FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es...


Transcript of FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es...

Page 1: FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un


450 S. Stagecoach Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028

Phone: 760.689.6200 Web: www.stpeter-fallbrook.org


OFFICE HOURS Horas de Oficina Monday/Lunes ........... 8:00am-5:00pm Tuesday/Martes ......... 8:00am-5:00pm Wednesday/Miércoles..8:00am-6:00pm Thursday/Jueves ........ 8:00am-6:00pm Friday/Viernes ............ 8:00am-5:00pm

The office is closed for lunch from 12:00pm—1:00pm

MASS SCHEDULE Horarios de misa Weekday Monday/Lunes ......................... 8:30am Wednesday/Miércoles ............. 8:30am Thursday/Jueves ...................... 8:30am Friday/Viernes .......................... 8:30am

Weekend Saturday/Sábado…… English 4:00pm .................................... Spanish 6:00pm Sunday/Domingo ........ English 9:00am ................................ Spanish 11:00am ST PETER THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Phone ........................... 760.689.6250 Fax ................................ 760.689.6240

Linda McCotter—Principal [email protected]

SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Confession/Confesiones Saturday/Sábado .................. 10:30am Or by appointment/ O por cita EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Adoración del Santísimo Friday/Viernes .......... 9:00am—9:00pm

Page 2: FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un


2 | February 10, 2019

PUT OUT INTO THE DEEP 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Isaiah 6:1-2a, 3-8 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 Luke 5:1-11 A few weeks ago, I caught myself stuck in the middle of a petty social media argument. There were two sides arguing in, essen-tially, a battle of the minds. I usually try to be an even-minded person online, and I stay out of many of these arguments or just say a few words and leave. But my humility bucket was running low, and I found myself in the comment crossfires. I can’t be too harsh on myself. It’s all too easy in our culture to-day to begin to believe we are quite important and that the rules of true humility don’t apply to us. We have prominent politicians broadcasting their opinions regularly, we have celebrities be-coming politicians, and we even have theologians engaging in snarky tweets, trying to intellectually impress the onlookers. It’s a fascinating time to be living! But the picture we see in the readings is a stark contrast to our current day. The prophet Isaiah literally sees the Lord and His angels. Were Isaiah in our time, a welcomed response by most may have been a new book deal to sell his experience to the masses. How-ever, after such a spiritually vulnerable and transforming mo-ment, his first words are of his sinfulness and lowliness. He has no faith in his abilities and proclaims he is “doomed” because the Lord visited such a sinful man. He is clearly a living manifes-tation of awe and wonder before God. I often wonder how differ-ent our political and even religious landscape would look if this was the response by faithful people when new ideas came to them or good works were sought after. St. Paul echoes the same theme. Where we are often people of many useless words on social media, St. Paul shares the heart of the gospel in just a few short simple lines, after which he as-serts that he was the last to hear because he was the least. There is no pretense of pride in his words. He knows any good that comes from him is because God is working in him, not be-cause of anything he does. In the book “Fire & Light,” Fr. Jacques Philippe shares how we can be open to the gift of God in our daily lives. One line that is particularly striking is when he says that “the most deep and fruitful prayer is the prayer of pure receptivity.” In his gospel, Luke shares with us a living example of this when we hear of Jesus calling the Apostles to put out into the deep again. At first read, it can seem like they are reluctant or disbelieving. It kind of seems like the annoyed teen trying something just one more time to humor a persistent parent who knows better. “Ugh. Well, okay, just one more time so you’ll get off my back.” But I think there is something deeper going on here. What we have is an example for us of pure receptivity and humility. “Master, we have worked hard all night.” We see in St. Peter’s words that they have done literally all they can on their own. If it were just up to them and their skillful hands, they would have no

