February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular...

i)i n' Standard J L CU ycuf sfaSrr. ..Sah'sfy d o e s i-iol' / i"ne COhcithcn^ Jotc{ doiovi for tl\e est*c<bl ishmenl’ d’ ^ Sf<4. w clctss^ Hie rel't*jhan oj- Hi ib ^orNie Sckoolyecu' iqbb- |Cj3Cf *1 Sanctioned, is n o r V C) Uk'£ h' U !y t Of or oj- Scj^ool^ N. £. C ircu*!' _ ... I \D f" n u cl e.v" A ja J)gqp L| __ fuiJrzw\><JU ^ko&i qci rj I ue i/oi iJoen nj e d'* £»i>c, h««rgeU Vi'r c|^ tli^.or&l'ejhno y-an \> Sh^.Vt kk$, wore) die I'aor^trh’ tic van hierclt* Wlas viV die skocljaar I c p f f - jej3 cj lne cjGed^C keur hie,. Hoo^a^ hendj Of i/V^'U^c^ 6 *)5jaelc l"e N.O. ur van \ riii.

Transcript of February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular...

Page 1: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


S t a n d a r d J L

CUy c u f

sfaSrr... S a h ' s f yd o e s i-iol' /

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N . O .

u r v a n

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Page 2: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

February 1st, 1938

Rev. S. Carter, C,K. , The Priory, Rosettenville,JOHANNESBURG.

Dear Fatner Carter,

lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have.

Yours sincerely,



Page 3: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


P eb-lst 1938 *



Herewith is the restoration of the 7% [Q%) teachers' salary cuts fromAApril 1932-June 1934.Will any teacher who thinks he has not received his correi

restoration, kindly let me know at once: giving full details of the terms he

taught in this period and the school he was teaching at that time.

In the Transvaal Province there is no restoration of the "living allowam

which were withdrawn from all teachers entitled to them, seven months before th<

"official” depression began: here the Transvaal teachers are similar to the O.F

teachers but different from the Natal and Cape teachers.

Further there is no restoration of the deepest cut of all in the Union•t;

of South Africa:- namely the certificate cut of the Transvaal. This only effec1

about 10# and less of the Transvaal teachers, possibly not more than 250.

In this circuit are spent exactly £150 on 11 teachers to relieve their

distress at that time while 64 other teachers who had the percentage cut and 87

who had the living allowances cut received no assistance from this mission. Bot!

these withdrawals are not officially "cuts", but alterations in salaries: and i* oC k.the honour of the Sative teachers that they practically all accepted this redu

and did not throw up their profession for other more remunerative work.

To my mind, it will be useless for the teachers to attempt to get the

by means of the law: as the Department are acting under orders within the terms

of the law.

But I have no doubt that there will bo found some persons of influe:

in South Africa, who will take up the cause of these teachers and see what can

be done to move the Native Affairs Department to release money for these cases

and so make an equal distribution of restoration of salary throughout the Union

of South Africa: and bring the Transvaal teachers up to the salary level of

the Cape and Natal.

The Transvaal has too long been the eindorellA of the Union, as to

their financial rights: and the Transvaal teachers have had to suffer. The

Scale approved by the Minister of Native Affairs should operate equally through

the Union today.

Stephen Carter. C.R,


Page 4: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

Alle m ededelings m oet geadrejj A ll com m unications mu

seer word aan die Jtefcretaris , addressed to th C Se cre tary , T ran 5 vaa lse On derw ysde- T he T ra n sv a a l E ducation partem en t.D e p artm en t

G eliew e by en ige verd ere korre- i a— a a y w ,iu iu r e correspon den ce

spondensie hierdie n o m m eraan p lease qu ote th is n u m b er: te h a a l:

No.. 3.9/041


POSBUS 432. P.O. BOX 432.


( (rA-U vv\ * )

. X \ ( J)

Mr. C.R. Ntuli, P.O. Box 595,


With reference to your letter dated

the ISth. instant, on the subject of the restoration of

Native Teachers' salary cuts, I am directed to

inform you that during the period April 1932 to

June 1934 in the case of teachers in receipt of

salary grants of £50 and over, a cut of 7% was made in the

case of urban teachers and 8% in the case of rural teacher

Authority has been received to refund to the teachers

the actual amount so deducted and this has been done

inall cases.

No authority has been received to refund

to the teachers the cuts which waa-cmade during the

first three months of 1931 or in the case of teachers

who were paid at the salary rate less than would have

been payable in the ordinary case in respect of the

certificates held by them.


