February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry &...

February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 4:00 pm SPV 6:00 pm SJ Sunday 8:30 am SPV 10:00 am SJ 11:30 am SJ (EF) DAILY MASSES SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Tuesday 8:00 am SPV Wednesday 5:00 pm SJ Thursday 8:30 am SJ Friday 8:00 am SPV First Friday 7:00 pm SJ (EF) Saturday 3:00 pm SPV 5:30 pm SJ EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursday 9:00 am5:00 pm SJ Friday 8:30 am7:00 pm SPV ST. PIUS V ST. JOSEPH Website: www.stpiusvcf.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm Website: www.stjosephmiesville.com Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Transcript of February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry &...

Page 1: February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry & Jack Weber† Donut Sunday 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for Anthony Jaspers

Fe b r u a r y 1 2 , 2 0 1 7 | 6 t h S u n d ay i n O r d i n a r y T i m e


Saturday 4:00 pm SPV 6:00 pm SJ

Sunday 8:30 am SPV 10:00 am SJ 11:30 am SJ (EF)




Tuesday 8:00 am SPV Wednesday 5:00 pm SJ Thursday 8:30 am SJ Friday 8:00 am SPV

First Friday 7:00 pm SJ (EF)

Saturday 3:00 pm SPV 5:30 pm SJ


ADORATION Thursday 9:00 am—5:00 pm SJ Friday 8:30 am—7:00 pm SPV



Website: www.stpiusvcf.org Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-2:00 pm

Website: www.stjosephmiesville.com Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-1:00 pm

Page 2: February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry & Jack Weber† Donut Sunday 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for Anthony Jaspers

RAQA Jesus said in the long version of our Gospel reading today, “The person who calls another “Raqa” is answerable to the Sanhedrin.” But that was back then. We do not have a Sanhedrin around to answer to on this matter. So, do you think it would be OK if I called

the Archbishop Raqa? I could get away with that, right? The commentary I was looking at says that “Raqa” is an almost untranslatable word, because it describes a tone of voice more than anything else. Its whole accent is the accent of contempt. To call someone “Raqa” is to call that person a brainless idiot, a silly fool, an empty-headed blunderer. For someone to call another “Raqa” means that that person despises the other with an arrogant contempt. So, if I called anyone here Raqa, I would be the real Raqa.

The sin of contempt is very un-Christian-like. We all know types: the snobby princess from an influential family; the rich person who measure success based on the size of one’s wallet; the pointy-headed ivory tower intellectual who considers people not as educated as cavemen; anyone who chooses harsh adjectives in describing others as I just did.

Of course none of us are ever guilty of having contempt, are we? In the car, even though the ones driving slower than us are road-hogs and the ones driving faster than us are maniacs, there’s no contempt there, right? Have anyone of us snubbed another person? And when we talk behind someone’s back, we hope it is always with charity. But does that happen?

In treating people with contempt, we usually trash their competency and moral character. We take their name and reputation from them. Jesus says that anyone who destroys another’s name and reputation is liable to the most severe judgment of all. What Jesus is saying is that those who are slaves to anger and contempt may have never murdered, but they are murderers in their heart.

In order for us to follow him, Jesus calls us to reconcile our differences with one another and make peace. It is when we are at peace with each other that the peace of Jesus Christ will be with us.--TB

A Valentine’s Day “It’s the end of the world as we know it” update: Many of us have received or given something for Valentine’s Day, a heart-shaped piece of candy or a heart-shaped box of candy, with a mushy short Valentine wish such as “BE MINE” or “I LUV U” or something to that effect. I walked into a particular store one day and immediately saw their Valentine’s Day display. On the cover of one of their heart-shaped boxes of candy was the message “TEXT ME”. It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine—TB

2 From Father Terry

Please Pray For Kaye Fischer, David Hedeen, Donny Waltz II, Anastasia Waller, Mike Klimek, Mary

Kay Hoffman, Diane Schiller, Greg Denn, Dee Ashton, Kory Kochevar, Tony Godfrey, Don Totzke, Jim Sieben, Dick Collins, Roger Kimmes, Mary McGraw, Mary Osborn, Larry Rehder, LeRoy Rother, Helena Byrne, Mary Ann Illa, Jo Lind, Louise Wagner If you know someone that would appreciate prayers for their health and wellness, please call me at the office. Thank You.

