Famous Quotes About Learning

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  • 8/13/2019 Famous Quotes About Learning


    Famous Quotes about Learning:

    You learn something every day if you pay attention. Ray LeBlond

    I don't think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was

    yesterday. Abraham Lincoln

    hoever ceases to be a student has never been a student. !eorge Iles

    "he essence of teaching is to make learning contagious# to have one

    idea spark another. $arva %ollins

    "he wisest mind has something yet to learn. !eorge &antayana

    A good teacher must be able to put himself in the place of those who

    find learning hard. liphas Levi

    (perience) that most brutal of teachers. But you learn# my !od do

    you learn. %.&. Lewis

    $uch learning does not teach understanding. *eraclitus

    Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere. %hinese


    I find four great classes of students) "he dumb who stay dumb. "he

    dumb who become wise. "he wise who go dumb. "he wise who remain

    wise.$artin *. ,ischer

    Learning is not attained by chance# it must be sought for with ardor

    and attended to with diligence.Abigail Adams

    -ever seem more learned than the people you are with. ear your

    learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. o not pull it out to

  • 8/13/2019 Famous Quotes About Learning


    count the hours# but give the time when you are asked. Lord


    "hat one is learned who has reduced his learning to practice. +roverb

    e learn by e(ample and by direct e(perience because there are real

    limits to the ade/uacy of verbal instruction. $alcolm !ladwell

    "eaching is more than imparting knowledge# it is inspiring change.

    Learning is more than absorbing facts# it is ac/uiring

    understanding.illiam Arthur ard

    By learning you will teach# by teaching you will learn. Latin +roverb

    Losers live in the past. inners learn from the past and en0oy working

    in the present toward the future. enis aitley

    Learning never e(hausts the mind. Leonardo da 1inci

    Learning without thought is labor lost2 thought without learning is

    perilous. %onfucius

    A wise teacher makes learning a 0oy. +roverb

    All of the top achievers I know are life3long learners. Looking for new

    skills# insights# and ideas. If they're not learning# they're not growing...

    not moving toward e(cellence. enis aitley

    -o one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn

    starting from scratch. "o be successful# we absolutely# positively have

    to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that

    we need to learn to achieve our goals. Brian "racy

  • 8/13/2019 Famous Quotes About Learning


    "he library is the temple of learning# and learning has liberated more

    people than all the wars in history.%arl ". Rowan

    A happy life is one spent in learning# earning# and yearning. Lillian !ish

    hat is important is to keep learning# to en0oy challenge# and to

    tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers. $artina


    "he purpose of learning is growth# and our minds# unlike our bodies#

    can continue growing as long as we live. $ortimer Adler

    "hat is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you'veunderstood all your life# but in a new way. oris Lessing

    Life is a series of e(periences# each one of which makes us bigger#

    even though sometimes it is hard to reali4e this. ,or the world was

    built to develop character# and we must learn that the setbacks and

    grieves which we endure help us in our marching onward. *enry ,ord

    "he signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the

    followers. Are the followers reaching their potential5 Are they learning5

    &erving5 o they achieve the re/uired results5 o they change with

    grace5 $anage conflict5 $a( e +ree