Fantasy Gangs or Fractions

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A small document of factions.

Transcript of Fantasy Gangs or Fractions

The Red MoonExtremists who believe that the current government is bad and should abdicate. They use terror in various towns to make the government look bad - ie they infiltrate rich peoples house, barricade themselves in and force the local militia to storm the house if they want to save the (often already dead) family inside while the gang escapes out the back/with magic/tunnels. Afterwards the gang spreads rumers about there being no hostage situation and the government just wanting the family dead for political reasons.

Highway Hank and his Handsome HenchmenVery polite Robin-Hood-esque gang but in shining armor, great moustaches and on great white horses. Robs the coaches and caravans of rich people and uses a bit of the plunder to buy off the nearby villages thus earning them a reputation as "generous" to the poor. That is a lie naturally and they only do it so they can hide in peace. They specifically hunt rich people and learn their travel plans from insiders in all the local noble houses.

The Captain (or The Militia)The town guard captain in a small city (with no army) is a corrupt dick who has everyone in his pocket including the mayor. If people dont do as he says they are punished, making him the effective dictator of the town. He uses his men in racketeering and had deals with the local robber gangs and pirates where he sells them slaves ("criminals" from the town) and they dont do anything in the town or to his men. Also, The Captain uses the pirates to loot especially valuable trading ships nearby, splitting the loot in exchange for the info about the ships.

The Dead Dancers.Started by wizard college dropouts and expelled students, they run the underground necromancy racket. Want a body to vanish, they've got ghouls to feed. Want to vanish a body and make a profit, sell them the vic bound and live and they'll pay you a couple coin. Murdered a rival and need to know where he stashed his loot? They can get the ghost talking. Murder a rival and want his soul imprisoned in a crystal at the bottom of your toilet bowl? Pricey, but doable. Wanna be a vampire? Heh. Heheheheheheheh. Sure, basher, we can get you bit. Want your wife back? Well... how long's she been dead fer? You want HER her, or just appearance? Able to talk and everything, really. Well ain't that just true love. Doable, cutter, but it will cost you, oh yes, oh yes...

The Ash-Faced MenThese folk have an ill reputation among the other gangs: dangerous, unpredictable, and too poor to be worth robbing. Initially formed from among the ranks of the poor displaced when the south bend slums burned down, this rabble of vagrants and alchemy-addicts have a disconcerting penchant for staring blank-eyed at fire and muttering incomprehensibly... and a worrying talent for arson and pyromancy. Consider how few of these ruined men and women have ever had schooling of any sort, let alone magical training, and one begins to suspect a grain of truth in the rumor that the slum fire was started by a demon breaking free of the abyss, and the Ash Faced Men are now its servants and slaves.

The Night CloaksOn the surface, a group of kids in cloaks who hang out in the cemetaries in the catacombs at night and do "cool rituals". When one of the kids have been around for long enough time and deemed worthy they can see the "Deep Night". The Deep Night is the actual leader of the Night Cloaks and is a vampire. The Deep Night, aka Wilson Hilmer, feeds on the children and shows them magic tricks in exchange for them keeping quiet or disillusionised about the true nature of the group. Special subjects eventually join the inner circle of the group in vampirism. The Deep Night has a small cult of vampires, all apparantly young adults, which he uses as his servants and to lure in new recruits. His own crypt is hidden deep beneath the catacombs and is an elaborate underground mansion with studies and dining hall etc.