Readings & Observances for the Week




1st Reading Sir 15:15-20 2nd Reading 1 Cor 2:6-10 Gospel Mt 5:17-37 or 5:20 -22a, 27-28, 33-34a, 37 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Marriage Day


13 1st Reading Gn 4:1-15, 25/ Gospel Mk 8:11-13



1st Reading Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Gospel Mk 8:14-21 Sts. Cyril, Monk, & Methodius, Bishop Valentine's Day


15 1st Reading Gn 8:6-13, 20-22 Gospel Mk 8:22-26


16 1st Reading Gn 9:1-13 Gospel Mk 8:27-33


17 1st Reading Gn 11:1-9/ Gospel Mk 8:34--9:1 Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order


18 1st Reading Heb 11:1-7/ Gospel Mk 9:2-13



1st Reading Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/ 2nd Reading 1 Cor 3:16-23/ Gospel Mt 5:38-48 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Living as Disciples 3

Page 4: February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry & Jack Weber† Donut Sunday 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for Anthony Jaspers

The St. Pius V Knight’s of Columbus Council 4481 are sponsoring an Essay Contest for St. Pius V youth in grades 8-12. The theme of the essay is “The Importance of Religious Freedom”. Due to the parish office by February 21. More info can be found on our website under the Faith Formation tab.

Do you have new or gently used bath towels and washcloths that you would like to give to the homeless? A basket has been placed in the front entrance. Place your donations in this basket for delivery to Dorothy Day and Sharing & Caring Hands by February 19.

CCW– As a St. Pius V member and woman you are a CCW member. The CCW is active in providing services to our parish community where needed. Raising funds in many ways and then using those funds to better our parish and the community. It is asked that all women pay dues of $5 per year. You can place your dues in an envelope with “CCW Dues” in the memo line. If you would like more information on CCW, please email Barbara Stodden at [email protected]

The next Baptism Class is Tuesday, February 21. Please pre-register with the parish office.

St. Pius will be serving the Community Dinner February 26. Please call Paulette Hanson at 263-4780 if you are able to help serve or provide desserts.

Gerten’s Easter Flower order forms located outside the parish office. Benefits Youth Mission Trip.

Thank you to all Grandparents and others that help shape the Christian Formation of our Youth, We celebrate you this Sunday. Please join us for a pancake breakfast lovingly cooked by our KC’s and donated by our Confirmation families. The free will offering benefits the Confirmation program.

Upcoming Events February 25 Grade 2 First Eucharist Retreat March 1 Ash Wednesday March 3 First Fish Fry March 5 7/8 Grade Retreat March 21 Gerten’s Easter Flower Orders Due April 22 Confirmation

4 St Pius V

PARISH STAFF Parish Office 507-263-2578 Emergency # 651-229-5189

Pastor: Fr. Terry Beeson [email protected]

Deacon: Kevin Downie 507-202-5304 [email protected]

Business Administrator: BJ Peters [email protected]

Administrative Assistant: Mary Waldschmidt [email protected] Director of Religious Ed/Youth Minister: Cindy Meyers [email protected] Music Director: Sue Franke-Clark Building & Maintenance: Shawn Carpenter [email protected] Prayer Network: Call the parish office

ST PIUS V PARISH CALENDAR Monday, February 13 9-10:30 am Adult Study on Luke Tuesday, February 14 7:15 am Liturgy of the Hour 8:00 am Mass for † Art Eaton 8:30 am Church Cleaning 6:30 pm Intercessory Prayer Group Wednesday, February 15 2:00 pm Mass at Twin Rivers 6-7:00 pm Elementary Faith Formation 7:15-8:30 pm Middle/HS Faith Formation Thursday, February 16 8:30 am-1:30 pm Quilting Group Friday, February 17 8:00 am Mass for †Fr Bruce Peterson 8:30 am—7:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am Homebound Communion Saturday, February 18 3:00 pm Reconciliation 4:00 pm Mass for SPV Families Sunday, February 19 8:30 am Grade 9 Teen Mass for John & Phyllis Hommes

LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Friday, February 17 Homebound Ministers Gary Sigmeth, Mary Harkins-Venn, Arlis Burr

