Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016 … · Farquhar Middle School Physical Education...


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Transcript of Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016 … · Farquhar Middle School Physical Education...

Page 1: Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016 … · Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016-2017 ... FOOD and DRINKS are NOT permitted in the LOCKER ROOMS and ... Grading

Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016-2017

The Physical Education Department at Farquhar Middle School uses an aligned curriculum and grading system

directly related to middle school content standards set forth by MCPS. Our goal is to educate students and to

help them evolve their personal fitness and wellness levels.

Categories and percentages for PE grading

30% Health Related Fitness (HRF)

1.0 Exercise Physiology – Students will explain how regular, moderate to vigorous physical activity contributes to personal health and enhances cognitive and physical performance on a variety of academic, recreational, and life tasks.

5.0 Physical Activity - Students will participate in a regular, personalized, purposeful program of physical activity to gain health and cognitive/academic benefits. They will learn and utilize principles of exercise physiology and biomechanics to design a safe and effective program consist with their health, performance and fitness goals.

50% Movement/Skills/Concepts (MSC)

2.0 Biomechanics - Students will improve their movement effectiveness and safety by applying the principles of biomechanics to generate and control force.

4.0 Motor Learning Principles - Students will explain and demonstrate how skills are learned and proficiency developed through frequent practice opportunities in which skills are repeatedly performed correctly in a variety of authentic situations.

6.0 Skillfulness - Students will enhance their ability to perform a variety of skills and applications by developing fundamental movement skills, creating original skill combinations, combining skills effectively in skill themes, and applying skills to a variety of recreational and daily life experiences.

20% Personal and Social Responsibility (PSR)

3.0 Social-Psychological Principles – Students will demonstrate positive efficacy about themselves and the social skills necessary to work effectively with others essential to communication, caring, healthy decision making, and a sense of community for all individuals.

Note: Students and parents should be checking current grades online weekly and communicating with PE teachers on

an as need basis with any questions or explanations along the way. Do not wait until the last week of the

quarter to discuss units that have taken place weeks prior.

Essential questions/concepts when digging deeper for understanding in physical education

- Why is it important to understand the transferrable skills and strategies among tactical games?

- How can data be used to modify and improve performance?

- Why is it important to identify various types of physical activity that improve or maintain specific health-related fitness components?

- How does nutrition influence one’s performance?

- Why is it important to monitor health-related fitness?

- What types of activity improve or maintain health-related fitness?

- How might one promote a healthy environment in physical activity settings?

Page 2: Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016 … · Farquhar Middle School Physical Education 2016-2017 ... FOOD and DRINKS are NOT permitted in the LOCKER ROOMS and ... Grading

Physical Education Rules for class and the Locker room:

Acceptable attire for PE (T-SHIRTS, appropriate length SHORTS, and athletic SNEAKERS). Tank tops/low

cut shirts, short shorts, skirts, jeans, boots and flip-flop/sandals are NOT proper attire for PE. If the

clothes you are wearing do not allow you to participate, you will be asked to sit out and be graded


Be prepared for going outside in cold and warm weather. (We suggest keeping a sweatshirt, sweatpants

and extra pair of socks in your locker along with your PE clothes.)


Students are only in the locker room during the PE period or after school. Other times will result in


Students MUST report to the locker room on time for class.

Students may not have cell phones out in the locker room at any time. Cell phones, Chromebooks, Books,

and Binders should be left in the hall locker. Period 7 PE will be docking their Chromebooks before

entering the locker room.

Lock all personal belongings in your given locker and DO NOT share your combination.

PE staff is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

NO Sprays/Glass containers in locker room for the safety of others.

FOOD and DRINKS are NOT permitted in the LOCKER ROOMS and GYMS.

We encourage you to bring a water bottle to class.

Comprehensive Health Education concepts that we explore when digging deeper for understanding

Comprehensive Health Education emphasizes lifelong positive health related attitudes and behaviors that promote self-reliance and self-regulation for all students while promoting health literacy.

Health literate students have the knowledge, skills, and ability to maintain and enhance personal health and fitness, create and maintain safe environments, and manage personal and community resources.

Life skills emphasized throughout the program include goal-setting; decision-making; identifying beliefs, attitudes, and motivations; assessing information; and advocacy for personal, family and community health.

Students are required to take 3 quarters of PE and 1 quarter of health education.

Grading for health is 65% Formative, 25% Summative and 10% Homework

A Health packet with grading, units and expectations will be handed out in the beginning of your Health quarter.

PE/Health Staff: Mr. J. Vukovich (PE- Department Chair & Athletic Director) Mrs. Manion (PE, 6th grade Health, Adapted PE) Mrs. S. Vukovich (PE, 7th grade Health) Mr. Davis (PE, 7th & 8th grade Health) Mrs. Wallace (PE, 6th, 7th & 8th grade Health)

The PE staff is committed to ensuring safety, creating a fun environment and teaching skills that can be useful now as well as

over the lifespan.

*Please Sign below that you have read and understand the program overview – this is also posted on our FMS webpage for


Student’s Name: ________________________________ Please Circle grade Level 6 7 8

Student’s Signature: _____________________________

Parent’s Signature: ______________________________ DUE DATE: