Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available:...

f a m i l y f a r m i n g Innovons ensemble pour les agricultures de demain Family farming an asset for the planet... 2014, International Year of Family Farming Food security, biodiversity, climate, water, jobs, environment, and so on; family farms are tackling the challenges of the future! Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre

Transcript of Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available:...

Page 1: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of


Innovons ensemble pour les agricultures de demain

Family farming

an asset for the planet...

2014, International Year of Family Farming

Food security, biodiversity, climate, water, jobs, environment, and so on; family farms are tackling the challenges of the future!

Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre

Page 2: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

For the 81 countries for which data are available:

72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of more than 10 ha are primarily found in the Americas (50% of the regional total in the North,

40% in the South) and Europe (just 20%)

With 500 million farms, it still involves almost 40% of the world’s working population.

Family farming, an asset for the planet...

Some 2.6 billion people worldwide

live and work on family farms.

Family farming has always been

one of the main human


All over the world...

500 million farms

40% of workers worldwide

59% of the working population in China, 53% in India and 53% in Africa

Less than 5% of the working population in North America and Europe,

Africa has not yet completed its demographic shift, unlike Asia, which will be affected sooner by the ageing of its farming population.

Expo AIAF-1.2-intro1

Page 3: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

To guarantee their income, families generally have several activities. Their goods and those of the farm are often one and the same.

A family farmer’s main priority

is feeding their family thanks to their farm.

The jobs to be done are generally split

between members of the household.

Keeping it in the family!

Families differ significantly from one country to another and one culture to another.

Expo AIAF-1.3-intro2

Family farming, an asset for the planet...

Page 4: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

From “jardins créoles”, farmed by hand, to intensive mechanized cereal farms, through greenhouse crops, family farms have an impressive ability to adapt and innovate.

From very densely populated, fertile agricultural zones to arid or marginal, sparsely populated

pastoral zones, family farms are found on every continent

and in every type of ecosystem.

Everywhere, in every shape

and form!

Different family structures, different ecosystems, different societies and levels of development mean many types of family farms.

Expo AIAF-1.4-intro3

Family farming, an asset for the planet...

Page 5: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

Through collective action, farmers can negotiate better input and product prices, manage agricultural installations and silos collectively, and influence agricultural policy.

Associations, producer groups, unions, cooperatives

and so on... family farmers are now joining forces. This gives them better

market access.

Working together in an organized way

means they can defend their interests, influence research

policy and programmes and contribute to local


Together we are stronger!

Expo AIAF-1.5-intro4

Family farming, an asset for the planet...

Page 6: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

They produce goods to feed themselves and supply local, national and international markets with raw or processed foodstuffs.

Family farms supply most

of the food consumed worldwide.

Using their know-how, farmers develop

tailor-made techniques that make the most

of their environment.

Feeding the world…

Family farms manage to be competitive by making the most of their environment.

Expo AIAF-1.6-intro5

Family farming, an asset for the planet...

Page 7: Family farming - Cirad...Expo AIAF-1.1-Titre . For the 81 countries for which data are available: 72% of farms use less than 1 ha 85% have less than 2 ha 94% less than 5 ha Farms of

Family farms need better access to fertilizers, seed, credit, markets and information, but also investment in many sectors: health, education, energy, telecommunications, etc.

Family farming is the world’s leading

source of jobs, but involves its poorest people.

The advantages of working as a family are not

a magical solution to every problem…

To fulfil its potential, family farming needs appropriate

public policy.

SOS public policy!

Expo AIAF-1.7-intro6

Family farming, an asset for the planet...