Saturday, February 18 4:00 pm Lector Regina Wernimont Servers Karter & Kendrick Otto Eucharistic Ministers Bob Wernimont, Gary & Helen Sigmeth, Sheryl Bauer, Deb Rahman Ushers Julie Murphy, Pat Island, Bob Wernimont Greeters Marlene Banks, Doug Fields

Sunday, February 19 8:30 am Lector Paula Gergen Servers Elias & Emily Wojahn, Open Eucharistic Ministers Greg Wojahn, Ed Gergen, Dylan Rohr, Maggie Sucher, Connor Rohr, Lisa Rohr Ushers Grade 9 Greeters Grade 9

Looking for something positive to do for lent? Join a Fish Fry team to help with meal preparation. Teams work 3 Fridays in Lent. If you can’t commit for 3 weeks, there are a few weekly volunteer spots during the meal service times. Desserts will be needed as well. Sign-up sheets are at the front entrance. Thank you to all for making the Fish Fry fun and successful. —Kathleen Mason

Page 5: February 12, 2017 | 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time › files › 2-12... · 10:00 am Mass for Jerry & Jack Weber† Donut Sunday 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for Anthony Jaspers

Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner

March 12! It is a sure sign of spring when we start planning for the annual Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner. The dinner this year will be Sunday, March 12 11:00 am - 3:00 pm. This is a big FUNd raiser for the church. Please plan to help out and join the fun. Also, take flyers and plaster your town with flyers about the dinner. Watch for more details!

St John the Baptist School has again been chosen to participate in the Catholic United

Financials’ Annual Catholic School Raffle. The cost of a raffle ticket is $5, and 100% of the ticket price will go to the school. The 2017 grand prize is a 2017 Jeep Compass or $20,000 in cash, along with other prizes. Students from St. John the Baptist will be selling tickets after Masses the weekends of February 11 & 12 and February 18 & 19. Thanks for your support!

If you are in third grade or older, and interested in becoming a mass server, please contact Brian Molitor. 651-983-9864.

Saint Joseph 5

LITURGICAL SCHEDULE Saturday, February 18 6:00 pm Lector Ed Niebur Eucharistic Ministers Mike Otto, Jim & Kathy Anderson Ushers Ken & Kathy Nelson Servers Gabe & Michael LaFlamme Rosary Leader Don & Carol Schauer

Sunday, February 19 10:00 am Lector Amy Flom Eucharistic Ministers Mike Milliren, Harry Roberts & Deacon Kevin Ushers Kent & Christy Mader Servers Jaclyn Jenson & Addie Niebur Rosary Leader Betty Ahlers


Sunday, February 12 10:00 am Mass for Jerry & Jack Weber† Donut Sunday 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for Anthony Jaspers † Monday, February 13 Tuesday, February 14 Wednesday, February 15 5:00 pm Mass for Louise Wagner 5:30 –6:30 pm Wednesday Night Dinner 6:00—7:00 pm FF Class Gr K-5 7:15—8:30 pm FF Class Gr 6-10 Thursday, February 16 8:30 am Mass for Fr. Vincent A. Colon† 9:00 am—5:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration Friday, February 17 Saturday, February 18 5:30 –5:45 pm Reconciliation 6:00 pm Mass for Sylvester & Betty Gergen† Sunday, February 19 10:00 am Mass for Joseph Fox† 11:30 am Extraordinary Form of the Mass for John DePrey †

PARISH STAFF Parish Office 651-437-3526 Emergency # 651-229-5189

Pastor: Fr. Terry Beeson ext. 11 [email protected] Deacon: Kevin Downie 507-202-5304 [email protected] Business Administrator: Patti Brown ext. 10 [email protected] Faith Formation Director: Cathy Roche ext. 24 [email protected] Youth Minister: Claire Kranz [email protected] Music Director: Heidi Mace [email protected] Buildings Maintenance: Nick Ries Custodian: Mike Otto Cemeterian: Rebecca Susag

COLLECTION February 5, 2017

Envelopes & Plate ......................... $3,065.40 Electronic Contributions ................ $830.00

Electronic Bldg Fund ........................ $120.00

Weekly Projection ........................ $4,385.00 This week’s difference .................... -$489.60 Projected year to date ............... $140,320.00 Collected year to date ...............$142,830.52 Over year to date ............................ $2,510.52

Thank you very much!

