FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted...

Weather ' Clearing Tonic ____ _ ' l_ *' VOl^' NO. 145 ^ Hectic S On Go A Special (0 The Time! ATLANTIC c iry , N. Miss Idaho. KrlsH ............ Phillips, who warns tc eye doctor, had 6.S00 eyes glued , on her 1 night as sho disp1a> sparkling talent on ih in the.second round of i America competition vcntibn Hall. Kristine said she wa pftfntivl Ifittnp Ih^ ^nlp petition, but hastily a£ can't really say I'm unh cause I'm having such derful time.’' . She still has, s good ' to bwomo Miss Amerlc ........ .......... ■■tino's parents,- M r;-at Robert C. Philips of --------- ^ n vii. l^i»n h^TT»-<{nr« S but she hasn't had mu • • _________ (0 see'-<hem because rhectlc s'cheaule. . KrJftJno said she I TWO MEMBERS -ef the N Col. Ljrle CasUe, Cbalrrnan,' 1 with Col. George Forschler,.of ot the CAP. Tbe national boat Civil Air PatroL A meetlog o Saturday.',"' -GAFJIem] To Burlev BURLEY - PlIoL-i were con- - versing on Burlcy Friday for the Rocky Mountain Regional annu- al conference of thc Civil Air Patrol; With stormy weather ------’-Ihreateningi-wmw-c.onrorn-was voiced by officials already'here -that others- expccted Friday af- ternoon may perhaps experience difficulty landing If thc overcast skies grow worse. ____Some 300 CAP members and officers arc cxpectcd for thc __two-day_jncet with^about half of them already hero by Fridoy DeGaulle Touring Polish Provinces. ..... WARSAW (AP) -French President Charles De Gaulle left Warsaw by- plane today for a ___ tour ot thc Polish nrovlnccs. :— Thc. first stop was Krakow, where De Gaulle was to stay at - the .Wawel. former palace of Pck land's kings, tour thc Lcnln -------steel'nilirand-Inspccfiirfircas; ures. ' . , FAILURE. FORESEEN. , BUDAPEST. Hungary (AP) ' “ ■—•Leonid I. Brezhnev expressed cnnvlj^tlnn Thur«lny_nf-jk/»_iiltt. mate failure of Mao .Tse-tung'? cultural revolution purge, which r- he said has wrecked thc Chinese t government* .and Communist i my- . _________ 1 . - By BARRY- KRAMER SAIGON (AP)—Bolstered by :_;-^_I>rcmleLjMguven_CaO_Kv'< fgjl. lire-to-wln-eontroRf-Souih-Viet* nam’s • new senate. President- elect Nguyen Van Thieu made pittin today that ho Intends to ' be No. l In fart as well as name ' _l_i4n-hU-countiy*-new-govem- ‘ ment. --------------- ' J The chief of state'refused to * . elect.'bringing into ^ e open the ' Il^nE-smoldering ‘ feiid "between | tba two. victorious numing i - % . B ther Tonight- cSchedule. 7A tA tlani The Tlmes-NeWs home here been CITY, N.J; (AP) leJegrams and ho. Kristine Inet received from I wani.t to be an ho. had 6,500 pairs • of Wearing an oi on her Thursday tall dress Thurs le displayed her tine danJed th ent on the organ cnccs by playln round of the Miss “Shadow of V« npetitlon In Con- ‘Tico Tlco." One of the li Id she was dlsap* slay here. Kri hast^ ' Tuesda^ln°Uic ay I'm unhappy be^ • as a crowd ot I mng such a won- She woro a gown' highligh' as, a good chance stole, iss America. Kris- Krlstine'think 5,- Mr.-and- Mrs. ting used to bel »hillps of Rupert, so flattc :re:slnce. Saturday, ' ' ask mo for my I't had much time sort of 'surprls I because of her________why me? I'm ileT! ^ ^tant. lid she feels at of the -ef the NaUonal 'ExecAtlve Board of Din halrrnan,' left, a ^ Col. Samuel du Pont, irs<^ler,,o( Burky. CoL Forschkir Is tbo ( tlonal board members m lt In Burlcy as tl meeting of'the Rocky Mountain Region embers FI l lev Conclave A'cre con- noon. Flights were expccted at ay for the 1 p.m. in Twin Falls, 2 i>.m. and >nal annu- also 5 p.m. at both Burlcy and Civil Air Twin Falls airports and some weather members arc cxpectcd by prl- ^flrn-WaS vnt» plnn» fndv herc Saturday's activillos will be- -ridav af- f;|n nt 7 a.m. with a flng-rals- xpcrlence jng ceremony and a general as- : overcast sembly at 8:30 a.m. Col. Donald ----- . E. Halc.-Rocky.-Mountain region ibcrs and CAP commander, wll! welcome w delegates and Col. Lyle W. Cns- bout half lie, chairman,—national -CAP jy Friday board, will speak as will Brig. -------------Gen. W. W. Wilcox, commander, . ^ national Civil Air Patrol;--------- firing piSrScvSe-are^Khrf^^^ hl*PG Saturday afternoon'With-a u y c a _ commander's call slated for-8 • -French p.m. John ung Jr., admlnistra- jaullc lett tive assfstanl. Secretary of the lay for a Air Force,^wlll address thc nces.:— awards banquet Satuwlav-niRht. Krakow, JocTJlMlns wiljTWlnaster of lo stay at ccrenipnles., ice of PcK Sunday the conclave will open he Lcnln 'vlth a religious service at 8:30 arftrcas- o.m.-conducted-by-LtrCol?Rtob. ert SchrcckenbcrR. Idaho wing _ chaplain, and LU Col. Alfson, re* gfonifl chaplain. ., •EEN. ( Tho Ajr Force band from ry (AP) Black Hills, S.D., will present a expressed public concert a t^ p.mrSunday rse-tung'? ^ 'u S d s .' ' •• ge. which >-^Exhlblts and displays are open e Chinese to tho publlc'at the.Burley Mu- smmunlst nlclpal Airport during the CAP • meet._______________________ i-Makes It Pla AER ' mates In Sunday’s presidential tered by dccUon, Kv> fnli. Thieu appearcd-for th6 .taping 3uih-Viet> ioday6nhc*NaTional3rDa(tcn!n^ ^resident- ^mpany's “Mqet ^tho [eu made Pjcss^program, but only after fltCTds to NBC oTfUlals he would as name “lono or flot at all. NBC orieinallv had Invited Thieu and ^v«ni. Ky' ajiThfr-W J-iiia T>S1K elustd to Cjmpj,>grert two igo lllon-n^ ^ o t both men would nppcar. jresident* The.program was.to iuivc_becn it taped Thursday • rhonifng But open the backed out at the last Dctwccn nxinuV*. saying through a numing sj^kesm ^ ho had not' been O^-Lz? - Llt^rdric^n ' ! . %.Idaho Hlatorloal Soai< BoU«« Idatio - The Magic. Valley Newspaper ' -■----------- . ' /I leMeepsMi inticCitu I here because of the'many atiput th •ams and flowers she has ‘'is'getlii /ed from friends'in Ida* ' ' all over I Kristin sring an orange'cage cock. Miss D< ress Thursday night. Kris* Levins. 1 dazzled the pageant audl* the same by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’' and finds thc I Tlco." mon. ! of the highlights of her Kristin here. Kristine said, was quoise s [le_down the_Bontdwolk________Ing_shoe lay in the pageant parade competitl crowd ot 50.000 cheered, she w; I woro a -lemon yellow « judges T • highlighted by. a fox edherw America stine'thlnks It’Is hard get- In Vletna ised to being a celebrity.- ............. Kristin n so flattered when people- Is a woi no for my autograph. I'm those bo of 'surprlse'd -a n d “ wonder,‘“ ’-------deal,’am me? I'm not really'Im- wg nt. - by sendli )e of the niccst things lo cntert ird of Directors for the Civil Air Patrol, du Pont, Vico Chairman, center, stand ir Is tho Commander of the Idaho Whig iirlcy ns tbo policy making body for the 1 Region of the CPA is being held J- Copper Strike —^ Negotiations— In-Stalemate peeled «1 -WASHINOTON (AP) - Ted- p.m. and eral efforts to mediate a settle* urley and mcnt in the eight-week coppcr md soihe strike broke up Thursday niRht d by pri- nnd,Secretary of Laboc W. Wil- lard Wirtz rCDorted necotlations I will be- were al an’ "ibSCim itulii' finn.raic- mate. eneral as- Negotiators for both the 19 un* II Donald lons involved and the four copr .in region welcome their home bases. Wirtz said e W. Cas- Indication talks will nfti ' CAP resume In the near future, will Briff "They are deplorably far Bmande?" Wirtj safd after two dhy£_oUalks_wlih 18 striking ^ unions and four major copper ® ’rrhey ore nowhere near set^ tJor 8 bridge, who participated with 1 ^,?^ Wiriz.in the talks. &iphf TKc unions represent -iS.060 Workef»^in-fli*-^eslem-8thle3. naster ot companies produce . most of, the nation’s, coppcr. will open Both Wirtz arid .Trowbridge i :e at 8:30 said they see no Indication-of ^ Col? Rtob* anylndustiy nttcmprnrmnncu* ; aho wing vering for a price increase or * Ufson, re* trying to get the government fo ' . , stop thc strike with a Tafi*Hart- i ;nd irom w Act Injunction. ' . ' ' present a ---------- s irSnnday - WORKERS HELPED - < ■ry. -Fair. -WASHINGTON (AB)_s=Jhe , •' Office-of Economic Opportunity I: ; are open says Jintlpoverty worjters helped I irley Mu- prevent trouble this summer In p the CAP many cities where potential riot s _________situations existed...........____ N Plain-ffi^Haii esidcntlal properly Informed.------- - c K-. After a day ot consuIatfOns, it d h6.lnplng was agreed that Thieu and'Ky troadcnst^ wonlJ ’ appear— together— thi&^ Iqet tho morning, but late Thursday l )nly afler night- Thieu changed his mind c be would and-said he would only'ap^ar t all. NBC alone. A spokesman for Ky told p rhieu and NBC the premier had decided lo s iia'-bbTKstcRaaiderr ;— ------- rr ceks ago ' The original plan for the pro- i apwar. gram had called for the four f iavc_bccn ntwsmcn.on tfiejuQ: \ rifng bii( gram's sanel'to atiernatc'tnclr J the last qucstio'ns between Thieu and o irough a Ky. not' been ^ e ' program WiU'bo' brood- ti ^ ' -T " ' - lal Sooiety . ' ■Newspaper Dedicated to Serrtng and " " twin FALLS, IDAHO. FRI Missldaho u Pageant atK>ut the pageant,” she said, "is'gelling 10 meet people from • all over the country." , Kristine’s best friend here Is Miss Delaware, Susan Alice Levins. The girls are sWying in the same hotel, and thouch they live a continent npart. KrUtlne finds they have much In com- mon. ; Kristine will weor a tur>- quoisc swim suit with mntcli* __ lng_shQes_la_Uie_haihlng_suit------------ competition Friday night. She was interviewed by the ' judges Thursday and they ask- ed ner what she thought ot Miss America entertaining thc troops In Vietnam. - - Kristine told the Judges. “It • - Is a wonderful thing. We owe • those boys over there a great “ deal.-and'-whOLbetter way can -------- __wg shoiy oi;r nppr«latjon_than_______ by sending Miss America there lo entertain.” H H I Romney Kit --WASHINGTON (AP) - | ' Secretary of Defense Rob- T ert S. McNamara callcd George Romney a man ap- -^parently "blind . to the truth" — and one Repub- lican saw:the Admlnlstra* t tion assault as a potential . political favor for tho E l , Michigan governor. ■■■ ‘Tsuppose this cou I d— HnH only* help him, really,' es- ^ pecially coming from Mc* , - Nomara,'’ said Iowa GOP Chairman Robert D. Ray ' after the Pentagon attack V- Thursday on Romney. Romney, In Portland, ■ M r? .'O re., told newsmen Thurs- •yj • ^ ‘Jay ''•sht he would be de- 'lighted to compare his rec- y- I ord on Vicinom .with Mc- ^ American people are h u n " U ,gry for people to say what> i I Mh?y think,’' he said. Ne^i^Storm ---------- T l u ’e a t e n i n g m Puerto Rico MIAMI. Fla. (AP) - Tropical ’ Patrol, storm Beulah, nearly ns strong r, stand os a hurricane, wns'labeled a ho Whig threat to Puerto Rico and the for the Virgin I-slands today as the At* jg held lanHc bolted wlih turbulence. ' A third storm ot. the season, Chloe, formed in the eastern At- - a-, lantic, about 1,G00 miles east- 1*1 I r P northeast ot San Juan, Puerto .lU ^ C Rico,-with peak winds of 60 --------- -— miles on hour.— ------------------- )HS“= ------And-|ilirmHcs cuat ■uf^Capc Kennedy, a tropical depression— if-A capablc of growing to storm tic ------sialus=prompted wpathermen'to \ send a hurricane hunter plane L-seS “ ek copper Beulah, located 1,<00 miles sday niRht southeast of Miami, packed top 3C W. Wll- winds ot.70 miles an hour, a egotlations scant four short of the punch cane category, as it churned the 19 un* along a' nearly due west course, four copr Gale force winds extended out uming to 75 miles In all directions. talks will ' /"N S iorKiwanians (jj after two ___ Srief Spn ValleyJ't near set- VALLEY — Kfwanlans y of from throughout the Utah-ldaho a iBtrrcr wc r t r p tniiriiiB.iniic n i - • ated wilh Opening of the 48th ^en/in annual convention, which' will ' ffi" through Sunday. , : DrTFrwlt'A. CoSrti-paslSror ^ Trinity Methodist Church..Den* ; ver, will speak at the Wesrerrf iMtlon-of Barbecue I^day evening. Satur- i dny;s:evcnt3 open-iv th a break- i crcTse f^-^rand busings session with ■ ?n Waller Ho^»lll, Peterborough. . Tati-Hart- keynote i ___ * speaker. He will discuss "Ki- ' PED - ik'anis in Action.’' - - i \ ~ .The The Utah fellowship luncheon pportunlty IT s l n ^ “ Sflurday noon“^ lR 1 srs helped Or. Edwin B. Firmage. assistant < ummer In professor of law at thc Unlver* ( enllal riot sity.of Utah, who has sorved on < . Vice President Hubert Hum* I —-— cast'In tfie United Stales Sun* < ilatfons, it day. I ^and-Ky forced ^ Htical^mrriag^ 1 Thursday thc same ticket was an uneasy 1 his mind one. Both men'had announced I ly appear their intention ot running for i ir Ky told president, and their .quest- for i ^Ided lo support was threatening a spilt i . In the arThwnorces. . , i r the pro- After Kceiving assurances i the four from Thleti of strong poWer as i 1 the-juQ: vice president, Ky ffgT6Br"<5iT ] (latc'tnelr Junc'30-to-takc-the-second'spot i hleu and on .Thieti’s ti^et. : , i Thieu' made no move to assert i [>s brood- hi«p(^^oa as No. I jutU It be* I ring and PromoUng the Growth- of T \H0. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 8,~1^ :^o9|HK h* lit-------------- 18 ' • . . k- GEORGE E. HANEV JR. ss . . . has bctn elected presi. ps - , dent of tho Idaho Association of 'Realtors at a five-state It • - realtors* -convention •• t)elng held In PortUnd; m_______ pEeQrg&JHafie.yJ To Head State Realtors Unit^ I PORTUND(AP) - The Ida- AP) — {; ho Association of Realtors has se Rob- {■cicctcd George E. Haney Jr., of callcd Twin Falls. a» president, man ap- ; The election wns Tiiursdny at to the , Ihc five-state rcaltora’ conven- Repub^_: Uon. j ilnlstra. t "Mr. Haney operales 'Twiii toiemlal . : Foils Realty and Insurance, or tho V : 1015 Addison Avc„ E., Twin Falls. could- -Also-elected were-Ross-Recse, ally,’ cs- Rcxburc. first vice president: om Me. Wally Walker, Boise, vice pres- na GOP ident. and B. A. Poleson, Lew' D. Ray Iston, vice prcsldenl. I nltack Direciors cicctcd were John nney. T. Homer, Idaho Falls; Dale R. ’ortland, ■ Duffy. -Boise, and Don Wdams, n Thurs- Lewiston. . il be d ^ They will lake offfce Jan. 5. his rec- This year's president is C. Don- ,jijh IV l^c^ gld,^Kcrl»y. Xlonners Ferry. Lvwh“;r l^atiouwlHe:! Ford Strike^ ' ------------------DETROrr-(AP)=A' top uffi- tllff d a l of the United Aulo Work- O ers Union predicted today thnt a nationwide strike against the C»0 Ford. Moior Co. probably will continue for at least n monlh -TroDlcal before serious bargnining re- ns strong sumes on & new labor contract. ' labeled a Emil Ma'zey. UAW secretary 0 and the treasurer, said he did not ex- as the At- pcct negotiations lo becomc julence. meaningful unKf Ford depletes [le season Inventory of 1S68 nnd 19G7 •astern At' model cars. nlles cast- -T he walkout by some 160,000 n, Puerto workers has virtually halted pro- nds of 60 ducllon of all Ford cars. Only --------------a-few-Faleons'andjpiekup-trueks -nf-t^nnff cootlnOc , to roll.-<?» ns.snmbly jpressl^ Unes Canada. . . to storm Mazey said he did not think Ihermen'to (here wTlTTie pressure 'lo end Her plane the strike until Ford beclns lo njri'oul of cars now In dealers’ <00 miles showrooms, lacked top Ford.-* ohiet compclltors—Gen- \ hour, a cral'Motors and.Chry5lcrr*mean the punch while are conilnmng full produc* t churned though their contracts with the fsl course. UAW. expired Wednesday mid- ended out night at the same lime Ford ions. workers went on strike....... -- ns Gathering':^t- eyTor Confab^— Kfwanlans phrey’.s sUff, ns speaker.— Jtah'ldaho Saturday nlternoon thc 700 ex- r-W cn! r r l - peettia -uuti'unitfs- w lrnavtr free )f thc 48ih lime for golflnj; and sightseeing, i-hich' will TTic governor’s banquet is plnn- ned for Saturday night. ■■ «' jrch. Den* fo r'8 a.m. Sunday with thc di.s« e Wcsrerif trlcl election to be held during Ing. Satur- the mornlng-sMsion. A new dis- II a break-trict governor will be named wion with with a contest tor olfice of gov* jrborough. crnor-clecl who will automatical* anis inter- ly take office In 1969. Candidates keynote includ«^Charles B. Flahlll. Cald- cuss "Ki-well, and John F.-Alsip Jr., -- - Nampa.-.......... 1 luncheon • The convention will closb with loon witn (he Idaho heuowsnip luiich^ri' . assistant Sunday noon.:Dr.-William E. le Unlver* (Bud) Davis, cresidenl of Idaho sarved on State Unlvcrsiiy, Pocatclio, will srt Hum* be-lne speaker. e Numte 1- tales Sun* came apparent thaL_Ky_had tailed to pull Into office ~wlih marriage him any of the'SeTeral senate nn uneasy has a .strong Ronian- Catholic snnounccd blpc which T hieli^ Catholic— nning for apparently -feels Is to his advan- quest- for tage. The ouestlon of face in ng a spilt the reIallon,shIp between the two . rneh always'has been important issurances to Thieu. As chief ot«tate and poWer as technically, the superior of the rgT6?a~tffi pTcfincfr’Thieu ,wat"sWd lo be Kond'Spot constantiy-annoyed^wHen'Ticwsr men and foreign visitors usually t to assert pald.moro atUnlion lo the flam* antil It be* boyanti-better-iajown -- ' ' '[ '-W ' . ■ )wth of Nine Ihlgated Idaho Countli :R 8, 1967 - I Reeopt Repori Day A fILER - Twin Falls day at the Twin Falls county fair drew a record crowd of 16.004 per* sonsj^ Harold Hove, fair board 300 more tha^last year’s sccond EV JR. ““ cn^once. ed prc'sl. An eaually large crowd was ssocfatlon expected tor Friday. West End five-state Day- despite threat of rain, n -- twins Schools were dismissed in puhl. Filer and Castleford and’■most stores closed at noon so lhal pupils and employes could at- a n e yitcnd. -, _____________ •' Friday morning's activities opened with an FFA livestock J l c t l C judging contest, a 4-H round -r , robin filtlnfe and showing con- T lli' test and -4-H home economic^ Judglng.and junioLslyle-drias - The Ida- •’cvfew. Bliors has An, FFA fal beef Judging com- lev Jr.. of petition got underway at-1 T3-m'- ' Friday, followed by. FFA filling lursdny at if’’d 'sijowing of all dairy and i’ conven- ^^et classes and a 4-H senior style dress review. Ies 'Twiii Queen contestants' ridinR tor surnn« ‘he litle ot Miss Rodeo Idaho E Twin bcRan at 2 p.m. In the arena. WJpncr of the state contest oss-Reeie, will be..announced at the'.final nrptldonf Performance of the rodeo Satur- vlce nres- ilaV- evening. Lew' Agricultural dcmonstnilions In ' tho'4-H department took up part ufff John of aflcrnoon and another go- V Dale R [““"‘J iii Adams arena. Pre-rodeo enter- 3n yvaums, „||, include band mu- rt. Tnn s and dfJIIs by the Filer Wran- u c non! glcreltcs Riding Club. The Hollisier Grange tecclved __ a special award from the fair board-foi-the-exhlblt-beatreni* •fp ) phaslzlng the lOflih-anniversary of the Grange-ln theme ef dece- I y ration. Large gold lighted stars C f; 0" * '■c'* background and gold lettering carry out ihc Ijo year theme. Filer Grange received, honorable mention. I — “ Tho-xovetcd'flrstTJlBCBTnvnrd! top uffi^^- ---------------------------------------- •• no Work- 1 5 sSuryeyor ] S Small Chei d 'S 'c ? CAPE.KENNEDY,. Fl., (AP) I become — Riding inio^pace on the most I depletes accurated mocn rocket ever and 19G7 launched by the United States, Surveyor 5 raced today toward irn nAA “ landing with a cam* ne 160,000 era and a small chemistry hb mlted p r^ to analyze the soli. lup-trueha -Jisscmbly apcctactilar-space-doubleheader that started Thursday night with not think the orbiting ot milltons of “as- •c 'lo~end trobug5''-~nnd~plants-In"a—blo^ n'ie'ller? .• ,or.-cen Sugar-Em lcr~^oan - ime Ford ' e. ...... - By CATHERINE TATE ----------- :------- Tlmes^ews-Siatf-Writer— .V . Officials of the Amojgamated /\ T Sugar Co. and representatives i } X v ~ nf'several beet growers* organ. izatlons -failed- lo reach agree* ment on beet contracts tor nul /— '— ^ ycar"during-'n“ meeUnR-Friday. _ Accocding lo Jock Claiborne. _ president, of the Idaho. Beet hc^700 ex- Growers Association^ a contract ghtseelng. T»any was rejectrt by the grow- 't is plan- <^rs after Friday morning dis- . , ^ • cusslons at ihe Holiday Inn^ De- il K " S «mi™°ncedf ; ■Id during •' ^ e negotiations cover the i-new dis-* company*wIde --o p e r a t i o n i. « named Amalgamated operates In ce of gov> Northern Utah, Southem Idaho tomatrcal* and Eastern Oregon. :andldatcs More-than 40 grower*' repre- hlll, Cald- sentatlves and company officials Msip Jr., participated In the discussloiu'. ... . EaHlcr.,on Thursday, the grow-' :Iosb with ers had met fo agree on term* -lutibicSH’ of-thc ■ pruposed-wntractsr-Dc- illlam E. tails of their demands were nol of Idaho available. tcilo, will Mr. aalbornc. K im b erly . heads, the growers negotiating , _ committee. vChlef. company. Jie-. ___ _ gotiaior. lsiKcllh.Oreme,tAmal- _____ executive vice presl- Mr, Claiborne .pointed out that JSy 'h'ad f“Hure to negotiate a contract Tice-with dtlBing the firsf contract confer- al senate 0"ce is somewhat routine, and -C ai^lc some’ promss^^s'^*maae*“ln Catholic— view of-the earliness of the lis advan* conferences. )f face in "This conference was held >n the two much eariler than Is-jjsual, due important to-the-factrthat-tnary-other ^ t e and contracts in other slates have or of the nhe^y ^ n ncgoUaied,” he Iw^cwsr -Earller-contracf^-Ulks.— he rs usually said, allows the farmer to plan the flam- ahead . /or fall planlbg.' Pre- j^, . viQiisly;~iag0tittl0M ' 'Btarted ----------- : ___1.' • ^ __ __I ______ _ to Counties ____ j ___________ jpdrGrow orted-Foi At Filer tils day at for artistic arrangements in the r fair drew flower displays went to the Twin 16.004 per- Falls Garden Club with iLs fair board theme. “Salute to thc GranRC." ils Is about [eatutlng' llowers in gold con- ar’s second lainers oRalnst a dark brown background. . :rowd was The Petal Pals, Castleford, •West End won sccond place with-''Yester- ; of rain, day’s Treasures'"'and . t h I r d ed In puhl, placc was awanJcd to the Amcr.- and’-most lean War Mothers. Twin Falls. )n so that Tho Countryside Flower Club, could at- Twin Fails, was first in_ quality, with the Filer Woman's Club 'activities placltig“sccond-atid-nier-SiaT I livcsloek Soclel club, Ihird. 4-H round A ’’olessed event" fn the, iwlnir con- swine bam Thursday morning cconomlci jlyle- dress ____________ _________ jssM eat Cu' FFA filling •:":No Talk! >dco Idaho By BONNIE BAIRD JONES . Times-News Staff Writer Cn M, -Represematives-of-the Amal- ixJco Satur- Meat Cutlers and . Butchcr Workmen of North 2 America. AFL-CIO. Local 368, In Twin Falls Friday confcr- c wa«i held members SdM enter. I**® independent Meat Co. ' ^ n d mu siafl. said they have been un- Filer Wran. succcssful in attempts to set up wran ^ company offi- m^he®tl? Mals,'Nampa, business l^-bSVenv *ccntJoiL.Local_3G8.^?.alduihc irinlvcrsnrv Amalgamated Mcatcu^tcrs have X dec? heen-m'akiog efforU . lo .me<5t flhled stars 'viih.lhe struck company since i and sold Pickets were put on' the -site 1C jbo year Thursday morning, e received "Thur tar we havo made no progres.1 In negotiations. To our lace~sward knowledge—the—company—has- or Races To ]V Chemistry Lab - Fla. (AP) medical laboratory named Bio- )n Ihe most salelllte 2. >cke: ever Spider-shaped Surveyor S ted States, started Its Intended es-hour, 221,- lay toward 575-mlle lunar journey aboart krlth a cam* an Atlas-Centaur rocket that imlstry hb blazed away from>Cape Kennedy at 3:57-n.m. EDT. nehlng be- Several hours later, the flight aimaxcd'a control center at jet VropiiisM lubleheader Laboratory,—Pasadena;— CalifTT • night with reported the c r a tt^ n s on a ms of “os- ncar-perfect coune that was -In--a—blo^ only-37-milestiff itii^nrset point Eirm Of fer ls TATE' after the first of tho-ycar.-------- -Writer--------nwhllo—no—agreement. ..has ojgamated b^en reached during this con* esentatives fercnce, the growers feci that :rs* organ* some progress has been made. !Ch agree- We plan to meet' alja future date ts tor n u t with the company bfficials lo ig-Friday. Iron -out our diftensnces,’' he Claiborne, said. Fuyher negolmiions were laho. Beet not likely, he concluded, until a contract afler tho harvest; - ugci^-com* —Oth«p-<i«iol«l»-attBndln g -wor* ■the grow- Harold Thompson, vice presi* )mlng dis- dent of the Utah Growers Asso- ly Inn. De- cidtlon; William Carson, presi* ganizatlon; Clydo Greenwell. cover the president—lo f'^ h e Minidoka r a tio n s . Countv. Growers . Association, ‘ates In ond William Beck, president of lem Idaho the Lower Siiakc River organ- ization. The Company also was er*' repre- represented by Harty Elcockf ny officials production hianager, and Robert IlscussIoM. Lane, controller. 'ir i- the.growi - . _. ..M -l.-l t on term* r -S UmesllgTegt Spreading Thi - - By-The-Assoelited Press - me,.Ama„unre»t-in-lhe-ranks of-thc-na. lion's teachers widened today as , . ... ifieBaliimore school system Ml out that was threatened with a strike. 1 contract Detroit teacher* , remalned-oul sc confcr-and New Yoric City schools utine, and braced for a'threatened mass m aac“ln -M oFe’thairBOaWKJ ybungsWH ss of the were already enjoying extend^ . . summer vacation) In Michigan; was held Broward County, Fla., East St. jjsual, due Louis. ' 111., and McCracken lany - other County, - Ky.."Strikea in • Bald Utes have more and New. 3forlt could add laied/* he neatly 1.3 million to that total. ihe BaltliMre leaptierT union -talks;— he saldra strlke'could occu r before ler to plan tho end of next week after nego lUng; Pre- llatlons- with ’ Schftol-'offlclals i'-;stBrted broke:dawn'H)tI^day-everba^ * Final -sir Edition C ten CENT3 owd Is Fof^^F— ler Fair ncnls in the Is drawing crowds to view the i ; to the Twin 10 new baby pigs born to a b with it-s sow owned by Jerry Kruse and i he GranRC." sons. Filer. The mother sow n gold con- 3ocs not seem to relish tho - ^arK brown figwds ^grjnL'.n^ her nnd hec— .' • . litter, biit'the 10 small babies Castleford, parade around like true 1th-''Yestef-‘'hams." '♦ and . t h 1 r d Sunset Memorial Park was [0 the Amer.- awarded an engraved plaque for Twin Falls, first place in merchants' ex- -lower Club, hibits. Their display,- set up in - It in_ quality, thc new Merchants' building Np._: iman's Club 3. features a llghtc’d' indoor pool i-nier-siitF aim fi6werj.- i. ___ __•-..frr z : Second place winner Is the It" fn the QuaJlty Wood Products which Js ay morning‘ See T.F. FAIR, pg. 2, coL S Cutters Say alks Slated ID JONES not made any move toward of* [f Writer fering a package that could f-lhe Amal- Belilo-Ihe-dispute,’--M r.-M als— lutlcrs nnd added. 7 °^ our. demands are ■Local 368. reasonable nnd Just and are [day confcr- not out of line with wages paid R members jn mo Industry by-other Indo- int Meat Co. pendent packers of southern continued. fmnnnv nfff At the plant Jn Twin Falls, the >mpany offl- spokesman said. sUrt- t>a. bunlhcss '"S '?>■ employes are JI-80 ia xnirf .thp •‘our in the packaging ,de- S ltic rl^ e Parlmcntrup:to:K.05-hourlr*r— li S emgl.g_^lLU».r3t..ol,.!l). mpany since * . o n '' die -site other plants, he said, begin* ning rates arc from $2 to $2.22 ve mode no PC I’ouf for packaging depart* Ions. To our nicnt cinployes and 52.1^ to mpany—h te —; See -STRIKE,' pgj ■ 2,- eoL-<-------- Co Moon With Laboratory named Bio- In the Se# of, JroiiquUHy. That’s the, most accurate ;ufveyor 5 shooting yet In. 27 American- 55-hour, 221,- moon launchings. Tiey aboard “We're on a real good course rocket that that will require only a small ape Kennedy mldcourso motor correction to x..h,nifr. t f ropuision systems aboard the craft were x mer— CelifTT woritlng-well;------------------------------ -was on a The moon vehicle-is to settle ' r that was genlly onto the mom's surface target point Sunday-night to .'Wvestlgate a~ potenUal astronaut landing site with a camera, and a miniature ^ I M chtmistiy lab that may, tor the n ~ lS KlenUsts what ^ elements aro present- In the Uh narsoll. .. . . . The planned touchdown area DTpl% r B^ln "ifte Sen o f I 'rahqulllty !^4 * 'V /X »J miles Jrom the. Crater Moltke. The Iwo^hot, spectacular ^ drmTeiKinnirmniloirinsecty;— fhM plants and bacteria rode a Della LiS. «*!<« <n‘o an orbit-about 200 miles above the e a ^ . During three days In space, » speclmens-are to grow, re- f p r o d u c e and eat' to determine 3™ S low blolosle.1 processes-oro nt- luded, unul fccied by space weightlessness.. vice presi* clud^pai^liic^s^rv^heSf oWers Assth gnmg^ fjour beetles, pepper - won, pwsi* plants, wheat seedlings., frog Greenwell. -n,e National Aeronautlcs^and Minidoka Space Administration .report^ Association, some'difficulty-in^sendihg. radio president of commiinds to the BlosateUlte. • liver organ* Officials said they were over- ly also wos coming the problem by repeat- ~ rry Elcock, ediy transmitting eoch com- , and Robert mand until It is accepted by the T ..payload, x. rTggclrers’Ranks ig Through Grantry ed'Prns - gaining- prbcedures-and-noft---- s-of-thc-na. leaching.duUes_S* _ _____ led today as Th^unlon reoresenUng B.OOO - ool system feachers" 'saTd-, ,daises.* woull h a strike, open MQsdfty"is scheduled but malned-oul wamed-Mhat the city's more -tf Illy schools than '194,000 pupils «m i^t .be .lencd mass back-out-lnuhe parics.and.play*- I youngsters W(ek. X^fcnvben^nip ftVMUOB ng extended was called for Tuesday. " * n Michigan; In Michigan, picketo contin* la.. East St. ued to march in many of, the 30 McCracken school districts wfaete eontracU » in-Bald* ateyetlobe sfped;.Nearl^halt-- k could add a million youngsters la 17 dls* 1that total, trlcis-indudlnz ,300.000 la De* i'Ch'erT^nlon troii—remalnea^ aociiea - out- of-, occu r before their-classrooms.-— :------------------ ly everbar> ^-TEM »EM ,;PgrV

Transcript of FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted...

Page 1: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

Weather' Clearing Tonic

____ _ ' ■ l_

*' VOl^' NO. 145 ^

Hectic S On Go A

• ■ Special (0 The Time!ATLANTIC c i r y , N.

Miss Idaho. KrlsH............ Phillips, who warns tc

eye doctor, had 6.S00 eyes glued , on her 1 night as sho disp1a> sparkling talent on ih in the.second round of i America competition vcntibn Hall.

Kristine said she wa pftfntivl Ifittnp Ih^ nlp petition, but hastily a£ can 't really say I 'm unh cause I 'm having such derful time.’' .

She still has, s good ' to bwomo Miss Amerlc

........ .......... ■■tino's parents,- M r;-atRobert C. Philips of--------- ^nvii. l^i»n h^TT»-<{nr« Sbut she hasn't had mu

• •_________ (0 see'-<hem becauserhectlc s'cheaule. .

KrJftJno said she I

TWO MEMBERS -ef the N Col. Ljrle CasUe, Cbalrrnan,' 1 with Col. George Forschler,.of ot the CAP. Tbe national boat Civil Air PatroL A meetlog o S a tu rd ay .'," '

-GAFJIem] To Burlev

BURLEY - PlIoL-i were con-- versing on Burlcy Friday for the

Rocky Mountain Regional annu­al conference of thc Civil Air Patrol; With stormy weather

------’-Ihreateningi-wmw-c.onrorn-wasvoiced by officials already'here

-that others- expccted Friday af­ternoon may perhaps experience difficulty landing If thc overcastskies grow worse. ____’

Some 300 CAP members and officers arc cxpectcd for thc

__two-day_jncet with^about half ■ of them already hero by Fridoy

DeGaulle Touring Polish Provinces.

. .. .. WARSAW (AP) -French President Charles De Gaulle left Warsaw by- plane today for a

___ tour ot thc Polish nrovlnccs. :—Thc. first stop was Krakow,

where De Gaulle was to stay a t- the .Wawel. former palace of Pck

land's kings, tour thc Lcnln-------s teel'n ilirand-Inspccfiirfircas;

ures. ' .


' “ ■—•Leonid I. Brezhnev expressed cnnvlj^tlnn Thur«lny_nf-jk/»_iiltt. mate failure of Mao .Tse-tung'? cultural revolution purge, which

r- he said has wrecked thc Chinese t government* .and Communist im y - . _________ ■ 1


SAIGON (AP)—Bolstered by :_;-^_I>rcmleLjMguven_CaO_Kv'< fgjl.

lire-to-wln-eontroRf-Souih-Viet* nam’s • new senate. President­elect Nguyen Van Thieu made pittin today that ho Intends to ' be No. l In fa rt a s well a s name '

_ l_ i4n -h U -co u n tiy * -n ew -g o v em - ‘ment. --------------- ' JT h e chief of sta te 'refused to *

. elect.'bringing into ^ e open the ' Il^nE-smoldering ‘ feiid "between |

tba two. victorious numing i

- %. BtherT o n i g h t -

cSchedule. 7 A tA tlaniThe Tlmes-NeWs home here been

CITY, N.J; (AP) ■ leJegrams andho. Kristine Inet received fromI wani.t to be an ho.had 6,500 pairs • of Wearing an oion her Thursday tall dress Thursle displayed her tine danJed thent on the organ cnccs by playlnround of the Miss “ Shadow of V«

npetitlon In Con- ‘Tico Tlco."One of the li

Id she was dlsap* slay here. Kri

h a s t^ ' Tuesda^ln°Uicay I 'm unhappy be^ • as a crowd ot Im n g such a won- She woro a

gown' highligh'as, a good chance stole,iss America. Kris- Krlstine'think5,- M r.-and- Mrs. ting used to bel»hillps of Rupert, so flattc:re:slnce. Saturday, ' ' ask mo for myI't had much time sort of 'surprlsI because of her________why me? I'mileT! ^ t a n t .lid she feels a t of the

-ef the NaUonal 'ExecAtlve Board of Din halrrnan,' left, a ^ Col. Samuel du Pont, irs<^ler,,o( Burky. CoL Forschkir Is tbo ( tlonal board members m lt In Burlcy as tl meeting of'the Rocky Mountain Region

embers FIllev ConclaveA'cre con- noon. Flights were expccted at ay for the 1 p.m. in Twin Falls, 2 i>.m. and >nal annu- also 5 p.m. a t both Burlcy and Civil Air Twin Falls airports and some

weather members arc cxpectcd by prl- ^flrn-WaS vnt» plnn»fndv herc Saturday's activillos will be- -ridav af- f;|n nt 7 a.m. with a flng-rals- xpcrlence jng ceremony and a general as- : overcast sembly a t 8:30 a.m. Col. Donald

•----- . E. Halc.-Rocky.-Mountain regionibcrs and CAP commander, wll! welcome w delegates and Col. Lyle W. Cns-bout half lie, chairman,—national -CAP jy Friday board, will speak as will Brig.-------------Gen. W. W. Wilcox, commander,

. ^ national Civil Air Patrol;---------

f i r i n g p iS r S c v S e - a r e ^ K h r f ^ ^ ^h l* P G Saturday afternoon'W ith-a u y c a _ commander's call slated fo r-8 • -French p.m. John u n g Jr., admlnistra- jaullc lett tive assfstanl. Secretary of the lay for a Air Force,^wlll address thc nces.:— awards banquet Satuwlav-niRht. Krakow, JocTJlM lns w iljTW lnaster of

lo stay a t ccrenipnles., ice of PcK Sunday the conclave will open he Lcnln 'vlth a religious service a t 8:30 a rftrca s - o.m.-conducted-by-LtrCol?Rtob.

ert SchrcckenbcrR. Idaho wing _ chaplain, and LU Col. Alfson, re*

gfonifl chaplain. .,•EEN. ( Tho Ajr Force band from ry (AP) Black Hills, S.D., will present a expressed public concert a t ^ p.mrSunday

rse-tung'? ^ 'u S d s . ' ' •• ge. which >-^Exhlblts and displays a re open e Chinese to tho publlc'at the.Burley Mu- smmunlst nlclpal Airport during the CAP

• meet._______________________

i-Makes It PlaAER ' mates In Sunday’s presidential tered by dccUon, •Kv> fnli. Thieu appearcd-for th6 .taping 3uih-Viet> ioday6nhc*NaTional3rDa(tcn!n^ ^resident- ^ m p a n y 's “Mqet tho [eu made P jcss^program , but only after fltCTds to NBC oTfUlals he wouldas name “lono or flot a t all. NBC

orieinallv had Invited Thieu and ^ v « n i . Ky' a j iT h fr -W J - ii ia T>S1K elustd to C jm p j,> g rert two igo ll lo n -n ^ ^ o t both men would nppcar. jresident* The.program was.to iuivc_becn

it taped Thursday • rhonifng But open the backed out a t the lastDctwccn nx inuV * . saying through a numing s j^ k e sm ^ ho had not' been

O ^ - L z ? - L lt^ rd r ic ^ n ' ! . % .I d a h o H l a t o r l o a l S oa i<

B o U « « Id a t io •

■ -

T h e M agic. Valley Newspaper

' -■----------- . ■ ' / I

leMeepsMi inticCitu I

here because of the'many atiput th•ams and flowers she has ‘'is'getlii/ed from friends 'in Ida* ' ' all over I

Kristinsring an orange'cage cock. Miss D<ress Thursday night. Kris* Levins. 1dazzled the pageant audl* the same

by playing "D ork Eyes." live a cclow of Vour Smile,’' and finds thcI Tlco." mon.! of the highlights of her Kristinhere. Kristine said, was quoise s[le_down the_Bontdwolk________Ing_shoelay in the pageant parade competitlcrowd ot 50.000 cheered, she w;I woro a -lemon yellow « judges T • highlighted by. a fox ed h erw

Americastine'thlnks It’Is hard get- In Vletnaised to being a celebrity.- .............Kristinn so flattered when people- Is a woi no for my autograph. I'm those boof 'surprlse'd -an d “ wonder,‘“ ’-------deal,’ amme? I'm not really 'Im - wgnt. - by sendli)e of the niccst things lo cntert

ird of Directors for the Civil Air Patrol, du Pont, Vico Chairman, center, stand

ir Is tho Commander of the Idaho Whig iirlcy ns tbo policy making body for the 1 Region of the CPA is being held

J- Copper Strike — Negotiations—

In-Stalematepeeled «1 -WASHINOTON (AP) - Ted- p.m. and eral efforts to mediate a settle*

urley and m cnt in the eight-week coppcr md soihe strike broke up Thursday niRht d by pri- nnd,Secretary of Laboc W. Wil­

lard Wirtz rCDorted necotlationsI will be- were a l an’ "ibSCim itulii' finn.raic- mate.

eneral as- Negotiators for both the 19 un*II Donald lons involved and the four copr .in region

welcome their home bases. Wirtz said e W. Cas- Indication talks willnfti ' CAP resume In the near future, will Briff "They are deplorably fa r Bmande?" W irtj safd after two

dhy£_oUalks_wlih 18 striking ■ ^ unions and four major copper

® ’r r hey ore nowhere near set^t J o r 8

bridge, who participated with 1 , ? ^ W iriz.in the talks.& i p h f TKc unions represent -iS.060

Workef»^in-fli*-^eslem-8thle3. naster ot companies produce .

most of, the nation’s, coppcr. ‘ will open Both Wirtz arid .Trowbridge i :e a t 8:30 said they see no Indication-of Col? Rtob* an y ln d u stiy nttcmprnrmnncu* ; aho wing vering for a price increase or * Ufson, re* trying to get the government fo '

. , stop thc strike with a Tafi*Hart- i ;nd irom w A ct Injunction. ' . ' 'present a ---------- sirSnnday - WORKERS HELPED - < ■ry. -Fair. -WASHINGTON (A B )_s= Jhe ,

•' Office-of Economic Opportunity I: ; a re open says Jintlpoverty worjters helped I irley Mu- prevent trouble this summer In p the CAP many cities where potential riot s

_________situations existed...........____ N

Plain-ffi^Haiiesidcntlal properly Informed.------- - c

K-. After a day ot consuIatfOns, it dh6.lnplng was agreed that Thieu and'Ky troadcnst^ wonlJ ’ appear— together— thi&^ Iqet tho morning, but late Thursday l )nly afler night- Thieu changed his mind c be would and-said he would o n ly 'ap ^ a r t all. NBC alone. A spokesman for Ky told p

rhieu and NBC the premier had decided lo siia '-b b T K s tc R a a id e r r ;— ------- r rceks ago ' The original plan for the pro- i apw ar. gram had called for the four f iavc_bccn ntwsmcn.on tfiejuQ: \rifng bii( g ram 's sanel'to atiernatc'tnclr J the last qucstio'ns between Thieu and o

irough a Ky.not' been ^ e ' program WiU'bo' brood- ti

' - T " ' -

l a l S o o i e t y . '

■Newspaper D ed icated t o Serrtng and

" "t w i n FALLS, IDAHO. FRI

Missldaho u Pageant

atK>ut the pageant,” she said,"is'gelling 10 meet people from

• all over the country." ,Kristine’s best friend here Is

Miss Delaware, Susan Alice Levins. The girls are sWying in the same hotel, and thouch they live a continent npart. KrUtlne finds they have much In com­mon. ;

Kristine will weor a tur>- quoisc swim suit with mntcli*

__ lng_shQes_la_Uie_haihlng_suit------------competition Friday night.

She was interviewed by the ' judges Thursday and they ask­

ed ner what she thought ot Miss America entertaining thc troops In Vietnam.

- - Kristine told the Judges. “ It • - Is a wonderful thing. We owe • those boys over there a great

“ deal.-and'-whOLbetter way can --------__wg shoiy oi;r nppr«latjon_than_______

by sending Miss America there lo entertain.”


I Romney Kit--WASHINGTON (AP) - |

' Secretary of Defense Rob- T e rt S. McNamara callcd George Romney a man ap-

-^parently "blind . to the truth" — and one Repub- lican saw:the Admlnlstra* t tion assault as a potential . political favor for tho El

, Michigan governor.■■■ ‘Tsuppose this c o u I d —

H n H only* help him, really,' es- pecially coming from Mc*

, - Nom ara,'’ said Iowa GOP Chairman Robert D. Ray

' after the Pentagon attack V- Thursday on Romney.

Romney, In Portland, ■ M r ? .'O re ., told newsmen Thurs- • y j • ■ ^ ‘Jay ''•sht he would be de-

'lighted to compare his rec- y - I ord on Vicinom .with Mc-

^ American people are h u n "U ,g ry for people to say what> i I Mh?y think,’' he said.

Ne^i^Storm ----------

T lu ’e a te n in g

m P u e r to R icoMIAMI. Fla. (AP) - Tropical

’ Patrol, storm Beulah, nearly ns strong r, stand os a hurricane, wns'labeled a ho Whig threat to Puerto Rico and the for the Virgin I-slands today as the At*

jg held lanHc bolted wlih turbulence.' A third storm ot. the season,

Chloe, formed in the eastern At-- a-, lantic, about 1,G00 miles east- 1*1 I r P northeast ot San Juan, Puerto . l U ^ C R ico ,-w ith peak winds o f 60--------- -— miles on hour.— -------------------) H S “ =------And-|ilirmHcs cuat ■ uf^C apc

Kennedy, a tropical depression— i f - A capablc of growing to stormt i c ------sialus=prompted wpathermen'to\ send a hurricane hunter planeL - s e S “ek copper Beulah, located 1,<00 miles sday niRht southeast of Miami, packed top 3C W. Wll- winds ot.70 miles an hour, a egotlations scant four short of the punch

cane category, as it churned the 19 un* along a ' nearly due west course, four copr Gale force winds extended out

uming to 75 miles In all directions.

talks will ■ ' • /"N

S ior Kiwanians (jjafter two ___

Srief Spn ValleyJ'tnear set- VALLEY — Kfwanlans

y of from throughout the Utah-ldaho a iBtrrcr wc r t r p tniiriiiB.iniic n i - •

ated wilh Opening of the 48th^en/in annual convention, which' will '

ffi" through Sunday. , ■ : D rTFrw lt'A . CoSrti-paslSror

Trinity Methodist Church..Den* ; ver, will speak a t the Wesrerrf

iMtlon-of Barbecue I^ d a y evening. Satur- i dny;s:evcnt3 open-iv th a break- i

crcTse f^-^rand busings session with ■ ?n Waller Ho^»lll, Peterborough. .

Tati-Hart- keynote i___ * speaker. He will discuss "Ki- 'PED - ik'anis in Action.’' - - i \ ~ .The The Utah fellowship luncheon pportunlty IT s l n ^ “ Sflurday noon“^ l R 1 srs helped Or. Edwin B. Firmage. assistant < ummer In professor of law at thc Unlver* ( enllal riot sity.of Utah, who has sorved on < . Vice President Hubert Hum* I

— -— cast'In tfie United Stales Sun* < ilatfons, it day. I^and-K y forced ^ Htical^mrriag^ 1

Thursday thc sam e ticket was an uneasy 1 his mind one. Both m en'had announced I ly appear their intention ot running for i ir Ky told president, and their .quest- for i ^ I d e d lo support was threatening a spilt i

. In the arThwnorces. . , ir the pro- After Kceiving assurances i

the four from Thleti of strong poWer as i 1 the-juQ: vice president, Ky ffgT6Br"<5iT ] (latc'tnelr Junc'30-to-takc-the-second'spot i hleu and on .Thieti’s t i^ e t . : , ’ i

Thieu' made no move to assert i [>s brood- h i« p (^ ^ o a a s No. I ju tU I t be* I

r in g a n d P r o m oU ng the Grow th - o f T

\H 0 . F R ID A Y . S E P T E M B E R 8,~ 1 ^

: ^ o 9 |H K


18 ' • . .k- GEORGE E. HANEV JR .ss . . . has bctn elected presi.ps - , dent of tho Idaho Association

of 'Realtors at a five-state It • - realtors* -convention •• t)elng

held In PortUnd;

m_______ pEeQrg&JHafie.yJTo Head State Realtors Unit^

I PO RTU N D (A P) - The Ida- AP) — {; ho Association of Realtors has se Rob- {■ cicctcd George E . Haney J r ., of

callcd Twin Falls. a» president, man ap- ; The election wns Tiiursdny a t to the , Ihc five-state rcaltora’ conven- Repub^_: Uon. j

ilnlstra. t "Mr. Haney operales 'Twiii toiemlal . : Foils Realty and Insurance, or tho V: 1015 Addison Avc„ E ., Twin

Falls.c o u l d - -Also-elected were-Ross-Recse, ally,’ cs- Rcxburc. first vice president: om Me. Wally Walker, Boise, vice pres- na GOP ident. and B. A. Poleson, Lew' D. Ray Iston, vice prcsldenl.

I nltack Direciors cicctcd were John nney. T . Homer, Idaho Falls; Dale R. ’ortland, ■ Duffy. -Boise, and Don Wdams, n Thurs- Lewiston. .il be d ^ They will lake offfce Jan. 5. his rec- This year's president is C. Don-

,jijh IVl c gld,^Kcrl»y. Xlonners Ferry.

Lvwh“;r l^atiouwlHe:! Ford Strike^

'------------------DETROrr-(AP)=A' top uffi-t l l f f d a l of the United Aulo Work-

O ers Union predicted today thnt a nationwide strike against the

C » 0 Ford. Moior Co. probably will continue for at least n monlh

-TroDlcal before serious bargnining re­ns strong sumes on & new labor contract.

' labeled a Emil Ma'zey. UAW secretary0 and the treasurer, said he did not ex- as the At- pcct negotiations lo becomc julence. meaningful unKf Ford depletes [le season Inventory of 1S68 nnd 19G7 •astern A t' model cars.nlles cast- -T h e walkout b y some 160,000 n, Puerto workers has virtually halted pro- nds o f 60 ducllon of all Ford cars. Only--------------a-few-Faleons'andjpiekup-trueks-nf-t^nnff cootlnOc , to roll.-<?» ns.snmbly j p r e s s l ^ Unes Canada. . . to storm Mazey said he did not think

Ihermen'to (here wTlTTie pressure 'lo end Her plane the strike until Ford beclns lo

• • njri'oul of cars now In dealers’ <00 miles showrooms, lacked top Ford.-* ohiet compclltors—Gen- \ hour, a cral'M otors and.Chry5lcrr*mean the punch while are conilnmng full produc*

t churned though their contracts with the fsl course. UAW. expired Wednesday mid­ended out night at the same lime Ford ions. workers went on strike....... --

ns Gathering':^t- eyTor Confab^—Kfwanlans phrey’.s sUff, ns speaker.— — Jtah'ldaho Saturday nlternoon thc 700 ex- r-Wcn! r r l - peettia -uuti'unitfs- w l r navtr free )f thc 48ih lime for golflnj; and sightseeing, i-hich' will TTic governor’s banquet is plnn-

■ ned for Saturday night. ■■ ■ «'

jrch. Den* fo r '8 a.m. Sunday with thc di.s« e Wcsrerif trlcl election to be held during Ing. Satur- the mornlng-sMsion. A new dis-II a b reak -tric t governor will be named wion with with a contest tor olfice of gov* jrborough. crnor-clecl who will automatical* anis inter- ly take office In 1969. Candidates

keynote includ«^Charles B. Flahlll. Cald- cuss "K i-w ell, and John F .-A lsip Jr., - - - Nampa.-..........

1 luncheon • The convention will closb with loon witn (he Idaho heuowsnip luiich^ri'. assistant Sunday noon.:Dr.-W illiam E. le Unlver* (Bud) Davis, cresidenl of Idaho sarved on State Unlvcrsiiy, Pocatclio, will srt Hum* be-lne speaker.

e N um te 1-tales Sun* came apparent thaL_Ky_had

tailed to pull Into office ~wlih marriage him any of the'SeTeral senate

nn uneasy has a .strong Ronian- Catholic snnounccd blpc which T h ie li^ Catholic— nning for apparently -feels Is to his advan- quest- for tage. The ouestlon of face in ng a spilt the reIallon,shIp between the two

. rneh always'has been important issurances to Thieu. As chief o t« ta te and poWer as technically, the superior of the

rgT6?a~tffi pTcfincfr’Thieu ,wat"sWd lo be Kond'Spot constantiy-annoyed^wHen'Ticwsr

’ men and foreign visitors usually t to assert pald.moro atUnlion lo the flam* antil I t be* boyanti-better-iajown --

' ' ' [ ' - W ' . ■

)w th o f N in e Ih lg a te d Idaho C ountli

:R 8, 1967 - •

IReeopt Repori Day A

fIL E R - Twin F alls d a y at the Twin Falls county fair drew a record crowd of 16.004 per* sonsj^ Harold Hove, fair board

300 more tha^ last y ear’s sccond EV JR . ““ cn^once.ed prc'sl. An eaually large crowd was ssocfatlon expected tor Friday. West End five-state Day- despite threat of rain, n -- twins Schools were dismissed in puhl.

Filer and Castleford and’■most stores closed at noon so lhal pupils and employes could at-

a n e y i tc n d . -, _____________•' Friday morning's activities

opened with an FFA livestock J l c t l C judging contest, a 4-H round -r , robin filtlnfe and showing con-

T l l i ' test and -4-H home economic^ Judglng.and junioL slyle-drias

- The Ida- •’cvfew.Bliors has An, FFA fal beef Judging com- lev J r .. of petition got underway at-1 T3-m'-

' Friday, followed by. FFA filling lursdny a t if’’d 'sijowing of all dairy andi’ conven- ^^et classes and a 4-H senior

style dress review.Ies 'Twiii Queen contestants' ridinR tor su rn n « ‘he litle ot Miss Rodeo Idaho E Twin bcRan a t 2 p.m. In the arena.

WJpncr of the state contest oss-Reeie, will be..announced a t the'.final nrptldonf Performance of the rodeo Satur- vlce nres- ilaV- evening.

Lew' Agricultural dcmonstnilions In ' tho'4-H department took up part

u fff John of aflcrnoon and another go- V Dale R [““"‘Jiii Adams arena. Pre-rodeo enter-3n yvaums, „ | | , include band mu-rt. Tnn s and dfJIIs by the Filer Wran- u c non! glcreltcs Riding Club.

The Hollisier Grange tecclved __ a special award from the fair

board-foi-the-exhlblt-beatreni*• f p ) phaslzlng the lOflih-anniversary

of the Grange-ln theme e f dece- I y ration. Large gold lighted stars C f ; 0" * '■c'* background and gold

lettering carry out ihc Ijo year theme. Filer Grange received, honorable mention. I

— “ Tho-xovetcd'flrstTJlBCBTnvnrd!top uffi^ ^ ----------------------------------------- ••

n o Work- 1

5 sSuryeyor ] S Small Chei

d ' S ' c ? CAPE.KENNEDY,. F l., (AP) I become — Riding inio^pace on the most I depletes accurated mocn rocket ever and 19G7 launched by the United States,

Surveyor 5 raced today toward irn nAA “ landing with a cam*

ne 160,000 era and a small chemistry hb mlted p r ^ to analyze the soli. ■

lup-trueha-Jisscmbly apcctactilar-space-doubleheader

that started Thursday night with not think the orbiting ot milltons of “ as-

•c 'lo~end trobug5''-~nnd~plants-In"a—blo

n 'ie 'l le r ? .•

,o r . - c e n Sugar-Emlc r~ ^ o a n -

ime Ford 'e ....... - By CATHERINE TATE----------- :------- Tlm es^ew s-Siatf-W riter—.V . Officials of the Amojgamated / \ T Sugar Co. and representatives

i } X v ~ nf'several beet growers* organ.izatlons -failed- lo reach agree* ment on beet contracts tor n u l

/ — '— ^ ycar"during-'n“ meeUnR-Friday. _ — Accocding lo Jock Claiborne.

_ president, of the Idaho. Beet hc^700 ex- Growers Association^ a contract

ghtseelng. T»any was rejectrt by the grow- 't is plan- < rs after Friday morning dis-

. , • cusslons a t ihe Holiday Inn^ De-

il K " S «mi™°ncedf ‘ ;■Id during •' ^ e negotiations cover the i-new dis-* company*wIde --o p e r a t i o n i. « named Amalgamated o p e r a t e s In ce of gov> Northern Utah, Southem Idaho tomatrcal* and Eastern Oregon.:andldatcs More-than 40 grower*' repre- hlll, Cald- sentatlves and company officials Msip J r ., participated In the discussloiu'.. . . . EaHlcr.,on Thursday, the grow-'

:Iosb with ers had met fo agree on term* -lutibicSH’ of-thc ■ ■ pruposed-wntractsr-Dc- illlam E. tails of their demands were nol of Idaho available.

tcilo, will Mr. aalbornc. K i m b e r l y .heads, the growers negotiating

, _ committee. vChlef. company. Jie-.___ _ gotiaior. lsiKcllh.Oreme,tAmal-_____ executive vice presl-

Mr, Claiborne .pointed out that JS y 'h 'ad f“Hure to negotiate a contract Tice-with dtlBing the firsf contract confer- a l senate 0"ce is somewhat routine, and

- C a i ^ l c som e’ p rom ss^^s '^*m aae*“ ln Catholic— view o f-the earliness o f the lis advan* conferences.)f face in "This conference was held >n the two much eariler than Is-jjsual, due im portant to - th e - fa c tr th a t- tn a ry -o th e r ^ t e and contracts in other slates have or of the n h e ^ y ^ n ncgoUaied,” he

Iw ^ c w s r -E a rlle r-con tracf^-U lks.— he rs usually said, allows the farm er to plan the flam- ahead . /o r fall planlbg.' Pre- j ^ , . v iQ iisly;~iag0 tittl0M ' 'Btarted

----------- :___1 .' • __ _ _ I______ _

to C o u n tie s ____ j ___________

jpdrG roworted-Foi At Filer

tils d a y at for artistic arrangements in the r fair drew flower displays went to the Twin 16.004 per- Falls Garden Club with iLs fair b o ard theme. “Salute to thc GranRC." ils Is about [eatutlng' llowers in gold con- a r’s second lainers oRalnst a dark brown

■ background. .:rowd was The Petal Pals, Castleford, •West End won sccond place with-''Yester- ; of rain, day’s Treasures'" 'and . t h I r d ed In puhl, placc was awanJcd to the Amcr.-

and’-most lean War Mothers. Twin Falls. )n so that Tho Countryside Flower Club,

could at- Twin Fails, was first in_ quality, with the Filer Woman's Club

■ ■ 'activities placltig“sccond-a tid -n ie r-S iaT I livcsloek Soclel club, Ihird.4-H round A ’’olessed event" fn the,iwlnir con- swine bam Thursday morning cconomlci

jlyle- dress ____________ _________

jssM eat Cu'FFA filling

•:":No Talk!>dco Idaho

By BONNIE BAIRD JONES . Times-News Staff Writer

Cn M, -Represematives-of-the Amal- ixJco Satur- Meat Cutlers and. Butchcr Workmen of North

2 America. AFL-CIO. Local 368, In Twin Falls Friday confcr-

c wa«i held membersSdM enter. I**® independent Meat Co. ' ^ n d mu siafl. said they have been un- Filer Wran. succcssful in attempts to set up w ran ^ company offi-

m ^h e® tl? M als,'Nampa, businessl^-bSV env *ccntJoiL.Local_3G8.^?.alduihc irinlvcrsnrv Amalgamated Mcatcu^tcrs have X dec? heen-m'akiog efforU . lo .me<5t flhled stars 'viih.lhe struck company since i and sold Pickets were put o n ' the -site 1C jbo year Thursday morning, e received "Thur tar we havo m ade no

progres.1 In negotiations. To our lace~sward knowledge—the—company—has-

or Races To ]V Chemistry Lab- Fla. (AP) medical laboratory nam ed Bio- )n Ihe most salelllte 2.>cke: ever Spider-shaped Surveyor S ted States, started Its Intended es-hour, 221,- lay toward 575-mlle lunar journey aboart krlth a cam* an Atlas-Centaur rocket that imlstry hb blazed away from>Cape Kennedy

a t 3:57-n.m. EDT. nehlng be- Several hours later, the flight a im axcd 'a control center a t je t V ropiiisM lubleheader Laboratory,—Pasadena;— CalifTT • night with reported the c r a t t ^ n s on a ms of “ os- ncar-perfect coune tha t was -In--a—blo only-37-milestiff itii^nrset point

Eirm Of f er ls

TATE' after the first of tho-ycar.---------W riter--------nwhllo—no—agreement. ..hasojgamated b^en reached during this con* esentatives fercnce, the growers feci that :rs* organ* some progress has been made. !Ch agree- We plan to meet' alja future date ts tor n u t with the company bfficials lo ig-Friday. Iron -out our diftensnces,’' he Claiborne, said. Fuyher negolmiions were

laho. Beet not likely, he concluded, until a contract afler tho harvest; - ugci^-com* —Oth«p-<i«iol«l»-attBndlng-wor*■ the grow- Harold Thompson, vice presi* )mlng dis- dent of the Utah Growers Asso- ly Inn. De- cidtlon; William Carson, presi*

— ganizatlon; Clydo Greenwell. cover the president— lo f '^ h e Minidoka r a t i o n s . Countv. Growers . Association, ‘a t e s In ond William Beck, president of lem Idaho the Lower Siiakc R iver organ­

ization. The Company also was er*' repre- represented by Harty Elcockf ny officials production hianager, and Robert IlscussIoM. Lane, controller. 'ir i- the.growi - . _. — ..M -l.-lt on term*

r - S U m esllg T egt Spreading Thi- - By-The-Assoelited Press -

m e ,.A m a„unre» t-in -lhe-ranks of-thc-na.lion's teachers widened today as

, . . . . ifieB aliim ore school system Ml out that was threatened with a strike. 1 contract Detroit teacher* , rem alned-oul sc confcr-and New Yoric City schools utine, and braced for a 'th rea ten ed mass

m a a c “ ln -M oFe’thairBOaWKJ ybungsWH ss o f the were already enjoying ex tend^

. . summer vacation) In Michigan; was held Broward County, Fla., E ast St.

jjsual, due Louis. ' 111., and McCracken lany - other County, - Ky.."Strikea in • Bald Utes have more and New. 3forlt could add laied/* he neatly 1.3 million to th a t total.

ihe BaltliMre leaptierT union -talks;— he saldra strlke'could occu r before ler to plan tho end of next week a fte r nego lUng; Pre- llatlons- with ’ Schftol-'offlclals i'-;stB rted broke:daw n 'H )tI^day-everba^

* Final -sir Edition

C ■ t e n C EN T3

o w d I sFof^^F— ler Fairncnls in the Is drawing crowds to view the i ; to the Twin 10 new baby pigs born to a b with it-s sow owned by Jerry Kruse and i he GranRC." sons. Filer. The mother sow n gold con- 3ocs not seem to relish tho -^arK brown figwds ^grjnL'.n^ her nnd hec—

.' • . litter, biit'the 10 small babies Castleford, parade around like true

1 th - ''Y este f-‘'hams." ‘ '♦and . t h 1 r d Sunset Memorial Park was [0 the Amer.- awarded an engraved plaque for Twin Falls, first place in merchants' ex- -lower Club, hibits. Their display,- set up in - It in_ quality, thc new Merchants' building Np._: iman's Club 3. features a llghtc’d' indoor pooli -n ie r - s i i tF aim fi6werj.- i . ___ __•- . . f r r z :

Second place winner Is the I t" fn the QuaJlty Wood Products which Js ay morning‘ See T .F . FAIR, pg. 2, coL S

Cutters Say alks SlatedID JONES not made any move toward of*[f Writer fering a package that could f- lh e Amal- Belilo-Ihe-dispute,’- -M r.-M a ls— lutlcrs nnd added.

7°^ our. demands are■ Local 368. reasonable nnd Just and are [day confcr- not out of line with wages paid R members jn mo Industry by-other Indo- int Meat Co. pendent packers of southern

continued.fmnnnv n fff At the plant Jn Twin Falls, the >mpany offl- spokesman said. sUrt- t>a. bunlhcss '"S '?>■ employes are JI-80 ia xnirf .thp •‘our in the packaging ,de- S l t i c r l ^ e Parlm cntrup:to:K .05-hourlr*r—

l i S e m g l . g _ ^ l L U » .r 3 t . . o l , . ! l ) .mpany since * .o n '' die -site other plants, he said, begin*

ning rates arc from $2 to $2.22 ve mode no PC I’ouf for packaging depart*Ions. To our nicnt cinployes and 52.1^ to mpany—h te —; See -STRIKE,' pgj ■ 2,- eoL- <--------

Co Moon With Laboratorynamed Bio- In the Se# of, JroiiquUHy.

That’s the, most accurate ;ufveyor 5 shooting yet In. 27 American- 55-hour, 221,- moon launchings.Tiey aboard “ We're on a real good course rocket tha t that will require only a small ape Kennedy mldcourso motor correction to

x . . h , n i f r .t f ropuision systems aboard the craft were xmer— CelifTT woritlng-well;-------------------------------w as on a The moon vehicle-is to settle ' r tha t was genlly onto the m om 's surface ta rg e t point Sunday-night to .'Wvestlgate a ~

potenUal astronaut landing site with a camera, and a miniature

^ I M chtmistiy lab that may, tor the n ~ l S KlenUsts what^ elements aro present- In the Uh

narsoll... . . . The planned touchdown area

D T p l % r B^ln "ifte Sen o f I 'rahqulllty ! 4 * 'V /X » J miles Jrom the. Crater Moltke.

The Iwo^hot, spectacular

^ drm T eiK inn irm nilo irinsecty ;—fhM plants and bacteria rode a Della

L iS . «*!<« <n‘o an orbit-about 200 miles above the e a ^ .

During three days In space,» speclmens-are to grow, re-

f p r o d u c e and eat' to determine 3 ™ S low blolosle.1 processes-oro nt- luded, unul fccied by space weightlessness..

vice presi* c l u d ^ p a i ^ l i i c ^ s ^ r v ^ h e S f oWers Assth gnmg fjour beetles, pepper - won, pwsi* plants, wheat seedlings., frog

Greenwell. -n,e National Aeronautlcs^and Minidoka Space Administration .report^

Association, some'difficulty-in^sendihg. radio president of commiinds to the BlosateUlte. • liver organ* Officials said they were over­ly also wos coming the problem by repeat- ~ rry Elcock, ediy transmitting eoch com- , and Robert mand until It is accepted by the

T ..payload, x . •

rTggclrers’Ranks ig Through Grantrye d 'P rn s - gaining- prbcedures-and-noft----s-of-thc-na. le a c h in g .d u U e s_ S * _ _ _ _ _ _led today a s T h^unlon reoresenUng B.OOO - ool system feachers" 'saTd-, ,d aises.* woull h a strike, open MQsdfty"is scheduled but m alned-oul wamed-Mhat the city's more -tf Illy schools than '194,000 pupils «m i^ t .be .lencd m ass back-out-lnuhe parics.and.play*-

I youngsters W(ek. X^fcnvben^nip ftVMUOB ng extended was called for Tuesday. " * n Michigan; In Michigan, picketo contin* la.. E ast St. ued to march in m any of, the 30

McCracken school districts wfaete eontracU » in-B ald* a te y e t lo b e sfped ;.N earl^halt-- k could add a million youngsters la 17 dls*1 th a t total, trlcis-indudlnz ,300.000 l a De* i'Ch'erT^nlon troii—remalnea^ aociiea - out- o f- , occu r before their-classrooms.-— :------------------

ly everbar> ^ - T E M » E M , ; P g r V

Page 2: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

2 ' Twin Foli» Tlmo»-New«


-Temperatures--' - - — -

N a t i o n a l r i ;By n>® AssocUlwJ P«M 15

'A lbany, c l e a r ......... 78 « . . .

A i l S ' l “oudy“ ^.* S 65 j)l Jo

Buffalo, d e a r ......... 80 M M *t- Chicago.-cloudy . . . . B2- 60 , . . to

ClnclnnaU. cloudy . . M 59 . . W, Cleveland, clear . . . 80 58 . . fo

■ Krwrfc;: ?! 13Helena, clear ......... 81 68 . .IndlanapoUs, cloudy 85'57 . .jacksonWlle, cloudy,8S 72 . .Kansas O ty, c lear . 86 59 . .Los AfiReles. cloudy 83 66Louisville, mln . . . . 83 61 T “[Memphis, cloudy . . 81 S9 . .Miami. cloUdy......... 96 75 . . -nMilwaukee, c lear . . 78 53 . . ,g MpIs.-Se.P.. c lear . . 82 58 . .New Orleans, c lear . 86 68 . .

----- N ew T ofiC ^lW . . . M a *"OWa. City, iloudy .. 82 62 « *

• Omaha, c lear-r ........ 82 58 • thPhiladelphia, clear 82 65 . . eaPhoenU. c le a r ....... 98 76 . . wlPlttsburRh, c lear . . . 80 59 . .

. Ptlnd, Me., clear 69_.65 . .PUnd. Ore.. cloudy . 83 58 '

- X ■St. Louis, cloudy . . . 85 - 65 ,03 .

