marshmallows in a bowl

3) Melt chocolate in a microwaveable bowl. or in a double-boiler on

the stove 4) Spread dry mixture on a large bak

ing sheet.

5) Drizzle melted chocolate over the mixture... yum!!

S’mores Popcorn Fudge Filled Brownies4 Large Eggs

4 tablespoons of melted butter1 cup of granulated sugar1 cup of light brown sugar

1 1/4 cup Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder1/4 cup espresso powder2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/2 cup flour1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1 jar ice cream fudge or Nutella

4 * Lifestyle Lifestyle * 5

Fudge Filled Brownies Con’t1) Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Butter and flour a glass 8x8 pan.

2) Mix the four eggs at medium speed until they are fluffy and light yellow in color.

3) Add the granulated sugar and beat until combined. Add in light brown sugar and

mix in well. 4) Add in melted butter, vanilla, salt, and flour. Mix well. It will be super thick.

5) Bake for 40 – 45 minutes. Use a toothpick to check the doneness of the brownie.

6) Let cool for half an hour. Remove brownie entirely from pan. Slice in half horizon-

tally. Place the bottom back in the pan. Spread ice cream fudge or Nutella over the

bottom slice. 7) Replace the top of the brownie and pat down. * For best results, let sit for at least two hours so the fudginess spreads throughout the brownie.*

Cupcake Champagne CocktailChampagne

1/2 shot butterscotch schnapps

1/2 shot Vanilla Vodka (recipe below)

1 teaspoon maraschino cherry juice (from the jar)

3 maraschino cherriesCupcake sprinkles

To a champagne flute add butterscotch schnapps, vanilla

vodka, maraschino cherry juice and cherries. Top with

champagne and gently stir. Add sprinkles and enjoy!

Page 4: February 2012 ISSU

Purdue LaLa’shomemade valentines!Everyone has their own opinions on Valentine’s Day. There are your cynics who refuse to purchase even one box of chocolates. There are your sappy lovebirds who’ll go out to dinner and order “one milkshake, two straws”, and then there are your feisty single ladies who will spend Valentine’s Day at Har-ry’s Chocolate Shop with a White Russian in hand (and we aren’t afraid to admit we’re totally in that third group). Whatever your feelings on this holi-day of candy hearts and carnations may be, we feel that everyone should celebrate it the way we all did back in elementary school where everyone gets a valentine. We figured we’ve probably graduated from iridescent rain-bow Lisa Frank valentines so we instead opted for a more mature and un-conventional valentine to share with the people who mean most to us, be-cause Valentine’s Day isn’t just for the couples. Plus who doesn’t love a beautiful handmade note? Here’s how we did it and how you can do it too.

We challenge you to cele-brate all the loves in your life by leaving a beauti-ful card for them. There’s a whole lot of love in the world to go around… Why not share some?

First. pick a fun picture of you and your “valentine” or find a cute picture online to use (Pinterest anyone?). You can create the poloroid effect through Picnik’s Poloroid effect. Fasten the picture on to a piece of blank stationary using colored brads, which can be found in most scrapbooking sections of craft stores.

Lastly, add some personality to the enve-lopes with strips of scrapbook paper, twine, and feathers. Get creative and add whatev-er personal touches your little heart desires to your valentines. But wait, don’t forget that no valentine is complete without some type of heart-shaped treat! We went with the classic v-day lollipops for added charm.

Next, line the inside of the en-velopes with scrapbook paper for a sweet little added surprise.

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8 * Lifestyle Lifestyle * 9



pink +

sweet accents=

the perfect v-day accesory

D.I.Y, Sprinkle NailsOne: Paint nails with a base coat and white polish

Two: put your topcoat on, and immedietly sprinkle the sprinkles on the wet polish

Three: Apply a quick-dry topcoat and resist snacking on your fingers!

Page 6: February 2012 ISSU

The Beatles once proclaimed that ‘all you need is love’. They probably believed it too, because it was the 60’s—a time period filled with hippies and mind-altering substances that no one was using responsibly. However, to update their lyrics for a more modern audience, they should know that love in the 21st century has a going rate of about $163.37. A 2008 survey by the National Retail Federa-tion estimated that men spend about that much on their partner for Valentine’s Day, while women spend roughly $85. Valentine’s Day seems to be one of the most universally loathed holidays with the most successful marketing team. Almost $13 billion is spent in America alone, and $367 million of that amount is spent on Valentine’s Day gifts for pets. If that sounds insane, that’s probably because it is. Why would your dog Fluffy care about the Valentine’s Day card you bought him? Fluffy does not give a damn about Valentine’s Day. Fluffy wants to chase squirrels. Fluffy isn’t the only one irritated by the cost of Valentines Day. Prices skyrocket during this month as flowers, candy, cards and jewelry are marked up at almost double their original prices. Horribly unfunny romantic movies come out at this time of year and we’re expected to see them because they’re ‘date movies’. Stores start to sell clothing that is saturated with red and pink—a color combination that looks good on almost no one. Magazines, blogs and news programs run segments on what to do if you’re alone on Valentine’s Day. Most of this advice seems to revolve around spending money on your-self—a very poor decision if you’re already upset at the ridiculous markup of Valentine’s Day memorabilia.

It’s easy to be bitter about Valentine’s Day. This is a celebration of society at its most shallow—demanding extravagant floral arrangements in the dead of winter and candy that, in all honesty, tastes like flavored chalk (does anyone actually eat those Necco hearts?) But we should not blame the holiday! It has had nothing but a bad reputation over the years: there was the Valentine’s Day massacre, the beheading of St. Valentine himself, and I personally blame V-Day for all of the truly terrible movies that are released during the holiday weekend. This year, why not try a more traditional approach? For instance, in Great Britain it was believed that a young woman would marry the first eligible man she met on Valentine’s Day. Why not walk down State Street this February 14th hollering after any men you might see who look ‘eligible’? That’s sure to get you lots of attention! There’s another tradition where animals are supposed to bring luck. If you see a goldfinch, you’ll marry a millionaire and if a dove crosses your path you will have a happy, blessed marriage. Obviously, there won’t be that many birds hanging around Pur-due in the middle of winter—but our school luckily boasts a veterinary sciences building! Why not head over there and see if you can convince any veterinarians to throw a gold-finch at you? Besides, one of those veterinar-ians might turn out to be an eligible young man. There are clearly many, many different ideas on how to celebrate this holiday. Some ideas are expensive, some ideas are cheap and some ideas involve goldfinches. A holiday dedicated to love is always a cause for celebration, no matter what the cost or sickening amount of pink involved. And for those without an interest in mass consumerism, there’s always the best holiday of all: February 15th, the day all the Valentine’s Day candy goes on sale. And while the Beatles are also famous for saying that ‘money can’t buy me love’, you should really stop listening to them—they broke up years ago, so what do they know about love?

Can’t Buy Me Love (...well...)


Written by

Molly Harris

More on this Subject:


If you aren’t one of these four lucky chaps, Valentine’s Day is going to cost you about $163.37. Good luck!

Yum! Reminds me of clapping erasers after school!

10 * Lifestyle Lifestyle * 11

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“Midnight In Paris”Movie Review

“There’s no city like this in the world. There never was.” The city that Gil Bender, played by Owen Wilson, is referring to is, of course, Paris. Woody Allen’s 2010 film, Midnight in Paris, encompasses the quirkiness one would expect from Allen, but appeals to a much larger audience; it was Allen’s highest grossing film and is nominated for four Academy Awards (Ryznik). The star-studded cast also includes Rachel McAdams, Kathy Bates, and even an appearance by the first Lady of France, Carla Bruni. Midnight in Paris provides its au-dience with a light-hearted, almost whimsical plot with breathtaking cinematography and satirical humor. The story centers on a screenwriter, Gil Bender, who wishes to leave behind his trite Hollywood life, be-come a novelist and move to Paris as he falls deeply in love with the city. Gil has not only a distaste for his ca-reer, but also for the time period in which he lives. He

An insightful, witty compilation of biography and life les-

sons—Karen Karbo’s “The Gospel According to Chanel” is

an absolute must read. With no apparent setting and no need

for such, Karbo exquisitely conveys the importance of living

as our ever fabulous idol Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel once did.

Learning to leave an astounding dynasty and paving the way

for fashion even decades later, Chanel was able to overcome

endless obstacles, succeed and not only stay true to herself

but teach us to as well.

“Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say, and

not giving a damn.”

The book was published by Morris Publishing Group in Guildford, Connecticut.

