F F a a m m i i l l y y D D r r e e a a m m



Transcript of FAMILY DREAM


The Real American Dream Posted on Sep 28, 2011 | 29 comments

Once upon a time I woke up and realized the American Dream was staring me

right in the face. It was real. It was attainable. It was more alive than ever. And

hardly anybody knew what it was.

Years ago, about the time when a bustling America had lost everything in the Great

Depression, a freelance writer named James Truslow Adams, started spouting off

his thoughts on hope and freedom and coined the term The American Dream. For

Adams, the American Dream was simple. He just wanted his country to be a place

where “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity

for each according to ability or achievement”. A place where any one could have a

chance to achieve their goals regardless of class, religion, or politics. A place

where anyone could discover a happy and fulfilling life. This idea has always been

at the heart of America, but America has often had a tough time living up to it.

Back when Adams was around, not many people had an opportunity to participate

in the American Dream. White men were welcome to it, but pretty much everyone

else had to sit around and wait for change. Women, minorities, the handicapped,

the homosexual, the mentally ill, and even children really had no chance of

partaking in the American Dream. America wouldn’t let them. The country simply

wasn’t ready to live out its grand vision.

Fast-forward to today and things are quite different. The “American Dream” is

available to more people now than ever before, and that’s a great thing. Yet from

all the complaining you would think the American Dream has gone backwards,

that it’s deflating and its time is up.

No, No, No people, the American Dream is just getting started. It might not be

what you thought it was, but the Real American Dream is very much alive and

ready for all of us.


HomeAbout Dreams, Dream Journal

Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Listen to your dreams to determine your destiny and direction

Your dreams are nighttime messages that can guide you in your waking life. Unlocking your dream meanings can bring a greater spiritual understanding of your current circumstances, answers to dilemmas you may be experiencing, and directions to step more fully into your life’s destiny or calling.


LLLAAA iiisss ttthhheee fffrrreeeeee dddaaaiiilllyyy llliiifffeeessstttyyyllleee eeemmmaaaiiilll fffooorrr fffaaabbbuuulllooouuusss wwwooommmeeennn ooofff ssstttyyyllleee +++ sssuuubbbssstttaaannnccceee fffeeeaaatttuuurrriiinnnggg ttthhheee vvveeerrryyy

bbbeeesssttt iiinnn hhhooommmeee,,, gggaaarrrdddeeennn +++ sssooo mmmuuuccchhh mmmooorrreee!!!


How to Begin to Pursue My Dreams, My Passions, and Things that Matter to Me.

The reality that we all love to dream big dreams, but they also scare the living crap out of us. What if I fail? What if I get our heart set on something we'll never achieve? What if it costs me everything I have to achieve it? What if I don't know how to do it? The list goes on. I thought, the only way my dream will come to reality is when I win the lottery. It dawn on me it’s the ultimate savior because with such an influx in cash, a lot of things become very possible very quickly. It's a short cut. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm not always a patient person. I would love to obtain something now rather than work hard for decades and have no guarantee that I'll actually achieve what I want. But the Lord inspired in my heart this song

Trust, trust in the Lord Lean not on your own understanding

In all, all of your ways Acknowledge Him

He'll make your path straight

You'll be my guide for life I'll walk by Your side

With Your hand in mine I'll go where You lead me


My eyes can only see The ground beneath my feet

Your dreams are greater than mine Your ways are higher

O Lord please show me

Bless my thoughts My dreams my imaginations

Step by step Your delight, Your creation

(Proverbs 16:9”), “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord

determines his steps


What is a Dreamer?

A dreamer looks beyond the limits of today to the possibilities of tomorrow, and sees what can be instead of settling for what is.

A dreamer imagines the most wonderful new things, and then finds a way to make them real.

A dreamer knows that stars were made to wish upon and that wishes do come true.

My dream house soon will be mine as I dream and believe in my dreams to come true


Dreaming Up My

Dream House

First of all I'd like to say

that all of us have our own

ideas and dreams about a

perfect home, because

"home" can't mean the

same to everybody. But I'm

sure that for all people

home is not just a place to

live in. Home is your little

world where you live ac-

cording to your own rules

and interests. It's a place

where you feel comfort,

warmth and reliability,

that's why we say "East or

West, home is best" and the

English say "My home is

my castle". In my opinion

home always awakens the

best feelings and high emo-

tions in people's souls. But

what an ideal home is eve-

rybody decides for himself.

I have a pretty vivid picture

in my head of what my

dream house would looks

like. My dream is to build

my own house on a big lot.

Today I thought it would

be fun to try to put together

my dream house in pictures

by gathering some of the

design ideas I’ve collected

that capture my personal

decorating style.



Ambition is the arrogance to believe in one's own potential. It is having the con-fidence and self-esteem necessary to seek ever-increasing challenges. It is the tenac-ity and perseverance that makes goals happen. Ambition is a passion for achiev-ing, an unquenchable thirst for more and better. It is never content with the status quo. In practice, ambition requires vision, purpose, and optimism. It is the individu-al visualization of what can be and the be-lief that it will be. For as long as I can remember, I have been an aggressive go-getter, systemat-ically working toward identified goals. My friends have always considered me ambitious and unsatisfied. I have always looked for a larger purpose behind my actions and for ways to influence my fu-

ture prospects. For years, I maintained some guilt with re-gard to my ambition.. I realized trying to be someone I am not and to seek association with the rich and famous to have what I really wanted in life is not the solu-tion. I have found that al-though I am not intimidated by money and power, I will live my life as a gift and a great ad-venture. I will dare to make mistakes. I will reach higher than I think I can and I will make dreams come true, with a personal relationship with my creator.