— Salt Lk. City, cfcwdy“8 7 - e 3 - ^ “ San Diego,'cfoudy . . 75 66 . . t“ San Fran., cloudy ...64 55 . . *«'SeatUe, clear ......... 75 50 . . »Tampa, c l e a r ......... 88 75 . .Washington, c lear . . 84 65 . .

ai'- ^ A l a s k a , C a n a d a , .

H a w a i i ?High Low Pr. wl

Calgary .................. ;'72 37 (oE d m o n to n -...'.... '... 68 37 mRegina ...................... 74 39Winnipeg .................. '80 50V ancouver.................. 69 53 ,

___A nchorago-.......'...-50_47., f"^ F a i r b a n k s .................61 35 th

Juneau ...................... 57 51 .07 afHonolulu .................. 80 -76 -,04 =■

I d a h oHigh Low P r. ^

A berdeen ........... . 83 52 gB ear Lako .............. 87 41Boise ........................91 68Burley ...................... 86 62 p,

II-- SFairfield ....................83 39 ,Gooding ....................91 61 'Grace ........................ 83 50 ^.. ...................................... 50

_ U a l I e y - . . .^ . . ^ t ^ _ M _ S 3Idaho Fall* ............. 82 50

— Jerome—rTr.-»4.v«»f»-01—60-----------Kimbcrly .................. 88 59Kuna .........................M 54Lewiston .................. 69 61 _Malad ...................... 87 82 ' . f lMountain Home . . . . 90 65 * Parm a . . . . . . . .r .- ; . - . 93 55

-P o c a te llo - .. .. ., . ........ 86 53. Preston .................... 87 55 f ‘

Rexburg .................. 83 51 I"

------------------------ Br

V Magic Valley---^Funerals— jS

W ENDELL-Funeral services “• for AlWnT."Y6uhg will'be con^ ji« ducted a t 2 p.m. Tuesday-at the bu F irs t Methodist Church In Wen- « dell by Rev. Edward V. Har- pa greaves. Friends may- call a t |e

. the church from noqn Tuesday wj nntll tim e of services. Arrange- ] ments a re under the yrw tion of fnj

Home, B l a d ^ t . Ca-------- . 30.

'TWIN FALLS — Funeral ser * . j vices for E . H. (Harry) Bean we

— w niT »~ a )rid u c ied n it~ ii-a :n i: nv Monday a t the WhKe Mortuary du

- .Chapel by -R ev. .Donald Hoff. J9.man. Concludlng T ltes' will bo ke< hekl a t Sunset Memorial Park Th

‘ Cemetery; - Jnj

’ JEROME — Funeral services for John Vos will bo conducted J”■f, n M»nHny In keiFuneral Chapel by Rev. John Pf* N. G arrabrandt Final.rites wlJl cle be held In Wendell Cemetery. ^

Saturday night. Sunday and Monday until time of services.

------ GLENNS FERRY— Funeral f eaervlces for William W. Knox will be. conducted a t 11 a.m. Sat* urday a t the Glenns Ferry High School by Rev. Hugh G. Winter-

- .■tt6en, Mountain Home,'assistedby Dean William B. Spotford X'.

— JK rB oIs8 “Eplscoparcatticdrat. EY;■ -L att-rltes-w ill be held in Glenn ’ Rest Cemetery. Funeral ar.

rvngements are ' being handM r.-i by Gibson Funeral Home, Boise,

CASTLEFORD F u n e ra l 9er- SHl vices for Mrs. Sarah (Sis) Hud- <

&sos-rwiU^be=condueied=at^:30 e=* pja.-Saturday-«t.lha.Ca5tlefort i k Methodist Church by Rev.- Paul 22

• ^V. U R u e and Rev. R. J . Ken- d u Bedy, Final rites will be held in felt the Buhl Cemetery. FrlerSds e

- til 8 p.m . and Saturday until ly!■ noon. ' —

CIVIUANS KILLEI) -^ .T Q K Y O (AP) w-North'.VIet- , 1 .

tiam clalmed today that more . than. 500 civilians were killed :

rr»nd-«M n^l;100rwotmded-by-y;6 ,- — forces, m ostly aircraft, jn_, as- aa'iilu In NohJi -Vielnam during'' ' ' •

-th® first six-monthf of 1W7.— j— :

- " V V .

»-News -Sept. 8-9, 1967


res- —-MaghrVpie;. . , . Few-shpwen to ^ y , e le a r l^ ai

— • - toBlght and-Satardayr Not quite T so warm. Winds m ostly less than ^ 15 miles per hour, but a chance p

53 02 S'>*ts above 30 miles per 41 65 J)1 hour near Isolated thunderabew- a 44 ers. Shomr probabilities lower. G

'~eO~-*'!-7 b it to » p«r-ccot.of.kts.toolght S I M ‘ M Saturday. High la 80s, low S2 h

60 . . to 62, except Cam as. Prairie u 59 ' . . Klgh In 70s, low 42 to S2. Outlook it 58 . . for Sunday Inercasliig clouds It 50 . . Sunday and ehanea fo r consider^ tc

able—ihower—actlv lty -Sundsy It50 . . night er Mosday. Temperatures It

1 Synopsis, Far» " Oondlnes. over Soulhcrn Id«- b ” " ho today is due to a minor t; f* ^ surge of moist ra ther unstable si ® a ir moving up from the soulh. n ” •• This Is expcclcd to cause scat- cl „ ** tered showers and thundershow* a I f •• ers and somewhat cooler tem- Ir

- g — 1: p«ratur(LH}day.-A_cIcarlnc-trcn(I j»02 is fore'cast to begin in Ihe west « 56 • . . this afternoon,and in cenM^l and 65 . . eastern sections tonight. Winds p|

•* will continue mostly ra ther light nl

I ;; : Five-Day 1■ U 03 More -cloudlness, scattered a - 63-/. ahowera_and_coolct_tctnpera. 0 ; ' 66—n Indlcated-for-the-ncxt n

55 ** five days. The pressure ridge n 5Q ** which bas dominated the west t( 73 ** will weaken gradually over the B ge " Northern Interinountain Re^on F

" <0 allow surges of cooler moist t< - a ir to move lit fi'om tbe Padfle

In S ) the first of tho week, n-7 -« T D p e ra lu re a -S a tu rd a y c through Wednesday will average a a few degrees above normal d

LowPr. with daytUne readings dropping p 37 to thOL^Os ta tho c a s t . and si 37 mostiyvlho lower. 80s. In the si 39 west early next week. Night e; ““ lemperatures will cool more

slowly with- lows In the 40s to ~3S’ t h o 'e u f a n d 50s In~tho“ wcit g51 .07 after' tho first of (ho week with g -76 -,04 = - ---------------------------- ----- rr:-

Magie Valle:2 s t , Benedict’s, Jerome

Admitted®“ Mrs. Dorothy RhoQde.5, Twin « Falls: Mrs. Ward-Chlttock nnd FSS-----1. Mm_ Alma Rlcman^ bolh Harcl- Ic^ ton; Jason Jennings, Eden, and

- P — Willlam-Austin^Wendell^----- - -30 DIsmlsed, ei st Dean Sisson. Wchdoll; Jason P< 50 Jennings, . Eden; Mrs. Mary F 50 Thomas and Mrs. Ralph Dur- Cl 53 ham. bolh Jerome, and Mrs. a» •so"— Jamcs-DrydcnrHazeltom-----------

I VaUey ” - Traffic Courts a53 Fined by Rupert Justice of the « Peacc Roy G. Archer for speed*

Ing were James L. Casao. 18, , , „ Rupert, $40; Warren Heines, 37, ^ “ Rupert, 518; Delbert R. Combs,„ 21, Heybum, $22 bond; Daryl M.„ Nelbaur, 19, Paul; L. Steven ” Bott, 21, Rupert; Reuben Lee J;

Bronson. 25. Burley, and Arthur ** l - _ K. Rathe. 20, Rupert, J20 cach.

and Randy L. Rupard, 16.-Ru- 5--------jB rtT ^ re -f in e d -* 2 5 -e a c h -b y j j

. “jcw e Villonucva,.»._Rupcrt, 0? be con. $15; Delbert R. Combs, 21, Hey- J '-at the bum, J45; Junior -L. Robinson, -c n Wen. Minidoka. J17; Stephen M. ^ ^ Har- Fackler,18. Pocotello, « 0 : Dick- p

Ie Lee Stimpson. 21, Heybum, mU tsd.y j a . . 1, ,„r • {Jrrange- pined by Justice Archer for hr fH?” failure to yield w ere Horry o|

MgyW"K4Urmiirt."*;o, tBMesii; f t Calif.; $10, ond Boyd A. White,30, Rupert. $15.

ral ser^ . Also, fined by. Justice Archcr w ) Bean were Don W. ‘nirockmorton, 20, 0 : l -a tm : RupertrJSrfor-drlving-w ithout yJ Brtuary duo regard; Nancy K. Frazier, ui 1 Hoff. 19,-.BuTley.-$20. for failure to ^ will bo keep vehicle under control; Jim 1 Park Thomson, Burley, SIOS. for driv- ci

ng on a suspended license; Lor- .. In F . Klemlsh, 51. Heybum; $10,

ervleea driving on an expired opera- iduciS tor** license; KaUe Allen'Whlla- i I. H,:!!: ker. 52. UMeso. Tex.. $30. sus- ^ ■. John P«ndM, foTreiiurc to keep vent- . Ics wlJl clo under control. flnetery. Appearing in Gooding Police f l riiatmi Court on chorgcs of running a ^ f and stop sign were Jom es H. Canine. ■* nrlces. Woyne A. Rogers.- 30. •

Both wero fined $8 by police 77 ^nera l Judge A. V,-.Carter. Henry L dl

lS ? x 'l k t '1 8 , was fined 413 for h( tn Snt. speeding, and John L. Rico Jr..V H khWinter. ‘J” ''® reasonably nnd prudently. Q| SslsiiS Robert A. Wood. 18. and Emil m

V. Pauls. 68. were bolh fined $15 W K ? by-Judge_C artcr.for fipeedlns, •

Ella Bellegante. 35. was; fined or $15. charged with failure to yield Fl the right of way. Lynn RIcnard gh

'tS?t . LoCrolx. 15,'and J o e ^ . Olcnlk. • H. bolh rceclvcd 5uspcndt(l du

. - fines for driving a t night on a Fl v ti^ r< J»y tJn ie .llccnsc .,_ _ _ • _ de \ Venna C Jones..4e, and Glen gr ‘~ 5 3 0 s.-Thurb«f.'=2 irw « r« ^ lh - f rn c d ch

. Ken- charge, arid Eileen S. Ball, for* Sa lield in felted a $15 bond, fo r speeding.'Bl ■rieisds Dan Danuser.-20. vrts-.fined ;

' until ly^____________ , _______tei

' Traffic Deaths fc.viet- , 1 , , _ _

more 1 9 6 7 . - r r .................1 6 7 .killed , 1 9 6 6 . . : - . 1 9 4

-d u r i n g 1 9 6 7 . -7T7V-. A '. -’3 4 - ' ~ 7 . - - ? 1 - 1 9 6 6 . - . r , r ? . . . 3 1 - . L

____ . .. r


i^ e y Eorecastrp |clearlog a t 8 B.m.: 12 a t Jerom e, 61 at 'ot-oiilte T .^ ._W ea(ber-B ureau.w Ith-77 ^

per cent humidity, 85 a t T. F. ess than Entomology Laboratory with 82 ^ I chance pe , cent humldily. 61 a t Rupert, lies per 45 at-Fairfield; 55 a f H ailey.-67 P lerabew- a t Buhl,, 63 at Castleford, « a t H 1 lower. Gooding.' At noon, 67 a t.T . P. Ltonlght Weather..BBreau.wIth.M.pec.c«nt!! , low 52 humidity. Baropieter: S0.14. ScAI Prairie temperatures: - At T . F ., four. le

Outlook Inch 81-66, elgh|.lneh 74-C9, 20- tc clouds Inch 71, 36-lneh 74; a t Rupert, so

onsldei^ four-inch 8&.T3; a t Buhl, threo* lo -Sunday Inch-8M « r» rC a 5tleford,-threfr- pr eratures Inch 7M6. j>li

, Farm Summarycm Ida- but will bccome strong and gus.I minor ty In the vicinity of thundc^ unstable showers this ofternoon and eve* . e soulh. ning. Saturday should be partly >, se scat- cloudy with lllUe or no shower lershow* activity. Not -much change Is ^ c r tem- Indicated for Sunday, but clouds ^ ic.trcnd nnd showers moy Increase the „ he west w®st lo tc in th c day. I 1.^1 nnA Yesterday was n lUtle warm er •*

Southern Idaho and mostv -p ■ winds places were a iilile w arm er last h icr light night.

5ay Forecast ^eattered a-chaiire-'of-ll^t-frOTFlo^somc etnpcra* or_(ho_coolcr_oreos_near_the ») :he-ncxt mlddlo-of-(ho-noxt-wc«k.- Nor> M « ridge mal maximum and minimum he west temperatures for this period are iver the Boise 80-48, Cooding 80*48, Twin ' Re^on Falls 82*44, Burley 79-(3. Poca* of

•r moist tello 79-45 and Idaho F alls 76-(3. Su Pacirie Showers will likely become th

veek. numerous and heavy enough lo Saturday eauso-aonw-delay In-harveailng ac average and other field work about Mon. wi normal day and probably Tuesday, cs- ad

Iropping peclally In south central and d( u i . and southeastern Idaho with widely v;

In tho scattered shower activity on oth* tli . Night e r days. RaIrifaU~wiriikely av.I more *>^Ee less than -.15 'of an inch cli

40s in ^-n icst areas and will probably wl noLBupply-enough-moiituro to be

!je west f^rmlnato early planted fall bj «k with grain In most dtyland areas.

rr: . of

alley Hospitalsirbme Minidoka Memorial .

. Admitted |.5, Twin Cheryl L o d m a n , American ock and Falls, ond Owen Osterhout, Dec- ^i Harcl. Io.,;::------ -------------■ . — ]■len, nnd Dismissed ^

e r and Mark Hughw, nil Ru- F I Jason pert; Cheryl Ladmon, American

Mary Fnlls; Owen Osterhout. Declo; 1 >h Dur- Clarence Courtrlght, Porllond. an d Mrs. ond Mrs. James Denny, Twin Ro

' ____ . ■ ______ waCassia'Memorial

Admitted jntKenneth Blubough, Eugene nir

i v * t c Matthews and Mrs. H arry Show, tci -U . 1 8 oil Burley, and Mrs. Otto Und* rci

. . .■sad. 18 Davis, Ralph Reno and lyines. 3t! Gillian Wlckel. all Burley. oil Combs. Berthslaryl M A son was born, to Mr. and pr •Steven J “ mes Popcorn, Buriey. A pU

icn Lee daughter was bom to Mr. and co' Arthur Fillmore, Aiblon. fic

) each. ^ — ~ oilo a k ig ; Magic Valley Memorial16. • Mary Holdreth. M rs. Ahbic ach-by urigucn rw rsr-A lfred^cnartck : i?;

son, John FIsheriW llliam Polls Rupert, ond-Uyd-Husc<m ,Twin-Falls: ^ ■I, ««y- Mrs. o : A. Jen slsv 5 < ^m c; El* [binson. Dlckard, Frank Matthews ^ w andAnnle Green, oil Buhl; Belle Sl

F i s h e r . Rupert; Thelmo V. I“ J eyburn, Mllb, Kimberly; George A.. , House, Paul; Oweii G. Osier-

H ortvw m '; ' ' ' r t . . ” ?""®” 'p o2eunicr?°WoIlo" walla']"w7sh.'^ P”

White, Dismissed. _A L« Mrs. Howard Smith. Roy w Archcr wcst, Jason Cliff, Wllliom E. "

Wee ond CIIfford_Preston. .all - r vrithout T w iii-F o lls r M rs: Joseph A. T ^rMler, Hutchinson. Buhl; William Kil- ^ luro to bom- and- Mrs“ Paul McCollun i

ond son. '011 Kimbcrly, -ond Th ?i. Shano Debban. Filer. fo

..................- B i r th s ........................A daughter was bom to Mr. u'n

'w 5 - J . " " , " " . Abblo Urisucn. iK to m, 30. sus- ' ' 1

Alvin F. Young ming a T a k p T i “R v P p f l f hera.-3o! - WENDELL-Alvin F . Young, To

police 77. longtime Wendell resident, cn' ;n ry L died Wednesday in a Blackfogc oU tlS .for hospllol Of a prolonged illness. < :Ico Jr.. He- wiis bom Jan. 6 . 1890. In 19( llure to Seattle and married Mrs.-Daisy u iidemly. Ogren Dcc. 24. 1040. in Winne- < id Emil mucca, Nev. They have, lived In Th (ned $15 Wendell for the past 17 years, mi «cdlng, ‘Survivors Inciudo^hls^'wldow, yjj s fined one sieiHlaugHier. 'M rs.' Glen fn, to yield Fisher. Union, Ore., and th n c rn ■llchard g}-ondchlldrcn. 'Olcnlk. Funerol.services will be con- ipcnded ducted a t 2 p.m. Tuesdoy a l Ihe ‘‘ 4 It on a First Methodist Church in Wen- . J

• _ dell by Rev. Edword V. Har* id Glen greaVesI Friends nioy coll a t th>! h-ffncd church:from:noon--Tuosday:untll „ P o t^ time of services. Arrangements _Li s te lla r arc u n d cn h T -d lh x U b h -b n h e | - ill. for* Sandberg-Hlll Funeral Home, ceding.'Blackfpot.(-.fined ■ — — 'failure RECEPTION SET--------------

TUffpnl* ■ 'BTiTRC ■ A -T *^pllftn— Ateachers Is planned for . 8 p ip.

---------Tuesday by Bliss PTA members. «

hs I------------ :I f y o u p l a n t I t . “

L67. o r f e e d I t r— [

- 3 4 - — ^ 31- ----JX-,-..— III-

Twfn Falls N(A regular meeting of the Twin

Falls Shrine Club wiU be beld b ' ' » Monday a t 6:30 p.m; in tha Twin v

Falls American Legion Hall. V Dinnerjwlli bo served. Airjnem* a bers are urged to attend. Sec* si «U fy^Fioyd"W hlfe announced n

‘ w iS 77 Richard SUvenT •«» of -Mr. i T t t nnd Mrs. T . W rSlIvcA.-l« JunI- ?;

uflth » per St..N., is auendlng the 34lh .S ■ H u^rV blennfni convention of Tau Kap- ■ fllle^n P« F raternity In the Bahamas.;S; M V, He^is representing the Unlver- a i’ T p »ity of Chapter of the fra*A c c e n t " * vodng delegate.__ _ ,0.14. ScAI Laying of bricka for ^ Col- tl

lege of Southern Idaho main- ai f4-€9, 20- tcnance building should b e g i n S

Rupert, jometime next week, according « il, threo* To Dr. Jam es L. TaylOr, college d,-threfr. pre9 ident.-FoundaCionk-are.com- a'

plcte on th a t building and work cl Is progressing on schedule for ci the other facilities. ■ si

• y Ann Williams, daughter 0 / Mr.__ ond Mrs. C. L Wlllloms. Route

3. reccnUy - bccame a member fu ll of tho Mormon Tabernacle Chpir >!.'

- In Salt U k e City. Miss Williams T '* Is teaching music and English P'

^ T e e n R e w lr ^ j --■Film Slated


For Sunday 8lA dram atic Olm entitled

!o-somc ''Teen Revolt" will be shown a t ? lear thn Iho F irs t Assembly of God Bk^Tior. Church, NoTth-Eoc'ilftlJlrtClJIRr f . ilnlmum Shoup Avenue. Twin Falls, a t iriod arc 7 P-m. Sunday.48, Twin ' Rev. G rady Fannin, director 3. Poco* ol the Teen Challenge Cenier, ^ Us 76-W. San Francisco, will report on ” become the work of Teen Challenge. ^

lOugh lo Tho film was produced on " irveatlng actual-gang-turfs In cooporaUoa — Dut Mon* wilh confirmed teen-age drug iday, cs- addlcts_and bealnlks. The film ^ tral and depicu tho youth who are re- ^ ll widely vpiting agolnst society, and all y on oth- that It stands for. _ikcly av. Tho’SO^mlnutc film, which liv an inch eludes interviews wilh youlhs

probably who confess to committing un- Ir sturo lo bcllevablo acts, was produced bi ted faU by tho Teen Challenge Staff. • ol areos. Rev, L. I. LaMance. pastor fc “ of tho F irs t Assembly-ofr-God ol

church, says It Is a film that oj l l a “ '1 teen-agers and their par. ol t l O ents should see. The public Is

Invlled to tho unusual meeting, w

>™ ,o.„ Police Probe I — Burglary-And |

Declo; Investigation of a burglary pi 'ortlond, end suspected arson a t the Paul ar y. Twin Roberts Sieel and Industrial tii_______Supply.Co.r-35a-Fourth-Ave-W., _

was under way Friday morn- m ■■ " Intfby TWln-Falts-cityTXjllcc.— th

onfcers said someone broke di Inlo the building during the st

Eugene night or enrly momlng, by cn- y Shaw, tering a southeast window after nl to Llndr rcmoving-an a ir conditioner. wi

Small tools, mostly sockets, ne and valued a t nn amount rough- sv

ono and ly estimated a t $175. were taken, fa y . olficers said. th

Tho breakin was discovered Vlr. and prldoy morTiing when an em- wi urley. A pioye reported for work ond dis- wl Mr. and covered fire In the building of- pi lion. flee. . Firem en answered the ba

alarm and in the process the hlj

a i r p i . = . « d sAv,i,u someone had deliberately set the wi

two desks , n number of office do nV papers arid other orflco equip:

m n t . It w a s beireved t h e W wi ?. Rrru 8lnry and fire are connected, ri«

police sa id . .. ■ wiA The busin ess Is managed by tir

neiip ! l>el Bylngton, Twin Falls, and Sc Tnnn«?r 1^0 fire W88 discovcrcd and re- l? r . d ’ ported b y B ill Brown, an em- re WMh. ™

Si/g Mrs. Thayer S S | D i ^ f 9 0 — IIcCollun HAGERMAN-Mrs. Effie Mae X ly, -ond Thayer. 90, Hagcrman resident

for 28 years, died F riday a t 3:40 j , , ■ ■ n.-m. In the -Harral Nursing ^ Mr. Home; Buhl, following a short

n* Twin jiincssV- ~ - • ‘ - o Born M arch 28. 1877. in King's

■— -------V atlcyT -O rcrr^he-rea ided -inHailey for five yeors With a son al and his family before moving pc

j+ U with the fam ily to Hagerman. H * * — - Prior - to - that-ahe-ieslded-in dt Young, Toledo, Ore., Where she was ar

•esldent, employed for many years In the lackfoQt office of the.couniy.clerk. of llness. She was m arried In the early hi 1890. In i900's to D r. Sheldon S: Thayer rc 5. Daisy in Oregon” , Al

Winne- Survivors ore a son. S. Z. ta lived In Thayer,‘HOgerman; a daughter, R ’“ f f Mrs. L. N. (Mary) Skold, Knox- th -•wWow; ville..Tcnn.,.and.n.brolher,.CIU; « J. Glen f(jTd Crosno and one sister, Mrs. •" d three xm a cildersleeve. bolh Toledo. v» Ore-, six grandchildren and 15

great-grandchildrcn. It/. ® The body will be taken to To-

^ Hn?* letJo. O re- ^or funeral services n iif ih v nnd rites. Friends may call -

B & B lQMS I "’i-_______ “THE M o s t" ••

em b e k - - d u .. tv , « « i« n « in ^ jiiMnlt, etioln towt, tmmtvt, bln. Mwtvn. lap* (•CMrian. erilwfy,

1 .Bftrf en]r_«lUr valu*.

„ B & B LOANS: -----UTHE-MOSt»--------

------- - MAIN ANO-SMOSHOHI-Snin-- ~- • I ..^IWDnLTO-YIUOW-CABl^ ^

lls Newg &i Brief (the Twin A new evening TOPS group is be beld belng-foimed In Twin Falls and '

tha Twin will .hold i t i -Initial meeling on Hail. Wednesday, Sept. 13. at 8 p.m. . Airjnem* a t tho )iome of Mrs. H. L. Arm^ end. Sec^ strong one ond jthree-qUarters nnounced miles soum oi Mutn i^arx on f

Washington Street Soulh. All In- tercsted persons are Invited to "

K il i lU r tho.raectlng.onclep.hone S ' tho Mlli for.addiiional Informa- |J't&u Kap- 1 '__________ 8Bahamas. ___V- ' ~ • '! Unlver- * ®If the fra* A ^ i ^ . r a i l - u

.< C » n lta c d _ E n in i_ E « c .O n ;): “ the Col- the Merchant.n building No. 2

ho main- and third place award was th\: ", 1 b e g I n Soullicrn Idaho Life Onderrfri. “ according ters. in building 1. - ' ^r, college This is th e first year that . aro com- awards-hBV4~-becn-given4 <Mn<)r. ^ md work chonls and it probably will be- ' edule for come an annual event, sold Tom “

Shouse, sccrclary-noanogcr. p ro f Mr The nnllquo building is liter- jj " S e ally bm-sllos n t ihc st«mJ wilh ^

a recond number of entries this -S r year, said M rs. Milton Hanson,

w il^ m s Filer, superintendent. Nearly 200 i S u h P ' e c e s of d e a r , pressed glass 1 Srhnot ore entered In that deparimcnt

icnooj, dlffprent color i_ of glass has a large ossortment. j.- f -- --------- Many-cxhiblts-ln-lh is-dcpart. j,H t . ment a rc ol museum-plcce qual-

'lly, the superintendent -noted, p

i who added tiiat-as inlercst In- crcascs.each year in-antiques, -j- more and more.peoplo arc be- ginning.to bring Oiclr choice a r - J . l y tides for dUplay. p

*Cn(iti«H Spcclal Items on disploy this t shown M ycar.include a har,d - whittled r, shown a t ^ j nmdc of-wlllow-wlth t tjL S J n -V lil^ t to lfi'.m il il'fil In Ihr *

sam o-farally -for.five gcncra-Falls, a t

director Another unusual Item is a c, I Center man's leather halbox lined with ^ «f«rt nn red velvet and containing a silk q. E ‘ophat, owned by Mrs. Howard » S 'o „ w L m » n . T v v l n F . . K ■ “ Dpcration -S a tu rd ay ia grand J ina 3_day q im drus and.a free horse show will begin i, m mm noon, sponsored by the FilerI are re- Wranglereites. The awards as- ^ ’ and oil sembly will b e held a t 2:30 p.m.

Saturday in th e Tom Parks Me- . wWch'In: morial-Pavilion.- ' --------- «II youlhs Special demonstrations a re b e - ^ itting un- ing presented In tho Merchants ^ produced building No. 3 every afiemoon « ) Staff. - of the fair. This building was•. pastor formerly the 4-H building, north ,, rTjF<}od bf-the-A rt-Buildine.-'rhc-dem - U rilm that onstration* a r e frco and plenty ® lelr pari of seating is provided. &public Is Included in Fridoy's schedule " meeting, were a sewing demonstration a t '■ - 2 p.m. by Skinnefij Sewing Cen-' l ter, followed by a painting dem- »

l I l P onstration a t 3 p.m. by the Art ^ Guild. Mrs..^ George KImmeit,

Fi fl “"mlntcra eoa ceramics a t 4 p.m. - oi

1----------SkiunUy.’i.dcn«m3 ttntlpn3 .wlll ll, include scwlng’by Mrs. Skinner h<

at 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. Bonnie’s n burglary Flowers, Buhl, will show flower F the Paul arranging and floral dcmonstra- fc nduslrlol tio n sjjt 3 p.m. atAve-W., —Thursday’s—pra^rodeo enter, ih y mom- talnment featured .^muslc by tji ■police.— tho'Tller'lilgh'School-band-and -- le broke drills by the Twin Falls county n ring the sheriff'n posse. ci:, by en- Crowds attending' Thursday t|i ow oftcr night's rodeo were greelcd by j , loner. warmer temperatures than W ed-« sockets, nesday night, a n d also by ]j

It rough- swarms of Insects tho t bolhered ti re taken, fans during the earlier part of ni

. the rodeo. «scovered The first go-round of the rodeo an em- was completed Thursday night u, ond dis- with Ronnie Coll taking top y,

Idlng of- place during the evening in the red (he bareback rialng contest with a p. cess the h l ^ score of 67. In second placo sd. , was , Larry Mahan on Wagon r ippearcd Master,_scorc_of_fl4^and_lhIrd y set the was Lariy Pctheridge astride

V h r c S '* B m A ri« ? S ip e tin g Wednes- ^ of_ office day night, _wos the _top_steer0 eouip- Wrestler of- the first go-round ^ the bur. with a Ume of 5.8. Jack Roddy, „ mnected, ndlng In ‘ITiursday nighl's event, £

. . wrested sccond place wilh a , , aged by time of 6.3. followed by Mark ills, ond schricker, third, 6.9. - ^1 and re- in first go-round cowgirls bar- z : on cm- rcl racing. Darlene _ Swanson.

first ploce w ilh 17.7 seconds, ev • „ Taking second place while rid-

Ing Thursday night was Linda Campbell witii 18 seconds. Third ^

----------- place-was-a-tie-belwccn-.TrudyHayes, Linda Jo Swanson and

m o M . e i 'X " “ ' ‘"I”resident capturing first place ‘Thurs- U

y o t 3:40 ja y night Ci saddle brine riding hi Nursing winstoh Bniee. Tiding Com- a short with o score-of 70. Holding 58

;• on to Whlt Bong-for the count ^In King s and grabbing second wos Lorry ec aided-in OTmianTfdlowrerby MerHyiaBiir •« ith a ^ atop Quein Sobe, third with 68 {°

moving points. . ,jermon. Top wil'd cow milkers Thurs- tslded-in da^ght-w ere-H arold-Pelerson -m she was and Oz Allen, bolh Filer. ' I ra In the Mark Schricker, wilh a. Ume I rk. of 13.1, placed first by proving | Jie early his speed and a^ llty in tho coif |

Thayer roping contest Thursday night.- | Also riding Thursday night and I

1, S. Z. taking.second place was Bob I laughter, Ragsdale. 13.2. In third tilaco a t I d iuox- the conclusion of the first go- I ter. Cllf- round was Bernard Betz, 13.5, | ter,*'Mrs. I

p sin to To- MONEY . I

I J C ' V anilri family, -

Call m e-for detail*

r * -VERt=MiGHAM= :Insurone# Agent

cntmrt. 1632A 0D IS0N AVE. E. roi-.. 733-2623'

i S STATE-FARM” ------- - |7M.i.-«t]-IIF n w U j« R crc5 7 ~ “

7 otflttii II—mlnflUn, lirTvOl

. - " • ' V . . ^

o r . i M S ' -

C r « B t egroup is

Plans "MeetL-Arm: . . , , . '

, More than 100-ratmbers o f.tb tu : if Atl iJ? Internaiionol ^nsum er- Credit c

Association, Southern Idnho Rc- a w tiSone Blon. are expected to gather n t n

the Holiday Inn-here Soturday ll for opening sessions of the

_ group's annual confercnce. f<. The two-day event begins o t S

• f , 9 a.m ., according"to Lorry Kom- o U l' lofske, choirman. manager of C

the Twin -Falls Credit Bureau, tl pN O - 2 ■'The-Southern Idaho-ICCA;, he p

urt. noicd, includcsi reprc.ieniatlves C W p n iri of about 17 credit bureaus south tl maerwH. Salmon River. Business E

and professional people from tho oS L Z S “ ™“ . “ “ 'I ' •" "fepresentativesrTin!-expected-to -,»M ^ attend the conference. f< jold Tom y^„,ong topics to be discussed C® during the meeting nre college ii

.f.u loans, the BankAmerlcord. o liIries^his uniform cortimerclal c ^ e , form dHanson, - ' ' • - - i,

early 200 O . *1 ced filnss f e tT lk e -jarlmenl ^ i•nt color (Continued From Page One) lortment. ^2.51 i„ other plant depart- t I.depart* J,tee qual- Top rates for packaging em- d t- n o t^ , ploycs here nre $2.15 while else- n crest In- ^h c re plonts pay '$2:30 to S2.49. 0 ; anUquM, T o r common labor rotes are ^ ore be- j2.25 In Twin Fail» compared to d

holce ar- jj .g i j2,G3 In ot^er planU. v For tho moroUkllled,employes, tl

jilny this exclusive of-lead men. the top ai whittled rates arc about $2i 0 here ond low-wlth tJ.i2'io'$3.18~In Pocatcllo ond a;d J o - the ®oJs«r-Mi=n-MaJ*-s8 j d _ ----------p,genera- union official said the K

, Increases of. approxlmolely 2 5 'b cents per hour for Ihe first year Ic

ned wi h js ^ents per hour for each C of the next two years, wilh rc- IV

•Howard urcm ent programs considered, d aro-justified when compared to r

na}3 dn^ aihCE_plflnt3_Hc_SQltL50ineJn JB «1I begin Idaho are paying beginner rates b Lhe Filer a , high aa $2.63 ond $3.03 and N ards os- top rotes of $4.02. is

"We wish to stress that wo S are ready ond willing to meet

. a t ony time day or night nnd ? s a m be- ^ jjj make every effort to get to- r

Rether in 0 meeting with the g company,"" Mn-Mols added. e,

north Ho sold the Federal Medio- »

get tho company nnd union rcp- resentolives together for on

S™ S •'"I™''"-, , ^ ,ring Cen- Otto Florence Jr.,_, gdnerol Ing dem- mnnnger of the Independent ' ' the Art Meat Co., said Friday 'he had {Immeit, no further comment on the _ id ■ Mrs. strike other than to say his painters Plant is cl6.scd-for all-packing —

operations because of tKe strike, n llims.Wlll ItJwIll remain a t a standstill. „ Skinner Ke - said, untir a 'seltlemenl Is

Bonnie’s reached. On .Thursday—Mr. i.| w flower Florence .lold'his firm, hod of* p monstra- fered o pockagc plan of sub- „

atontlal solary hicreoscs bpt „ I enter, ihis-had-biicn turned dowa-by. dt uslc .by the.union.land-and ---Also-in-Twln-Falls-to attem pt u s county negotiations were . union offl- d«

cials; Robert Wilson, Interna- ci liursday tional rcpresentaave, Portland; j] !clcd by Jack Abbott. International rep- tv lan Wed* resentativerSalt Lake-City and pj also by LeRoy Nlemeyer, Nampa, sec- th bolhered retary-treasurer who left Friday m part of momlng but was scheduled to

' return later In the day. - ol he r t^co Mr. Mais said Independent is ci ly night th'(5 only plant Involved In a m Jng top y,ago dispute ot this time. A 8 In the ThQ- southern Idaho Meot fii ; wim a Packers A.ssociatlon, nn organ- th nd placo izatlon ’of seven plants In the y/Bzpn Valley area, ho said, hold ni

a-contract-whieh-explrea-there nc astnae two months ond nego- s>

r r r — untfons-nrirpcm irng-w lih-ihiy pc wednes* g^oyp th

- A -'conlract -between.-union -- workers nnd Independent ex* In

S ' Plred os 'p( Sept. l, he added, cr liiX n Term s of tho next contract nre y«

w „r£ sUll open, he said, although or ly Marie j„c^b e r5 hnvf proposed offers [fij j j jf . on a basis of three years.Iwonson.

h lle^l^- Concluding the evening rodeo IS Linda ftctlon was the bull riding con- Is Third 'ost. Tying for first place were n-Trudy Dave Gnr5tcad,_on.Dreamboat. son and < nd Doug Brown, riding Down-i Imes of side Up. with, scores of Q. Sec

; ond was Lorry Davis, glued to ' ‘Thurs- Little Bill for GO points, and last, le ridinn but In this sport not least, was nK Com- l>nve Marte, matching Orila for Holding 58 points. ' • - - -

he count -An eulogy to the sport of the IS Lorrv cowboy was given bv rodeo an- -Hymntr nouncer-Lex-Connolly-when-he with 68 'o ld agreeing fans that the cow-

. boy was the most Independent I Thurs- Athelcte in. the world of sports. Peierson

tilace nt ^ ■'Arst go-

d ea n ' I^ ^ M O IO IL C O U -: -j O w '~iy»-an<»T^v«rw.-=y7aa-aMi- [ ~

\ - - -f

^ ^ -------

Bi&eau Unit leetiiig Here 5srs of.tbe+credit,-rctoil credit - ancl-rcu i l W \f- Credit collection problems, m e d 1 c o-l K doho Rc- and Hbapitol collection problems w Bather n t nnd general subjects concerning In Soturday tho-crcdit Industry.

of the Spenkcrs slated for the con- ice. ference Include Garland Reed, PJ jcgins a t Snlem, Ore., a rcpresentotlve ‘r rry Kom- of Credit Bureaus inc.; ‘Myron “ nnger of Gilmore, monnger of the Scot- P Bureau, tie, 'Wash., .Credit Bureau nnd “ ICCA;-he presidCTt—o f - th e —Associoied *' eniatlves Credit Bureaus ol America for ^ lus south the Pacific Northwest aren, and Business Dr. James L. Taylor, president ■ from tho of the College of Soulhcrn . Ida* ^ t bureau ho. , olpected-to —MrrRced-will-discuss-the uni-

form commercial code, and Mr. /. discussed Gilmore will examine changes „ e college in the credit Indusi^ wiihin the •• Icord, o Inst 30 years. Dr. TaylOr will de, form discuss college loan programs. «--------r r Guest speaker a t > noon 1

luncheon Sunday will bo Sen. I Don Loveland. • Barley, repre-

-■ .5cntlng the Idaho Budget and I - . Finance- committee,

te One) spcoking during the con- ^depart- dove, which ends alter the “

----------- Juncbeon-Sunday,-H>i]]-b»'Mike S?lng em- Dilworth, Twin Falls, field rep. ‘‘ hlle else- reseatotive for BankAmerlcord; to $2.49. and Jim Bakr, Great Falls,

ates are Mont., disuict 10 ICCA prcsl- ci ipared to dent, who will discuss the od- ol r planU. vantages of elfecllve use of ol mployes. time, - and means by which to

the top achieve auch efficiency. - tj icre and Panel discussions on medical B Clio and and hospltal and retall'collecilon

said the Komolfske. noted. Panel rnem- olely 25 'bers, medical and hospital col- di irst year Icctlon problems, lodudc Mrs. fr for each Clara VanHoulcn, Magic Volley sc with re- Memorial Hospital; Bob Schroo> w

nsidered, dcr. Twin Falls Clinic,‘and Vlr- s< pared to glnla Bancroft, all Twin Falls. jfo m eJn JBcjolL_collectIon_problems wi|J ner rates be discussed by pane] members0.03 ond Nan Moon, employe of the Par­

is; Herb Poddlck. Firestone that wo S lo w , ond several others, to meet In oddiiion to conducting .varl-

Ight ond ous ponel discussions and hear- lo get to- ^ng numerous speakers, dele- wiih the gates to the conference will dded. elect, officers for next year and I Media- the date ond ploce of the contact* next annual conference,

e f f d f f to ............................................ .......

TeacherseSfndiSt nPPe“>5 £ r i n g Saturio^^on ■•hi* hnd whether drcult courts can grant ‘ if ,u“ Injunctions to foree teachers

say his " '"•'ou t contracUf back Into the

-^A^few^Ouhgalers-plckeled-in . L S ’ Detroit. "We want the tetidvcca

-Vb to-get thdr, money, but we want m 7 to ««> hack to school." said one«f‘ high 8chooi;girL’Mayor‘Jerome

had ON p_ C avana^ ' o rd er^ public or Bu^ swimming pools kept open and

? OT >w '■eereatlon lenders to stay on

__ . Some 2,000 members of tljealtem rt U idl«aT?«eralIbo-of Teachers

on . offl- delegate assembly in New Yoric Interna- c ity voted overwhelmingly ortlano; Thursday night to turn down a

inal rep- two-year, $i25<m!lllon contract City and proposal and go ahead with a ipa, sec- threatened mass resignation 'I Friday Monday.duled to The Board of Education's final

- offer must still be put to a gen* indent is oral membership meeting for fl­ed In a nal action but union president Ime. Albert Shanker said. “ I am con-0 Meat fident the members will back1 organ- the union leadership."I In the Meanwhile School Supt. Ber* lid, hold nard Donovan directed 1,500 ea-there nonteaching-members—of—the nd nego- system who hold licenses to re- /lih ihiy p ort lo ’dlsirlctDfflwrM ondaylf

the resignations occur.1. - union - Salary_demands of.the.strik- . lent ex* Ing or strike>threatenlng teach*• added, ors hove ranged from $300 a . ract nre year In Kentucky to $4,550 more although annually after two years for d offcM top-scale New York teachers.' L irs.

w Take the;amboat. ____________________

SI to Eraost, was

^ (before shH i H Y onVeproba^ tha t m h ^ h c ^ Q u c c . .

■ ■ H — r-^tK aryoiT fu in ii'ye 'u f^K Soil to Europe world’s greatest-

.................A lter'all, Europe wiltI - B ut the opportunity' to sa; I . Cunard's great Qu<

Is one you Viill hav<

p H H SeeusaQdwe'UI S j M - - - - . .. .

Q K ^ A n E T V IN F OThe Queea Elizabeth K ^ s

n ^ H l subsUQtially xtteels Inlemal ] 8 | H to r new ships devd

t ^ a q i c l - 'I Trav. , I - , 2 3 0 S H O S H O N E S


'-ao»a~ [ ------- n W D ~ 0 T H E ^~ D E G 6R T

^ V ':"—

lit Seen Today— - - --Sen.-R ichard-H lnh-and-w ife------

" looking>t a rt exhibit . . .tJlm and Peggy Rude watching flow ' ] of-crowd In midway a t faPr .

•'■■■ ^ Buzz Longdon sharing hambur­ger with son . . . Ivan andMaily_SflUires pausing to chnt___

m edico-1 KillLDavId Mead . . . Jim May 1 problems wearing pioneer-type shirt a t . concerning Inlr . • • John Hepworth. Buhl,----------- gesiurlng-whllOj^wenving-wey---------• the con- through traffic . . . Veri King and Reed, propping .up limbs of peach ?csentntlvc trew . Dr., Jomes L. Taylor c • -Mvron conducting lour of college cam-

th» ^ n i . pus . • ..Louise Flowers back ,.r.o,, *nrf nt-job a t CSl administrative of

s r .’.w THn crop . . . Mrs. Jim Slcen timing ilhcrn ld .- ^* .u . .. I of Miss Rodeo Idahelcontestant.s

s9-the unU in-route to fatrgrounds-rT^Jack------’ C Claiborne attending ngriculiurnl

* ?u. ?u! meeting . . A nd'overheard: wjihln the -Doesn’t the wealherman real-, aylbr will u,at the fair is on?’» irogroms. ( --

iv'HH Driver Training udpt «od Class Will Start<, thi. rnn. BUHL — Superintendent Rex alter the Engelklng nnnounced thnt class*, K. Mitio cs in driver’s training educa^___fidd r e ^ tfoiriviUTrgfn-M onaSr'n-ri-er------

^merlcnrd; “ •'ool at 3:45 p .m .,..eat Falls, Studcnls desiring lo toke driv*:CA prcsi- cr’s troining must be 14 ycnrs !s the od- of age by Sept. 11 and must e use of obtain a driver’s training per-

whlch to mit. The permit is nvnilablo at y, - . the county sherifFs house in n medical Buhl on Tuesdays. Bolh parenU l"colleciIon TJfj^OT:hlld*musfsign“tht: jict^

nd rnem- Classes will be held on Tues- spilal col- days and Thursdays after school ludc Mrs. from 4 unlil 5 p.m. Driving gic Valley schedule will be arranged later, ob Schroo* with driving to be held aflcr :, ‘and Vlr- school and on Saturday.win Falls. . • " iT ..... . ')lems wiUI members m * -■ ■■

FtasS.'; Twin Fallshers. • ^

ITS: - Cemetery......ers, dele-


' r . letsigei-Ofte)

A SPACESteachers ~

k into the tn •ithw »h* flat

lickeled-in ___e teachecs I ^ ^ H ' mciim (m cnijr — it we want' said one • _

New Yoricithelmlngly - .-n down a SeUcI a Companion U t I contractid with a - < w hile you a re together, •esignadon ’ -

tion's nnal ^ SPACES Plini PerFnontnt , to a gen* Componlon Marker In gran* ling for fl- If* o r bronze, C O O C

president for j u i t . . .> a . . . J Z Y D I am con- twill back ^

T w i f a l s ' sJ”«?Tr Gemefeiy ssifc- [fg“ ' t S S ‘. ‘ •A; W .-"b u i" M A D U N D -- - -m $300 a _ ^ prat, a n d Mgr. ySra^fS? AVENUE EASTarht»n! - I

the Queen Europe

Fore she goes)fo n V ep rcb a tly iead , the Queen Elizabeth's last year.

So make it this yearuinil-ye-uf^roiiiUe-tffyourself.— :------------------ --to Europe w ith C unard :Id’s greatest-ever luxury. Jlner,Europe will always be t h e r e .__ ________ _rtunity fo say you ve travelled on -d's great Queen Elizabeth you viillhavo to t ^ e sow.

us aqd we'll do rest.•' • '

?ETY IN F O W IA ’n O N lizabelh n ^ s te re d in Great Britain leets Iniemational Safety Standards V ships developed ia 1948, .

fw fclsH ONE E., 7 3 3 -1 6 6 8ITLJrHE_VXRT^ - \ q F Z ^ L t : -


- . ' - ■ I , I - . - -

Page 3: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

James Roper UOflArtsC

James H. Roper has accepted the Burley-Rupert'. a rea chair*

-jnanstrfp- o f-th e—F tm d-for -the PerlormJng • Arts Center, t h e campaJen for' “ more thon $2

------ mllllonllJaunched JolntlyJjyJhe. University of I^aho and Its

Alumni Association.Mr. Roper, prominent Burley

business leader and president of Roper’s, was> graduaied from the University in ' IMS. An-

____nouncemcnL_oi J i is .acceptaticewa* made {his weeic by George M. Bruniell, President of Wash* Jngton W ater Power'Co. ond Nn-

. tional cHalrman of the Fund for the Performing Arts Center^ ..

The Burley-Rupcrt a r ta Is one------ of-SO'orjanized-throuRhout-tha

state, cach with a chairman and committees that will take the

. University’s appeal personally to the 8,000 alumni living In Jdoba..-There a re about 200 alumni living In the Burley-Ru* pert orea who.t under Mr. Rop­er’s direction, will bc visited by some 30 fellow craduates on-be-

' half of the building fund drive, post of the Performing Arts

Center has been estimated a t------ 52:500,OOO.-mie-ynlvcrslty-has

long needed proper facilities for the performing arts, which havo had to “ m ake, do” , with anti­quated buiidii)gs. Inadequate staging and work areas, virtu­a lly no c lassroom s or laborator­ies providing Ihc specialized tools-and sp ace; lhat hove con-

____ slom 1y_becn_offordcd other ar-cos or study.

---------When-compIefedrthe-Perform*ing Arts Center will offer a mu­sic hall seating 1,700; a tradl-

Law Student Survives On Desert

■ PAGE. Arlz. (AP) — Richard Ross, 22, a Harvard law student from New York City, was safe today after' surviving for four days in the desert onj diet of acorns and prlckley pears.

• “ I was distressed, tired, mls- — e ro b le -« n d -so re -b y . Tuesday

night." ho said after his rescuc Thursday. “ I tried to catch fish, but caught only a tadpole. I ote

- one and it m ade me sick.”Ross, .who became lost while

hiking with two companions Sat­urday morning near Lake Pow­ell on the Arftona-Utah border, wss examined bv doctors who

------- snld he suffered no 5ir effccts”' Ross wandered about the nig­ged desert canyon land until

------rescued bya 'hellcoptcr'ijllo tedby William Collins of Grand C a n y o n .^ ., , .

____ He becam e separated fromhts UJinpanloQs when~htrtlred

- and decided not. to contlnuo to Rainbow Bridge, a natural sand­stone span and tourist attroctlon In northern Arizona.

Ke decided to head for Lake Powell, only three miles away and catch a ride In a boat to Page. By nightfall he was losL

By Monday night, after two days of wandering from one dead end canyon to another. Ross’ shoes were coming apart and he used sap from pinon trees to hold them tpgether.

“ Z kept sleeping Wednesday morning and started not to get u ^ h e said. "Then^I thought

■. I lovedj and wandered around somo mori;, COVCrln^'Ulb.&uinE area: But by Wednesday night

had given.up,'.;__ -_ i,______Thursday he started to pray. “ I had never done much real

praying." h e saId.'-“ But I said ' that if there was a God, I made

a vow to be seen moro often In the temple If he would get me out." . , 7

with the Navajos ot Tuba City, said he will finish out his sum­m er. Job. w ith the Indians be­fore returning to classes a t Har-

-- vard.


5 0 a

__ Bd reo^ Ohrdi^i

• Idaho.................... ........... .........you-enx

t>;.................5 0 YEAR

Ucol Mon J. A. e«lwf(Iir •K har lolit (lha hlflhMt pric* avtr. peld •Mr* •Vv*.) Th* Utah te lt, gr*al*

' ilsckiTMn !• praca«d Wllh d*flnlta piS*(*nd tl(k(t'lol* In.riald el id

"'candldalai''epp*ar wllh prfnM 'be tlcnt. W. I . NIxan end D. f . Clark

' * baerd.U V n iN a tX U TU Friday, S<

Wer Uflurar ADA L WAtO glvat > IK* Ti«nch" (treglc, petkaltc, hum<

vni*r Ofvfl.si#r*.:i- - • -S«p». M<rf Oi'ilB* f*a(i ffcof a

------— •d-to-T-r..*cSa^»-ta lha-»«» >hol-»________WCT aooa f anly 80 U n then thi

' 3 6 Y E A R

• i tha UlDWdaha'”dliiriet iif K l^ n ■ ^ - iy » l wn^ n tlan tiM'. '

-----------wlp*».««tj»cui^jalllIi5i3CBn55j------ Caedi 'Henh Pawan pradldt «M

fldd----- t«am In aMwri'l aeantr.

------ ' . W atch for -D o d g e , C hrysler. Im___' '★ '★ ★

~ — B O ^ R E E S^ A5 00 Block, 2nd Avenu* So

--------• j b o p o r = r c H iy s u r =

■ " \ -.i. ■ ' -

)per To Head Fur Ss Center In Buraccepted tional theater with a capacity

ca chair- of 41S and an arena or expcri- l-fo r *the mettt«Mh«flter-8ealiflg-J50.-Op- ter, t h e crating fc6m a single -stage

thon S2 house, w h ic ^ u ld , If necessary, ;ly by the allow three programs to be pre-

and Its scnted slmultahMUsly, the Cen-

Burley of

from MS. An-cceptatice

>. and Na- for

renter^,.. : rea Is one ^^hout-tho rman and

the personally . living In

200 ' lurley-Ru-

visited by on-be-

ind drive. ning Arts mated a t —

" S ' ; " JAMES H. ROPER

vlth anti- ■■

r s Patent Officelaborator-

KlfS StreamlinesZlmmmrk-fer a mu- By JOSEPH R. COYNE

a trodl- WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. Patent Offlco has struggled for two dccadcs just (o keep its

kTil* head above the mountain ot .'JLll. paperwork generated by a

growing arm y of inventors and gadget-makers-

Now . methods have been streamlined, automation is com-

, Ing into use and for the first ' time in years officials say the

• Richard backlog of pending applications M student hns dropped below 200,000.was safe A record 70,000 patents, the for four vast majority to Americans,

a ^ t of were Issued tlurinB the year :ars. which ended June 30. The figure red, mis- i* cxpcctcd to go higher this Tuesday

Is rescuc Tho big day in the Patent Of- atch fish, fice is Tuesday, wiien the “Offi- ole. I ote clal Gazette,” a weekly book ni­ck.” most an Inch thick nnd listing ost while “II new patents, is published by lions Sat- of«ce.nke Pow- The Gazette has been a Tucs- ti border, day ritual since 1B72. tors who The newest issue contaln5.pnt- effccts. • ents for,the most technical op- ; the nig- paratus—and for an automatic md until shoo shine machino with black ir'plloted and“brow n-poH 3hrirti«iip-de- if Grand sign, a golf bag bottom and a

. , m rfboard cover designed, na- ed from Rurally, by “ Californian, -he-tired —In-the-first^eor-of-Patent-Of- ntlnuo to flee operation—1790—three pat- iral sand- ents were issued. The current ittractlon numbering system was adopted

In 1B38. A patent gives the In- for Lake ventor the right to exclude all ie< nw nv Others from, making, using or I L a t to selling his invention for 17 wos losL yeors. ,,fter two During the last fiscal year rom one ®®iOOO patent applications |Were snnihpr ' from the record

ine nnart 93,000 of the previous year— m Dlnon higher filing fees went

into cffect. ednesday •

Gov. Cargo Sets HiSSd Conference

,•---------governors from ■ the Four-Coi^to pray. Regional Economic Devel:

luch rcoj opment statcs all will.attend a lit I said Sept. 19 organizational meeting I, I made a t the Four Comers Monument.I often In the only point common to four 1 get m e states, then go to Cortez, Colo.,

for lunch, and oti to Farming-

aba City, noon.his sum- «<i*m going to push very hard iians be- for roads ns one bf the major

'EVERTS IM TWIN FAILS" 50 and 30 YEARS AGOBd recorded In I tie Tvln Fills OhidD i& erTwiB-Fait-JTtvt-U ia—

'■ Idaho Zvenlxig T1aes. .Sr6uKbt,to

Bob Reese) Y ^ R S A G On d ir aichengti $f«00 far ana t h f p e t Sett I avtr. peld In AmtrlM <ar imparttd Hemp- .. »ol», graelttt In lha* U.S. anceurogtt laiat Ih dfflnlta plofli far lol*. i .riald el ichaal *l«(il<k Frftndt at a alhtr

p tfnM -bellaii atrir-maitlng-for-fiemlno*— b. F. Clerk er* r>-*lactad mambtrt af lacal..

- Friday, $•> . 7 e t 1.13. Tl.a rteUd fngllih fAtO glvat h*r Ihrllllng Uctura “Starin from riktllc, humaraut iterlat}. Ratarvad tte fi an0fva.si#r*.:i:rfta.30c.____•.... ..... .•it ffcet e cradlfala-nearri iiot baan aifeb»th._.• Ihel-tha-flrri-der-anraltmanl-lMi-yaw— U n then tha flr.t .dey_a>_.r.n.|lm .nLaU flH -

) Y E A R S A G O -

let iif Klwrenlk Thli <Hy we* iaiactad e t tha

r r a a t a ^ f i r i t ■ ■ . atafliU Jm ali lo v a n - -iI«Uallflti:af;^IJi7.- . —pradldt e»a al th« (trengtti lasmiTlfTVnn— Jntain flald In prapera1latrl«>**t Oaading

Ch fo r th e » 1 9 6 S r - sler. Im peria l an d S Im ca s .

★ ★ ★ ★

!E S ^ M b tO R - C O r - ^>venu« South Twin Falls 'a iy s u r^ iM P tt iA i —! SIMCA

Fund Drive For B u rl^R u p ert”^I capacity te r will, have the most modem or cxperl- efficient facilities availoble. U g_J5ft.0p-will also provide c J a s s r ^ s , gle -stage ^ ^ rk ah o p s j-a -g reen- rooni-aad necessary, will be equipped for both circuit to be pre- and educational television; mo- , the Cen* lion pictures and recordings.

. ' Following his graduation from ■ ■ ■ tho U of 1 College of Business

Administration. Mr. Roper at- tended the Stanford University G raduate School of Business where he. was.awarded-his-Mas. ters Degree in Business Admin- istratlon- In 1»7. He joined the family cl6thine.firm .at.that time and since then has been Instru- m ental in expanding the com- M ny 's operations to Buhl, Twin Falls, Boise and Idaho Falls. -

■ B H ' •“A~Tiative-of~3iiricv7‘WrrRop^ er w as educated In (he public schools here and entered the University of Idaho in 1941. He attended there until 1943 when he entered (he Navy V-i2 pro- gram _at the then Southern Branch of the U of I,' now Idaho

; r ^ ^ H State University.- In 194-t he was . sent to '(tic Navy Supply School a t the.Har- vard Graduate School of Bust.

• ■■ ness w hcre.hc was stationed for PER one year. As a result o[ this

advanced study he was awarded his Bachelor Degree by the Unl-

. versUy.of Idnho Ih J945.T I P P ‘hen .served. 14

months as assistant supply and disbursing officer on the USS

A C Guadalcanal, one month as.os-.sistan t purchasing officer at the

1 Naval-Supply. Depot .ot^Clcar-*15. field, Utah, then released/to In-;------------ activc duty fn-I£M(»-^vhcn.-ho-cn-OYNE tered Stanford.) — The While at (he University of Ida- struggled ho Mr. Roper was active In Phi

0 keep its Deha Tlieta fratemffy, the Pep untoin of Band and the famous Vandalecr1 by a Chorus. He is a member’ and intors ond past m aster of the Burley A.F.

and A.M. No. C8 , past president been of the Rotary Club and a .past

n Is com- president of the Burley a o m - *hf first oer of Commerce. Ho also was

s (he president of the Unlversuty of f j l S i o n ' A l™ »l A.soci..lon 1„

tents, the

Diamond Lilrhe figure ______ightr ihis j g DeadS A t-A g e ()f8 9nd listing .CLAREMONT, Calif. (A P )- blishcd by ‘-Diamond Tooth Lil.” whose

toothy Rrln revealed a diamond :n a Tues- embedded In a big gold incisor.

. was a legend ot the Goldenitaln5.pnt- West. ________hnlcal ap- -Tho-Australian-bom-shrnvgirl; automatic who died SundHy a t age 69, ^ith black canio to tho United Statcs be- ifciip-de- fore—th e -tu m —of—the cenforyr jm and a dancing her way across the gned, na- countiy ond settling . In Son in. Francisco- - •?atent-Of- -AsJLshQiYcIdjuldJiQlcLoperfl.. hree pat- to r 's h e counted some ot _ihe e current most notorious gamb1cr.s alul s adopted R^n slingers among her friends, is the In- She had nine'husbands.Kclude all H er real name was Evelyn F. using or HlldcRard, but shc was known

n for 17 for the diamonds shc loved, especially the one planted in her

4rni v r^ r Bol'l ‘ooth. Shc always claimed ons wwe s*’® ’ettlng on a horse

re ivcani f“cc with a Reno. Nev.,.dcnt!,st. s S - Diamond Tooth Lil's carcer as

r L / a bus ness woman incluued op- recs went_ houses In San Francisco, Boise,

Idaho, and Seattle. Sho retired2 A In 1943 a t Boise, where she j c l S operated- the Star Room,-----------------She-^icd-in-obscurl(y-sho-had________ never known in life, at- (lie

w y.Dv Claremont Satiltarlum, of natur- ■ a l causes, srfio saya *“ ________

" MINE CLA1MS“ 0NE ~ n TEL AVIV (AP) — An Israeli

i “ rm y jeep ran over a mine car-»y today In the G4ia Strip, kill-

“ S fts-on» soU lecand itHouiiy In- jT liig four o ther,. ■ ■

f S HI 5CHEESEBUMIS----- - :&G0 .

Pills _____________ ■


e s e ;; ..et Sett WHemp. ..

i n tB U R G' ■ S e p t e m b e r

~ th l i ffl.}ir-SitiirgiT'\friSund»yflnlifaLlflit_ _£olne.on-silttLA.deliclouUW}i.pw

fittnes, covered with loU of melted ( toasted bun. . . « rail tu ts treill And you c«n je t f in Jfumnty Burger Dhef c

• ■ on ourmd bring the'fimlly. - '____

; 7 0 8 N . B i i i e

Lakes B l v d .


' . ■■■ '■ . , '

■■ Piranha?JTEVENSbN, Waih. (APT~

'X 1/ Geo'rgo Acker ot nearby Car>son was given a tetanus shot

Dst modem Thursday after being bitten /olloble. U on Iho n o « •’V “ «cclhcad. sJassrooms, T hat'j rJgbt. H a.w as bll--foom-aad _ ten by a fish . _______both circuit Acker’s boat was near

WadeJWcNcft’i J jo a t .in tbo ordings. C o lu m b ia River. McNeo lot^n from hooked a IS-pound iteelhead )f Businc-M that landed into Acker’*-: Roper at- boat

As Acker nstrieved 1(, ho ‘d h S S ‘*'0 steelhead’s tee(h

A <^r^ “ sniiggcd on his n o scrB u tlia" joined (he • “ P“»re<l. the Uout for Mc-

il.thattlm e _____leen Instru- It was the return ot a ta- ; the com- vor. Last fatl MeNeo tockled Buhl, Twin - a buck deer-that was charg*10 Falls. - Ing Aeker when cornered In -rm rrR o jp -"a~canyon;--------- ------- ---------(he public

ntered the in 1941. He

Worksjiop S§t For Iirigation

cnt to’ (tic ^ . M ^

:i S'fi; District .Aides—BURLEY------A-workshop-foc

nwnrdM directors ot irrigation districts hv the Uni- will be conducted Sept. 13 at oy mo uni jjuriey..served. 14 The program Is one of four in supply and Southern Idaho sponsored by the n the USS University of Idaho Agricultural }nth as.os-. Ex(cnsion ..Scrvlcc.-:the . Idaho fleer at (he State Reclamadoh Association, ..at^Clcar- U;S. Bureau_of- Reclamation, lased/to In- Idaho Deportment o( Recloma- »hcn.-ho-en- itonr-canal-companies-aKt-frri*

. gotlon districts.•t vp^n Pht Dorrell C. Larsen, Unlvcr- V the Pet^ extension IrrigationVnnHnW? speciollst, is program coordino-

c m £ and ‘o'’- ” • M“Mmon, Ru-A F pert,, a . director of the Idaho

it nresldcnt Stole Reclamation Association, and 0 past chairman^ nt (he planning •lev Cham, committee. B u r l e y orrangc- 0 als?w ?s ments are in charpe'of Burdell Iversuty of Curtis, Burley; Virgil Temple, iciatlon In Rupert, and'Leon Grieve, Good­

ing.— EdRor H, NcaJ, rcglonol su-T a | pervisor of irrigation for the I , 1 1 bureau of reclamation, Boise,

will talk on organizational team­work.

There will be Instruction on functions of a board ot dlrcc-

P O Q tors, legal responsibility of com- L 0 7 panics nnd districts, policies iir /* n \ standards, dircctor-man-i i ;, ' ' 'L '” oger relations, dircctor-water

■ Jf- ? user relations, and duties of a board chairman.

Other workshops in tlie feerles he Golden are'scheduled nt Caldwell, Sept. — ; , , 12;-Pocatello,-Sopt.-14r-and Ida'i,-shm vste 1,0 p-jiis, S5p,. ,5;------------------It age 69, • ■States bc- ,

e-cenftjryr----------.HAS-BIRTHDAV*^----- ^icross the HUNTSVILLE. Utah (AP) — g . In Son President David 0 . McKay, lead­

er of the 2.5-mIlllon - member tolct ooeffl. rr)K f'hdrrh'rflflhm trrl hir O-tftt ^e_of J h c hir_tlulny_ Lo<|(iy_at .-.ilia-small iblcr-s' aTiil north .Utah fnrm where he was icr friends, born. He was sclecicd church Is. president in 19SI.Evelvn P


riled In'^her NOTicn i^ ° h'uhedy given rInlrnnH »’« HOWARD N. JEWELL Of Twin ys ciatmea i;ou», I^ntio. ha» Bnollod to IDs

)n a horse Slata Bnard or LAna CDnunliilonera'V dcntKt *■' **'■ r«n«w“i o'' an exMlIng Icaie tor iih, purpoio ot 3 carcer as mlnlns for placer and aravel from icluded op- the followinp dcicflb«3 river lo

Twin rn lli Counly: rooming ju m j „ nonlon of tha bed of the SCO, Boise, Snako Jtlvor lying In SecUoni 10,


'e. a t ' (lie befora tlio Sinlo Donrd of Land COm*1, o n s iu f : . " . ' " S B S

one to appear belore Ihe Doard and pre$em tor IU conuaeiauen any

-----raa»on- w hy-« Icaia-on .tho-abovaONE mentioned Inndi ta r 'tn e nforciald An Israeli nurpoiea ihould not be renewed.

> mine car-Strip, kill- TROMBLEY

erioualy tn- pubUcano'n: ^parabe? sl'lw?*'' _____ ted publlcaUon: Septcmbef ll. 1067



IRGERtHEfI• I .• •

i p t e m b e r 8 , 9 ,- 1 0

id Sund»Vflnly,-8«irBer ChBf diBtCTbargers-ife — ouUW?i.puraeeLeeity.,cool(ri_oytf open- , > U of melted cheese,-and served oivi golden- sta treill And thU F(Idiy, S«turdiy indSundiy,Burger t^«l cheeseburgers for only 99(, Coma-


1 ^ 0 R E « E 8 T H ^ ^

^-------------------------- H — —

Cancer Unit, ar(Apr Chief (Juits “arby Car- ^ •

“"wK SmokingBteclhead. ^

was bll- Sy ja c k MILLER:___ WASHINGTON (AP) - The

near dircctor.,tff (ho National Cancel at !h« Instltu tc^as been off ciHarettcs r fof 23 doj^.-And hc admltswoc-. . . w . S ^u»y. “ J ‘hem very much."

But D r.\e n n e th M. Endlcotl ACKcr*-: •■I'ni^njally glad that 1_ . . stopped.” ■ • - .

fed It, ho Af(er smoking for 30 years— i 's teeth slightly more than a pack a daj « rB u n i« rit - the eh'd^thfi-cancer” expert : for Me- finalfy quit bccause “f was sim­

ply in an impossible position." I ot a ta- Endlcott was getting it from all« tockled sides. , ------■as charg- At national symposlurns and mered In - conferences on smoking and•— --------- hcalib.-i/pcoplc-wcic4ust-asiDn:

ished that I smtfked.’ ’M any got................. a big charge out of it.

Nor was tlie assistant surgeon o _ general free from harassment

P • : ? Ai? teen-age son nnd daugh- J • ■ te c , . neither of whotn^ smoke,

S t l O n “were- carrying oa a propagan­da campaign” to get him tc

G u i d o s ^ P or smokers who go through le.ss than half a pock a day, En-

3rkshop-foc « lico tt-snysr-tho-heallh—riski an districts a ren 't much different than foi 5ept. 13 a t nonsmokers, ley. Dr. Endlcott' had wanted- tcc of four in <)Ofi ■ for years—and did (hrec ored by the times before. But coch time he \grlcuKural took'up pipe or cigars and soor the Idaho wos back (o cigarettes, “ t dc

Awnriiiion c lded '(ho .bcsf w oy 'fo r me t( « am SSn: •<> ==toP entirely,-' hef Tjprinmn! cxplolncd in OH ntcrvlcw. —

It wns seven years ago, wher Ke become h e a ro l the Un-cel Institute,-that Endicott ''reallj

Univer- began to got sensitive” oboui n Irrigation j,Js smoking, n coordina- • Then, of course, there wos the filmon, Ru- 1964 report by his boss, the sur-

the Idaho geon general, that, there Is 'n Association, link between smoking and lung c planning cancer. That wasn't news to En y arrange- dicott. He and his staff hoc!

ot Burdell known of the findings cited ir ?il Temple, the report for some time, leve, Good- Recently, Endicott wns con

frofited with another persuoslvf .»„lonnl Sll. reason to quit: he developed £ •fn for the rouRh smoltcr's cough. At 5t. h( iSn, Boise,;lonal icim - % 10, Iho day b f

foro he announced a t a newj tructlon 0” conference the form ation-of-f riM? „ r 10-member lung cancer tasl ity ot com- force-and thot he was head o

Is, policiesrector-man- ’ —•cctor-waterduties of a O k a y e d .1 the feeries - BOISE — Application of th( dwell, Sept. Railway Exprc.ss Agency, Inc. i4r-and lda« to close offices in Hazelton am--------------W cndell-has-been-R ranted-bj

:__ tho Idaho -public Utilitcs Com, . . mission.

>AV---------------irw ft<rreported"that-closln{ih (AP) — of the offlce.4 will not cause tin cKoy, lead- due effect upon (he public and - member that business a t Hazelton car

eti h it g-tth be__cared- far /n Twin F a ll-s.ilia-sm all «nd 'ihac-buslnc!;s ''flf Wendell ere he was can be handled a l Gooding. . led church ~. '.LwjTn?inrifu-juvimr««f««yfCTW

s f m i ?)llod to Iba Binunliilonera S a ^ ■ A V PiiHhADIATOR m.\ SHOPepKmber 12, R 8i4n*r-w“,hiJ: g3«W 2!hU L_______ « S : « 5 o |If Land com. Pwyymmvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv^ilven (o any- L«»iiaiiiMmMiiiw u «i«MiiuB«Mijei iaiw5 e Doard and . Tr irrT- -erallon anyi.tho-abovB ................. J________________ie aforciald —a C om e

vou hfl'


I TEAMWORK___ I _ U lO :L G dM Birs-afe- — « -■---------------------------------------■ ®P«5i__r H ^Your* d o c t o r a n d p h a joTden- a h ig h ly q u a l i f i e d t e t

i m p r o p e r A r e f o r y o u r F sp c i^ JIq c is a r e f i l le d , e

I - e x p e c t o f 4 i im ;—

E S m• IW e s t A d d l s o r r ^ t * M a■ ■ ■ ■ - y - ' ' * • • •

. L lAsuredi f 9 ------------- ^DAVJS, C allf.^ (A P^Paul~

■ Moller has taken out an Iiw suranee policy on his flying saucer.

This one really exists.JLER Moller, a. .proFessor- ofP) — The aeronoutfcaf engfnecrins a t n il Cancer the University «( California f cigarettes Davt& um p u s, developed [dmils «Dc- - t t . •■u^r.typo r a lL cry much.” Tho 10-foot-wtdo blua and A Endlcott »llver saucer, completa with 'lad that I bubbletop and bucket scats,

has flown about four feet 30 years— «» the .'ground in public pack a day demonstrations, t icer“ expert —Instffane^-agrtt'Jo® F al-- ■f was Sim- • voy who trrefo out tho policy • position." Thursday tdeaUfled It on tho It from alt p a ^ iiiN u : a flying saucer

-------m odel.islums and ' oking iindJusL asio iu _______ _ _ ______ ___

Hanoi CutT>nt surgeon _haras™ ™ . P f o t e C t l O n

For Prisoners;ct him to JJ LEWIS GULICK

: S'SIt than for protectlon-for Ameri» can prisoners ot wor-

.h Some 700 U.S. servIcemcn on .u , . J ? Sn ll-'*tcd as missing in North anc ch time he Vietnam.- At least 200-an ,s ana soon Relieved to be prisoners of thi tes. “ t dc- ______ * ___ -

J’l f tin Washington. pftorli'. on- behal _ oLthc.captivcs hav.e_bccn.mad<

through (he In(emotional Com oiltucMMuUtedJlrosSMndJiai

ott R eally " channels, but to no avail s< ive” obout Vietnam ctolms thi

„ prisoners aro war criminal.?, al t^^% ,r it s“ys ‘hey arc gettinf

,?• I ,. * humane-lreatment.J I « But the United States ts no

8 accepting such statements oiprisoner conditions in tho ab scnce of verification by an out gs cited in i ,^ y 5^5^ „ the Ret Cross. Hapol has not allowet

■ pc?suoslve Re'l Cross occcss to its prisonc, !o'’o io^d a ^ ?^ccnt U.S. review of avail

nWo information reported "in bo running creasing Indications of dellber u- V. ate mistreatment of prisoners.’