fish. But their hearts hear the Master and trust his word. Fr. Philippe continues in his book by saying, “We are welcoming and receptive insofar as we have trust.” They aren’t casting nets as a last-ditch effort to get Jesus off their backs. They are casting nets because in their receptivity to his voice, they also have pure trust. They are now convinced that any good that comes won’t be of their own doing, but it will be because of God’s work in them. When the fish come in numbers too immense to fathom, the first response is again humble recognition of human weakness. St. Peter says, “Depart from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man.” We don’t see a man parading around his fish, giving a hashtag shout-out to Jesus for helping him. We see a completely convert-ed man convinced of his own sinfulness and weakness, who is now willing to drop everything he knows to follow Christ to the cross. This is the call for all of us today. Are we convinced that without the Gospel and the power of Christ, we are literally nothing? Do we pridefully take credit for the good we do, whether it’s in online arguments, good homilies, or service projects? Do we see our sinfulness and nothingness when God works in us, or do we cling to pride? Do we live in a state of trust and pure receptivity?

Angie Windnagle

PRAYER O Jesus! meek and humble of heart, Hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the desire of being loved … From the desire of being extolled … From the desire of being honored … From the desire of being praised …

From the desire of being preferred to others … From the desire of being consulted … From the desire of being approved … From the fear of being humiliated … From the fear of being despised …

From the fear of suffering rebukes … From the fear of being calumniated …

From the fear of being forgotten … From the fear of being ridiculed … From the fear of being wronged …

From the fear of being suspected … That others may be loved more than I, Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

—from the Litany of Humility

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LOS PESCADORES Por los últimos tres fines de semana, la primera lectura de la liturgia nos ha hablado de un nuevo comienzo siempre provoca-do por una llamada de Dios a un grupo o individuo. Hemos escu-chado del libro de Nehemías cómo los israelitas, volviendo del exilio, fueron invitados a renovar su alianza con Yavé. El domin-go pasado, Jeremías el profeta se recordó cómo Dios lo llamó para hablar a las naciones. Hoy, un carbón encendido purifica los labios de Isaías a mostrar cómo Israel se purificará para co-municar a sus pueblos vecinos el mensaje del Señor. El evangelio de hoy nos dice de una llamada que es también un comienzo. Jesús invita a Pedro para que sea pescador de hom-bres. La invitación se ofrece en un ambiente hermoso, una barca situ-ada en el lago de Genesaret. Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un pescador como Jesús, el indicador de todo lo que Dios ha llegado a ser en el ser humano. Su estilo de pesca será diferente. Jesús, con su parábola de acción, al indicar hasta dónde llevar la barca y en dónde echar la red, muestra a todo discípulo que los dones humanos y nuestras posibilidades siem-pre están en nosotros. No fabricamos los carismas de la gente; sólo confiamos en su presencia al llegar nosotros a tocar el mar profundo y rico de la vida humana. El Espíritu de Dios está presente y trabajando antes de nuestra llegada. Así es nuestra vocación. El papel del cristiano es señalar las maravillas en el mundo para que todos las noten. La vida nos da ejemplos de esta vocación en un mundo que la necesita. Los jóvenes se enamoran al encontrar una belleza ya presente en el otro. ¿No crecen los hijos porque vemos y señala-mos su fuerza creadora y responsabilidad libera-dora? Honramos las muchas caras de la humanidad al notar cómo diferentes culturas las visten de sonrisas. Nuestra misión en el mundo no se fundamenta en echar redes, la profesión original de Pedro, sino en el don de señalar la pes-ca humana posible que, sin esta intervención, para muchos será imperceptible. Hoy la segunda lectura de San Pablo nos indica el motivo de nuestra misión. Como seguidores de Jesús, creemos en una vida tan maravillosa que ni la muerte la sofoca. Si Dios, quien es el amor absoluto, se encuentra al centro de la vida humana, algo proclamado por la Encarnación, pues toda la vida seguirá abriéndose aun después de la muerte. Si podemos señalar cómo Dios actua en el mundo, seremos impresionados, no por las limitaciones de la vida, sino por su continua realización. Temo la tendencia nuestra de rebajarnos los unos a los otros. No se si esto aparece por sentirnos inferiores o porque an-damos buscando una excusa para no actuar. Sin embargo, dejo esto al estudio de los psicólogos. La Iglesia y sus teólogos traba-jan más allá de estas posibilidades. Los cristianos deben ana-lizar lo que hace falta de justicia, amor y compasión en el mun-do y después centrarse en una vida transparente y reveladora.