“Gospel According to Coco Chanel”

Book Review12 * Lifestyle Lifestyle * 13

believes that he was “born too late”, and that he rightfully belongs to Paris in the 1920’s where artists and writers flooded the streets

with creativity. While wondering the streets one late night, Gil suddenly finds himself transported back to his idea of the “Golden Age” where he is surrounded by the great artists of the

20’s. His journey back in time helps him to finish his novel, find satisfaction in the present, and also brings him love. Woody Allen does the city’s beauty justice by not only making it the setting for the film, but also by making it a lead character. Scenes are filmed at all points in the day: shots of sunny afternoons, rainy evenings and glimpses of the glittering Eiffel tower at night; almost every major land-mark makes a cameo in the first six minutes of the film. Woody Allen provides the audience with a true Parisian ex-perience without ever having to leave the comfort of one’s couch. When Gil travels back to the 20s, he meets a plethora of artists and writers, including Salvador Dali, Earnest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald and many more. Allen has each actor portrayed in a very humorous manner that brings a strong element of satire to this film.

When Gil travels back to the 20s, he meets a plethora of artists and writers, including Salvador Dali, Earnest Hemingway, Pablo Picasso, F. Scott Fitzgerald and many more. Allen has each actor portrayed in a very humorous manner that brings a strong element of satire to this film. These eccentric characters and their quirks are highlighted by the quick-witted dialogue between them and Gil. Any-one who recalls the stories they read in their high school English class, (or at the very least recognizes the names Fitzgerald, Hemingway, or Picasso) will appreciate the sa-tirical humor this film brings. Midnight in Paris is the perfect film for anyone who wants to feel revitalized at the movies; if you want to expe-rience something you haven’t seen before, this is the film for you. The witty, satirical humor is a break enough from the crude comedy that is easily found today. Young or old, if you want to be swept away and experience Paris, the 1920’s, or see history in a new light, you must see Midnight in Paris!

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To: MeFrom: Me

I’ve spent my whole life feeling inade-quate. In sixth grade, I was teased about being fat by a boy who rode my bus. After that, I took to weighing myself every day. My dad called my eating habits “Laura’s Self-Deprivation Diet.” But even while telling myself that eating less would make me feel better, I couldn’t see my-self as good enough. My freshman year of high school, my family was in a car accident, and, for a brief moment, I realized that there are more im-portant things than how I look. Of course, in that brief moment, I also gained twenty pounds, feel-ing even more miserable. My mom and I took up Weight Watchers after that, and I lost thirty pounds. That was the lowest I ever weighed, and yet I still felt awful about my body. There was some sense of con-fidence in wearing the same pants size as my friends, but I hated that I couldn’t eat the same foods as them. I’d be snacking on carrot sticks while they were all scarfing down giant Otis Spunkmeyer muffins. That’s when I gave up and decided that I’d eat what I wanted and my weight would be what it was. That decision helped me find fifteen of those lost pounds again. It goes on and on, but here’s the summary, I’ve been in a constant cycle of self-love and self-hate. I’ll diet to lose weight and then realize I’m hungry and that I want a freaking Snickers bar. Up until this point, I haven’t taken any pause to examine the toxic relationship I have with my body.

Almost a year ago, I went on a casual date with a guy in my art class. He turned out to be the greatest thing that ever happened to me, even if that sounds cliché. One night, I was just joking around like I normally do with my friends and made a self-deprecating comment about my thighs. Until that comment, it had been very light-hearted, but right then, he looked at me and said, “Take it back.” I excused myself, saying it was just a joke. He wouldn’t back down. He actually told me to pick five things I loved about myself, physically. I laughed, but he was dead serious. Looking me in the eye, he told me that I was the most beauti-ful girl in the world and that the thing he loved most about me was my confidence.

I think the shock of him perceiving me as confident struck deepest. In no way have I ever felt confident in my appearance. He then persist-ed in making me list five things I love about my body. It was the strangest thing to think that I had this man in my life who loved me for who I am and what I look like, and yet I, the soul living in this body every single day, couldn’t find a hint of that love for this body.

“... He told me that I was

the most beautiful girl

in the world...”

Here’s what I want every reader to do: Write down five things that you love about

your body. Put that list up on your mirror, hide it in your make-up drawer, keep it by your bed… do whatever you have to do to remember that there are many wonderful parts of your

body that make you the beautiful person you are .



3. 4.