? n lhe 1949 Geneva Conn vention on the treatment of p'ris L t oners of war. to which NortI

!. I r nnd South Vietnam and th( 'a s head ot gtates arc all parties

prisoners ‘‘rtu.n a t all times bi humanely treated.’’ It ,sets food

d clothing, shelter and- medlca carc standards, and provide

tion of the “ccess to (hem by an outsidi ;cncy. Inc.. B«'0UP-_______________ ;


hat-closing c cause tin- public nnd

izclton conHititi—Hall* ____/^A -D O C -T-9_____u Wendell L A K r t I fmt


ORI 9 Furnllura Cempiny


n e bn i l l . . .iL- * __

VORK TOGETHER . . . GOiyiBAT SICKNESSand pharmacist work together as IlflecJ team, to help dispense th'c for your family .The doctor’s pre- e filled, expertly by our registered

rh----- -------------- -------- ^7 - — ---------------

l e i O A irrot-M artln Street, Twin Falls

G r a s s m a n O f

Y e a r T o u r

I s P i a i i n e dressor- cf SHOSHONE — The Uncoli leering a t County Grassman' of the Yea. California program for 19CT will get unde: developed way with a t least two candl a f t dates' whoso farms will bo, feablua and tured In a tour about Sept. 15.

pleta with pcto Arrossa has been spbn :ket seats, gored by the Woolgrowers* Asso four feet elation and O.war Kerncr ho: in public been sponsored by Wood Rive

^ . Soil nnd Watfcr Conservatloi 'Jo© Fai— District and Magic Grange.-H the policy between now and time for thi l i t on tho tour, a third, candidate shouh ig saucer bg named, his place yill be in

eluded in the tour.'The Grassman of (he Yea

program is a Shoshone Chambe■■■ . ------- Qf_Commcrce pcQfiram_in_Llni f c coin County..- Lincoln Count;

Grossman of the Year for I9fi will be entered in the Stati

m Grossman of the Y ear comped(ion.

Formers, businessmen and al m C l ’ S other Interested persons arc in

to attend and-partlcipati Jf-ICK _ in the tour. Those pnrtlcipadnj iP). _ y .S . should meet a t tho Courthousi tas rebuffed orounds-in Shoshone, pool trans0 gain frc ^ twrtatlon there and procccd 01 - fo r^ rn c r i- the tour obout a a.m- S e ^ n s T

I'lcemcn are ; ,.1 North and , m h ■

200-are M M &iners the M U ’ M a M m

tional Com- WKM W ■n.«.and.othi — no avail so

OF BAItales U not

'r'lSlf a” In Parachut<I by an out- * » • # • -s the Red Brain Surg<not allowed ^its prisoner PreSeiVcw of avall- iported "in-

prisoners." WE CORFnent of ^ris- FRONT Ivhlch Northn -and the . • •

hPECIAL2S% 0FFind- medlcai V — - — ""7d provides .y an outside ff ,

WANT ADS ^G ~R ESU LTS----------



j,""'"' TiRE CC‘_______ 1 2 9 3 r d A v e . N .

• • . ■ , ’

mm.: " DEE JEPHAR^

INVITES -YOU Vt9~brfrig ~yo ~ Volley Drug for prompt,.,.

Ing. O nly-pnarm acouticals- dards aro stockcd horo . . their cost to you a t a mln

. counl^S/ too, o f course.

MTT^Jffnkfi«770TOre~porti has been our pharm acist hi year. Ho previously sorvei

. Jenlsins .[s a n a t iv e 'o f Tw Hlgh-ScHool-horo-vwith-ths. sorvico he attended o n d - Idoho State University, i-io hls'w lfo, Juno, tw o sons ai son/lng in Vietnam.

Mogle Valivy Drug I i op o day) 7 d ays a w eak .

m _ q - m . to>9 p-m., - fm trg an cy ph«

5 S " .. *“ " { P'e t h e r a sB tT sr^h -e— -------------- - "o r ’s p re -

I f c t i V z B1 F a l l s y


.J . Twiri Falls Tlmos-Nawi 3 *.^ — . Sept;-fl'.9, 1967 ’ '


INVITATION FOR BIDS ^ ,_■ , , , Tbr Do»n1 ol Tfii,t»« ol lha O * The Lincoln lr(» nl Snblirrm Idiho luDior CoU o t the Year '",^1'; ^.1?'ifc % t e .

vlll get under Voooontl Unmnmml o( CoK — t two candl- .y , 00 aI will bo, fea- p., unll b»U ror tha (oll<>7l(>S.^P:- out Sept. 15.s been -•tpon- r»»«. .rowers' Asso- .n t«>-' Kerncr has »n<i •i»«) ........’ Wood River ’cV S™ ( . » c:,.Conservation «»cii)

c -On.nEC,-H, ----------time for the •fAcmil gmmint o«erf vlat

didate should:c yill be in- Acnviraj iukI <wi» HX^;/loelud»i ‘ ^

of (he Year .iA'«rVrui'i‘i^«nd’*i/B-=*' lone Chambertrnm _inJ-inL st>«i Hen«n» Bod ts#icoln County wir." .03^ ' ,li’ear for I9fi7 a-;is» .swnii mic \vir» jms o '"

cear comped- snd l<Uli >tc m b«i pmni>«d-<arrr»un Rt nr hy mall tA tlia Olfica ntismcn and all •r’win^K.'u!' i.iX. ’'liii'.’ wiTi™hJ irsons arc in- p-'i- Srpiefabw 18.

K S i ' 'le, pool trans- w i.v KAiaj. mMi6d procccd o.n dated ai/cu-t a i. i w ' i t r ^ s c ^ n s r ^ Tinniiarsrptr-irsriogT.- ' ■ ■ -

W f t R E !

BARGAINSirachutes. Insurance,1 Surgery' and Life Preservers . . .


F r o n t -E a dA l ig n m e n t

i i - L S ep tem ber 0 a l 7 - ' ' .BnnT..8OT«J10»rp

^ \ n Choclc btmt abod:' ■■^” hTorl»7r5adit»«lH r*rtaa:

***«>nhly;tlignftont-«ndt ^ cofioctcuDbac,caatBc.to*-lib


^ MAGEL!E COMPANYe . N . . T w in F a lls

EE JENKINS,PHARMACISTr" : ~'o^b'rffig’ yoi^'proscfrpH onj to M agic _ r prompt,.,-friondly, exact'com pound^ nacouticals-w hich.m eet.our_high-atan-— _ cod horo . . . a n d wo strive to k e e p '<u a t a minimum. Senior Citizens d is ­course. . ,

TiiTtJrB-partne rT n M ^ le VbHey-Pwg»— — barm acist hero since-March 6 th of this susly sorved a t Salem, O regon. Mr. 3tlve*of Twin Falls, graduating fromra-w lth-thB -doss.o{ jf94Q .:A fta f_hQvy__ _nded o n d -received - h is --d e g re e -fra m _ - versity. i-ie resides a t 223 Pierce w ith tw o sons a n d a daughter, C no son is lam.

Drug II open b y telaphen* 2 4 'h o u rs 0 w eek .

n . to>9 p .m . Mondoy through Solurday ^ trg en cy phona 7 3 ^ 1 3 7

. i ] - ' - ' • - t •' r ~ > . ' _L W _____ — -

T elep h o n e 7 3 ^ 7 7 M „

Page 4: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

Editorial' I S«pt. 8-9, 1967


PHON! 7J3-0931—Offldot cny ond Couoiy-Ntw»p<j(»f- - - - •— Mmt

PubtlilMd dolly ond S«t>dav ot J30 S*eend EnlwStTMl W.it, Twin Folli, Idaho, 8330J, by Ih* *918,

Publlihloj Compeny. Ine. . . . . . C3301

-_4A8£OHOW - --------- JACK. MUlUDW EyPr*tld«nt . P«bll.h«r

------ ---------- OrrSAAITfl-------- ----------------ArWESnBGREN--Manofllog .Editor Builnm Manog»fDALE THOMPSON ' ' PAUI STANDLEV

Competing Seem Monogir Prtii fioom Monoe*r

-^Senseless-LPentagon naval , o ffic ia ls adm it return!:

ttiere Is a “ touch of truth" in charges If a pllth a t Intra-service riva lry ha^ resulted cause tin w a ste of am m unition a n d sen seless tinload

. - lo s s - o f - lifo - in -North. V ietnam - a ir ... r ier lora ids; -----------------lim ited

T his kind of rah rah activ ity could has mb a rd iy be classified o s unusual In tho Vietnai

-w n n ta ry ra n d -T h errp ro b n b lrJ s-m o re^ — In-thi than* o " t o u c h ” - o f - t r u t h H n - t h e — c ith er -ch a rg es. or expa

T hc form er pilot, now- a civilian, h as besa id ho and h is squadron m a tes drop- targbtsped their bom bs in the s e a s o ff North tim e frV ietnam on “ u se less m ission s” press- Ized byed by com m anders trying to , am ass T he ]com bat rccords. H e added that pilots Its corrrespond to the com petitive pressure, sortiesb y expanding huge am ounts of bom bs units. /and rocket? on ilttle m ore than Viet- militar;n a m ese scenery. pilots \

T he pilot said that cxccp t for Hanoi- ful 'blovand H aiphong there artrfew targets of T hcyv a lu e in North V ietnam , and there their n<w ere tim es when pilots w ould bomb a littlethe sa m e railroad c a r 15 tim e s during gethera m onth. E ach tim e the bom b assess- taxpay(m cn t w as “ target destroyed .” b ill for

T here are legitim ate rea so n s for In the i

— AHouse-DiF o r deM des. beglnnIng a t least as ea r ly c i

fa r ^ a c lc a s Booker T. w asiiington's ed and fam ou s “ com prom ise” sp eech in A Nc 1695. the N egro h as been told and down ar lia s told h im self that w ith patience, to riotei

~hard~woricrTmi8cnce, pat ie n c e r so o d ------ ^Almosb ehavior, patience, faith and m ore, ed enou; p atien ce , he would eventually be per- ty to e l m ltted to share In the w h ite m an's era l gh< w orld . ing sold

B efore then and since then, the leftover on ly N egroes who truly m a d e it havo Todaj b een an unknown num ber possessing ing - a d enough white genes to p a ss over the and v io color-line.bury'their A frican heritage the R a and disappear into th a t w h ite world, m lchael

Y et m any others did m o k e it to a structio degree—those w hose n fim es fill the m any. \ p a g es of books on em inent N e ^ c s them , and w ho earned th e suprem e white Todaj acco lad e of being " a crcd it to their them sel

-ra ce ;'* -------------------------------- ---------------- “-b etw eer___.Jha-W ash iogtons-and-the-C anrers— ^jected-

and othera like them w ere once an w hich t Inspiration and a. source o f pride to a , This peop le desperately short on IjoTh. Negro, < • N o m ore, it seem s. • . being a

T o N egro m ilitants today, the cIc- ab le coi vatlon o f the son of a railroad porter ponem eto the nation’s h ighest tribunal m eans__Jt.m om

■•unly thut one niore "yassuh-m an” threats h a s i e e n rewarded for h is serv ices In com e,

f U n c le Tom land. - ■ ForOld-line leaders of th e NAACPr- against

-C O R E and the Urban League; who m iddle- m an n ed the legal barricades In the that div


Opinions Of Gue-----------iN ^ o ^ i& F o o tiiu w m f ■ w r s s m ;

It IS sa id that llehtnlng m ay have been a . parlu a r factor in Impelling sr izz ly bears to atiQck grizzly is and kill two girls In widely separated inci- no Jlghtn dents in Glacier National P ark. These an> Oregonlai

-tho~«rsr:OTsnaltlM cnargM to grilalies 'ln —the 57-year history o f tho park. But “ the , beast that w alks llJto a man" ha.< a long A man history o f OMression In Norlh America, xauso soi Indians and Uw mounUiln m en o f tho 19ih a gun In ] ccn tu iy .h a d prudent respect for tho big Should anim als. debate fo

Jededlab Smith was ono of m any whoso of contro painful, som etim es fatal, encounters with ons? In s c r ^ l e s . a r e r «ord cd in frooticf.‘jouroals..- ■ and _threi l i e bbrb'to U s ^ v flT t5a?icn frw oun^ i.o i i . ^th^ mild w restling ip a td i with a grizzly near tho S ljls sUU forks of the Cheyenne River. sace.

> Tb«<feud betweea the American Indian • i'o r lac and the grizzly was a long one. Hislorlons ' rcfeulatloi

■belleye J h n t , thn T n r iln n -d ld -n o t-g a ln - th e -» ^ rh o i -Mppcf hand tintll he oblatned-tha horse. A -tlon-durli necklace of g rin ly claws was a badge o f ' Jn seversvalor m _m any tribes. ___«Qd.JwC.

Tnera ore relatively few g r i l l e s left In Ing tensic •America. Surveys havo BCf tho number a t e<f Its stu fewer than 900. perhaps half of them in Yel> matter.low stone and r.lnetgr Nmjnnfll- ------ Thls-w im ost rccent report of o grizzly-beax-ln Oro> Ihg to hai

Sm was in September. 1931, whea one was was no ri Ued-on-Che*nimnuf=Cre«l6=Ui-Wallowa—lerassass County, There were reports of grizzlies in The Iss the state of Washington a s late a s 195<. permit It Chndces are, therefpre, that hikers and heed a s buntersrwbo peneu-ato even the l i s t wilder- wants'no

ness of America will not encounter a grizz- healthy al -Jy.--And:jujt:aK wdirTwite^t*“M rV bf-~R in6' ^ i ic i f l I a l . .c h n M r la t io n - o f ^ - g r f a J y - « 5 — when-the : f W * - w d ^ d f l s c ^ e - j e c o r d - o o n a s B i f —the-pubiN otherwise. No. .other 'creature was more to xave 11' fea»d .!and with reason, in the Old West. It -'HiLt-Is Is trae ’tbat'BrfzzIies'do ndt-flOnirtally seek p e ^ lo n j]un)aQ ''R iay«qy;'' «ggresslrely o r other* -i-dtriilia

,1 9 6 7WASHIN

shame to i afraid I <

.A berance ofprin t,-lha

M m “ i t victory in> the House

^ ^ Service Cc

13-0931•— Mafflbir of-AodIt Bonou ot areulmion oBd A f ........ ........

Enltrtd o» ucond clait molt mottir Aprit • . •<918, ot th* poit olllc* In Twtn Folli. Idoho, '63301,. under Ih* aet,ofMa«eh .8, 1W9. ....................

C W H tf , , O. A. |Gui) WIKERli«r' Executlv* EditorBGREN---------- -------------- W ICtr DODOS-----------------------------------^anog•r Advtniilng MonogerNDtEV HAROlO STllESManogtr ' Chculoilon Monoger

-Rivalry—re tu rn in g to a c a r r ie r w ithou t bo m b s.If a p i lo t can n o t get to h is t a rg e t b e - . c au se o f w ea th e r, he Is in s tru c te d to ' t in lo a d h is o rdnance to m a k e h is c a r - . ( •'< r i e r la n d in g sa fe r. I n a d d i t io n - th a .. ... ^ 'i{ l im ite d ~ s c o p e -o f - th e w a r ,p r o b a b ly . h a s m a d e ta rg e ts s c a rc e in N o rth V ie tn a m . ' * vffij—In -th n tn ev en trltT T o u ld 'scem 'lo g lca l-----------c l t h e r - to - c u t th e -n u m b e r -o f - s o r t le s -----------S mo r e x p a n d the n u m b er o f ta rg e ts . T his h a s b e e n done to som e e x te n t w ith ' . iM fl ta rg b ts w ith in one m in u te ’s f ly ing tim e f r o m Com m unist C hina a u th o r- Ized b y th e P res id en t. . 7 ; ^

T h e N a v y Indicates i t h a s d ire c te d Its c o m m a n d e rs to c e a se sch ed u lin g . so rtie s d e s ig n e d to outdo o th e r N a v y 'SiW un its . A llmTted w ar w ith its off-lim its m i l i ta ry ta rg e ts Is c ru e l enough fo r p ilo ts w h o Itch to s tr ik e a m ean in g - f u l ‘b low . -5

T h c y shou ld n o t b e e x p ec ted to r is k th e ir n e c k s to. d rop a $2,000 b o m b on a lit t le b r id g e th a t can b e p u t b a c k to­g e th e r d u rin g th c n igh t. N o r should ta x p a y e r s be expected to foot th e b ill for th e S2.5 m illion a i r c r a f t r isk e d In th e s a m e ven tu re . *

Divided—etirlv c iv i l r igh t3 j?a ttlc s ,:a te .d igtrust.^.L._ed a n d 'h e l d i n contbm pf. .................v T v J

A N e g ro co n g ressm an is hooted iow n a n d th rea ten ed w hen ho a p p e a ls ■ WASHINC0 r io te r s in D etro it. room B338 < -A lm o st-an y -N eg ro -w ijo -h as-ach iev -— btiildingT-ol :d en o u g h affluence and re sp e c ta b ill- water rocki y to e le v a te him self above th e gen-:ra l g h e tto lev el Is re g a rd e d a s hav- ng so ld -his b ir th rig h t fo r a m e s s o f m c K o j® e fto v er w h lt6 p o ttage . skctchcs of

T o d a y , th e N egro m o sses a r e h e a r- licans. ing a d if fe re n t m usic, th e Insid ious He was m d v io le n t b e a t of P ie d P ip e rs lik e session to ; Ihe R a p B row ns and S tokely C a r- on the stafj m ich ae ls . th a t lu res th em on to de- stru c tio n —th e ir own a n d th a t of a s ^ho were m any, w h ite s , a s they c a n ta k e w ith could heor Lhem. wctft^uiait

T o d a y , m idd le-c lass N eg ro es f indth e m se lv e s cau g h t in a n o -m a n 's la n d ____b e tw een -the-N egro -poo rw ho 'have~ re^-------------------jec ted—t h c m - a n d - th e - w h i to - w o r ld — r r r T ^ w hich h a s n e v e r y e t a c c e p te d th e m . j A i A c ,

T h is g ro w in g d isaffection b e tw een N egro, c la s s e s is no le ss om inous fo r ^ « being a n in ev itab le a n d u n d e rs ta n d - 1 4 -ab le co n seq u en ce of d e c a d e s of post- X X p o n em en t of th a t g re a t com e-and-get- i t .m o m in g ..I t Is m ore lo rb o d in g th a n (Editor’s th re a ts o f e v e n w orse D e tro its to Is on a bri com e. umn today

F o r a n a tio n ra c ia lly d iv id ed LeB«‘on> a g a in s t its e lf cannot, long s ta n d . I f WASHIN( m id d le -c la ss N egroes can n o t b r id g e Congress«' th a t d iv is io n , w ho, o r w h a t, c an ? come tax

r from conviically born can't #u«nd goveramtt^

• -— _________________ This tech

Juest Editors E S__ • •__________ ;___________________

vise. The begging bears In the' national £?eans”^ n wrka a re black bears. Tho. bigger, fiercer -ues' its he jrlzzly is not to bo fooled with, lightning o r Johnson’s 10 lightning. Park visitors take note.—Tho - tax surchai 2ag o n ian • ■ . rt.;. , r ff


auso'som eo^e who°™h ha U * ? t ^ '1 gun In h is hand pulled a trigger. credit by :

Should it bo necessary for Congress to -the millionIcbnte fo r two years', as It hos, the question corporate )f controlling t b sale of such lethal weap* against the )ns? In spite of fatal solpings In recent riots ’ ings and bo ir^Jhrcats,_cf_further_vIolent:uso.of guns._ab1o-.throui

mild control blll now before tho Senata . serve Syste )l;Is still given only a 50-50 chance'Of la s - InterMt i ace. . • credit for s.I'or lock of naUonal or locar government drietf up. i cfeulatlOQ of weapon sa les.' some mall- elbowed as rrder-houses-naTCYcngagcd-lB-self-rcgula^— for“ loan»“ ton-durlng-tho rcc«nt.rlots.-In-theIr-8Wre«—busines#-^' n several cities.-Scars, Roebuck and Co. higher - inti iQd.JwC4i£cnney_Co_*uspcndcd«ale8-<lur— elsewherei ng tension periods. Montgomery w ard ask- funds from :<flts, sUiff to cooperate with police in tho •traditionallj natter. • . " . building.-Thls-wasTeommemlablo-bnHt-does-noth;------ Urfcmplojng to handle the continuing problem. There trades wen w s no rio t in progress when a sniper’s bui- associated et'Rssasslnaled i^resldent Kennedy. tooHc^ffigfiiThe Issue Is quite simple. Shall the public . government

lennlt its represenutlves In Congress to loans found leed a spokesman for. tltf gua lobby who • Cojigressr vants no. IcRlslaUon .and w m calls i t - " a from affccilealthy al^n’’ that members of the National__they haven’tin®. Association'"protest loud arid long :So. .for i

0 nave lives? , of t:® billlo-niLs-Is an issue all can-understand. The thc still - 1 eM le m ust make themseivei beard,' and soak uj rd triiU aa Scieoca Monitor. . tlQiply so t i

• ' - • ' • r - "


Users C. WASHINGTON ^ I t seems a U l rateishame to spoil the fUn, but J ’m beer ma;afraid I don’t share thb exu- but no <berance of those who depose, in Thoso p rln t.-lha t- Iho-publlo -w on-«— tho-stre victory in the rccent action by committtho House Post Office and Civil by pubil Servleo Committee raising pos- sMp be

“The Interest



Goldwater—'WASHINGTON (NEA) - In generous

room B338 of-the giant Rayburn George PbuildingT-old-pro- Borry-Gold*------The-corwater rocked-along in typical first intovein, blasting LBJ for allcficd prai.sc 191

Eilltlcking on thc Detroit riot, president,icklng a t Defense Secretory still for R

McNamara, offering q u ic k man ofsketches of some fellow Repub- perhaps Ilicans. , . - a s g lose

He was talking a t .n closed, . Not susession to 200 men and women Arizona :on tiw staffs of Republican con- he'has ofgressmen. 'When the questions not forgUcame, a few ot those present porting hwho wero listening closely and even to vcould hear everything ho said told thc sw etft-eu i^d to hear some quite imposslbl

j m i e T m a E o v T

If The Rise(Editor’s Note: Jomes Marlmv Those

Is on a brief vacation. His col- ''Johnson’s umn today Is writen by Edmond take ohe < LeBreton) One is


SriL.Tcr“."rfrwiTtofrom convlcUon thnt tho chronl-cally borrowing U.S. economy tp,T«i- .h,can* t 8U«nd competition from a rj,

s is ;This technical, banker-llke ar- " “f.i— .£ •gument---mbi<~th~aa fear fiation or appeals to back* the Vleuiam leffort—is the ono apr jf* him„,

Means Committee as It wntin^ d c ^ n d ues' its hearings on President ,Johnson’s 10 p i f cent income S S u t i tax^surchargo proposal. S n on 1

Thft nryuTiMt—galni- fnrrn^-!^” ° from a painfully practical dem- J-tny onstraUon last year of what happens when -inoney gets tight-when Uie demands for To all crcdit by thc government and fpokesme •the millions of- Individual nnd maklnj corporate borrowers • p ress, spending against the notional total of sav- tic possl Ings and btuik funds made avail- enough to *we-.throueh_lhB_Fedend_Re-_?L<??M._serve Svstem.' ___ “ — Aa for

interest rategLsoored; Worse, promise? crcdit for some purposes simply gross. latJ drie<f up. Small businesses 'got increase elbowed aside In the scramble • way. Thc Tor“ toan»~Bntt''one big,” basic nuc, thcy buslness^ousing—suffered - as- while- lo( higher - in te rttt rates offered calls into elsewhere-sluiced-away-savers'zidelendCft funds from the instltuuons that ilong and traditionally finance homo - In the 1 building. 1962 and-UnemploymenHnrthc-biilldlng—fgrc-ttrcc trades went un and industries tax cuttlr

tobk^righ t. '*^Studcai”^s^k ln g S t ° inter government-backed c o l l e g e - ihey wen loans found banks uninterested, that final • Congressmen heard plenty c{tity nod: from affected constituents' and tion.they havenlt.forgotten.. __ Johhsor;S o . ‘for many of them, the- d llog 'the

p rospects o t:ith e —80voramcht,--Bome,—ta faced with a deficit on the order somoAMo of 929 billion, having to go into ment In ( thc still - not-too-easy "m arket not so m and soak up that much credit is or reject tiipply so t to be coDtemplaifd.— jvhat p rq

r - V *;

s Of First '. U l rates. 'A short ccTebratory DulsU

beer may be Indicated, perhaps, class i' but no champagne. - »• was foI Thoso who would foxtrot in Johnsc I— tho-streeu po ln t-ou t-that-the— thU cl’ committee was so embarrassed plus oi by public disclosure of tho pal- subcor■ sMp between Rep. 'nutddeus ed an

terest Of Sportsman

> ' o d 3generous comment about Gov. a manGeorge Romney of Michigan. nam a:

-----The-comment-has-to-be-fUted— mattersfirst into context. Asked to.ap- ».•» tprai.sc 19B8 GOP candidates for „ „president. Goldwater said he Is , still for Richard M. Nixon os thcman of most cxpcricncc, who P"'!?™ perhaps is too much maligned

- as .* loser in 1960 and 1962. .V• Not surprisingly, the former {!r‘ ,i__ Arizona senator repeated whathe has often sold, tha t he could not forgive Romney for not sup- "I h porting him.in 19M. Ho seemed Collfon even to widen tho gap when ho Ronald told thc staff people it would be I both i impossible for him to support i^cyis

■ sentabl___ , . tho Rc:

----- -------— — ------------------ ---------up-am

r. . -He. . - , como I


ise Comesthere l

Those who continue tq oppose— Johnson’s proposals usually Jf** take olie of two positions. Goldwa

Ono is thut tho government PoInt, could cut spending enough to current bring thc deficit down to man- against ngeablo proportions^nobody Tho thinks It can be emsed Goldwn —without a ta* Increase. At comme leost, those who take this line tered i Insist, no tax increase should ba not-up-l voted until tho admlnlstradon away s has done much more budget- bo mea

—cutting ttum has y et been under.__ed—reitaken. A manageable deficit has suDgori been estimated a t JIO billion to . i f T .

billion.— Theother-moln-altetnatlve-of—

lertd lo Johnson's program is to ^ demand tax reform, loopholo closings to raise more revenue fwiievo without imposing a''greater bur^ uve or

.den on all taxpayers. M a n y ^ P O rtrt ■“ (.-uurSF, ua irto r a cuinbinatfpn o f e o m o t

tax reform and spending re- One 'stroint, could t‘ To all this odminlstration ing a spokesmen say the government ventlfan is making an all-out effort to cut Romne; spending but thero Is no realls- his ap; tic possibility of reducing It Chicog( enough to substitute for a tax In- It ct

_ crease.;___ _____________________ racial_As for tax reform, they have domest

p ro m ts^ to send 'a ' bill to Con conSen press, later this year, after the Jlc ld a: Increase measure Is out of the told hi

• way. The need for more rove- 4 that lui nuc, thcy'Tnslstrls^lmniedliitc,— nor-a-t

- while- loopholo—closing,- which - the doc calls into action the, la s t ditch More

ZldelendCft'Br'evoty loophole, Is 'a escape ,long and pamful process: Romne'- In the fiscally happier d^ys of presum 1962 and 1903, there -wa ;, an ef- booster

~~fgrc~ttrcomblnu refunns-with-a— iirATizi •tax cutting measuro.-.The argu- vo ters!ments over reforms stretched_ .jrn ,__out .'interminably: one by one coidi,

• Ihey were dropped, and the bill i_ .jofio that finally passed had practl-* tt c <;>• cfflly nothing In 'it but tax reduc-

_ . Johhsoa.’s jo rm u la _ fo f_ h a n -_ h « * P -i'• d llo g 'th e budget .Is to save 'J.*'®’' * —-Bome,“ -tax*~aome~and“ lxjiiuw, Phoenu

someAMore-and-more. the argu- a big f ment in Congress appears to be sponsor

■ not so much whether • to- accept .^Tusk -C'o r reject the formula; but in any poijvhat p r^ o i t io a i to « p ^ it ou^ -water 1

st Glass Ma:y DulsU, D .. N. Y., and the third- have «, class of “ junk” mailers lhat It a wl

was foreed to opprtjvo President I>u in Johnson's $154.1 Increase -for < who10— this-class.-Admittedly, this is a ..monl ^d plus of a sort because Dulskl’s ed'b;11- subcommittee had recommend- "And a ed on increase which'would angr;

mamf io n a

______________.... • Buhcavnumi

s m a n s h i p ! ” Scost

- t e r f-.-----------------ra te

___________________ ___________ to 5.

a ndfrom

- . • Thiou tri th e (

- talnliA ■' th e hH Incre

_ ■ ^ b u tconsi ra ise

. 62’'S

los®/ A ■ p'-’' b e 0

----- tatnlibill.



^ B f T j J ™ a S < 7 ^ H e S K ' con whenpublii'Thcr(

' susu of Co


__ _____________________ . I n to fI t i

. — . ----------- -----------------No.wh-----------------------------------------------------ior^ikr i T k - -I r f a n y 1

t e s t b

’. a man who "vacillates" in Viet- o p mnam nnd other foreign policy, terns

i— matters: ~ ' iiitim:But Goldwater did not leave . troatj

I It nl thnt. What follows is basi- - fh c n ® colly tho recollection of three “ persons in the room — and most? particularly, one. A few others f . v “*“ who were queried remerhber '_ part of the comment but cannot i - - , ; confirm .aU of it. H b reportedJ comment: S o ^>. "I hod lunch last week in Thed Collfomia wIUi my old friend, prove0 Ronald Reagan, and Ronnie and Weap0 1 both agreed that George Rom- ';t i^cyls the most atuactrve, pre- ®ven

. sentablc. ‘moral . . . candidate *05"tho Republican party could put '

"He has not. up to this point, .j,n t *come across to thc American nnartpeople. I am not saying he Is ^ unot going to. That remains to th e \sbe seen.’* ,ake

This suggests a conviction th a t , e ^ mthere Is somo missing element terial

Q in R o m n e y ’s communication - ^ r 1y with the voters, even though, as CKTH!

Goldwater noted a t another c learIt point, tho Michigan governor Moo currently Is doing well In polls these

against President Johnson. cholo y The listener who'TCportrf ' d Goldwater’s favorable Romney it Comment insists it was not ut- le tered in a "He's-attractive-but-0 not-up-to-the-job" kind of throw- •n away spirit. Yet It does have to . . . ,

be measured ogainst his renew- y y j f"— ed;-reinforced-pledges of non-

support for tho governor.° ■ That reaffirmation notwlth- f ^undln^^.i^.fW -RyAUc^^ .

j® prlso cdmnient thought it both,0 .believable and possibly indica- q - f . tive of ultimate Goldwater sup-jf port for Ro jn n y should he be- •

6- One co n se?W ir^“ W ia " h o ' " V , could even, see Goldwater m ak-- ..mi ,

m ing a fairly fervent 1968 con- “ “ ‘ J It ventlbn plea for unity behind It Romney. jnuch In the manner of ‘ ]_ „ i s- his appeal for Nixon in 1960 a t it ChicOgo. -■ . chani1- It can be argued that, the olani___racial_issue_asIde,_Romney_pn_e domestic: questions Is the most it conservative calVdrdale f in K e mTvi >e Jle ld after Reagan. (Goldwater- le ’ told his listeners. Reagan, a t »- 4 that lunch, persuaded him he is /I,— nor-a-candldate.-though-leaving—h -the door-ajar;)— — - ----- -h____A lo re o y e r ._ lt_ c a a U ia r tl ly _ ;,a escape Goldwatets notice that “

Romney on the ticket would"« presumobly have a substantial A - '* booster effect on the GOP vote te r Ir

In-ATizona, where-thousaBda-of— a-fa<*: voters share Romoey's Mornjon- by 1(H—*ism.---------------------------------------- ^devlo® Goldwater, of course, seeks su re

i n -1968 to regain a seat In Uio eveni 1* .U.S. Senate. . b est <

• On Oct. 16, Goldwater' m a y -hali>- to play host to Romney

e when the goverpop 'com es'to '— Q “ n— Phoenl»-for-a-majop-8p«ch-atr-« lalT j

a big fund-raising dhincr under Ins I « sponsorship of the Trunk nnd back )t .^Tusk-Club.ilf ihey .jnecftherc.'—creis< n any possible softenine by Gold- back1 -water •bould-.ba visible. - •- A

' r ~' f

Mail Gel Silrd- havB-saved third-class mailers |ob It It a whopping K i million. • h «lent Dulskl. of course, is the chap “ Xfo r . who bonked'jn.OOO from a testi- ®

Is a .monlal dinner heavily *upi»rt-ikl’s ed-by the third-class mall lobby, w*end- "And It Is always salutory wherj “ Duld angry letters from constltueilts

mans^ge t^change the Congros-

.. ‘ But.^the-biU.-stlll places-theheaviest burden on the largest nia number of citizens, to wit, the lisera o f first-class mall. The- committee voted lo raise tha , JOJcost of innlllng a first<lass let- ^to r from 5 cents to G and the 8^c

" ra te for a postcard from 4 cents df* to 5. T h ^ y r t of o r m a»

a n d that of a ir mall postcards P«r from 6 cents to S.

This Is a t least somewhatoutrigeous, since first-class is «ecth e only mall; that Is self-sus- ptalning: It p a ^ 103 per cent of areth e handlfng. Johnson wanted to theIncrease this to 123 per cent, wa:b u t the . committee went him ii^econsiderably better. Its^blll will bera ise S517 miUlon additional Mo

62 per cent of ,tho total yield thefrom oil Incrcascif rates. ter,

Meanwhile,' third-class mail, arewhich is now only 61.2 per ccnt edi

. sclf-sustalning and which pr07 pinduces almost holf of the pos- a

. . . . . . taI.dcflcit.of.JS5a million .vrauld-^jne-■•■'be only 80.2 ■pci^'ce'rif self-sus- 1

h ----- taintng under the committee's -pte: b ill. - mo^---------- By_any—orithmetic,—th ls -Is__ seeI5 hardly a victory of epic pro- for” — portions for the tajcpayer. I t Is, helf instead, an Illustration of' Iho pin^ pressures the thlrd<lass lobby tall

c a n exert on Congress even mowhen those pressures have been frepublicly held up to disrepute, age

•■M There Is no reason why third- cuc-c la ss m all should not be self- sco

^ sustaining cxccpt that metribers corof Congress are afraid to offend pcc


Nuclear Jv ^ e ^ O u td 'h o t the' pro- 'I iposed nuclear nonproliferation dortreaty, i t Is just another step trainto 0 nuclear ambush, for

I t is not. an effective treoty. Ho------- No.whcro_lnJt. Is nny provision__ litli------- f^ the-eort-of-lnspectionthat-ls— Tht

absolutely essential In making ma7 a n y nuclcar treaty meaningful, pea--------- A7n!aayrthanl5 to the"nu'c"ear pea

te s t ban treaty, this country has Vstood virtually still In tho devel- of

« t- opment of the defensive sys- be l lS ^ jto m s upoa_whIchuuc-very-lIvea— apt

ultimately may depend. That weiavo . treaty was signed a t a time *tasi- -when thc Soviet Union already oln

g- h ad conducted the tests which L .' . todaypcrm lt Uiem an admitted S ? ^ advantage in knowledge of

largc-scale nuclear effects-tho i p so rt that could be used In build- ing systems to shield them whiio

in The new treaty Is supposed tomd, prevent the spread of nuclear 5and weapons to other nations. There " jm- a r e a few little catches to It

even Iti lha t rcspccu Red Chino, “ O'Into fo r instance, won't touch it..And ™ put nucleor power is the most i j t — slgnlfican t-slng lo -add ltion -to—--------Ihe-world’s-problemr-----------------, I t Is in the.lack of inspection anc

th a t tho treaty Internally falls toC“ " opart. Thera Is no way under mu■ >» the u ta ty for any nation to blow clei

to th e whistle on the Soviets for, to partake Just one of mnny possible Nai

h a t , examples, shipping nuclear ma- eff«lent terials to Cuba or lo Red China thelion —o r to blow the whistle on Red pos"as China, In turit. for shlppuig nu- wRlher c lear materials anywhere else. Itnor More serious, perhaps, 'than inoils these technical defccts is Its psy- she

chological, possibly fatal de- mef e e t ' --------- ------------------------ -.-leai

ney ’ 1,ut-

but-ow- • ■ . , / ,


__The Traix)lhlea* Q _ jioyy successful ore kid- -tou’k ? . »ey transplants? Ho\t do they ing^ compare with tho artificial kid- wil:

n e y ? '— :----------------------------' A - Kidney transplants’ are ««f'

[“*'• ■ s till experimental, but improve- ments In techniques nre being

""‘i made. In general, tho moref 0* closely related the recipient is o "' to the donor, tho bettor are tho « « .. ■ chances fo r a succeuful-trans-™ plant. If a transplant works, the . C

reclpIent-con-Uve an irm a l-llfe - J

patient who depends on an or- tificlal kidney m ust.take time . ^ out-frequently to be hooked up .

'‘"8— 16-thlj-coqipllcated'dcvlce.-----------n V -■ Q - Will'washlng bed clothes— "®,

luid - c u r e bedsores? .................................tial A —.The hardness of the wa- • f id'ote te r in the laundiy would not be it i.(,f— a-factor.-B edsorc8-a re -caused— f«uion- by localized pressure. Various the------ :-devices-for-reliovlng-the-pres-— n ]]«ks su re by dtslributlnst It m^re -rUie evenly a re helpful. Ono of. the cou

. b est of, these Is a special -water, ecunay— m*ttres^ that uses tho tolal flo- trli n ty “ U w Princjplc," to '— Q “^ ‘I 'a m aware Of tho spe- • Ai-atr-«lalTprecautIons-needed-lnrllftTrrf“llder Ins heavy w e l^ ls to prevent leuinnd back injuries. Are there any ex- by ire.'—erases that„wlll.strcngthen tho sonaid- b ackm usc les^ ’ the

A - Bending forward aad cau

t Stuckmailers lobbyists who contribute so

. heavily to-thelr political pocket-

a S c * ^ u ik rate-thlnl-closs m aii-is -uoDort- nvosOy stuff the eltlieti doesn’t ifobbv' want littering up-hls, m all box.it wheii R consists of circulora. advei^ dtueilts leaflets, s h c ^ r guides -onsres- ‘ nd catalogs, much , of i t ad-^ dressed simply te "occupant."-

* , the I t Is a pain in the neck of thelargest niall'carrier,'a lready 'stn ig^lng 'It. the I**® 'greatest volume of

1. The- hi history. I t Is a frease tha loader on tho mall system. *ISS let- The point can -be tnade thatnd the second-class mall, mainly mass4 cents circulation magaxines and news-''letters p“pers. also does pretty well.

pgyr -o n iy T 9 :3 —ilcards per cent of the cost of handling

and would pay 3S.3 per centlewhat under the committee’s bill. Butless is second-class has a valid case,eif-sus- Nevrapapers a n d magazinesrent of a re ordered by the recipients;nted to they are something the public• ccnt. wants. Usually, 1 pa rt of anyIt him increase in posUl rates must '111 will be passed on to the customer,iitional Moreover, second-class malllich-is— causes-only-about-one-third-trf------I yield the deficit. And, as reading m at­

ter, newspapers and magazines mail, a re considered somewhat more •

cr ccnt educational than a piece of h pro- pimpery estolling the virtues of 10 pos- a soggy real esu to ' develop-would-—mcnt.— .- ------- -- --------- -.

elf-sus- Thus the real vlU aln-ln-the ilttee's -pksce remains - tho-thlrd-closs

mailer. There is the stench of:h ls-ls__ s c an d a l-ln -a—situation—w hich------c pro- forces the ordinary citizen to ■. I t Is, help finance the spiels of this of' tho pitchman. In delivering his sales lobby talk, however, the Uilrd-class

1 even m ailer enjoys the services of a ebeen free-spending lobby whose repuie. agents spend every waking hour •

third- cuddling a Congress w h ic he self- scoffs a t the Constitutional____:niljers c o m m n n d lh a n t serve as tho offend people’s lobby."


iar Ambush10 pro* ' I t ’Is to bo'expected tha t Ly»- cratlon don Johnson will exploit the :r step treaty proposal as a giant step

forward in easing Wor& tension, treoiy. Ho will milk every ounce of po-ovlsloa__ litlca l. melodrama out of te.that-is— There—w lll-be“ cvery~attempi~^— naking m ade to mako this treaty ap-lingful. pear ns a true tPWffrd____iuclear peace.;ry has We can expect the sum total devcN of this political hay.maklng to

e sys- be another period of blissfulyJlves— a p a th y -in -re g a rd -to -B u c le a r------

That weaponry. -win iu lt the

Strange McNa- As the nation's

on nf advocate of one-sided dls.ikI armament, tho socalled secre-

tary of defense, wIU be able to

tt-jre*^— K00thff-iniyme-WK5"briii®rTjp—

si?There Th* of that situation Is

, I. worthy of the most intense na- China debate, the most thoroueh it And congressional probe and ^ 0 B most " o s t sincere examination of tho lon^“ o --P U ^.con3cIenc<L _ ~ ~ ^ ~ ^ —-*To"the"besfof-Tny'knowledge; r pectlon and on the basis of what seems y falls to me an overwhelming accu-

under mulation of evidence, our nu- lo blow clear position Is very bad—com­for. to pared lo what it was before Mc-

osslble Namara began his disarmament ar ma- efforts. Soviet nuclear power, on I China the other hand^ hiis had every in Red possible opportunity to grow to \ mg nu-— tthnt'shouid be~ftl&mln^ieveir. ' e else. I t Is this increasing Imbalance , 'than in nuclear strength that now Its psy- should occupy us—not another al de- meaningless, worthless and mis- -------- . leadlng-treaty.— ........1, ' •

^ I b S T A D T , M ; D . '

Transplant^—re kid- -touching your tp « from a stand- 0 they ins posTiionor from lytag down la! kid- will strengthen these muscles--------: r l} ffrh 3 n o ^ th o polnt-of m ak ln g it- —Its' are -^“ ^0 <0 lift heavy objects with' iprove- your back insteod of your legs,

being These exercises should be avoid- moro ed if they cause pain or dls-

ilent is comfort, and backward bonding ira tho .exercises should be avoided,■ trans- period. •ks. the Q — For the past tWo y e a rs . lal-llfe - have had bouts of what ono ' jabou t— doctor says. Is ..angioneurotic. ... uremic odema. Anolhec. doctor calls iC^ an af. urticaria. 'What Is the cause? 'B time A. — Urticaria Is hives and ked up . angioneurotic edema Is also -

Sbthei“ "® d S £ e ^ e r t ” be-------— tween-your-doctors.-'Tho-oausa-—

-is- allergy but discovering th e '. offending allergen is often dlf-he w a - . ficuit. A conlinuous. search for

It should ^ “" g ■

/arlous the cause can you ge t lastingi-pres-----relief.-------------------------------------------

mere -Q — Can the white Mood c d l of. .the count fall to half tbe norm al

l-'ratw . count? W hat-can be done to '• lal flo- b r In j‘ I fb a ‘ck?'WHat i s ' le iiko^ —

\B spe-- A — Yes.'the'whltecountmay'v, lnrUftT=rf?11i*ndrwhen:it:doe9yottrhavor=rr irevent Icukopenia..Thls mayibe. caused ' my ex- by anemia, .various drugs-.and len tho ? some infectious diseases. Before^ •

the condition caa be treated, th* - d m ust be

Page 5: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

I' -I <girr«^-;-rrr r ^T.■?-:^^jPu

PREPARING HIS l in t Mrvli b Rev. John Riley, recently,!

Bible Baptist ^Decade In Tv

The Bible Baptist Church, first iknown In Twin Falls as the iTwin Falls Baptist Tabcrnacic, I is celebrating Its first dccadc i of worship this year with acllv- 1iiies which include their Annual ; Mission Conference held here in i

• November. i • ■ ■ Rev. Chester Whiteker. pas­

tor of the Bible Baptist Church, t hos been In Twin Falls since : July of 4965. He was raised in i Jerome and still*has members |

. of his family living there. He I lett .Jerome to attend the Bap- i tli t Bible College In Springfield, I

Mo. , ___________________;After graduating from thnt j

.theological semina ry jie became ' assistant pubior In T e « s 7"ihen * he moved to Utah, back to Tex- I as, to Colorado, ond finally to Idaho. I

According to Rev. Whiteker, i ’•I’m extrcmely~happy“ to~be 1 back fn Idaho. I love this area . . . my family is close . . . ond i besides the ' weather is quite t mild here after those broad < Texas plalris." 1

The first service of the Bible i Baptist Church, which sub- 1


N. Locuii, at Shou» St.. HCT. t . t La- Manet, paarar. SnattT u ttM i: It. «.m <

'Swiuy-ithoot.—n~I.W.—yBnHtK~-?;M ■ a

TKE SALVATION ARMY Ul Stcond Ava. N., Capt. G<or|> Drl*<

tr. Sundi* lervleti: tiO a.m. Siad«r KiMMl. U ..m., t p.m. Worihlp. J


Cburcti Kbool. r. a.m. Werthlp. . . ■■ — t

rttnnrti r,w r«t,wT_______ I! ' »S1 Flltr AT*. E.'. Siiniiy Krrtcti; ‘


FIRST UNITED PCNTECOSTAL ■JO Fllih A»t. E.. Mta. J«t WlihaMpoon. {

-------Sunday.Mrvlcti: la a.n..SuadAy icbMl. (II.a .m , T.it p.m. Wonhlp.

Schnck«ib«ri. paitor. Sunday Mnlcra; 'II a.m. Sunday Kboel, 11 a .n . T.W p;m.

■ Wocihl9_»;at.i»j..T ia tn Uii Union. . . .LDS StXTII WARD ,

• U> lltrrlaon Simt. OUMp Rey Dab- Ixl. Sunday tertlcet: I* a.m. Sunday ‘ achool, 4ilO p.m. SaeramtnL

‘ ■ i------- Olwn.—ml»ilt<tr.—S<indaT—MfTtwii—*i«t

a m. Sunday uhooJ. 1«:S4 a .n , I pjs. Wonhlp. Wtdottdar. I p.m.

2IBLE BAPTin . !2<4 Lecuii SI.. Rtf. Oiitttr WhJiiktr.

Bailor, Sunday i*rvtcta: It. ajn.. Sunday Kfaaol.. II « jn , 7;» p.m. Wonhlp.-

^ 1?l ?rt«*’Fgtr.'^"»^Bii^t*Ru^^ { jiaiior. Sunday »«hool. 10 a.m.j'Moniln* |

- M rthlp.-ll a.m.. fcalurlBi Ute MuMal ' Maisni In both a«n>lcti. CA.'t T.ii p a . Evanccllille Youth. T p.m., klonday.

mer. mmlater..Sunday atnrlcti: Wonhlp. '• a.m.'Sunday .ehooU II a.n.

TRINTTV SOinHERN BAPTIST < •»H7>>iftl-A*«.-Hr.-n*».-Jh«-A-Mytri, 1

g u te ^ S u ^ a y ^

Summir schtdult; July. Au|uiL 210 Hlu«.Uk«i Dlvd. N." Sunday Hn'icca

: Mnr7^rtTSIl!fl'rtir^’aH8f'"o^^— (trrtciin s«pt. I).

---- " ' I - ___IU Fotmh Atc.'N .. Olihop UVtar

Itnmeek. S u a ^ aarricti: U:ti aja- Sunday attiocl. 7 pja. Sacraaeot. .

~ FIRST METHbl7" ^Shoshone at'Foul' . SERVICES Th

. . 8.45 Early.9:45.Church-5chOol-»

— ■- -■ - - 1 ^ t:1 iOO-»^.VllFE'5:M

• ■ . Dr. Nye, iBROADCAST


... . A...'.;.

first Mrvlce ns new minister of the Epls< reeenUy, named successor to Rev. Warrei

[)tist Church Cele tTTwiir Fall^Tlriirch. first scribes to doctrines of the old : as the lime fundnmental Baptist teach- bernacle, Ings. wos held Marct; 17, 19S7.I decode Services were held at 333V Ilh acllV' Highland /^ve.. for about two ir Annual monihs before property was d here in purchased a t lhe present loca*

tion, 244 Locust Slreei. icer. pas- Tho acluol organiiatlon of ; Church, the church was complelcd in ,11s since July of 1957, with nine charier raised in members. The church had as iw members first pastorr Brother Art Dun- here. He ham. who stayed In Twin Falls the Bap- until December 19S7. The Rev. ringfield, L. V. Morris was pastor until________July ISGQ, and he was followedom that by the Rev. Vlrl^l Coffman who . becamc position until the pre.S'icasrthen 6 n t-pasto r-^ rriv«d-icH ^bt-« l k xo Tex. 1963.finally to Members of ihe-orlglnal con-

gregatioo, which now totals 35. Whileken met I n 'a hou-te on tho-newlj- jT"to~be purcna^o property, ihls area The scrvfces in tho house con*. . . ond tinued until April of -1958, when is quite the garage was remodeled Into

:e broad church facilities, In January of 1958 the name Twin Falls B&iv

the Bible ii. t Tabernacle was chongcd to ch sub- Bible Baptist Church. And the

rectory Of ChGOO FIRST pnESnYTERIA.Sr. L. t La- U» Fifth An. N.. Htr. Robrii C liar- m; U. a.m «rr. paai«r. Soadar <crrlrt«; and >I innip.—

s ' s x tn ,«jilp. ' MibUd. mtnliitr. Sunday Mtncta; S:». lits'a.m . Chufch'ichool. Siwaiicr al i:]llr IJ ->.n. •nil >■ ■ MtvlMi win b« Her. Jack ?"a? i r « Kwntdy. Topic: "Ihi Dcii It Yft To . i .u a.tn. 0, . . yo emilB« MrrlMi art Khfdulfd.

> Tha eontrriation li Invlitd to alKpd th« Maile Vallty CniMda al I p.m. at Ui«

rr lllih SthocI Sladlumr _________

. 7:»l p.m: FIRCT CHRISTIANU t Shoihont St. H., net. Donald L

llolfman., mlnliitV. Sunday «m cei: »:« .05TAL a.m. Sunday ichool, lO.-M a.m. Worihtp,idjly'i’SSlii MS '«)ee25l.mttllc? jaioo^PeepTololiir

I*' Illbhard. paiior. Svnday nrriMa: »:«1. 7"7p.m ichool,. II a.m. Wonhlp.Jnloo. . . street SAPT15T, m Tylir Sirttt. Rtt. Paul WtilKield.

i s . a r :LDS FIRST WARD

»AIENE Fourth Awt. E., niihop Howard 0,

S S !i.m, I pja. LPJ geeoND WARD

JU Fourth AW. N.. Dlihop M. Sh.i- man Swtnien. Sunday Kmcci; 10:41

T Whiliktr; s e h o o l^ m . Sayata.nt.FIRST MEniOOlST aiURCII

SU.Shoihant SI. E.. R«».-l!atoUl N

lhe MuMal _____'a 7:4J pjn. GRACE BAFTIST

Jii Founh ^ 'E ^ n i V A l l a a Ua^ i n n i Mullcni MHor. Suiday ttntlcei! >:«>

WESLEYAN HOmESS »S Madlion. Rt*. John Sander, pador.

.pnST Sundty atrrlcti; It a.m. Sunday School. »-A^Mytrt, lu.*wn--W onhtp.-7i»-p.m.. Ertalni I a.R. Tbd- JlTUStlUtle ttrviCt. -

.............^ ......" jW ater W aihed-Oil,Tr«ated |

*B D.-Rncy ^••$17;00-pT-tdn-de1ivertd .-j^

INTERMOUNTAIN^‘ .f'u u j iS u > 7 3 3 -6 6 2 1 — Twin F a lli =lent. . ...................... ................................... .

= T w b b r s r x H O R e H - - *rat'FourtlTAvenue E a s t;ICES THIS SUNDAY8i45 Early-SorvicochOol-' ClossQs for olt AgesVCIFE'S.MIDDLEjBIESSING'-L- , ___

\)ye, preaching,DCAST O X ^K L IX --------------WAYS WELCOME HERE!?---- -

__/___ ' • ,_ A

! the Episcopal Church ol (be Ascensloa ev. Warren L. HftwelL

Celebrates ThisYear^---- --

f the old presv»t auditorium was pur­ist teach- chased from the Lutherans and 17, 1B57. moved from Eden in 1962. The

at 333V garage building then become a boul two Sunday School facility, srly was The Bible Baptist Church Is a icnt loca* missionory church nnd Is pres­

ently. helping old five mission- cation of ary families each locatcd In a pleled in different country. They arc also e charter helping finance the new Bible liad as il.<( Baptist C h u r^ a l Buhl.'Over Arc Dun- 30 per ccnt of the church's of- win Falls ferings go to supporting mis- The Rev. sions.stor until The Bible Baptist Church Is ;,fo»°wed iiim iniedjiiih,thc-Bapilst-Biblc ^man who Fellowship in Springfield. ,Mo.. the pre.S'where the-college is also lo-

ealed:—TTT.----- =— --------------»Tliere is no official oversee-

;Inal con- ing agency or organinzatlon olh- totals 35. cr than a fellowship of churches h o jcw lj- JvhQse_bdlefa_nrc—allke_jrhls

year over 1200 thcologlcol stu- ousc con- dents wiH attend the Baptist Bi- 558, when ble College In Springfield, leled Into Bible Baptist Churches can be inuary p f found In Twin Falls, Buhl, ’alls Biiiv Blackfoot. B o is e , Pocatello, langed to Coldwell, Jerome, and Moun- And the tain Homo in this area.

C hurches, SerAN DRIVF.-IN CllUnCil SERVICEbril C liar. Moior-Vg Thialtr. Liailland DH¥« I l:U toa n a.m. to i:U tjn . SfrMkir. Aar. llawMrd :

tn«iool-far tararnirKimWrlrChnitniirCmirHr-TTTpter ■< S. Johnun. "i)«(ore llic Thtone." Sptcial nniilf by i--------------TOnn)ucMnnrt-rid-noitnnTrTCtTinrBr- -

lanlil. Sylvia I'rtdiont. Lait utYlct cltha ytMT.

r i - L s i S K M T . S ' ? , ;liier at i ']0 ''*H- paiior. Sunday aervleti: Mominf I Ht»‘ Jack w ih lp . »;M a.m. Sunday School. IO:JO.I) Yft To wr»lcc. J p,m, Junior Chrlitlan

t «hrtul7d tn d « « f *"<« *1-H chW.praCKt. CIS ;» alttpd tht f _______ • ip.m. at Ui«

------------ ;^r'!^Iu■^J'a•v^^t?l‘;^ ? i*yo°"a ?; Hi”; -I day.achool. 4:3e p.m.. Sacramfnl.. Donald L . — ____ !•mcei: »;4J .IIBLF. MISSIONARY .ffl. Worihtp, 4J7 Monroo Si. Sunday itnricm 10 ,itfflcnl Hip- a.m. Sunday ichool, II a.m.. 1:90 p.m. cck. ulolil. Worahlp. Gueil ipcaker ihli Sunday li .

- • Rer; if. A. F.rfmtrn. t»ant«/iu and....... s r r " " " —

rrieta: *:4) 'n. Wonhlp. ainisriAN SCIENCE

• I«0_Nlnih Ave, K.. Rfadini.Boam. JU I. . .J ^ Sunday »er»icn: l;4» a.m. a

1)1 WhMfield. Sunday ich»il. ll a.m. Worihlp. Jtrmon *

einmciroF ' con------------ 1> Sccond AT*. C.. Rc». Ralph C. Uwi. jHoward 0, paitor. Sunday MrTicet: t:lS a.m.. Sua-

I a.m, -'iw day School. 11 a.m..-monitni wonhlp.

ncM-' ^ U BETHEL TEMPLB APOSTOUCr„;<h.nt.- " iV cciV ,

Sunday School. U a.m.. 7 p.m. Wonhlp. |

-2l.‘**sle>day ~4*m«I»«~Avrr-Kr^.-Shair.-i»h.la. : m. aunoay Mr^icti: J p.m, PuWle 7<lk.

4:11 p.m. Watchtowtr proiram, Dlbli Talk Topic: "How Should You view Thoit i

Allan Uae- Abandon Ttua Wonhlp?" S(«tlur I

t NErtalflf; —


fre a te d to mtef tha" •rilS iri: zr:r=vwi<jrroifcpwjstf=cim>»»-aJw». U H ItL 'l Enioll by railing 733-4304. (PiiM i' = INJTBUMINT $AUS.

,„r ...I - . Authoilitd" dooler for Glglletll... . . tloml Cullor: anti Atnpllfltrt.

-INSTIUMINT • *CNTAli ,.i._.......H-----

INSnUMlNT IEFAIU-Adluilownli ond rapain of oi

n u fNTniAtNMlMT BT STUOtN Sofo and combo grnjpf ovallc

II thurth«», tic. .

T ^-W irN K O O P -M l---------- — 934-Sunriw -B lvd . ,g „ ____ ■ W ayne and Lor

| - - . TeSaturday, si

-PROMISING■ P ■ 8 p.ni.;‘2SL; 7B.'8,' 11—Miss ^ ■ j granddaddy of them all. Miss ^ ■ 1 Phillips, competes with 49 other

— etcd-tltlo.-Bert.-Park8'.emccc9_t1 - - hostess Bess Myerson. Miss Ame

HERE AND7 p.m.. 2SL, 7B. 8—Rowan an

' the pilot film for a projected Tn f r such diverse topics as cocktail p k ?W Jealousy, dating hoblts and newsKT/iS __ An hou^long comedy revue, the■ n ' . the Smothers Brothers, Red 'Skell

Gleason to come up with a m: , bursts of ci{nncd laughter.

B s . Key to S ta tionsH C l E _ 2SL-KinV-TV-S0 lt-U k 6 —r - -

2B KBOI-TV Boise 3 KID-TV Idaho Falls

■ 4 KCPX-TV .Salt U ke5 KSUTV Salt U ke 7B KTVB-TV Boise ■ '8 KIFI-TV Idaho Falls i l KMVT-TV Twin Falls (c) Telecast in color-

W m ;.', - SATURDAY MORNING , l!80 4—Farm Report c

i-camre ^ r 7B-Agriculture U.S.A. c■ 7:00-2SL-Super 8 c

2B-^Frankenstein J r . c : . 3—Frankenstein Jr. c

\ 4-Casper c__ ,7B—super e . c . .

~ 8 ^ u p e r 0 c ’ ....... .■ ■ ' l l—Super 6 c ...........

I ------- .7 JM 2SL-Supcr President c1 / • 2B-Herculoids c ,

I ,• • * 4—Fantasiic Four c. . . . . I . . 5—Herculolds c

7B-Super President c 8—Super President c 11—Super President c

8:00 2Sl^Fllntstones c 2B—Sham nI c3-Splder-Man4—Splder-Mnn.

7B—Flintstones c 8—Fllntstones c

was pur- ll-n in ts to n es c erans and g .30 2S^-Samson & Goliath c 1962, The 2B-Space Ghost c

become a _ 3—Journey c4—Journey c —

hurch Is a 5—Space Ghost c d Is pres- 7B—Samson & Golith c : mission- 8—Samson & Goliath c :ated In a 11—Samson & Goliath c y arc also 2SI^Birdman c lew Bible 2B-Moby Dick c uhl.'O ver 3-Moby Dick c lurch's of- 4—King Kong c , . / rting mis- 5—Moby Dick c

7B—Blrdman c - Church li 'Mist Bible l l“ Birdman c S Mo =«:iinst=A iom -A M -/stctci—I .liO lo • f S S l l iigrinnn/Anim.

l i £ 5 w i ° l Ih ; JunKleViglcol stu- 5=SlTpcrmRn/Aqun-,3.^1.* SI man cflew 7B-Atom AnUSecret .ICS can be S‘l“>rrel tf ' IIls, Buhl, 8—Atom Ant/ SecretPocatello, Squirrel c nd Moun- . 11—Atom Ant/Secreta. Squirrel c »''tn— «.u.'—

S em ces"EHVICE OUR SAVIOR LUTIIF.RANnd Otiv* I Stand St. N. al FouiUi A*t. N.. Btt. Jter. itoirafd ZwfM B. TJirkt. fiMUm Sjisdaj' atr>al miilf by »ja..ljO:ll a.in."Sunday ichool. • .’TTCtTinrBr- -------------------— ------ ---------------- ---It aitYlct cl SF.VENTII-DAV ADVENTIST

Grandview Drltt. John W. Ooyd. pa»- iin ru PJO- Wedntiday. Pray.V.R

J » r t t r ‘!t?a'i; r ttts t a iU R ai o f coo»aclic* <-|] -»*-<)>Uac»-S<.,-Xa>,. Wayaa-Cutahall.»ac>K*. a.i) p,,ior.^S«Hiay «r>lceii 10 a.ta. Sunday■ aehool. ll a.m. Wo»»hip. -

D ' — ion 1,1. Ale«- LDS SEVENTH WARD■amenl.' Thompion. Sunday-atrrleei; I0:]0 a.m.

Sunday Khool, IHI p.m. SacramsnL

itrvicell 10 VICTORY MISsioNASV BAPTIST J -jS .J Steond A»a. E, at locum s i , Rt*. 0 .

I»— A- Rsblnioo, paiior, Sunday atrrlcM: tchool.-11-a ja - .l .p jnSchool puP- Wonhlp.

coMKUNrrr prerdy terian CE ilollliltr. R«». II. D. Thomai. mln-

^ ^ ^ u n d a y .' ' ‘“ ■1 Sundayihip. 'stmion ' ' ------- 1.

U>S FOURTH WARD_________ >41 Fourth ATt. N-. Olihoo Oaudta BroSa-7f.~SI»day airvlcti; » :« «jn.ilph C, Lawi, Sunday icbool. 1 P.m. Sacraanic.* •

H 3 S » . JTutiday. ibtn. paiior. Sunday lenriu: *:» c.m Sonday K ^ l I .a.m.. II'a.m. Wonhlp

Tfnktfa >'RER wiLTBAPTtST. 1 T» a m Airport Road. Twin Falli. Rt». Uwlam' Wonua >* Sunday School. II a.m.,m. wonhlp. wonhlp. I p.m.; rreaUig wonhlp.QP Praytr Hniea U htid al I p.ta. Wtdat^

FIRST sdUTlURN'VAmSI--------n, Dlbli Talk M WaihUltoa St., Rtv. L. O. RObttt- View Thoit aon, paxor. Sunday aarrlcta: t:41 a.ik p7" Sptaktr Sunday achool. 11 a.m, 7 :» p.m. Wer- ___________ihlp. - _________

ENROLL NOW--'-ACCOIDtON USSOMl----------------— ***■_______ UarnJa.play->ha.v*fiatlt« Aoerdiert

PIANO USSONSl^ w eccapling Ufllruitct

d m ttf tha Siudtni’i Netd. Rack 'N' Roll ' :dow*-tw»-<u_iJ»-XjM CA_5ep),mb#A=Uc= 733-43B4. G otiai (or d l ' ogti.

(or Glulletll Ac^ordlonij Eplphon* ond Na- I Atnpllfltrt. Salat by Appojntmant... ___iilo*.^aanJal.purehoi«.plBn-fM,.privoi,«_Utio.M__

rapain of octerdloni end'flultara.BT STUOtNTS

groOpt ovallobit for PTA'i. iceuti, O'ong**^

OP-MUSIC-STUDIO—;I. , , . . Phone 7 3 3 ^ 2 6 5 '.le and Lorone Wynkoop

Television;ifday, September 9 WMISING SPECIALS

11—Miss America Beauty Pageant, the all. Miss Idaho, Rupert’s own Kristine

h 49 other oll-American''girls for the cov- ;'.emccc9_thc two-hour lelccasl, aided by. Miss-America IMS. ' ' - --------^ ---•lERE AND THERE-Rowan and Martin-headline “ U ugh-in," projected TV series. Dan and Dick- triiat r cocktail party chailcr. .TV lalent shows,; and news broadcasts 20 years from now. revue, the telecast.tnke.s a bit ench from , Ried ■Skello'n7T>anny“Thomas"and'Jackie with a mish-mash liberally splccd with


....... ...... 10:00 2SP-High School Foot-

l O n S " ' 4-Beailes c-------«-----7B-Top-Cni-b------ ;--------

. 8—Top Cot c Is 11—Top C a te .ke . 10:30 2B—Jonny Quest c

3—Jonny Qucsi c4—American Bandsiond c

ils 5—Jonny Quest c•ails 7B-C00I McCool c

8-American Bandstand c ll~Cool McCool c

iiimiiiimiiim | j .q 2B—Uno Ranger c J^INO ■ 3-1-onc Ranger c c 5—Lone Ranger, c ..

f---------- :------------7B—Americnn-Baridstand—U.S.A. c 11—Lone Ranger c

11:30 2Sl^Discovcr the World c n J r . c 2B—Road Runner cJr. c 3—Road Runner c

4—Soupy Sales ^ R o a d Runner c —

............... ■' _B r^u^rm an c........- .........l i—Road Runner c

sident c 12:00 2SI^Dnscball. c „ c 2B—Underdogjr-cr----------------- 3-Noked City----------------Jr c ■ 4^Tecn-Agors Sound Off c

5—Captoln Kangoroo c dent c 7B—Baseboll cint c 8—Baseboll clent c 11—Baseboll c

c 12:30'2B-Carloons4—Open Door to U arn - Ing c

. .1:00 2B-lnsight c------------------------3-TBA ____________c 4—Amateur Tennis c

.WZorro c . ' c 1:30 2B—Pro Soccer-cGoliath c 3—Pro Soccer c

It c 5—Pro Soccer c3:00 2Sl.-World Scries of • .

_ • Golf c c . 4-Wlde World of Sports c

Golith c 7B-World Series of Golf cloliath c R-World Scries of Golf cjoliath c n-W Idc World of: Sports'c

c 4:00 2B—Monroes c: ,3-W lde World of Sports c: , / .5—Ulnh Open: 4:30 2S1.-Fall Preview c

• - - 3 —KlnfTKonR'C--------------4—High Rood to Danger c

__________7B—Outdoor Sporismon cf S C c r e t ---------- 8_j;}ews-c -

■ ' ' 11-TBA iaUfi:------- J:B!LiSL=MJdi¥C8LcaLHwlcl{!i:

• 2B-NCWS c juo- -3 -N ew sc

. > 4—True Adventure ce Jungle V ]____ fc=M!lwa.Ji:Uu:.^PiS^C_luo.-, 7 B ^ e w s c

S:30 2SL-WccJicnd c-------------- ,lecret 2B—Cameo Theater c I

I 3—Jackie Gleason c i lecret 4-Dailng Game c, - |

5—Lost In Space c I Ecret 7B-WccKcnd c !

8—Weekend c 11—Jackie Gleason e

6:00 2S^-Campo 44_________ 4—Ncwlywtxl Game c

7B—Campo 44 --------8—Campo 44 -

8:30 2SL-GCI Smart c . r:T?r^j.-r3 2B—My Three Sons

8—Uwrcncc Welk c F.RAN 7—Li'l Abner c

. 4^U w rcnco Welk c • iwahipr-tiH--------11—L»wronc®-Wolk-c-------

~ 8—Get Smart c ■ f ! ^ d . paa- 7:00 2SL-Rowen and M artin c

2B-Hogon's Heroes c i a . , " 5-H ocan's Hcroc., c

7B—Rowan and Martin c . V 11 8—Rowon ond Marlin c

T riislSdai "7:3(T3^Pcuicb^JunctIoh c ‘ ' “4—PIcadllly Palace

' 5—Petticoat Junction c .B^nrr.1 w ] u ~ “ 'icoM 'j u n\\‘u«i^

8 ;« !Sl^M ls> Amtrica Pas- BAPTIST eant c • 'i I '- 2B-Avengers c^ ‘Tp^S' _ 3-rGonsmokc c

5—Gunsmoke~ c rTERiAN 7B-MISS A m erica Pag -nomai. mln- c a n t Ca.m. Sunday g-Miw-Amorica—

Pageant c ri.iH«. 11—Miss America

lr» :« Pageant cment.- • 8:30.4-M ov1c, 'T ake Her, iuN She's Mine.._Harel4..A _|:00-2B-Gunsmoke-.*^.:.:____?.m. worSi" 3-M y Three Sons c

5—Jackie Gleason c Rt» Uwia •:*!> 3—Hogan’s Heroes c

001. II a.rn., 10:00 2S^-The Shim c ^ 2B-Hurdy GUrdy c■ - —3—New5,-:^<hPnr^pt5r-OT—

^ %obtt»

^ rENRoa“ tnow-N- Roll ^ ,



\J7265 '

- ----------- J___ t S . . ........

m^chedulF r i d a y , S e i SPORTS SPEI

;eant. the 8 p.m., 7B—College Football Pr Kristine and Bud Wilkiwan. Televised ai

' the cov- and players last year and a loc aided by didatcs for 1967.,

~ ------ :-------------------------- ■— DEBUTt(8:30 p.m.,- 4, 7B, frs-Guns of ’

iugh -in ," series.-This •timo the scarch obj )ick-trijat space ship peopled with people nt shows, or a tie-ln lo Coronci^liie. but rom now. plays Will Sonnell, nn old cx-Co> nch from 20 years ago ond has become-a id-Jackie man-is-his grandson.-Throughoi Iced with running across revenge-seckers

therein .lies the plot. Seems to be

I Foot- 5:30 2B-NCWS, Spa .. W tbrT” 2Sl^Ncws c J-W ild Wild Wesl ”

_______ __ _..4r:Chcycnno ' • ,5-GIllfgan's Island c . 7B-News. Spts., Wthr.

. c 11-Wild Wild West■ 8-H ardy Boys c ndslond c 8:00 2B-Wlld Wild West c c 2SI^Ncws. Spts., Wthr.1 c 5-NcWs, Spis. Wthr.ndsiand c 7B—Capt. Nice c

c 6:30 2SL-Hardy Boys c:r c 3-rOff to See the Wizard cc 4l-0tf to Seo the Wizard cc , 5-David 0. McKay condstand----------- 7B-=-Off-lo-Set^he— --------r c Wlzord cle World c 8-<;hostbrcaker c :r c .10 Seo the' c Wizard c*

_ *7:00 2B-Movie, “ Beach, r ........ — -Party'-’ c . ................