Dorothy Day vivía la justicia que reclama la paz; no sólo la hablaba o la esperaba en los demás, sino ella misma la vivía. En esta parroquia, se encuentra para todos la llamada que Jesús dio a Pedro. Nosotros que ejercemos distintos ministerios no debemos olvidarnos de la misión que nos ofrece el Evangelio ni de la vocación que entrega el Concilio Vaticano IIº, haciéndonos todos los responsables de la Iglesia. Lo que dice Pedro a Jesús: “Apártate de mí, porque soy un pe-cador,” es también nuestro refrán. Pero la respuesta de Jesús es interesante y su significado sencillo: “Lo siento mucho, Ped-ro; pero ya conozco a todos los que he escogido. Ustedes son los únicos que tengo y haré de ustedes los pescadores que quiero.” Unas preguntas: Si hemos sido llamados por el Señor que nos conoce muy bien, ¿por qué tememos? El Vaticano IIº ha deter-minado que nuestros ministerios sean parte necesaria de la misión de la Iglesia; ¿somos capaces de aceptar nuestro papel? ¿Hacemos el esfuerzo de comprender lo que el Concilio Vatica-no ha dicho para poner la obra de la Igesia en nuestras manos; ¿aceptaremos el reto? ¿Podemos y queremos responder a la invitación de Jesús?

Donaldo Headley

Donaldo Headley se ordenó al sacerdocio en 1958. Se graduó con MA en filosofía y STL en teología de la Facultad Pontificia del Seminario de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein, Illinois.

Derechos de Autor © 2018, Donaldo Headley. Todos los

derechos reservados. Se concede permiso para la reproducción para uso personal o uso parroquial.

Page 4: FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un


4 | February 10, 2019

PASTORAL TEAM Equipo Pastoral Pastor Fr. Arturo Uribe 760.689.6205 Deacon Daniel Rosas 760.689.6200 School Principal Linda McCotter 760.689.6250 Pastoral Associate Kristine Almada 760.689.6208 Children’s Faith Formation Denell Robles 760.689.6212 Formación de Fé para Niños Petra Díaz 760.689.6211 Youth Minister Toney Renteria 760.689.6209 Coordinator of Liturgy and Sacred Music John Koss 760.689.6207 Coordinador de Música Juan Domingo 949.614.6205


Announcements must be submitted at least two weeks prior to the requested publication date.

[email protected]


I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? Who will go for us?"

"Here I am," I said; "send me!" (Is 6:8)


In the sight of the angels I will sing your praises, Lord. (Ps 138)

Second Reading:

Therefore, whether it be I or they, so we preach and so you believed. (1 Cor 15:11)


Jesus said to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."

When they brought their boats to the shore, they left everything and followed him. (Lk


READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8 [1c]/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk


Monday: Gn 1:1-19/Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10 and 12, 24 and 35c [31b]/Mk 6:53-56

Tuesday: Gn 1:20-2:4a/Ps 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [2ab]/Mk 7:1-13

Wednesday: Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30 [1a]/Mk 7:14-23

Thursday: Gn 2:18-25/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [cf. 1a]/Mk 7:24-30

Friday: Gn 3:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7 [1a]/Mk 7:31-37

Saturday: Gn 3:9-24/Ps 90:2, 3-4abc, 5-6, 12-13 [1]/Mk 8:1-10

Next Sunday: Jer 17:5-8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6 [40:5a]/1 Cor 15:12, 16-20/Lk 6:17, 20-26

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day Monday: Our Lady of Lourdes Thursday: Sts. Cyril, Monk, and Methodius, Bishop; Valentine's Day Next Sunday: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

THE SICK Los Enfermos Lois Potter, Joaquin Babauta, Aaron Lopez, Ralph Munoz, Gloria Lomelli, Guadalipe Lomelli, Dorothy Romani, John Hersh, Isidra Orcino, Jim Whisnand, Marion Gaddi, Rigoberto Lomelli,