I am so unbelievably blessed to have found a man who not only loves me, but who pushes me to love myself. He won’t let me degrade myself in any way. Even comments that I don’t intend to be mean, he makes me take back. The point here is that we all need to stop being so self-critical. This is the body that I am in. I can do anything to this body I want, so why would I choose to abuse it and hate it? As fashionistas, we need to learn to love our bodies if we ever expect to fullyappreciate the beauty of the fashions that dress them. That being said, take the time to nourish your body, too. It’s hard with the fashion show due dates looming over us. Just think, though, you are putting your most important tool through hell. Why not give it proper care so it will do the best work for you? In sum, this Valentine’s Day, fall in love with yourself, and make a commitment to nourish and protect your body in-stead of hating it and torturing it.

14 * Body Image Body Image * 15

Happy Valentines Day!

By: Laura Stanley

Page 9: February 2012 ISSU

Controversial t-shirt pulled from JC Penney line Photo: Dara O.

After wandering around a mall during the shopping frenzy that is Black Friday, I found myself in an unshakable depression. My depression was not caused by the commercialism of Christmas, or the massive consum-erism I saw taking place around me (although that’s a subject for another article), but instead stemmed from a shortcut I took through the little girls department of JC Penney’s.

In front of me I saw a shirt with the title, “My Best Subjects: Boys, Shopping, Music, Dance”. Where is Algebra on this list? Or Chemistry? Or English? Or History? Or, really, ANY subject that is actually taught in el-ementary schools? In my elementary school, mu-sic was taught only once a week and the only ‘dancing’ we did was in gym class, as we tried to flee from errant dodgeballs.

As I wandered around that section of the store, taking in the overwhelm-ing amount of pink on the shelves and the t-shirts emblazoned with ponies and rainbows and admissions of love for Justin Bieber, I found myself won-dering do young girls really wear these things?

Gender Issues & Girls’ Clothing





Written by:

Molly Harris

Girl XPress line at K Mart

Photo Credit: Birdie Janour

Apparently, they do. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a Kmart in Australia was caught selling a line of underwear in their “Girl Xpress” line with slogans printed on them like, “I Heart Rich Boys” And “Call Me”. And this underwear is not marketed towards teenagers, or women (which is sleazy enough by itself), but instead is pushed towards young girls.

Thankfully, the clothing caused such an outrage and a Twitter cam-paign under the hashtag “kmartsex-ploitation” that it was eventually pulled from shelves, but what about the rest of it—what about the little girl’s section of JC Penney?

Body image and sexual exploitation are problems universal-ly faced by all women, but when did these problems start to apply to little girls as well? This kind of marketing tells young girls that they are valued only for their appearance, and that other things, like intelligence, are unimportant.

Where is Algebra? Or Chemistry? Or, really,

ANY subject that is actually taught in elementary schools?

JC Penney t-shirt Photo: Dara O.

Wal Mart is now marketing an anti-aging make-up line for

little girls, aged 8-12, called GeoGirl. Photo: Martina Lacey

16 * Body Image Body Image * 17

Page 10: February 2012 ISSU

Can you pull this heart-shaped arrow out of bum? Some kid with wings just shot me.

Sure-Fire Pick-Up Lines

Photo: Swingshift Cinderella (Tex Avery)

Cupid called. He says to tell you to give my heart back.

Did the sun just come out or did you smile at me?

I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?

Were you in Boy Scouts? Cuz you have my heart all tied in knots.

In the spirit of “l’amour,” here are some of our favorite cheesy pick-up lines from linesthataregood.com and pickuphelp.com


And of course...The one we’ve all used.

Hi, I’m a fashion designer. Will you model for me?


A.D.T. Valentine Special

U and I belong together...

In the lab!

Hey girl! What’s your number?

Cuz I need your dress form...

It’s okay, buddy.

I’ll help you seam rip it this one time.

I may have unthreaded the serger.

I love you!Thank you for being the only contributor to campus fashion

18 * Campus Fashion Campus Fashion * 19

Page 11: February 2012 ISSU

DIY: TurbanHeadband

By: Carly Desrocher

Fashion WorldMy Favorite Things:

Valentines Day Edition

Chiffon dress perfect for

that casual date

Forever21 $22.80

As seen in http://www.studs-and-pearls.com/2011/09/diygalaxyheadband.html

Peach feather earrings. $6


Satin bow

headband $6.50



Shimmerychiffon dress Forever21$29.80

20 * World Fashion World Fashion * 21