5-Wild Wild West c f c 7:30 2Sl--PoHco Story c .— 3—Hondo c — ------

4-Hon(io c_____________ I” . n n '/i^^Miice ito ry c I3und Off c 8-Poiice Story c I50roo c 11-Gomer Pyle c

8:00 2SL^Three for Danger c5—Movie, "Beach Party” c ■ ,

K irR-Fall Preview c 11-Movie, "Beoch

nis c Party ' c :8:30 3—Film Feature

- c 4-Guns of Will Sonnet cC 7B-Guns of Will Sonnet cc &-Guns of Will Sonnet cics of • . 9:00 2SL—Ghoslbreakcr

2B—Dragnet c 3f Sports c 3—Comer Pyle c s of Golf c . 4-Judd c of Golf c 7B—Ghoslbreoker

, of 8-Judd cfl:JO 2B-Judd c

3-Hurdy Gurdy of Sports c iQ.Q 2SL-News. Wihr., Spts. c

3-News, Wthr., Spts. c ___________ ^f=NcW3._WUir..,Spts.- c -

■ .. 5-News, Wthr.. Spls. c-7B-News. Wihr.. Spts. c

prismon_c_ ------- ^^^News,_Wthr.,.;Spls—

n i w l d P i : - T ' — —Liquor Laws Meeting-Set—

ntcr c M Pocatello^ - POCATELLO - A Ugislotive

, p Council on Liquor Lows meetingwill bc conducted a t 11 a.m. Sept. 15 at the Idoho State Uni-

■nn . versity student union building to ® discuss possible revisions In the

ame c Code liquor laws.------- -T he meeting,-tho second In-a

series lo be conducted through- c out the stale, is open to all In-

on, ■ tercsled persons.:1k c Reports and testimony from

interested persons will bc heard >]]{ c ■ so the commlllce con report at'oik-c____ ihe.nexLatflteJcfilslatisrc.ac5S(onn<i c os required by Senate Concur*

------ --renr-Rtisolmlon—Nu. i2 ..T h trI M ariih c 'h a w « ' No 12 b to re- roes c ^'se and recodify those portions

V of the Idifho codc dealing with Martin c

ilariin c Wriiien or oral testimony moy ctIoh c ‘ “ be'prcscnicd-during-the scsslon. oceiciion c- ^ 'N ew s. Wthr., Spts. c nctlon c________7B-^Ncws c _

rlca Pag- - 11—News, Spts., Wthr. c - 10:15 7B-News, Wthr. c

10:30 2B-NCWS, Wthr. c4-News c

------------------------7B-Boxing-c------------------ ^CO Pag. B-N.Y.P.D c

11-Movie, "Along the,— ; -- Great Divide" ------

10:40 4-Ncws c :a 5 -F ilm Short

10:50 2B-Movle, ."Carnival ; Her, Story”

10:55 4-W lhr.. Spls. c______:_._5-David.SuSBkind_c

ns c 11:00 2S^-Ncw.s,. Wthr.. Spts. c m c 8—Movie, "Girls on theKS c Loose”c • 11:05 4-Movle, "City of Fear” ly c 11:20 2SI^Movie. "Thunder on

---- NIGHTM - ...- SCHOOL ■■ ' STARTS

SEPT. 11 M

iulesday, September 8ORTS SPECTACULARS Football Preview, hosted by Chris Schenkel relcvlsed arc. action, fooiage to top squads : and a look at posilble All-Americacon:

-n g n tr r -c o R N E R -------------- ------------—^ u n s of Will Sonnet, another TV search scarch object b -n o ra one-arthed man, a

Aiih people-.whose little fingers don't bend ^ l i i c . but a long-lost son. Wolter Brennan I old cx-Covolry scout whose son left home

become-a gunfighler. Riding with the old rThroughoui-the-serie*,- lhe -Sonnotts keep ige-seckers of one type 'o r another, and Seems to be som^hing of on oaty Fugitive;

Wthr.- 11-News, Spts.^W thr.. 10:20 4-Movies. "Invasion of

est the Animal People,” "The

“"w .hr I0:30.2Sl^Tonite Show c . w tnr. 7B-TonIie Show c^cst 8-Tonile Show c® . • 2B-NCWS, Spts., Wihr.

? 3-Movie, "Stella”s., Wthr. ii-M ovle. "Blood Alley"

10:40 5-Movie, "H alb of Montezuma" c I'S c I i , .

c Wizard ce Wizard c - •Kay c

r c '

sach \ \ / /

yry c . \ / _

_ ^

C ' ' -I c

Danger c ach ■

otball _____

_____ C | |■'sohn=.o ■ 11111 Sonnet cI Sonnet c ^

r Fedly ’Hhr., Spts. c ■., Spts. c .

r l 5S:1 ------------------------1 1 'ir ., Spts. c . .. M B 1

jet---------------------M o — - - -U gislative | \ I ,

ws meeting U 1 ^ ' ^at 11 a.m.I State Uni- • .building to

lions in the I" ■ Iws.lecondln-a — ------- ------------------ 'ed through- I___ in to all in-

Tiony from . ' IIII bc heard ^n report nt -— Ltisrc.awsfon ___ _____ _ vitc Concur-: - 12.. T h e —------------ ------- T------------------12 is to rc- . _iSC portions ^aa t |BW| ^ ia i ^Baling with ' f

Imony mnythe-sc5sIon.------------- - ” - r~ - -

. Spts. c n

, Wthr. c " J Ll V

ong ” . ' / I

irnlval / U

c U I - Mlnd_c ■ , - 1 J l | \hr.. Spts. c ■ I— I - ' - — < Is on the ’

> of F ear" . ■rhunder on ll f

j Q u a l i l

c a n g e t a m o r i

= = t o boad-GFbti;

F ed era l oflScei

-' Twin Fells Times-Newt , 5 --• S ep tr 8-9, .1967-------- r — -

10:55 2B-Movie, "Big Jim' McUin”

12:00 2SI^MovJo. "Amerfcan :-Is Schenkel Guerrilla in - the Philip-....... -top squads pines" nerlca .con: .— .......... .

T v l S S ? “ • J k * w oil V"U>"

’SnT"bend R c H p U S .

n^leu"home ^ B O O K S ■ i/ilh the old • C A R D S

ty Fugitive.- S U P P L I E S ■■■■ “ • G IF T S ■

opic.” "The F r a m in ga d cm u s '-i- . . - • - A R T _ S U E f ? L I E S ______

rc * = S E E . . . .

;.?W lhr.. m a g ic VAll^Y

K ,i.y" CHRISTIAN SUPPLYIlls of 10^ Main Av«. W ttI

ederalj H i S —

I L .


jQ u a lif ie d b o rrow ers ,., . , ' . et a mortgage loan now J :

a l oflScer today. . r

_____ ' . I . ^ ______________ i

■ . ' ■’ • ■ 3

-- -

Page 6: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

Aides CertifyMillLeyyAtRicLdK^d

R IC H F rem — M ill le v y w as certified, cIcctloiv<-chanRes‘ ai5< cussed and dcclslob coneem ing

evening, Mayor C. W. Ward re- : ports. ••••■•—:----------T------

Mill levy w as s e t-a t 38 m ills o r the sftine a s j t had been a s a v ll!a^ '. T b r ^ e t a l fu i«

' m ills to-aliow for am ount of the proposed c ity b u dget

Rccrcatlon fund levy Is 2 m ills and light fund, 8 m ills. The levy for ft library and flro . depart* m ent was dropped this year since districts hnve been formed for both croups. Three m ills had been allowed for th d r oper­ation.

/ Changes for c ity election con­cern election of a m ayor. Pres­ent mayor, C. W. Ward; a for-

--------m cr~ co u n c llm a n 7 -m u s t- res ign ■his elcclive position of council­m an, of which two years re­m ain, to run for m ayor. If he should choose to do so.

Olher councilmen term s to-be_____filled-Includc. those, o f Charles

.Sludcr, Birk Albert, and John Lemmon, who is serv in c the present un expIred .term .of.E d* win Johnson:

--------- rPetitioft-for-nom lnations-m ustb e filed with the c ity clerk:not later than 28 days before the N ov. 7 election.

Members of the U brary Dis- t r la m et w llh the c ity board concem lnc operation of lh e li­brary building donated to the city to be used as a library. Mrs. R oss Swalnston, city clcrk, and Mrs. Max Bohr, library board

-------- sccrelo'ryr-wero-aamcd to .drawup an agreement.

The board approved m ainte­nance of the library building and all expenses by the library d is­trict above the amount received for rent for port of the building not used a s a library.

The alley north of the cream ­ery will bo opened. It w as de­cided, wllh Sfuder hired to do necessary work. Opening w ater line to property owned b y Cary Swalnston w as approved. Re-

-------- quest for alrport-im provertentsw os dcclded wllh c\erk to con­tact Chester Moullon.

Fourth quarter beer licenses w ere approved for loca l stores

_____ a nd the Pheasant Q ub.

EXPECTING c ln L D----------- !IDU.YW OO D'(AP)-=^-Actor-------- L om e-Greene, ■ 62,-«aya-he-and

h is w ife, Nancy, aro expecting a child In Februory.

Elberta 'I Peaches

Are Now Ready at


*2.50 -------------- a -M lle s -W e s t— -

___________ 6JtflilflaJb lQ cth .__ .D e a d M a n ’s C o r n e r

' F lier


— If you a re planninj— , know so m eon e wtit7 ^

. dickTan d7k. JASON ROBARl

• r. 'H S ^ i S H ^ e E R M■ g a i w c « w ~ i r « B > W I L &

STARTS ~ ““ TONrGw— “• Cerrtlimvs Sphiirdajr ^

6 Twin Foils Tlmes-Nowi ... . Sep>. 8-9, 1967

l e v y ^iges' dl5- >neemlng iroved at Tuesday

Ward re-

38 mills

int of the

Is 2 mills The levy }. depart-his year H n w . :

formed -ee mills P ^ ’ id ro p e r-

:tIon cott- 'or. Pres- •d; a for-

council-/ears re- . j r r ./or. If he

-ms to-be * .'^-■^^^1t Charlesind Johnvine then .o i.E d*

ons-mustclerk:notefore 'the | g W Q S n | ^ P * n ^ H H

rary Dis- d R i U y f r n ^ H T *Ky board I K i g J t M W K . of lhe 11: . •- 9 i

'CAPPIE', a SM pound bui lerk and *roupd on hts two hind legs., *' ty ^ a r d was the victim of a freak acc U ouiraw _J«*LS^cn-h«-W“* “ pup.0 Dd U

toy poodle in Dallas County,I malnte- adopted by AI.Kemp, Irving, I Idlngand - a iocal veterinary clinic, a t t irary dis- was leading a real dog’s life. < received n ■ ! «

’ bulldlns H unuy _ o^LY 2 MORE [

' t h e S e a r i n g . .

E x p l o s i v e B ir l

. S ° R ? ■'“HIISUWATIIN ,ovtrttnu OFBRltHS! i

this film s h in H b t i • licenses seenbyalir e - "Ml stores ■ - TtCKKlCOtOl

L c p ^ n g • CONTINl/OUS SATl

5CCSS55_______ SEE THTW---------- I ------- AND-Ari;EyEN V

I I ' -


EY W a ^ m n m k I D




j i a n h i n g t o b e m a r r i e d " . . o r h a v £

j n e w H o l s . . . y o u 'm u s l s e n 'O iv u



SOMEONE y o u lOVi

ILEVeERMAN • MARTIN GABa • (fE G!y(NT* F i,NC«wi^«*niiRqBm







pound bundlo of eanlna courage, gela Ind legs. ‘Cnpple’, going on 2 years old, freak accident which crushed, his front

pup and Is probably tho only tw ^leggcd___1 County, o r ' maybe anywHerc-lIT w n s-I, Irving, Tc*. a mooiber of the.slaff of 1lnlc, a t a llmo when the IlUlo, poodle log*s life. (AP wlrephoto)________~ . •


iaring ... S hocklng ;..Savagef w e Birth Cf A Continent! /

n C K K K O tO t^^ |V \\y fl^W

o u s SATURDAY FROM l i3 0

EE T H T W lttlW E S T — fi^EyEN WlLMRvPLANETJ------■'"■■ -■ -

- OPEN 6 :4 5

•1 ft I H

.orhave’been m arrie3...or



- ,y o v i& fE i .


_. i . ' rawDccCdfr^

l | | k j | ^ ^ T o n ig h t O p tn 6 ;4 5 '

I I . T I f ^ c o m p U ta 's h o v ^ V ^ IS * \ i l 9 ^ “ D ivd fce '^e t_7 t25 . 9 i4 0

.. Con»,’Sot. from Ti30


BOISE (A P )-U . Col.- Charles i W. Brandebwry, admlnlstrttive ( Bssistaat. to Idaho's Adjutant 1 Genfcral. has' been promoted to f Ihe-'rank-of-colonel, It was an­nounced Thursday by tho office of GA'j Don W. Saniuclson.

CoL ' Brandeberry had been t w ith tho Idaho national guard ' 30 years and Is director of per- t sonnel'and administration of the g tw rd -ar-w ell-as asslstant-to \ Mal. Cen. George C. Bennett, * Adjutant General. J


1967 convention of the Idaho ( Chapter , Ameriean~7nstltute of ’ Architects began Friday. .

Paul L. Blanton of Moscow. Idoho, sold an executive board | meeting was scheduled.' ^


Slate Board of Education Thurs- 1: day formally’approved acquisi- t tion of 31 acres In Lewiston for i construction of a vocational- technical building a t Lewis- t Clark Normal School. (—The-board-'ngreed - to “ re-Im« -/ burse the school for three p a r ' r cels of land costing $94,670. c

Construction of the building c

». gela I /ars old, * I I M

m I J 1 Isb f^ ^ f 11 1^ —

ll Tv a g e l ■ nt l 7 I u y

■ Wr z i :

f R R A U M


i A N D O R G A N '


Drawings E very 'Fow Minutaa

y f 30- - I L U C K Y L I C E N S E

g u 4 j | | ) n N N E| U | u f l R agltter Frao Ali

■ ■ Winners Post*J | H M m W ednesday and.Th

J | $ 5 * $ 1 0 *

3 m U V e l l e a n dM .R o b e r ta B a r to n

H H a rv e y a n d - r - . - - ^ ^ H a z e l W r l g h t - ”


P I N N E R -s 7 ^ i s l S e r v e d f r o m5 - 9 ; 4 0 - .

A d u l t i on ly l

r , ■ —1 •

K o N m s Iii . cannot begin until the Perma- .ll.-Chafes hent. Bulidihg Fund Advisory ' inlstntive Council ass ig n funds for iL The -

Adjutant legislature appropriated $750,000 ' amoted to for the,project earlier this year. |

tlio”offk"e ■ DEATH TOLL RISIK uclson. POCATELLp (AP) — Idaho’s ( had been traffic death loll for the year I nal guard o t 187 today, 27 behlncf the J or of per- toll on 'this date last year, lion of the -The latest to die was Ronald , slstant-to B^-Bcnnctt. fl. of Pocatello.:6tate i

BenncH PoUce s«ld he was killed when J ■ a car struck him on U. S, 191

- north of Pocatello-Thursday eve* - PENS ning. *?)■— The Police sa'id tho driver w a s ;he Idaho Caix.L-.ClajX-OfJ}JacWoot,\___utltule of ' ' SOLONS R ^ P E D ' -

Moscow BOISE (AP) - Idaho's two ive board represcnUtives in Congress. WL TOuro Republicans, were accused

Thursday by Democratic State IK’D Chairman E. T. Waters of "fall- h e Idaho ing to come lo grips with the Ion Thurs- basic problems of the cities and d acquisi- the real -causes of the reccnt wlston for riots.”'ocatlonal- Waters, In a statement, sold It Lewis- the voting records of Reps,

Georse' V. Hansen and James -fo-*re-Im' -A—McChite-ahow^they-*S«Juld ihree par- rather deal with the symptoms 4,670. of urban unrest than thci ? building causes.'* _____ __________ j

f L l jjj|M

I / Hero to 'p td y your r S | H J § favorite Melodies\ t ------ a re -the-n im b le ........../ / fingers o f . . . .

SrU^W EEP ^ Di?A\

= i s f t Oi5 IN G

l ^ i l — 2 ^ $ 2 5 J



( I H i R S - ^ir Frao All ^ e e k B A N Km e n P ost«J .. & r % r lay and_Thur»day________

$ 1 0 • . $ 2 ^

= ^ ~ q ^ = t t - W I N = i

I E R ° -V ll I : on 'th e W

iilyl ?w ‘o)

Installation Set For Parish

« Rt- R «v . N orm an L . Foote,

Church Of the Ascension. .. ■ I S K . The Bishop-is vUItlflK t ^ lo-n -i Idaho’s cal parish for the installatkin of s the y ea r the hew parish rector. Rev. j ehlncf the John Riley. . ^war- Also participating In the 8e^ d3 Ronald viee wU! be Wiley l)odds. Twin F ^Io.:6tate Falls.-siBnior warden, and-Jdar*

whM shallYeBaron,'Kimberly, junkir warden.sd a y eve-

iver w as serm on in the Tw in F a lls church Jo o t.\___ la s t Sunday. ___ __

R i ( n ^} accused i^ST NIGHT

c rJcs a ^ d jlVIS PRESLEY.r i r i i - i i f • DOOIE MARSHAU ,>C rw cn t ..e a sy COME; EASY G 0 " ‘lent so ld i Color •— Alto of R c ^ . "COMI O N . t * r j u v i A I t m r ’ id J a m e s tot. ai>4 S«n. • Mg DmW* Ul] ' I S M S rou ld :------- =“ THB-«AW-»l«IO-W---------lymptomsl d e a o u » th a n t h i m a u hon thci _ .324-SS2T


S tak^IRAWINGS I> 0 0 ® o |IN CASH____

$25jDrawlngs__|i_iday- only— I t2CHASE NECESSARY) ^

m m m m r n r n ^

D N E S D A Y a n d F R ID A Y B ■

■ ______________ B

SNITNIGHTS f l - $200 BANKS j | -

: l u b I

sh ig h w a y 9 3 . ■

S y T ^ ^ -J A C K P O T . N E V . - ^ -

s ^ W a y ^

F ^ iK r'the Wheelid F p r h i n e i -

.. Drawing Every Few. Minutes,V- RoRlstbr Frao. g rin s ' Your ''

^weepstafce* Tickets,

' ' 1 • .

J J ; J ■....... '

News Gfs h o « S S ’X ’^ 8 K « » JU Foote, Keith A.-Strout. 18, $1, no Uil fi tbe M is-ught on hi# vehicle. Doa^ Bih IJ

laho, win chanen, 24, S3, no driver's ii- W a.m. Sun- cense. • eto Falls’ Foorth 'D istrict Court -

-D ivori»-w ere:«nujtcd-toJtoit -“I? neth D. Von Weller from Mrs. allatlon of sandra Jo Von Weller; Mrs. Su- , tor. Rev. un n e Madison from Robert J . *'

Madison; Bradford Rex God- . I the 8e^ dard from Mrs. Natella Koy V dds. Twin Paul Goddard ; Richard Wayne F and-Jdar* rly, junkir

rh is 'n r s t H ll* I l* i IM 11 Us church

PHONf 733.4226 '[yg 1(4 U.S. 90 Coot M EeUland Dthra

»OME I-----------------------------------------—A L L N E W . A L L CO LO I

IHE Mv o o - 2 S S


Big TOsI I b Mob!

. ' " r a j m S

^ ^ ^ j E n v i1

B P L U S . A T 1 0 :1 5 .» ^ M T H E U N F O R Q E T T A B L E Kn AiDMinQ^fflnjciDiK


f l5 ■■ . I STA R TS £

■ . O T T O P H E M IB ; A R > M ICH A EL c a i S J O H N PH ILU la — . DIAHANM CAV ROBERTHOOlV B U R O e sS M E

- 4 - H S• t a w s i w j l ? !

____ - PHON8 733.S9S8U.S. 30 W*(l to Ccandvltw Dciv*

■....... •


n o o n e under


+ l » a n g“m a k e s 'DEAR J ( T S r y t a l e . W oul

f i VIRGINIA w o o l S u n d ay g o - t o - m e e

Q . ‘S en sa tio n a l I It show s ( B a re n 't prepared

- B ~ m ight om barraes some,

1 = H | B 1 '

2 *A racy Swedish-DanI _ B _ faoautiful girl named Essji

myself clear when I say be seeing more of her bi seeing her some mordP-

l » a w

| rP L U S A T ^ l f t lB - ^ ------

t u n e -

- ' • - A D M IS S IO N T H IS -? H (

rsGf RecordjNTY Jurries from Mrs. Caryl Lee » Blotter Jurries; Mrs. P a tr id a Jane Hall , Sl, no Uil from Carl LeRoy Hall; Mrs. Do- u Doa^Bu-rothy Ellen U jm o-from John driver's li- Weber U yne; Mrs. Jolene B a b ^

cock from Carl E, Babcock.,

Earl Hutchinsonr-Dlctrlch..«-' -- Robert J . permitting minor to drive.


2B7H N -o-w 's"”O a t M O p « n 7 :4 5

P i n ' ' —

3-4226 Al SiSOEeUland thhr* -


m s i H p r

l y R E a m m i i A f e

i T A R T S S - U - N - D - A - Y



G otoa O pen 7 ;4S

------— l— NiVSfGlilnB Ilmt. —3.S9S8 . - At 6,30.tand-riiw Dciv* - I I ,

E!! ‘ ,3 under 18 adm itted .VROS CHECKED BY PO U CEII .

E A R J O H N ’ l o b k i i k e - a -

7 W o u T 3 y o u b e l i e v e

W O O L F l o o k i n g l i k e a

- t o - m e e t i n ’? ” ^Wor/ifJeam*/ Tribun*

It show s som e p retty sp irited sex prepared to enjoy se q a e n c e s that B sso m e.t^ lto n rd u e 'frien d s ,firs t! '

Jlsh-Danis1i m o v ie '.. .s ta r r in g a amed E ssy P ersson ...! hope I m ake _ rhen I say th at I d oub t if v7e will ; e of her but th a t w e will surely bene mOreP-^arMtfoff om. N»w. VortnfUiguta* -RAK£YH.-MET2Q£ft-;i»art»-"--------------- ---------

i i H m i a n r

-----------■^ .-j-ycu xJ iU tp ...-----

\ " f e ^ -5 . i tK r s o M M E R S I 5 ~ : “

I T H I S ^ H O W ' • “ E V E R Y O N E - 1 .2 5 •- --•

Page 7: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

Wright Wed In Home Ceremony;

HAILEY - Wendy R»o War ner, d nu^ lcr of Mr. and .Mrs Raymond Lewis Warner, Spo kane. Wash.; and Robert Spen

— n^Trr-ccrWrigHtTMn of-M rrand-M n Rober( Glenn Wright. Hailey were married Aug. 12 a t th< home of the bride’s iurent3._,

Rev. Paul Nonce, 'pastor o Jefferson Christian Church, ol ficiaicd a t tho doublo ring cere

The bride .wore a whiw lace floor-lensch gow n , fashionet with 0 .boat-shaped neckline am long sleeves. Her elbow-lengti

_______vell.ofjllusion was_held w ltj^pearl detailed ~ flower-shapet crown. She carried a coscadi bouquet of gardenlaa.'

B o n n ie McIntosh, Tacoma Wash., cousin of the bride, wa: innld of honor. Ted' McCoy Hailey, was best man.

Bouquets of gardenias am red roses and seven-brand cantfeiBbra decorted the rooms

At the reception which fol lowed, Ihe bride's'table was cov e^d^whh a lace cloth

•W Mrs. R. H. Wright. Hailey. Tin four-tiered wedding cako wai decoratcd with rM and pint rosebuds.

Stopping here to .vUlt thi- ............bridegroom’s p a r e n.t a n «

grandparents last week en rout* to Moscow from their honey

' - • moon trip to Hawaii, the coupit

the annex of tho ^mmunlf;! Baptist Church. '

Mrs. Eric Jungbauer cut th< coke. Mrs. L. E. Outis pourec punch and Mrs. Hassell .Blank enship poured coffee. Mrs. Eil« Read was In charge of the guesi book.

Members of the Mission So cicty assisted.

-----— The coupia was feted, by_th«oirllnes when they boarded th< airplane for ■'Hawaii. A larg< wedding cake and champagni were enjoyed by all passengers aboard.

The newlyweds will reside ai 1107 King Rood, Moscow. Mr Wright win continue his studle:

' in elcctrical engineering a t the University of Idaho.

- — REUNION HELD------MURTAUGH — The Lorenw

Perkins family reunion waj held recently nt Harmon Park

______ Twin Foils, wIUi_89_famIly members attending. ~ '

" r ~ “ M w i a n “: M a r t l n

P a t t e r n

ZIP UP SKIRT------------S w lng-brt5k ly-ln te-r«rw itli

,-.:«k lrts that have a fine affinity for shirts, sweaters. J a c k e t s .

' Front or back zip ~ the choice . Is all yours. Easy*sew lo tweed.

--------- worsted.------------------- ----------Printed Pattern S35S; Misses'

waist sizes 34, 25; 26, 38, 30,-------- :31_tacfie3._____________ •_____

Fifty.cents In coins for each pattern'— add IS cents for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling. Send to Morianv Martin, Times - News Pftttem Dept.. 232 West 18th St.. New York, N. Y. lOOIl. Print

— ^;~name, address with zip, slza'aifdstyle number; ' _____ ^

. Plan,your new fall wardrobe, I tend now for our nevr Fall-Wln*

te r Pattern Catalog. 100 fresh, exciting shapes In all sizes. Qet

__ one pottem free — clip coupon. In Catalog. Said 50e now.

HTo OR SHAW and WET y /

RENT ^ProfessIonal.ResuIts witfi

__ afl new eqOfpment.

FURI1 ” ~ - 7 r

’n e t t , . -

m o n y ; ,r Rae War*

Spo )bert Spen* rrand-.Mrr:

Hailey, a t the


1 ring cere:

\vhite fashioned

eckllne and

vc'r=shaped a cascade



lenias and ' j!ven-branchthe rooms.

fol* • le was cov* h made'b y ancimother7 Galley. The '


vUlt the DISCUSSING HIGHUGHT n . t a ^ a n d . . test are.from k lt,X Iad a .C a ek cn route ' Border Days; Rosemary Va lelr honey- and Mrs. Dean Vickers a t the couple


ier the itzs



M rdedlarge


1 reside a t -------wcow. Mr. - ■’'•>his Btudks

le Lorenzo

mon Park,_ ♦ '

: F i \ ' ADJUCTING TO E HAT f » 2 3 A _ - J acobs. 1967-<8 Cassia Cour

Supper'CIuBTTCTireandldai aod dinner where they mod

Gem-Rodeo-S / \ In Full Swing;k I - 1 By NORMA HERZINGER B Women's Page Editor■ Idaho is famous for Ils prettV girls, but for the secood ycoW . the- Twin Foils area gels addc i U : . . .. fringe bcneflts^w estcrn stylc- , 4 S with the current Miss Rode ^ V Idaho cpnlist In full swing. -

Sbcteen excltcd gals have la:------ soed tltlc6 '0 t-other_contests het

I- during the year within the stoi M I ' and are now trying for tho bl

one. These young lovelies a r participating In four days of stil competition, with rounds of ap peorances. Interviews, Introduc

v i l m ' uons, luncheons end photograph ic sessions.

ne affinity ne? and modeling evpnt Thun <>«y evening a t Kay's Suppe ad b . Gene Hull, general chai.

r lo tweed, gf yjg n j j j j podeo Idah #. M . .. . . . co n lM irw a r-m a s tc r-o f-o e n« monies.W, 28, 3a, spjpifli speakers were Mn r f ^ D ean-V -lekers ,—Mrs.—Karei

fnr m S James, Jock Windsor and Rose ^ S sili^S wary Vossar, the currcnt Mis

SMd tS R « lw Wttho. Mrs. Vickers Ir •s - News t« d u « d Individuals and -loco s t isth St businesses who are contrlbuUn: n i l Print prizes including Mrs. Chrlstln: p. siza arfd Peterscn_from Rctersq.n>JVesl

era A p^re l who donated a $2 wardrobei SU( certificate and a hat; Mr: ' Fall-Wln* Robert Harvey from the Idohi 100 fresh, Department' Store, a S65, Jacket sizes. Qet Dean Vickers trom VlckCrs Sad

lip coupon dlery, the saddle, nnd Mr. om now.- • Mff. Oyde Smith. Filer, whi


w ith

X furniture ^ kI 137 Snd A n. W. y - - 7 ja.)4ai-------------


GHLIGHTS of the Miss Rodeo Idaho con* JJada.Campbell..queea ofJbeJSrangeville^ emnry Vassar, current Miss Rodeo Idaho, dickers a t the Tbursday'evenlng rm ptlon

"SK?E HAT for Karen Baldwin, Gooding Co issla County Fair and Rodeo'Quccn. prior :rrandldatcrfor*thB-I«tss-Rwlctrianho-cont they modeled their colorful western eullit

eo-Qoeen-Gontest-ls ing; 16 S eek TitleZINGER oro donntlnc th'e prize for tht Editor lucky nlri winning the Miss Con r Ils pretty genlolity title, sUver spurs, wood ycor The contestants were cscorlcd gels added Inio tho terroccd room of Koy's cm style— Supper Club one by one, where IIss R ^ cacfi M a USkUU' IWO'Muestiornr. swing. - After she answered the que.S'

s have las* lion’s os best shb- could, shc mtests held walked among the guests - tc In the state her lovely western outfit, for tho bln well realizing the eyes of th« jvelles aro iudfiC* .wcro upon her' all fhc laya of stifftods of ap; The two questions were osked I, Introduc- by Mrs. Vickers end Mrs. Jomei ihotograph* ond consisted •of;-No.-l—Whot.lJ

It you like or dislike about hip thts of the pics, and why? and No. 2 -a M tloS^fiP Why-anrOTmc-states-consider ;cnt Thurs- outlawing rodeos? b.,Whoi v 's Supper do you feel should be done u leral chair* trend?. The answer!oded Idaho v.%<'0 given w ith remarkably III r~of-oere* Ho-hesiution-by-«Il-cQnusianis.

Those seeking the state..title were Mrs. this ^ear includc Carol Qualman, Irs.—Karen Nampo^quecn.of.ih&.SnakeJUyj ' and Rose- e r Sutmpeder’s Riding Club; irrcnt Miss Susan Peters, - Twin Falls, In- Vickers in* termountain A rabian Association

and -local Queen: DcLoa Dawn Anderson, :ontrIbuUng Cassia County F air ond Rodec • Christina Queen: Alto Leo Bennett, Mini- jen's West- doka County Rodeo Queen: Jo- lated a $25 oirri6“ CoaiesrPocatello 's-Fro^ , hat; Mrs. tier Days Rodeo Queen: Co;-men

the Idoho Morgon, Bruneau Rodeo A^ocl- S65, Jackfe't; = = S S S 5 S = i ^ ^ =

DANCING.................. P EGISTER I

W l t t A ^ D E /4 l r y ^ OFFERING A_COMPlETE

'___________ fOB AO£S ft

C ro a tlv a D o n e* "

- J a z z • T ap

-S peda l Exerc M V Conditioning Cl<I V l ............... ... ................. CALL TOD/!

C laaaes S ta r t Wt

I f — -w i tU DEAM-NIEISEIComtta C

ip ^ iIdaho con* and^dlriner a t Kay’s Supper i

( rm p tlon be'crowqed Saturday night.


- '4 P - '>‘ •'1 • j

;S !*iSoodlng County. Rodeo Queen, Is Gwen [u«n , prior lo the modelhig event a t Kny’a

istem ouHlt.s.

test-lsI Queen: Donna Will, Jeromi

t i p Coumy F air ond Rodeo Queen Marilyn Mathews, Idoho Stat<

rizfl for the Sheriffs’ Mounted Posso Assocl >e Miss Con- otion Queen: Patricia Shouse r spurs. Mogic Volley Western Hors< ere cscorlcd Show Queen: Yo Willhlte. Al Dm of Koy's Girls Internatlonol Rodeo Queen

one, where Gwen Jacobs. Cosslo Count;

1 the que.s- Compbell, Grongeville Bordei could, she Days Quefin;- Karen Baldwin

1 guests -to Gooding County Rodeo Queen istern outfit, Vlckl M. Webb. Frontier Dayi eyes of tho Rodeo Queen, and-Kay Benson h e r all the Jerome County F a ir nnd Rodci

Queen 196W7:----------— ^were osked The big night for these 11 Mrs. James young cowgirls is Soturdoy whei .-1—Whot-ls Miss Vossar will relinquish hei e about hip- tltIiTat~the-TwIn- Falls-Countj d No 2—a. ^“Ir Rodeo to -th o neverxonsider* ‘l>*“ — =----------- ------------------- -IS? b. Whot Winner of the Miss Rodeo Ida be done to ho crowq w ill'go on to repre

lie answers sent the s ta te In the natlona narkably lit* contest in Las Vegas, Nev., Nov .conie«anis. i6JhrS9)& bil--jj— — -i— • state.title . . -•ol Qualman, • . IRONS BEST LSnake^^Vi _Pota-reaIly.good.Iob.of-presa (ding Club: Ingi many suit and dress sleeve: I Falls, In- require a‘ sleeve board. If yo» Association do not havo one. try wrapping i

n Anderson, largo rolling pin with severa and Rodeo clean turkish towels. Pod ■ tht

nnett. Mini- rolling pin until you get It o Queen: Jo- sufficient size. The towels give i

ello's'Fron^ flrm oadded'surface, whldi'coi :en: Co;-men be sloped Into the sleeve ant }deo Assocl- Ironed over.



l a n c a - ' ^ ' ' . • ’ BAiudoM--- i ; 5^t^AAlBUC*N.XJAIIM-------


bI Exercises ■ and Body ming Classes for Ladies.\ L t T O D A Y l 7 3 3 - 6 3 4 3 _______ . .I S ta r t W eok o f .S ep t. l l th ___ _

NIEISEN SHOOL OF MNCEic t C ^ ff l C«nwf, and -------------

I’S Supper Club. This socUI Is Just one ol - B^candidates_h^ attended as part-of the " > contest. The new M l s s ^ r a I d ^ o will ' lay night.

| B H Social b v e n t s

~ Magic Valley Solntpaulla Clut will meet a t 2 p.m. Monday a the homo of Mrs. Nellie Conner ly, ;i71 He^burn^Ave^W.

Mogic Valley Borrocks No 509 and- Auxiliary will meet a 7:30 p.m. Monday a t the Od( Fellows_Hali._AII World War veterans arc welcome.' A pro gram will be featured.

The Fourth of July Club wit sponsor an old time round donci a t 8:30 p.m. Saturday a t thi Moose Hall. Music will bc b< recordings. Tho public Is In

LAPM Welcomes New Member At

' : Jer^rhe Meeting■. i Mrs. 'Tempa'-Ellehwood wo

reinsiBted when the Udies Au>

j ! ^ recently In the Jerome Odd Fel» lows .Temple. .............. ■ "

• , Mrs. Gorl Ridgeway, presiI :— ^ ^ •dentrwas-iircharge-of-the-busi 1 - ' ■> ness session, with Mrs. Willinn

Hopkins giving the openinii ' thought.--------------------------------■ ' • Calls to the ill and bereovec

have been mode, cards ont f ♦ ■ flowers sent, funcrols attendci

-<?l ond several hours contributed ti community scrvlcc, It was ro

4 3 poncd.A thank-you note wos rccelvci

s from Mrs. Lclond Hudson. Ai" invitation was read and occept

ed to attend the reception foi v U flN lH Mrs. Elsie Rymon, Deparlmen iS«-iiuil9l Association president, Ladlcj

Auxiliary Potrlorchs Militant, t Is Gwen be held Oct. I In Boise,

t a t to y ’s Mrs. Irenes Chlldeys was elect

-M a g iG -V a liBodenhofer, '

iTTeF'DaTs ------------------------------ -MRS.-BIill, Jerome 'Ddeo Queen; i—Idaho State Fresh Peach Delight'osso Assocl. CRUMB CRUSTIda Shouse, cups graham crockcrstern Horse crumbs Willhlte, All l i cup sugarlodeo Queen. cup melted butler . isslo County Conjplno Ingredients ond pres

'ille Border utes. . ':n Baldwin, ’ FILLING)dco Queen; u cup milk ”•ontler Days ig inrgc marshmallows Kay Benson, Melt in the top of a doubl r nnd Rodeo hn»rr Cnn). ____

- - ' — ^ -A aa - ------- ----------------------jr these 1 8 ---------------------------------------- --turdoy when N o w M a n y W e a r

FALSETEETHlo -ihi. .cw C o m f o r t

isH rS ’S S H IVvfS S J S S ' jS I’ • —won'foiir. »«lptclnct pUtiwtor.* . . ' bSi^ '5 e « y tmf‘'atBtliTn?i5u^ ’ OatrASTXeniMkUiinisMunuri.lob of-presa-Iresssleeves - . - . m , , r# tA < rikaii-. '

bruin-FOOTBALLvlth several , o n . .. J , . , ; .Is. Pod-the fc. v r-*~ -vr—~*v'

. ' 1 4 B 0 KC- I I ■ ON Y O U R RADIO DIAL



BUDS DUDS jiiu'fF 'X'JiPETERSON—1 '^ ' ' ' ' ^ ; ______M obil DJslributor _S

• . t .I • .

By ABIGAIL VAN BUREN g a a C T l - DEAR ABBY: I am t youn

housewife with a smoll chlli; My husband, I'll call him Ai thur.-U lstIll-ln-tho-univcrali) ond I work part time to hel

S S a i ^ H support-us. Wo hove veyy llttl money and seldom go out. hove friends In occasionally an<

i l S S S a n find tim e to have fun logethei but here Is the problem:

A friend of Arthur's Is gettln; married soon and Arthur mer tioned that he would like to g to a stag for this friend.

I told him ir he went out H ^ p B S s would not sit home alone, bu

good timo somewhere. Arthu objected to this.

1 soy. in the first place o m at ried man has no business gain;

, to a slag. Besides that, I don' ' s‘ like to stay home alone. I ge ■ni?L depressed and m l«roble and si Idaho wU! • ond lo6k"o tT he ' clocK~Am-

wrong? __________ -------i ^ —EQUAL RIGHTS.e n t s I DEAR EQUAL: Yes, you n r

___ I wrong. Morrled men do go titn-iiiiu riiiv. stags. And an occasional nigh f f i n d a f . t »“• “ "■'’W '• '»

.llle Conner. “ “"<* f®** •” »» m e Lonner- ^ possessivey ' ness and possibly mistrust tha

™a t the Odd w"‘io he’s out get your nos /orld War I <»ck Into-joint and Into a-tgoo m e.'A pro- bookr •-'d .H. DEAR ABBYrTherc Is a maily Club will ^married) In our circle o round donee friends who always greets m ■doy ot the with a g rcA b ig powerful bea will be by hug.

ibllc Is In- I nm pleosed that he feels s< warm ond affectionate towan

^ me, but 1 do not happen to fee- / - . r v io e about him. Yet whe» U l l l t5 b glves-menhls klnd-of-greeting I k o i* A 4- is imposslblp for me to relus D e r M T his cmbrace without practicall

i e t i n g ljust*'do.no’t l lk e to b e d ra wehwood wos chest to chesfwlth a-m on anLadies Aux* crushed ond-hugged. Is thei

^ilHnnt- met some ntco woy f can get thime Odd Fcl- big moose to keep his hands ol

m e?----- -- -------------------- .....iway, presi- Don't tell me to tell hIm<of:-of-the-busl.' I'm -not-the type.-----------------^Irs. Willlnm PEE WEE he opening---------------- —DEAR-PEE-WEE:-When-»oid bereaved see The Crviher, approach Hir

cards and wllh j-our right arm outstrotclils attended ' --------------)niributed to cd delegate lo tlie Dcparlmer

It was re- Association, LAPM, state coi vention set for October In Coeu

VOS received d’Alene.Hudson. An Cards were signed and sent tand occept- shuUns. The closing thought wo

eceplion for given by Mrs. George EastotDepartment Refreshments were served b

;nt. Ladles members of the Jerome unit.1 Militant, to The next regular meeting jOise. set for Oct. 2 O J^ e Twin Fall:s was elect- Odd Fellows' Temple.

V a 11 ey -i^qvori t e s -—MRS.-BILL-BARTA— ------------


Delight *4 cup cream, whipped :UST I tablespoon sugarrocker >4 teaspoon vanilla ‘

l ‘/S cups diced fresh peachu Sprinkle topvwllh crumbs an

ler . chill.Its and press (The Tlmes-News will pay )

} vorltcs. If you h4va a 'favoritrecipe. Just mail it to the Recip

lows Department, Women's Poge &of a double ‘‘of* - T h 0 - . r « i l S . - ^ 'n « _ th property of the Tlmes-News on ■ ' ' caanoe^w-r«curned>)'-^~~ ■ =

EETH S— -S o m fo r t jS ________MM I - - -■i i t S . ^ . m i liiTnJfUUri^ J s H I^ijeounwri. ^

p i sJ I Q D I A L ^

r B Y — .......-

V . ^ ■ O SlnglBVli

IIA I , - —|* Q M WHT WV

ilTURE . I ijNCE ^ L E N S E S , . . . ",!?ll S ' ''Satlsfoetlon Ouere

s ' —ISON . ; ^ [ l5 1 M A IN ,A V E N t

S n ^ e o ^ L ~ A b b ^

V BUREN ed, and put a lot o( enthuslasr am a young Into a welcoming haodshaki smoll child. Try it. It works,;all him A r* ------------- -t-unlveraliy, J)EA R .^B B y5 For some year Imc to help now I, hove been” wonoefln e v e ^ little whot ever happened to the goo go out. ‘tVe old-foshloned fist fight betwce

isionally and youngsters when they had a dii !un together, ference of opinion? iblem: Nowadays, It sce.m sjhat thr's Is getting acceptable method of settling Arthur men- difference consists of unmerc d like to go ful — and sometimes — beatine friend. administered not by ono felidv went out I hut by three or four cowards-

} alone, but or a whole gang OMlnst one,.

City 40 years ogo, and If I haj place a mar* *0 wonder olone Inio thislness going other gang's tcrritory,"the won that I don't 1 could expect wos that I’d hov alone. I get to fiftht ONE of the other gan{ roble and sit « I hopnened to be setting th lo 'cK T'A Sn better-of the-guy,- I-didn’t-hav___________ to woriy_libout_any_flfJiIa_bux- RIGHTS, 'dl^

res, you are his own bottles.‘n do so to if anyone jumped In to help islonal night pal, his whole gong would dl:I healthy for own him on the spot, and hi or his mar- name wouldjjp “ yellow belly 1 possessive* from then on. . . . nUtrust that We never heard of '*« unjust. Send packs" In those days. And w vlth a smile, didn’t use switchblades and lea let your nose Plpcs.- It wos one guy's fist Into a 'good -agolnst another's. Some of ou

— — fights-were prdlly bloody._Bii they were fair,

ere Is a man What’s happened to oih- kids circle of Anyona care io comment? -

I greets me P ° P)werful bear ^

: he feels so Ing you? Unload your pwblem nate toward on Dear Abby, Box 69700, Lo ippen to feel Angeles, Ca!., 6W9. For a pei n. Yet when *<>«»•» unpublished reply, ei jf-greellng It close a seU-addrcssed, stampene to refuse envelope.___________________It practically

to be drawn • __________I a-m an and i ^ H 1 ^ 1ed. Is there . - - H - H H can gee this .H ^honaro ff — —

tell him .off. J l m B i


::_When-youi _____/jproachHlM l n outstrcteh*

Department I V stale con- A ,

ber In Coeur f i )

1 and sent tothought was X V

)rge Easton.• served by rome■ meeting Is e Twin Falls

i te s - —


IVERK— MAffRES*a a f a v o r i t e ■ * « - * ■ ■ ■

3 2 6 2n d A va.

SSS-.*;3 --------- — TwI,


m s &^ --------- --O NE-LO W —P k PRICE-

113:“------------ ---------- p n e P r I c a - I n c l u d e » i _

Y our cho ica b f aqy from a In o u r l a rg o w S ing le vision c lear o r tin ted lenses. □

wciii ' - E u i j y .

t A Q SO Crfedit,■ J # • NO imtSEST

• ‘ * / • NO CARrriNGtio n G u a r a n t e a d — ' " QiABGE ~

r A V ^ Q E T V E s r ^ ~ n y i N ; ^

i ^ y S ^ W f f l O p a n A ll D a y S a t u r d a y

■ Twin-Foils Tlmes-Newi * y Sept. 8-9, 1967 "

enthusiasm g- handshake,

or some years :n wonderfijg:d to the good F -fight between B hey had a dif-i7 MARY MILLER:em5j h a t the

: “o ',‘S r . Mary Miller, 'Dodson Plan •, November Date .

and If I hap- n o u n c e the engagement and Dlone inlo tho forthcoming marriage of th^ir ory,"the worst daughter, Mary, to Loyd U Dod-' • I that I’d hove son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack le other gang. Dodson. Hansen, bo getting the Miss Miller is a 196S graduate • I-dldn't-hav« of-Honsen-Hlgh-School -amj-ot— ly of hls_huri. tended thc-CoUege ot Southern', to help him. Idaho.de In fightlne —M ^-Dod«w-/s-«-gfaduaU-o/—

Kimberly High School. He at* d In to help a tended Idaho Stote University, ng would dl&- Pocatello, and the College of spot, and his Southern Idaho. He has served- 'yellow belly" three yeors In the Air Force

and Is presently farming a t Han- ird of **rat sen.Jays. And we A November wedding Is plan* ades and lend ned. le guy's fists *

,®btaiy.'JS; Woman Honored. . v_ . FILER-M rs.' Larry Knudson 1 to OUT Kids? wns Ruest of honor a t a tea jrnmcnt? - hosted by lhe Filer Civic Club

POP a t tho home of Mrs. Grant Hall. Tho Knudsons are moving tb

rid been treat* warden. Wash., where he will ^our problems be bratiehTnanager of-Asgrow-r ox 69700, Los Seed Co.39. For a pcr* Mrs. Knudson was presented d reptyi en* a gift frqm lhe group. Mrs. Hall ssed, stamped and Mrs. Don Llerman se rved ,

refreshments. .

Ig nPardon m I f ihovlinf,

__ .>»•'•

7 - . / ^ «ur In Sundtry't po* h y par onnountlnB a «p^

«]ol leU of maHnim- end bM iprins* iM will h m r*» ihstfllns



m o N ^

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Page 8: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

T o d a y }

S t o C - \.S:SO PJkL.SUMMARV,__

JiEW YORK (AP)—n i# «Joclc ' m arket maintained a thia gain ' In fairly activa trading la te tl\

this afternoon. <Volume (or the first four hours CI

The' market overcame- some ' Initial raggedness and posted a In d e a p c u t though unimportant ad* < vftnce.

" Ford was off about a point mi ^ ^ ^ e ^ r t t n ^ r c ^ t e d Uiat the ^

be prolonged.' General Motors fell a ' (paction. Chrysler and ce

- A merican Motors traded about 30. unchanged. '

Curtlss-Wrlght, off about a J '' point, paced thc list on volume p r loto In the session, ovcrtaklog Alleghany; a fractional ^ n e r which ran ahead early m the fm day on a single block of 156,000 If, shores. f«i. .Occidental' Petroleum w a s 'n very acuve 'arid up ■nearly" JT oS Stokely Van Comp sp u rte d '^ , o /

Electronic Associates nearly 2 cS and Allis.Cbalmer8 m ore than a o«t point. S“

. .General Electric, tip 2 In cr ac tive . troding, was the out- standing example of blue chip rlri

“ "Strength; ' ------ --------------------- — Xerox lost nbout-S'/irDu-Pont gj;

down 0*


g a g ”- AdUillia .«b JJ J«(l : K h S +1 01

S H * ■ : ^ A 4 r r-_ S E i s L _ i ^ l _ 7

Wil’/d c 'lie* }1 « « Ti ■» ital

LIt o A?r1m J* ill l j | s i * I + f l!o[

Am CJia U » 'IW Mti UH »K — M H«t,;s l i 5!g

A to U UO** '[• i t MS 1!**ij# i i 11 1 1? _ C }}“

S ill ! ! ''•# = I !SS s s rc j fl. 5 s | gg SbTS 11!. Am Motart an 14K 1«H H H ...... InrAfnNCu i.M U }l[; 3*^ + K loll

- a u r I bc- J ? __ toll

ABkni Oitm IU 14U t< KH •<■ K rTE

-Sas'Ss-Jit sl! s“iJ SAUd DO I.M . 1 :o « « ♦ i t Jm, AtchlKn S.W U U IMt SIH K Jor

- AII-HlcB KtJ-KW — I - Kill

l i t l i ' i R - M I S i;'SH'sri=«r

's v&-i\s ■ » s a J - | k :

a v ; p f i i i

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iM J (7 » l i '» 1 MlJl m'‘ " } | ii;

S K j .“i i s| i i l sCetttuA l.ti 4l H 41 C «>H ♦ ji MtCFl sti .W Jt JOK 10 i J«H -* ii Ml' Ov«< Ohio 4 ■ 11 t t S n S - . K Mt ChlMIl StP I «l >] »l 4 11, . . . . . Ml

— Oify»ier'S----- jos-Mj - 4W -h « -,. .. . Mc

■“s s r i s r s j # i i | l “|

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v M l ' J I i l p l i

m i u it - l l ra

i5 - - -U f t j - 'w - sd

8 Twin Fall) Tlme»-Nesy$

y 's MarketStocks ■ Itv MARKETS AT A G U N C E 2( • alock ^ E W YORK CAP) —• «in sain Stocks — H l^ e r ; fairly ac- 6! Ig la te tive.

Cotton—Easy. »•r hours CHICAGO:i_com* Whcat_— Higher; good lalc r< ursday. a id e . - g‘>- some Com — Mostly lower; light m, jsted a Irado n<ju ta d * Oats—Irregular; light trade.-

Soybeans — Lower; poor de- hc 1 point mand. «>mt the B u tte r ^ *“

Motors Slaughter steers—Steat^ to 23 :r and centsl ower; receipts 5,500; top scI about 30.00. _____ «

Is k t m I

in the FMC Cp .ji i« « « 34- ji — sh i s 6 , o « E s J f i , 3 , s » 8 S S :;- “

FerMet .l l i 11* + s ‘|

's ■" “s - s:c e n ^ j j t 4 M iim iio tiiti >1 4

2 In cnMuu Ij! is « S- ~ j il!« “ r - II

down j«cuit ib M « wW t<s - SI«iiron '.ief M u ( siU ijt —1 stiiii«ii* tJ t H UK h U m i + Sll

IS Irn AW »l III I4« n j i lU - • SuM i ’f. fi

NH ooeyr U> U 4tU 4|K I . . . Tissr.g!:ll S li i 4 V, S i ' r " ; r ?J

J ll! {w^t*FI* JM n li UK— T*bG ^ . « J?!* H I H “ t!1*8 + )» wjrhound 1 U Jlj 31H Jl S + » T«

— if nimnAIr 44 U UK II + * TT

lis i• Ml* M l.» « 4ll 4*K 4t;( Tl *IH ire Ine .TK 31 0> 41 UH — Ti

3 i f £ r ™ - s i I s j : . | £ 3 S i s f i f f l i i S i i s;

i! J S r ^ , i l ! i s | 5 | 7 si

3 1 iC 4 J P p - T I— «tbdP«r' 1.M It lltf 31^ IIK — I Ul

it" i.fsri'' s sj J !ii= f e

l i j s i i l . i i y i<« + « IT ? o t lb” 'J* nQ «o2 Wt| + wl ’n ~ n J m i c a u s }i 3i|{ »> * w< •|i + }i ohn|.lin JJO a* «>| *4^ Ul — Wif ‘ f - | T J $ S , 1 g i l i l i j - j i - i K

:i:Kas!S= S!a = a■Jji — H imba» JJ# J> edit «w MH + « Yi

p m i 11f e p i i i i p i Up l i g ®

» K - ' i :S£S[*'sii'" -i‘l ^ §

| r | S F : 1i f»kti j l | :b

"ii ii | zu| i i tS «| i! jig ~ I ^

j«u + I Mobiio"i lia M u « <i;i 4 i « . - J! J4H + W ” | | j} 2 J fc

Sik '+ ’h Montwlrd' I* T t JJ

Hi 7 1 ij< *1 'i| 's ”

ill' I ijsli i' ri I 'iiil!i M l i p I i f J i l l ;

& f e s " j ^ p d | ‘ s r : ! ! A r . B =;■1«H * I NorNGil J.4» IT jt 47|{ 4 IH ...... ^

f J l iT p ir f a jT IU7(W l, Nonhrep I M

N u t Altl .1> BT IN iriH ii IMS + H ^« u + oo fi«^i.» Jl?* J J + ' i i r

i : - S i S "i{s» sasgi?51JS * ( OllnUalb IM Tt h | 7>|j * |z

II S § i i l f l !p i sS; if - |-l -i| i|l I" ill 1 sx i« '»!!“ Hs is - I ®t>aP«U ' i l l — Jl IIK 11 11 - I

P ? S “l 'Ilf?jtU ...7. PBunu M . m 7»a-3sf-j«nfi:^ . IU . . . PieetnO 2Jt ' . T MW MV S

S i = K M : : : : : «S:: fassa .!sSs8ss=»! 5I|: !Siir5P“ ^ ^ i - s W |Raynltr l.«Ob M »H- » - M ) F

— . . . r v • . ■ ■"

t-Nesy$ . Sept. 8.9. 1967

ket and FiiD o w - J o n e s , 2 p . m .30 IndustriaU 909.21 up 1.04 '

INCB 20 RalU 261.39 down 0.67 .T — 15-UtlllUes-130,91-down-0.10— .-i

Irly ac- 65 Stocks 327.87 down 0.12 4^

"* “ ' s - i l “ - s i - I

S s . i i i | 4 ii»li‘’i

“ = “ I’ g s . 4 . 1.-" a s “ s s s “ z | SSCM Cp .Mb 131 MW »H + il bll

5|i=8S H rii4i-!i!sis 181",» S - 8 1. I.I n h )! ■!;{ * 'sirjais'iri i i% p p = lr i

.llllp ijL iillIII l i ^ iS m l i t - ” '« « m « i - j | su

i i s p i l i i iS M S S " i . S il* Stiln = 1 CO

as-jS-s-i'frSKr:-! £

t e : I l l i M “ i i i i f liiliS

f i l j j l H r i i s h

h z S S & a i i L * h?i = “ t i | p i l f | £ uU •»! UnTink ' i ^ *4 dE t*i; 4- (i

l - i

1 i i i P l i p p !

3 t« ? ^ W«mU«b I l i l 41 4l4?4lK "*rk 27!A t sj.T /itL '- 'i* 1 s « S : ii i S m |1 z I | | j | : I g

I f!1S '+ so

k x n h " “ Efift? 17!> + K Hlicttd tiooo prteci!

iiu — nnuiLtPw I JU n ii UK UH 4- u m : |S 7 Dril P<( .«l( t»lM (lllrllllM »-IU Ih i iS _ c<R So p<( 1 j( i IK :tl4-i'ft lc

isi iV. IS-a« - E"”,?': S ' I S !!» S 'l - “ 2!

t g a / K r t . Sg?‘rp.i “ ! !8. ! » r'lriEjCul> Am Cp T Mi TK t - U C> Outnttire a> T 9M S4U 34U — H si I yen Mri % ITK ItU IlS + H

i lu 1 i^tTr to? si im isK ]iu ~ K S!

il : ’.!;.s’J ”.“i?°oii g * IM =+ N«wP«rfc Ma JJ . IK *H • !{ --« I,

U14I p«m»».t Pit T iji m m ......in - 3 RIC Gioup I iM m IH ......6

s|.*.! i | T j ; s i J “ il|TiJ] |S — l l siitb«a. tn» f__11 ,Sfl_ U ', t '= a ^ ^ ia ^

j f 5 2 E 3 1 , i | j [ - p i l | t.

« § ” « ' PEAS’ AND LENTILS n, g a r i i SPOKANE-Followlng are the J, I4M — H average prices (with compare HI* r u sonsT ri reporte d 'to this office q

isl “ fi Summary F45H -W Green Yellow Black LenUi A

,i!2 T iI Yenrago 4.75 5.00 2.65 7.25 1u ' ........ All p r i r a are quoted thresher \.«14 + ll run f.o.b. c a r a t shipping point, u u r» r 'Storage and handling charges "i Jjg should be deducted to orrlve a t Jj, a S + « net prices to tho grower. •, »

S a j i l SPOT METALS . AIS „ i S NEW YORK (A P)-Spot lion -g

,^ S ferrous metal prices Friday: Fl a Z - ji jCopper 38 cents a pound, Con> i l5 g * S nectlcut V a l l e y .__. 3in G - H tead l< -cen t4 a pound. New Id

+ York. , ___ - • • • • • • . • . In“ ZIKc i3W-eent3^aT»und,-^feast U

»w +•« St. Louis. M“ .Tin 1.5P/4 a pound. New York. R<

S ’* J i Qulcksllver-508.00 per'f l i s k. Sii w f ». New York. . Wi

ik| | r Twin Falls» - { . . ; OSAII? _

MBarley ......... ............................... S1J9 Ct^ jj'

WMU w tita t ................ .V.SIA <"h S _ H Cora (19 p«r «ioc m outurt) . .u a a


Findhci&i 1p.m. L iv e s to c k[.04* ./7 '• IDAHO FALLS0.10— -IDAHO-FALLS-An-estimated « 0-12 4^ sheep, 1,570 head of cattle ^

and 106 hogs were run through - » the ring during the weekly Idaho Ti

.u ti *4:i;i FalU UvcstocTc,Auction. .••-•y ^ R an ge.. lam b s_w erc_slead y .; J“

g S T p much feeder Jam b . 50 eencs to “10 ” « • iower. and ewes a dol- ^

. » 8 1 U Good lo choice fat lambs sio t fi 22.00-22.80; heavy feeder lambs

:aK 22.00; '11gh fran g e .feeder lambs -JjS-u'H 2J,00*23.00!-ranch-:.foed«r-lambs f., 4ft(: t H 19.00-21.00; old ruff feeder lambs », « - ' y IB.OO and down; light fat ewes er

I « 6.00-7.00; canner ewes and a « + » buclts 4.50^.50; young ewes up lo U’* to 26.50, and good mouth ewes pi >ni - H up to H.OO. uijK 1 f i Exereme top 18.75: bulk 180- ■

2K) lbs. lB.25-18.75; 220-240 lbs. tli :iu •••;; 18.00-18.50 ; 240-260 lbs. 17.50- 73 4 S -K 1 8 .0 0 ; 260-280 lbs. 17.00-17.50; sc ’ . 280-300 lbs. 16.50-17.50: sows un- 1 - K der-300 lbs. 14.00-H.S0| 300-330

- ^ — 5 !b».-13.00-M.OOi-330^00-lb»r-13.50. - l U r U 13.00; over 450 lbs. 11.50-12.50; ^1 1 = B 6.00:9.00. and boars 3.00- | j

J s u -U Choice'grain fed steers 25.00- ni ! ? I s 28.50; good steers.23.00-24.00; nu * 4- u com m orcio lsteers 22.00-23,00;' w £! 7 B choice fat heifers 24.50-25.50;S l . 1 C good fat heifers 22.00-24.00; com- k

-•‘H + 8 mercial cow»-17-.00-18;00; ulltiiy44H —ficow s 16.00-17.00: cutlcr cows c

.|s.00-16.00i-€anners-13,00-!6.00f -buiIs_iL00-23.00;_veal_coIvcs .

nj4 + j 25.00-28.00; good feeder steers1 : 24.00-26.00: m e d iu m feeder 49

JJK - li steers 23.00-24.00; Holstein steers him « I r 21.00-22.50: good feeding heifcra 1.i iS - u 23.00-24.00; m e d iu m feeding 2

* R f’clfers 22.00-23.00; feeding cows I. i«jU - R 16.00-17.50: stock ateer„calves‘ISb * n 28.00-32.00: stock heifer calves N4»C 7 li 26.00-26.00, and dairy type calves 1-

l5 UJ" 24.00,-27.00. 1-

---------------DENVER----------------71« « * DENVER (AP) (USDA) — JiH - Sheep 900; slaughter and feeder Jl t spring iambs steady; slaughter u u ~ I spring iambs .choicc and.prim e ■> » 'S . - 80--93b 24.45-24.50; feeder spring ■ M« Z ! lambs choice and f a n ^ 74-81 ib *3 - 22.20-22.25. ,!?'• •*• Cattle 25, calves none; not suf- °* iiK - I ficlent to test prices. iiC Z ^°SS 25; no t, tested .. . .n S Z 1 OMAHA 2«H - OMAHA (AP) (USDA) — Cat- n. u g T tie 1,000: calves 1,100; InsuffI-N jjB — cient steers and heifers for.test hi i i" Zi trade; iimjtcd sales Of steers

4iy>. i bulls steady; -slaughter steers, cl iih t i choice and prime 1217-1257 Ib a t hi

-wll-*. 28,26-28.50i-hlgh-cholce-’i 145-lb w « S “ [ 28.00: cholco 1000-1150 ib 26.50. tS 4 i t i : 4 / . a u ; uuitiy and commercial io Hli + I cows 16.50-17.75; canner and 7C 3i2 t cutter cows 15.50-17.00; cutler hi i f * and.utllity.cows 1705-17.5Q^utll-. sc lit! t 2 i‘y* commercial and good bulls S( 4t8 20.00-22.00.

. Hogs 7,000; barow s'.and-gllu - « i s t e a d y ; instances 25 lower in

,lin +.S “cUve trading;' 1-3 190-240 ib bulk 20,00-20.25 ; 240-260 Ib 19.75-

<iS Vin 20.00; 2-3 2QO-300 Ib 19.00-19.75;J Prtit iMT SOWS weak lo 25 lower; 1-2 300- Si

•! Sheep 200; n o t enough to test. NCHICAGO ^

4i’* _iB CHICAGO (AP) - (USDA) - s ill) •"ki Hors 5,500; butchers weak to r

• sA"i.|i mostly 25 lower; 200-225 Ib 20.- k 50:21.00:_li200-^Q lbs^oo.20.-. y

" i i l J 7 i l5 0 ; 1-3 200-250 lbs 19.50-20.25: i ;n 5 4 .B m o s t ly 19.50-20.00 ; 2-3 240-270 lLV-2-1' S lbsJOJ5-19.7S;.l-3-325-)00 ib BOW c I 18.00-18.75; 1-3 400^50 lb s '17.50-?. y, 18.00:‘2-3 450-500,lbs 16.75-17.50. »

lower; prim e 1.100-1,400 lb » i 3 « - ft slaughtel- steers yield grade 3 j

T ,,T W a n d 4 28.75-29:50; high choice •* i 4'4*VJ and prime 1,150-1.400 lbs 28.25- c • «r. - H 29.00; choice 1.150-1.350 lbs yield r ; »w ::::: grade 2 to 4 27.50-28.75: choice t iiT ji-i.ii 900-1.150 lbs 27.25-28.00: mixed « ‘ « good and choicc 26.75-27.50; high ? , t - ' i i choice and prime 900-1.080 ibj ' iiif r a slaughter heifers 27.00-27.50; 800- I le iL sj! good ond choice 26.75-27.50; high■ ch~oic o - nna prim6 doottisP is " . im I a slouchter heifers 27.00-27.50; 800- ' ; tB . . . " 850 lb choicc 25.00-20.25; uUiity . I 7K +'U commercial_cows_ 16.25-28.- ^

=ShBop»500;-sprlng=stauRhtar ? ! m ...!: lombs steady; choice and prime , I '{< 85-IiO lb spring slaughter lambs ,, ! « 2 24.00-25.00; choicc 23.00-24.00; I■ I4U - i mixed good and choicc 22,00-

t?r'’d w S * 4 S fr7 ^ -* ’ 'dTifuiK? — ^C A T T L E 'F U T U R E S " -------T

.1. . provided by McRoberist the and Co., Twin Falls, w m p ari.,. - High Low CloselyliS-office OCL________2L9Q-„,27,7.S , 27J& t

Dcc. 27.65 27.45 27.47 fFc*>. 27.17 26 .9 5 _ i?i5 ^April 26.75 26.Sr26.65

2^M J7^ Jiino . 2g,72__36.5Q_3fl.fi2 _

thresher Over the Counter Lng point. quoUtloR* fnm NASD at approil- C

charges w »-«. ah bu. *« inurt«i« cQtriv. a l i'jf . 's -„ ’s " ,s , s s . “ s : k ; ; nr. ’ •ecnmblloa.- F_ .......... • --------Did^ Ask’ed-- K3 . Albertson's .10.121410.50 v ;pot non- Equity .Oil 24.25 25.00 k 'riday: First Sec. Corp. 31.25 32.25 v md. Con« i irs? Sec. Inv. 6.25 6.75 k

Garrett's - 21.75 22.25 v md. New Idaho-Pow. Prd-6S.-00"‘ 68.00“ S

Intermtn.'Gas 11.00 11.50 j, :nd,‘ feast U b en y G o m 5 llv e r-;6 7 -= ;7 5 = i

Morrison-Knud. 23:S0 24.00 t, cwYork. RogersSecd 20.75 21.25 y ounce. Slerra.Life 2.75 • 3.75

------ - 5iIvcr“ StiffQuM n~.28----- :33 IIM a s k . Surety Life ' '5 .25 ' 5.75

.West Coast AirL 16.37>/4 16.87^

Falls MarketsLtVSSTOOC

y . l a ? " i « ................... .Ittfrii § ii«ary®sSi»

U r • AA ‘ ■ ■ ■<,

MMium ^ j s(OdUvtrM ^ r ^ « r in cartecu) I

i r ^ ^ o r t ^ =

;k Grain «CHICAGO (AP) - S o y b < ^ ™

climated and_most_grala-futurcs-prices nf M iiie moved ovcr a narrow price ,l i S range on the Chicago Boafd of *

d ? I d a £ TraSe today In light trade. J uyioano j ^ e narrow price range and

largely local trade in d ica ted " that-moat traders appeared hesi- ™

« tn i lant to assume a posldon for “ “ ®°*' any length of time. -. t I.- Wheat futures opened on a ™ t lam ta tone,.largely on reports sr am ta Canada, had cut Its wheat •r lamps prices'to meet foreign comp<^ >r-Iamto titio n r-k a te r-th e-b read —grain =;; er Iambs firmed up under good local buy- fat ewes er support, advancing more than j , c s and ^ cent a bushel from its day's ewes up lows. Near the close, however, iith ewes prices slide back under profit

bulk 180- ^ ^ r ^ o t grain feceipU were es- !“ 1-240 lbs. timated a t: wheat 10 cars, com s. 17.50- 73, oau 3, rye none, barley 8, t,, .00-17.50: soybeans 8. , ' "sows un- —— . , ,: 300-330 ,...OGDEN ' 'bSr-13.50. -O O D EN -(A P)— Wheat-de* th .50-12.50; livered, truck bids: No. 1 -red e: ars 3.00- protein 1.38; No. Lred 10 protein m

- " t s s r w a n red l l protein 1.38: srs 25.00- No. 1 red 12 protein 1.41; No. 1 «1.00-24.00; red protein 1.49; No. r white ir1.00-23,00; wheat 1.28: No. 2 barley 2.05. it 1.50-25.50; Car arrivals: Wheat 250; bar- n.00; com- b y 25.- • - - --------- »;0; Ulility Wheat per bushel, barley per T er cows cwt.

L ca lv es ------- KANSAS-CITY._ rc!r steers KANSAS CITY (AP) — Wheat bi I feeder 49 cars, unch. to up V^, No 2 m ein steers hard and dark haro 1.5l>4 to si g helfeis 1.63WN, No 3 1.49^I.62WN, No m

feeding 2 r ^ wheat I.45^-1.49^N, No 3 e< Ing cows I.43i4-1.48«^N. •r calves Com 8 cars, unch. to up w , tti T calves No 2 white 1.24-1.38N, No 3 l.l3- b< oe calves 1.27N.- No 2 yellow and mixed ei I* ' 1.23)4. No 3 i.l5i/,-l.!3N. 10

Oats none; up Va. No 2 white gi------------J19f76Nr-No-3-7(%‘79N;------- ^ riSDAl — Milo maize 2.08-2J2N Id feeder 1-O4-I.07N « ‘ wslBUohier Barley 1.04-1.13N wd p S e -.|°y|>e“ni2.59-2^M^N ' a,

ersnrina -Sacked bran 42,5(H3.25 th J’ t I s i b Sacked shorts 47.50-48.25 ei

Wheat futures closed from ^ hi ; not suf- 0 « cent lower to up 1 cent.


