Fame, Fortune, and Technical Writing

Dru Lavigne Editor, OSBR Writing Open Source, 2009 Fame, Fortune, and Technical Writing (not necessarily in that order)


Presentation from 2009 Writing Open Source conference.

Transcript of Fame, Fortune, and Technical Writing

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Dru LavigneEditor, OSBR

Writing Open Source, 2009

Fame, Fortune, and Technical Writing (not necessarily in that order)

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I ntroduction

W e (community)

R ecognition

I nspiration

T hem (publishing)

E arn

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Based on my experience, YMMV

Background info:

● writing awards paid tuition (1980 - 1984)● curriculum developer since 1997● O'Reilly columnist 2000 - 2006● negotiating third book● founder of BSD Certification Group● BSD Guru blog since 2005● launched OSBR e-magazine in 2007

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● the rules of the writing game are changing, making it a great time to be a tech writer

● opportunities abound: zero barriers to entry, numerous free publicity methods

● how do you get noticed in a sea of info?

● how do you make money, or launch a career, when so much is available for free?

Answer: community

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Community? What about fame & fortune?

Common assumptions:

● noone gets paid to write docs for “free” software

● besides, if you're not a developer, you're a nobody in open source

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Community Don't forget:● like it or not, writing is a collaborative activity (editors, proofreaders, critics)

● writing is a skill (use it or lose it)

● writing is an art (it needs to be explored)

● cream rises to the top (and gets paid)

Community provides: interaction, mentorship, opportunity, exposure

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Community● open source is still a Wild West of missing and incomplete documentation

● enough work to last a life time or two!

● you get to pick your hours, language, what to write about and in what style

● it's all archived and searchable

● honed writing skills are an asset to any employer

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Community Help fellow writers:● personal introductions to publishers, editors

● invitation to co-write an article or book chapter

● personal invitation to a docathon

● sponsorship to attend conference as press

● invitation as speaker to community conf

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Things I'd love to see:

● “Summer of Documentation”

● more docathons

● writing/marketing students contributing to projects as part of their studies

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Get your work (and your name) out there!

● vital if you're looking for writing contracts or envision a book in your future

● don't wait til work is “polished”, but always write your best

● be anal with grammar and spelling, even with casual works (email, blog posts)

● do your research (or it will bite you back)

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Write daily!

This allows you to:

● hone a craft while building a body of work

● define your style

● gain an audience

● find out what you like to write about, and whether you really do like to write

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No degree required...

● personal decision

● second language is an edge

● cultivate your grammar, spelling, research, and style skills

● the best way to learn to write well is to write (and to read good writing)

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You know you're out there when:

● work finds you

● you turn down more work than you accept

● you've become the “expert” on ______

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RecognitionTools of the trade:

● blogs (personal, work, pet project)

● book reviews (Amazon, publishers)

● articles & how-tos (gratis or paid)

● review board of peer-reviewed journal

● write one chapter of a book

● contribute to online magazine

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Writing is diverse--what interests you?

● curriculum development, training materials

● marketing, whitepapers, brochures

● news items, regular column

● product documentation, how-tos

● editing, translating

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What do open source projects need?

● doc team members and leaders● man pages, tutorials, guides● articles, news in mainstream publications● whitepapers, brochures, artwork● forum leaders, bloggers● mailing list moderators and posters● press releases, events● website content

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Don't have a pet project yet?

● what software do you use?

● what how-to notes have you kept?

● have friends who contribute to a project?

● local community tech-related effort?

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What publishers want to see:

● the size of your audience

● that your expertise is currently “hot”

● the scope of your work

● a well-thought out proposal

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Publishing What you should know beforehand:

● for technical books, 10,000 copies is a “best seller”

● 3 months f/t (50+ hrs/wk) is considered fast

● a very small % of books gets promoted by mainstream publishers and small publishers have less resources

● publishing is a gamble--this is reflected in the contract

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What you should know beforehand:

● default is still Word template with no revision control--ask to gauge flexibility

● you will learn a lot working with your editor-- aim for daily feedback

● actively help the publisher in continued promotion

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Publishing When reviewing that contract:

● who retains copyright?

● do you get distribution rights?

● translation rights and royalties?

● royalties for non-print distribution?

● keep in mind that no contract is ideal and there will be trade-offs

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● IMHO: use a big publisher for your first book, do what you want for the rest

● this establishes your reputation

● if first book is a hit, your bargaining power increases with that publisher

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Self-publishing may be better when:

● market is small or topic is more esoteric

● you're the expert in that market and your audience is aware of promotion avenues

● you want to cut out middle-man and control revenue cut, promotion, production

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Consider your goals & priorities:

● is writing a hobby, desired career, or a means to an end?

● re-evaluate your volunteer to paid ratio every 6-12 months--is it shifting into your desired direction?

● if you're entering the field, expect to pay your dues (like university, but cheaper)

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Define your version of success:

● expert in chosen niche● respect of peers● contributing back to community● adding to pool of knowledge● paying the bills● becoming a rockstar

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Blog: http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/unix/bsd

Twitter: https://twitter.com/bsdevents

OSBR: http://www.osbr.ca

Contact: [email protected]