Page 5: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

i traitst iaal ^ f r i r a n f | e a t l [ e r s ’ ^ s s o r i a t i o n .

P r e s i d e n t j

P . M A T H A B A T H E P.O. Box 595,

P r e t o r i a .

G e n e r a l T r e a s u r e r :

J. J. M USI,P i m v i l l e G o v e r n m e n t S c h o o l ,

P .O . P i m v i l l e ,

J o h a n n e s b u r g .


t o t h e G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y :

H. W. M O N E H I,1 3 4 B r a n d e r S t r e e t . B a n t u l e .

P R E T O R I A , ,25t.li April 1 9 3 8

Professor: R.S.Alfred H o e m l e

P*O.Box 97Johannesburg

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your minute R.R/4.

dated the 23rd inst re motions to be submited for discu­

ssion at the meeting of the Transvaal Advisory Board on

Native Education which is due to be held on May 12 th.

of Salaries for Native Teachers are totally inadequate

when one considers that majority of Teachers are married

and have to bring up families and for other domestic

demands in these civilized days# What has been regarded

as a living wage for the Native Teacher^ twenty years

ago cannot be applied to-day. It is sincerely hoped

that you will do the best on our behalf for Native

Education and for those who sacrifice to see that its

requirements are carried out •


It is felt by my Association that the scales

With all best wishes

I am Sir,

General Secretary

oooooooooooooo ooooooooooo

Page 6: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

C otnm unttg of tJ)f JEU Surm ttnn.


2 ,

yr 74, Meyer Street,

^ ^ XL Sophiatown,


-SS cv-.



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Page 7: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

^ y ^ y U ^ _____ ^

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Page 8: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

tfnm m unttj) of tijc JftrSurrcrtion.

Tel ephone— . , o74, Meyer Street,


/ . / - - / Johannesburg.

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Page 9: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

/ >

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Page 10: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

t r a t t w a a l ^ f r t t a n f e a r e r s ’ ^ s s o r i a i t o n .

P r e s i d e n t s

T . P . M A T H A 8 A T H E

P .O . B o x 5 9 5 .

P r e t o r i a .

G e n e r a l T r e a s u r e r :

J. «l. M U S I,P i m v i l l e G o v e r n m e n t S c h o o l ,

P.O. P i m v i l l e ,

J o h a n n e s b u r g .


t o t h e G e n e r a l S e c r e t a r y :

H. W . M O N E H I,1 3 4 B r a n d e r S t r e e t . B a n t u l e .

P R E T O R I A , April 1 9 3 8

/ ^ o / e a ^ / . z t.

Sir,The Thirty-Second Annual Conference of the above

Association will he held at Springs from the 5th to the

7th July 1938.

M y Exsoutivs desires me to invite you to

this Conference to address the Teachers on any topic ox

educational and professional interest.

The Sessions are as follows; -

1 0 ----- II A.MH ----- 12 P.M1 2 ----------- I P.M

2.30 3.30 P.M3.30 4 .30 P.rt

5 ------ 6 P.M8 P.M------------- 9.30 P.M

I shall he glad if you'r he kind enough to suggest your ov/n

date and time if you accept this invitation and && let me

know on or hefore the I5th May to enable us to make a

final draft of the Programme.

I am, Sir

Yours Faithfully

Page 11: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

T E L E G R A P H IC A D D R E S S :

T E L E G R A M A D R E S :

" E D U C A T I O N . "



NO . ED...


P.O. BoxPosbus 395,


? ...

Professor R.F.A.Hoernle,

University of the Witwatersrand,



Dear Professor Hoernle,

In reply to your letter of the

26th ultimo, I am sorry to hear that the complaints

which I heard when I was in the Transvaal a couple

of years ago are still persisting.

The practice in this Province is

that the Inspectors endeavour to get on as coraial

terms as possible with their teaching staff, and

while there is no official instruction* on the point,

it has been indicated informally that it is a good

thing to shake hands with teachers, both on entering

and leaving the school. As far as I am aware the

teachers feel themselves perfectly free to approach

the Inspectorate and the Head Office with any of the

troubles which may arise in their schools, and it

is our endeavour to cultivate a team spirit in

co-operation with the teaching force.

I think perhaps that I have said

enough to indicate to you our general attitude


Thank you for your congratulations

on the Zulu Volume. It was a great pleasure to do

the work.