2 hard 1.52^ n; No 2 red 1.48>/g U ) — Cat- n. Corn No 2 yellow 1.22? . Oats hi : InsuffI- No 2 heavyw hitc 74>4*?i n. Soy- p; I for.test beans No 1. yellow 2.77^ n.Of steers Soybean oil 9.20 n. . _ sl

r steers, changed to 1% cents-a bushel C 257 lb a t higher,' September 1.45%; com ir i-lH5-.ib was-9frJower-to-W-hlgbcr.-Sep- ci .lb ,2B.5fc tcmber 1.18%-^; oats-iverftT»i _ nmerclai lower to % higher, September tr ner and 70?4 cents; rye .was i/S to ?4 »i I; cutler higher, September- 1.15% and m UO^uUl- soybeana_weie_% to -^Jflw o r. w xxl bulls September 2 . 7 3 |^ . ^

and-giiU - - -GRAIN FtmJRES*''’« s " «' lower in CHICAGO (A P )- 90-240 ib Prev. VIb 19.75- High Low Close close w

1.00-19.75; Wheat w ; 1-2 300- Sep I.46« 1.45|4 1.45?i J.44^i Ci 350^00 lb Dcc 1.52« 1.51 1.51^ 1.51^2 «

Mar 1.58% 1.56% 1.57% I.57U t* h to test. May 1.60^2 1.59(2 1.59^ 1.59%

Jul 1.59 1.57^ 1.57% l;57^ tl

USDA) - Sep 1.20 1.191/ 1.19A l.igiA . « ih^-)n 1-16% f'Mar 1.21% 1.21V. 1 .2U 1.21% t

May— l724%-l;24W-l;24/?-l:24% ^

lOO ib sow Sen- — -70T/.— rai/—7nJ/~7nK vlbs; 17.50-i / c m M

IK ‘’2 -71% .7 l« .71% f■‘• i , . n May .72^5 .72 .72« .72Z “

grade 3 Jul ----- --------- j o g rniZ \jh choice Rvo " ■ rlbs 28.25- SCO 1 161/ 1 15U 1 1 iCl/1 lbs yield g?e !:5?4 I M 1: 4 I

S '.n " ! .S I'28(5 1.29 1.288 "

27.50; 800- n j v

SiHg:----Rnn. CHICA(H) ,!!■ u'llliiv CHICAGO (AP) (USDA)-Po- >:

s s I4 ^ 2 2 o t 2.50. ^

* FUTURES ^ ^Thc following quotations were *

^ES"------providcd-^by-E-w rM cRobcrts *lons were and Co., Twin Fails.IcRoberis Maine Potatoes £

High- Low Close , w Close Nov. - 2.29 2.-26 ' 2.28 “ ?.s n 7S Mnrch ' 2:r>0 2.S7 ?ri7 i 45 27.47 April 2.79 2.77 2.77 *9 ' 26.y May . . 3.19 y J U g 3.16 j,

mJ S —Mut a^FunaF";inter Affiliated Fund 9.36 ^0.12 >! It approii- Commonwealth, 20.06 22.61 i

Theory ’ 8.40 9.08 i t dewa ot Eaton and Howard 17.09 18,59 v

, . Fidelity Trend . • 32.96 35.82 v I ' M ^ - Keystone b:4 ■ 9.D9 : ' 10.90 J ^ 12-S Keystone K-1 ■ ' 9.31 lO.lB -

“ •00 Ke^tone K-2 7.86 ' 8.59 Keystone S-2 11.36 12.40

6-75 Keystone S-2 ' . 11.36 12,40- - S - 2 5 - Keystone S-3_____ 11.27— 1 2 ^

. Keystone S ^ 7.11 ^11-50 International Fund 18.51___17.86

Dfe lnsur73nwst~77.03— '7.68 2f00 Manhattan ll'.Ol 12.1221.25 ________ ____

- 3.75 f —- 5* ^— .— -r 'g S r M e t ^ u r y s ------

i 16-87W co m in g

■ sep t. W

T - 2 2 _ . . X10.00413.00 , , . W A IT ■ •

—^ -THEISEN-motors'

• - ; - ■ /V

_ _ Business . l Mffror I

*• By JOHN CUNNIFF " ~rH E V :Y O R K -(A P ) - VniJi prices, wages, .credit costs and spending efther a t high'leVels or now rising sharply, many econo-

^nvhMM »ni*t3 bellevo that critical and « n H ^ eventful days are ahead of us.L n i ^ I t ^0 a e>rly to say how vi ktaSl of drama^will be played out. « X but some of the characters now d( nse and ^ i " C Include btnritraiM taxes. Inflation, labo^manage- ni

discord, business-goveoj- S ^ n fcr » e « ‘U ^ P aie rw tf 'gu ldepons- Kj

H nn > although the chances are • •JiUrf. remote that many of them will v

be left out. The only certainty Is ,,, r n m ^ that politlcs wiil play a big role; p

d“ rS S c e n t^ ta g e jm d c h ,o Lthe_tlme. J

r J & / ” t M n ? ^ n t h e drama-s J development the administration ,, ^ »««wng ft tax Increase fo help

J? S a large and innalionary ? •r P™'“ budget deficit which tends to df- ", were es- everyone's dol-

S e ? ? °Thli> derid t I, Ihe rejult Tl „ ' " V ®' heavy government spending j*

without provisions- being made “ • I for payment except -through ®;

cheaper money. It means that heat-de- tho-gOTernment-KffSTrnode-an J"* 9. 1 - red excessive demand on the econo- •{' 0 protein my.. . .‘1cin 1.38: Now the government seeks to II; No. 1 correct the problem by raising et r white money-through taxes to pay for

icy 2.05. its purchases. In ils opinion the di 250; bar- reduction of demand by less y

--------- spending-wiil not be sufiicient. uirley per Thcreforo,-higher taxes.---------- - n

A tax increase, as viewed by ti----------- its-proponontsr-wou(d-«orve-two tu

rclatcd_purposes:_Jcduce_the rr -W h e a t budget deficit; and by Uklng

No 2 money from business and con- te 1.51% to sumers, lessen their ability *10 yi 2%N, No make excessive demands on the di JN. No 3 economy. oi

As the tax debate continues, al0 up Va, the Inflationary pressures are o Io-3 1.13- becoming more evident In high- d d mixed e r prices for haircuts, steel, au-4. tomoblles, apniiances, rubber tl1 2 white goods. Wage demands also are ti

rising. VI[ There Is nothing whatever qi

wrong about higher pHccs and q. wages. It is when-these wages ^ and prices exceed productivity

25 that the damage is done. Great- „i 8.25 e r productivify Is what pays for d from % higher wagesjahd prices. ,'

cent. If productivity decreases, or >( remains stationary, wages and (, prices can incrrase only a t the _

^ e a t No expense b f each other. Unless I ed 1.48% the pie is larger, nobody can „ 2^ . Oats have a bigger slice without de- i n. Soy- priving someone else. l i n . W hat nobody can.say a t this "

stage Is w hethet-the.govem '; ^ a r~ inF ment-will-succeed-In-convincing * a bushel Congress of the need for a, tax r

com increase. o r even that a tax in- ' lusr.-Sep- crcase.wilLsolveahe.pioblem..^ f' w(«r» . u This suggests another role.ln “

iplember the d ram a: the chMce of wage “ w to % and price controls. This Is a re- j; 5% a i^ mote -possibility. - Note these i> 11 JflWfiT, ^ d s . uftered eariler this year

by Gardner A3tley. chairman of ^ the President’s Council of Eco- ^

' hdmic Advisers:"As one wflo spent about six ci

Prev. years of his life, during two fi ose close wars, engaged in price control ii

work. I can report my view lhat si J.44W continuous peacetime price and v

1% 1.51Va wage controls would be a dlsas- m 157(4 ter?’

1.59% If tills possibility Is remote, 7% 1-.57S then- the possibility of a new

guldepost formula Is not.El z 1 19% Guideposts wero seemingly ef- 5% 116% fective earlier in this decade In t 1/4 1.21% tyioR wage and price increases i,4 2-1.24U ta - r is e s 4 n —productivity.,. Ijist i Wl 126% ■ however, they were 1

•'* pounded into the ground by 0 i —70% wage— and —pricc— Increases: “ 9/4 *69% Since then the Inflationary f 13/ *7j « fires have been getting hotter, 2% 72'/ “"d n°w there seems to be a j0 .70W v co ' real need for a new guide

post formula. Tho admlnstra- 5% 1151/ tion, however seems to bc hav< 1% 120^ difficulty in devising one.6 l ’25% ■ Nevertheless, rising wages . 9 I 28^ prices—and the damoging , 9 • ■ 1 J 8« fopsequences of them—should _ ^ rtm ind everyone of the some- :

wTjat cryptic statement e a r iy ;3------:— thW year by Ackley. V

"I suggest." he tdW the Socle- : DAWPo. ty 0^ An^Brican Business Writ- . trarv R? ers. "thati the next steps In the • un- revival and strengthening of the nodi-rnin- guideposts must be and will bc

tB k cn -5 0 o n r-fo r- th e -p re sen t-‘ M limltea breathing space in price pres- I

Min fiures will not last forever.” I ales Min- T hat statement was-made in *

May nnd (did not include nny In- 1---------- ^d ica tlo n W UmIngriror“ dfd-itIons were suggest a specific, propos-' icRoberts * if Ackley'docs decide to have I , guideposts' play a role you may I1 r w * be sure it will -provoke th e -

. sucgesUon from private' enter-l l I f .5 3 16 J 'T h is ^ S 'o drama now unfold-’j

n f l o ' Mass. Inv. Growth 12.86 R o T lI . . . Mass. Inv. Trust 17.U 18.70-1L National Growih 11.51 12.58 *r JH ? National Stock 9.25 10.11 1I 22.61 Putnam 16.54 ' 18.07 II ,2-22 Television Elec. 1I.P9 12.09 *I i H ! Value Lino Inc. 6.W 7.40^,r - - 5 ! Value Liae-Spec..Slt-7.69----- 8J4 II I West. Indus. Shares 0.32 10.18 I

•m im * iMtt hr 7-w BomiiM c a , I ■ *0 . iocun,'iw tN r /£ s IS

IFF - T i i v P Q t r n * - ynih X l l T v o i ; v r i

costs andi l r ^ S n " • " B y W ttU A M A. D O Wi i^ l and v ' >1 of us. Q. The Internal Revenue, er- w say how vice' allows each persdW'lo*re- U

»yed out. celve $100, tax-free., in .divi- w :ler» now dends each year — Individually w ' Include but not jointly.'W hat Is the best a '-manage- procedure for a couple lo follow sl t^goveoj- when stock, Xregisiered In the 0; lep o s» .- hu8b a n d 'r n o m e '6nly):has-te- . s su r^ a ceived JlOO in dividends by July? it i n ^ are a . Suppose w& back up a bit. si - .T . .* . ] You m ay be off base wfth your b

!X||? understanding of the situation, h Each persons. Is allowed a JlOO ci

the_ l|me. an n u a ^ 'd iv id e n d —exclusion!^ si This means that.you don't jwy k Federal Income tax on the first «<W 0 cash dividends you re- i

n.»^m.p£ celve each year from •'qualified . nds^dT^ America;!, cdrporalions" - just I on*-. #i« ab o u t^a ll companies Incorpo- I

riited in. .Ihe UnTted States. 0 rMuU nl ' And, when » husband and wife .1 ■Mndino a joint income tax return, 1 ng Z d e the exclusion becomes as much t -^rouoh a s *200 - provided' that the '

cans that « « :•« °n which- the dividends p made aii I'ecelved a r e " either registered [j he econo- i't Joint ownership or that both n

. (he husband and wife can own q seeks to dividend-paying stock register- j

ly raising ed in individual ownership. ^0 pay for Since you received SlOO in divi- . }lnion the dends'by July, my gui»s Is lhat ],

by less your stock pays dividends "quor- 1 surricient. tcriy'-’ -(every three-months) tas -9.-----------most-stocks-da-Sorbjrthe end of j'iewed by thc year, it figures that you will i (orve-two (iavo—r«coivcd—4300—(perhaps 3'duce_the m orc)Jn d iv id e n d s ,.________ tly taking But, while the stock is regIs- q and con- tered only in your name and if u Bblllly *10 your wife doesn't own any divi- ds on the dend-paylng stock, you can take t, -r-. only $100 as a dividend exclu- 1, continues, aion. You’ll have to pay In- _ lures are come taxes on the rest of thal t In high- dividend money, steel, au- So, for income tax purposes., rubber the natural move would be to

also are transfer some of that stock into your wife's name or to have all

whatever of the stock registered in Joint rices and ownership of both you and your ■se wages wife.oducUvity Don't misunderstand. This Is ie. Great- fiat-out recommendation .• pay* lhat all families register stocks ' '*• ind olher forms of wealth inxases. or jo |„t ownership. That can often

.5 . bring on complications and ex- '•y ,”,1,"!® pense. This to a subject on which

<och family should get Individ- uni advice^^tlor,ed to ils own llhout de- J j^wygj. gnj/op

1 o“q v S “ that a broker’scommission fa tosed on the

for a iax “>nount of m owy in eacK ‘'round . .nv lot” of'lOO shares. I.have 1.000

rnhUm shares of a certain slock, which Is-nowrtradlng on the-New^ortc •

; Stoclg Exchange, at-«14n2%-Tl< Is n rL ahare. Do you mean to say.liiat, L StMB if I «eU a t. that price, I will S is v S r have to pay a b ro k e r_ » llJ 0 i lm a n o f commission-—-plus-New-Yorfc•1 of Eco- State transfer taxb

A. T ha t's exactly right. The about six commission on 100 shares of ir^K two stock bought-or-soid a t $14.U%■e “onlrci" fa C1.13. So, on the la le ot l.OM view lhat shares, the broker’s commission price and would be 10 times that — J2H.30. e a disas- And you would also be stuck

s remote, _Wool

mingly ef- NEW YORK (AP) — Wool fu- decade in tures closed .5 to J of a< ccnt increases lower. Oct 115.9B, Dec 117.1.

r l ty _ ia s t Mar—118.1B,-Jaay_ l ia J B .- J l y . ey were H9.9B. Oct 120.0B, Dec I20.5B. round by Certificated wool spot 11B.5N. Increases: -W ool'tops fulures'closed quiet, iflationary k o sales.ng hotter, certificated spot wool tops nl5 to be a J5D.5N.new guide B-Bid; N-Nomlnalidminstra- ___ — •. , j,10 bo hav* ‘RUMOR DENIED

SANTO-DOMINGO, Dominl- can Republic (AP) — Preslden

^ S l ^ § Joaquin B alagucr' denied ru- mow of 8 plot against his gov:

In t S ernm ent TTiurscfay but dis- early „i39ed-Hhe-«omnBndeM-of-(h&-

.u« c««a-. Dominican a ir forco and na-

cps In theling of the -nd will bc e—present— ^'rice pres-

inde any In- I ■ror~did-it i ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ r r 1 i ' l ' r k ~ llc p r o p o s - ^ r

lc to have ! you may }voke th e ~ —

enter- nt. itself. p p ^ '

ow u n f o l d - ‘

s i 14.05 ^

M 12.09 -VW75 7 . 4 0 ^ ^ •. ■>9----- 8J4 ----------- -7-J2 10.18

^ L . .__Spread_tho. word=“ ' with printed mat

f c whatever tiie gut

f t


B m W - ......" - ' m------------------- - '■

A A. D OYLE. .. ■ ■ B Mvenue .Ser- wllh-a-New-y<wk-staie-tnin*frr •80W'l6 *re- Ux. In ihU case that U t e S r f

in.dJW -w ork oul to '»7 .S0 . 5 ndividualiy would be nipped for a U.S. So- IS the best curittcs ancf Exchange Commls- :e lo follow sloii fee — amounting to 29 cents ' -ed in thc on this s ite (ronsactfsn.'K - fa ? !? '. , l‘« l ’‘,'Wlll»S->n; a !k :-----Js by July? ing about commissions. Again I

with your brokerage/ firms are .only too’" ’f y ' t s l’’” Ihcir m l L c f . , ■

e*c«aton<- irf>e»-Out-thg-eamnjtea>ft< • don t pay kerage commission schedules.

S Q- 1 Inherited 15 shares ofI ''(wallfied yghtlng commonu ’> _ u l, Although I am only Ifl

S t i tu S iho'sioc^ha'Tfallen f r ^ ' .

S '<”• “» « - J-.

' 3 a mny S m ." “ .[Tl S ’,

iT ^o i.tA ^ “ “t tho record. As a new srahip slockholder. you should sec that tlOO mdlvi. dividends havow is that [i*®"-, Divldend-paymentt hsvo

s S s W year sInco

r S n d o f things that-ymi -lat you wm c o K C fn e < r -a b ^ - -

• k 'jT S S i: ‘ tock-market price. The slocks am« n n H f 8w d clectric and gasn " n rd iv - down thiso

loVi. ®“t they remain the na-

l e n ? ^ £ SS(me®nt” ho^°'’ '

e st*0?"that p ■ ~

Speaks softly » and carries

a b ig kick.u). This isnmcndation . g C S ^ S r tIstcr stocks '

wealth in can often

'ns and' ex- on which

get Individ- to-its own

yer and/or

a broker’s ..^ . theach —have 1.000

2_ock, which

to say.that, will

ker_S2IlJ0 'New-;York

right, l l i e .shares of a t $14.U%

lale 1,000commission 4It — $311,301 to bc stuck

- wooifu- /) of ai ccnt \Oec 117.1. ■ >1

U a.5B .-Jly ' Oec 120.5B. — - !pot 11S.5N. . :losedquIet.| -------

'ool tops a t ' ~ —

o%.,„ O 'jJ Hickory S ; Bourbon.

but dis-

;e and na-^ HM'um lUUiiKti, m t '

ooaif^ ~

W Has'.No iimif .

whblnve ; Dip a Job

_ t h o , w g r d j r r o . r e 5 9 5 ^ ^ 5 y ^ ~in te d m o to r la l t h a t t a i l s y o u r

a s t_ S Q Q t js f o r t o p q u a l i ty ‘

3r t h a q u a n t i t y . ___________________ ^


Page 9: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'


PRIZE .. WTOrawa STALU • head the list of 49. horses to

County. VonlU and D ciw l U out their entire band of rcgl

^Thoroughbred and Quartcrho

Count■' 1 JEROME—Fanciers of Appa*

loosa horses from more than a i doicn western states hove Indi- ' coted they pion to attend the ' Count Chic Dispersal Sale of the Lnrsen Brothers, Jerome, on i Sept. 16 a t the Twin View Train- i ing Stables, Jerome. 1

Oiw of the-top show narei plete d l^ r s a l sa!» S ^ t. 18 i won several grand champion Idaho-Oregop-Nevada Api^ooa

— E n g in e e r T o - T a lk S e p t . 1 2 A t,G o o d in g

iS H O ^ N E - A lle r“ Mc? Gregor, a rea engineer for the United States Deportipent of Interior and tho Bureau of Rec-

- lamationrwIH speok on tho-pro- .p o sed Boulder, Flat'.Reservoir

a t 8 n.tn. T^esdaV a t the Good*------- li5F"CourUiouse. ' ----------- -----

Leon Griftve, manager of the Big Wood River Canal Co., also will have tim e on tho program.

This will be.ono of the regular------- mw-tlngs-aC thn Wood-RlMiLJRci

source a rea committee. All In< tere?ted persons orb Invited-to

, attend. • •, Tho-W ood River—Resource

area covers oil of the, droln- tigcs tor Sl'g and -LJ«Jo Wood rivers.

Committeemen represent the • Wood River, Gooding, Camas and Blaine Soil and Water Con-

-------^servation^pistrlcts-Wood-RIvctdistrict Is represented by Cor- win SHva, Shoshone; C. J.

r f ^ F A M ! I; - ^M C H ERS!^

_ P lan your w inter • f t a ^ ln f l 'p ^ r o m nbwl*


r — - I N 5 j - P E U K E p fe e d S s - ' ,

_ i? 2 6 ^ 1 5 , 1 F . I L E R _


J- STALUONw^-Count Chic 18W. win . horses to be sold Sept. 18 la Jerome Denzel Xarsen, Jerom e, will be selling

ad of registered Appaloosas .and some Quarterhorso m ares. Count Chle has

l i t C h ic Digof Appa* The sa le w ill- fealure 48-heod

re than a of horses, m ostly . Appaloosa love Indl- with som e' Thoroughbred and uend the Quarter H orse offcrinRS as w ell, ale of the Heading the lis t of sale ot- om e, on tractions will- be Count Chic, cw Train- senior sta llion of the Larsen

Brothers ranch and many o f hfs

low n a re s to be -sold b y tbe Larsea 1 Sept. 18 a t the Twin View Stables, will champion trophies a t baiter and was bl] i Appaloosa Chtb la 1088.____________

T o - DaiigLCostsJkfi_ I n Rising Faster

Than Prices PaidI S ’ W A S H m (^ N — dVlry

farm ers-are-rec«lving-m oro4or . ?«P their flufd in llk ' in August than

of a year . a g o . rising cost» cut Into their profits. '

, thL A ccording to the U .Si Deport-m ent- oT .A grlcu llure,--dairy

lh a n - tl« y -w c re - lit-y c a r_ ___ ;«P « f ihv> USDA n oted thafprfces being r n nUft P“ W tor" fluid milk are higher.

th a t.th e . Increase bas been i e 7 e S r ^ .productionPion.. '■ _L i^ ’ed ta JohnstonT Richfield,' and Har- in y iie .o jo ojd.H uyserrDJetrIchJi6n:^red= .Resource ricksen^ Gppdijig. is chalrm.an ofho drain- the com m ittee. •______________!tlo Wood

ra™ ; . ' a c t io nater Con- SALE Exxi-R Ivet ^ ^ — 5 5 * — 5 = 5 * ! —

□ 4 -Late Summerci : ___ CON±i-7: r ^ 50-Heae(-yec ISh- ' ^'SO-Heda-yec ii.r , j ■, 150_SteerT3ne

r^rsO Stocker, fS tau 1 ' T hese are all top-q U l l ^5 M X - , , . T [ i i s , - j s j n

Xl^GSODlilitiG— — ^lh-the:heai£of- th

. ..J IM K E V A N ,1„ .- ILER ■■ F A I R F I E L D ^ '

---------• 7 6 4 '2 5 2 5 ~ — T-

m , « m b ttn a consistent whiiMr In biJerome throughout tbe Pacific Northw

e selling Part ol his collection of troad some itrouod. Wayne Petersoo, J«r:ble has Count Chic. '

Dispersal Sae 48-heod prize winning offspring. Appaloosa Count Chic 18GG0 has- bccome bred and well-known throughout the west- W as well, em stales a s a top racing Ap-

sale ot- paloosa and qIso has won almost unt Chic, countless trophies while shown ic Larsen p t halter . and in. performance any of hfs cvents. Verdis and Dchzcl Lar-

Larsea Brothers, Jerom e, in a com- ibles. will be Calico Countess. She has id was blgh point yearling filly for tbe

P a id S » ? P ^ '^ ®'hlli dairy ■--------m o ro 4 o r_____:________ ^ ___________ _igust than MADRID — Tho wheat bar- costs cut vest this year will bo 19 perc, __ _ cent bigger than any In Spain’s

H o f * 'S ’> f f i W n l ^ t o t ^ e r v l « ; I t will g ive Spain a burplus of

■fees hcfne M~nn3/Ion quSw Is (one qufnlaTre ^ ifh e S “ '‘5 ^has hMo “ ven from previous har- nroduSon vests. I t Is estimated that over pnwucuon ^ n ,|jn o n ^^u in ta l^ ill^b e ha^

Md ' I ^ - t^ n ^ w e r , since the area under wheaMa-rflHffhtly-rsmaller-thaa

mlrm.an pr that.in ..prevlous.years.______


mmer Special Feeder 5CONSIGNMENTS TO I


H-yearling Keifers " ■ ir.Tandjheifer ca lv « _ . ker, feed e r and fat'coNII tcp queiity mountain cattle ai tiio buyer.

is iii addition jfo our rei

artL o f.th ftg o o d ,e r& 8 S .c o i:jn itik o JX .t

a s —— 7-— :____ — EARLYl___

rhioer In baiter, performance, and racing Ific Northwest and IntermAutaln areas, lion of trophies 'is shown In tbe foro- -(ersoa, Jerom e trainer. Is mounted on

Sale Settg., sen purchased Count Chic, aos- bccome beautifully blanketed sorrel and t the west- whlto stallion a t the 1962 Gold- racing Ap- cn Spike Appaloosa Sale In Og- ATon almost den, Utah. A yearling, ho top- hile shown ped the sale a t the Ogden event, srformance Winner of his first race, the )chzcl Lar- Notthwcst_Futurity_in4vOntarIo,

Ore., In 1S63, Count Chic won the . I.O.N. Futurity that year and

I the Northwest Derby the follo\v ing year.

Last year he wos high point halter horse for the I.O.N. (Ida­ho • Oregon - Nevada Appaloosa Club) ond also won the coveted get-of-sire award."

A filly sired by.Count Chic, alsojlIftcwJJor.salejan Sent. 16, pIoced'arhiRh~poInr^lllyfin965 and n colt.sired by Count Chic was high point_wlt^ ,

He has won’~ s e v ^ iran^^champfon trophies' from shows In Utah and-Idaho, three re­servo champions In shows In Utah,—Idaho-«nd-Ocegon;-and five first place trophies in pe^ | formancQ events. - -

Many other horses In the dis­persal sale have won numerous trophies nnd championships. A number 'oL selected- mares of Thoroughbred and Q u a r t e r Horse breeding which have helped add racing ability to the Larsen horses obo will be sold.

In addition to the out of state breeders, many from throughout Idaho and from the Magic Val­ley a rea are also expected to a t­tend the sale. - ■

It will be held a t 7 p.m. in -the-indoor-arena-ofrthe::frw in View stables Just norlh of In- -tersiat«-eo-betwcen-Jerome-and Twin Falls. The evening sale time lS“p a r liy to accommbdata local area residents who may bs working during tho day.

- Auctioneer for the safe will■ be Dean Parker, Auburn, Calif.,

She lias jjjang Lancaster, Filer,for tbe reading pedigrees, and clerks

■ are Jody and Jackie Larsen, Je* • rome, and Neva Moore. Hansen.

Ring Stewards will be Wayne J U p ------ pntnr^wn nnfl J. T. StOrtfr. Ja-n p ^ _______


3 t — ------------------------------------

w heaTh'i? W E ~fi1 'A K E ”

lat-service: r \ A K I C ^ ^i iairplus of ■ LOANS - •

M offlto On Anything of Vafue jvlous har-J that over R E D S

,UCTION WAY!■ ■ 12:00 N O O N -.

^ r SALE Sept. 15 ,; TO DATE

/ e s ‘ .Faf'cows 7" — . 7:;r-cattle and will ba sorted In ^

our regultir run. ,

E Q M « /^ O N r e O e r ± :iirtiv on the U.P. Malnllna"U R j J A q K O I E S E , „

_______ . . A .

HB 4 H C l

1 ^ m m ^

■ H

^ LURING UP during, the Jnishowioig ol bee! event during I

ISled on a ts a b tn of various 4-H clubrf’


I t Chic, a 'sorrel and A k r :1962 Gold- '

Sale In Og- K ; -ng, ho top- ■ j . - --' ' ' gdcn event. : r ^ ^ K zt race, the . . J , . . : ......InJDntarlo, h icw onthe ■jlC.: year and the follo\v

point (Ida-

Appaloosa the coveted

on S e j^ 16,


^en-'gfan‘d rom shows

three re- shows in

lies in pc^

in dis-

Am nrcs o t G ETIN O H E R BUM,, CA L F

“ ' 1 ' ' w ork lo r th i! IIIIH J l r l . B ut ] f. . w on M cond p lace !n th o lunlc

J “ J f - w v o Ifco B in. K a tty Jo n e ., ' >j; " « J “ Bob J o . « , Bohl. . . . » o tro u t

Club Meets7 !" MILNER-T-Mrs. Edwin Bruno,

leader of“ t l i o ^ n c r c l t i s “ 4--H . - J Club, held a meeting nt hor

I S Mte hoSo-MoiiaaySvcnlng lo-diStri: buto-all-artlcles-thot the-mem-

^ 0 may *>®r® *«“• exhibited at the fair. « day. Each project was gene over i safe will and all su^estions from the lurn. Calif., fudges wero discusscd. Mem- Iter. Filer, bers will hold their organlza- and clerks tlonal meeting In the near fu- Larsen, Je* tiiro. Mr*. Brune served refresb- re, Hansen, jhents.

T y m Y m w x iB » M « » ^ ^

“ J i R t Im ^ ™ iSf Vafue ' t i e

gL I N»tRO<:I . PUT Y O U i STU| : T r a i # i i z r

. - L I Q U I D

I • Increase .Org ^ I • Put: Fertilizer 15 . ,r] li*.'Balance youi

f l^ r J J S n iM d i. J. O F V -W f

— . ■ SPRAYERS a r

d i n ^ ^


■ ■ ■ i J Suuuuuuuuuuu^^

E i n D f ^• . Sept. S.g,:L967

4H CIVEl TOCK rfr ^ ^ ^

Ing, the Innlor dhdslo'a of tbe fitting and » t during the Twin Falls County F a k nre 1 4-H c lub^from .throu^nit the Twto F alla

ULL CALF Into the r l ^ t place took some 9 glrL But the hard work paid olf. Sho in tho junior division ol (Ittiog nnd show- TTie ShorUiom bull calf, "Whltb Pride," hy'Jones,*'8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. some trouble a t t lm o during the event.

ets TOP QUALITY UTAHwin Bruno, . *ircltis“ 4-H - A : | . - . r 3 ^ng a t her W M l i .Ig lo distrl- — r; the-mom- — ^PIoe».ord«ts-now |:---U the fair.s m e over IDAHO BEAN

' & elevator .IC re a r lu- 7 3 3 -IO Ii FtUr.cd re lre .h - | f „ l1, .3 S M 1 T 9 !


m i 2 E i fir s T sn i^^V NOW WITH -^LIQUID I


e .Organic Matter I tilizer in the root zone. | B your work load ' |

Q P W g ' R g N T ____ ■ '- . g


kwViw'ik I t l 9l v-HpIH I

uuuw uu u u u u w ^^

6Z ^Twln-Foir»TI/^es-News ~

a ‘ m '

Itting and County. Showing o( tbew an] r F ab nre for hundred»|ol yonngstera la rw taFaUa fair. _ i .

P o s i ^ o n e d

8 f t 3 ' HOLLISTER-The Salmon ■ O B River Canal! Co. has post-

. poncd the ;G alner wheat run In tho canal system for one week.

' According to MoTrls Hoff-■ man. manager, the ran will

s ta rt Sept. .18 Instead of . : Sept. II as previously an-

.-nounced.... iThis action was taken



in Sweden Is to fewer 'daii^ plants with greater capacity •There-flre-s6me-260-dalry-planti Jq-SwM(»n. Thera also la tt-'drot In the number- of f o ^ p ^ duclng.mllK. but prodijcUon pei form.is up.

M T U I QI II Iand M r* . ...........................................: -------- ---he. event. . '

i z : ■ m inowl:------


f e i C Q L

i x ]

I ROTS STRAW---------- § — CombJne~wttbi#2-4


. I C a t b t m mI in tb e I

Eone. I CircUV i^ - I truck T

— ^ - | — T o n r s c i o o a l —

I I P A tji F l C c c

M I Magic Vdliey

t GRWiECURRli|:?S''

■ N e m '. , 9 ' ’ . S E . C T l ' C m —

of tbew animals elloazed a y ear 's work - nnngstera la preparing Ibe animals fmr tha

aj4 TONS EATENtied VORK - Tho averaw

family of four e a u ovei' 2%Ite Salmon tons of -food each year, and

has post- . three-fourths of a ton Is dairy icT wheat jiroducts., They eat about half- system for ton of m eat,.poultry and fish

and half-ton of fruits and vege> oftU Hnff. tables.» ran will _________________ ' ■ 'Instead o f ----------- -------------------------- ----rlously an- I


I «rt ciittoni dfM* an in w ' t LISTED *f posltry. PrkM Mtit «!• I .- The trend 1 >®* | -


farais p^o• ) aw 8*>»«. W. riM fM :

L .


■ ' - ' ' I w i i h T ? - : ' ; . . ' - . "

OL&EN : W W ESTILUTH)N3rSTRAW arid STUBBLE ;w W f - ^ - ^ ^ D - ^ r - v r e e i i - c o n f r o l . - ^ -

RATES fo r - a qu ick a t a i t I

i O N I A fo r aaatA ln^d g r o ^ . ~ ~

---------------------------- - -

:c C b O P E R A T r g E

r a l i e y ^

l # l l t s , l ^ cR Y \ ^EiSSWE

Page 10: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

1 0 Twin Fallt t lm as.N aw f

OFFICERS OF W Id ito Jn latndocAd during-tbA m ee tlu of n e e t la t this we«k a t the Keci -n e y w c. fram left. M n. ClyA iBSB of tbe Idabo iaaior Anfos

------ OTlt.rtlfn n ro a la> J» o tlU to lt«

A l o n g F e i

Can‘ T1ie.qaad calvei bom • moatb a ing t o ^ . aad M n . Gordon Ada

. ComTor ensHoge and.the third c ed a t TutUe. Mr. and M rt. WSlle Raynord W rl^ t ore hayjii8 . .Boyd silage pit and com Is being cut at

Mr. and M n . R o ^ f eny . Ti Calif., have parchased the 14S« < E . F . m iw iL 'The deal-was baadlc Boise

'■ The ranch 1s located southwes creek. I t Includes buildings and i plan on having cattle on the pla

' place part ot the time.

W . and M n. W lsoo rrtalnod ib ■ also engaged fat the Christmas t apartme&t boose in Tarama lo thi possession alter tho crops are hi ^ c tr le a ] engineer and she b have varioos holdlngi over the cou

- M r.’and Mrs. Gary Masoner and the Melvin la rso n Jiome._SprIn^ have p u rch ase-a h o m e .'^ teacne

-M r . and M n. Gene Coitrln aad - m oved 'to 'tbe 'S ttW rE Ilis farm -Ii

plan farm this coming" year.

BONK — Ob a dairy fann In ||jf E ast Germany, uncooled mUklso Is sent throui^ 7?A mUes ol pr plastic, pipe, s t r a l^ t to the|da

8 •

I -Commercial &


i GUAltANTEED SATISFACTION8 years lervlng this orto w llh RlI STRUCTION . . ..Drivevrayi,§ Garage Floen, etc. ■



^ ' I } Eoslla^d^Driii


_ ON h

- v PlIAlITT COKTRO_ _ _ ^ if®*” "*

; A d lvIs[on:of C am atfoi

is-News; Sept. 6»9) 1967

E Idaho . J tm lo r A a m A ssoda tloa w ere- m eeting of th e u 2 o Angns AssocIaUoa t th e K o g m H otel R onadsp R oom . ' H n. C ^ McAffee. Gooding. co<h8lr<Jo r A a ^ A s s o d a t lo n ; R icha rd B ro o k s- - Ih HiCTltm. a e m b e n t Bonnie

Fences And Cands .a month i«D to « H m fonl btloo*. ^

«rdon Adams who Uve near Tuttle are 4 re gthilng b might asd aot1)eh)g ^ven \

the third crop of hay a re being harvest- se Mrt; VraierSotdcrs-ond Mr. and Mrs. bt ying, .Boyd Cranes' is enlarging his en* ni stag cut a t th^Dean Wolfe ranch. E

Perry. Tacomi. Wash., aad Stockton, pi the 14SC acre raaeh of Mr. aad Mrs. w u baadlcd by Robert Wobb, n a lto r of

■ - 31I southwest of Fairfield along Camas cc lings and farm land. The new owners Tl n> the place. They will reside on the ia

. P« dl

retained tbelr farm a t Orchard and are gi hristmas tice boslaeis. They took an ama lo the transaction. They v lll gjve iti ops are harveited this fa ll He Is an at she bas been a school prIncIpaL Ib ey th rer the country. th

■ ' - ________ _____________ ■ orasoner and daughien have moved from fa e._SprIn?dafe,. to Heybum, where they ih

teaches school a t Oakleyr -------Tl

>»i(rla a a d tam lly ,-T ucson , A rl t. , h av e ^ Us f a r m - b l the -S p ringdale a re a , ■‘n w y d g 'y a a r . __________ ■ E

' : - .- |c rea m ev . ............ gt.6____ Aftgf thw fmvTTiim mlllK. Tie te

Just turns a u p and the milk pc wm In jij on its "way to the creamery, co d milk Some 14.000 pounds-ol-mllk are 31 lUes of produced a day a t thU pipeline fa to theldalry. pi

— I, )| 1 1 ’ I I ^

R Ol

I ”c i a l & R e s i d ^ l i a i

IV IH G ;i u

f»il, P - M , , , . . - ■ n *1i m r r w V O n 1 1«

ASPHALT i. - -I-:;:!— , - | KISFACIION, boefad by oij? many I “n o w llh REPAI1IIN6 OR NEW CON- S _rlvevraysi ParUng lot*/ Roadways, g


\ a i c V A L L E Y - , ' I i

^ i n r l n d73S-1829 I


w ea ^P en f^^sU R cO N N E W a n d I M P R b \

F 3 B E| H n w r « i r s P E c

y (W aleh B ^ r B m d e r s N

COKTROLLED-NEW iMPROVB^ yetff-ahow qnlmoU. At your daaUi

^ r n a t f o h ^ m p t i n V

I were- Honstead. Kimberly, reporter, ai :IatJao rome. Mcre(ary>treasurer. Back i Room. ' president of the Idaho Angus A •chair* Gooding, Junior adviser: Sidney I Jrooks- - president, aad Harold Brooks, I Bonnie Members of the Western States Ao

id Magic V I 4 -H S(

«’«i“ OnrAmerican 4-](Editor’s Note: Miss Haagcn* kri

larvest* son, a Bonners F erry mem- oil d Mrs. ber, is spending several months uol his en« BS an International F a rm Youth dl\

Exchange Student hi Italy. This mt . . is her account of the Italian 4-H od

ockton, program.) an<d Mrs. ■ I Viltor of ^ DARtENE Hi^AGENSON ch:

This is the 10th anniversary of tut 3P au b s ia Italy. They are the 1

Camas counterparts of -l-H in America, sai owners The three P ’s stand for the lu l* an on the ian words: Provare, “ to try or am

prove"; Produrre. "to pro­duce,*’ and Progredire, "to pro- .

!»d are greJi." ..........................A;» k an After a group of lu llans vis* z . Ul give ited the United States In 1SS7 |U

Is an and observed the work of 4-H !♦ Tbey the 3P clubs were bom. During

tho first four years there were H onlydubs for boys. Then dubs J f '

d from for ^ r ls *wcr« sw rted and now ” 0 •0 they ihere aro some boy-glrrdubs.

The total m e m b e r s h i p has H i grown to 45,000 In 3,500 dubs. > • J J '

have' A main reason for sUrtlng 3P S . Tbey clubs was esUhllshmeDt of the

European C o m m o n Market,” Italy fourtd It necessary to up* hS

grade lu agricultural output and m . Ikn, he tedUte.Eroductlon costs to com- JL e S^ilk F*te f i f e b T y w lth-the-oW er “ 5 amery. countries. I t was believed that ^ lUk are 3P clubs^could help. Young kg; pipeline farmers In- the clubs team new

practices .and_inethods. They SvinvKs test new crops and fertilizers .

and belter methods-of ajilmal A a . I husbandry. „^ G Since World War II. agrlcul- f l fr B tural population In i u ly has de- t B dined from..43 per cent to 25 ^

g per cen t Therefore, I think an* nn ■ E g Olher reason fo r sUrtlng 3P ro K R dubs was to hold an Interest In r - { g farming and keep young people an I B on farms. This is particularly »|{ t ^ l lrue-for=glrls'-dubs-thatjvork | n!__1 B mainly with, horticulture, poul- ]

§ try and'horte'economlcs’ln-genJ w------ R eral. Tha clubs keep girls in- be;

, R terested in farm life. Many men rc g are marrying .outside the ngrl- s g cultural .field and leaving the B farms.g Age of m em bcn of 3P clubs ^ B ranges from 15 to 25. However, " B the age requirement Is not

■ I B «triotr-The-ma!n-4nterest~ls-in - R learning' and anyone who wonU K to leom fa welcome. Each dub i g has a technical adviser who Jtas I g been trained, ^ v e s guidance '

. g and teaches t lv members.' In 8 the case of girls* dubs, the

. g teacher has studied a home eco* p nomics course.

°'>y 8 1 visited a d u b tha t preserved 3N“ i --------- --- ^

■ j l MOBIL HEAT 1 ^ 1 —EUELJDIL— r

J j . Phono,73W 36I I *I I* • I D IS T R IB U T O R BM""! Cold SrHKirSlaraps"-" '


y ^ o u n d - ^ - ^

\ P R b V E D _

l®GtO5 SPK IA l PREMIUMS TM d ers News, for d tto lli) |

ipRovEp;’m ^ur dadU n, or ' '_______'• ,

-M I U L I N Q - — C O M P A N Y ^ --------- - -

I.liTireT*' r ei

■ ■ N H E iI

I . -------------------^ . ' r '

- mg

reporter, aad Bonita Shewmaker. Je* c irer. Back row. Robert Morley. Eagle, u 10 Angus Association; C^d^'McAWee— p »r; Sidney Brooks, Hazeltoa, .fin t vice M 1 Brooks. Hazelton. charter member, w re SUtes Angns Assodatlon also attend, cl

ric Valley’s i -H Scene t

’ 1 ^ 1 1 T > 1l u l \IdllIJS~l>as6C l H

an 4 -H Program' |Haagen* krtlchokes, various fruits and pi H mem* olives, compartog methods. Us* oi months ually the members of the dub

n Youth divide Into groups with each pi lly. This member using a.oifferent meth* di Jmn 4-H od so that they can be compared st

and the whole dub can Jearo. vi Another-dub had a project of *”

:NS0N chickens. Each member took i rsary of tum i caring for them. Iare the The Italian clubs have the **

imerlca. same motto as 4*H dubs and Tt the lu l* ara truly m iking the best better i l ) tiy or and learning by doing.0 pro. . ■ T

Club Has Mothers’ Tea . E

During Members of the SU ^Uters 4* re wero H Club held a Mothen’ Tea m dubs recently a t the home of Mrs. *“ nd now Howard Ronk, leader. - wl1 dubs -A Pi"«> duet was given by Ib iSu LoAnn PIbtt-and-Lorl-Bowman: W

a u t a ^ Mrs. Ronk gave a food quiz w rtlng'ap Apronsjwre.model*

MwtoL Mothers a t^ d ftig -w e je Mrs.Dale Plott, Mrs. A Dofigherty, y« Mrs; Marvin Randall, Mrs. De* al Wayno Bowmaa nnd Mrs. Rob- , ert-R -B ro wii._ _ - ^

Tlie girls had previously tour- ha ~ ed the l)akety a t Safeway’s and

Young had a picnic and swim a t tho Is im new Canyon Country Club. d iI. They ’ Idi:rtllizers . i m t I '

Annual Tea Is “f •Bicji- Held By 4-H’ers

« : The Sm art Cookies 4-H Club « recently held Its annual Mother.

hink an* o a u ^ ie r Tea a t the George m <l"S.3P<J)ln?r home. “terest in a festive variety of breads r I people and pastries, prepared by the licularlv ^rero sorved with punch

e, poul* Fashions sewn by* the girls rln'gen^ w r e modelSI fdr their molhcTs Birls in* benefits and for a final critical w ym en review before-judging a t the he agrl* s s s s s s s s ^ ^ s s s s s s 'Ing the _

^ A L U I ^ 's t - i s - I n ■ I — -10 w anU - m 4 0 %ich d u b # ■ 1who J ta s I ■ - I .guidance 3 ; M Mrs.' In lbs, th e«ne eco* | aL U E D ^ “

^ J :5^ z 3p i 9 - -

i |i Call your local


* “ i ---------ag an » 7 3 T -737‘l -------------S5S5S—5 * ^ —— - e - s = * a i s i

a ■ A vtTH aving sold m y ranch,;l will o u t so le of IIvei|ock ond me

J __ • River V<illey. th ree.m lles.eo tltftslle, Idaho , on

---------- SATURDAY,- ■' S tartin g at'3

r Z 3 ^ lH E A C L Hi_ /.^S .Q ood yoyna-Hereford-stoci

reg lJlered Hereford BDIIT— "

~ iwwHii', -Ine lod& 'th ree tractors, potato . ment, a n d Vt mile .4*lnch sp . m ounted p u (p p r^ se rv dnd..h(

------------------ ~ ftr fm o p rln fo rm tf

; DELL HANK!' ■ ' ' U s n e V l c

S ' 9^ Auction ServI

^ = N o = S u g a r r 5’'W D /T 'h M ^ ^ o n n o u n w f'i& 'l’if proportionate shares will not be b( esu b llsh ed for 16SB .crop sugar* su b eeu .-accord ing to Carl Boyd, pc chairm e n of-the-Twin-Fallt-ASG v*

I b S S Comm ltUe. frThe S ec re u r y of Agriculture b<

is required by tbe Sugar. Act to e su b lish proportionate shares In U dom estic: sugar-producing-area sii

H Nevada-Animal ^ To Study, Worl

\ RENO—A U nlvenlty of Nev* Fi ' ada anim al physiologist w ill m

spend the coming ■ye«r in fi< -F ran co -siu dy lag -aad-w ork lng th with one of the top authorities of

; in the worlc on animal repro- ed<. ductlve processes.

■ Dr. D arrell W. Foote, anim al rc physiologist, Division of Animal w Science,. Max C. Flelschm ann te

>r. .Je* College of Agriculture at the d E ^ e , University, left last week for r« sAffee— Paris'U Jvehgago-lir-the-studyr Hi It v k e He w a s accompanied by his E amber, w ife;.,Barbara, and their s ix attend, children. mwnKiWww While In France, Dr. F oote F

w ill.w o r k .a t on-an lm al.ph ysl- it ology research center located In e i J0uy*en*j058S, 25 m iles out of Paris. The center Is a facility U of the F rench Goverment Agrl* pi cultural Ministry.' Director Is e< Dr. Charles Thlbault r e c o g n l^ di

— im r* M .A - J ^ ln g - m 2r2d .J iu U w n ^ ia a( anim al reproductive processes, th

J ______ _ n r . . rn n t> will nn a Pilhlln _^ Health Service post doctorate u i

______ fellowship during his one-year pi[ n . stayTHo wlirconcentrate'w ork _

on maturation and fertilization lilts and processes of the mammalian lOds. Us* ovum.the d u b ‘T h e work in Franco w ill bc [th each prim arily a training program nt meth* designed to enhance our- re- ompared scarch in this area a t the Uni* Jearo. verslty o f Nevada.’4 said Dr. roject o f ---------------------

; Jack Windsor «btte? Manager Of

Frontier FieldI Jtrck Windsor has taken over

m anogem ent of Frontier Field for tho Frontier Riding G u b as

Liters 4* of S e p t .1 .• n ‘ Tea He and his three sons, David, ot M n IB. and Bill and Ben, both 16,

. ' w ill operate the field with pas- tlven b v ture and s u l l rentals available . S ^ a n - lo -F ron U er-R ld ln g -au b -m cm * _ )od oulz other horse owners.

Mr. Windsor succeeds W. C. "Spike" Spivey who oM rated

jre M rs the f ld d for .the. c lu b jh e p a s t , iugherty, year and has moved to Callffor-

" In addition lo beliig a m em ber • o f the riding club, Mr. Windsor

S fto u iC has-bcen-F nm lIer-D ays*phair* i v ’a and m an th e past three years and » a t the is a m em Ver of the board of

directors for the M iss Rodeo Idnho Assoclotion. and of the Idaho Rodeo Cowboy Assocla* __

S tion. ■ _________ a

e r s i^vln F a lls ’County F a ir .- - |I u r i..k Leaders of the group are Mrs.« 9u R . 1 - SummerlTeid, M rs. G.

Coiner, M rs. AnnTleuston, and Mrs. W.,W yatt.________________


V ~ S E E - U S - IJ AT THE

I -P A IR ­'S-.....

riLiR.lbAHO i f

CTITDTM Inch,;l will hold d complete closing IB ck ond machinery, located In Lost jB rnlles-eott and one mtfe south .of 8

DAY,^EPT. J L _ Irting a t '1 2 noorii “~ a p

ACL H i R i R ^ i s Ieford-stocli^cpws With'^5 calves, 2 B^B uirr— -- -----------^ ^ § -

iWHINERY - “ tor«, potato equipment, hay e<julp> R L ^*Inch sprinkler line with trodpr B «rv bnd,.heads.— ________ g .

p r ln form oH oivcon lor t— - - — _ g -

ANKS, O w n e r . I^ I t e , Id aho | |uetlon Servica, A>’<o,-Idaho - _ ___ __ ;B

. . - I ................ V • - ■.

jar Beet A IMS ^ ^ T i f hTlletelm lnesW wop'would a< 11 not be be greaUr than needed to enable lli p sugar* suca area to meet its quota and gt rl Boyd, provide a normal carryover In* of atlt-ASG ventory J f iug»r.-Mo«t—augap In

from 1968 crop sunrbeeu will ta rlculture be marketed in IW .- - 70r.AciTto Proportionate shares were es> ihares In Ubllshed for both 1965 and 1966 vi ing-area flUgarbotjt-crbps.-1966 ja tlo n a l Ifi

l i m a l - S c i e n t i s t - ^ . - «m

W o r k I n F r a n c e "of Nev* Foote, *‘and It Is hoped lhat rwe at 1st will may improve reproductive ef* fc rear in ficlencv In Nevada .livestixk tli .woridng thcougn. a better understanding cc thorllles of the basic processei~lnvolv= pi l repro- ed.** ai

Dr. Foote and family are to , animal reside In a town called Eplnay Animal which Is near the research,cen-

ichmann ter. He said that some of his at the children wilt probably-attend

eek for regular French schools, al* s"Study: -thongh-some-margo to-prfvate by his Engllsh-speaUnK ddtoob.

leir six -"The trip ofiera a splendid raportunlty research-wlse,** Dr.

Foote Foote, explained, “and 1 -think l.physl- it will Im a beneficial experl- cated in ence for the whole fftmlly.'*

out of Dr. Foote, has been^at the facility Uitlverslly of Nevada for the

ne Agrl* post eight years. He has ^ rk * ector Is ed in the field of anlAial repro* e o g n l^ ductlve physlolo^. His doctor* w nt}ila at«-was.obU2iied.ln.‘US& Jram ocesses. tho Unlverslty'of-^iiconsln. • -

octorate USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS jne-year p oR FAST SELUNG RESULTSte'w ork ________________ ____________JIlzatlQn

p S . m FARW-'’” M A u c tio nI s o r C A L E N D A R» f j S g L -

i e l d / M l:en over (CM ,sr Field

Air Magic Valley both'ie; Sales Listed Here/Ith pas- - ........... ... ___ -

••»>*Callffor- iiiMd. In ihU rom

CaUnder f«r 10 «f«ri b * lm member st no coti.Windsor • \s*phair-1— ----------SBPTr-15---------------ars and lou ii and Dotontr cohmano a ra o f AdviilltoiMnli St^l. 11 enri 14' Rodeo AudlotMini Wtrt, DUn, WallOf the ‘ end M<l«frtm»h

Assocla* .■

S | S1RVI<

- - - - - - - R I G H T A lI . sTMOBILEnFrELD” II p rob lem s for y o u righ

^ d | | “ - “ R e g a r c i r e - s s - o f

" ^ l ' C O U P L E R S wI ' ' - J-' ' ' • P’’l i . NOW IS TH

' l l "SOLID SET” LEA sing - |b ' 'Lost IB I, — ■l s L . P - ------------— L ^ a s k

_ v \' ^ ‘‘F. g . ------ ^ T he.i«votu tIpna

I ' ttli''''

I . Commi

m | i r ^ ^ _ Y ^ 6 u ^

j i J / ' ^ " W I N FA J t t oBBooat o ifiniu i H uiion w iM tf

iiotA and greater than fw.lSSJ-wJlh view M lOver lit* of increasing production. Despteitli It—sugap lncr<aser-l9iM.crotCplflntlnci.to-|q\ eeu will taled only 1,320,000 acres', about m

70,000 acres less than 19M. were es- indications afe pffectlve In* n and 1966 vehury (sugariln existence p l^ in jjauonal lW 6=rcw ,beei.sugar m a * af* ai----------- te r lhat date) on J S S n r t W , 18'~ N was about 2,378,000 tons. This ra

— - S e ‘* t h S ^ ? 8 ^ M ^ r S - . ^ ' £

J C '^Tc^a?ford*arS’opportunity inr m , , creasing- production, proportion* pi

lha t iwe ate shares were not esubllshed Ji :tive ef* for 1967 crop. Recent informa. pi [ivestixk tion received from beet sugar gi standing companies indicates 1967*crop pinavolv= m otlngs“ ro f“ ^ b 0o t—WH),000 p«

acres. Such acreage coupled lli f are to ^ s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s o i ^ s m1 Eplnay .

S HEED ■ I s CAniE flfo r the '

us work* repro* '

I doctor*ISO Jram — in sln .--'



— iLynii fi.wl thnt yaiir rfrHlwi be-moro profitablo with a foI a dependable loan would helL o r osslst you In an a ll.groOntL THEI .CHECK WITH YOUR Ni

[a u P.C.A, Is a farm organlzall^ by farmers that know farm |c rcr* rom M n n H n M n M

■ ! j r w > 1 1 1 1 i r »Mw .ra t*__



m m¥ s m \■ n A T Y O U R O W N■ F I E t D ^ R t S ' S E S . , . . "to Ham y o u r ig h t o n y o u r o w n f le id . . . .

>or t o b r in g y o u r fo q u lp m en t in f o r i

e ' s s ' o f ' m t i k e - o r t y p e o f - F

ERS w e c a n s e r v i c e i t , f o i

^ o r r y o o r o v y r r p l a c e r



^ o tu tlp n a ry n e w m e c h a n ic a l , sp r in f

J l e M n c f m l2 9 Commerdal Ava, (Across from Twin

" O IW E A S >

W I N F A U ^ " ’ ” ' " ' —

«r^ a5J^ |Svim -*ug«r-yidd-«qiilvalehr:to-^ pcs-60,000 that (2.326 tons, per acre) for •with view 1966 would’mean-sugar.-pniduc- >n. Despte tlon'of about '3.815,000 „tons-a intlDttx to- auaiuity well MoW thls_j«af^B - - res', about maricetlng quota,.. . ... • ■ - . 1965. DepartmenC- spokesmen said .

ectlve In* Increased plantings are needed . tence p l^ in 1968 to buUd sugar stock up to made af* appn>prlate level. Congress, in'

fn,~IM 7, i Sm,—IndJcaTed-Jnventories-ln------ions. This range of 82 lo 90 per cent of uction of following year*s quota are ap- I frdifi In proprlate.”” ~ ■

. Today*s action was recom-' rtunlty inr mended to the department a >roportlon* public hearing.in San FrAnclsoo' tslabllshed July 18. Spokesmen for about 97 ; informa* per cent, of the couAtries beet eet sugar growers aad ior all .sugarbeet 19OT-crop processors ^ i^ m g i« > ^ ^ ^ p ro* .

I Mupled {Shed. ■ ,

EO MOffiE5SEiMOEPBOFITABLETOYOU D MORE C A m E OR FEED?lo with a few more cow J'.T . or that in would help you make more money, in_all-aroOnd improved o p e r a t lo a ^ .FH YOUR NEAREST P.CA. OFFICE. “ .

n organization,-owned and oparated tnow farm problems,

- -


f m t fP M CE l i t y r — “5 W N F A R M ! — | ~7 " tb H a n a ie “ y 6 Q r~ b J « a k a g ® ~ ~

f ie ld . . . . e lim in a t in g w o r r y ,

e n t in f o r r e p a ir s . _

p e of-PIPE and/ or — I — :e it, fo r^ou right |- ^ q c e r ^ •

V E S T IG A T E O U R . - I

iM F O R N E X T S E A S O N . I .

P H E - N W ------------ — i - ^

M I C " . II c a l .s p r in K I e r g y a t S n T I Z ^ :

from Twin Falls Commission C oJ , ' | . -

IRRiGATjON I S y s l e n n ) i B a l « r - f

■' ■ ' " ' ' - ^ 7 3 3 1 ^ 1 ■ ' I " "

juoijuuuBiooaaow i i i i u u i i i u

Page 11: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

. GRAND CHAMPION HOG. ehtmploQ bog for $82.50 p< HuMka u U hU 217 poimd >

HOLDING HER gnmd eba - j en y ^ y T j c k m .J r t ie c t ;

her r « 2 pound anlin il for* TwInTin»V reprwcoUpirGt^

Top Market Prices.

for "

■ Barley - O ots M ixed Grains

_ _ ^ L B E R S l„. _ ^ Twfn rd lU -

- M M^ 'C O M P L E

I FEED SUl— § - ^ A D b - I T r n ~

I ,tFEED IJ2;;_~ ^ R ^ ? ? i = i b N e : p R D D D . _____ V -WHOl

g •M INERAL ___ S • ANTI

■ I • r ~


ION HOG. a Hampahlre. Is shown by t - $82.50 p tr bondredweight during tbe re 17 pomd bog to Sluggs Fttmlture, Borto;

snm d ebanplon Hereford steer ts Sail; G r»,Jlobei<s._durlng_tba-recent-Eat-SK>ck. a l i l l fo rm JW p e r bnndredweight. With cBUpiTGoldeB-Vaney.

irket I ’66 Potato Crop IS Set New Record

* ■ BOIS^— The’ 19G8 jwlalo crcset ft new rccord high In Idohi

• O C lt S ' *ccordIng, to reporu compile

r r a i n s 37.852.000 hundredweight.This was six per cent abov

M M tho previous rc.cQr4 from tl U S 1955 crop nnd 68 per cent abo\

-------llho-lMoI«-ovem(ie.-Of-tho-31win ■‘dill-l&SO'IKX) hundredweight used..!

■ Idaho. .32.M6.000. hundredwdglmonufactui

of food_product3,.— fom:_K

u | ( M ^rbtlPLCTE UQUlb ' ^

SUPPLEMBITlITr- . . . . . . . . M i x IT. . . . . . . . IIT FREE'CHOICE S

» ■ — ----- O--------- • ’ SPROaUGTmPESTTHEl ' - g

■ W H O Lg J O B - _______ _______g


; R v i c i E ^ |R^NCE-> f /D O N

’ ’•v

own by Frtddls Moeelcef «tu> soU-hls iog tbe recent Fat Stoek'Sala at Rupert.- lire, ^ t o y . . ^

■ - ' ' ' ■ • ' • ■ ’ ■ I

ts Sally Gibbs, «ho sold tbe tteert(6jG{)T<. Eat^loek-Sal«-«t-RupertJHIu.GIbbsLsoId.^ {ht. 'Wlth Mlst .ClbbB ls- Godfrty Payne,

^ r n n le t s than'the record bigla year earlier, but 69 per cen

3 C 0 r d ™®”ag e .. .


FOR FAgr.SELUNG RESULTSeight. ------------:------- -----------------------cent above fw iw w vviw w yvv^^

J from the ‘ cent above-Of-tho-37.^ --------------------------- -------------rfit UBcd.Jn . 1 . , jidredweigbt manufacture f l= fOMC_Ri?t a ______ ____________________;

'm im

■ I WEEKi * 1 WE

S h Showing doily-hlgK ai ' S 8 terhparatufo for 1966 a

• s | - . ' ^ > u g . ,3 0 . . . . 6 9r ^ s f — 3 i — y 3 ^I R i Sept 1’ 67

S I____ .2 -. 75*-— ^^ 81 : : . r r = = r 4 : 2 Z ! 3 8 6 ~N s i ■ 5 ■•■•■8 9 .

S I ' 1 9 6 6 M ean <

. ’ a I ’ .. . ',30yeqr.aver s i AVBRAQE SO It: *

. ' V ' -— » - '■; '• ■ • '•.1 ^ — — . . . . ■

■' J ' ■

I H 9 WHAT M a'i^ES ' l e a v e s m m - SCORCH?-At'thU Ume of yeat H j u H l maoy homeowners are. concern- H C H B ed with scorched leaves from

mai>les-aDd-other-8had&-trees; Many leaves turn brown and fall before fall-rolls around. -- Browning of leaves is lumped

IfaB W B under a catchall heading ol m Sm m "leaf scorch” and when we E ^ S f l doit't know what It's due-to wc BW Bffij sav lu ''physiological'" or “ vas- H g S m - ^ eular.''-'niere are several rea- E « j9 ^ ^ sorts for leaf'scorchlng. Usually S K f r ^ l -It'tfees have had a lush grow-

' ing period In spring and snm‘ the tender foliage b read-

t a n & d ; . Ily scorched when the hot sun comes out and wind b.brlsk;

-Scorching Is olten worse on a west side where salt may ac-

. cumulate from winter use. Or It 1 may be worse on a side of tree

which happens to have a tool strangling the trunk.

Leaf .scorch Is usually on the youngest, tenderest foliage .al

■ S 5 P P the ends of'branches, althougli it can also be on young trw< miadlo^iged ones and the oldei ones.

■ ■ n TrA s along side o l toai ■ B | B usually show scorch more than H M i - )aw n-spedm aas.-4lM dIng>tbi ■ H Q ^ shoulder, salt, exhausts from ^ ^ H i — aMnncd barked, pooi

drainage, and-other factors an H U B cause leaves (o act abnormally.

Quite often a dead branch will sold-hls suddenly show up on a shade

t Ropert.- tree, 'n i s doesn't m caa^thal , ' the tree Is dying. As a tree getj

old. It’s natural for It to develo; a few dead limbs, due to llghtn

rifeM R ing. Insects, ovcrsh'ading, dis D | W — « asc^oc-jaJu ry> -T heie deat

llm l» aren't always an Indlca- tlon that the tree Is <lylng, nm

■ B l moro than a decayed tootl means death to a person. Treei should have dead limbs cu t out cavities treated and other gen

^ eral repair work d o n e 'i r y"oi want to extend their life.

Q j B C ROSE OF SHARON: A rcodei tells us bees cause her rosi

B V V • of Sharon to lose-Its blossom: nnd buds? Is that true? Rose o

■ i’V Sharon has a tendency to losi[ w L ‘ ; « lot ol buds, and blooms, jus

why no one knows. Usually dq solU will help aggravate (hi sltuatlon.'alUibugh' th!s~happen:

^ — : in-areBs-where-rain-ls-plentirul & iin o ^ ls tle& fh 9 d J}u ^ q u lck

I c r than others. /Quite often a bush yleldir.iu

heavily it cannot support all thi — ^ d s-4 t-p roduces,and .m any-0

thflm shed. This happens oftei ^ ^ ^ B ' with ornamentals and fruits, in ^ ^ ^ B cludlng'the-apple.

CREEPING BENT ^ W N S Most hoiira gardensnr 2-~)(noH who p lo n ie d 'C r/e e p in g ben lowns are socri* they did. Tlicj

^ ^ ^ B ' want lo know how to kill It ^ ^ ^ B Bent is a beautiful grass foi

lhe golf coursc, but noi for tin rough-aiicl-rcady gardener.

Creeping bent Is a high-main ^ ^ ^ B tenance grass that needs con

slant attention: do •thatching fungicidal protectlon,>roguIar'li

. riga;Ion, mowing, feedinB an weed control. Clover creeps Inti

f bent lawns and so do otheplants. Creeping bent Js « 2ot 6

ertfdjGoT-, work to maintain.----- ^Howam-youget:rid-©fie!oyc

ly Payne, i„ be„^ itwns? I hale, lo so---------------- iw rn tlllfrs^LVed-oh-cIOVftrrTlU

If you musf. try one called Dl record high caniba (mild form of 2,4-D), o 69 per cent a stronger -herbicide such a >-year aver dlcamba.' How can you^estroy an es

____ Isting lawn ofTcreeplng bent' ' This Is a tough Job and require

WANT ADS a "scorched earth” policy whid 5 RESULTS ! beslUte to mentton. 1 have i



ly -hlgK o n d . low temperatures,’ preclp[ or 1966 a n d cu rre n n 9 6 7 .--------------------

1 9 6 6HI Lo. Precp . D a te ,

. . . . 6 9 -44 T A u g . ,.30— 7 3 -------- 49.------ 6 --------- — —31-

6 7 4 6 0 S e p t . 1 - . 7 5 4 4 T - 2

= ^ 7 9 = = ^ 4 7 “^ ^ 6 - - -■ :~Z3— 8 6 ----- - 4 6 — 6 - t — ----- r~ 4• -8 9 . 4 6 0 5

M ean 6 1 .4 * . - 196

^qr. a v er a g e p recipitation fo r Sep i SO Ii: T E M P E J^ T U R E a s o f !

V . - v - « ; : r .

l e a v e s grMt..affecilon for clover, know me o f y ea r tng that-U buIIds nitrogen in xn\

31. concern* soU freo'of charge. I know ti^i ves from bad >ln'sh0ff<as9 lawns, whic} had&-trees; I-don't h«ve.*lt-volunteora-ln fnj brown and lawn and I le t it grow. lU around. -AFRICAN VIOLETS: A. read

I is lumped e r tells-me she feeds her vloletj heading of fish emulsion, 5<lM'pIant food

when we and others, atlll aha can’t ge I due-to we her plants to bloom'.' il'^or “ vas- In the first plac*. African Vio everal rea- Iet*-are NOT heavy feeders.:To< ng. Usually much nitrogen- may cause a l lush grow* leavei and no buds or-blooms.

( and aumi Hard soils, dry a ir and la d Ige b read- of moisture are other reason: he hot sun for Mock of blossoms. Youflf is.brlsk.' plants blooming fo e 'th e flrai worse on a time.often do not ^ v e you a lu It m ay ac* and 'co lo r which more mature r use. O r It and establlihed plants give.Bide of tree QUESTION OF THE WEEK: ave a root g; pf Holbrook: “Qur toma ■ l l . . . .V. have been slow to ripen. ] # i . - i l heard you can hasten rlpenlni

by removing some of.tbo leaves:s, allhoi«h j / j h a t t ru « r '

Removing somo of the folIag< id the older ju^f L . a shine on them, robe the tcm

* ? - peraiure nnd iJius hasten ma moro thon _«adIng>tho q S b a tuiiiim Haa teaeb«

the •■mature-groen” stage (ful rjc.ed,. poor for.. S l l i f , or) the most-desirable color de w JlJiS .i^i vclops anywhero-lrom 75 to 8( .V „ .Kni« degrees. Tomatoes do not coloi

4W up well at temperatures belov 65 dogrtsts. Putting green to matoes In a bright window doci not hasun coloring since ligh has little elfcct on ripening;

S -Jl® ' H you pick green tomatoes“ f f bosrtem pem tunrto-store-then

i«v about 55 degrees. At thi. “ , t temperature color dcvelopmen

- S - i : will Uke place slowly and frul LuS J will keep tongest. Some garden

M hS J S P“'l "P “ • l”’ « "k'tomatoes—attached—and—han; r mj. these up in the. basement,r me. - -You can pick Iruit before froj N: A reader anjj jto re it In a garage or base e her rose nient. Keep ripe tomatoes In on U blOBsoms container, fruit developing re ue? Rose of gjjjQf Jn another, nnd thoso ths

S » r . s , » . . In . Ihiri oont.lnn. Usually dryiravato the - _ - . -

£ g | sMi S ',5 DHcIi Co.ppcns often id fruits, in-

T lAwm, • CONCRETE— D IT C H E S -^


needs con- _______J* thatching,

a e " ^ ‘ Phone T oday0 do o&er EVEREHPRIMM

^ - - 7 3 3 3 0 1 5 7 ^-cioverrbut — - . —


SSiThS . '7 3 3 -5 5 0 0in. 1 bave a

~ , ... W -----------------------------------


precipitation and , w eekly m ean

.1 9 6 73 ate , Hr Lo P re cp . | ^ug. (.30 8 8 - 5 3 p

3 1-:— ^ 9 0 — “5 4 --------O— |Sept. 1 . 9 4 5 3 0

. 2 - 8 5 . .5 7 - d I- ; . z : 3 r : ! z : 8 6 r n : r : 3 9 r = r .d • A

. —4 : ! ^ 8 9 — 5 2 — ^ .01-->|5 • 8 0 , 5 3 . d I

- 1967 Mean. 70;2* , 1___________________ .3

1 fo r S e p te m b e r is .4 9 " ^: a s o f S e p t . 6 a t 4 ” Is 7 1* " \

O IW liii^ D E R V ^ ' J 'Hazeiton»TWrn;Fallsr ^

A Ripe tomatoes can be kept tn f O a refrigerator, at about 40.de-

!k^r?Vcr~ srees &r (wo.or three ' --A.-tfrrpf-HaUwj-^'M^-neigb

B V t B l * bor -aays tha the closer you 3 Tnowra*iaira--tht jnore often-you

r & 'T~lV* have to mow. I say'that if you Z o / M l mow' 0ose you don’t have w

mow often. Is thaMrue?". —

W mB H 9 P * American Lawn Institute and hi

answered: *'I think, that a close jver, know* |y mowed lawn needs mowlni Qgen in m y moM"fW<iuently •than'-«-hIgb I know ti’« mowed one. The reason foi wns, which mowing fs to make a level, , uni teera-ln fny form'surface.-lh-a-mlxed-lawi w. grasses grow at a different n u•S: A. read* nnd close clipping gives weedi her violets a chance. Weeds and coursi plant food, orassea'show up ti\pre strlklngl] ] can’t get Fn a'.close<llpped.iaw» than ii

a tall one."Urican Vio- So there you have It. A closel] eeder8.:Too mowed;lawn ieMJWneed-.inow

cause all ing more frequently than « high or-blooms, mowed ot». If .your lawn ha; r and lacJt ju^t one type of grass, mowini ler reasons would bave to be as often witi ns. Young ejther low or hlfeh movring.: 'the firat • k . R. of Malta: ''Please tel ve you alM us If endive has to be bleacbee )re mature and how do you do it?" ts give. "Blanching'' or “bleaching’ IE WEEK: produces t e n d e r hearu anc "Qur toma- milder flavor. You can .b leifl to ripen. I the nearly full grown heads to

Ml ripening placing a crate or box over thi tho lesives. plant Or you can draw tha out

cr leaves over the center am the foliage tie them. Excluding aunllgh

direct sun* mokes the plants lighter In col e the tcm- or and prevents blUemess. _ liasten ina*


le color do* ^m 75 to 80 - •0 not color Bl A V ■ V INOW!dndowdocs ■ ■ W M * • since light '

I’ m a io es , . QuSlity 566(1 fOf-store-them ----- --—:_____i5vcto|m?nl • fall planting; rX"l'"*NUGAIHES WHEAT ^ “ ^ G J M f W f l E S T - K J S •ALPINE BARLEY1 conulner. •LUTHER BARLtY------ j ..•SEED RYEa y ~ i zj^lX Efe:G RA IM S = ^

Co. — ■ ■ [i l l G L O ^

.IBVo,LING . Tfiiti, Lan,^ jvvln Falls


^ p € R A I— - ---------------

- j p

mean g " - '

I .' ll , ■■ ■reicp . I r S t m T

— S i *” d - '" ^ | — U r T r _ v •■..

____d I _

■ i I I

' J ^ ^ R E HI " l i i "•“ filer

■“ i ■ “ KIMBERLY * —j — —-fHOltisT

f t F I P iS i % A i llan-a-hlgb* J - . r --------- ;------ —— ——« “ on T o p q u a lity c a n v a * -

gives weeds* « tr a lg h t g r a nedand course ■ c o u n t e r s u n k h o le sre strikingly I r i v e t s . .

than In a ^ ca n vIt. A closely S w e b s e w n In f o r ex t i vneed mow* «—a r » - e q u lp p ^ - w l t h p< than « high* S o h h e a v y w e b s tr a p L ■ c a n v a s e s w ith contTts”w"nir.8! fully[lovrlng.