THE DECEASED Los Difuntos Manuel de Manuel, Joseph Kurian, Jeff Bardon, Gerardo Villasin, Marquita Villasin, Richard Burke, Aleyama Xavier, Chuck Gunther, Yolanda Leonelli, Joy Xavier, Diane Dooley, Juana Victo-ria Mendoza, Barbara Cori, Scott Rysewyk, Daniel Flores, Delia Rodriguez Martinez, Dick Dooley, Ignacio Ayala Sr. , Familia Rosa Torralba, Charlene Soukup, Marilyn Wilson, Rebeeca Totanes, Herminio Gastelum, Randi Cellapino, James McCormick, Plino Gamboa, Rosa Gamboa, Felicid-ada Jovar, Antonio Eduardo Domingo, Bill Shearer, Juanita Salazar, Cecilia Krauss, David Orte-ga, Audelia Silva, Maria Elena Covarrubias, Roger Thompson, James Potwora, Lorenza Juan Montejo, Mark Allan Navo, Lazaro Jimenez, Joy Xavier, Bud Alles, Richard Burke, Jean Combs, Bob Selsor, Jorge Gil Benavides, Celia Mares, Gilberto Mares, Pilar Martinez, Michael Petro

Page 5: FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un

MASS INTENTIONS Intenciones Para las Misas February 9, 2019 4:00pm .................. †Juanita Escobedo 6:00pm .................... †Ignacio Ayala, Jr. February 10, 2019 9:00am ........................ All Parishioners 11:00am .... †Maria Antonio Francisco February 11, 2019 8:30am ........................... †Jack Nielson February 12, 2019 6:30pm .............. Liturgia de la Palabra February 13, 2019 8:30am ...... †Juan de Jesus Benavides February 14, 2019 8:30am ..................... †Bill Karnauskas February 15, 2019 8:30am ........................... †Jack Nielson WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT Enfoque Semanal February 11, 2019 Bible Study (Youth) 7:00pm—9:00pm, Bosco Center February 12, 2019 RCIA 6:30pm—8:00pm, St. Andrew Center February 13. 2019 Women of the Bible, 9:15—10:30am, Upper Room February 14, 2019 Catholic Bible Study 9:30—11:30am, St. Andrew’s Center 6:00—8:00pm, St. Andrew’s Center Grupo de Oración 7:00pm—9:00pm, St. Peter Hall February 15, 2019 Eucharistic Adoration 9:00am—9:00pm, Adoration Chapel


LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura:

Escuché entonces la voz del Señor que decía: “¿A quién enviaré? ¿Quién irá de parte

mía?” Yo le respondí: “Aquí estoy, Señor, envíame”. (Is 6, 8)


Cuando te invocamos, Señor, nos escuchaste. (Sal 138)

Segunda lectura:

De cualquier manera, sea yo, sean ellos, esto es lo que nosotros predicamos y esto

mismo lo que ustedes han creído. (1 Co 15, 11)


Entonces Jesús le dijo a Simón: “No temas; desde ahora serás pescador de hombres”. Luego

llevaron las barcas a tierra y, dejándolo todo, lo siguieron. (Lc 5, 10, 11)

LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Domingo: Is 6, 1-2. 3-8/Sal 138, 1-2. 2-3. 4-5. 7-8 [1]/1 Co 15, 1-11 o 15, 3-8. 11/Lc

5, 1-11

Lunes: Gn 1, 1-19/Sal 104, 1-2. 5-6. 10 y 12. 24 y 35 [31]/Mc 6, 53-56

Martes: Gn 1, 20-2, 4/Sal 8, 4-5. 6-7. 8-9 [2]/Mc 7, 1-13

Miércoles: Gn 2, 4-9. 15-17/Sal 104, 1-2. 27-28. 29-30 [1]/Mc 7, 14-23

Jueves: Gn 2, 18-25/Sal 128, 1-2. 3. 4-5 [cfr. 1]/Mc 7, 24-30

Viernes: Gn 3, 1-8/Sal 32, 1-2. 5. 6. 7 [1]/Mc 7, 31-37

Sábado: Gn 3, 9-24/Sal 90, 2. 3-4. 5-6. 12-13 [1]/Mc 8, 1-10

Domingo siguiente: Jer 17, 5-8/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4. 6 [40, 5]/1 Co 15, 12. 16-20/Lc 6,

