THE AU PAIR PROGRAM 1. What is the difference between a nanny and an au pair? Au Pair: An au pair is a foreign exchange visitor participating in a cultural exchange program entering this country on a J-1 visa. An au pair is between the age of 18 and 26 with documented childcare experience. An au pair stays with a family for a cultural exchange/child care work experience for one year. An au pair lives as a part of a host family and takes part in their day-to-day life, meals, etc. She is not to be considered an employee, but a partner in the care of their children. An au pair goes through a very thorough screening and interview process and completes a comprehensive training program before arriving at the host family’s home. An au pairs education and experience varies. An au pairs schedule can be flexible and can change throughout the year depending upon the host family’s needs. Nanny: A nanny is defined as an individual employed by a family on either a live-in or live-out basis to undertake tasks related to the care of children. Duties are generally restricted to childcare and domestic tasks related to childcare. Families must file appropriate paper work and withhold taxes throughout the year as the nanny is considered an employee. A nanny’s age, education and experience varies. A nanny is paid about $10 - $20/hour and her schedule is normally fixed. 2. Why do families choose the au pair program? Families choose the au pair program over other childcare options for a number of reasons: Affordable : One of the most inexpensive childcare options in the US and the price is the same regardless of number of children. In-home child care : Allows their children to play, grow and learn in the safe and comfortable surroundings of their home and neighborhood. Low adult to child ratio : Compared to day care centers. Personalized attention and training : The children enjoy the full attention of a qualified and trained new family member who knows their daily routines, their likes and dislikes, their personalities, and enjoys taking part in their individual learning and growth. 7.1


Frequently Asked Questions

Transcript of FAQ


1. What is the difference between a nanny and an au pair?Au Pair:An au pair is a foreign exchange visitor participating in a cultural exchange program entering this country on a J-1 visa. An au pair is between the age of 18 and 26 with documented childcare experience. An au pair stays with a family for a cultural exchange/child care work experience for one year. An au pair lives as a part of a host family and takes part in their day-to-day life, meals, etc. She is not to be considered an employee, but a partner in the care of their children. An au pair goes through a very thorough screening and interview process and completes a comprehensive training program before arriving at the host family’s home. An au pairs education and experience varies. An au pairs schedule can be flexible and can change throughout the year depending upon the host family’s needs.

Nanny:A nanny is defined as an individual employed by a family on either a live-in or live-out basis to undertake tasks related to the care of children. Duties are generally restricted to childcare and domestic tasks related to childcare. Families must file appropriate paper work and withhold taxes throughout the year as the nanny is considered an employee. A nanny’s age, education and experience varies. A nanny is paid about $10 - $20/hour and her schedule is normally fixed.

2. Why do families choose the au pair program?Families choose the au pair program over other childcare options for a number of reasons:

Affordable : One of the most inexpensive childcare options in the US and the price is the same regardless of number of children.

In-home child care : Allows their children to play, grow and learn in the safe and comfortable surroundings of their home and neighborhood.

Low adult to child ratio : Compared to day care centers.

Personalized attention and training : The children enjoy the full attention of a qualified and trained new family member who knows their daily routines, their likes and dislikes, their personalities, and enjoys taking part in their individual learning and growth.

Flexibility : The schedule is set according to the family’s needs. Schedule may also be changed during the year.

Cultural : Want children to be exposed to other cultures.

Language : Want their children to learn another language.

Age and comfort : Feel that their child is too young for daycare. Some parents feel that in day care, their baby must follow the routine designed to accommodate the staff, not their child.

Health : Some parents feel that they are constantly home from work due to sick children as they pick up viruses while in daycare.

More than childcare : The au pair provides “an extra set of hands” in family life.

Less admin : Do not need to withhold taxes or file employer papers during the year.

Special needs : Children with special needs might benefit from the heightened attention resulting from the one-on-one interaction.


Some comments from parents also illustrate why parents choose the au pair program:

"Wonderful experience. The au pair becomes a member of your family. I found my au pair to be something between a friend, sister, and daughter. I have enjoyed her company immensely over the past year."

"It’s truly like having an extra sets of hands. I don’t know what I will do without her when she leaves."

"In home child care. My son has not been sick one day since I took him out of a daycare center and into our home with our au pair."

"I did not want to become an employer. No time, talent, or desire to handle taxes, FICA, medical insurance, unemployment, etc. I have a very funky schedule. I needed a form of childcare that could flex with my schedule and I enjoy meeting other cultures. I wanted my son to do the same."