. TO FIT ALL- M " d « l 6 0 . n ,

hearu and S I I B D t Dcan.ble»ch ■ U f r C lV

m heads b y :>ox over the a . ■ J ^ c n raw tha out* J '• 1center and a |

ng aunllght j ' jhter In col* ■ ■—emess. ! > -=— CASE MOI p g - | — M bDEL-75^1

If! I 1 p. i H r

In g ;

W H E A T . IjH E A T 5 ~ W . H oy. Th. I.

mpi \ RAKE TEETH Al■ A L S O ,IARLEY , MEI. TtETH lor Uni

N o G im m ic k s , n o < )T iv ic " w r ite r -J u s tr g o o d " © ! ( A I N d : = t e p - q u a l l t v - m e c c h a n


^ AT OUR NEW ADORES: o . I: (Acroaa street from Pel /In Foils

- V r e a d 't i m e s - n



— _ i W I t h J . i c | M l d J N l | r M

— ' ' ■Li i J.'-.'i ■”1 CUSTOM APPLri- — O u r - o u s t e n t - a p p l lc a t e r s - a

e n e e d m e n , u s in g t h e lal

R L E m U SIE MF IL E R • T W IN F A L L S ' • ; :

lE R lY • - H A Z ftT O H • - M l L H H O L tis T E R - : * B E R G ili f f A l

.1 9 6 f . Twln.FoII»~T1mes*Newi . | | ,

B i P ^> c a n v a s — m a d e o f f ir s t g r a d e t r e a te d w ith ro t, m ild e w a n d ro* rtantr*^harve»t*m a8tor— c o a t ln a r ^ — - g r a in e d h a r d w o o d s l a U w i m . n k h o le s a n d c o p p e r e d tu b u la r

la c h c a n v a s h a s a- h e a v y d u ty :In f o r e x tr a lo n g w e a r a n d e n d s M -w lth p o s it iv e n o n -s lip b u c k le s '; v e b s t r a p s . Y o u c a n b u y t h e s e ^Ith c o n ^ d e n c e t h a t y o u w ill b « i . e d . ■ -t',T

: |T A L L I S - C H A L M E R Sdal 60 and 66 Comblnai i

'ER * LOWER Ir 9 T;E m o d e l A 6 and , : L ~ 7 5 - B E A t M - S P E C I A L ! “ ^


I . H . C . M O D E L S

7 6 . . . . . . . 4 4 “ ■

Have Tha Largest Salsctlon e f .


EETH for Univarsol PICK-UP HEELS

c k s , n o c o n t e s t s , n o j in g le s t o r g o o d " o l d - f ^ s h l o n e d - p r i c e s . o n - - m e r c h a n d is e — ------------- j

• 'T h a t o -o ld .r e lia b le ” . _ ,

—— s u p p v r x x r z ~ ~ ~EW ADDRESS . . . 2 0 2 2 N D A V E . N O .»t from Peiic* D ept.) 7Sa-923S

■ T IM E S -N E W S - W A N T ADS'"^. . '

■ nVIE TQ SPRA Y: — JR “

N I t r b d e n

1 2 S o l u t i o n ^

i APPLICATIONi l l c a t o r s - a r e - t r a in e d , ' e x p e rt' - = I g t h e la t e s t , m o s t m o d e m - ~ iiir ig V d u o f ^ * a t l i f a c t o r y > e - - ‘ jlign cu ltu ra l n e e d s . ,

ASSN.I S ' • JE R O M E ^ 1 - • - M l L H E R = 3 i ^ g ^

Page 12: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

•u •,

~! OICGLES-ABP.12, If . a little tBora Miemn. Io t

I to the M e d in u .a s 'a migratory fi

Medina ]--------By ibATHEHINE TATE /o

-Tlmiis-News Staff Writer th B U H > -Il'j Urns to r the E r a - 17

'esto Medina family to move on I . . . the grapes a re ripcoing in ho California. • th'

> The ^ k o n ln g call of the land rc 'Df summer sun has underscored ab I this nlne*member family's de- lo


Ifor ^ u r months: ' - ! The Medinas ore one of the hi! j thousands of migratory famlUes. co

- ) usually o fSpanlsh^exicatrherl: po J tage, who travel tho Texas- ItjIdaho-Callfomla circuit every in

tyear to help plant, cultivate and thi . Ifiarvest the p o ta to c s .^ n n s . sh

> beets, grapes, oranges, toma- fa Itoesr peppers, onions, .cherries Bi [and other crops grown In the ,

• jifcusr" -.11.I They ar© representatlvo of an an

• { American siilxulturo tha t ifl foi I largeJyJxno i:& ..iina jno toJrer 3b

rr'HuenUy untuiow by members ' •of the “AfnuehT Society." n ie aC ;/amUy ls one of tho •moro •^o^ mi ' tunate units of this sub-cuUure— be i they’ro considered w ealthy-but tlo

— thelr-outlooks-and-attitudes-atc 1S<• shared by what Michael Hat* fat ’ rington in his book. "The Other pc . America" estlmaied as a group choumberlng 75,000. as

No one knows exactly how ' many compotrlols the* Medlnos wl ' have. As Mr. Harrington re- co ' marked, the rovernmeni takes a wl

"“ ^^nsua ' of m i^ a n t birds hut not of migrant human beings. th

“ '■ 3 o b Peterson,' d istrict man- sv ager o t.the Amalgamated Sugar .. Company, reports that his firm ht

• brought 978 beet workers to the gl Magic Valley this year. The of

— im m ber-of-fam nicr-w w riiSm e IK 'i a on their own to'.work'other la

— cn>p8-U-anyone*>.guess— . — aa----- ^Agricultural extcnslon.servlce

spokesmen In *hvln Falls poslu« ne lated lha t the number of ml* to grants In tho area hns been do- is

■■■ creasing steadily during the last of few years because of tho advent sc of w e falrly-new single beet seed. Improved weed control bc and sophisticated machinery. el;

Mr. Peterson noted that ten Id

, tractcd SB7 beet vw iw rs, nearly p ICO less than tbe figure reported ht this year. The increase is not bi: Impressive when tho growih of

__ lho_compttnyJs_takyLlnto_coo^ bislderatlon, h o w le r . Ik

“ Because of Improved seed, lli< m achinery and weed control, ho our avcm ge wofKcr'iodtiy cares >o

" ~ r p R O } L \ y \




- klENTIFiCAtt^A n ie r lc a 's Only Fe^

- •- ■: C attl# ;Pj

10% to 1 5 % ^: S E T T E R -F E E D N


“~ F r a i* e h I i id D istribu to r fl

. lEE'S SII |.(M NSEN, I t j ^ O

— 'S « p tr8 ’9 ,:i9 6 7 '

I ^ n ? la the ba^gro tm d arc Uw ^ ilcratory family.

na Fm ily MoITE /o r 33.9 acres. Compare this to 'rlter the acreoge of ten years ago, b< he E r a - 17.6 per worker,” he said. bi lOve on Ernesto Medina doesn't know ol ining in how many migrant w o r k e r s dl

• there a re . . . and_hc_(loesnit L he land really care. What he docs care rscored about Is eornlng enough money q y 's de- to pay for bis Tiome In Texas, rf, « room for: food, clothing and the cx* sl Labor penses of' his’ two cars and bl

s home camper plckiip“ ------------------- niErnesto is atypical bccause of A

of the his rclaUve weollh — which is rc umllles, counted not only In maicrlol oj s rh e r l: possessions but In 'cam lnc abll* Texas- Ity. Four of his seven children. every in addition to his wife, w orkin .i,

ate and the fields, erfch adding their ^ _bcni\s. share_lQ_the nearly $5,500 the j r toma- family gcnerallycDms-whilc In i.,Aerries Buhl....................

la the From Buhl, the Medinas go to ^■--------- KermanFCal'f^o'=:worlcigEapcaQ of an and oranges for two months be> that fore returnine to Tc.'ias-for a ito J re r 3btm onth.Pftcipd._:— lembers Tho'children, those under 16,'. '’ The attend school in Texas. Sbc )ro for- months is all the lime that can lUure^ be spared annually for cduca- liy—but lion. The older children, Mafy, . ies-arc 19,-and-R ichard ,-10,-join-thoir: . :I Hat* father In working tomatoes,5 Other peppers, onions and anything \ group else ihut comcs up while in Tex-

as.ly how Mary, a slim, attractive girl Medinas who blushes easily and giggles ton re< constantly, can 't . r e m e m b e r takes a when sho quit school, hut not "Four or flvo years ago, I s. think — 1 can’t remember fort man- sure," she-saldi--------- ----------^d Sugar The Medina d r e n seem to ils firm have & propensity toward glg- s to the gles. All seven manage to show

The off their startllngly-whlte tec^

k 'o ther l a u ^ u r . ~ & ^ t o doesn^t laugh

-service A .sm aiC com pact man with s poslu* neatly-sllcked-back hair. Ernes- of ml* to speaks very lillle English and

leen de* is Inclined to expressive shrugs the last of his shoulders when , speech ) advent m m s Inadequate, le beet The Medtnoa follow the crops control because they nlways have. For

:>cry. eight yeors, on their Texas* hat ten Idaho*Callfomla route, thcy id con* have returned to the same em- , nearly ployers a t eaus stopl Iliat thuy eported have is indicative of their sta-

is not blllly. owlh of ComperaUve wealth and sta- ito_con- bUfty set the Medinas apart

from "average” ml^rWorjrianK 1 seed, Hies. A thrce*bedroom brick control, homo In Texas is a luxury not yca'res >05scMcd~byTnany~mignintsr-

N . _ _ Try IH jji


• Now available fo r i

' th e first* tim e In Idaho. |

’ C o n t g i a s . i _ _ | j _ — -30t?R0T£1NS-tji

. . (S7% D llM lb l .) I Ij

^ f 3SrSUG/[R III

ICAtt^TBtENDED — li3 n (y F e ^ e n t e d U q u f d ' >! : a t t l # P e e d .. • -{il •.

PRO-^LIX I 'D Moy Be FREE CHOICE R D ||4 ■ O r CONTROL FED______ _______ ...................................1- I .#WMWMWWWWW<AMMIW l|

Tlbutor fo r/M ag ic V afley’-.. . . . i\

' - ^ - 5 2 0 0 jj


idhig Marceleno. 8. Her brother, Diego, e suitcases, boxes and"ciuitcr lunlllBr

__________________ ______________ _ ye

Moves On Hthis to Photographs of this home can cc

Its ago, bo found in several phoio al* wt d. bums tha t a re stacked on top gj. ' t know of the refrigerator in tho Me- ha i r k e r s dinas' "apartm ent" a t the Buhl.doesnlt Labor Camp. ________ICS c a re y\nd n e x t lo thc refrigerator Is ihi I money q dou b le -b ed , a couch,-another

T exas, double b e d , a television se t, a jd the ex* Slove, a s in k a n d cabinet, a ta - a r

ble and fo u r c h a irs , sultcascs wl--------- : oDd bo«M-fljT(niDBS-on:JDthing: m:ause of a bare llghtbulb Illuminates the _ /hich is room. The bathroom Is In on- p naierlol other building;

1 hod originally made the mls-

,L i Ihey lived in a labor camp In Texas . . . they wei’e offended.

! ^ i . i5 In' Callfornino,-lujwcvcr, they frtiilc in g jjm lJar ‘‘apartment" .

IIS go to - S S ^ S S S S S S S ^SSSm^Smnths be' ^

P i " i S n n i Y e r s a ihat cnn - ...................— ........ ..............cduco-

i „ S TRUCK Llmatoes, t - ~ ■ " 1 rmythlng ,eUorenc» Uoh* 31cin Tex- Slop UflhC J .............. 2.14 •

R«(l«(lect......................24cive girl * ' ' ‘ *"

. S T , TRUCK Fago, I nof,. In . fB O fl

Iber for s ,„ i box wiih---------L. . ,seem to L . “ ■ .1 L

t r u c k M

aT ^ u K • -------- ■ -#— ., Ernes-

TRUCK ■.speech r . ........ . , , | .

»e crops <ro«!5, 1 / ' ive. For 6*fly Nylon i » •«th.

k S TRUCK Jlelr sut- 1 A 3 1

ind^^ta- hI ^ / jV ic l O

i j j ; ■ TRUCK

^ , i m r f t|l DUtil Oil . . . . ■ tol

-------- jl -11x16 . . . . . . — 2 3 .6 6 -------• | | l a x a o .................. 2 9 . 5 7 1

t ~ | “ ■TRUCK-BA

N 5 ” !"^I.I’O. 1! .................................

" n i Spark Plugs • r i j i - 3 9 <

■] S 9 V0 On ~ ■I ll ELEC . MOTORS

ll — c ---------- :---------------~ Q u r -’'N a m » -th e-S co t« ffi

,— - g o i n g . onL.B rIng„your-_. ■' || Y o u rfF o y b e to a lu c k y wIni

l | , . -.'{! '' j t ' V CwnpUM IlM «

-{■ Cembliw loltKlti - Tra'cMr B«

" FARM «

Y ourT x ^ > 7 '■1200 I 6 6 3 M ain A ve..E .- -

I SCANNING A MAGAINE ,l«' » a d EogUsb bat enjoys lb« (fleti

^ l«,-w atches television In the ba one of thousands of migratory fc vato and harvest Moglc Valley’s

• dn a ranch. ' • ft. .^e ir-rcn t-in -B u S ris .;i.2 5 -p c r -

worker per week. - Ts S w -------Tho-M edlnns-could-sell-the X(

Texas, homo and Jive In Buhl ■ year-round . . . much of their U

______ srnnmHncome-ia-earmKWn-BuhL Uanyway . . . . "But our home, our friends and the rest of our fomlly is In Texas — Mary's boy friend. Richard's friends. Mar*

ome can celeno’s school motes — we hoio al* would never l i v e anywhere

on top else,'' M rs. Medina said in a l i l t in g English.

Ihe Buhl younger children could bc_____ Iftft tn Texas while Ihe rest ofsrator is t^e family moves to Buhl and another Kerman . . . "But Raul, Marce-

n set, a j^no, Diego and Socorro—they et, a ta- q^Iv children and must be wltcascs with their mother, and their clDthlng: mother m ust bft'W lOJ-nll-hcr lales the

“ ’ “ " I B L U E r n A i m 'a - b l a e e - C O A L -dinas it T op Q uality Always— a t

F H WARBERG’STtmcnf! . 7 3 3 > 7 3 7 1

k " I

‘rsarySALEJCK LIGHTS. 31c I t.m IH..1 1 £ 9 9 I ^ 16 |JCK FLARES :■B O a 3 flo rtt In Sitol . . ■ ■ 9 9

Br«(k.i whh 3 I.CC... Too*. 40 >nph to U f M

IdTMIRRORSa™, - ^ 4 9 - j :

----- p,^ -_ .H * o d ................... . . . A IlUCK TIRES ;

^ lOZZ•>(h. 6-riy Nylon ■ # iK h.


f l l 2 0 ’® 1V Jotk., a-Ton . . . . i f c w


K..vr o»iy 1.1 .......................... ....... t.l

UCK^ T A R P S^ - ^13.66 I - l . lO x lA . . . . . J . . 2 2 .1 8 19.57 8 « I 2 . . . .............1 0 .7 8 ;


3S Fuel Pumps -------- -W ater-P uftips—

R S A N ^rH R E EZ E .

-ScQ tim an ^ -C ontaat^ la"«tni; . . y o u r . . e n t r i a » _ I n ‘ t e m o r r p M u c ) ^ w l n n a r o f $ 5 0 ! }

mpUM IlM •» HomI / * n o o p \A H ERIES - TIRES V r T T r t y

I - Tra'cMr BoHoriii - Avio BaNiritt


“ d ir e c t FACTORY ‘ * D ISTR IBUTO R • . I '

E. - P h o n a 7 3 3 -5 2 4 1 |

i i


• u

r ]< tl i( ti

GAINE, Is-E rnesto Medina, who ean’t >y> lb« (fletures. His eldest son, Richard, a In the back R ro u ^ The Medlots are n l^ to r y families wbo belp plant, eulll*' tic Valley’s crops._______ .

fam ily ," M rs. M edina sa l^ . ; i.2 5 -p c r —T h c-M c d ln as .m u s t m ove on,

- T ho beckoning ca ll of thc aii* - s e l l - t h e X oro ia-g rapcs 'Is ge tth ig -louder.

In Buhl --------------------------of th e ir USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS

Mn-BuhL gOR4tA.CT SELLIMqjtESOLTS ir hom e,5t o f oura ry 's boy ■ '•

m LOCKWcould bc _

e r e s t o f -f ----------- ■ -

i l r e 4A L 6 4 r 6 3 1 --1 9 6 6 Ll» - ^ t O v e r c h a in d e v in e r , h y d ., n e w m a c h in e w a r r a n ty .

' ^ 0 4 -6 6 2 tURL 9 0J B lo w e r d e v ln o r, r o l le r U

E~ - 0 4 - 6 7 s - n ^ m - iO v e r c h a in ' d evIndP . h y d ,

~ ‘ I ' f v e ry 'i^ o o d c o n d it io n .

04-(583 1 9 6 3 ClP . T . O . d r iv e n , b lo v w r «

^ ! 0 4 -7 5 3 1 9 6 6 K’ j O v o r c h a in d o v ln o r , h y d ,

"I I c h ln o w a r ra n ty ,


— ' : S

P j ' 1 M - 6 2 1 tO c T w_ _ _ J ! D e tu x e - d c v I n a r r T v r a p -1

■“ 1 0 4 ^ 2 I W F— 1—I B u c k e t t ^ , b lo w e r d e v

0 4 -7 1 1 1 9 5 7 BB lo w e r d e v in e r , c o m p le t

0 4 -7 1 3 1 9 6 2 F.1 I ------B u c k e t ty p e , b lo w e r d e v

y a 0 4 -7 1 4 196T. 1^ V a r ia b le s p e e d , n e w c h o

— ~ 0 4 = 7 2 8 ^ 1 9i60= l• B lo w e r d e v in e r . very 'scoc

^ rr ■ '1 5 4 -7 5 4 ~ 1 9 6 2 ~ l**' V a r ia b le e p e o d , o x c e l le n

r — r - ^ I n d i r e c t - P i c k o' 04-532 Lockwood-good unll fe# p<2 .1 8_ 04-636 CutI 70-blswar d«vln«r, g(0 7 8 ’ 04^08-loekW6od.nMdi-tdmo-wori_____ ' 01 p o f ll .................. .._______ _ 04-717 Cutl. tolf condlllon............

• . [ 104-721 le<kwe^-n*«di woik or ut■--------I ' 04.74S Curl-gtwd ceodlllon................f ' IU 'V jj Cutl-good eonsltlon . . . . .

*— \ ■ • / D i g g}04.669 J.b..l«v«Lbod-needt chain

' I 1 04-602 Ollvoriplllbed-eurlwlndre;• ^ j n»»dt o lliili .wofk . . . .

t p s — I - j a^7T ro ii;srii« 3 -B 5 a :r5 T rc 5 n a

’ 04-757 OJIv>r tpllt btd-cu>l windte g good condlllon . . . . . . . .

TOWj. - -------- ._,.eondmon.i.i............... . . .04-749 1964W «eon'3‘ row*IlftoM

i good condlllon................

> I ^■ 20% DISCOI

p»‘ . A n y i j w a n t l t y ' i

i i i i

^ ] i a i E 5 1 R 5 i t ) V ^

H r F p r A S C S N tsw gSHOSHONE-Idaiio edged out li

- tbelr' sfat c ^ p e tjlo r ita tes^ to ' w !n n [R ^ K irl4 em le tte i^ > n -« a t the United Slates Department tl df~A^Icultdre Agricultural Sta> Ir billzatlon and Conservation Ser- Cv i c e - c o n v e n t i o n , ------------

The top award went to Idaho Ii ^ ■ S — with «- plaque, certificate and a ^ ■ 1 . $2S for the usoclallon.. JamM' n

Pate, ShoshOM, chairman ot the n r ]6 ^ i office, WIU' given special'd

■ ■ thanks as the editor of these r ■ f l : Ietters.-Other stfttes In competl- o ■ S tion with Idaho were Washing* p ■ S 9 ton. Oregon,, Montana. Wyom»

m c m i r F E E D tM ' Sell your ca

i n d e p e i

I.SS Golden V alfej“ ■». W a h avau n llm

- H - - Larry Csaid. -

J h r c a l --BUYER EC

’ Z ~ G O DffiETPiYN E,:£ S O U S

( w o o D ’ r

E H a r v g>66 LOGKWOOD MARn e r , h y d . c o u l t e r i , ro lle r t a b le , c o m p le i w a r r a n ty .

IRL 9 0 . . i . . . . . . ., r o l le r t a b l e , e n g in e , d r iv e n , c o m p le t

>64-LOCKW 0OD-7t/W li;In«K h y d . c p u lte r* . , ro ile iL = tob le ,..n«w

'63 CURL 4 5 . . ; . . ., b lo w e r d e v in e r . ro l le r t a b le , c o m q ie i

•66 LOCKWOOD MARIn e r , h y d . co u ltera ,* c o m p le te ly re c o n c

;a l e price^ n

N p J ALLOW y S !^•pijLL TYPE H

O C m O O D HARVESTEFI r r T v r a p - a r o u n d - c o n v e y o r e r g o o d - c o n

? 5 7 rORBES ‘‘OOOD Cilo w e r d e v in e r . '

9 5 7 BAUER. . . . . .r, c o m p le te ly re c o n d it io n e d .

9 6 2 FORBES. . . . . . .lo w e r d e ^ n e r , e x c e lle n t m a c h in e .

961’ LOCKWOOD MASI, n e w c h e ln , c o m p le te ly r e c o n d i t io n e d .

9 i60= H A L lW A Y = N O .-1' . v e r y 's o e d u n i t . . . ---

962~LO C K W 6o D^MARI, e x c e l le n t c o n d it io n ,

-PickopTHarvesters——; -I unll'fo^-port* . . . . . . . i ISO $ SO.OOf d*vln*r, good tend./, 52,000 41.300.00 .II 'tomo-woriror-on —:--------- -.......... ......................... J 200 $ 73.00................................... » 2S0 1 in o j» --------l| woik.er ut« at porta 200 $ ^ '5.00.dlllon...................i 330 % aOO.Oo‘flllon ...........">- 400 •» ' aSDTOO— -

D iggers-needt c h a in - . . . . ; . . . . $ 350 t 100.0^ -l-eurlwlndfoWtr, -• .work.....................J ISO $ . SO,00iarrsiFT^diiion. .v .y r j - a 5 0 “'* “ i7 3 ;« — -

in .....................' . .........% 950 1-300,00

^ Equipm ent _ \.............................. 400a-f-aoelib“ | ;J'r'Sw'IlftTMonk---------------- -------------- ----- -............................... . 13.200^ 12,JOO.OO-.- -

DISCOUNT ON DIGGER (ily •* ......ih'sfeck W Moi

^ w i

islD irejF fi^SjE ates : N e w s l e t t e r - - ^ — ---. ' J i

dged oiit Ing,'U tah and North Dakota. : i ta t t t^ to ‘ In .t^U t^ Ihe f in t place area- \

-w tw H dtrtJinheirw M 'tirthiirtdr * partment the'National Award end cam e t ural Sta. In second - place, Just- behind f lUon Ser- Ohio. . ‘ .—" ----------- N ew from-the w rlous offlcfcs •;to Idaho In the state Is submitted to Pate - cate ahd at'Shoshone-by-the IS of-each I . , JamM' m'onlh and he then prepares the I an ot the newsletters from that and other | r sp e c la l ■dafeTsuch'a's'cUrrenrieglilaiurtf ( of these referring io the work and the I competl- once-a-month edition is 'pre*

Washing* pared. ' n. Wyom» Pate «aki association meet- f

FEEDERS - FARMERS ^our cattle direct to ldoh( n d ep en d en t m ea t ,packe

Valley P ackers , Inc., Roliva unllmlt^ orders on all classes

arry C oyle, M gr. - 5 2 3 -


P W 733^4884^4f nTansi

’ S . '■

M t S iW A S

-MARKETTE...------ --------e , c o m p le t e ly r e c o n d it io n e d , I p O r O ^

, c o m p le te ly .r e c o n d i t io n e d , $ 4 i8 (

MARK VI . . . . V, b le , . . n e w .< * t I f U f tn » u g h ^ ^ + ^ ^

I. e o m n l . t . l y r K f ln d t t lm iK l. $3,9C

M A R K E n i.7 . ; i „. ty r«condltionm i, n .w m a- $ 6 , 7 C


US TO TAKE TRADESi v P E H A R V E ^ R S " ■ ' -

VESTERhvTTT.;:— - ^-BOOd-condltfonr-;---------------------------------

) 0 D CONDITION":— $2

. . . . $2

• ................................................................. $2Iln..

I MARK V . . . . . . . . ; $2

MO. 1 1 . . . . .................... $2

i-M A R K ^ T T . : . . . . $ 3

— Bulk B50.00 I 0 ..738 Uekwo«l 1 . ' b«<.ia,^lniid

,aoo.00 . 0 ..740 T.mpt. Bfaln ond b . ^ 13'-v

73.00 ” , - .........

. - — PjjgaOO.Oo‘ I 04-737 Wvlll*-««dy lo pit# ^50:00— {-p4:735*8aMr^if-pro[wll*d.-floodT»

04.741 Curl-Mlf p te ^ l ltd . ec4 „ '04-742'Bouff-Vtlf pre'pilltd. good co

lOe.'oA - I 04-743 Lodiwood 30'* cron •- conv«yor*l y*or o l d ..........

50.00 {

S ~ l ^ . V i n e - B i B

3M ,00 I ..04-563 Kro(fy,-geocJ utili f^r partt . ~ I- 04-607 Ledcw«^-sood tmit (or part - { 04-627 lockwood-1 yoor old, •xe«ll<

----- -— —04-707-Spodrvifr.0ood-—aOOSoTT |l<>4^70e-A«.ytry-Hbod-iH,..;rrr.------------ -OT7?yi^y-T=V*flr-«ld,-=vwy^«SOO.OC -. - - 04-7S3-ioekwo«d-wlll btcit fall

iGERHHAlNS j "for Most Harvests : : a

ig, school y M O 'i lh 't w m m er v a : ,

cation ot^wree months. Sl^io .- — _ . J and-natlonal: meeting-arMl»-en____

Dakota.: **it’was at the National con- jlace area- ven^y -: thaj^ Uie n ^ l « U r

ir3 * cam e beln?Judged were for the 1967 1st- behind ^ “ 1 ■ . ' '

P fojectsM od eledIS of'each Members of the, Buttons and ■epares the Bows 4*H Oub presented a fash- : and other ion show for their mothers re-leglilaiurtf cently~ait“ lhe-'home-of-rMrs;^-------k and the HowanLRonk. ■I is 'pre* Each girl rnodeled the J a ^ ,

ment she entered In the Twin tion 'm eet* Falls County Fair. __________

^ERS * RANCHERS0 Idaho’s largest • f .p a c k e r . . .

nc., R oberts, Idahoill c t a s s e s o f l i v e s to c k . '

- 5 2 3 -6 3 6 0 ' j . ^N FALLS AREA - ...........

no answer call.733-238i.


$ 6 : ^ ^ 7 0 0 0 " ~

$ < 8 0 0 ^ , 2 0 0

3 6 ^ 1 6 7 0 .0 0 : J

$ i 9 o o ^ 3 | 2 0 0

$ 6 ,7 0 0 ' ^ 6 , 0 0 0



-------------M s ilU J I--------^WHOliSAlB-j----------

T -r -$ 2 ;8 0 .0 > -$ 1-,'900 - ^

" 7 3 x ^ 0 ~$t;:^o

■ . $ 2 ,7 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0

■ ■ $ 2 ,9 0 0 , $ 2 ,1 0 0 ■

.$ 2 ,9 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 1 ' “ “

V. $ 2 ,8 0 0 $ 2 ,1 0 0 " “

7T ~$370-00 $ 2 ^ 2 0 0 : ^

Bulk-Bedsbo<-|-«4ilnltd $ 375 | 925.00

and bo* 13'-v«ryo n - . . . ; .......................-» -350-»-a75 .00 ---------

Pilers — - - r- —lo pit# $ '350 $ i7s.oo{ "«ll§d,-flood-tondlllonVi-Jl^aOO—4t;050.a0| ----------illtd, condlllon . . 51,100 $ VSO.OOj >illtd. good condlllon 51,000 < tOO.OOt

w o l d ........................5 750 % «OO.0olj

‘n~e~Bieat6T$^— — —

ill f ir part................100 $ ^O-OOl1.iml'f (or part* ..........$ 100 S0.00{tor old, •xnlltnl unit.. $ 800 $ 600 .001] .

............i.JO O -^-3 0 0 .0 0 |L . __l-»-.»VtVrrr.*.««;;^.-i-50Q.—|-^00,00t}------------«id,-=vwy »d;v;.';..-»=450--»=a«o.oo{|=

fair . . . I 250 I i 13S.00 ij -

^ F IK A N G IN G — —A v a i l a b l e

■ : Phoris 4 ^ 6 -4 7 0 1 ;

I Hh»^y '2 4 ~ ~ —


Page 13: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'


First FulBy The A*iocla(e<l Prew P t

The champion Kansas -City op Chiefs and five other American ' Football League teams make Rn

r~the1r'scasonoI'<lebuts thl5*weelP da end a s the circuit moves Into tr« full swing one week before the tei sta rt of the National League’s : regular campaign. At

The Chiefs arc at Houston and mi-----Boston is Bt-San Dioj?o-lri-Satur- P»

.day night names. On Sunday Tc afternoon, the New York Jets PI are a t Buffalo and Denver Is a t N( Oakland. Denver downed the a t

-CousyDeni Used By Gi

BOSTON (AP) - Bob Cousy, ho one of basketball’s all*tlme ev greats, now coach at Boston a r

-• - College, admitted a close friend­ship with an olleged gombler su Thursday, - but'tearfully-denled

___^afay^wrong-doing;__________Disregarding the' advice ot m.

Mends, Cousy held an cmoUon- Jel_Packed 79 Wtnutg netv< conference, breaking down in sobs Co several times, and dabbing his ' eyes with a handkerchief. ba

" I suppose I'm guilty ot indis- l[i; crction," -Cousy said. "But I ’m thi not guilty of-anythlng else. It tio you’re guilty of something, or


—Wriglit Leads-1 Filer Past f

-MiniGojy_.^;f■“ FILER — Clyde WVIght rofcp- kc

___cd-for-lhree-touchdowas^lttLoofisathem on long runs, to point tHellis Filer Wildcats to an easy 20-0 in{ decision over the Minlco jay- i

Filer hnd everything Its own ap way and held the Spartans with- sa out a .H rst down for a long part co of the game. ..................... ra

• - After two touchdowns were — nulllfied.bv^penaltleSr-Filoc-fl- m

naJly made one .slick when m. Wright sprinted 55 yards. A few foi rnliiules later ^uarterbncK^un In' Aslett -fired « touchdown strike m to Tom-Chandler to score from : : 45 yards o u t Ini

Before the half ended. Wright in culminated a drive by. diving over'fr8m "the three-yard-ilne; on Wright.'^!so':added two conver- go sions. on runs, bli

Wright—and the-first team— as bowed out of lhe game In the third quarter after the third <Je touchdown, this one on a run of ha 34 yards. (ri

Penalties marred the game and most of the sccond halt gr saw the officials gaining the m: most s>’Ound. bu

. ------- - - ' ......... en

McldausAnd “ —De^iceiizo To cc

ZSquareOffZHAKRON. Ohio (AP) — Nallon- ^

al champion Jack NIcklaus and ^- British Open Utllst Roberto de ot

Viccnzo were quoted 1-2 favor- ites In the World Series ot Golf. a 36-hotc showdown which . begins Saturday and ends Sun- i.® day. 8“

NIcklaus, >'ho papltired the _----- lnIUal-World-Serles4iMK2-am]«u

Ihen repeated In 1963 was a 2-1 favorite, a shade ahead, of Dc Vicenzo, a 44-year-oId South

___American-quotedat-&*3r-----------P’Rounding out the World Series 1'

—which brings together the _ winners of the four mojor ^

— championshlp5-=were__Jilaalcta 'champion Goy BFewer and Don “ January, the winner of the *5; POA.

Brewer was rated a t 3-1 nnd January at 7r2 by an odd^m'ak- _ ing British agency in the hm

• , from the top prize of «0,000.Sccond place is worth J15.000, ,

__ th ird - placo-:r,500 - and--«,000goes to the man who finishes

KicKiaus, tne leadtirg'moncy ” - winner on tour with official

earnings of SI56.D00, is nearing— 5200;ooo*In-iihofnclin-carnlnBs:------- -

' Although the' seriw is sanc­tioned by. the PGA, the'loot does not count In official earnings.

De Vlcen;o, Brewer and Janu­ary will be making their first appearances In a World Series.

— •Nldtlaus-has.hfrn ln.w.ery_o.ne except 1964 and last year lost to

p ltt^ tf 'I................. ... ~ ~

WHY I'3 M ien !;^o u , c a n . r n q y e j j

. hotrle o f your ow n fo — -7bedrD 0 m8'gt :S9 y Mac

fo r 5 b ed room s o n C

. Look them o v. . J .

, FiveOthei

5iU Pro Scl'reu Patriots ~ 26-21 In the AFL’s n< ts -Oily opening game last Sunday. n< Tierican The NFL hns eight presenson '

make gnmcx on -tap starting with F ri ' ig 5*week: day-nlghfs-gam c-betw een-D e- - es into tro lt and St. l.Quls on the lat- ^ ore the ter-’s field. j^ague’s Saturday night games are

Atlanta a t New Oricans. Balti- ton and more a t . Dallas, Chicago vs.i-Satur- Phlladolphla-.—a t -----Memphis,Sunday Tenn.. New York at Green Bay. j rk Jets Pittsbiirigh ■ v s . ' Washington a t ^ er Is a t Norfolk, Va.. and San Francisco , ed the a t Los Angeles. Sundoy af^e^ j,

)enies Being I Gamblers -■

Cousy. h a v e W e th ln g 'to hide,.you’re ti' alMlme evasIvcN..and I don't sneak J< Boston around." mfriend- Despite advJClrto merely Is-

lambler sue a stalement, Cmhy decided |« -denied both sports'and n e w i^ ? ^ r lo « h<___ : In ircp ly jngjQ jn nrBcUr in U fe/ice ot magazine Unking Boston alh- Hi motion- leies with gamblers. - s'confej: ^-Hg]djg.S « ^ .y of (he artlcjg , „n sobs Cousy said:Ing his ■•Afrt'r 21 years of my life in B

basketball, this seems like . a if indis- high price lo pay tor something lut I'm that doesn't have an accusa- else. It tion.”inc. or He noted that the magazine «______ reported ho wns friendly with “

Andrew Prndella and Francesco O' 1 Scibelli, both ot Springfield, si

| H c Mns.s., and Identified In the arti- si llA O ossocintea with gambling. “i

-Cousy denied any close friend- P . ship with Scibelli, but admitted

he and Pradella hnd been friends tor' many years. 1

- i^Our iniUal-coniacl was when J- s- he sent his two boys to my bas-t rofep-kctball camp In 1954," C o u sy / -IttLoofisaid. ”Our friendship was estab- - )lnt tnc|iishcd-ihrough-hls-l)oys"atteHd- . sy 20-0 ing ihe camp from 1054 to 1964.'’ I :o jay- Cousy said his first knowledge ^

was that Prndella was In 'the its own appllnncc business. Now, Cousy >, in with- said, Prndella "owns a couple of ii ng part cocktail lounges and rcstau- i,.............-rants.'.’- - - - . . . pI were He sold that Edward McNn- i, Uloc-fi- marai-now-Boston-police-com- -

when missioner, came (o nJm “about ^ . A few four years ago" and told him nn :I f^ u n InveSilBatHm"t3f ’gam bllng-'in i( I strike Mnssachusetts was under way.■e from : He quoted McNamara ns sny- „

ing that Pradella.was Ihvolvra j Wright in the Investigation. diving "What do.you do when some- j

:d-line; one-com es-up'ondvtells-you-a -r conver- cood friend has become a gam- »

bier, o r is a gambler?” Cousy {1 team— asked. h In the "To this day I havp no evi- »

! third dence he’s a gambler. He never n I run of has tried to capitalize on our

friendship In any way. « game " j reject anything that sug- .

)d halt g£sts I may have been used. 1 ng the m ay be naive In some things,

bu t 1 think I'm intelligent ........ enough to know when I'm being J

n C l '^*He' callcd Pradella "a good ^_______man,"_and.5flld Jhnt.he_cp.ujdri!t ,

honestly sny whether ho would I -JL W continue his - friendship with ■

- ’■ ” rm cognizant of my respon- J! sibllitle*—(0 my family, Boston ^

Nation- College and others — and I'll ]; lus and “ decision one way or the <j •rtn <le Other. . .'fn v n r. "Howcvcr, I don’t feel a n y " J c a i t differently about Mr. Pradella.”

v^ich Cousy referred to the article's rf« «iin. reference to a dinner of alleged ®

gamblers In Hartford, Conn.,i,« *'f spoke a t the dinner," .

S r o u sy sVid. -M r. Prndolln had ^ 1 a S e a me to attend. Soinc P

of De friends- in Hartford were hon- o • cn„,h oring an ex-fight manager on

» his 70th birthdoy for' work he ^4 c#.Ti^ hnd-done with y o u th s ." ______?i r " r sa ta f th c 'h ead T n b le with 8

mninr Rocky Marciano and Willie Pep. miUltni-c There were 301MOO people In at- P nd^^rtcndnnccTind^rspoke-forflvo-or of ^ e minutes. Before the dinner

was over I was leaving for a 3-1 and Department trip to Asia.” f is-m'ak- >-i • t , '

: G nlSlate. 'Sfinishes . p,m.

-momsyofficiol Carey I t lla«ermsn. S p.m. nearing . , i - '- r - r .ilnpr-------s sane-

B LOANSilr first , "THE MOST’*Series. . - bn GUNS and ^

epLqne ^|30R T IN Q _fi00D S.• ( N . x t t o v . i i p w c b ) ,

E E i pmove In and start buytng a , own fo r $375 down for 3

S97iVtadIsim7T?r$675-down- ns on Crestview. Drive. .

i m over, then see


h e r i V F L '

tl Season’s I Schedule -

AFL’s no6n. it’ll be Cleveland a t Mln- 2 ay. nesota.■Mcnson ' Th^ National U ague’s regu- r i /ith Fri- campaign opens Sept. 17; - ' th^ inu Ciilcfs start - the season “J t"® with three straight road games. •

. . .T h e y hod the best preseason - . n<Sti ‘•’0 AFL, four victoriesIPO v i against one loss. Kansas City

virtually the same line-up as-|ast-year.-rhc-one-T»otable « change Is nt cornerback spot where Fletcher Smith is replac-

™ afte” William-

Hoiiston will have either Don _ Trull or Jacky Lee opening at

^ quarterback and present a high- . t V Jy regarted rookie Hnebacker In ' O George Webster. The Oilers

were 0-4 In preseason games. Flanker Lance Alworth. sut-

r tering from-a-back Injucy, Is a ’ doubtful s tarter' fqr- San D l ^ su against the PatrioU. In addi- f:

..you’re tion ,. Chargers’ quarterback ,|j sneak John Hndl has a bruised leg and <iti

may see limited action.-Boston ‘-‘J rely h - and Sjin Diego split two'gam es jh decided !<i» seoson, each winning a t

Thfc J e t s - ^ s game will be wl oiTTiUP nationally televised—by— NBC ^

starting a t 2 p.m., EDT. article. Buffalo’s offcnsTve line seems i— to b l haviffg- f f ouRift Mcumic 5:’ life in Billy Shaw, All-AFL guard, is like tt sidelined for at lea.st six weeks

mething tackle Dick Hudson also ■ accusa- Js Injured. . wi

Dojyle Lamonlca, formerly of nDDzine Buffalo, will start a t quarter- m ly with back for Oakland. He completed »<> ancescD W passcs-for 819 yards in pre- InRfleld. season games. Denver's defense i Ihe a rti. sparkled In the league opener "• imblinE. against Bostonrintercepting six g),• friend- passes compared to 13 for the eo ■dmitted cntl™ 1956 campaign.j been ■—- —

« when Pirates-Pin ii; : S i 4 2 J D e f ^ t ____ i-attend^ ^

On AtlantaIn 'th e pnrSBURGH (AP) — Ro- or Cousy bcrto Clemente's double in the

ouple of fifih jnning jteycd a two-run it; restau- ij^rst that gave tho Pittsburgh y . , - , Pirates a 4-2 victory over Allan- McNn: la Thursday night. • •«

:e-com - —nic-plmtc.Tled-2-0-ln*the flfth about Ctemenle doubled to left, «;

him an ihird on a wild pitch by , ling- in loser Phil Niekro and scorcd ’ er way. proved to bo the deciding .n ns sny- ^in on a passed ball by catcher }.«

■nvolved joo jo rrc . Jerry May capped " the inning with a nin-scoring hii

n some- double. _______ . _ _ Sl«i-you-a Braves • cIlpjKd-wInnlffga gam- pUcher Tommie Sisk for two u

Cousy pjns {n the seventh and knocked **i , him out In the ninth,

no evi- oOO 000 200-2 10 2 -Ie never pi,,sburgh 000 220 OOx-l 10 1 * on our Niekro,-Ritchio (6)-and-Ueck-oi

cr, Torre <7); Sisk, Piv»rro (9) a. " S ; and May. W -Slsk, 11-12. L -

“A,! “"‘."’■±1____ tti“ S Ritchie Guides. ” ■a sood Valley’s Sophs! ”dih By~Jefomel3=7 " f

1. JEROME - A M-ynVaTiunl “ rcsnon- rctum -by-K en-R itch le-lo te-in Rncinn the third quarter _brol« up a kn

and I’ll 7*7 defens[ve deadlock and.lifted V or i ie the Valley sophomores over the }h; ^ Jerome sophs 13-7 Thursday ^

scored midway through = nrilcle'’« the first quarter when Tony n cMd Bragg shook loose on a 15-yard aiicgeu sweep. Ritchie converted,

riinnrr ” In the final sccond of the first half. Jerome tied it. A 15-yard

Te h ^ nt Valley's fou^yord line and iger 0 Mike Capps drove in for the vnric he touchdown. A pass to Mike _____ Sche_rer_goUthc-tying-conver-

me Pep * T h atise t il up for Ritchie’s le In at. Punt return nnd neither team r fivo'or threalened-M riously-thercafier.


i ------■—V " - ....................................................-

HOWTOI p.m. ■ . . . .

5 t ip s tha ===j w arm th frc

: I ■' i. Keop your on bomej . . properly 'ad justod . Aad

^ r tQ Shell HeailBff OIL I t con:---------- dtil-*dditive*call«d-FO /

S i ' . - - — ____« jd lU v » .^ p * Jc a B ii-e ti ipassages f ree f ro m doffgl

* * * be tte r ftringf.^ ' 2. Set:n>ur^erm 'o8tatbai

go to bod » t h lgh t-flave i r ........... c n j w l i w H O f ^ m i t r

' U t .us keep track o f your i: ------ m o r# _ w n n tn f l_ o u t.- - -5 » .

r 3 I oil. Evtry>hlD9 is aulomeli<

I HjKM!s H E i

' t i i Hoilro'inl Ai..• t. • ; com miKe stamps -

f . ■ / ' T

..M. AreaShooti ^ S T o - H o i io r sr a c T w r i . The Idaho S tate civilian riflo til v ic to ries t*®"’- com posed largely o f M ag- Ni u s C ity io Valley m e n ,'p la c e d sccond ei ' line-up 12th in team ' com petition Di '^ o ta b tc a t- th e na tif lna l-rine -tbu rnam on i & ck s m t Camp P e rry la s t-w ee k and c t 5 rep lac- T ucker and Sieve M iller, re W illiam - both Fairfield , cam e aw ay w ith

individual aw ards. Ihh e r D on M embers o t the team , in 'ad d ir Id ening a ti a high- . T fc i « . ^

“1,'ir.S Bowlmg J.MAciC MWL sl<

'th . sut- Vtlky Uitii* IC

n D iego s itit ns»r. <*; Cluh t> Moitl Iln) Cliff c r in add i- ^ >->= Xiy'i Susptr Cluh de<r«rd -

Tfmlcr. M; Shiln> Cmti dcl*«i- * r te rb a ck p „ , „ Food. < Oem Sl.l« Oil clleg and dtteiird Inltrmouniain (iai. 4-0: Rnyil

• 'B oston ‘•'jyijV Hmitfin, W:3 g a m es JIC.hlth Indlddutl Mrici. Shorn Wll- II; n ing a t hi'/tf^iifdT.p

u.m-»inn-^KM-.-SDpp«r tiuii, I.WJ; to w ill b e w«h • " V , ' * ' x , ' ) " iu

i j^ N B C si.M»jle M»l»r UtliM f r

e seem s iioiidy,,^M dtftii^rd awic, cucir «- b ecau se g, Reikn dff<»ttd • WjirMIre *Lngn»f. *75 u a rd , is «:.H; KMo-i 0 I« Urd llrniy'i l-'arm X w eeks Ni!on a lso Kill, iBdiridui s*mt. p. Mmer. 20

hl|h tndUidiul A. Qualniince. M>;f le r iy o f SI? h“ i ‘ fcMd'«TtfJrV.nP.'.’'oi?“Roi‘: in q u a rte r - »n. 1.»«: Wth hindlop lt«m m

'■■■ r.in pre-defense napilx dctraird DirlXlin, M: Filrr cr om ner napu>t dcrralcd K, et c. Ne. }. s-l: Our

,11-n r iT i Savior LuUiiian dtfraicd Si. r.d»ard. mJUng SIX Non.“s-i:'>ffinM urNarj <i«fMitd st. SI

fo r th e Edwaida No.J. 4;0; UUlhtranJ^tt,,! «>«- /J ll'lh Ml'idual time. Cana ShlrlciT. C:

' 2M; hifh Indltldual a«rlri. Mcrland Ed- _ ward), Ul: hlch Kialch team gania,

1 MMhwllU ' Ko. J. »M: hi|h harvdlrap

1.1M: Mih^eialth Itam McUiM- J

' ---------------- I

I ^ r T " l ' S i S S . r t r i iInn, 44; SUKvId* Adluittncnl Iiril llran ■

— -Ro> Orowtn,. J-1;, Tab«r InauraDCi d«ftaltd -■e in th e Eunlca-C«p.r. _tw o-run It); hlib Indltlduar letlai, Collcfn Shock- j .

ttsb u rg h »M: Wlh |;jJh‘'h„Id'cTp*lram d3r A llan- 'Emplr*. l» :-h ljh handitap Irani n

aarlti, Inland Kmplit. :.SH: hlih leralch ^ih o -m th [ to left, BJ.pitch by «*»“ Viiity Owrch .‘ sco red MtlhudUt Ho. t d«f»a.rd.K.-ot ci. No-J. .«

decid ing ft

" c a n « d tci . s S H i i M S i r K - r .v ^ E;

hlab letalch icam lamt. Luihrian Ko. 1. . W inning hi,h handicap irim aarlrl.fo r tw o Luiheian No, J. J.MI; hl|h icralth n*m u, knocked Lutheran h'o. ]. :.4l}. .. . y-

.—2 10 2 Marfilr ll«d'Tha^AUr*!'’:-J:'Lan|dWa .i _ 4 IO 1 defoud Andef»on-Blakr. «-«: McV.yi “,d -u o ck . S S ' S A

£ > ‘v s M S i S i... » . . » f•U . Lr~ hj,i,*acraich tram i«m«. AirfrfWtt-Bhk. h(i."s S i i : ; : jAlUr- hith liandlcap Itam lerlea. SI

■1C1 Mayfair. J.HJ.

r® ------- ------------ K , r s 5 s ; . . ■ ■........'''H S Minidoka Siabira dcltair<l Kim. Drat ^

mm 4.D, Kim. Il«an 0rffw»j» drfraird Kimbrr- '■*'= 7 “ -ir il~ n u h t -------------------------------n-l« » i In tUlh Individual |Omr. Uora llanklfu. ji,—lO te -in 111; hr,h~lmll»ldlUl~Hr1ff.-Lr»jna-Hin- ce up a kln«. »1; hlih acratth Iram jatne. Kim- i ,Bd:iir|ed s r s v s r ,o v e r th e hlih tcralch (ram xrin . Klmhcrly Dpnn rh u rsd ay ’ll5 wVr, ‘‘‘a 5 ,

. Bowl./ of watk: Sitll* Spain. UU___.th rough = ^ = s = .......... r — ---------- r s

. ‘ l ^ y w d ^ E ~ B U Y , S g X |

line and ____ —i S I'GUNS .iE c iile "^ Ic r team^ r c a f t e r - ------- “ R E D ' S ------------

S u L ? i t r a d i n g p o s t I

TOGUTHEAT)S th a t can help .you g th from your h ea tin goQ i m n u r d e a n a n d a B « s u n y o u r

stfld. A a d uae today’s a ir . O il nee'ds loi OIL I t conU iM a ape- e rly . 'D on’t blot s a ll« d -F O A -6 X .* -S C h Is - .- tu n ic r . .D o n 't ;» _Vwap_eritiefll b u rn e r aecu m iila to 0B_ r ro m cb ffg in g -aB M rea 4 . D o n ’t b lodk

. a i r r e tu r n duet* rm 'oB tat back w hen you 6 . 'S lo p a lr 'le a k I s h t- f la v e aizniflCM U? -w in d o w s b y usi (goUbUIC— • ~ u r s lu i m wtndg

c o f y o u r f u ti o ll't 'O ppfy fo r y o u . NoIt . . no m c f ioit minute coils for___

o u fo m o fie — V/» c o m p u te y o u r ro>«


- . 7 3 3 ! ^

> A /£ M < S ■ ....

Voters Lead Sti ors In NationsIan rltlo tiOn to Tuckcr and Miller, are sc of Mag- Neil Young. Wendell; Tom Schl- sc

1 'second ermler. Twin Falls; Dr. Fritz Pi npctltlon Dixon, Boise; Jolm Mnw, Boise; Ih irnamoni ScoltJacqba^ErQmc._antUM in » eek nnd cnptaln, Richard Qverflcld. Ji^ sr 1 Miller, rome.vay with The biggest win, and probably Y

lhe highest ever attained by on \ in'addir Idaho civilian team , caihe In

----------- the R u m b 0 1 d Trophy team |match. The Idahoans complied Jl a total -to place second to Ar- _

X konsas' 1084 - 13x. Individual | 5 scores for the 20-shot. 600-yard 1

slow fire course Included Maw,.J MUM... I84<2x; Overlield, 181-lx; Tuck- _ Mt” n/m er, l?&-2x; Young. 175-5.; Schl- J'

Miller, 177-3X. " Ut> dc’*ai- The win cnme Ifi' the expert Jr

M o l l classltication.. • itw. 40” Tlie 12th place, which went ‘I' r iiimiirin, whhout awards, cnme in the En-

mil' Trophy-Team match.? hindicap Tuckcr and Miller combined id lull.-i.wJ; to.-.placc_15ih_ln,.the„two-mnn ei J* junior match. It cohslstcd of ti

------- - slow—nnd—ro p ld -f ire shooting pfrom 200 and 300 yards. The 01

,Y* i'« y.' young men wound up with 714- qi

'»'• J''*;™ Tucker placed ll th In the lu nation a jg^yy Qj,p jnmch, 20 shots a t a .tmrr. 214; 200 yonls standing while Miller tc iy"'Hiut’tV won third place civilian expert tc . oiy Mom in the-ConJit Cunrd -Trophy ni

niatch, 20 shots a t 200 yards ji, •“ '> rapid fire sitting.

The team was selected by ^ M: FMrr jcorcs in thc Idnho state rifle

ndMrdl match, conducted last J u n e . 5, i'.r«ttd St. Shootcrs-use-<ither the M— -1 ■ 0 * (30.06) or the M14 (.308). Thc ia, shiritf. Cmp Perry matchcs a re spon-am iama. -1 handlnp

.■i”sS Error Helps k Chicago Nip E

M L .A . In .12th Cic-Coop»r. -LOS ANGELES (AP) — Ran- ® 1‘i.V SSil!; dy Hundley's 12th Inning single ram ,.mr, dcllvcrcd BH uncam cd run. •' '?"*rjrarn f-jving the Chicago Cubs a 3-2 ijh leraich yjg^^ry over thc Los Angeles«-sK5cKy: ■DMRcrs-mursday-nlBht:------------

Shortstop- Nato-Oliver-booted - J li. Ho 1 Ron Santo’s. Icodoff grounder (fll Luuim and Ernie Banka sacrificed be*,» fore Bob R a u d m a n drew on in-

tenaonQi; w alk .,,H undley, who .aiwn. 311: hom crcd e a r iie r In the gam e, J[iS"'no“ ii Si

;raith tiam b / l 5)n Drysdalft tro u g h eight *! in. J!0. ' - Innings,-knocked oul thc Dodger ^ . - right-hander In tho ninth and ^

tied t.ie game on Banks’ bases- ^ j . i” DW loaded sacrifice fly. P■; wagntr't John Roscboro's run-scbrlng nirreii »« double, after a bases-empty "

i^ m a V J homer by Willie DaWs, had sent thc Dodgers ahead 2-1 in the

lam lerlea, SiXth.Hundley tagged Drysdale_for

_______ his 13th homer In the «tih.

n'Hlkl'?»(7*MilI«r*"(I)* »n °^o»#bo'to. W—' la llanklnt. jurteaileln. H. I—Miller. M.Lrona-Han- Humd-ruBi-^^-Oilcaso.- HuntfterntJJr -nVnifiTp *"«■!»»• <■). _inwrra.tM; j ■ iihcrly Drim . , .tarn aciiei. Beor ServedI**, m- ■ Jn Frosted G la t |« s I


a x Finger S teaks


733-9844 .

' ' COVE■ Wost AcJdJson '

— ' . . .

EAT c o s tsyou g e t m ore ’ ating oil d o lla F “ " "r s u n y ou r burner has'sufflclenfc )il nee'ds lolaof ;i lr to .^ u m p ro p 'Don’t block oft a i r supp ly ip ,■

er. Doo*t aMow'duat and H o t tomiilato on s ir Intake openings.______ ~on’t blodk hot a lr 'T«at« o r cold e tu m duets with fu rn itu re , o p a lr 'lM k t around poorly fltfedows by using w eath er-s trip p in ij_____u n u -wtaduwB. J - ’ • --- -r —— ’ - -

.11, (or •

m c a . 4BiBUTOa-

S®172 — '■______—

-— - -

-Fridoy, S«pl*m b« 8 ^ 1 9 6 7 1 3 Q

i State Team f ional Match- jHer, ore sored by tho National Rifle As- I Dm Schl- sociation and National board tor Iir. Fritz Promotion of Rifle P r a c 1 1 c e I /, Boise; through cooperation of tho dl- | nd^team o^ Civilian Marksman- ;j

rW tastlefordcartie In

EL'S Is Shutout .By. WendeU ■

CASTLEFORD-The Wendell I i • ScW- Trojans struck for touchdowns I * 'l77-3x the first nnd third quarter, i

i M tvrt then lurned lo the defensive unit | to protect it Thursday n l^ t in

ch went defeating the Castleford Wolves | 1 the En- 13-0. iItch Dennis Jacobson got the first omblned touchdown for-Cooch Yogi Behr- I two-mnn ens’ Trojans, sneoking in from I listed of thc"onc-yard ‘line.-A-Stcvenson j shooting pass- olso accounted for the •ds. TTic other touchdown In the third : #ith 714- quarter. |

in the luck In mounting a threat ' shots a t a g a i n s t Wendell's defensive ie Miller team. But after the third quar- n expert ter Wendell had just about as -Trophy much trouble'wlth Castleford’s 10 yards defenders.

' . ^ The defeat evened Castleford’s ctcd by record up at 1-1 while thli wos ate rifle wendcll's first showlig ot tho j

I08). Thc ^ i «

btandjngsAmerican League

3 S Minnesota . . . 7?"61^’5 mB oston......... BO 62 .503 —

• Chicago . . . . 78 61 .561 W I P D etro rt......... 79 62 i60 (4

\ California . . .72 67 .518 6>/<, I♦ I-I Washington . 66 74 .471 13.. l l i Cleveland . . .65 70 .461 14>A

p ._ Baltimore . . .62 76 .449 16 r , r . i n X New York . . 62 79 .440 17^

S Kansas City . 57 82 .410 21 5 ,h, n M ' F ridays Games —

L m Ics Detroit at Chicago, Nf _Kansas_Cltx,aLClcvcland.JL

r-hooted -CaWomla^jiL-Wiishlrigton,Ji

w an in- York a t Boston. N - '.

St. Louis . . . .88 53 .624 - ,rr,. MT?' 3an-Franr-77—76-64-;543-H>y^-ch elEht xChlcago . . . 77 66 .538 12 '

Cincinnati . . 75 65 .53G 12UI n K n d Phil...................71 07 .514 15«lv ^ e M % t l a n t a ......... 72 68 .514s DOScs puisburgh . . 70 71. .490 18 jn.Bcorinc x^os Angclcs' 63 74 .460 23e s -^ b t5 Houston . . . . 55 86 .390 33had sent New York . . . 53 8G .381 34 I 1 in the ^.-r—

5dnle-fory?- . . .Ml-J « I *I c«-: I I ' ^

,JiS:to.*w i

= ^ = i l ■

mt l U n

t ~. .V

I ■ ' - 'c._____ _________ •

” lY E A R S O LOv• . Tlie story of a great PresidenT,

, named tor ii-.««m)iage. tt'B 'rrj^ our label!. So you can «n}oyil all

Hermitage has a handtoi^new........ .... ......Bourbon that’s been making Inej


■ :• Ir h e m M aOE DiSliLLERY c o ; lOV

’3. C o n i g l i a r o still S L _ _ Q u t J n d e f m i t ^ y ^ . S ‘S A H BOSTON (AP) - The Boston chi

Red Sox leam ed^unK iay .that Tony Conlgllaro-» return to the

P line-up still remains a question, • f . ^^"^e 22-ycarK)ld s lu in g oul^ ^

•—'r r-.r- Massachuset^ £ ye and Earljui

H I N O W - A T — K J I

h - : - - ■ ■ ■ IRifle As- l»ard tor a c t l c e r the di. arksmon-


ichdowns quarter,

isive unit night in

1 Wolves

the first ogi Behr-

in fromitevenson - F ra Q ji t i iM for the

he third

I threat defensive Ird quor- about asstlcford’s r ' '*

stleford’s this was

g the


• -V K ^ E S I S T O I j

Im 'A Qo to the'R odw In tho fin*eio Riz w estom hat made — Reslstol.i 7i n I by '"Of* '’odeo parfomiert lhadfii H iil *>«»t ouality and looks, amM9 18 fortably from the vety first,

'440 17> ' western hat today . . .^ 4 i^ 2 li$ ! . . . .11 With «xcluilv* "Self-C

la n d .J L — fla s illo L W iiilern Hots . . . . . .igton,-^ -------............ .............................iore,,^2,- R esisfol §an Antonio■jJ ■; '-W o ster n DroM -Hflls . . . . . . .

R esfstol Dress H a t s ................ .ue • - • ..................Pct,.G .B .I


i n o n.330 33 TWIN FAILS — BURLEYMl ^ F a I- --■■II------ — ■ i - n ----------- -

t i l

m m m r n meat President, his gracious H bineanltK ^oufbon tager^*B*ic ‘pft3ntl'cnooSh:of thit slety t o p ui-lt- ui enjoy it along'Wi'th (he mild ^ miellow flavor ndsome.new package. But ii’i the same fine 1<making inends srncc l 870iWireojou ........ ...

u tUmys get alilUe history OQ ibe tide.


■ f;il Infirmary, v^ere doctors'fbtmd 7" i l l i l - - what a hospital spokesman said

He Boston cheekbone three weeks ago by asday-Uut p itd , thrown' by-Califomla'-Aih-------' miMiiM Sels pitcher Jack . Hamilton, i ? omi Conlgliairo said Wednesday his. . f T . T . vision is sUll b lu rry ia the to- and Earljured eye. . .

IEO... rugg 'asalrOL MAs&cm, J ld t0 In the finest and m ost comfortable B — Reslstol. This Is the brand favored Mfformers lhan any olher. They are the ind looks, and-every Reslstol flU com- IS vety first. Tty on-Am erica's leading ly . . . .luilvt "Self-Conformlnif' leather comfort.

Hats ............................$15 and-'$18.50 _____

>nib......iflls .................................- $ lS ..to $ 2 5 .-

I t........................................... from $12.95 ,



; in

M U J r d S v 5* ^ ' - ' ' '

. . . j _

' Mf I ■

iQ 3 ~ . .d the bourbon ------- :

m ie l lo w f la v o r .T Q d a y . .H H |» || % e same fine K e n tu c k y - i^ B ^ B f lg ^ - ''j o i i ....... ■ i 'y r" ~


Page 14: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

yiayer-Fi Feud Hef [Slated M• . NEW YORK (AP) - TTic ,

dispuic Involving Kansas City J- V owncr.Chorlcs O. Finley and'the Si

Athlciics’ playcw will bcrolrcd p Monday In lhe offlcc of Baseball

- Com'mlssfoncr William D. Eck* tl C lt. i t was announced Thursday. 2

In a terse statement, Eckcrt i

been set ns the clBie of the meet* .• -inB with representatives In- I I volved In the Kansas City A’s- managcment-plnyer siiuation."

~ The hearing had been request-ed byt Finley and the A's play- a

f ers. (he la tter through Marvin |( Miller; executive director of the „

• Major League Baseball Players „ ' Association.__________________d

■' ~ ft:Lonbpi'g, Red ”

' : Sox Win From JYankees 3-1

—r^-'BOSTON (A Pt— -Boston-ace o , ■Hm'_Lnnhnr(> conqucrcd.tt long* J• standing hex and fashioned his > 19th victory, hurling tho Red

to a >LvJcioryjov_cm nei|i , New York Yankees Thursday .

Rico Petrocelll drovV'In the J ' first two Boston runs wlth~hls '' s 14th homer and~ a double as the |

Red Sox picked up ground In the I ' fantastic American League pen­

nant chase. i I The Red Sox’ third straight J . victory left them ono percent*' ngo pofnt'BcRIna'Mfhncsota, i~2 .• winner over Boltimore. °•' Boston. Minnesota. Chicago; and Detroit started the day In a• virtual' He for first place. The Whito Sox nnd Tigers were Idle. P

Lonborg allowed only three “j bits, IncludlnK n homer by Tom *

• Tresh, In golnS- iho distance n l ': Fenway P ark ifor the first time *

since May 19. He has completed Just three of 13 outings a t home. °

Tho lonky right-hander, who t has lost only seven -jmmcs, „

' struck out ,10. Ijoostlng his sea- « -• son total to 210. Ho walked only ^ ‘ two. - . c

New York 000 000 100-1 3 1 |

SlotUemyrc. Womack (8) and s< .>^i.Gibbs;„Lonborc ond^Howard. jv

• W—Lonborg, W-7. L—Stottle* .i• mvre, 14-12. „

Home runs—New York, Trcsh (H ). Boston, Petrocelll (K). j .

^rfflou^Singl^ c“! Ill 15th Lets Giants Win n

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - C Jesus Alou’s tW0K)Ut single In the ISlh Inning, his fourth hit of the game, drove In Bob Schroe- der, who singled, and gave San S

• Francisco a 3-2 victory over .' Houston Thursday. °

____ The triumph was the Giants’ C------itx U rtn n luw and-thetiefeat —

' w as the Astros’ eighth straight. ° Trailing 2-0 In the ninth, the

GIanG~Ued lh'e~scdre when T Bruce Von Hoff, who hnd limit- <« ed them to five hits In eight in* ^ nlo^s, wasUfted after a one-out 1

Tom Dukes allowed two sin* Bles, loading the bases, then P a t h House relieved and hit Bob Eth- n ridge with a pitch, forcing in a a run,' Larry Sheny gave up an

, -Jnfleld' h it to Jim Hart that fi drove in the‘^ ^ ^ n ^ _ ^ tl

San Fr. 000 000 002 000 001-3 13 0 b Von Hoff. Dukes (9). House

(9), Sherry (9), Ellors (12). and p Adlesh; ijerbel, Linzy (9), Hen- o

----- ry-(10),-McDanlcl-(10),.Glbbon o(12), Bolin (15) nnd Haller. Dietz (9). V r - Bollri 6-8. I^ E ll- L

------' • ’ • ----------------------------- ^

iT TB u m

1 ~ — ^ R A M B IE R S ^

wilts....... 236- - . - P I

..............- looloSllmctn, 733.519


•-Finley 7 Hearing Is Monday

— The Finley, Miller nnd pitcher ' sas City Jack AKcr, the A's player tepre* rand-the senlatlve, are among thoso ex- • be alrcd pected'to ineet-wlth Eckert.— ■ - Baseball The request for a hearing by . D. Eck* the piaycrs was made on Aug.

Tiursdflv. 24 alter the dispute had resulted in lhe firing of Manager Al

, p k c r t JJ t release of first bastP ( m an^utfinldrx-Krn HarfClSOn I

, fi* plus the flnlnB of Aker and U w y n tv Krausse. another pitcher. tla ion." The dispute w is thought to

have been touched off In mid* £ request- August when Finley suspended c

't’s play- and fined Krausse for an al- e Warvln jegcd fncfdenC aboard an aJr- \

j r of the plane. The players. In a statfr s Piaycrs ment, contended thaf the incl*

dent had been overplayed, sup- J ported Dark and crltlclred Fin- r

_ ley for undermining team mor- z ale.

The Sporting News, however, a said Thursday it had been told r o m bv an unidentified majo? league "

* ^ “ 'o lfIc ia l that Finley’s troubles

I wlth his piaycrs begnn when one i of the players fired two shots ’ . from a '38-caHber revolver out . ston-ace of a Kansas-Ctty-holel room.in La long* June.

’,l5-S-,»T3 «ns Rally jf .i;s :s in E ig lith T o 5gue pen- , 9

EtralEht Beat Orioles Ls E “ -2 B A m M O S e - im — .Tony "

• Oliva drilled a tie-breaking dou* }■ ble In the eighth Inning and “

in^« scored on Bob Alllson’sjslngle. » xu earn in g the Minnesota Twins

‘“ j past Baltimore 4-2 Tliursday S and sending them into sole poss- J

L esslon of first placo In the a

“ FJ?— .Dean Chnncc stopped the Orl- a

oles on seven hits for his 18ih J It home, season ns theer. Who Twins broke a llrst-placc tic o -Tpmes. with lhe idle Chicago White Sox r nis sea- and remained one percentage i

ked only point ahead of the Boston Red t , , . Sox, who moved into the sccond c

"^1 1 spof by defeating New York 3-1. ] T j r ® ~~Thg^*wInB7-^Vhite-Sox,—Red - (8) and Sox and Detroit Tigers-who ;

Howard, aUo .w c rc Jd le . .•Dmrsdnyrrhnd * -Stottle* s ( a r t^ the day in a virtual four- , - , way deadlock for the lead. (

• w s a r Tovar started the r («)* Twins’ winning rally. In the (

P eighth with a^ lead-off triple a ogaliBrrookie-JitrrHardin. Aft* I-

C er Harmon Klllebrew struck

teout. Oliva doubled lo left, scor- ( fng Tovar to break a 2-2 tie.

Oliva took third on n passed ball arid'Alllson followed with a ( run-scoring single to right. >

Singles by Zoilo Versalles, AP) — Chancc and Ted Uhlaender had • Infile In accounted for the tying m n irt th hit of ‘he fifth.Schroc- Minnesota ■ 000 110 020—4 11 1

lave San BalUmoro 010 100 002-2. 7 i J . rv over Chancc and Zimmerman Har*' din. Watt (8) nnd Haney. W— Giants’ Chnncc, 16-11. L^Hardln, 5-2. I

d e f e a t —Homc-xuiis=J^llniiCSiUilj<Ul£ : ! straight brew (36). Baltimore, B. Robin- i Irlh. the CM). i

■ tK Softball Kiljs ■ Young Player j

two sin* MENDON, Mo. (AP) — A ( then P a t high school boy was- hit In the i Sob Eth- ncck with a softball Wednesday 1 ling in a and died shortly after. ; 1c up an Harry McNowR. 16, a senior i art that from Rothville. was a runner a t

third baso during a physical i «l.i6ation-8amiuifhrn.hn w na .h lt:

)1—313 0 by a thrown ball, ' j. House A physician a t Marcellne Hos- i :i2). and pital'sald tho Impact of the ball ( l9). Hen- apparently had shut off the flow ]

Gibbon oi.blood.__________________l_ .Haller. ----------------------- 1


T E IiT lN m ilf-S ftV I


236 SHOSHONE ST. — PHpNE-733-2891:

1, 733 .5198 — Dean Eorl, 733.8108 — E

. ' - 1 4 — friJo y S .p lem b .r « , 1'

pitcher Colorado Sl:r tepre* .- -

s^;lTivited"Inton Aug. - -resulted DENVER, CeJo. (AP>rPrefl* ir

agcr ^ Ident5 of the Western Athletic Tl •st bastP Conference shofeip.-the-confer- U Inrrclson «ni:A>nnftt»»iorppiv»^"'y; .th^ w and Lew yoicj invlw two'^nlvcrsltlcs K

to Join (ho leogue.)ught.to Tho invitations to Colorado w In mid. s ta te University and University ai

ispended of Texas a t E l Paso, if accept- cl ’ an al- ed as expected, will enlarge the ti an air- WAC to eight schools in six ± a state- states from slx'‘ In four states, ci :he incl* Tho expansion is - effective ed, sup- July 1. 1668. Present conference „ zed Fin- members are Aritona and Arl- h, im mor- zona State University, New ,i

, Mexico. Brigham Young. Utah " jowever. and Wyoming, een told A vote of. 4-2 was given the

H e Gibson Stops g - " M e t s M ir s t ^ “

___ . . . yi

i^.ComebackIi!.y..- NEW YORK (AP) — Bob Gib-n

y. son of St. Louis, pitching for the ot first time since July 15 when he ni suffered a broken right leg, rc- c:

P _ ceived crcdlt for his lllh victory L O a s the Cards trounced tho New b

York Mets 9-2 Thursday.' yi p o Gibson yielded eight hits and

two runs, walked one and struck m__Tnnv out four. He was relieved by c:ina dou. Carry J a s t ^ n the sixth Inning S< ne nnd “ Her Bob Johnson led ofl the P1 slnSrc. ®I Twins TTje big right-hander left with vi liursday St. Louis ahead 8-1 and, because jlc poss- Johnson later scored, he was V*

In the also charged wllh the second pennant run. The Mels’ first run was «

scored in the opening Inning on the Orl- a walk, Larry Stabl’s single and if his 18lh Johnson’s Infield oiit. as the The’ Cards ■ took the lead for n

lacc tic g o ^ with a thrce-run third in- J hite Sox ning, capped by Roger Maris’ rcentage two-nin homer. Dal Maxvlll's •« Iton Red iwo-run single highlighted an- e sccond other three-run rally by league- k'ork leading St. Louis in the fifth. ^

m Mfm&jl SiaTiom - •"G lb io n l^am r-tO .'-T S m o b e j i d. (6) and M cC am r; Koonce, Sti- e d ' the m a (3), Cardwell (4), Taylor .u

In the (5). Hlnslcy (6), Schmelt (8) ^ f triple and Grote. W—Gibson, IM . L— 24Jin. Aft* Koonce, f r S _ _________________

struck Home runs — St. Louis, Marls .1. ft. scor- (8) , Jav ie r (14).' tie. II ■ yiI passed

* “ SHort Loses- ? ^E'tToRedsOn - w 7U Wedding Day S'lan Har* ........... ^cy. W - PHILADELPHIA (AP) - U e In, 5-2. May's thrce-run triple.. In the Q a.-K UIer sixth Inning ruined Chris Short’s F I. Robin- wedding <fay by leading uncin* S

' natl to a 3-1 victory over Phlia: fi—---------delphla-Thursday-nlBht—— — C3 •• Short, who was' married ear- *' * 'V Jlcr In the day, set down the “I M Reds wllhouC a hit for thd first si*• five Innings, but singles by Leo j,) — A Cardenas and" Tommy Haiper K It In the and a- w a i t to Tommy Helms *! sinesday loaded the bases In the sbtlh. =

; May’s triple to center emptied i a senior them. 0unner a t Milt Pappas gave up 10 hits w physical and needed last out help from .} wn.t.hlt TmI. A hnm nthy^,I^nn««;-1^0. ^

' got the vlcloiy, whlio Short's Ine Hos- rccord fell to 7-9. the ball Cinclnoatl 000 003 000~3 5 3 the flow Phil. • 000 000 OOl-l I I 2

• _P appas,_A bem alhy (9) and B e n ^ ; Short,'Farrell U ; ' and

NT ADS Dalrymple. W -Pappas, 15-10. ESUinra L -S hortr7 -9 -

n o w i liv m o w -


roR CO. IST. W . ; i

2 8 9 1 - 7 - " !