17. 20-26

LOS SANTOS Y OTRAS CELEBRACIONES Domingo: 5o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario; Día Mundial del Matrimonio Lunes: Nuestra Señora de Lourdes Jueves: San Cirilo, monje, y San Metodio, obispo; Día de San Valentín Domingo siguiente: 6o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

FEBRUARY 2ND—3RD OFFERING: General Fund: $12,689.17 Debt Reduction: $2,045.50

Online Giving for the month of January:

General Fund: $5,778.10 Debt Reduction: $2,517.12

Thank you for your faithful

stewardship of treasure

Gracias por su más fiel tesoro de Administrador

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Page 6: FEBRUARY 10, 2019 • FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME • QUINTO ..._2… · Simón de Galilea es invitado por Jesús a cambiar su forma de pescar. En lugar de echar redes, será un

ST. PETER’S SOUP KITCHEN Ministerio del Desayunador de San Pedro

Saint Peter's Soup Kitchen Ministry is seeking volunteers to prepare and serve soup at the Soup Kitchen, located at the Church Office, between 7-

8AM. We currently have a opening for the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays and the 2nd Thursday of each month. Please consider helping in this nurturing and healing ministry. Individuals, friends, families or small faith groups are all

welcome. Soup supplies are available at no charge. Opening come up dur-ing the course of the year, so please share your name and number with us if these days do not work for you, but you are interested in helping out in the

future. Thank you in advance - and God Bless.

Mary Jo Bacik 760-451-9394

El ministerio del Desayunador de San Pedro esta buscando a voluntarios

quienes preparen y sirvan sopa en el Desayunador localizado en la oficina parroquial, entre las 7-8AM. Tenemos el 3er y el 4to miercoles y el 2do jue-ves de cada mes disponibles. Realmente les pedimos de favor que consid-

eren involucararse en este nutritivo y sanativo ministerio. Individuos, amistades, familias, y pequenos grupos son bienvenidos. Todo lo que nece-sita para hacer la sopa estan disponibles a ningun costo suyo. Dias disponi-bles varean durante el ano, les pedimos que compartan su informaction de contacto con nosotros si los dias mencionados previamente no funcionan

para ustedes, pero estan interesados en ayudar en el futuro Gracia por an-ticipado - y Dios los bendiga.




6 | February 10, 2019

SACRAMENTS INFANT BAPTISM The sacrament of baptism for infants is celebrated during Mass. If you are inter-ested in having your child baptized, please make contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or [email protected] BAUTIZOS Se celebran una vez por mes a las 12PM. Si están interesados en bautizar a su hijo/a, favor de pasar a la oficina parroquial para obtener una forma de registro. RCIA: RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION (How Do I Become A Catholic?) If you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith, or are missing some of your sacraments please contact Kristine Almada at 760.689.6208 or [email protected] CONFIRMATION Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacra-ment of Confirmation together make up the “Sacraments of Christian Initia-tion”. The reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the com-pletion of baptismal grace. The mini-mum age for the reception of the Sacra-ment of Confirmation is 15 for those already baptized. The policy of the par-ish is to accept candidates for Confirma-tion who are in the 9th grade and up to 11th grade. Those who are 18 years of age or above are to be enrolled in the adult Confirmation program. The two-year preparation process aims to lead the candidate to a more intimate union with Jesus Christ and more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit – his ac-tions, his gifts and his biddings – in or-der to be more capable of assuming the apostolic responsibilities of Christian life. Candidates are expected to attend scheduled faith formation sessions, re-treats, service outreach and attend Mass regularly as they prepare their hearts to become fully initiated into the Catholic Church. For information contact Toney Renteria at 760.689.6209

CONFIRMATION Upcoming Sessions: February 10, 2019- Confirmation Year 1-Lesson # 7-"Where am i going?", Con-firmation Year 2- Lesson # 20- "What would Jesus Do?" February 17, 2019- No Confirmation Classes February 24, 2019 - Year 2 Confirmation Young Womens Retreat-Whispering Winds

