Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc

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  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    Course Proposal

    The Sounds of War and Revolution, 1750-1850

    MUSC 289

    as part of the Cluster

    War, Revolution and Culture ! Transatlanti" #ers$e"tives, 1750!1850%

    proposed by

    Dr. Annegret Fauser

    Professor of Musi

    Depart!ent of Musi

    "ill "all# C$ %&&2'

    U(C Chapel "ill# (C 2)*99+&&2'

    ,el.: 9-2+'&9

    /!ail: fauser0e!ail.un.edu


    1P# (A

    Course S&lla'us

    S"o$e of Course

    Musi has played a signifiant role in ars and re3olutions throughout 4estern history.

    Songs and !arhes rallied and !obili5ed soldiers and re3olutionaries6 !usi for!ed part

    of state ere!onies# 3itory elebrations and funerals6 !usial or7s pro3ided ani!portant language to o!!uniate re3olutionary ideals e3en in politially oppressi3e

    en3iron!ents6 and !usial or7s ser3ed to o!!e!orate and reflet upon ar and

    re3olution# hether in battle sy!phonies# opera# or songs.

    n this ourse# e eplore !usis 3arious roles in these historial and politial

    iru!stanes. 4e ill address theories about !usis physial and e!otional i!pat#study the self+onsious use of !usi by go3ern!ents# !ilitary and re3olutionaries to

    further their ourse# and e ill ea!ine !usi as a ultural produt that reflets ideasabout ar and re3olution ithin 3arious ultural ontets.

    ,he sub;et !atter of this ourse addresses both !usi and ulture fro!

    eperiential# 3isual# aural# and perfor!ati3e perspeti3es# and therefore de!ands ao!bination of tetual# aural# and 3isual resoures. ,o this end# the !ulti!edia aess

    pro3ided by utting+edge infor!ation tehnology# speifially eb aess to sound

  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    reordings# 3isual i!ages# and perfor!ane praties are an essential part of the students

    learning. ,o foster ati3e learning# the ourse also relies on guided disussion in the

    ourse assess!ent.

    (earnin) *ut"o+es

    Students enrolled in this ourse ill

    enounter a rih body of !usi fro! a 3ariety of ritten and oral 4estern


    eplore a broad spetru! of !usial and ultural praties in the late eighteenth

    and first half of the nineteenth enturies6

    engage ritially ith !usi fro! that period# relating soni artifats to the history

    and politis of ar and re3olution in both (orth A!erian and /uropean ontets6

    learn to apply global# historial and loal perspeti3es to understanding sound in

    ultural studies and speifially !usial ultures6

    beo!e aare of issues of nationalis!# gender# rae# and 3iolene in both thereation and the reeption of !usi6

    relate !usial prodution and onsu!ption to speifi politial and soial

    ontets in /urope and (orth A!eria6

    o!prehend historial distane by onfronting the differene in onte!porary

    soni eperiene istening ?ui55es for eah of the to units of study: students ill identify and

    ontetuali5e !usial piees heard fro! reordings

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    Course Proposal: MUSC 289


    4ee7 %: ntrodution

    Beent soni representations of ar and re3olution in fil! as refletions of

    onte!porary 3ies on ar and !usi

    /a!ples:o Use of Sa!uel $arbersAdagio for StringsinPlatoon

  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    4ee7 %9: /duating Musiians for the (e Frenh Bepubli

    ,he founding of the (ational Conser3atoire of Musi and Dane is5t# the Austrian eeution of the "ungarian rebels# andFunrailles

    4ee7 %E: Co!posers as Politial Ati3ists

    iuseppe 1erdi# talian nationalis!# and the uses of opera

    Bihard 4agner# the er!an re3olutionary

    4ee7 %*: Soni Bepresentations of the Frenh and A!erian Be3olutions in the

    ,entieth Century

    n art !usi: Franis Poulen#Le Dialogue des Car)lites

  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    Course Tet

    ,his ourse ill ha3e a ebsite as Htet.I ,he ebsite

  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    B Musial Bo!antiis! as Be3olution: "etor $erlio5: *rande Sy)phonie fun,&re

    et trio)phale

    Beuired Preparation:

    . >isten to the first !o3e!ent#ar#he fun,&re# of the *rande Sy)phonie fun,&re et

    trio)phale !usi ill be on+line on the ourse ebsite6 CD all nu!ber CD+'#*)9N

    2. Bead E+page etrat fro! "etor $erlio5se)oirso7e. HParis: Center of ntelletual Fer!ent.I n .he "arly Ro)anti# "ra

    !et0een Revolutions1 2345 and 2464. /dited by Aleander Binger# &2+8&./ngleood Cliffs# (.G.: Prentie "all# 99.

    Sele"ted /i'lio)ra$h& on Reserve at the Musi" (i'rar&

    . $oo7s and Sores:

    $erlio5# "etor: .he e)oirs of 7e#tor !erlioz# edited and translated by Da3id Cairns

    E' .$* .A& 2''2

    $oyd# Malol!# ed.#usi# and the Fren#h Revolution2)'.& .M88 992

    $ur7e# Bihard (.# H,heMarche funbrefro+ /eethoven to Mahler%, #h

    dissertation, Cit& Universit& of e3 4or, 1991

    Call (u!ber ibrary=6 M>2E' .$8) 99a

    Ca!us# Baoul F.#Military Music of the American RevolutionCha$el ill6 Universit&of orth Carolina #ress, 197:

    Call nu!ber ibrary=: M>&.C&*

    Carter# ,i!# $8A8ozar1% 9Le nozze di Figaro#:Ca!bridge pera "andboo7s

    E'.M9 C&& 98)

    Craford# Bihard#A 7istory of to A)eri#a;s usi#al Lifeondon:

    4.4.(orton# 2''=

    Call nu!ber ibrary=: M>2''.C-9 2''


  • 8/13/2019 Fauser revolution course syllabus.doc


    Course Proposal: MUSC 289

    Craford# Bihard#An +ntrodu#tion to A)eri#a;s usi#ondon:

    4.4.(orton# 2''=

    Call nu!ber ibrary=: M>2''.C)2 2''

    Craford# Bihard# and Da3id P. MOay# $illia) !illings of !oston1 "ighteenth