J I 0 8 — Eorl B i r d ,7 3 3 :1 5 3 4 . . . J -

im b .rB ,T 9 6 7 . 7 W S

lo state, Texas Into WAC M(

P>—Pres* move lo expand by two schools, t Athletic The dissenting voles cam e,from

le.confer-Utah and B r 1 g h a m Young, I i!ii'y; ihi>n would like to sec Utah State Un- ilvcrslUcs IvcrsityW dea'folhe corifefence. '

CommIsslonc^ Paul Brechler, . Colorado who announced the president’s

Jnlveraity action J o reporters a fte r their ' it accept- closed, three-hour meeting, said 1 ilorge the th is "docs not preclude the od- f In six dftion of other schools to the ir states, conference a t a later date."

“ '‘■'"Ig. utan members will b e '

jlven ihp eligible for all WAC varsity spJrls after the July 1 date. However, Brechler said h e ' couldn’t say how early a com- I

1 TIJ5 plete round-robln football schcd- i r uie could be drawn sincc all the

■ schools havc \m ade commit- i t r s t ~ m en ts-fo r-g rid d a tes-several 5

years In advoncct___________ ’ i

Try i^ . Jf. lnK» thC'presidents voted 5-1 on ® Bob Cit>- a constitutional change to toss , Ig for the out the requirement of a unani- j when he mous voto on such questions os •

t leg. rc- expansion. *h Victory Dr. Em est L. Wilkinson of \ tho New Brigham .Young cast the lone | y- vote against. . . ‘hits and Two motions, ono to add four '

nd struck new ihembers and another to ‘ leved by expand by three, Were defeated, th inning So^wasva-move by Dr. TomrL- * 1 ofl the Popejoy, president of New.Mex* [

Ico, that New Mexico State Uni- ( left wllh versity be considered. <became Except for the last s i x ,

' he was yc“ r»- 'Colorado State Unlversi- J B second V has been a member of one * run was conference or another s I n c e > [nnlnir on 1900. It was In the Skyline Con* ( ingle and ference froiii' 1938 until the cir- ^

S i T-F. Sophs ■; K W in 2 4 .1 3 ^

Over-Minico 1® Halfbacks Ron Blackwood o rd f

John Turner comb'Op-with the C Itey hig plays Thursdoy night fi

' J “y !? r th a t corried the Twin Falls ? i I I sophomores post Minico's sophs t IM . 1 24*13. c

—A-recovered-fum ble-early-ln e Is, Maris g a „ e set up Twin Falls’ S

first score. Turner sweeping 28 2— . yards. Four minutes later, after

taking a Mlnlco punt and over* < i C coming two penalties. Twin -'®* ■ Falls h it again on a 27 • w rd s

touchdown strike from Rick J m Semba to Blackwood. ‘

Mlnlco come back loter In the S r k _ , half when Greg Warburton hoo k -{ L I 3 V ed up with Randall Hubsmlth *

V on a 44-yard touclxiotvn bomb. j. >) — Lee Four minutes Into the third s In the quarter, Blackwood took Twin is Short’s Falls out of a deep hole on g~CTITcnF JfTlFynTd'iiJfflp anar~ nftt:r-n >er Phlia* first dovm pass to Steve Me*

__ — CIalD._=Blttckwoo(L_plgnged_lnTied ear- * ^ 0 minutes l ^ tdown the Turner’s 33-yard sprint set'*the■ thd first istogfl for on elgbt*yord swing •* ^ pass from Semba to Blackwood ly He™s ‘‘"“1 Twin Foils scorc. he sbcth. E arly i a the fourth quarter Mln- • emptied ico blocked a Twin Falls punt

in t.ji eight-yard line and Wor->elp from terson emvcrtM _fi Short’s

g - y l . THIS Wls, 15-10. S •

^ r D ia m o nJ JACKPOT.

H ■ -The Serisatic

I r Pretty ' 1“ S h H V - P a c k i n j

j SATURDA |-Twin Falls-Froni

_ 5." ■ Fo.f your Entertainm ent t

«^AskraboutLour.,-Taler Details in Next -

— \ - ^ ------ --------- ALS

r i F R t T B-0 S" ; BRING THI

; R eceive O n e _ l i : S lir^ rd riT er i Lucic— ^ • Limit one per pe rt■ ' , 5 ' R e ie rv # th ® ' rlgh it- t o c

■_ I

T H E T I M £ S 'A / £ V V : ^

p i l f f

ixas Western rMembersIiip0 schools, cult folded after Ihe 1961 term, jm e.from The Rams had a 7-3 record re Young, In football last lall.State Un- ' ■ — ■ — ■ ^

Brechler, p S e w c o m b e l sircsident’s _ ■••w-t.

' t S S S e m i - F m a l i s t

- L | . “ a n N e t M e e t . ;two uni* FOREST HILLS, N.Y; (AP)

d os they w Wimbledon winner John New- h to Join combe of Austrollo slammed

inlo the men’s quorter-finals will be while Ann—Haydon .Jones of

: varsity England and Austrolla’s Leslie• 1 dote. Turner-become \he first In the sold he women’s semifinals Thursdayjn y a com- Ihe National Tennis Champion* oil schcd- shlps^ce oil the The top-seceded Newcombe

commit- spoiled ; flashy Ray Moore of i-sev e ra l South .Africo, the first set ond

• then blew him off the c6urt-7-9, < 2,"P2r«rM oore-cnim bledTin^

r i o t o « The— second-seeded— Mrs. a unonl- ninncpup to Billie Jean

•stions os 'B artkw "cV '^ '’rific-llkctincnn of Iwo-flsicd backhand, and beat lhe lone ‘he 16-yearK)ld Junior champion the lonc riamtramck, Mich., in an add four exciting baseline duel 7-5, 2-6, 6-

'defeated * Her opponent in Saturday’s S L- scml/inaiJ the stcady^MIss Tur-

^ew Mex^ ner, raked the sidelines w th ;inte Uni- placements In erasing Rita , late Uni ^g„tly of Britain 6*1, 6-2. . , la^t six The womenls upper semifinal tW vrr^u bracket will be filled Friday

o ro n c when the favorite, Mrs. King,• s i n c e pJays Annette Von Zyl of Soulij ;llne Con* Africa and France’s red-haired

S ?e7i?. Francolse Durr m eets l^year- L H lL fil-o ld Valeri Zlegenrtiss ol San

Diego, Callf. . . , ^, Newcombe was Joined In-the

6 quarier-linals by onoihei' Aus-sic, rcft-handed Owen Davison,

» Bob Hewitt of South Africo and1 ono of the two remaining-Amer

leans. Gene Scott of New York.Davidson, serving powerful-

C O " • ly and retufninp brilliantly, won a three hour, 10 minute thriller

wood o rd from lightning-quick Rafoel ■with“ the osunatif Mexico s-e,-8-fl,-0-«.-4*6. loy night 6-2 .r|n Foils Hewitt toppled Bobby Lutz, o 's sophs tho U.S. Intercollegiate chaijipl-

on from Ihc University of Soutli* -«>nrlv-1n cm Californio. 11-9, 6-4, 6-4. In Falls" s S tT ^ i lS f c a -Ron^Holm berp Bcnlnn 28 29-yearold veteran from High- tc?. a f t“ 'and Falis, N.Y-, 4-6..6-3. 3-«, &

Tw ln other surviving Yank,27 . v n r t sevcnih-seeded C lark Grabner

of Beechwood, Ohio, advanced )m Rick 01 of elBht-Wedaesitay. alone with two-time champion

Roy Emerson of Atistralla, Ron Bornes of Brazil and the touma-

Hubsmllh ginni-klller. Jan Uschly,vn bonib. fa, j p a nish tfruggist. the third » k Twin


S d “S _ GUNSMlTHINGr s ’ t 'T e ■ A ll._yvo ,k 'don . In ■r t 5wiiis our O '"" ‘ h " ? . llackwoodlls scorc. IC D D V .'Cirter Min- j L l i n l ^ SHOPfalls punt , and War-

plays. Pt^ “ ■>. >“


l o n d ^ l m ’s jCKPOT. NEVADA 2

Sensational Dancer. S

"Kitty Carr" I' a c k i n g - t h e - H o u s e ---------- f

jIRDAY NIGHT j i-Frontier-Alfranqle r s ^ ’— r— . J,

rtalnm ent and Dancing Pleasure j|

luri^-Tatent.-Contest C o m l n g ^ . , . |

In Next Week!8 P aper S

- ^ L S O ----------------------------j


9 O n e F r e e D r i n k [

r i - L u e k y - N i c k e l s ! — - r - ^ l -

per per»on over 21- . . « ■ ^r ig h t- t o c a n c e l w i th o u t n o t ic * S

~ ' ' ' .

• K g SP g

S i H i iin A-l the

. T W IN Fu p1961 term. 7 ------- -- ' —----------r-3 record y ' - '

I fiV lc ii

I.Y; (AP) lohn New-


Jones Ba’s Leslierst In thelursdayjn . .rhamplon*

Newcombe IMoore t set cburt-7-9,

m b i e d w ' s sloshingte-----d -----Mrs. --------lillle Jean /ore.down V

riflc-llkc ----- ------------------- ---and beat ■*—champion I r . i . . - . , .

ch., in an > .

brings youMiss T u r -____

S’- " in jT Osemifinal ^ ^ w *

[M. KhS 'vWthiI of Soulh . W XUXX<red-haired _

* of ExcltiriTe MajfnaTOX Abjw r/ecW y—a n d k e ^ 'f l i

iItci‘" a ^ * degrades plcturea. And, 0 Davison, m eats th a t genuinely eontn

ifrlco and ^ t h a t h ^ n g demoostra ing-Amer lew York, powerful-

intly. won • 7 -----------RaScl '■*■*«• s t a n h o p e ; m odel

fl.0-6.-4-6. ---------4*RT585..with.convenl.ot\t.' Channel Selector Windows,

}by L utz ,. plus two Magnavox high e chaippi- fidelity sp’«akB rt-9 .' oval’ oi^Soi^* and 3*. Tone Control.

1 ,il ^ I

^edaesday___ cnJlnachampion Tambour Door« enhaneo tn* b«si ralla, Ron fulCont«mporaiyfln«turnitureM he touma- n«t.andconcoaithoTVtcre«nwh n Leschly, Dotlnu»o. *

T h e se afldlQonal rcato >______ M agaaTox Color TV yonr

4G . : • Brilliant Cctor Tube-brlngs-----------------------235 sq.-in.'plcturM IKol ara I

' ' ' ' I • ChromatOR«-addf thrilling 1 P> warm b e a u ^ to othenvise drt

• Quick Picturai-flash on In J< GUN foster lhan others.SHOP . ,

• Color Purlf1ar-(deEflusser) t « Wl« turos pur®, both monochror 7 » -)S 4 7

• Magnavox Sound-world famo

I - •HlghtstRallablllty-preclsion!■ Just as In today's most advaI devices. . . au u re s lasting do



lly magmficeni I c i g n a v

yoTi-Perfect Colo:

TOMATICimthout critical tytjfnaTOX AtJlomaUc’ Color—alw ays maltcs id k e ^ flicm' lha t w ay w ithout m aaual irea. And, only M agna*Color TV olTcrs you j i^e ly eontribule to your family’s cntertainmi ; demoQstratIoo--todayl

>e; m odel -,conv.enl.et\t_____ I I V'tDr Windows, V > I l iavox high V'. llf III i r t—9 .'oval ..v l j | |


■anea iK* IwiiHl-la lurnlture eabi* 1/_iTVicreanwho^

IQonal f c a t n m t r u l y m nko r TV yonr beat buy o n -any basisl

rube-brinp you brighter, more vividres that era farcup«Hor-to olhor-makasl----------Ids thrilling dimension, depth to color;olhetwise drab Wack and white pteluras. -------flash on In Jusl 12 seconds, four times . rs.[degausser) automallcariy keeps an pie* h monochrome and color, even If set


ly-preeljtenMagnavoxBondedClTOiltry, . s most advanced aero-space electronic ;es lasting dopandabUlty.

^ — 420"M ainvAvo.‘ So. H jr" Twin~Falls‘~

T iTj I s H ? k I ■ H r # V * 1 1 k.

K n ig h t

imicent new a v o x

Color Pictures

cal tijining!rays m ahcs color p ictnrcs appear lOut m anual tuning which usually- V olTcrs you so m any m ore odvancc- s eotcrtainment Prove i t to yourself

yA! Your'ChoiGe^--color; .

r '6 3 5If se t ^

S H __

...*owofl<J«rtollyeoovanI«ni,----------It tau you change channalt,

___________ adluitvvtumoaum-TV.oo/fllf._________r or cut off Iha sound...an

vHthout wiras or balttrlas. At* lh a -.a l push-bultoo Powar TunJnfttoo. ,

T h e C e r t f e a n , . m e d e t-------- -^ .R T SZ Z rln beautWul ItSlla'n— -----------------

Provincial fl^o furniture. It Ineorporates an the features

^ of model 4-RT585 above. - '; ■' . .

Page 15: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

. «WONDER Bm * WAS LUCKY Tho name, “wonder bids/' has*

been -gppHed TnHier' scathingly to the se t ol w eak bids so popu* la r lodny among our Icadihg players. The m odem expert uses weak twos and weak jump over-

-------fcalls-Jis_a_m oitC£_oLcoursc..

NOE-ra 84 A Q 1 0 S 8 3 V A K D 3

_____; J________ 0 5 3 _ j___________: f v o i i i

WEST (D) . EAST 4 K J . 4>S43 V 7 0 V X 8 2 .♦ A Q 'J l t l 0 7 4 K J 0 7 S . 4 Q 1 0 6 4 S

B o m a4 7 8 V Q 2 0 5 4 ♦ K 8 6 «* A 8 l

Both vuInerablQ W est Kortta E u t -Sonth

34>- Pass 3 ¥ P*«».o.«V ' P*6»' Fas*Pass , ------ - -

Opcnlne lead—V 7

— ' .Any olhei--woalt^bld's - he -u»o»-— are a -m a» cr-tjf-h is-s ty lo and:

there a re plenty to choose from._______Wc use som e h-m Ic bJd3-niir-_— selves but have never been so

• completely so ld on them 'fls ' tobelieve thnt th ey are invlnciblc. Skllirutly' used, most of them Rive thc lr-u sers sn advantacc. Unskillfully used (hey ore likely to bite back a t you.

OTib "wonder bid" Is the Mich­aels cue bid Invented by thc late Mike Michaels, i t Is usually used ovcr m inor suits only and

— shbwft-both-majMs^lU'ttiay be.■ . - strong but It also mny bp .quite

' ‘ weak. 'South was uslne this bid for

•• Jhe first time ofl'd "dccidcd thot his hand callcd for a jump to



0 j /CED,

u P f e .


^|jL jU U U U L^A A .U JU U .R fl.l-------- :V Y B srI'know you~haV B 'eolc

b u r a u r ln g . th a~ w arm wofttl th« h o u se Is ai

y « '2 5 l ‘a X y*70ail//c» T Acwding la

reod >vof^eorf«p< j f TMWt ofyourZodiocblrtl

igr ■-■ - ]j S

-_________CWI— ~ ___AMtvr . • ftMi»t

■ 1 1 ^

£ Z :1 2 S _ Ilii:CAMei* _13Mor • •*3Will»

i i i " H ruo 30011 £0 To

' JUIY:« 21Cooll««nl • 51 Eflx*i w ,1 ailnliJilion .53NfO>'Y -^A O dn 2JU«J« .SJAmo

s*£!S_____ v»90 5;««t . 5?To



y ^ J U S a K YecrDoifrM

D«5SSa ofy w M io cW rt— - ^ r / f K V ------j-j— ------^af-fSS

' Jtf_____ ' 3JPoi*


cAMcn You'lls r sr ; ^ s L. i» .. - Ooot SO^»J

5 jD s r£ « ^ awiM ''sisom..2iyeut 34PI<«

■ . - V? : : - : _ ^ S K a s a 6 i ^

BRIDGE' B y J a c o b y

> LUCKY three hearts. Tho hand would Wdd' hM. support a strong bid over a real

i J r t ««.« Not that North' bid cautiously,South could have a pretty go<Jd

,f eourw *'“" ‘1 but West might be on lead )L .course._^j^_y,^.— ■ - ■ m ondi But North did know h«

n had mighty good hand fo: ” his Michaels cue bid and thal

It seemed to be a good time to forget sclencc. bid a slam

--------------an d -h o p e-fo c-th e-b est^_____We would like to report thal

ST South went down but we hav( 14 3 to stick to thc facts. South wai r8 2 - not too happy with thc hear .0 7 lead but he decided to moki 210613 the best of things. Ke woi

East’s jack of. hearts with tht queen and promptly led a spade West's jack -feU to dummy*! queen and South breathed cas- Icr. When both opponents fo! lowed to the ace of hearts 1;

^blg was just a m etier of mopplo{ t - - Sonth up. South played a heart'lo hii t 3 V Icn and led a second spade, r Fas* West dropped the king am! " . Jou th wound up with sbc spades 7 five inimps and the ace' ol

. clubs.

------------ c a r d j e n s e ________

Q = ^ 'n ro -6B d l£sluabeC T r^ N erth JBast Sonth

^ 2 ¥ P ass S4>

*"?*;l!'em ^

ore likely lo o r bearU. YourthA MI/-K surely lu c fonr heart*

S: only and TODAY'S QtmSTZOK U ^ a y b e - l n i t c a d - o f rcblddlntf' two / bp .quite hearts, your p artner rohlds-iwo

no-trump. >Vhiit do jisu dot lis bid for now? • ••cidcd thot ■1 jump to Answer N ext Issue

■fl-fl-g m r a T T T ^ T d t f y g T O


w m


>^ 0 p g Q Q < iq ^ ^ o g p f tp g g p g g 0 P J t P

h a v re o lo rT V -B n d 'h im rM M irK y ttr tr trm w e a th e r I d o n 't b a b y - i l t unloss lusa Is a i r co n d itio n ed !"

A R e A ' 2 5 E » r * ^ V >•Bf CLAY R. POLUN-------------1----- ---------y*70oil//dWi|"C«;* K son-.a z*Hvtccording lo Iht Slori. '' OO*.

« f^eorrc^2^ 'irej^ n o m lw ~ rZodlocblnhsign. . kovio

ifiS?---- 6Il «iWf* . « r . 2 4 ^2WoLM «3N*ctwV N O ^ .a ? ^

' S ’ -

' 9MMn 690n ets. 3>

• sS Pk T" / J S f i , . ........ l i f f T ■' 44 A 76B.lollonlWp< iAKIO

----7«sS’'*------ lM2^«<sfo -£0 To to Lorof AOUMWt

- z z M .HAteliriallu 8 6 U ^ . !!2?£21hs

,. 57To e ; 5 - . , ^ . ..59B*ium eJBoJinki tOlUitwe* MCwtoet*

» j '(g )A d re « f ) N /u » d

• I . •

A R G A X E i e * ^ V >=BrCEAY'K.'TOtCAlf -?i----- ^y<wbiiffAdW!)-Cufcfc W jo T .a jj+ t ■Atterdinp fe III* 5ian. ^ OCT.affiC^ ’v e l^ messogs fo r Sunday, -Mfr2742^ 'ordscorrespondbgtonumbersrZcdloc birth sign.__________ k o m

ss;- . .iSESffi .S5S2s?l»;.=-l®t_ . s r ” .SiayMd ^ T » 770«> 3 '5 r9 -M tf‘r ,19E]Cltk<g' TfPlMMVit'. 5 3 S — — "

8011 AOUMM

2^^"54Hlgh - WA»f f ebl e— - rUScm* B5R.tolta»hlj»34Plon . 840f . ^ —'-S7eMnM> '-.-e7Th* ..HW.-:'-

ctiir «owK-» .7 ^* '00a (g)A dw « 0 K t u l a l - ■

■iii'i.f,Jiw U ' l A b n a r .

— — - ■ K R ^ ^ ’ vTAJriso" R S ( L ) W'TocmEc• e S f l 1 m ' ' R A saucK

___________ ■ S g ^ o w E a u s

— and would . jver a real ^ c x ^ c t e d ' ^

cautiously. \iretty good \ •be on lead 7 .5

d know he r «x M iv s a n . M .D ..hand for ■ ___

1 and that pg^n 1 ' ,good time 3 3 ^ * ' ^id a slam ^ JtBHSOM t CAME WTOWV V,pst •______ — t WAS TMINKIN6 TWAT PERHAP!rcMrt that 'm B S B -w atrsow rn iiN os ABotfT i have aOKENCeS PAST THAT I tW t tr's.Tm'zthe hearr

I to make B3m Ke won |T f f l_ | i i i t f i P j i ^ B n W a o

s with the ed a spade.I dummy*! lathed cas- onents foi-

hearts It mopping

leart'io his II Jnd spade. "

king and , S h o r t R lb« sbc spades. ___ ^

^ *’* ■ f a S ^ - W E ^ k T > E A ^

; e ____I b e e S r ^ ^ ------------------------------------------------t___ Sonth

» 34* " ^* 7 / ■ \

♦K »7« I. , , Vf f w

r;.‘X ___W eWJOYWd T-MAN, FOR.

-• *«UR«EIF, 1 WUN615H •F K S ^ CftM 2 NOO-RE OV

H og' tw o ~ 'F gB B St^:>:::^ :*< K TQWiR'Mc ■ohlds-iwo


. ij ll^ W IW

V T tn o '

13 O « .o l ln » A lley

_ o ___

Please.ManiJ^r P----- o ' rn take care '] Ijl e j

I 3Sy:^^^^pr)p^

3 ■, W ln th roD

« n = r r J - f y 0 0 R 7 & £ H ^ ' • « > M e A T l H B O

^ a o ** J l TDOay-ANDSRE--------- <»---------------- ^ ^ M i h v r E e i E U .UiiLftJiy „ ^ * ^ ^ A e a s r y o ( X i a

s m y m i —it u n lo ss / \

. A lle y P o p _____________ ■

24<Si HEY. OOP'. Pio vex KNOSV ) | P

— R o b in M elo n * 7 ~


2 — ^ A ^ at■ .1><A


5.9.M ^r - I S W A K E T E N . r O w *t » “ C - , :P E N N ies o t r r o p w l« ! »


HW.-:'- .1 '

W6.53/O ' 1 ^J.76 'Ss s s s s a . : . . _ **«» • '; * /

<^AH i s c x T T O S i c e e a M - ' \ / . v A ' S i u i m 'T D G O U £C T 7>4'B D tU J C N J f IM KHOOL


I.P., ____________


'iCU;?EiW<2y . 'lF E E U FINE.


T & £ H B Z C A L L ^ I fM S lN S T I ^ l iT lH E O F F iC S i/f fM /N O re S .’f /M D e P B T T itS - ■ ^ ^ ---U rE 6JH -U N 5-A te_ . _________ .xsryo u a < s> iq u ^ * ^

i o S v T l Y V » N T U d TMAK£ \ N O .. BUT i p ^ p o s a e AN' I THANHS


i g ^ 'v m a j / T M x r s u c g o F * M g o x t o g ^ . . t l F S M 4 6 C U r O (P m W - A SlW iM a ® At6 ATmN<W&WHBN - A ^ O

.-m A T V C T D S S eP WVOtVSW


ieeic oHce whem V r k v st if \ I B^therTw■ VEK/XXm©— <T1WTRJ»Bp-\ f.FOR JUSTL Oirr OF HER H1Gh\ aw 40Kin« I HE TOOK 149 HITHER KEAP-s' CW rROfm / TIMES AK- —- _____<HEft - WAS-VBF

IN HER/i n « ^ A \ ^ . A SirPPEN-


;eu fine. 1 / >ou vm'T im&. \ ---------------- l\J X K W C lio y ,w & .)

TWANGS ' ‘''vro]Z""**\ 1 \ —lUCTTH' O kSTSobI M Will, y >ME-.ltl^ _ a u tr y o M j. - _

1 ' ^ r '6 0 ll06G M ^ S eL P H efieA S F » x A S p o s s e c s .B m .

A>f/CHAW S O F - ------ -rMvotvswa^TT-nvsTiWi^ _

. - ^KESE VOU-ilftE) - -l-DCMl 'S BUEB,7S\/4 wmtcon

,- . ; - ' ■.'■ ' '. y '

■ ; ' i . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ , ' , '

SH 00SH //-H IQ H ^IM A N C E tsTOO IMFWmMT PO*A IQ O O fW ir;/--------C H I L K • r o • B U T T I ^ ^ . V : . . ^ - r ^ ..... .,„

— — ——



I I f Ot«*L^

?2!!!12J GRgflll .riL MEET wou IU THB | 'w A m s HOUR J

.JJIA&ARA T i i r tc.• FALLg;-^ y i > i ^ > r r t ■11*3333 B ~V I

ad 'er ,-------- m e , gy*

IH O P e S H ^ A T . V ~ tev srH A D T H e* J ' c e c a ^ T O t / e iJV A SM A L U 1

— JN SO aflM C ^— i ----------r r -

r r f e J

Y ANo f;5uc>osj(yf - BO0(M nI -MALONff---------


7 « 4 r C O K C - r r 6 2 ^ : : ^ .— ------


How Do You Ri As Future Mate

Wheh iBa' talk turns to ro- hI mance a t an all-glrls gathering,a>»«< « ^ -JhefC-8—oIW-«ya_<<tLJmnvrt^

and lengthy. I n v e n t o r y of Uie qualTflcattons a prospective

m jS e ^ a bridegroom must possess. Fine.It's a good thing to do somo ac)-

" Vance thinking on the score.f But what about a girl’s view ' of her own qualifications and of

tho demands a wife must fill? As we observe It, there's just

H u v / ’fl not enough consideration of ■?Hf/jiK what , a lass must be ready to I S J K * give in marriage.I B b Q . Wc rccenUy asked several ■ ■ ^ 9 girls-to write "position wanted"

_ a d s . The: Idea was to state sue* ■'• , cinctly Uicir quallflcotlons for

: \ the role of wife. See what you 1 I think of these bids (written .in

/ j | complete honesty, we're as- j ) sured).

v /l - s i ‘ BRIDE AVAII^BLE. Plcas- ZjntJy-plump -but.cute.glt]^sIJiT

I !) cere and devoted (a ooc-maa V^ ) ) ) iY

£ going places. Has very expen- sive tastes, but is patient and

rfopiL understanding under nny cir- !/■ 1. .J cumstances.

^l^fl»l4^ 'l .AVAILABLE: Young woman ' seeking spouse. Qualifications

as follows: Personality: (a) JIM THB r <®»y « « ®>®"bBKOUR. 1 (bave moments of tempera-

ment): (b) tries hard to i»m - B g ^ ^?~T)romtse"when dplnions-xlash: aTTIh « <c) willing to leam other views. IV III Talents: (a) sewing; fb) a little 4 n i I . coolcing but no fancy alshes; (c)

Ij* IM ~ fairly g b o d “’housekeeper"nl- ■ JjH .jlj though needs to be prodded. >>^^1 jl Education (for s p o u s e who

V j l needs financial assistance): two J l years of college. If attend three

( ] ( r | | more years,,will have teaching Ik 1 i « l credential. Maternal Instincts:I ___loves_chlIdrcn.__1_____________V l l ^ l MARRIAGE IN MIND. Quail-

k | n | J | | ilcatlons: good with children: K knows how to cook well. Ready

X Jii i g a to offer (ull sex life. Extremely understanding when other part-

- ■ ner is willing to talk things, out.-----R-IWL.D-Y.^WILUNGr-«N-

ABLE: le-ycar-old glrl thinking ie . SU - 0! manlagel Sbc Is weJl-in- )e l/ formed, gracious, honest, ondf s m h - fru g a l. ’Ukes to^-cook-tasty;

tempting low-calorie meals. Can mend If not sew. Likes kids and pets In that order. Assumes re- sponslbility, would manage . but

•. not dominate home; Additional

M alor H oopla

® ■ > " a= r i s ^ 3U6T LIKEWe V - \ ^ e H A - j _ . » FISURED/ HE <?UlTiiWA6Te


A 6R0KEM S E L T ^ S ’W '^ '

[ s g - J , . . - . - - I ~____ I F j g h r

ACB0S3 .^ - . JSswr s s s s s , ^ . , . gsEiS.'”*' « s r ^ '

i^ScS---- JTBUfflS- - - - —wiSSfVtt.-h X ' “ » • M s a s »

sssar ' s s s s t s ra ria jta lln . aN w E i* '- . .

m m ' ...... """3 tL u d tu i.f rn a .4 C im t ’__ > -AuluaLto____AjUtick____1..

a m I S S■ I l M nEmbdUib ..NMkMCm.)8^ s m ^ >

r a ir ^ p r . pi Hb n ~ i ' ~ _ rft j ' n g f t f f f c

1/ 1 s : Ui’Tc TS ■ IT

l : T O

----------- w__ Sept. a;?, 1967- ■ ■>

oung America's

M e ^ / v Z / z e ^ H -


You Rate _____e Mate?lums to ro- domestic Mlp b advised as afc^ - Is gathering, pllcant Is poor housekeeper. - LamnWdlMc. T R uC tQ I^^ESS lpy i n t o r y of Am iU-prcparcd a t present, but . prospective will consider, proposals in six to - assess. Fine, eight years. Will try ,my utmost do somo ac)- to be the kind of wife my hus-

ho score.. band wili want throughout tbo I girl’s view years!lUons and of OK. you've got the Idea, girls, to must' fill? Now how about trying your own there's just hand a t the project? You’ll need

[deration of pencil, p a p e r and complete be ready to honesty. Privacy b another pre-

rec|ulslte. Don't try to state your ked several case with big broUjer Rlggllng tion wanted” over your shoulder o r theTboy- to state sue* friend casting an appralsbg flcatlons for glance your way.-.

N o o ^ ^ m s j :we're as- u no time for modesty.

. If you have a skill o r strong BLE Picas- point fict it down. But be as i.i>.-Mfl-«iln-w rth rig h t about your-flaw s;-lf•(a ooc-mao. yoti know that dorm mates or '"

>w and keen fomily members bristle at cer- jaJW nir-and-‘*^n-"“w > '^^'l>^i‘Sr-<pcU-th*e— verv no en - Out too. n u don't wiint to hoo1C'~' 3 e n ? a i { d « husband with d ^ p t lv e - b a l t . -

er anv clr- he knows thc real you with ^ both pluses and misuses clearly

C f l f i S ^ - '^ H a r d to start? Mbybe.thls out- mSlity:* (a) >1"* «®t,you gofng.

along with SEARCHING FOR MATE: I jf tempera- am . .v^— — . ard to xom- and — — — My abilides nfons d ash t~ a re M y p ewoaality— other views, i s -------------. My goab Include

y ilsh » :^ ? c t material and ^ t a t a ^ ^ e ) ^ l n -sekeeper'a l--e ludes---------^ .- l-o m -w e a k es t-be prodded, f n ----------------. I will bo ready10 u s e who to wed In .stance): two Come on, try! We’U be e x - "attend three ploring more^tomorrow.-Doyour -ave teaching ad homework tonight. 'al Instincts: - . ...— - , —

S S dT S S S " b a r b s1th children: An old boy we know who nas : well. Ready young ideas likes to go to the e. Extremely beach and watch the m e r e - n other part- maids.Ik things, out. — ■ ■;.LINGr—UN-— N exftim e-you w ant to stay oirl thinking and get'in to a-good-arg«m ent— Is weJl - in- wi{h the o/flce fcjow-it-aiJ, asJc.honest, ond his opinion as to whether f ir^ __

-cook- -tasty;-nieB-operate oiv A.'C-orDX.'^^------s meals. Can — — .Ikes kids and The boss doesn’t like to be Assumes re- told he’s almost bald, but It's - - maiiacc. but quite all right to commeAt on

b; Adcfitlpnal his dlstlnguShed, high forehead.

• \ tT ^ E e A ^ jT v ^ OWSITTO^ A < ^UPPERIN^ HOMAhJ-

v-\ e H A M E T o j rry/ jpwe c w 'I 't ..JlTiiWASTE ALL 3 TEACH HIM A LeiSON i / THAT PAINT ^ WHILE HB‘« <T1LL IN •

\ AFTER CRAWUN^Hl5«EcS?Nt? <n<IU?-i /y ^ -T H I« fiA K /Z /H C O O H S .C a tA D »' > — _______ ' I A PELlMfiJUEf^T

- ^>^>\WH^H&<5BOWgOP/ .


IBoIter Ie E lT irL In A lrrM inlTIn M


ildiplaeta ITFll n s l lAfr^T l C B E E I > ranlnliia'Bima IsjIt C 31 KlDtol IS L ie Ifil icm k he]* M u ja t iu le M K i.M i^ w y y i

. ^ j i a i t - . - - ; 4srw »t«<B.

s s j i s g j jNovktf (m .) Cord n»4a a(En^(diaL) aad lm ittm M U tvm rU i ^ tekOlawtiO *.4vS%iScKM e£ MNtfaUn Mt4 Mc:«eklttcflad«t.nsri . . - .p f & r r p r p r ^

' : Si S S S ^ piT I

Page 16: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

V 6 T w in "Foils " T im c T N o w , S e p t. 8 -9 , 1967

L u t h e r a n s

H o s t M u s i c

^ - ^ W o p k s h o p - ^

Our Savior Lutheran Church. , Second Sttcct a l Fourlh Avenue, wlH be host l6 a musJc Vorkshop r froni 6 {0 9:30 p.m. Sepl. 15.

Emphasis wjll bc on lhe use ■nd reosoiT of hymn singing Jn worship aervices. Dr. Mandus Egfie. executive director of thc commission cn worship and

------c Mj r c h - muslc._MlnneopoUs.J^inn., will spcnk on "Our sponsG to Goo Through Hymns.

Donald Ooks, organmasier from Boise, will discuss thc use of the organ In worship scrviccs. Meas on junior choir.'? will bc presented by Mrs. Ruth Fry. Horseshoe Bend.

Pastor Eugene Tjarks and Mrs. lone Browning, both Twin Falls. wUl 'speak on tho relation- ahip of- choirs and pastors, thc ] role of choirs In churchcs and J

' th i use of hymns as anthems.Lutheran Church representn- (

lives from as far away os Vale, j------ Ore.j-ttiid-Idaho-FaliiJuive-becn ,

registering for tho session.Other aenom/nattons arc JnvJt-

ed to'.attend the session and —^ -^ a j^ g U lc r-o t-th em o o r-o r-b y V

■ calling thc church office a t 733- . 3774, or Mrs. Browning a t 733- ,

------ 8087.— ----------1

I n s t a l l a t i o n ,

S e t S u n d a y !

I n T w i n F a l l s j--------Rev. VlrgIl-D.-WeJmen_wlll f

be In sta ll^ as pastor of the li• Church of the Brethren a t thc

11 a.m. worship servlcc Sunday. I -Rev. Edwin Glover, pastor-of ti

the Boise Valley Church of the I Brethren and also district min- c isierial secretary, will deliver e the installation sermon entitled c •'Christ's Promised Blesslnfis.” c Also participating will be Rev. c

____Bruce_Horo._distric.t executive tjiecretary. Portland, Ore. b

Rev.-Wlemer and.famlly come q to tho Twin Falls pastorate from in ll-year term of pastoral, scr- ^ vice with the Church of the „ Brethren a t Haxtun, Colo. [

After tho morning service a t, covered dish dinner will be served with the new pastor and family as guests. All fhemberis

— « d Jf fc n d iJ ire - In v I lc d .------------ Beginning Sundoy, the morn*

fng summer *cheduJe will return- - to tho regular time with Sunday .

school a t 9:45 a.m. and worship scrvlcc nt II a.m.

Rev. Henry GcmHardt. Twin Falls, retired Methodist minis­ter, has filled Iho pujpii for thc local church.

County ACP Development Meeting Set•.The annual counly program \

development meeting of thc------^Asrknilluraf-Conservallon-Eto, -

g n m (ACP) will be held Sept.------l4 -«t-Tw In-Ealla-A SC_otficc.

Chairman Carl Boyd .of tho Ag­ricultural Stabilization and Con- ■ervation Twin FalU County Committee, anounces.

Tho Soil Conservation district nipecvisora, ASC community commllteemen. the extension serWce county agent, the Farm­ers Home Administration counly Bupervlsor, and many others with conservation Interests have been invited to attend the meet­ing which will bo conducted by the ASC counly committee and rtpresentatives of thc Soil Con­servation Servico and the Forcst Servico in the county. •

Tho group will review cost------ 6har«-practlces-undertakcn-dufc _

Jng the past year and evaluate 'their accomplishments. Also It

, will select practices and deter­mine cost-share rates and other provisions for tho 1068 program la Twin Falls Counly.

-------- ^^Chairman-Boyd-sald-that thls -‘ year- the group Is expected to

give particular attention to es- 7 tabllshlng goak 'for desirable i conservation act^mpllshments

— 'bn'-.TwIn F a lb County's farms ,------and lanches; Alsu- tu- be- disT f

cussed will be how the ACP ^ can be better coordinated-with

, . other-public undertakings In. the “ , county.. i

All individuals ond groupswho " do not attend the program de- vekjpment. meeting, are asked

' by the chairman lo bring to the attention " of their community

___.commjtlecmcn_before^the_meci: _- log any: suggestions they may -

have for a more effective con- servalioirprt>gram in tlte coun-

. ty .; •— During lh e -p as t-y ea r-m a jo r ”

conservation emphasis in -the county has been' on the' follow-

_ lBg,;pracliccsi...plpclinM._con* -Crete. llned_ ditches and kedlng.

• .USE TIMES-NEWS WANT ’aDS — FO R -FA SrSStL lH O -l^afcffS - -

— -G « n « ra l-A lito m o th w - 1 , ; S w v ic* . . .all m aK* rf c a r s a n d tructcs.* y

seS lcc^ . • . P« 'o r of ^ Mclhodlsl will be church In Shoshone and Rlch-

nh Fry, field has been appolnled to fifi the pastorate at the Filer

rl« and Mcthodlsl church. Thc Irans- 3th Twin is elfccUve Sept. 13. relation-

S «S5 P a s t o r A t -ithems.

".TS: Shoshone Is E w TrarisfeiTed

-SH O S110N Br-RO V._Ralph ,,A . _ c.lrn 57T ® roT -oriM -R I= h(lc ld -

? , l lZ and Shoshono parish a f thc i a t <JJ- Meihodist church' since-June,'------------18S5rW -b-eefi-trnnsferrcd-io -

the Flier church.^ He will leave his present pas-□ torate on Sept. 13. Rev. Cairns

camo here from Prairie City, ir ■ . Ore., and Is a graduate of Lew- y Iston High School. He holds a

1 1 Bachelor of Science degree from I l l c thc University df Idaho and a

Bachelor of Divinity degree - nen_will from...GarrcUjrhcqlpgical_Sem; < • of the inary, Chicago. ' -n a t thc Ro will succeed Rev. Allen ’ Sunday. Rccsor who has been appointed

ustor-of to~St.'Paurs-Mothodist.Church. h of the Idaho Falls. Rev. Cairns pres- rict min- ently Is serving on tho confer- ■

deliver ence Board of Education and is enUtled chairman ot the Family Life

esslngs.” commltUM. .Ho ‘ also is vice : be Rev. chairman ofthe Town and Coun-

igccutive tryiCommlssion nnd Is a jin c m -; c* ber of-tiie conference Relationslly come commltiDc.ate from Evelyn, a graduate :oral, ser- q, university of Idaho, has | , taught in public schools In Siin .

. DicRO and Des Plaines, 111. They ^ 1 1 -bestor and y"

Beer Fjmvs,e morn- ’ iPHIUDELPlUA ( A P ) '~ 'II rclum Sccr noved In a creek 1 Sunday _aIongsi<le-lhe Reading Rall- worship road in suburban PlymoutlL -

Meeilni; Thursday. • /It, ■Hvin It got there when a trac- t mln 5- tor-trailcr loadwl with- 6M n , for thc cases nnd 100 half-bnrrch

of the brew was struck by a 61-car rrclRht train.

Truck-• driver C h a r l e s ■ iJL Kalnalh. 64. of Norristown,

Pa„ was not Injured, policc

; n t ,

Classifiedfloa -Proi '

—U se These P h o n e - .the Ag-

" L X Numbers FREE

: S ! S . Of Charge ' .•xtenslon 'le Farm- No matter where you live

In thcjie areas, you can now '•sts ha've telephono the T im es-N ow s- ^he meet- Free of Charge, acted byttee and If you live In DialSoli Con- Buhl, CasUeford . . . . 543-4643

Wendell. Gooding.BW cost- Hagerman, .iffn riiir. Jerom e....................836-2535 :evaluate

Also It Filer, Hollister 1id deter- Rogerson ................ 326-5375nd other •. • • • ■ • ]program Burley. Rupert, . • —.—

Declo. Paul,that-thls — N orU n d -..- .^ .........B78-2552. 1ected to

aeslrabie and Found ' " l iIchmnntc l^ST: Ladlci wriitwatcts at tmtnins ‘ isnmenis ^ Rujjian JohnS_ farms , h anger Slatlon. Hewj/jf MfrSOOg,hi» ACP S T: UltcK and whiu {«mAlo "I S ;“ h

^ C o rd of T hanks - 3 ijunswho W k wisll 10 cxprtM our *lncerfl” 1*” opprocl»llon and .thanks to all whoram ae- save lh«lr lympaUiy in lo menye asked tnoushirul wavi m tna Inia or ourIS .0 ,h= -mmunlty • m«. ltc MainBr*. . and Mn. Uoyd Salles ie_m eci;------ Wr.:an<l-Mr*.-L«oa»r<J----------

I,.,IVO con gnfl^Mri. Itarley Mather*W coun- Mn. Mildred Piola*-----^Wr. and Mfi. f t C. MaUierar-jmajor —

NT ADS ' 5

^ : J ^ - F R E E z ;

M e s t i m a t e s - ^ ;

■ K ( f ) M O V I N O . ( ^ I H / ^ S T O R A G E M 1 a * / V S p A O K IN C L fi/, - J

— - - .Q ) _ . . .C A a _J- MAOIC VAltir I

u , MAYFLOWER =|? T K ; Leeel rtong Otiianca Hauling U f i d JflOMI TWIN MUS

. anlp. 345 . 733^1491 -Na dig. Ml inle^riM (slli - c

^ C a l l ' ^ b u r ' '

- H . l p - W a n l . c l r r « ° l » _

K ‘ E L E C T E i C I A N

--------- ^r29-per%our-

R i - M I L L O P E R A T C

, ?2.97 per hour '

' D uval C o rpo ration is seeking j u j ^ H . ,- ',..^ ea r-B a tU e-M oun ta in ...M cvac

T his N orth C en tra l N evada '

e S l s l d Rich-d to f ill O ur em ployees enjoy (op m i ! F i le r 'eluding paid vaca tions, holld • plans, d isab ility leave benefi

A relocation a llow ance will t

A rep resen ta tive o f D uval C f - ' {or a p e rso n a l Interview a t i

- r — Bo f the • -

0 Ju n e ;

lent pas- P o f + l. C a irn s J Jd -L L J•ie City, o f Lew-holds a ,

ree fro m . ') a n d a

C o r J - o l - T h t in l c i - ---------3 H...^__WI! wllh to «xpreM our ilnccra ”

/ . Allen inank* and appraclotlon lo tha ppointcd many relative* ^and rrhndi and r h i i r rh eipec ally lo the ladlei o( lha •Church, -uJhi-DaptHt-Church-<JurlB« .Uia -

ns p res- iiineii and Iou or our bdoved confer- ■ ^

n and is w edey b . pjercylly " Y J /.'g .IS v ice our rriendi ror r jid Coun- tha many deedi o( Wndneii. 6«*u-

te latlons aear MoUier.,ana Orandmoiher.Don and nela Harney —

graduate Ron ana Jflwtil Harney E,

iho , h a s P a n o n a lt— S poe lo l N olleas 9 i1 In S d n __________________ :-------------------

MAGIC V A L L E Y ----- nS S i - DANCE CLUB .. -

S I N G L E A D U L T S .. • ' ....... D A N C E '

iP ) A iei U to'SO -. . . Live Muile "" “ J S ' f r t S ' S S: R ail- Itarnion and Shoup. . . - ^m outh. DROWN ’S"SAFETY~SE^ICE 1 '. rn .-h . 600 MUMUUKMiTTs- AVAILAULI-, Twinn ,ro U '''n'l* Clul). Slenm■arrcn bmin. »nnwer», exercitc cuutp-

•ale: Slck room .up- .Slown, p ii„ ; Wheel clinir*', cummoUe*. policc crulchet, wn1l<«r«, irnnej# bnr.

c-o Tlme>-Newi.------------- 'AtCDH0nCS-ATI0n7motI»-r_—

l o n e ____ _

| , E E ^'«Horiled°mMiaBaSl'liNCblt-Spltrlla resm ered fliure

eofltuKanc Lytle Gardner, 301 7th _ » Avenue North. 7aa;700l.________^ x

111 ilvo »ny e welghallALMA JtAKDIN — ^Irw racjo r. 157

in now North Wa»hlngion. Twin Falli.-N e w s — - ^ h n n a m<7*1 , ------- j;;

I I ' you ate not buying your propane !. l a i and oil trom Vl, you a rt

paying toe much.

FRI^ATE’ D liTlieTiVli: slWp irac ^7ictly*<;en?W°n*lalV.Call

536-2535 SEWINO ^Uchlne repalM. renii. _ ISm Main North. 733.3344.

_ I WILL NOT be rewonilDla lor any

m-xa. ~_______ _ .WJie Druf. J

1 B oou ty S a lo n s______________«


romalo nduced CairvfeVT-SIRW Hr- VS',’.ffsss r

r alnccre Beauty Salon, 135 Main W**t.o nil who Phone 733.1641. Evenlni appolol*ao many menu.Iwfty* ba COMPLiiTE Ueauty.iarvlce by ad-ranee. vanced (ludenif a t roduead prleei.;ane« - ■ ^ l^ * m y ?" i^ ^a lB * W M t^ p A M g

RUDV HLwLb t t Vaiieii”taauty »«• Mather* Avanuo NoM.^Phont

B o b y Sll t . r « l . ^ h i r d C a t . I t— -------1 t>o-PUUP-chUd-eara_Olvideil.cla(i' 5___ . . e«. Nunery. ore-klndersirnn. kin- "^ deriarten. > « 7lh A vaaua-Sorth.- _^ C l. Phone 733-8087. _

— CHILD ctra.'lim iiea number or chil> 1 ■ ■ f l dren (o a ttu ra Individual atten*

tion; Excellent (acUIUel. Phon*

_ H ^ A B L E ehiia ear* tn my hom*.rp—

— OAUY-eare-under a yearaTo(^B.4n - ----- -m ^ h o m e . Van Dureti Siraau-733. —

. bAVTlME yrild 'care Worworklng motheri.ln my boma. Phona 733-

CT), . •' _______ ;______ _M E m p loy rnan t A g a n d a s 17

j f \ - vice or Maale VaUey. Z2S Shoihost lia»t. 733-s!m.

H alp .W o n ra d — F a m o la . j g ~C D o a d y sitTHR in my botm 7oeiln in

. ociober. No wa«K-«od*,_Cair 423.

191 ■ _Mei«l. 613 Addlion Avenue Wmc. olIi - COCKTML Waltre««. Phona 733 — 3#I3.

——' I r r ^ -•

our Tiines-Nei« I 9 H ,I » W onM cl— M o U ■ I9 H

i C I A N S ' M

r % o u r — ^ ----------- ------------------

n i A T O R S L

r h o u r ' ' r

n is seeking men to wprk a t Ils open pit cop] «aln...Ncvatla.______ _______:_____________

-al Nevada^ocalion offers excellent recreai jldoor.llfe; ■

i/oy (op wages, y ea r round employment .«hl stions. holidays, partially company paid m' leave benefits and an excellent retirement

vance will be paid those employed. _

of Duval Corporatton will be In this _«rea tervlew at that time write today lo:

- ^ D u v a l C o r p o r a t i o n

------------------- R O ^ B o x - 4 5 1 - ^

B a t t l e M o u n t a i n , N e v :

- "An Equal Opportunity Empbyer”

— — 3 H a l p - W o n } e d - ^ a m o l» ------ l a f

i T l F ^ COCKTAIL WAITRESS hndl and for avenlng ihlft. Apply In-per- :i or lha (on alier 0:00 p.m. Feriui lurtni| lha —KUmarUa.—roodero*»_lan,-irur.___

^wUh p ^ d vacauon.^app*? In*wr- f ion lo E arl llorrman, Troy'N a.

^onal Laundry. 301 iod Avenue

'^ S ” *reni^*BformaUon and lalleU “ d U a / tx ^ niembenlilpi. w r i t e KaKonat “ Of our Landlorda, 1314 Main, Solie, Ida*

‘llVraei EXCITING ~ difrerent . excluiiva.Show siudlo Girl coiinetlu lo your -

o i i » . 9------------- 3S01 fo r appointment.___________•i Y ----- H «T p^dnIcd= M O U ----------- >9 “® Owelng to the tremendous' ' -J L T S ■ Incfcase In our servlce-

- department, wo want-lo

V o'm o f i r s t ’c la ss nw Had. MECHANIC— , _■ that expccts high return for

jnbor. Benefits vinclude group t ■«2i3 insurance, retirementiui,"T5In program, paid vacation and ? Jl). sieiim just n Rood place to work. .PorfXrn THEISEN JV10T0RS 22». d«yi; 701 Mnin East ^

room «up- t;n«™''bSr; JE R O M E OR BUHLoq«ipm«n-- Young man deilring better th'an Ii-----------— B veran livmg itandardi. willingng ci}uip- ,0 apply filnMelf fo <hfl JiouriPh.rm .ru needed lo produce good incoma. £

a J i« pM j R E PR E SE N T A T IV EWANTED for Singer Company S

F - —rwin -ln-M «lE-Valley_5alary.^o«-___letdavi Bl n>l»*lon • ■pal'l vacation • rellre- MPrmatlon _ S ^ u U m 5 X tA 5 S ! iS e S u * j .- a _ 1 - - run lime poiltlon and reiervedII 733-D343. ror tomeona intereifed In a ca. r !4.hourt a re«r with a national company. *

Apply between ft and II a.m. a t _ ?red Inure « “« '’■ Twin FalU, Ier. 301 m __________________ _________^ TV REPAIRMAN •planted to Uko ^ty'own Ow’ner'^rheJih reaw n 'for chance; 7 irelBhBll Inveitmenl reoulred.f i f r a V l A T r A s t ]

ur propane jng through winter and (arming , you a rt through aummer. No-row croni. -

Guarnnteed vear rouoii wnrk.-Mo-s ; . -

■ FENCE bulllerir approilmaiely 6T p T i r ^ ~*StW !enVfne7up'^?nVhVnTsalm^ '

i r i r 'r e n i r b r ig h t aitt-idaa. ror mrormailon. - ng-Caater. gm^™m*^?'^:ont*aerMIcK “Ha ior any Jj**" co l^ado j

' t'Xy law, tilen Jenklna Chevrolet.fe. nax.A^ «lrlver wanted. Over 3S, mutt

________ : BX PER tii^Q b^inlllcer' /or grade ,A dairy. Merle Drown. Route No. i

------------ gii'f M«'i^r?5sD't;i. . . l in.ik i t l . .r •>55_____ '■si«wrt^ H ttp = M a lt-B n d -y ,in n lrr2 0 i

■ G R E E N GIANT CO. ]G'."!fnSS a tB i lh l:aln Wett. naeda day and night ihllt equip- ,

T-—X-----r are open for male and (emaia iICe by ad- appllcanu. Inquire.by talephona u iV ^A rti ° r yl»>‘ ^ ,P«f*'>nn«l o » l« .‘er )

SlIU.’.ADVJlKTl5Uia.».n;illl.riTf :‘E««utv mmI you-want addltlonA income along

S f t ;, I..T two erferenw i._____________ ____

iu'u®at'tm’ A gants—Sdlesmeh’W qnlad 'ga ' ' B*. Phona •■=-rT7=^ POSITION OPENINGy r t ^ and ?H f .''!T . I !— ■ . Twin FalU vicinity. Thli It ■

greiilve company. No eanvai-

--------- - 3 Training proirain provided forI 17 man accepted, 31S0 per «-cek on'n'el ser- ilddlVlSfal '***©mml«i1ori* SShoihost Writes Stale Manager.~Dox loosl 5— no lte, Idaho. Include In leiier.i am eompleto name, hge,—addreia” ' — la . -18 and telephone number. Penooat r h . '.IA IB m«ervle*r will be arranged In _■ ; c W a ? . ' • “ “ J i ? * . ?

liliS M j; F o m W ork W anI.d ~ 5 3 „ iu a _ ^ ti:_ hauling. Ahron-A. Yarbtoujh.hona 733- noa^3nd Xvtnua - ^ t or pMn»

■News !Ad-Tcil(. ■■ l9 H .lp W o n t.J— M ar. ' 19 B

MECHANICS $ 3,25: p e r h o u r ------- — - -

LABORERS$ 2 . 6 8 p e r h o u r

■ . V

pen pit copper mine and mill lou led

llent recreational facilities for thos* ^

loymcnt and oufslandlng benefits In* iny paid medical and life Insurance < retirement plan.

1 this .area within tha next 2 weelo.M o:

A R W ~ — ;

ration' ^^4 5 1 — ^ — ---------------- ----------— I,

1, Nevada ^ _


5-----------------------------------------------------------------c1»----- l a Form -W ork^W cntad . 23RESS . , JOE B U IR , in-per- ' CUSTOM FARMING an?-lj‘u'‘r‘_ C

onto-_______________________ I


Vera PalrchlCj; iiuhl M3-KO I

Do"5.‘' S custdST.~• • M A N U R E h a u l i n g 'I

^Mduilvj^ Vernon d a n d er — Duhl U4-4373 ♦

' K tf ■ ' CUSTOM^ SW ATHING 'iV Oena Click »3g.a«01 Wendell

...... •■••CUSTOM-.......-■---------rvice- CORN CHOPPINGi n t - 10 Will Pack.' E .-C , -Holtten and ■ .^Soi»a.,_3jiM730. riie r.____________

turn for _Pedrow:le group THKCSIIING b e a m ..b a l in g andnent PjJuJlJf- ^ ^orcnton,ion c u sto m ' ireen ' chopping wi.h pre-) work. iirvmlve added. Phone 3:c-4.o:i,

coS'iiTOiAL I , . . ii.„.h i... a n I ,n«y Hiimby. <a.5322 or Ken— — Urickion, 4n-549;, Kimberly,

UHL- - _HnBcnn«n. __ I' ■■________ 1 _tie r than IIAY'IIAULINC and atacHing. AnyI. willing amount—anywheni. Ray Campbell.Ifl Jiourf 32t.4C8<. Ffler. _

Incoma, c u sto m hay- stacking and haulingTiMageri B«llo»le. ^hone 4tfJ004, KImber. _

CUrrOM corn cAoppIng and hauling; ' - - ■ I. Orvil Fairchild, llagcnnan, Idaho.IVE 07.47WI. ______ _Company STRAW iwathlng and baling. Cut-

reierved Jerome, company^ ■ , S , b . . . . . a »■■■

'or change. HAY tuck ing wanted. Phone Jay; req^ulred. Greene. 733-8200._______________va. Trme®" V/ork W onUd____________ U ^

^**farmlna Gardeni. law m .and (arm acre. r W iracior-mounted Roto

vSna'uM Elmo Garrison ' , 733-C63Q,lma.ely 6 ROJO-TILLING-LEVELING)r-ceniraet Gardent, lawn*, (arm acrtagei. .I and Salm- Ford tractor (aounted Roto Till-

' “ci'i* Do"n i>iCK POOLER • 733-4375n g rmallo^; S P I^Y THESE NOW

. . . „ -a MAftkiUb man. a i yoart 'M'.* H,**® would like Immediate employment.

! x r M r . . . ? r a . c ‘'. s ”*foiet. plet«d. Experienced In warehoui-sr 3S. mutt ing. tioek control, (orklilt oper- ion. Yellow acor, truck driver and hai exper- . “ lonei“ IB~-iutnrvttory—poiitiont; '/or grade Contact; Dox M3. Gooding. Idaho. : Route No. MATURE experiencvd mth icnooi

lag. Ntrlln ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ e n u e ^ a u T ^

n o i r r a o IBOHTNB'do"” T rm y 'ho ii..:'R ele^ =■ ■ ence^ t l ^ ^ I ^ u r . 'lS lS 3rd Ave-

ietorv“ la’. IRONING done niaUy In my home.

6 ; L F o r ' , : p r ” ^ : » . .Ul*phona . eitimatei. Call 7M-toM. .

~ itome. Phone"^-ODM,

ip-S '. t u . l n . . . O p p fa » n ltl.i ’ 30

■ ture. loin our (amlly or over :her.-rMuit -4^ -dea le r*-ln-4»-» late trM anr-7 -in'partoa. -.cholca,locaUon«.to-cHoo»6 (mm Twin, In the Intermounialn'area. Wa■ ■' ■' ■ will put you .In builneii on a 7

and auto aupsiiei, plut catalogNING wJifrm'if nve«wien'‘»'l3

Intormatlon a n d ’ tree brochure

Marance P lita Parlor and Reitaurani In^ded for ' Idaho't (aaiett growing eommun-<er w ek It)*- Proven bu tlntii. Building and

trawin* tqulpmeni almott newT-Wrile Dox.. S7S in care o f Idaho su ie Journal.Doic loos; ^ a N tS o '; Uld'niy coutil«:'worUng 7In letter. hutband or pentlonm to live InV e » - ~ K 2Sr.*n?.“^ ? « - S S r r . ? S l r ^ i

• • •• • •h«t,\P7OTaTl«meiv”dw»rl TO___ —_ WANTHOt iu t i o f i t partimr lor A^i _Yarbtoujh. aoortlng soodt ttora Jn bean of T

or p .^ n . £ ; y . J r l t o ^ Q.,7. -nm ef

------ - r ------- fri--------

■Taker Toda\r’____ B u»lnaM .O pporlun»lti 30

---------------FOKJbEASE. ■SHELL SERVICE STATION Volume location,' U.S. High-

" • w ay In Twin Falls.RAY J . HOLMES. 733 1172

MAJOR OIL COMPANY Offera aervlcti nation (<ir leaiat : , , r S A , . r s i i ; z S v . ; . ‘

WILL I . . . . -N Club- tM lJI... « . . ! Ot Twin Palla Memorial llotpiul, -

Ited • 'e?;.l?5fe'nL*^& e'‘ th rS Kdfoo“ home atuched. Inquire; Mr. Wctt.

---------------IAI* SALE: Well aiublUhed lurplut‘OS* yard with Inventory. Modern 3-

bedroom home. Approximately 10 a cre t o( land, chain fenced.traS .* ’Conta«"?'*ierrS'*KorYb, Dox

■ Iff" 303. Ogaen. Utah.inca ESTABLtSHBD Texaco tervlce na-

tion (or leate In Burley. Excellent Income opportunity for ambiilout individual, somo financial a iilit.

e lo . "MLS” TWO SMALL Duilnetiet. El.■ ' ' . ther ono huttiand and wire let-up.

■ Trado ror grocery.apartmeni com­bination or ourchaio variety tiore with good living quarteri In rear.

Owner retiring. Can thoir flguret

' ■ ~ ^ r l y , or ^ 4 3 4 1 . ' ' ■ '

M u s ic L essons -40------------- 3NSTATrr^MUstg.-A-tuna a t your

very n r t t totton wlih Ihe revo­lutionary Pointer Chord Syitem. Private letiona Plano and organ.J . Hill. 733-SCOO. ta3-5»SO.

SEGIKNINO Kudent openlngt avail-. s y .

S c h o o ls 4 4------------- COMPLETE your High SctlOOl edu.

Ma cation Bt home. Diploma awarded.H s ' : s '« - i ' s r ‘S f e E ; ’ ' s s N ; ; E -

American School, Box 7S4S. Solie. NG Idaho 83707.___________________

i a ^ J t r l - O J h e f - ln i lru c t lo n _________i J 6 ._________ LHARN to ny In (he new Alon A-3

Alreoupe (3 control). Private pllni llcenie ror a t little a t t i n . SuUl-

'N G s""o SMvice. Jerome. 3:4-

Idaho. ________ '

■'£!S73 H ow jat fo r Sala 50

HOM ES FO R SALEw»H*ii BEAUTIPUL 3 bedroom, large

family room nnd m uter bed- room. 2 bath*. Northentt teellon,

MG' BOSEMONT D R rV B . 3 bed.':sen and room i, IU-bathi.-Large-double—

. 8ara8e..3(7.m , , . . -

S s________ 4 DEDR00M5. 3 bnthi. Ouuldel i n g and of city limiti on Fallt Avenua

Sorcnton, K att. 332,000.- r , 3 ntiDROOMS, I ' i batht. Oft

1 3: 6-47o5, D'**® Dou'fvard. » l3 ,m-------- — 3 IlEonnOMS, I.ornteil on imh.•hlns. Ulll Aveniic Hint, rnriiiil bniemeni.- berlyTom p io ^ . 2 nnUROOM DUPLKX with at. tr *37-yw

'campbiil! H ACKNEY AGENCY •

^ Ktmbefl Keroell'*ynd‘e°rio™ n^03l

“ M L S - . ' . .

liing. <;»>- 531 MAIN AVENUE JVEST S fiL H il* . •_Well.huUu2-bed room Jiom e^# r:J ..

' 356 BUCHANAN ,s-bedroom. full baianicnt. Cood

n g 'l ’hona term* on thli ono. 313,000.

Jng.'’t’hone APPROXIMATELY 3 ACRES__________Cloio to Twin ra ll i. Nice 3 bed.I'hono Jay

^ R T T A W R E A T . T V

iled*Roto Sutan Shaw 733-0473733-0630' Edna Irlih 733-D$a3 .

J e LIN’g ” Elmer Sommer 733-5307 •

“ w‘lii!: -M L S " ’ •733-«375 APARTMENT HOUSE

mu/ 4 aparlmenti, cloie-ln, where ’■^■hiprawt tenan tt ttay lor yean Iniieadem- lo rav . monthi. Sincere detIre to lell \em.spray- tip-thlt-oppor* •

lunlty. tM OOO. -

ACREt*ont com- ">'0 3 bedroom home wllh .

b. e“; e•m.‘'" ? a ^ K ^ ? u T . r . ‘hai eSwr^ *«niei»...FIr.i iome - n n tP « -aU T ,,,,„ ,.v a .u ..fo r-o n ly -- -

TiH^KSSi ’ HAMLETT£«• • REALTY . i•7 —1------- Save llamlett.' Orokcr.Eail ^ A^nn^lloff'' ‘‘ "jj'Slo

» ^ A v e . OWN^R TRANSFERRED ' rally dona. MUST SELL HOME tnue E att. nu llt for comfortable, and eco-

Bomlcal living on large 113x133' .

j . .“: S ! s - . K r n ’i , a ‘ aJ- I. a rea. Wall to wall earjwilng.

--------- achool*. Drug »lore and groc-iS 30 erica.' Phone 733-7lS< lor ap- . I' inyw r ’your (u. “ M LS’'

~Two-year--eld-3-btdroom-hon>a----MO (mm o" lot. Cfln>cted_llving_ .rea. Wa room.' iB rge-utlllty-room ,-Oat— j I on a 7 furnace.-, garage, and cement •»«n-na.-,------drtre.- Ill.OOO.-reatonaWa .dow a- -

“S S.S.TO sss. “I'"-""' •■ TA ~y L O R AGENCY

ah. M aion Smith 733-S87T— ;F T a w S : R t i A r Targe iiome. i bedrb(At»~ laurani In I.93S-. brick, appliance*, family

eommun- room main hoorV nreplace. truly illding and fabuloui threughoui. e%' loan, low .y M s r . 'g j’. y *

'• a " houtr SSa' Lvnwod -Avenua Eaau InQUlra next

iwaer; 733. TO aettlB «*tate. Lovely 3 bedroom= ™ r r r 2 W 4 'n u r s o K 7 ? S ? 7 “l‘« ? ." *r a e a n M T H R tl£ 'bT arbdm * in aait area.17. Time*- Hvatbla. Aca Realty,

• • ■ /• ...- • •

d a \ r r 7 “ r P l i D i i i

!m • .3 0 H a m a s fo r ^ o k ___________■ 5 0

SE~--------------- ------TATION ___ _______ _______

PLAN733-0172 ~

^ T O B U Y (•e«}i-«7fr .....................

' Y o u r T v-»f-LM2t 'n - - :_v__________:________ _

s “ m ;ilB fenced.

" ' ' S o l d i n eaervlco iia- -

. 1% MILUOl S ' i n A u g i ]

S S ______goTnT^ier' “h o m e s fo r $o la ~ 5 0

low figure* . . . ..... '*lent c r e ^ M L S _______________

f L — , D O N ’T W A IT.4 0 T H E S E W O N T L A S T

b - a ih r r ^ s s ”.nrt n>*»W bedroom, inrlnkllng »yi-0-" ' r i n M c e ^ M

! '" « ,K ? i 'n h i r ‘i b K r233 Borah 3 *’“w»L "><”"• recreation . room, 5 fireplaeei. doublo ga.

cxcellcni condition. Price 4 4 u i i ^ 'a l l brick. 2 beiht, fully

sffi” — n s

5;".'*- ihu cuttom built brick. Choice

= = j^ , tY -N -W G O B -^ REALTY.

CfOmB. ai4- 810 DluB^LnkF. DlvdJ N.

>n at home. R*"j.^Sc*hwendlmaa TO-7100 . approved. •:-----------------

50 BY OWNER-One of Twin Falli flne*t loea-

s A iE r a s “SSS a r i S ' S,m. I.™ “C SV* ,i(S2’ mlrrori; nnd appliance* Includ- It .eelloji^ t ,, J10.BOO...

PhQna-'733'S3«:-or-ofrieB 733-- !. 3 bed.- « ’*•le-doublo— i------------------ r-----------------------------

■ ■ ■ ■ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom ,'IHTull b a i^ bnih home. 4ih bedroom in bate-18.500. ment. large lot. Norlhwe*t o r^ .1. Ouulde ALTURAS Drive, 2'bedroom.'I W* Avenua bath. Lorga.famlly.room.^NlCjL'• ^ SPLIT LEVEL luxury, home! '

: with at.

" " " " " SALE B Y OWNERE N C Y • REDUCED 31000 to *111,300, 10

roomi. Excellent eonilltlon. lo a M32 big for Ul, Kldi on to college.ru-7asi Shown by appointment after 4:30.---------------All day Snturday and Sunday.

Call 733-3333.

___ _ • “ MUST SELLJVEST Completely remodeled 4 bed-

oIa*i«5*m------ irtwa— Sairmfnt!^*Cl-}r^^^! _____ L _ d ; % n a « u r n V . . _ ? ? 3 L

, DY OWNER: Immediate po........lon;int. Cood 3300 down, no clo»|ng, 3 bedroom*.,000. attached garage. Now root, car-,

pel. wnter hvater and drape*.3 ACRES ^ood >"v.»m ent^rogcr.Ice J bed. October 13. .302 .Gardner. Openown welt. VoM®'” ’ *“ ■

DY OWNER! 2 bedroomt upitalr*. 2j.T Y■»™ ......UJ] _ large omy” ^*’3-3307 • BY owner: Attractive 3 bedroom- r— ' m m w 'lh''r*nli^d" rMm.

•new carpet In living room. OwnerOUSE , V i r M i r . r i 5 ? r 'c , ^ “o r ' ' K 5 - l n S --------- ---ire to tell WE NEED home* (o lell. alio imni ilt-oppor- • acreaaet. We hava a number of

good buj-ert. We are not member* or Multiple Lliling Service. We cnn

‘I S ■

tly^aw ^. CLASSIC HOMES. "We build on you* lot." Your noor plan or our*,

ng room. Qunlliy conttrucilon ror a truly d dining competltlvo prleo. Twin Falla carjwllng. Rentiv and Iniurance. 733.3863. *"co!leV«' • REDUCED 31,000. New prlee 330C0. J r HiSh ■ 3 bedroom. Full baiement. 2

••ML.V MANY o r* have l*( u* belp them with their paperwork nnd heme *eIectlon. May we *erv«

<a„_homa____you? Mountain -SUtet Realty. 733-

K ;& i’h5'.?:“ B . ! r v , s i s

“ ■■“ J " " HY o . . . n g ii~« .-U.I1excellene condition. Retirement In.

NCYDRICK rambler. 273 Madlion s it^e t:

42a.suu Carport, covered imilo> Sll.430. Ct S ii iiS} no W n . » 2 month. Ac» Realty.