Kindest regards,

Yours Sincerely,


7. 5. 38.DM/MK

E.D. 144


Page 12: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

The Priory,Rosettenville,

Johannesburg. 26th. April, 1938.

j Regent's Park— No. 20. ■* " ( Rosettenville— No. 32.

tegent's Park— No. 20. losettenville— No. 32.

Professor R.P.A.Hoernle,P. 0. Box 1176,


Dear Prof.Hoernle,

Thank you for sending me your motions at Pretoria

I ought to have told you that one result of the teachers* law case

against the Administrator was that the Transvaal Province on October

the 29th. 1930, added this clause to the regulations of the Minister;

"This Department shall not pay the full salary grants and allowances

unless the necessary financial provision has been made by the

Government". This clause of course, protected them legally through

the depression etc. Also the payment of increments is at the

discretion of the Director.

Salaries in the Transvaal Primary Schools for the last ten years

which X hope is clear} and the classification of the Transvaal

Native Schools taken from the last Director' Report. As regards the

distribution of teachers in this province, about 60% of them live and

work outside the Native reserves and so need a living allowance.

I enclose a short statement of Native Teachers'

Yours sincerely

Page 13: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


In April 1928, a union scale of salaries was approved by the Minister of Native Affairs and came into force at that date, consisting ofj-

(A) Salary.* according to certificate (with increments normally inoperative).

(B) Head Teachers allowances according to average attendance of school.

(C) Special allowance to head teachers for full primary schools with Std. V and VI.

(D) Cost of living allowances for all, living outside Native reserves.

At the start, (A) and (B) were paid in the Transvaal and (D) was paid in certain places, but not fully paid. The Transvaal Teachers Association after much negotiation, took legal action against the Administrator for underpayment in (C) and (D): and was partly successful; so that the Department paid out (C) and (D) as arrears of pay from 1928. This cost about £6,000 which threw their estimates out of gear, and the Department replied by cutting all salaries etc by 15# for the last three months of that financial year (January to March 1931).

In April 1931, the Department started with full payment of (A),(B)(C) and (D), but it was obvious that with the money voted they could not come out at the end of that year.

Therefore, in July 1931,the Transvaal remodelled the Minister*s scale. All new teachers coming out of college were paid as uncertificated whatever the results of their final examination were; so that those men who were successful did not get as they expected, £5.10s but £3. a month; and the women likewise not £4.10s but £2.10s. and the provisional certificated teachers stopped where they were on the scale; and no new Std VI xj&kBsxjui schools were authorised for extra pay (C).

In September 1931, there was the withdrawal of all living allowances, e.g. (D).

With these reductions, the Transvaal was able to come out in the year preceding the depression; while of course, there was little or no expansion in any school staff or in registering new schools ever since

At this moment, the official depression came over the Union and from April 1932 to June 1934, all salaries over £50 p.a. were cut 1% or 8% and the former state of affairs was carried on i.e. uncertificated pay and no living allowance (D).

Immediately after the depression ended in July 1934, all certificates were recognised for pay and the 7;J cut was called off, but living allowances were not restored and no more schools were allowed Std# VI allowances e.g. (C). But of course, no arrears were paid at that time and some schools were increased in staff in October 1934 and expansion in a mild manner began again.

In the primary schools, the only increment that has been paid during these last ten years, was in July 193115 when one increment of 5 shillings per month was paid for every five years satisfactory service under the° Department previous to this.

In January 1936, Mr.Kuschke introduced his reformation of native schools In the Transvaal; and so threw 8,000 children vjfamwm or more on to the streets or veld of the Transvaal. Thereby as he said increasing the standard of education, and no child was to start*In the school before they were seven years old.

...Today(April 1938)/

Page 14: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

Today(April 1938), the scale operates as follows

(A) Same as above with no increments since 1930.

(B) Same as above.

(C) Special allowance to all Head teachers in schools which were recognised in 1930 as Std VI schoolsi but to no new schools.

(D) Withdrawn altogether.

In July 1937, the scale for all secondary, high schools, and normal colleges was revised in favour of higher salaries to European teachers who knew both official languages and could teach in the' Native language of that institution.

TRANSVAAL CLASSIFICATION ----- ---------- DECEMBER 1936._ , Europeans. Natives.7 Normal Colleges with total staff 41 14 Secondary Schools A " M 15 62 Industrial " n t » n 2

1 Government Primary School ” n * 24696 Primary Mission Schools " 11 1779 x

* Certain European R.C.Sisters are included in this total.