3. Why choose Au Pair International?Quality - All of our au pairs are carefully screened and have previous childcare experience.

Personal matching process - A placement officer will work with the family to find the right match. There are key differences in how the various agencies do the matching. Some will ask the host family to rate important features and have a computer automatically match them with an au pair. Others use a “choose or lose” system where the host family will lose a candidate if they do not select her in a very short period of time. In other cases the host family must reject one candidate before they get to see a new one, being forced to make a decision without knowing who else is available. We believe in a personalized process where the family communicates with the officer on a daily basis. Affordable: At about $270/week, Au Pair International provides personalized childcare at $6 per hour. The au pair can look after several children at no additional cost.

Au pair agency local support: You, the Area Director, play an important role in the satisfaction of the host families. Host families stay in the program because of the ongoing support you provide them.

Au pair training - To ensure a solid knowledge of child development and safety, our au pairs complete an extensive orientation and training program in the weeks before their departure.

Flexible arrival dates: Unlike most agencies, Au Pair International offers flexible arrival dates. We do not restrict arrivals to once or twice per month, but book flights as close as possible to the preferred arrival time for the family.

4. The regular Au Pair Program versus the Au Pair Professionnel ProgramThe Au Pair Professionnel program is for families requiring an au pair with more experience. In addition to our standard criteria, Au Pair Professionnel candidates must meet at least one of the following requirements:


Have completed a recognized childcare education Have completed a full-time, two-year academic course in childcare Be a certified childcare provider or hold a related degree Have minimum two years of full-time experience as a nanny, childcare provider or

school teacher

Most Au Pair Professionnel candidates have chosen child care as their profession and are ideal for children with special needs, families with twins or triplets, families with a child under two years of age, or those who want an au pair with extra experience and/or teaching skills. Both the program cost and weekly pay is higher than the regular au pair program (please refer to current rates).

5. Why do people choose to become au pairs? The au pair year offers a safe and inexpensive opportunity to spend a year abroad and experience another culture. Many au pairs participate in the program to enhance their resume or as a step toward their studies or careers. Others want to take the au pair year as a “last chance” to travel and experience something new before they either enter the professional work force or decide the direction they want to take in life. The timing of the au pair year varies:

Before they start their study. A break during their study. After graduating, before starting a professional career. Taking a year off from their work. As part of their childcare career.

Whatever stage the candidate is in, there are many advantages to becoming an au pair: t:

Improving English skills. Being part of a foreign family – often for life. Adding a challenging experience to a resume. Making new friends. Making a real difference in the lives of children. Earning money while experiencing life in the US. Gaining maturity, confidence and international work experience. Traveling.

6. How long is the program?The host family can participate for as many years as they want. Each au pair will arrive on a one year visa with the opportunity to extend her stay for up to one extra year (6, 9 and 12 months extensions are available).

7. Can the host family get an au pair any time during the year?Yes. We place au pairs year round.


8. Are the arrival dates flexible?Yes. Arrival dates are flexible to accommodate the host family’s needs. Arrival dates will depend on wait time at the US Embassy and flight availability. Most other agencies have fixed arrival dates during the year.

9. Can families with a special care/needs child apply?Yes. The host family should provide a detailed description of their child's specific situation, as well as special care needed for their child in their initial application.

10. How do families reapply for another year?About three months before the current au pair is scheduled to leave the host family, Au Pair International will send reapplication material to the host family. As a repeat family, they will not need to be re-interviewed or submit new references.

11. How long is the host family’s application valid?The host family has an entire year after their original application date to match with an au pair. If it has been a year since their last au pair left or they have waited longer than one year after their original application date to match with an au pair, they must reapply.

12. One of my host families are considering an ”in-country” (re-match) au pair. What are the pros and cons?Pros:

In country au pairs are available to start on short notice. In country au pairs have already started adjusting to the American culture, have gained

experience in working as an au pair and have improved their English skills. Most au pairs that are rematches work out very well with their second host family. Au pairs are not allowed to re-match if they violated regulations or did something illegal. Host family can interview the current host family to get their perspective on the candidate.

They can also ask to talk with the current Area Director to get a neutral point of view before making up their mind.

Domestic transportation costs might be less than those for a “new” au pair coming from overseas.

If the au pair is nearby, the new host family may be able to meet the au pair and interview her in person.


Some families fear that an au pair who has failed once has a greater chance of failing again. However, statistics show that this is not the case.

The au pair will have less than 12 months left on her original 12 months visa and might not be able to/want to extend her visa for a longer period.

Some families feel that it is difficult to switch au pairs more often than every 12 months.