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FORMACIÓN DE FÉ PARA NIÑOS El ministerio de Formación de Fe apoya a las familias con oración y preparación sacra-mental para los niños y adultos. Las clases son martes y miércoles para padres y niños de 6:30—8:30pm. Estamos para servirle 760.689.6211 o [email protected] CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION We offer this program to help parents as their child’s “first and most important teach-ers", in their child's Christian education. Children grades K-6th meet on Sunday morn-ings from 10:30am -11:45am during the school year to learn the Catholic faith. Sacramental Preparation is offered at the appropriate time in the child’s development. Preparation for the Sacraments of Reconcili-ation and Eucharist is generally a two year process beginning in first grade. For more information and registration, con-tact Denell Robles at 760-689-6212. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Before setting any dates please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 at the time of your engagement or at least 9 months in advance of selecting a possible wedding date. SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO Antes de escoger la fecha o hacer cualquier reservación favor de llamar a la oficina par-roquial mínimo 9 meses antes de la fecha deseada. CONVALIDATION If you were not married in a Catholic Church and wish to discuss the sacrament of mar-riage please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200 to arrange an appointment with Fr. Ramón. CONVALIDACION Si no están casados por la Iglesia, y desean platicar sobre como recibir el sacramento de matrimonio, favor de contactar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con el Padre Ramón o con el Diácono. DISSOLUTION OF MARRIAGE Are you divorced, separated or remarried outside of the church? Our annulment minis-try team is here to help and support you. We are a group of trained ministers that assist Catholics (who have been away from the sacraments or the Church due to a former marriage) to return to full communion with the Church. We also assist those seeking to come into the Church who have been married more than once, or whose spouse has been married more than once. If you would like more information, please contact the parish office at 760.689.6200.

BELOVED PRO-LIFE MINISTRY The ‘Beloved’ Pro-Life Ministry had a busy month in January. They threw a ba-by shower to support mothers and their babies. All gifts were taken to the Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center where these generous gifts will bless many. We joined the Knights of Columbus and members of our parish at the 'Walk for Life' event in Balboa Park. Hundreds gathered to show their love and sup-port for the unborn and their mothers. This family friendly event was a beauti-ful opportunity to join others from around San Diego County to pray for the end to abortion, and to celebrate the sanctity and dignity of all human life from womb to tomb. We finished the month by speaking to our young men and women, who are preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. They were deeply moved by our presentation and we look forward to continuing the conversation, and to help equip these young adults as they journey through this 'Culture of Death' sharing the message of love, life and truth. Please join us as we embark on another grace filled year, promoting a Culture of Life. Contact Sharon Drucker at [email protected], or Karen Downey at [email protected] for more information

QUESTION OF THE WEEK PREGUNTAS DE LA SEMANA • Paul reports to the Corinthians of the many people to whom Jesus

revealed himself after he rose from the dead. Paul includes himself on that list, speaking frequently of God's grace. Where do you see God's grace in your life?

• Pablo informa a los corintios de las muchas personas a quienes

Jesús se reveló después de resucitar de entre los muertos. Pablo se incluye a sí mismo en esa lista, hablando frecuentemente de la gra-cia de Dios. ¿En dónde ves la gracia de Dios en tu vida?

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8 | February 10, 2019

IN PARISH—MINISTRY Beloved 'Beloved' Pro-Life Ministry, respecting life from womb to tomb. We desire to engage in conversations that edify, encourage and strengthen the people of God. Join us on the third Sunday of each month immediately following the 9 am Mass on the Parish Hall patio as we pray and plan upcoming parish and community events. Contact Karen Downey at 760.805.0896 for additional information. Bereavement Ministry Coping with the loss of a loved one becomes a struggle. Please consider joining our group to share and lift each other in our grief. For more information, call Jan at 760-728-8445 or Nancy at 760-731-2757 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) shares the Gospel with children (Pre-K-4th grade) in words they can understand and reflects upon how to apply these lessons to their lives. Children are dismissed from the 9am Mass with a blessing for the Liturgy of the Word aided by catechists using stories, songs and age appropriate activities. They return to Mass during the preparation of the gifts, to join their families and to celebrate the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Children’s Liturgy of the Word plants the seeds of faith that will grow with the nurturing of the Christian fami-ly and the help of the Holy Spirit. Do You Love Me? Tend My Sheep We have a wonderful time with the children! We teach in teams of two leaders, Septem-ber through mid-summer. Each team is scheduled to lead a liturgy once a month. You can participate with friends and create your own team or you can join an experi-enced team. Lesson plans are provided for you, yet each lesson allows for flexibility and creativity. To learn more, please contact Denell Robles, Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator 760-689-6212.


Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Update Our Atrium is slowing coming together but we are need of help! We would like to invite everyone, especially Moms who have children ages 3-6, to join us Monday mornings at 10:00am until 12:00 pm in the St Andrews center for Atrium material crafting and fellowship. If you are interested in having a “helping hand” in creating materials for our children please come! If you don’t have time to stay, you can pick up crafting such as painting, sewing, etc to take home. Child care is pro-vided!

Mark Your Calendars Friday, March 1st we will have a Children’s Adoration Hour from 9:30 am—10:30am. Children of all ages are invited to attend.

For more information, please contact Geneane Ballad 760-492-1693


Lucy’s Free Farmers Market is back! Do you have fruit trees or a vegetable garden that supply an overabundance of produce you would like to donate to this parish ministry? Saturday, February 23rd at 9 AM our gleaners are availa-ble to harvest for you. The gleaned produce is available for free outside the church entrance Sunday, February 24th. Bring your own bag! If you have a grove to glean, or in gleaning for a few hours Saturday morning, please contact Jim Meyer (760) 723-6167 or Jeanine Roskos (442) 444-0802 to make arrangements. We will continue every fourth Saturday and Sunday through summer. Thank you for your past generosity.

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St Peter the Apostle | 9

IN PARISH—MINISTRY Crochet and Knitting Ministry Ministerio de Ganchillo y Tejido de Punto St. Peter’s women’s ministry of crocheting and knitting for others meets on the third Tuesday of every month from 1PM—3PM in the lower room of the St. Andrew’s Center. You can learn to crochet or knit (the yarn and supplies will be provided), you can do your own thing, or you can sit and chat. There is no fee. El ministerio de mujeres que tejerán para los necesitados el tercer martes de cada mes de 1pm-3pm. Nos reuniremos en el Centro de San Andrés en el primer piso. Pueden apren-der a tejer (todos los materiales serán proveídos), pueden tejer a su gusto, o sim-plemente acompañarnos y charlar con no-sotras. No hay ningún costo. For more information, contact: Para más información, contacten a: Gena Smith: 760.685.3889 [email protected] Carmen Willard: 314.803.0986 [email protected] Liturgical Ministries All liturgical ministers are required to go through a training and are usually assigned to the mass they frequently attend. Opportunities to serve include Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Music Minis-ters, Altar Servers, Hospitality Ministers, Environment Ministers and Sacristans. For more information, contact John Koss at 760.689.6207 Men’s Prayer Breakfast The Men’s Prayer Breakfast provides an op-portunity for the men of the parish to gather once a month to attend Mass, have break-fast, hear a speaker and enjoy fellowship. Call Tim Willard at 314.952.0987 or [email protected]

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School An integral ministry of our Parish. Catholic values are interwoven into a com-prehensive curriculum relevant to the Gos-pel. Recognizing and encouraging parents as the primary educators and teachers as facilitators, stu-dents are empowered to take responsibility for their learning and challenged to reach their individual potential. St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School teach-es Traditional Values, Today’s Technology,

and Tomorrow’s Leaders!

ST. PETER THE APOSTLE CATHOLIC SCHOOL Daddy-Daughter Dance A Fun night with your daughter! Before the dance, take her to a special early date night dinner ----wherever she wants to go.... Trupiano’s, 127 Social House, Z Cafe....(Use Scrip!) ...then come dance the night away and have some fun with games and a whole evening dedicated to Dads and Daughters!

