Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

The 1980’s began with double digit inflation and unemployment due to the post war era of the 1970’s. It was a decade of MTV, packman and M.A.S.H. But just as the entertainment industry grew, economic development grew as well.


The 1980’s began with double digit inflation and unemployment due to the post war era of the 1970’s. It was a decade of MTV, packman and M.A.S.H. But just as the entertainment industry grew, economic development grew as well. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

Page 1: Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

The 1980’s began with double digit inflation and unemployment due to the post war era of the 1970’s. It was a decade of MTV, packman and M.A.S.H. But just as the entertainment industry grew, economic development grew as well.

Page 2: Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

Key Political Figures of the 80’s -

Ronald Reagan was elected president on November 4, 1980 and sworn into presidency on January y 20,1981. Reagan served two terms and was in office from 1981 to 1989. -Margaret Thatcher was the first ladywith the title of Prime Minister of Great Brittan . She was the longest serving prime minister in the U.K. Mikhail Gorbachev was the key player in the collapse of the Soviet Regime and reinforced American ways and ideas of democracy upon the soviets. He promoted freedom of expression and information . Mikhail was the first person to to make an attempt at dismantling the communist party in Russia.

Page 3: Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

Fashion Trends of the 1980’s I think its safe to say that the 1980’s was a decade of experimentation from the make-up, to the

hair! The most acclaimed and most treasured and even the most embaressing fashion trends of the 80’s include;

Shoulder pads Mini Skirts Leg Warmers Over-sized earrings Fingerless gloves gloves Members only jackets Over-sized tops And BIG HAIR!

Shoulder pads were a way for women to show their assertion of power since more women were joining the workforce. It seemed the shorter the mini skirt the better, women and girls were in admiration with these mini pieces of cloth and practically everyone wore them! Besides men and old woman, thank god for that though! A pair of leg warmers were found in everyones closet, the reason as to why we needed them is still unknown. Huge earring became a custom to the average ladies life of the 1980’s “If they didn’t touch your shoulders..they were’nt big enough.” Everyone was caught having a pair of fingerless gloves during the 80’s and if ypou didn’t have a pair you were wishing that you did, everyone rocked them from madonna to a boat load of other 80s genres. The “safest” of these fashion trends were the oversized tops, sweaters, T-shirts, and sweat shirts, this was the must have item of the 80s!

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Trends and Fad’s of the 1980’s

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Historical events throughout the 80’s

1980: A harsh heat wave hit the U.S during the year of 1980 killing 1,250 U.S. citizen, The temperature was

said to be around 111 degrees. High temperatures reaching greater than 90 degrees continued on to hit Oklahoma for 71 consecutive days lasting from June 23 through September 1.

John Lennon was assasinated by Mark david Chapman.1981: This was the year that the Aids plague epidemic errupted U.S. citizens taken into Tehran were released by Iran after being held captive for 444 days. Millions tuned into watch the Royal wedding on TV

1982: Falkland islands were invaded by Argentina E.T. movie is released The Vietnam war memorial opened in Washington, D.C.

1983: Cabbage patch kids hit the stores and become an overnight sensation Reagan announced a defense plan called “Star Wars” Sally Ride was crowned first woman in space Soviets shot down a Korean airliner

1984: Huge poisonous gas leak happens in Bhopal, India Indias primeminister, Indira Ghandi is killed by two bodyguards The movie rating PG-13 is created

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Historical Events1985: hole in Ozone layer is discovered

Mikhail Gorachev calls for Glasnost and Perestroika

Faminine in Eithiopia

New coke bottle hits the market

1986: Challenger space shuttle explodes

Chernobyl Nuclear disaster

U.S. bombs Libya

Iran-Contra scandal unfolds

1987: Use of DNA is first used to convict criminals

New York stock exchange has a huge drop on black Monday

German pilot lands in Russias Red Square

1988: U.S. shot down Iranian airliner

Flight 103 of PanAm is bomber over Lockerbie

1989: The fall of the Berlin Wall

Exxon spills millions of gallons of oil into the coast

Student massacre in Chinas Tiananmen square

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Entertainment of the 80’s CNN (Cable News Network) was created in 1980 broadcasted world wide news to the


Prince Charles marries Lady Diana on Wednesday July 29 the year of 1981. 750 million people tuned into their TV’s to watch the “Fairy Tale wedding.”

Michael Jackson releases his sixth studio Album titled “Thriller.” The album droppedNov. 30, 1982.

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SPORTS AND SPORTS FIGURES Summer Olympics were held in Moscow, USSR. (miracle on ice)

Pittsburgh Steelers won the Superbowl Michael Jordan Walter Payton Magic Johnson and Larry Bird

Mike Tyson! Lawrence Taylor

wrence Taylor

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Famous quotes from Famous people “Champagne wishes,caviar dreams” – Robyn

leach ;Life of the rich and famous’ “I pitty the fool” – Mr. T “Politics are just like show business.” – Ronald Reagan Wax on, wax off.” – Mr. Miyagi I’ll be back.” – The Terminator I know you are but what am I?” – Pee-wee Herman Life moves pretty fast. You don’t stop and look around

once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller

Page 11: Fashion Trends of the 1980’s

Comparison Chart!

Then (1980) Now(2013)

Gas: $1.03 -$1.27 Bread: 48 cents –

$1.62 Milk: $1.60 - $2.41 Eggs: $o.91 Movie Ticket: $2.69

$ 3.65 $3.75 $3.50 - $3.99 $1.60 $7.50 - $11.50

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Inventions and Heealth

Health:• Small pox was eradicated

• 1981 Aids was introduced to the U.S, 4 people were diagnosed and killed within the first year.

•Crack hits the streets of LA, spreading the AIDS disease through the sharing of needles.

Inventions: Vaccine for Hepatitis B is invented First IBM-PC was invented Apple Macintosh was invented by Bill

gates The company Fuji created the disposable

camera Cellular phone were created in 1988 High definition TV is invented in 1989 The Rubics Cube is created. DNA fingerprinting First 3-D video game