Fashionlivre Speak: In a candid conversation with fashionlivre popular trendsetter styllogue

In a Candid Conversation with Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter Styllogue It takes a lot of effort to make it big in the fashion and beauty business; but for Mumbai-based fashion blogger, Nikita Pathare, there is no turning back. She wears her personal style with a rare sense of individuality and her fashion blog, Styllogue, is a one-stop source of fashion to many. Winning the “Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter ” title certainly put Nikita on Cloud 9, and as she continues to share her passion for fashion, she agreed to give us a good glimpse into her blissful world of fashion. “Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter,” how does winning the title feel? Feels great! That’s one really cool title. What was the inspiration behind “Styllogue”? My decision to start a blog was not a planned one. After completing my engineering degree and working for almost a year, I wanted to take up something creative without having to give up my job. I used to make fashion outfit sets on Polyvore like a hobby and save them on my phone, not even publish them. After sometime, I realized the


It takes a lot of effort to make it big in the fashion and beauty business; but for Mumbai-based fashion blogger, Nikita Pathare, there is no turning back. She wears her personal style with a rare sense of individuality and her fashion blog, Styllogue, is a one-stop source of fashion to many. Winning the “Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter” title certainly put Nikita on Cloud 9, and as she continues to share her passion for fashion, she agreed to give us a good glimpse into her blissful world of fashion. More Details:

Transcript of Fashionlivre Speak: In a candid conversation with fashionlivre popular trendsetter styllogue

  • 1.In a Candid Conversation with Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter Styllogue It takes a lot of effort to make it big in the fashion and beauty business; but for Mumbai-based fashion blogger, Nikita Pathare, there is no turning back. She wears her personal style with a rare sense of individuality and her fashion blog, Styllogue, is a one-stop source of fashion to many. Winning the Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter title certainly put Nikita on Cloud 9, and as she continues to share her passion for fashion, she agreed to give us a good glimpse into her blissful world of fashion. Fashionlivre Popular Trendsetter, how does winning the title feel? Feels great! Thats one really cool title. What was the inspiration behind Styllogue? My decision to start a blog was not a planned one. After completing my engineering degree and working for almost a year, I wanted to take up something creative without having to give up my job. I used to make fashion outfit sets on Polyvore like a hobby and save them on my phone, not even publish them. After sometime, I realized the content and outfit ideas were share worthy and that is how I ended up starting Styllogue. Your blog enjoys a very favourable popularity and your looks are always loved by your followers. How does it feel to be a style icon?

2. Its a responsibility; at the same time it feels good that you are inspiring people to try new things with fashion. 3. Your blog recently completed a successful year and youve enjoyed a remarkable level of appreciation. To what do you attribute this success? Of course to my very small team, my close ones who have supported me and my lovely readers and followers who religiously read and follow Styllogue. Its more than I couldve ever asked for, feels great to achieve this milestone. What is the number one fashion and beauty mantra you swear by? Fashion mantra - when in doubt wear black. Beauty mantra would be - concentrate more on maintaining a healthy skin and body. You complement your fabulous looks by choosing an equally fabulous location for your photos. How much work does it take to plan and prepare for a photo shoot? Choosing the location for a post is a pretty difficult task. Even though you get a beautiful location, its not necessary it will go well with the outfit. We choose locations keeping in mind the theme of the outfit. What 5 fashion / beauty essentials you never leave home without? Beauty essentials Compact / loose powder, a lipstick and kohl pencil is a must. Fashion essentials - I always keep a pair of sunglasses and a silk scarf with me. Summer, winter or monsoon, you always are well decked up from head to toe. What fashion advice do you have for our followers? Instead of getting tangled up with the latest trends, first try to find your style, know your body and dress according to your body type, and then incorporate the trends which suit you in your outfits. It may sound clichd but only when you are confident about your style, you will understand what you can carry well. What are your ultimate favourite fashion brands? There are many but to name a few Elie Saab, Masaba, H&M, Zara, M&S, Bebe and Forever21. You carry every look with flawless grace and charm; what inspires you to be who you are? Thanks a lot for the compliment. Its just about being yourself as they say, Being yourself is the best thing to do because that is something only you can do the better than anybody else in the world. 4. Fashionlivre Reference: Styllogue