Family Missions Company SSME - PHILIPPINES€¦ · “Missionary activity renews the Church,...

Family Missions Company 12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 | THE SSME - PHILIPPINES June 2013 missions is to the church as burning is to fire! immersion. one month. one mission. learning. praying. serving. loving. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT FMC AND SSME WHAT IS FMC? Family Missions Company is a Catholic apostolate of lay singles and families engaged in foreign missionary evangelism and service to the poor. Our work has its roots in the missionary lives of Jesus and His Apostles. WHAT DOES FMC DO? Today FMC has trained and sent out lay missionaries who have served in Mexico, Ecuador, the Caribbean, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Spain, Ghana, China, Peru and other countries around the world. We live and preach the Gospel. We work to assist the poor in any way we can. Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Mission of the Redeemer, says that “Missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!” We believe you can discover this fresh enthusiasm for your faith through mission life. Every Christian is a missionary by virtue of baptism, and the call has never been more urgent than it is today! ... Continued on Page 2 The Philippines is an island nation located in Southeastern Asia. Information Packet SSME: SUMMER SCHOOL OF MISSIONARY EVANGELISM The Philippines JUNE 1ST - JUNE 25TH 2013 FAMILY MISSIONS COMPANY Missionaries visit local school. Benedictine Monastery in Malaybalay City. Local child being taught English.

Transcript of Family Missions Company SSME - PHILIPPINES€¦ · “Missionary activity renews the Church,...

Family Missions Company

12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |


June 2013

missions is to the church as burning is to fire!immersion. one month. one mission.

learning. praying. serving. loving.GENERAL INFORMATION


WHAT IS FMC?Family Missions Company is a Catholic apostolate of lay singles and families engaged in foreign missionary evangelism and service to the poor. Our work has its roots in the missionary lives of Jesus and His Apostles.

WHAT DOES FMC DO? Today FMC has trained and sent out lay missionaries who have served in Mexico, Ecuador, the Caribbean, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Spain, Ghana, China, Peru and other countries around the world. We live and preach the Gospel. We work to assist the poor in any way we can. Pope John Paul II, in his encyclical Mission of the Redeemer, says that “Missionary activity renews the Church, revitalizes faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive. Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!” We believe you can discover this fresh enthusiasm for your faith through mission life. Every Christian is a missionary by virtue of baptism, and the call has never been more urgent than it is today!

... Continued on Page 2

The Philippines is an island nation

located in Southeastern Asia.

Information Packet



T h e P h i l i p p i n e sJ U N E 1 S T -J U N E 2 5 T H2 0 1 3 FAMILY MISSIONS


Missionaries visit local school.

Benedictine Monastery in Malaybalay City. Local child being taught English.


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |

...Continued from Page 1

“The harvest is plenty and the laborers are few” (Luke 10:2). We need thousands of missionaries yesterday. The need is urgent and the call is now! Over the years, FMC has received life-changing reports from those who have experienced mission with us. Our missionary organization draws upon the more than 30 years of pioneering mission life lived by the Summers family and builds on the ongoing relationships between our missionaries and the local churches where they serve. Our missionary charism centers around evangelization and service to the poor. We go out to share the Good News with people through Christian witness and personal testimonies.

WHAT IS SSME? This summer 2013, Family Missions Company will again be hosting it’s annual Summer School of Missionary Evangelization (SSME). This program affords participants the opportunity to join full-time missionaries for a month-long mission immersion program in the Philippines, learning about the Church’s mission while living it out! Students will enjoy an intense life of daily community and personal prayer, fellowship, and service in various apostolates, and Christian formation through study. The curriculum will include an in-depth study of the Book of Acts, excerpts from the Documents of Vatican II related to evangelization, Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Mission of the Redeemer, and core teachings from FMC’s Sí Señor program designed

for forming FMC’s own full-time missionaries! The courses will be presented by full-time missionaries and will include a teaching workshop which will equip the missionaries in methods of evangelism.

Experience working with youth, sharing at prayer groups, participating in relational ministry, feeding the hungry, service projects and other ministries around the island. The program will culminate in a more intense schedule of evangelization and service, allowing the missionaries a chance to apply what they’ve learned. Participants will also enjoy the occasional excursions and days of recollection in some of the most beautiful awe-inspiring locations on the globe! ...Continued on Page 3

“Missionary activity renews the Church, revitilizes faith and Christian identity, and offers fresh enthusiasm and new incentive.

Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!” - John Paul II

Catamarans trolling through the sea for the blessing of the boats on the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist Bringing relief to flood victims.


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |

If you feel you are looking for more than a one-week trip and want to journey deeper into the Church’s mission, then our SSME program is designed for you. Consider spending a month with us this summer, growing in servant leadership and the ability to evangelize while learning how to apply your missionary experience to everyday life.

THE PHILIPPINES This year’s SSME will take place in the Southern Philippines, where Family Missions Company currently has full-time missionary teams living and serving. Filipinos are known for their generosity and hospitality. Their warm culture welcomes visitors to enjoy the manifold beauty of this unique island nation. From

the delicious cuisine and the breathtaking vistas, to the friendly smiles and vibrant faith of the people, SSME missionaries have a lot to gain from this incredible summer experience. The spiritual need is great and the people are hungry for the truth! What is needed are young men and women to hear the call of Jesus to serve as missionaries and to bring the fullness of truth to this land! Family Missions Company and our missionaries enjoy a great relationship with the Church of the Philippines, and work alongside the local Church in various ministries. In addition, our missionaries have developed new ministries inspired by the needs of the people they serve. Come share in the call!

“...the Church in Asia finds herself among

peoples who display an intense yearning for God. The Church knows that this yearning can only be fully satisfied by Jesus

Christ, the Good News of God for all the nations.... (we) should focus attention

on this yearning and encourage the Church in Asia to proclaim with vigor in word and deed that Jesus Christ is the


Ecclesia in AsiaJohn Paul II

Nasuli natural spring located just outside the city. Cultural Dance and Celebrations

All missionary activity is directed to one purpose, “to serve man by revealing to him the love of God made manifest in Jesus Christ.”

“Peoples everywhere, open the doors to Christ!” - John Paul II


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |


Before arriving in the Philippines, all SSME applicants who have been accepted are expected to prayerfully prepare for the summer. Pray daily for SSME and for those planning and preparing it as well as those who will be attending the program with you. Pray for the time that you will spend in the Philippines, for the overall mission of the Catholic Church, and above all, for the people the Lord will have us serving.



Arriving in the Philippines, the missionaries will soon become accustomed to their daily schedule, duties, and way of life. Each morning, the community will come together and begin the day in prayer. As full-time missionaries, we strongly believe that to be successful in serving our Lord, we must root every day and all we do in prayer. The early morning will typically be spent in missionary formation or in ministry. The missionaries will be formed by deepening their knowledge of the Scriptures and of Church teaching.

At midday, our mission family will come together for lunch, followed by time for study, prayer and fellowship. Afternoons will be spent engaging in our various directed ministries at the base or in the community. Come evening, all missionaries will again come together for dinner as a mission family. Evenings not spent in Apostolic outreach will be dedicated to community fellowship or free time. We will wrap up our day as it began, coming together once again for prayer. One day each week the entire community will have a Desert Day. Desert Days, an FMC tradition, are days of prayer and reflection in imitation of Christ, who in His life of ministry, often went off to a quiet place to seek the Father. While this is a basic outline, as missionaries, we are aware that things may come up that cause changes to occur in the schedule. This itinerancy

and readiness to move where the Spirit blows is essential to our missionary life.


Upon returning home to the United States, Family Missions Company’s hope is that each missionary will stay connected and involved in the mission of the Church. Our hope is that those completing SSME will continue to be an active part of the ministry and mission of the Catholic Church. Strengthened and inspired, SSME missionaries will be sent out to their home parishes, communities and universities to spread their missionary zeal. Returning home on fire for missions, we pray that each participant will allow that fire to burn bright and illuminate Christ and His mission to all those around them, and that all would work to bring others into that same mission.

Daily Life of an SSME MissionaryWHAT TO EXPECT?


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |

NAME: ___________________________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________

CITY: _________________________________________________ STATE: ________ ZIP: ______________

E-MAIL: __________________________________________________________________________________

PHONE: ______________________________________ DOB: ______________________________________

MISSION TRIP FEES: (for details of costs see page 7)

Once accepted into SSME, you will receive a payment schedule of mission fees. There will be an initial, non-refundable registration fee of $75, to reserve your space in the program. Mission Trip fees will cover the costs of SSME tuition, housing, meals and transportation while on the island. Mission Trip fees will not cover personal spending money while on the island or money spent while on excursions. Mission trip fees will also not cover airfare to and from the Philippines; however, contact us to see if you can take advantage of our group rates!