You can now make your reservation online: https://squareup.com/store/spacs-ptg

or on our website Spacschool.com. Diocesan Tuition Assistance Program 2019-2020

The Bishop Flores Tuition Assistance Program application window IS NOW OPEN January 2- Feb 28

Application available online at http://www.bishopfloresscholars.org/ For K-8 only—(sorry—no preschool) To be eligible for any St. Peter tuition assis-tance, you need to apply for the Bishop Flores Assistance. DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS OPPORTUNITY! Late entries are NOT accepted.

GET ON THE BUS We are excited as a parish to again be hosting a bus to one of our prisons for the 10th year. A huge round of applause! This year will be the 4th time that Angel will get to see his mother for this an-nual visit. His grandfather will get to visit his daughter on this very sacred day of April 19th. In 2018, 61 buses chartered kids and caregivers to 13 different California prisons. We hope to do this again but need to plead for your generosity. On the week-end of February 16th and 17th, we will be outside the Church anxiously await-ing any questions and/or donations that you may have. We will have enve-lopes available for your donation, which you can drop in the collection basket at your convenience.

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10 | February 10, 2019

St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Small Faith Communities Small Faith Communities are groups of 8—12 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly for shared prayer, study and ministry for the purpose of growth, edification and service, all for the glory of God. For more information, contact Teresa Schutt at [email protected] Women’s Ministry All women of the parish are invited to attend the St. Peter’s Women’s Ministry meetings. Meetings are held on the first Friday of every month (except religious holidays and July and August) at 10:00am—11:30am in the Upper Room of the St. Andrew’s Center. Refresh-ments provided. Youth Ministry Our mission is to lead the youth into a pas-sionate and authentic relationship with Jesus Christ fueled by the Holy Spirit to build the Kingdom of God to the glory of God the Fa-ther. Weekly Gatherings HS Bible Study- Mon 7:00-8:30pm in the Bosco Center WWJD- Jr High YG Tues 6:30-8:00pm in the Bosco Center FUEL- HS Worship Night Wed 7:00-8:30pm in the Bosco Center Movie Night Fri(4th) 7:00-8:30pm TBD For information contact: Toney Renteria at 760-689-6209 If you would like your ministry listed in the bulletin, please e-mail a short description of your ministry to: [email protected] Si le gustaría anunciar a su ministerio, favor de mandar un correo electrónico con la descripción de su ministerio a: [email protected]


We are excited to honor the alumni priests from the University of San Diego High School. They are proud Dons alumni and have continued to live the call.

Friday, February 22, 2019 Cocktails 6:00 * Dinner 6:30 * Presentations 7:10

Guadalupe Theatre at

Cathedral Catholic High School

Cost - $100 per ticket RSVP https://www.cathedralcatholic.org/alumni/distinguished-dons-dinner

by Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Proceeds to benefit the Monsignor Dickie Society Scholarship. Learn more about how this scholarship aids students and families living below the poverty line.

- Distinguished Dons Class of 2018 -

Reverend William Springer '62

Ordained: 1972 Mission San Diego de Alcala

Reverend Raymond O'Donnell '64

Ordained: 1972 All Hallows Parish

Monsignor Ray East '68

Ordained: 1981 St. Teresa of Avila, Washington DC

Reverend Michael Ortiz (Honorary Don)

Ordained: 1956 Cathedral Catholic High School Chaplain

Very Reverend Monsignor Dennis Mikulanis '69

Ordained: 1977 San Rafael Parish

Vicar for Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs

Reverend Ramón Marrufo '68 Ordained: 1976

St. Peter the Apostle Parish

Reverend Peter Escalante '70 Ordained: 1978

Mission San Diego de Alcala Parish

Very Reverend Michael Sinor '70 Ordained: 1988

Immaculate Conception Parish

Very Reverend Matthew Spahr '78 Ordained: 1992

Immaculata Parish

Reverend Brian Hayes '80 Ordained: 1992

St. Catherine Laboure Parish

Most Reverend John P. Dolan '81 Ordained: July 1, 1989

Appointed Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego: April 9, 2017