Director's report ,December 1936 gives decrease in primary schools of 11,576 pupils; after the reformation.

Page 15: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

The new inspectors arei- TvJi.

Mr. Janaen * for the last 10 years Head-Teacher of tfatarval, a European Government Farm 5chool(Primary), near Koster, 'vith some 70 pupils tnttx in it.

Mr. De Jager * for the last 4 years Kead-Teaoher ofl,overmien^ Primary School at Hamburg near Roodepoort

with 36 pupils in it,

« 4.. « 'iJr* Krlel * l a t6 Headmaster of the Dutch Reformed ? Secondary School at Warmbathst which in December 1936

(the latest return) had 16 pupils in Forms 1 & 1 1 1 a new venture for them.

17th. May, 1938.

Page 16: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

Community of the Resurrection.

T e l e p h o n e : 32— 2020.

{ S3Regent’s Park— No. 20. Rosettenvilk- -N o . 32.

The Priory,Rosettenville,


C w


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Page 17: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

A lle m ededelings m oet gead res- A ll com m un ication s m ust be

seer w ord aan die S e k retaris , addressed to the Se cre tary , T ran svaa lse O nderw ysde- T he T ra n sv a a l E ducation partem en t.D epartm ent.

G e liew e by en ige verd ere ko rre- In a n y fu tu re correspon den ce

spond en sie h ierd ie n o m m era an p lease quote this n u m b er: te h a a l:



P O S B U S 4 3 2 ./ _ P .O . B O X

PRETORIA— 27th. May 1938.

Frofessor R.F.A. Hoernle,President of the S.A.Institute of Race Relations,


Dear Hoernll,

Unfortunately your letter was received here after I had left for the Northern Transvaal, frooi where I have only just returned. I hope that my reply will nevertheless still be of some use to you.

The discussions of the Advisory Board should be treated as confidential. The recommendations, on the other hand, are not confidential.I do not see that there is any harm in telling the teachers that Doth the Advisory Board and the Department are anxious to see the position of the teachers improved. The teachers should understand clearly that giving effect to our recommendations depends on more funds bein^ made available by the Central Government.

One thing about salaries which the teachers should remember is that they are bein^ paid for worKing in Mission schools, and they should compare their salaries not only with those of European teachers in Government scnools but also with those received oj the Missionary**managers of schools. They would then realise that they are not the only ones to receive poor remuneration (the adjective applies to the financial side only) for their very important and necessary work.

Yours sincerely,

' cJUy -

Page 18: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 19: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 20: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 21: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 22: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 23: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


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Page 24: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 25: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


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Page 26: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 27: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 28: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


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Page 29: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

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Page 30: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

4th November, 1938

Tbe Chief Inspector,Native Education,


"Dear Sir,

In reference to your official interpretation of the

new Code in the September Quarterly Magazine, I beg to Inquire

whether the Department have finally agreed on the introduction

of two native languages only as medium in the first four

school years of the registered schools on the Rand. The

article states that it is treading on delicate grounds and

hopes that this policy may perhaps bring into being two

virile 3antu languages only.

I beg to enquire therefore, if I have been rightly

informed that the Department are prepared to use forGe to

see that this policy is carried out in every registered

school of the Rand*

Further, I be£ to enquire whether superintendents

and the Advisory Board of native Education have been

consulted in these natters.

I am,Yours obediently.


Page 31: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.


The Reverend S. Carter,The Priory,


E. 13/332610.Nov.1938.


With reference to your letter dated the 4th. instant, on the

subject of Native ixg* Language Media in schools, I am directed

to inform you that the policy of the Department in using mother

tongue medium during the first four years of the pupils school

life is recommended by the Interdepartmental Committee(page 83)

and their report has been accepted by the Advisory Board.

I am to state that in the schools on the Witwatersrand it is

imperative thao the policy should be introduced and that not more

than one Nquni and one Sotho dialect should be used in the

schools In each case the dialect used should be governed by the

majority. C

I am to add that the Department is considering the ^1+

advisability of calling conferences of Superintendents of schools

on the Rand and the Head teachers of such schools to discuss

ways and means of making the policy more effective.

I am,

Your obedientX/ servant,

H.W. Burrough


Page 32: February 1st, 1938 lany thanks for the cony of your · lany thanks for the cony of your circular letter to teachers .vhich I am glad to have. Yours sincerely, SECRETARY ALS/J4J4P.

Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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