1. What is your relationship with the Catholic Church?2. Why are you applying to Family Missions Company’s SSME program?3. What are you hoping to gain from your participation in this program?

Please fill out and mail completed Application

Form to :

Family Missions Company

12624 Everglade RdAbbeville LA, 70510

Applications will be reviewed on a first-

come, first-serve basis.

Please e-mail James Franke at [email protected]

with any questions about SSME or the application


SSME 2012Philippines


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |

As an organization of lay Catholic Missionaries, Family Missions Company expects all of our full-time and short-term missionaries to enter into any mission field, foreign or domestic, with “missionary heart”. The following list explains what it means to have a missionary heart and the commitments that go along with attending SSME. Please read the expectations below and initial on each available line.

1. Have an attitude of gratitude. “In all things give thanks!” Let us out do one another in service: NO GRUMBLING or COMPLAINING!

2. Respect their culture; the American way is NOT necessarily the right way. We will learn many things from the people of the Philippines. Their way is founded on their experience.

3. Be careful not to exclude your hosts (the people of the Philippines). If you are in a conversation with others of our group and a local approaches, motion to them to draw near; include them. SMILE! Make friends.

4. Unmarried couples leave romance at the border. We are seeking God’s love on this mission. Be a part of the team, and don’t pair off (not even with your best friend).

5. Submit to leadership. Seek peace and run after it. Unity comes in finding the common good.

6. Go the extra mile. Pick up, keep order, volunteer for work, cooperate. It is more blessed to give than to receive.

7. Jesus said, “Eat what is set before you.” The food is prepared with care and love. Missionaries trust God and receive His gifts.

I commit to living in accord with the beliefs and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church which is One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic: ________________

I commit to daily personal prayer and reading of scripture: ________________

I commit to not drinking alcohol or smoking while participating in SSME: _______________ I commit to not using any type of illegal drugs before, during or after SSME: ________________

I commit to not pursuing any type of romantic relationship during my time in the SSME program: ________________

I commit to following the direction of SSME leaders in all that they ask of the missionaries: ________________

I commit to conducting myself as an FMC missionary: ________________

I am aware that if I violate any of these commitments, I may be asked to leave the Philippines and the SSME program at my own expense. ________________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Missionary Heart“DID NOT OUR HEARTS BURN WITHIN US..?” (LUKE 24:32)


12624 Everglade Road, Abbeville LA, 70510 | 337-893-6111 |


The total cost of the four week SSME 2013 program is $1500, not including airfare. This figure will include the cost of tuition, ministries, room, daily meals, transportation while on the island, outings and excursions. This cost will not include your travel to and from the Philippines. It will also not cover personal spending money you may want to bring along with you for individual spending, gifts or souvenirs, and any alms money you may want to carry. Any unforeseen medical costs will also be at the expense of the participant, as we do not provide health insurance.


Tuition: $950**

Room and Board: $350

Transportation and Excursions: $200

**Tuition costs will include donations to the local Church as well as other misc. expenses.

*Accepted applicants are encouraged to fundraise towards their tuition and fees to defray their costs. Donations made to FMC in applicants name will be tax-deductible. For tips, ideas or advice contact James at the e-mail below.


SSME 2013 begins June 1st. Missionaries should plan to arrive in the Philippines on the 1st. Sine SSME missionaries are from all different parts of the country, each accepted applicant is required to secure their own flight plans to and from the Philippines. (For details in booking flights and to see if you can benefit from FMC’s group rates, contact James.) Date of departure back to the United States will be June 25th. Prior to booking your tickets, please check your itinerary with James Franke at [email protected].

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole of creation. He who believes and is baptized will be saved;

but he who does not believe will be

condemned... they went forth and preached

everywhere, while the Lord worked with them

and confirmed the message by the signs

that attended it. Amen.”

Mark 16:15-16

SSME - Philippines Mission Trip and School:BREAKDOWN OF FEES & TRAVEL INFORMATION

Outdoor Market in the Philippines

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the

name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching

them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of

the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

FROM:F A M I L Y M I S S I O N S C O M P A N Y1 2 6 2 4 E v e r g l a d e R o a dA b b e v i l l e L A , 7 0 5 1 0


Family Missions Company Summer School of Missionary Evangelism

“But how are men to call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without a preacher? And how can men preach unless they are sent?? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news.”

Romans 10:14-15