Fr. Terry’s Weekly Appointments: Monday: Day Off Tuesday: 8:00 AM Mass (St. Pius) 9:00 AM Staff Meeting (St. Pius) Wednesday: 5:00 PM Mass (St Joe’s) 2:00 PM Mass (Twin Rivers) Thursday: 8:30 AM Mass (St. Joe’s) Friday: 8:00 AM Mass (St Pius) Saturday:10:00 AM Baptism (St. Pius)

3:00 PM Confessions (St. Pius) 4:00 PM Mass (St. Pius)

5:30 PM Confessions (St. Joe’s) 6:00 PM Mass (St. Joe’s) 7:30 PM Confessions (Net) Sunday: 8:30 AM Mass (St. Pius) 10:00 AM Mass (St. Joe’s)

6:00 PM Class Dinner


12—Hospitality/Donut Sunday Grades 6 & 7 serve 15—6:00-7:00 pm Class (K-5) 7:15-8:30 pm Class (Gr 6-10) 22—6:00-7:00 pm Class (K-5) 7:15-8:30 pm Class (Gr 6-10) Speaker: Dave Rinaldi (Gr 9/10) 26—Lenten Retreat for Gr 9 (Year I) Confirmation students & sponsors

Prayer Partners needed: Please consider becoming a prayer partner for a student preparing to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist or Confirmation. Information available in the parish hall.

Lenten Retreat for Year I Confirmation students and sponsors will take place Sunday, February 26 from 11:00 am-3:00 pm.

Please join us for donuts and beverages after the 10:30 am Sunday Mass.

Our sincere sympathy to the family of Bill Freiermuth, who died Saturday, February 4. The Funeral Mass was here Tuesday. May he rest in peace.

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St John the Baptist School has again been chosen to participate in the Catholic United Financials’ Annual Catholic School Raffle. The cost of a raffle ticket is $5, and 100% of the ticket price will go to the school. The 2017 grand prize is a 2017 Jeep Compass or $20,000 in cash, along with other prizes. Students from St. John the Baptist will be selling tickets after Masses the weekends of February 11 & 12 and February 18 & 19. Thanks for your support!

The 2017 Catholic Services Appeal will begin in early February and as the shepherd of this local Church, I am asking you for your support. The CSA is the way in

which the collective ministries in the Archdiocese are funded. Your gift to the Catholic Service Appeal is restricted for the benefit of its collective ministries. The designated ministries cannot be funded on their own or by any one single parish but rather need our collective help. I wholeheartedly support the Appeal and I will make my personal pledge to it. I am calling on you to join me in doing our part so that these important ministries of this Archdiocese can be fully funded. Please be assured of my gratitude for your participation in the Catholic Services Appeal as well as a remembrance in my daily prayers.

Women’s Discernment Retreat with Bishop Cozzens

Saturday, February 18, 8 am – 4 pm Nativity of Mary, Bloomington Join us to gain a deeper understanding of consecrated life! Bishop Andrew Cozzens will celebrate Mass and give a talk. The retreat day will include consecrated women sharing their vocation stories, along with many opportunities to chat and ask questions. Discover the steps of discernment, learn more about yourself, and listen to God speak to your heart. Lunch will be provided. There is no retreat fee, but a free – will donation is welcome to cover the cost of lunch. Register online by February 15 at www.10000vocations.org/events

The “Catholic Guy” is coming to Stillwater!

Lino Rulli, national radio personality, will be the featured speaker at St. Croix Catholic School’s 2017 Light Their Way tuition assistance gala on Saturday, February 25. Event begins at 5:30 pm with a casino-themed social hour, followed by a gourmet meal, featured video, and laughs with Lino. Tickets are $160/individual and may be purchased online: www.stcroixcatholic.org or by calling 651.439.5581 x310.

6 Our Parish Community

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St. Pius V ~ Cannon Falls St. Joseph ~ Miesville Cindy Meyers Claire Kranz

[email protected] [email protected] St Joseph's 8th grade class will begin a course on "Theology of the Body". Thank you to Catholic United Financial for providing a grant to purchase the materials for this course.

Youth News 7

Thanks for your 122 pizza

orders for CHWC

Mission Trip!

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