Ksu'f'ss'jfii'.i'feU a l ^ " '^ FOR tale; Small modam home. S3..

OCO. Pav like rent. M, Canada. 2341- full * E>»t Avenue A, Jerome. 334-4713. ifao_Sherty ~ 7 - . ' •

■ houtr ssa ’ H A V E •QUlrB next ■. .E X T R A .I T E M ST m s ; ; ; • l y i n q ‘ 'A r o u n d ^ - 7 ^

My/gQ. Phdne'TiS-Ogsl“ea'fieaSy; Ask fo r Qlasslfled

,__’— --------------- ^ . ’ J . '. ' •** '

hohe-713-0931_______ ‘ 5 0 H o m « s fo r Sola - 5 0

"M tS ”


.r T w in F a lls

)Id in excess of .[LLION DOLLARS Q August 1967

“ MLS"

--------SO -H o m es fo r So lw-------- — SQ—

‘•MLS"--------------------- SP-E C IA L -O E E E R IN G ___ ^iIT ' ' FO R VETS • ■[■ l a s t '

Delightful - s s '‘ - risf. 'sua . '«'■ •«* llS“n?'pr?c; ACREAGE

One beautifully landicaped acre.lalhJ, fully Choirs 3 bedroom bcmie. 3.carappllancet, garats. plui large heated ahop.Cl. or con> A oerlecl-location for that live-00. «i-home and builneii comblna-ih. Vacant.. Uon.‘rtnic'i,*‘iu“ - GLOBE R fiA L T Y

m i Adrtlion Eait 7M-:c»' nrure Mecham. Realtor 733-3457Q R -------------DIalr-OtWrhoul.-R«allor_733J043____

Art Ireland, Realtor 733.2340 'Y . .vie Engkrah Realtor ■438-4004N. ra-m ii

LUXURY HOME.......... ...............(n oni of Twin Falff ffneit »ati.

IER. 1 =large recreailon. room In full

flnett loca- baioment. City aewer but hatIvo, Deluxe private well. 6nly been lived InIt denser- 4 month*. Phone 733.3301 or 733-M aln 'Jt^ 4S47. Shown by appolnunent only, ce* iiicluST ~~ — rd. J10.BD0... ■ - -733.- - . . .

------------------------------ NEW- HOME— ------., With 3 bedroom*, 3 bnth*.'full

Iroom.'lH batemonl. dOublo carport; car- Dm In bate- ^ciad ihroughout, .bulli-ln range iwett area. and own: Aa* patio. Price . ' *12,300. SI7.J00; down nayment. »700:

s f f i s r n « a r » . v .310.700. . f33-84b0, evenlnga and Sunday*, ury home.

' WHY RENT?Move In lor S37S for 3 b td-

___________ rooms o r J675 for 5 ‘ b e d ­rooms. I'llA app ra ised .

ifM Co t.ook tliem over at S97 Madl*0B VNER or Crciiview Drive, then *ee . . Volco Bulldera Supply, Twin »IB,SOO, 10 Falli.

'‘lo’ cQii7fl ’ ULTRA family home. 4 apacloui I afirr I'So bedroom*. 3H lovely bath*, com- nd Sunday lortable . tamlly room with nre* na aunoay. , bultt-ln kitchen. Pre-

mlum northeaii location. Snaelou*. Iou Reilucad price of 319.406 U be-

L low replacement coit for Immedl.

-------------salen1enr•nIUl^■bB^^la“ t^r'aettl9—

w ?Bf>r Mr "loo on exeluilve comer lot., LI»:- and dfaoe* «'! 1° **“ *■ o '" " coniiderrid

n* upitalr*. 2 wood noor*. Daiement'with (loor batemenl. 2 drain. Oarate. Oa* heat. Two lol* ei. o ll^rlgl. MrMr. JeauUtullv

rice. 733-18S3 ••MLs‘'4-IlEbW6M quality ■Eo Tc;3 bedroom 5n*O0o!’ Irrl*alod"LanS'’ Co..*733- le. -full bale- 107S, Din Ralphl. 733-3033. .

lamlly room. SnTEidUiTrounlVy )iv lngr\ .bed room, owner room rnmbler. family room, (iti-

"5S S - a a a a a— CLEAN 2 bedroom*, carpeted, ga*

11. Blio imnll furnace, (inlihed baiement. ind> number of .. bath. 238 T*ylor-StrMl...733-*53«._not member* —mnV’ wrVce" 0 “ ' ^ ow n H om es . 51

' THE Claw*on home for'tale In Mur.M S

f a r ir . I . r S . l . - - — — 5 i — __________ DO YOU HAVE a farm or ranch

S . a J S .?or«'"Hanoy: GENE CXRSEN SALES CO.H7S and Path Phone 733k ^« M» 8m ^ 0 ^ ln g

onl CompleU —----~ome*. farm*, “ MLS

For FARMS If* DARNES '!?th?ra52n: BARN ES R E A L T Y«, ; « i r ^ “ ■ . s s’•/;? V ° s °"i

. C . H a r lo y W ill ia m s

S m

B clty . 73J- ^ • D ’jr k c r 'o r \m '»S^ ^ .

" . . " r v i s i s ‘iE i:---------- corral*, full wawr plui year- roundt Bpanment, acream. 330,000. farmer* Realty,etlrement In. mshwo. Pulil.___________ ^

ioo HEAD cow ranch in Little Vood

D» ifr.45o"oY ~Ttea'iiy?’” erome7*ldlib^^Ac» Realty. »yenlns*. 33t.M3«.__________ 3kt ll&Ab'catde ranch.'-Lou d i oulJ w a i S iSK -: & ' . i ”.irn s ',!s !“r , . ’Slue Uke*. Rowe-Hlatt Agency, ShMbone. St«.m home. S3., uo ACRES louUi *ld*. KM crop Canada. 234 and catU*. Good modem 3 bed- me. 334-4713. •room honwrws.-ooo, WO^.tlown. .

---------— Realty. Buhl. 843-

:m sJ N D I-r - —

,n . "MLS”, SO ACRES. WlU trad* for

Page 17: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

Use 11F ann i for Sal« ' ' 52 ’.ot*

‘•MLS"m ACRIZS pkitur*

“ *• ■ "L biIM ACRES, N e^ Jiotn*. Very ««f * 0 Itnd. Owner tnxlout lo •

. 4000 ACRES; Print* desd«d

BA R N E S REALTY ,)037 DIue Lmkei Blvd. N. 733-S2I7 chc E ari'D am et 423-M3B beiBill HIU 73J-181S Dul• __________■ _iS5


160 ACRES Oii___180 •harxa-'tef wat«r.-Coo<l-lm.-

■rowlm crop» on thli (arm. ’ cat l>r«eea a t leO.OOO. PH

LLOYD'E. BURNE AGENCY ^ 108-South Broadway _7M

Buh), Idaho Bu,l

'■M L S-F O R H O N E S T f o n

D E P E N D A B L E ■ b. '. R E A L E ST A T E SER V ICE., "

O r A dvice CaU •

- 71M061

C. LOONEY, REALTOR “ ]____________ r E rWeit m d. 160 acrei vrilli full me

- r . ';modem home. Ideal for family — operallon. Priced at only JS4.000 w - , wiu» tcnrn. rh o n t W OO J Ior J lS f ppo DHnen

W est E nd Realty1012 Weil Main

Ken Patcerion, Uroker Ini

lU Acrea, f a i r homa. one h ^ . _®J«

FELDTMAN REALTORS ^«79 Flier Ave. 7 « - im

' barn can bo uied nt mllklni or A pe' & e ^ i ? ^ S n d ‘ 4.V<SS. I'Siio* “ AC,— g ^ ? l r ," ^ « ^ l? n 6n T u c , % M - 5«-

take a aood medium ilied uncn. J '“ cumbered .home In Duhl a i part f* '

. bedroom modern nome, 3rd In tio bnxm ent. One I bedroom home, wa Cood bam and corral, Will con- 713

S , » s S i " s i S “SS

* ■nd*^row*erop^?afmi.^One* mcfudei

■^ran5ie/2l'l'^itM».Ti/esae!l-1lMlt^ =£iS

20« . • _ or

■'Vilify: ^ 0. « J 5 e “rl}>‘“^ e fe n ? -? S ^ :

K xThcad^o“ cB«tl'o.'l¥fled'^:!joo! vER§ a - ? S 5 W ’,Vi.SS?"«l‘fy.V n ? 1

Konh. 7M-14fl«. Evening!, 7M-1IW. Au "MLS" 5«0 ACRCS, IM IrHgnted. ATT

balancB dry patture. U hend ranso cic rlglid . Nlea 3 bedroom all modern home. *32.000 xrlih lermi or will _ M trad* for motel or trailer court. SMA X^t u« ahoir you thlt oot today, ba Xjmwood Realiy, 7U-MI1. lii<

70 ACRES, very nice 3 bedroom

M n/ Q lea Scoileld, SSO- fui

omo TJ:

a ' s S d ’ . . S " T S T——E ita ta -car~Jeremi.'~3i»4BP8r~ 6a<

»a^ and «raln. 534-MU or «9- ad

CATTLE ranch. 4«8.head capatUy. T W Excellent improvemeoii Includlni 9 room houae. Modern. Calving _ 2 !a a g a f s i v s ? a , a ? t c ‘ a

Ml!?ni*locailon°between ^ I 'n and Jerome. NIC# home. »hop, dairy lU

S SQtB4 day*. Jerome. ia,

*^M ^i'and'pU niy*of* waler. theck °n /i

" a s4 ei

FARM AND RANCH loan*. larse. a ma l l . developmenl. rerinnnco. sn

■ a v a . . % ' s r , £ ! g - ” » - “ in o ACRES 3 mllei from Jerome. 110 H

ihare* of water. Nlca older borne.

to- ACRE faMn.'''nerttiiMe. good lm<

_ R ,o L E « la l.-F » r -Ira < l.^ _ J 3 RE5

CASH plus farm for vell-locaied —££

nlngi. 733-ai02.________________ dll

^L o la o n d Acwcfl* - -54 ^

E X T R A G O O D I 2 4 0 A C R E S ■■'^Vrl

Alt Irrigated and uodcr eultlva.

^ u s e ,000 with termi. T»PTAYLO R AGENCY- _£»

Kimberly 4Z7-S»» i ,SvetU en H ot

• Bon Taylor ** ■ 4M-MM sSw"rS ^il.'S n^S S lih I ]S !• VHh ^E cholc. building Iou . d'ew y J g

(ewer, will PHA. will lell i or all 3 I t Cloie to Stuart Junior Klih. Good "O

" - lit" ™ " i - S

ment. flOOO will handle. Harold'a ICE Agency. 733.SM2 or 7M-74CT. ~ coi

-'rH '^K lib M w a-A c ree 6ubdlvlilea,|-M i N .S . ol Q ty . >300 E m l 73M30T. ‘ CUl

> The Want5 2 ’.o t* a n d - 'A c r to g # ' ' 54

. COUNTRY LIVING ?2i i g _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ‘ A '™ JS

"L arge 4 bedroomi, 3 balhi, all ^ /ery c a f^ e d :-e » ira lanw llvintroom — —

■ a i T f f i i . ' S K M n . s K ! " ;5appllancea In lovely kitchen, er

_S :ACHUACU: all In iraie. Large 4 i d

r bedroom home, bulfi-ln appllancet, ^r a ' ®:fS! S . “Sff- ^

L ]3 Twin I'on.f wiih" tm- ^liflkS 'oM iliho. "SS

i t jni^M Phono 733-3305. 5m 3

Ihe U k u iI lot. WonderM clo.e-in lo- “ fu trm. ’ cation for duplex or nice home, pe

Phono TOa Bwa, eveningi. Hi

NCY “| ^ ” E ait. Real ^ w i e ‘ service,’ an

. B u i ln iw P f o p T ty ^

r lFOR LEASE or iaie: The old Satur- Ci

r . a " i ° ! . ' b a u ° r A . W r T i s . " " £ ib .? r & : “c 3 " s i .7 .a s

' ^ Rui>ert. 2building, lul'table for liiop or dor- 42

------------rjiej-heated wllh .liln .fed .iiokAr. r wOR

■w>m^ ~7Q?Vi c n ^ “ K lm Ei^.” M*j28?^

V ocaH on Prope rty_________ 5 8 JJfO R SAL&v 300 acret^and 90 acres

Mv“ *^nd "w!ld” rnc« area*? Wondw' PJJ l.lly‘’'’S ? r m i) :e / ‘’by'"35"v»loX“ 3 :^1nin ^ ncre cabfn dief, nad^ium- ni* ‘n*T5”SFiiale Jwnll*

S : R oal-E .lol. Wanlnd 62WANTED: Ground for wheat, mixed T ~

■"? f S i . s s f f i , ‘f f l ; ! ! ;erT55 ^ing'S? A p o rtm ftn ti— F u rn lih o d 7 0* J,“,y UACJIELOK QUARTliRS: Suitable S,

* Dart keeping lervice furniihed. 'Thrcfl R‘r i K ! r a i - m a r ; g ; - s a r ' ” - vm

PUKNISIIUU downtown apartment y, I. Only for rent. Living room, bedroom, ^ One 3 kllchen and full bath. Refrlecra- WO:

Ird In tlon . a ir condttlonlng. Heat and R home, wilier fumUhed . . . 733-MM or tr 11 con- 733-1C72. —

i S ^Pauli rent loeallon. IM to t7S per month. OFl rp. 312 Shoihone Street E ait or phone

pn« *'3 " ¥

f -S ? ; 2 $. or month. 413 2nd Avenue North. P:

oTfer- Photic 733-3822, ~ . —;ement 3-HOOM fumlihed apartment, Wn- Ffll Excel, ter, innltatlon and not water fur-home nuned. *40 per month. The Land IF•1< rnr Office of Idaho, 733-07IS. lo142!joo. v e r y nice ground niwr epartmem: ‘Jor cat- 3 roomi, bnth. UUlltlei furniihed. M

Mein 1 or 2 adulti, Near Croccry. 148 •3103. Amtin Awnue.gated, ATTUACTIVK 3 roomi and bmii. biranai cloJe-ln. JJO per nionlh. 3rd Ave- J '

Idern "U® Nnnti. Twin. <a-5337 or 423. _ i :jr will 5305. Klmlicrlv. . no jcourt. SMALL biicheior (ipanment. I'rivoie J today, bath and entrance. Unem, all util-

U ^i lurnlihcd. Man preferred. 73J-

» wfth ^^ '^^dV ion^A venu^W M tV Phone nl

d, *8Sfr "^u°t>lihed, 35»'^Suf"AVMUo'*NortV, ^Phone 73!i-}M0, P

llb*r*7 mob»e-h°ora«.“A d "u only! Phone Wc

>. *4o!-' NICE apartment a t Juil-A-Mere-lnn. ^ _EWorly.perioB»_oniy._rhpro_733; ^

tiiweit CLEAN nicely fumimed I bedroom iip^jL _^B ^rtm tat^ lnault0 1 ^ ?rd j\y e m « _ *

f™sSfc "^du lt» ."no je” ? ground■noor."lS36 LJgKimberly Hoad. ___

naCUv, TWO rooiiit, all utllltci furniihed In-

I.tlpn.!*CB?l bcfo'r‘a"4''p,m^‘y 3 '3 -^ y >

1..EX- KITCHENETTE 1-2 bedl. ClCOn, tub, ,7 '"da’lry ■l‘e^?njt Echo'^MPle'l.

ipreva. ONE bedroom cloie-ln. Nicely fur- Check nlihed. adulti only., no pen. In- C

S i j

" 0 ^ 5 ; A p a r tm a n ti— U n fum U hed 71 j,,J ___ A IR CONDITIONEDlarge, SPLENDOR ___

mnnco. spacloui 2 bedroom, carpeted. e_,D Main draped, all electric aoartmeau_____ Carport, laundry facllltle*. Seau* —

. . . tlful recreation park, la back,bnne to • • •

ty and LYNWOOD M A N O R ^ ---------»- 7 ^ T w in Foils A ddress «

Of Distinction — AigSncy, Call ,M n. Walt Thomai, 733J00# • . w* ” for ihowlRg. (Sorry, aa Children ai ; .or-Pcti.) - C

' location, U tjilir room In re tf with

f r**'svih electee range!' gai he8i.’’alr"c*OT-

e.^Cal" CLEAN 4 roomi. private entrance, ^heat, water, iinlutlon farelihedr

— IgS«°42f.?SS°« 5o!!------REEO—An«nmenii.— studio apan- “ K

ment. qu ie t reipectable building, sD CatViiecic C

' CLEAN ipacioui i rooma. itove re> — frlgerator, all utilities fumlihed. TR-

lUva. excellent location. Phone 733.092a. p

’ s ? . ? » . s ? i s s ! i K '7 » « r s i ; sfOO"*" —t>«ls~A«luIU onlv. Phone 733-0515. r

TIIRBO ,x,m , .nd b.m, c i .. .,, ^

H o u m ^ m l i l n J . . '-7 3 t i‘•Mp? SMALL h^ute^ suiuble for. 1 work-

.*0 ^ ^ *o™7w S ‘oi” * *Aooe"7j5-‘ Vl_____ 1 BEDROOM, water and iiniMtion p a

furnished. Cloie-ln. Reasonable. * a\

* **coj^ye.*t» p e i mo5lh.*pi?onB*7Xh 5 ^

l-Falls TWO-b«droom- hom e-w im -batb-at ~-J> md Of. Curry. W ater furnished. Ph0B?733. G

• 4010 or 733-ea31. 5^1 k' deep,ONE bedroom 10 x SO foot trailer. Da*i-


nt Ads To B' 5 4 H o u it* — U n lu m ia h td ' 7 4 Form

~ Nlroom -house with waiher - dryer

-hookup.-*40-per month. On twth -^tm»ei-ln<iulr*-at-443-WBln«tj-rj3*-------

?f?S~ THRCn bedroom house. 330 9rd Ave- B llt-lD nuo East, Dack yard fenced, wash- :hea, e r and dryer hook-up. Also, I bed- .

— — irge 4 ( DEDROOM'funillhed hbma for lances, ^ent. Oai furnace. Water-eanlta- r a m . tlon-fumlihed. Located a t 238 4th

-Avenue Eait. *30 pe» month.**»W Phone 733-073B,________________ . .

3* BEDROOM home, small yard.

m a S i ' s E s s s i ' ^?*nyw - W » t . .c a y i ,m » « 3 3 ,^ ---------------0. 733> t h r e e bedroom house, all.newly enti

" E “s . S ' 3 » F " ~ Rnce? 'V i^dP ^M ?'% M »B i^ ;__L

------ 3OT"llaln» M ^ u e ! ' Phone %-S?46! j

--------- gas heal, newly redecorated. 733-fiM ^after 5:00 weekdays, anytime •

'sa't'Srr ^ Clrc’fe'^inV. ’’n js i s o 'f o ? '’ap po‘[!i^ ■ff1, Lou _S1£!S!:______ ,_________,_________ bettie city 3 HEDltOOM homa on Van Duren.nercial Washer hookup, gas heal. Inquire *'*L34-4m nt 2M Polk, tH p e r month._______ _ _ 2 UEDIIOOMS. Kimberlv. Washer - n r

elocK and dryer hookup, oil furnace. ir nor- 423-4 M2. ^

— •— TWO beuroom houie. elose-ln,-ear- ____e o pet, all newly redecoratvd Inilde ALM

-_ ^ g K d out, garage. 733-1207. .________ w


basemenl\ Phone 7J3-134a._________An

crop, R oom f~ B oard a n d Room 7 6 u t

•yn Shothono North. ^ ' ' 2Sl - r 4 J i ro a tr tS 'd ^ ntown - 'day,, 'week.!i ftVi; camera Center Jlotel, 2oi m‘ Shoshitfie Street South.__________'J^uie? EXCELLENT loomi. warm." Clean;

yvw ue Np?h“ *~

fleera^ WORKllip or college «lrl to live In. a^and R oom .^oard ®***

U k S B « iIno»*-O H Ie« Rontala 8 0 J

T Z . OFFll-U ? ?c ^ 'A P p ro “ m.'.e.y ..o '_.n . i .f . f>Bi i rnntTn Piifhlnp In . _ja f f i ’’.: “ *'• -t lady. injRNISIlliD oince space for rent, /*weflf ■"with'piHtiiflf on'Nonn Blue Lake*. - - - ^^orth. Phono <?or3on Crockett. 733-»M. ,

t. Wn- Form * fo r Rant _______ 84» Land IF YOU have been bouncing "and

Jolting over rock*, - twiiting- and •niih<-H trying to sireich to water, you rJ 148 ihould bo Inierested In rentlns 2M ’’ • acrci of aeep rock-tree «o!l In

larKo flcldi with adequnle waterJ t t g s a : - • -_____ HO ACHE farm clmo to .Twin 1-ulli.

Mu«l havo flnuncet. equipment,.11 UIII and- referenecs. Wrlle box P-10, ——.rt i n . c-o Timci-News. " I .______ doOD south side 160 acres, moitlv 5l"to~toS. coocrele ditches. References, fl- 73:Phona JJJ'JJ® F?lo'r'’3ifr48M/*'' ” *”

^NortV, ^°have ftnaneo rc'frence." w 'i a Box pSJ" P-g. Timei-News. *^nn

VilSS: W anLd lo R.nl 88 J i !

° s s . i ” . . V ' ; ^ ' B . x r , " a _---------_ p . ia . - «.o-T lm«s.Mew»----------- .. .. oeoj.rt-nn-. NATIONAL Landlord'i Assocl«Uon br'Av*m» *111 b*vo reoul loformauon ceti* -424

- te r-h e re s<wn.-Watch ior usI------- ------

ir."i3"6 L ight tn d m tfio l E g u lp m a n t 8 9 _

U S E D IN D U S T R IA L ' ’“'J j le. 733- e q u i p m e n t _nrtlallv IHC Model AC 330 truck tractor 1 loca. • wan 220^Ciimmlni Mg^ne.^B^nd _

j # ''!i! I Also, TD8 crawler with d o ^ ^ 2u

CA.SE H yard wh'e’e l’.'jon^^ CAT^Modei’ D V craw le rira c jS Cone

■ n g j : :

™ ELLIOTTS _I BobHimitori.^ale^s^He^Mi«ntaUv» ------

menu F®"” Im p U m a n ti . . . i 9 0 ciiif aeau* ■ ~ ^

TO TRADE —;------------ MM-MOdsl-R-wheel-tractor-ln---------r

top ihape. Rubber like new.VUu 2 bottom 14" or lO" Pull

^ . i T . a a - b j - .A 's s s bT,:;Idroo and riding mule.^ Ut'«^ dicker.

~ H ave Y o u r . SacIS<Slh“ TRACTOR grtmeoT O verhauled bair c OT- We R epair A ll M akesI 5; ^

_____ ! -MOLYNEUX MACHINERYTiuhld; Yourr-Allls^:halm ers D ealer

: s ?■ « a i r s , f f s . s . r 5 . ^ , i t ^T -T -^ ro««-__________ ______________ Fon

benn special combine, with s|frlng J«rr~ ^ B r ^ e ^ w r ¥ f f e 'r ^ 2 M y O T r ^ 7*

___ DEPENDABLE Casa maehlnary, re-sanita* -liable service a t Reed Tractor Co.,

>ee 7aj- IM .Third Avoau* South. T w m _ _F«in-_________ :_____________I S

S E r ? f „ ’' ; s 5 „ . r s i . : r ' s 3 , . s s 3F T . g . j a , ,9* WJ- b^CKHOE.end-loader mounted oniBt^-at -i>rtMd“*to^¥ell^Vl*oridBhSstree«.’ -----m^733> Goodins. Piione S34-4359.

sk K , h / .11 .n d John

south. .73>73ra.

»• ' .

6 Buy O r Se^ f a m Im pl.m .M ., , 0

■ H n e w - N E W - N E W '

— I - M e 0 --------------------- -

“. j P : .b e e t H A R V E ST E R S ' ™ «a»her ' JJ-roH' tank-type with ' '2'

Must move a t k "


i'S ' ri^ » £ K « ; ; K , f r E ; s a

i r sR E E D TRACTOR CO. ” 1

5 k " T - 'b ■'■II, III

T m r ■ U SE D M A C H IN E R Y ! > S . COMBINES

" 5 ^ -Onnarnace. ,” '!,* 0*>>y —— _ £ ................*'»«■

FTm n wilh duals K450 1 -

-H 5 = C

—. ■ T S - S i E b S ' i 5 ‘.'b ” ™ m1*. 190 ‘Holland iiack IIHIT i>i.—

g i V . ? S . S " a

' i S ' - -

r P Iu ir qUDlity p rod

x*'p'lo’ AJr C onditioning______■ j'«« in 8 and -iur: ^

rrifu n Aluminum Sorvic»“* Fo?~ lhe m .t tn Aluminum >>.iin. ^^ S , y “S S . '• » » • -J”- '- ^

i i = a ' BocVdlng 4 T r a h h g 5 §

m lS 9 Carpontori =


. 3 5 ■" V - ............... ^

'm5 » ''oui'r.I''® L°r‘r?f‘0'’- Ceramic tile,Ouarameed work nen” Ip.'tU-OMt; “

a ^ r ~ ‘-oncreio rorm ing " — —«17M ------- ---------- "

'tfiw nfl*'? eesemcnf. founde. n'


""JS? ' ^ l ’S b ' r r ' & b " « d * S K ; •itauv* Cait. Phone 733414(. °^

— _ . Dry Wall _ £

■ J a s i ^lo r -r t- — -£M cff?cal-C6nfrQcfof i ___ 1. ~


, " K ' y S ' a v ' i ' i J . ' a . r simaid . CMmi3 cpllect. ^ —

DaCkhMI.^Tasif^SSni^^adlo dit patched; basemenc dfsafng, com- Vi Jtoto-tniing. JJ8;i'g"A„rsafa°-" -*■ 3 *

ERY '“ W J !

5^ 'jE ..... Furnace Cleiiniiis

d Trac. ............. . -i e “r15‘; -------- - fv o h O ll— --------------


nd not. ----- • ____' > G u n j a p g ir

2L____ miles w e f i 'tu w S K - “•ry, r*. *‘jw^fn Housombvlng---------- 2 ^ n e n t» d liceiiMd beoM m ojn/


-----------^ H E L P T O U -— .

a Ptoos 73M»3Ii - o n » e - -------1 - . _ - ___ _ _______ - .

. Ask for Q a s s U l f t l - " ^ ■■-

_ ................ /

Sdl Farm E9 0 Form Jmplemanrt 90 Farr

. - , ' • • , Am?V a l u e - P a c k e d

_________-FARM-EOUIPMEKT - jf j

. 5 - ;S ,r? n S is !!’'5l"'iS!?wi.b.,. «5»row com head.

JOHN DEERE No. 8, wllh 1-rowV corn bead and plek-up,. —--------—TOAcronsT----------------------------------------

FARMALC. SfiO liiesel, coinpteio avmaior overhaul. ' ii,l

JOHN DEERB D ISIHC-300 utility. - J;S

Sfc“ S ^ ■ . E!u> CA5B 160W wire tie, engine drive. < '* FREEMAN tw/o (fe. engine dOve.

COMBINE.?:nnnn- T w o JOHN DEERB B3'l, 14-.' rrTTT City ifM CASE 600. Beans, Brain. ^— - - B . « i W . J ^ : r . » £ - : J s

■ ..WATIIER: LcXlfC model 20, 12' wllh condl- ' _«<

CO. • , • MM Falll IlESSTON, Utid.

— : G E M . .

, . . E Q U I P M E N T * 1

3 “ S A X E S T I N C ; ^

s . ' a ? r .r s „ ; ." '* fSS37S0 g i g s J S

■ --------------- ----------------------------- ” =='

S : ----------E O R - S A L E

J2450 1S6S Tractor, Model

l~ In t. Plow. Model 6-il. ^

“•Mofo'r 1 2 'D isc on R u b b e r, *30 3g 3r n r -------Modc l - Nor 37. — ^ ^ ^

2 Row Farm hand‘B fct ^ Harvester _. . tj.

tor und Can Bo F inanced . C ontact ' ■'!

' F i rs t Security BankV nier! RUPERTfiopgir. ^


% - - l ------------24-HGi..Z A N S W ERING

H U I If-T h e .TelaphorTo o f Any------ D irectory Is N o t A nsw ort

Tolophono A nsw orins Son - - - -Tho A dvortisdr-W lii B o Nt

aoay-to-find a lphabotfcal ordor a ro sen / C on to c t ono o f thoso f lrm e 'o r Indlvidu

jo lity products.■ _______ Light Fixtures

nil fur- Cumpicie stock of light fixturei. 5 ^ Clt ser. Chooie youri T it our reductd tj OTpany, jw « » . B1Loh> OuJldln* Supply. 733. JJ

M ilk ing E q u ip m e n t '---------- Bulk milk tank and pipeline lervlce‘oyd“‘"l ' 43ai‘“'**‘ 324- ^ —— - - - O rnam entoM fon-........ - A

9 r i i M a y “--;;7 jy A W x ^ f i l e .p J l . P K A _ H ^ _

• - ' Point _

n T 3 P a y M o r e ? „

* '“■ MARY CARTER PAINTS ij One-coat acrylic latex hou'sa

' ' . u*BrS7 ll* ’p(ff i i l **'**■ *'*“ ■nIc tli^ SAVE «,08 I ' f f f -----reraiio. U l Mala Ave, E. 733-3403, r33-0527. ___________Twin Palla Trtt

I ' Muart lirotheri; interior and exte- Wirfounds- nor, commercial and residential. .<!iir com- Sand mailing 733-1134 or, 733.tn<8. m3*2®- fiiierlor anil exierior pnlnting.^Hour

' or contract. Pre<itim atei. Phone —f 733.7048.— ------------ . — ------------

7 ^ U r t o i x T bo ^______ an*d *art suppKes *f3aj^"* Valley —

Christian Supply, 733-3(177.

„rae,or' Radiator Sorvlgo ioriToM’jJ r a d .to r shop, iilt Second SI

— II

[ i i ± : ^ ---------— K M oii— ------------ jIC Folding chain, ub ie i, anv number, *f*e ■rencv occasions; also (rash hauling. 1,

intermounuin Fuel. 733-0031. * , £

..I. Septic Tqnk Servlca __

charg°e?'’jo ‘hTA .'lU kirn. 7M -:g«l? — » p ile tank* Cleaned.,power equip.

fjE K ii i s f " " ”- s j ^

- = f — The Best Way to SeU Sff^oo® Anythlhg Is with2M1. _____ • A 5/opt Ad _ _

^ ' P H O N E 733;0931

*10: ou r . ~ -— erlence.-------- ? - HAVH THE NAME OF YOUR



‘" iShiJ*; fublithad (indir .tiM heodlng e t y<


■ PHONE YOUR AD TO----- ----------------------------- -WE'LL-BILL-YOI


•• •_ >« • ' '

fl Equipment!9 0 Farm S uppH at . - - ^

I ^ ^ p ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ a n d 5 ? o n " T o i P p ^I cloieouL Don't m iii-the chance tc= 1_ J g l ^ .

th J. H oy , CreJn. a n d H a d 9 4

- G R E E N 'c h o p p e d '— -------------^ 't -s i l a 'C E -::---------- j oiplote Available during day and night lb*s

shift. Those desiring to rill p lu Va ■heuld conuct Calvin Harper . } -

- Immedlaiely as sales are made tnt i n t ‘ C o n M -tin t- te rr ta H i

sa -I1-'u5: . '^Phwie^Merlfe"^ aSR w . ^ lien,*- Wendell. , • ________ ?.i

.6nai. ” 1 '


8TKAM cuitom grain rolling, porta- hi ktll. 423 U80. Kimberly. ' 33

J;SSMBJi ten Millint service. 733-627«. an

--------I^OK saL u ; t .160 baiei oi lecond

- culling hay, 733-3B70. ■_________Ooi' I *“pb * by bale **ou

^RAIN rolling Steam or dry. MC- j 7 ^______ Miliian's. Jerome. Phona 324-2077. _h«--------- F(7ir .alc.'- corn ■M rtt< ,.- t> k o n ,^a =

>er, _ 30 head. Phone 043-M42. Buhl. POP

^S?efl*t*prov"en s l r ^ u U ^ 'i 'h l i h e s i i lS ! ■ a i cS{!

CACHE Valley Breeding Aiiocia- tlon, Natlon'a top proven itres. BE/ All breeds. W alter Leltch. S43-4B3S, goa & . g j ' c i i g " ” ’ s

l a y i a A u a l .n ._________________m*0 oper. MBRIDfAN Sale* Yard, Auction ev. eo ell. Mr. ery Tueiday 12:00 noon. Bolia Val. Ri

ley‘» largest calf market. 8M-IB72. _bii

T E ^ R W l jlllE aO R Y A SA G U ID E IO " gVICE. PHONE TODAY 5 »

.... ...........................■ l i4 - H O U R ------E Jt^'lSE R V IC E ' ■ ’' ta o t Any.AdvortJsbj- Jn T hJa ' im: A nsw ered, Dial 7 3 3 * 2 3 8 6 . '•

,"5 . Service, Day o r N ight.^ill B o N o tifie d to* C a ll Y o u . .- c------------------------------- _ J _ sm

Potr o r e sa rv lc o o f fe rs y o u car» VE:i r In d .v id u a ls fo r b o n o r ao r* it»

• J— — Sew ing M o c h ln o s Pal

r a "3 ; i s r r ^ s - j s f t ~' ““y automaUc,

S p ra y in g ‘ «'

’*■ ^ i T o . ln*eet coniroi. Spray f .

T eiephona A n sv /e r Sorvlco _ iS

' r.y;!!;?aVi;..TMa.-- "■ JT elevision R e p a ir «

'ITS lM /"d*dllM "E«” "7»SK .'**“'" ’house ' },,n a i- - - Iro o S o rv lco - w


__________ BOX «2, T .F . '733-3331 ^

Id exte. Wintedi Tree'topping and removal _ i i

■phone ------------ - TOl----------------- ^Towing-----------------------g

Sllgar Wrecker Servlra. AAM.fm t board ^ « a « « SVesc. Phona 73J.12J4..

v a lle y ------------ ------------------------------- — ~_________ V ocuum C la o n a r i . n

Kirby vaeuutai.— The only factory a k i ,»eobd ind £ Mfn^v^SiS?. uSU**“ • ■ a w ' X b S R . s . W ' . d i S '1

■iiiS “ ' « . i . ? V . S ? . r n i . ^ * ^ ^ _ 5* , a i . . “ i a v d ? ' " " ' *" r


0-254J/P l ^ - TRADE, SE L L OR


" _ P H O N E 733-0931............

^ T ^ A s k 1 3 r C b u » m e « ^ - ^ " -


D ' l N - T H I S 'B U ^ N ^ '^ : ^ : ^ - : - - : : :


:roding ef yeur choice . . . fvary ifayl

i/ERED TO 2 1 .0 0 0 .LEY HOUSEHOLDS DAILYl J R A D TODAY!. 73 '3 -09311-B lll-Y O U -W T E R I — --------------------------- --------------------------- — - _^D.WRITER WILL HELP Y O U .- ^

' _______ I

mt! Read No.- Coltla . . . 102 rwlfs r n ? . ------------------------------------------an?e'“ • W E SLAUGHTER — ’“ Fau?’ Slaughtering. Uv#

— V i ' ~ ^ ^ ~• ------------ N o rth -M o in -L o e k ers ------- -

Por fa it lervlce eall 733-4tn ?D Bvealog*. 73>7H»- ____

night lb7 .'L M a*«% ” hWfe*rt'and°cijhS1 Valley breeding. Will freihen fromlarper . ) weak to 8 weeks. For sale ormade . trad*. C a n finance, Bugene

F r R r . ^ o r i ‘V h : r n : - ^ r . s h o r ,, l?rii“Vu?- *0?

J3. h*y- VoUIi R k d ls t l ik E b Angus biilir vES MB-2511. a yeara old end over, ISbead Reg^ ’ w«n r a : - S S S i - « f . “ ^ “ & i ‘* e .': i iS - J EAskew, } ^ b e f Drake, *tii

^ “ 3 k l S V ' S ’i V W s ’: ' i

Sap J

I. Thelt- l*OKj hiireri. Mike“f ie y f BuhVwa* ^^ ----- ho. S43-47»B, tOI• ' "®“* P d h ' i r n d e 'b r sale" good quality «•-Hcon-t ^

' bale breejdr^Emanuo" Hetsen.'^324. co

- heifel^.^ a iM iM . *Norland. Fun

i l Z ‘;i°rii. r ib d ° “ a r ‘r t i I---- lOQ ~TeglltpreU, 423-M33, Kliiibuil/. Y,

10 ABS H o rte t_________ ____________W . G010* an Keaiiiered Applaloosa mare, -----luhl col *149. One registered Appaloosa S 632; Ha. atud, g|3S. Ono two-hone trailer. ,

(17S. Hones » ^ e seen In corr^s

M*>4^', |^e(7e« ‘fk-^rt’dingl^ex^ .

;tion ev. colts, fillies, geldings ^ n d ituds. ilia Val. R e u o o a W ^ 'p r lc ^ jl- jB . Wood-

i w v | ld*So**^H"’*erm*n

:: : m ! ‘T Y P k s ~ s r te n e i , 'b rhtT~*orj " i

TWO Shetland ponies. Good with p! ' children can see a t 147 Monroe nr~ street. MtD^ 0 pair of gentle work mulei and P

7 saddle hones for sale. Richard ^ ' Hill. Caitleford. S37.3II77. —£

1 = s r . .“ & r f f i a " i r - 5 i s s : t.

- I -Poultry and RobbHt 108 gViiAK old iieni for laying'or roast- _

Ing, 2 miles west or Jerome. Ap- mi,, pi»on -road. L. A. Overman. SA- 4027.

t P a l i a n d . P a t S u p p l le i t I O

S S'e",! HAN-SU 2itomauc, MAOtc Va l l e y k s n n e u m BOAROINO. Any ilxe, O oga~ - -A

. - - Cats. Air conditioned and cover> SC^"OOMINO _ Atl Bresdi r


tone. 3(. aals, tamberly 423-ai04 — 433.313a. ^

—litered Norwegian Elkhoundi and " ‘i regliiered toy poodlei. Purebred A

wthjeijFlemlng. Phone' « t3H 7 .

AQuariumt repaired. Flsb bought, — te a *»d «od exAanged. See a t »si f a ,

r ^ ^ g g g g s g f lS! n |

l oo **“* * * “ IF liu m Two pupi, 3 monihi, Ter^ ffEi

I fima^a'’S‘'no^ ^^ ^ ^ |

” ioi!?tSd'i°rv"M!°73j32fl^^^ - . . . V . .

! dealercleanen » 1 — .— 1m Blue ,

n 1 ^ ^

w . r T ^ ^ r

~ ~ ~ ' 7 ~ ,* * N D b o d y b « I U v « I’m i t t l

■ ■ ■■' • , • ■ • ' ' - -V--

) ■ - - ' •,

— -------- -------------- --- ^

N o J fO g ^ ^102 Twin Falls T lm ei-N ew i, t 7 - —

--------- - ' Sopf^ 8-9, 1967

s r in g . UvMlotk W ontad 114 , .

'..FO R P R O I ^ ........................ RE^WOVAL

, ----- Dead and'Uselessw T W ; « LIVESTOCK 'nd'’caJhS PHONE COLLECT

IDAHO H ID E - .,. -T A L L O W C O .------------- -—riTesh or , -TWIN FALLS 733-6335 ‘l i ” wn*di • 678.W11 BURLEYtor Call- - . . . ••

Applloncag K HH Equip. 120

K i S l ' ^washer^oSrn*” fabne, ey^*^**2 • -•pe*d,-»»,B0i-*0-day-warraBfy,tn.-----------

1. W .1 W 5 r ' M . ” cS.:'%’!' Main p»».______il-III

r - j - w s s a s s ? -

g i * £

tmw|pp«bl^'pBoa#'m ”T«.“lE -

- A - a a r . , r , , . r . ^ r ^ » . ,»Liiis.-Vari. USBD o;i:.-'Rerri|«r«ior, exeallist---------- -slseii. 324. condition. SIS Heybum. 73M134.

d--- -' -" Furnllura HH Gc(>dg 122103 p a m o u sT b a rw ic k c a r p e t s '

I,. Over 230 colors and p a tte rn s



!»'■>"• Pickup s '^ l c ? Available Into mare, Uied Fum iiure store opea Idlng. ex- ,___________ every dey- ■_______t "p'riieS! SPOT CASH

"• 12T ind Avenue West 733.HH

” 5 5 ! S Z ‘- . b ™ i . ' » , b 'S I S-E xcellent eondlUon.-UO, CaU b ^ _______

7 ghtT;«orj a o T ^ tJ r p a a .FABRICS'far back to school iw iag .

. M - si.T timei.*Mak» wasonable otfar. 470

**S37-3So! UliUiV d e luxe vacuum wlti> ai! at:-- -- -- tachmenii and polisher, like new,

mp bucid. ^^IIM.^Banny Fum ltun^ 7^1431. ^

Cs'a-d i S v ': 'or roast- — ---------------------------------------------tom; ^ Musical Instruwahtg 124------------ NEW AND USED'• 110 b a n d INSTRUMENTS— — , .4N EU Masoner Miulo Ceatar, 311 Mata

D ora~~ -Ave. Hast.Id cover. bIjHSCKUR tenor . a u ,ireedi R « i ”(SS"SSn5lUoa TSMasi, % •

'.‘ ^ ^ “5; l^ay.Sw««e?MLuV<!. p a n “ ?-» ..' OLDS Amoassaoor Comet. Good

equipment, coadltlon, S70. Phooe 7334W3,

ee a t* u i Radio a n d TV Sals 125

« '=^^sFth^l;^d ^ u S ii i S E ^ S i S ? .

■ ■

gn . j y ‘gM.“!sr.“' & S .......

' • • i ’m I t th t-d a n g » ro O T -« g ir .- : . •:


Page 18: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

- G e t— !_10^T w ln-Eoll*-T lm e»-N ew s i

Sept. a - 9 . '1967 >

------^ od -T litn ga^ ft-E q t---- 133 -

- ‘ ' PEACHES ■Already picked 3

51.75selllns orchord lor ai

r.' C R Y ffi'A lrS PR lN G S • ORCHARD

'■ 3 inilat w eti. 3 mllei norlh oi i ce»dman'» conwr m I'ller. .

■' PEACHES .plcklns Hlberim »nil„ ^

ART AKI.AND ORCHARD I m i ie i i - ^ o f - A h T - H in w a y - = 30. * m!1e« norm and K wlU* t

- ,we»t. J’non#

ToMATOns tor e«nnln». Cueum-

s s i s r a , ' r s s r ’ " " ' =Garden*. 423-JIJ4, noon or evening.

' '■ K S 'f S ’..;;:r r S d % ! ; f " j r S T . a . ' f a inana M3-4?So. BuM.

LliACH-;i peaehe»: r lil te rta i areready nowl nalei In a few d»>». Dring eonlaineri. 3. mile* norm -

- of Hagerman. ___ -_ m iiH T A j'ejifBei ready a t liour^

i « » ; . t t n . r & r 4 r r Kler. aao-icao.___________________

{^N N lr'0”t0TtiBl0CT” ttiM>, eariy^afv* - gM . cabbage.

liLUUnTA Peach, u-plctc. « ,P « r jlell III uxuuw cunj, .

------- - gpwn old Ului CrndB. M7.4S08,TAYLOH.S OrchArd lor wind up of ;

. near*. 7J3-7M2 — 733.n?4.______

Woody Seaf. ST3 AdiSlton Avcsuo

Norlh Main Lttekera. 7U.4Ma. CANNING lomaioe», W ner buHiel. .

S 'KACltUs'nialei and improved i!l-

“3 .^ 'S C S ; H.W.'

____.VBjRX^Mn^I^pKklln* nJeumbBfi. j

Cot How«r* . T38------O L A D IO LtJi^ror-^alt-for-all-oc^ >

f f l ' - ! z n " s s ; . y - : ‘ ,’£ ; s : i- V Leon m ia h l. 7a3-7473.___________ _

A n llq in T ~ 1 3 9 ‘

^fron?*b«r*,e'omBlefo 'wl'ih original _ full tensih bneV bnr mlrrorf. AJJ J' In good ahnpe—make offer—PhoneKficlium 7?o.5i;n,______________

XuA.soNAiiuY priced: waitiiiandt. _ clock*, frnmes. round inblei. lov« Iia ‘i . y , a . .

Mltealloneout for Salt 140 ^UTd d .l!. gaa ^umaeo »iih -

vent eeatroi Mil d u n work. » 0 . K m w u . ______)8M GMC truek. bydromatlc. crant* _

■ ■ OBit otter, 7M- t.

^ ^ ^ k ? '*nanneV Fu'^m^urii^pyonc \

io St'liK li }lBrmet Hater tor mho. - _____ ^*'^ejr*.^^JerwnB. ' -

CAMPUR Wllh ilnnd. Hom«ma3c ~ h one trailer, Uied reeeited hath* I tut), good condition: SQ-Mfll. Duhl.


nCLASSI f you want your

M O N D A Y......................(A ds M u st bo roceivcd b y

' T U E S D A Y____________m u st bo received b y

— 7 S £ B ; N - M i i r(A ds m u s t bo rcceivcd b y

T H U R S D A Y(Ads m u s t b e received b y

. F R I D A Y . ,(A ds m u st bo received b y

= —

' -c l a s s :

SE C TAn. ads to a p p ea r In th<

. Q ossiried SectJoo m u s t

' 5:00 p.m.;:

■ H i e T - S w f n g F ^ I

sS 'N ew s M lic « lla n to » t . .fo f S oU 1 4 0r WHITU sold 17 Jewel Lady liamllton

- wrltt witicA With eftlpped diamond

— >M Deauurul lir*e e«ru lacw table-

- - -AUo. 10 fL fneu i boat, trailer,

GS .ond houae on aoulh tide ot road.

w ih ef i-OK^^;^LJi:j^^.^u»edjenjncri nmn^' Switch, rlp-fotiee. K honepower

heavy duir ball bearing molor.5 . f f . i - i a " .v a ,v . . ‘i5S J . ■

vhlto OMi lo rre l mare. 9 year* old. oooii

• land pony, very-icnile and BoodU R D F o r d p l e ^flsnw ay- M 'o j^ ^ tH ia k e n can't' be '^ wrong. TJiey uao new Hott lo clean

their cnri)et wllhout w ater' and — walk on immeaiaiely. Rent ma-

Cueum- china $1. Wllaon-Dalei. 702 Main

orner- or uied mechinic* .teolt and compon- mie eail. enu. Hed i Trading Poit.

; a a r l e . 'A u c ^ r ^ n .L 'W ;;*■— — Mmc like (lew. Price grtally re-

E l £ j r P o f ^ \ u r 3 J p ° e .

i ‘ a mll'fi fhamM worjwr in* Binner Furniture. 7M- j

llle* norm potenon'* Lynwoftd i7,7. ; - e J Hardware.________ , J '

100 GALLON Oil barrel and rackTJ “ mantlo—Colernan—lantern.— Horia

' ^ • .addle, 237 deer tlllo. Uuhl, M3-

- rh ^ rS r i PICKUP. 1*10 Cftdlllae. run* lalr.

E r - -«?n*‘' ‘’aad ALUMINUM norm doota (»el';»‘or.

i T s ; ! ; iL-llerUaofl'i, Jerome, 334-M61.

' k Sgr buihel. Main Eail.

. . . .iroved 11* soper'a Trallcri, Ul 4ih Avenue

'u'. ^Pllerl oATTEniUSfor ear, truck, iraetor, tamatoclr —Top-ouBlliy-Mood-brand.-whol*. .l « NoflK lale prlee. Cliy Dliirl- j

,dy. Ivan In Lynw_eod_Shoppln|f,Center.------- |

***cPi!5Si phone 7J3-sas._____________JO. ' OAVIS hignway nylon cord 6:Mxia ■

iruck llrei.#:50*1fl, »17,0S plu* led- ’'bMemeni £ ,«« W . * t e f n Auio.f hotpiial. »iw7<e'eiing'‘'iIe5H■«f**inut2 carpet* • wllh Blue Luitre, RemOf aoum elecirie ihampooer H.- Krengel'a ;ueumberi. i.-reininan — practicaliy.-new

- - - booka. Rcaionable. Alio. Dup-m Therm oil heater, good condition. .

733-0087 anernooni,-all -occf. KBLP your S rpeti beautiful daiplte colon. H eoflitant (fwuiopi of a busy family, lomer. r. _,o^«..DIu« nenl|^el5etrle

UKAClf youneir lor a thrill “ fho 1 3 9 t in t time you uic DIue Luitre to '

haelt «n.< cleaner. Rent elecirie *hampooer“ o^glnal ^0,0^, i■r—Phone pIcnmlnB,j^u‘e Blue U u jiw ^ a w t.*h*iand*. «l. Crale Pglnt Siore, ____ ___

inU’. «M* *Knully''piii« Mo'lc'l.‘’'l8S'Klmborly -

, .A TKlin'UX > X 12' linoleuTn rugi.• 1 4 0 *0-03. AMorted pitterni. Banner • lace Wllh _»=umllure, TO,Uri- ' rent. »W. RENT B portaBio aJr conaiiioner,

• Volk*wBj»^'^Alio^ Olbion

e. phene WK^^ nUBUlES ~Tydfaul|e^7Sr"'*a)S: nue We*l, S te ui^od'ay.'***• ‘ 33 OALLOW __tra»n wIm■omcmadc —nanlei«^Phtm ^M -:i79. ■ ~

Ofll. Duhl. ilnea. New Doumail'c plpellnei,


tSSIFIED^t y o u r a d t o a p p e a r :

iT ^tceived b y noon Saturday)

Yiccived b y 5:00 p.tn.-Monday)

xe ivcd b y Q;00 P.IU. T\tesday>

lA Y .;celved b y S;00 p.m . W^n esd ay)

icelvcd b y 5:00 p.m . Thursday)

a s s i f i e d

E C T IO N : “ ">ear fa th o Tlm es-N tw s Sunday tJoo m u st be received, before

p.m. ■FRIDAY "• ;

gf^EverybodyU 1 4 0 M o b tla .H e m M 'l 9 4 lr liamllton . ---------i diamond .

me, 1793.

5^ ;li Over 20 Used T

f i i " v . "prigei fe-.IM M EDIAand good F r o m U ’ to 2 9 ', s o m e s ta n d

f __ f ic l f - p o n la in e d .- R e d u c e d. ,. .. S u n d a y , . S ep l

H ' GATE g TRAILERreally A ddison W est ( ro a r D e a n 's Ric

Open D aily : 8 o .m . to 6 p .m . 0;

il**''Ctark •

M I .C T llo n .iu . to r S o l . 1 4 0^>ctl'*wttS »’’‘*ck bar. I'bona 7^-

'Lynw"obd M U cB lU neou i y y g n te d 141

S . - k! ; . J t o p - c a s h - e o r -S C r a e _ .Uuhl, M3- Copper. Br«*i, Aluminum

.— umierlei. Radiator*jarw. m H - K O P P E L C O . .

TWO or itirce bedroom modern | 1* '«b 'so! Io°cat?on! B°o?0^h! Trmei^Newa"." (formerly w A N T Ii D:' I'urnliure, iipplluncei.

_______-J, ■ anyltilng of value. Call 7M-7.M. ,

brighten: M lsc e llan o o iit Sorvleo , '• 1 4 2 iiuliailon. —

“ i r S i i i ; S E A R S '! S . ’ S C U S T O M K IT C H E N

r n C E -SERVICES: rreo Idea

h“liv ru 'e i';‘a‘r“.“ S'o‘’d"e-rn?z“

Jf.lwhiai: ‘ ^*‘“ ^ L L '731-0821 . ,ly B lk> i & -M o to r S eo o tc rs 1 5 7 f

cue Vree*J* ;;"" # * S p o rtin g G o o d t___________ 1 «"domeitic' CUSHMAN oi* Scolimun gni koh

rasni ■'y ' ‘'g a n w,Sf S X . I’f S . SS .S5:

S i i i A L crp ll It S c l . 1 6 5" , -R E E D E R -P tV lN G -S E R V IG E - - ISS"*';?!?,!' ■•US'' Ih" bMt dMl ln A lrew ft . condition' For low coii Fifghi iniirucilunl

ruidMpite B o a U f o r Solo — — - U 9 -*y family. CHKYSLHK outboard m oiori. t electric Sinr,. Crati boat* and enmpcr ■ll*,_____ trailer*. Sterling bout truttcr*.Lu' I L ' iS . ^ ‘“jEROMu"'irLEMENT tffAKINA ^

E S ' = S 2 'triillcr. Wrllo Biix P-17 c-o T Im t'-

Klmborly JOHNSON iiuimuinl* iina Skcc Hiir. * nimooriy i);inunn, McCullocli *;iv,i

'• liVlNRUpU and Mercury motori.indliloner 3 “7*MBin*EaH*'phone**733 m /* '* '

H ,. . ' ° S u e e t“N«"m.‘ DLn^ba'nleli.''Vhone>'*««• *“ 2 723.3170,-------------------------- • --------Matter-5. laLrJBERQLAS Wllh -^«r^2uS"‘ Charlei Orr.

~ iaek*~ 'ot -M o tn r fy g la i- — . - , . 1 fltt .

•-----------; BRJD GESTON E 00 tra i l S165il'.'., TRA ILCY CLE ................ $120

-y aM ~ A 'H ^5 5 ^ .......................5SD- :,pipe- YAMAHA BO t r a i l ...........$175

YAMAHA 100 t w i n ........ $105

E R IC K S O N M O T O R S820 Main sb u m ' ’ ' ’ 733;«>00' '

M I L L E R H O N D A S A L E S *We lell iind lervlce Honda* ev«

i iS_________ road. Hanicn, 42J-5I70.

haul, *123. Dueau IMcc, very jjood condlllon. *103. Excelfent. newly Dvetbaulcd. Hondn nSOcc. »36l Phone CootUi'B 03<,4aiB. cvunlniii,

' HONUA - KAWASAKI for.roau nnd............ ........ . .iraU„M,la_K'0 cc, J-noorv irnlned;Tncchunlci at yuur ncfVTnmiCI^ •

met* • ncceiiorlc*, Dluilus Moiori.

HONDA. IKS. joec. Excellent con. dlllon. low mileage, depondnble tow coat traRiporintlon for tlie ilu. dent. S130. Seo 430 Jc riv n o n ..

, I06U HONOA'~303, LIko n^W. HOOfl nctuul mllei. ..Forced In «cll iil Sr>23, Muit SCO to apprtcluie.Phone 713-4IC4._________________

1007. Y am aha" 80 wiin 2 »prock«u and Olher ncceiiorWa. Low milo- age. »223. Pheno 4I3-4BJ8,-Klmber- -

YAMAHA 100 Twin, Ilko new. Vnm- ' nha 80 lank trail. M any-oxtrai.Phone 711-1177. ______ _ _ _ _ _

, l.-oil SALL: J motorcycle*, lonnor ^ ______ '‘Sco r e r 3c^ u ill °jj ■ I '

*'? iI'nhm o'co^llonTi"rion?'4a. ■ a tler 4:00 p.m. _______________

C a m p o n 193

. .. BE SUEE--_,j : ■ - , TD^SEE

tho M acic-V alley M obile H orae a n d Reeds W cldinR & M fg . '

CA M PER D IS P L \Y « . a t th o Tw in F oils C ounly F a ir

_____ _ _ M A G I t _ Y A L L E Y_______________ M O B I L E H O M E S , _ '

2K ''<■1 Hlway 30 733-G14I ‘

KAMI’AWAY' Campera {md pickup cover*. Large *elecllon tilu* loMvil price*. G, & G.-Manutaciurlns Co„ 'W ul. Idaho 438-4M0.___________'

— -

■ . ihone .Street Well. ]

, TWO year old dog houie, I'lta long . wide Chevrolet cob High. Phone

• .•. 324-4370. Jeromv. _______ ^ _M o b lla Homog____________ I W 'KIT companiert is ' trailer nouie. '

ButarM ■ refrigerator and heater. . eleeirie'brakM r-Real-ciean.—^iko t

” *?.^2^b«dr«im».**Baker'a"®Mobu5 . Home*. 413 Addlion Avtnus-W eit, t 713-33S«..^_

. I - ■ -

Ddy's-Haying-'l94M ob}l> Homai___________ ^

: a r a n g e

J s e d T r a v e l T i ’a i l e r s

; G E D F O R ^


)m e s ta n d a rd , som e m o d e rn , m a n y-R e d u c e d -p ric c 9 -in -e ffec t,f ro m --------iiiay,. Septem ber 10


, E R . C E N T E R

D ean's Richfield) . 7.13-24100 6 p.m . Open Sunday 10 o.m. to 6 p.rn.

f | = r a . ’6 4 G O L I T g 1 7 ’ '

^ wiiK heater and owning.

iC R A P O n l y $ 9 4 5

sso UNDER 'O' September Blue Book wholesale [i^^rnodc^ (wo'will be happy to show you ei-Newa. the Blue Book)f^?773S“ *' ALL OTHER MERCHANDISE » 142 . . . . O N SALE

During Fair Week ■iEN CLOSED Saturdny nnd Sunday

J V T A G I C V A L L ^ I YVod«n?i° MOBILE HOMES '

. 2H m'n'e* weit Hlway 30 73J-014I . D r ,_ l5 7

COME AND SE E------- 7 ^ MOBILE HOMES—— Marlct te - Magnolia■ ifu’c. .................. Champion . ..-»7ro,’A*k. —um! ?,uxm. Travel T railers'^^•hoiaunf ' Travelezo — Aristocrat » 438-2843, Roadrunner

165 Pickup Cam pers

iifueir^nf T ravel T railer R en ta ls '.. , . . U 9 ____ M OTOR'HOMES - -

eiimpVr Premiere Horse TrallcrS '

G A T E W A Y3’ 4.4(54i TRAILER C E N TER

1 S.i^tootn • Addlion W eit................ 733-2410 .= ; r " " S i o,.K i“ s;,E S "? . '5 f .’’! ; ’sc.n .r iliitv Ol-iiN SUN.; lo n.m. lo G p.m.

S S E S C a v e m a n C a m p e r

'1 s s s ; - R E D H O T S A L E D A Y S

___ = . . F K E E - =loriejnoinr „ J ^ .H a ts _ P lu s Fashion • Inwiton or v/ig with Covcmon Camper

purchase. Sepiember 7 •

rail $165 and comfort with a rugged . . . $120 durable Caveman Camper onTT7TT5S0----- yourrickup.-:— --------- __. . . $175


733;4000' • '<ia~A<ldiion Ave.‘ we*t 733.MM

SA L E S ------------------ ^ ---------------inda* ev« ly nfler-


■ e n T « of'thd all- newMcc. *30 . MARLETTE SPA C E

MANOR HOMEory irnlned . _ .

lu* Moiori. refrlficraicd air condrtlonlnn,' :elicnt con. on display daily a t tho Twindepondnbie Falls fair and rodeo. Septem-vrio'n." 6 throueh September 9.new. 400n • ,

iSprV liS ' G A T E W A Yr .pro^ TRAILER C E N TERLow mile- Additon Weit Z33-3410

)8,—Klitiber- -—— ------------------ -—--------------

L ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K;________ K RO PF-.SC H U LT

:i vjj:s:!inr^ — — m« u<>r and lowmc 1. , '—T financing and ln*uranco.': Will be clo^cd^Saturdaya

i M a g i c V a l l e y193 M o b i l e H o m e s

mllei wen Hiway 30 733-CKl

3 ' " . - , . ; ^ - M OB^E H O M E ^I B-'rw2-20-23‘ WldeTutf to » ‘ long!

— TRAVEL TRAILERS ~)ile Horae • Kit.Aioha — ii-jo- 8e MfE ' SALES — SERVICE [ 7 y ® PARTS ~ SUPPUES '

^ i v Fair BAKER’S MOBILE HOMESuiiiy r« u jjjgjinj,

EY . . . . •[ E S ----------4ii~Add«on~Averwcit' 73 J ^ w -J 73J-'0f4i'“ " ...............

S I M P S O N SSurlnsco^-------------- IN RUPERT ------------- Speciallic In you

I m■ 19S8 FLAMINGO lox4S 1 bedroom,, n ta long S2300, Prefer Irado camper or. . . r h . . . ^.11--------7 ^ IMU KliSSKlLL 28’ trailer. Car>194 peiBd. Se# to ' appreelaie. t»oo. ler Hou*fl. ' JobMoa'* Trailer Park. PUer. 32#-

I _lu, < r Home, Cacpet. drape*; furniture, r'a MobuS A reai goo»f buy, phone 733-8234. fnu«-weii, SHASTA

ing^Fun ^ t h -_____ 194 AUTOS FOR SALE ,


-SPECi l ’S a(

. . . , j U N ; t Q N I. T 7 '60 OLDSMOBILE. p . Thli *harp M lerlei 4.door

■ ahnuld pleate the value buyer. Beiiar ebeck ihi* bargain today.'

I, m a n y ,•om— 'G4"V0LKSW AGEN

Here'* a really ahorp 2-door tl}nf* known tor^^lii’ economy.-

'GG VOLKSWAGENTill* local new Ford trade-in 1*

(>* In *polle«i Ihowroom condlllon

’G4 FO R D F a lco nFordor, 6-cyllndor engine with

‘ ® P ?r*lc“e"u V a? b"oTnve?Si,e‘ ?i!

■ . - c o m m e :

Z I I ^H rF O R D 'p ick u p ,. 4-«peed, ilyleildft box. a teal

5 ■ ■ -jeso

I ‘60 FORD Pickupwholesale

, iiyieilde bed. heavy duty hllSi” show you and aU tho exirai.<) . W35■lANDISE -ALWAYS A LARGE SELEC

Thc Safest Place to Du> —OPEN EVEN

. . • NEW CAR DEPARTMENT d Sunday i4s sad Han ................. 733-3110

M o b il . H o m .i . ' -194lE S . --------------------------------------- -—

^ . F O R - Y O U - R , - . . : — - ^ S E E E e r i G N —

1E S 1965 KIT 12x60’. 2 bedrooms,nolla corpetcd.

• -1S63 NASHUA 10x55’,-double- expando, 2 bedrooms.

1961 BILTMORE 10x55‘, ' 2 bedrooms,

1961 DETROITER 10x55’. e r s fully carpeted. 2 bed­

rooms,' .- - ; -issi'ARiCliAFr lOxSO',. 3 . C entals bedrooms.lE S - - - • 1958 MARATHON 8 x « ' .-2 ' ■rallerS' bedrooms.

1957 MARLETTE-8x50’, 2 - J.Y bedrooms.. •IT E R 'lUSeTR'AVELMASTER . .733-2410 - . . ... .,8x35’, 1 bedroom^, m o p.m. 195C LIGHTHOUSE 8x35', 1 to c p.m. 'T)cdrooin.

— TRAVEL TRAILERS -m p e r 1957 t r a v e l e z e 20’ scif-_ contained. ■^ ^ 1965 r o a d r u n n e r 14’,Y S self-contained.

■ • J965 ARISTOCRAT 16’, iisfiibh •■■ ■■ ■ ' .Camper i065 ARISTOCRAT 1B‘, iber 7 • heater. . - :

'fiT[Siyrd’~ ^T9G5ntOKDRUNNEK^^T5*T” ^ i rugged sell-con ainca.imper on 19« RANCHO EL RAE 15*- - lM " t^ V E L E Z E ~ 26.nnoa-“

S 1957 TERRY Ifi’.

i'lu .M M ^ PICKUP CAMPERS -_________ 1965 KAMP AWAY 8'.

19M DREAMER 10'/^'. ' , j-g’g - Homemade Trailers ‘

--------- r - § j M E B W A ¥ ^D A rt? . J a i l e r c e n t e r -rA U C . Addlion Weit 711-2410

litloninn, tho Twin

S a v e L i k e M a d.mbcr 9. On .New 1967-

ALOHA TRAVEL TRAILERS I Y Only a few left at year model“ ,■ LIQUIDATION PRICES

5iin Regular from JH90 to $4242.50

- ■. while they lastl K NEW ’68 MODELS

[U I^ Coming soon. ^ ,

- ■ " 7 ^ BAiCERisS v s MOBILE-HOMES . jliiiiiSf--------*muidiiQa-<^B_wat-7M.-3lMU

. . *^r<«nv^^wa?hr^i^*<^ih now waih- 0 733-CKl MnaiUoner. M4-J423

lES — SEARS large camper. Seara motor en — -Kit— —boatrmotor-nnd-trBiler.—l8'-eamoB OO-long. trailer. 733-1144,________________JiRS ~ 28 ft. GLIDElt. good Clean condition.u p p L .^ - " ' ■ " ' a . s ' i . a . ' . " " - ' " " -HOMES Truckf 196Dealing! , ■»


I S IHC TRUCKS-Ons . i D16s«

'OU aio We*t Ave. A Jcrowb 324^83

" f£ '? n i’c 'S '-S 'S S S f f l ’ff.’S?’-t payttiani. - J®"- 304 4th Avenua Weit. 733-

aller. Car> FORD. 1983^-toti. V8 wllh vaii. laie. twoo. Beit Buy Auto Sale*. 207 Main . F iler. 328- Welt. Opaa 7 daya a week. 733-

,°*furnl*ni'^5 733-8234. WANTED: Uood Uied 3-ton truck, ,~Amenca'i >039 and up. No trade..P&one 731- aUer Pa rk . «23«.

ith-Patio,-PoiiL E ' 2 0 0 ~

PAIR WEEK, .7 :■

E C I A L S -

iN M O T O R S.IL E '59 PO N T IA C 4-doorI 4.door You’d really expect to pay more ae buyer. (or inii deponcTable buy.Iln today.'....... .......... ^ . $260

-TTM • “ 'G S T C O D G E - ^ o o r -------i Thti new Ford trade-in *howiII ••ooof_ excellent caro by former owner tconomy. and 1* bargain prlced'way below

. ' •rade-ln, 1* '65 C H E V R O L E T 4-door'ppf*y®'* VH englmi. power glide, power A-l buy. „eer1ng. real nicely equipped. ■


u,„h '61 D O D G E W agonI on Thi* Travelall. Thi* rugged unit will e?Sie re. lake you 'to the .ummertlme , . y t l i h l n g and recreation ipot*.

^ . .CO M M ERCIA LS —

k u p '657FORDTFalcona teal ^ "" '* ’V “ion'*'*rndlo"’ Ile*re"*'*"he

«ver*”pop'uIaV "ornbinatlon* that . will lerve a* both paiienger

----------------- n a iL j l t t o lS ^ -------------------k u p . >IS?0

’n.1 INTEnkATIONALluty hiicli —4.wheel drive. Uubi. Thi* li In

lip top condlt^oB^^

OE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM - lace to Buy an A-l Car or Plclcup 'EN EVENINGS T IL 9 -TMENT USED CAR DEPAllTMENT .. 733-3110 ISO 3rd E a i t .................. 733-1019

1 9 4 Trucks ' 196

J.R ... . ' HI-VALUE—- DN— USED TRUCKSbrooms, _ P I C K U P S -

’,-d o u b le - - '0 5 - IH -S G O U T -% -c a b ~ $ 1 7 8 5 iroom s. locking h u ll,Dx55‘. ■ 2 '63 IH i/J-lon ................ $1595

Long wide, big V8, automatic tranim liiion, power iteerins.

in-EM lock ring wheel*, air condl-

’61 CHEV V4-ton ...........$8950 x 5 0 7 - 7 - r — ^“”.7 - -

...........- '58 -F O R D -F 100-rr77777:$745 '8x45'. - 2 ■ JJ* * ’'"**- 'V«.

,-«0. 2 - - ’53 I^ORD F-250 J79S■* pickup. VS. autlmailt: tran*-

million, a ir CDndltlonlng.

ER ' '56 CHEV 1^-Ton .........$395n v pickup. Long wheclbaie, 4-

” ■* ■ *55 CHEV »Aton ...........$591.-'C’. 4'ipccd, cover.

ERS -20’ self- • — 11/ 2- a n d 2-T ons— ■

'52 DODGE I'/^-ton . . . . $595 3-ipeed. 2-ipeed. New.palni._,

.e. 2'/4-Ton an<} L a rg e r '62 IH 1700 ........... $2995’ 2li-lon, 10 Wh<ie1er lag, New

1. - - — V343 cngine.-3-«pccS;2'iirtcar- Io . , . 0:00 tire*.' 'fi? THFV fisni ............. t n os

*pw!d, 8;23x20*«r'eifBAF IS* '63 IH IfifiO Loadstcr . . J2M5

354 rerk ln i dle.H-enRlne, S.W, m o 3 ^ T T —,pccd.-5.ip«>!,-D:tiaxA-Urei—

• ’59 IH Model DCOF405 $6995 , Cab-over tandem dieiel. 220

Cummlni engine, 5 •■peed , main, 4-ipetd auxiliary, me-

ERS— ............chanlcally-good.8’. ’56 IH T ra c to r ............. $1595

. VCOIM CBb-over, V549 en-^ . glne, a ir brake*.

. M A G I C V A L L E Y

l-Y- ■—Iiit-ernatioital, Incr-■ITER- Truck Lano 733-<268

711-2410meld __________J_________________

to" 0“ p,m.‘ *'ahori w hcc lb iuc 'iflsV V WD^eS' ton, ’283’ VH wlih 9.200 mile* ori rebuild. S-*peed trnnimliilon, 2- aneed axle, A-l 8.23 tlrei, 8 hole lludd wheeli, overdie l i ' grain

V ittU *’®33 V4’o'*j '’ ^

WILERS ‘’" . i 5 " v r ; S —.«?">& “ “If: or model siS'Avenu^ Ba*r"***'

en 1007 HOitD »-lon pickup.- C.OOO- ac- 0 $4242.50 lual mile*. Loaded with all aceet- A18.S0 *orlei. Including Cruiie-o-nalle..,1 ' Illg-invlng*;-Phone.S43-4144.

SCOUT, I900,”8b. 4X4, full top-cover, - hubi, ilko new. 4,000 mile*. *2473.

.Cameron Sal**, Rupert, phone 430-

-7M.-31MU H M -^.,M -ponD -pltkup.-M e»^rrtr------- -— — 3-*peed tranamiiiion. Prlee USO.'PhSfi? m S’ Thona 733.3920.

■ KENWORTII catf-over dieiei iruek. y - o - 'H .j. All© tandem icmMraller with bell.Jew WMh- Mt-23tl.____________

er. U4-3123 IW2 DODOE pickup D-lOOi lens

n' condition' Eait°.*^"‘ ' • .I W . *I19J; A utoi f o r S e l» . 2 0 0


mi------ SEE THE FAIRm o to r...._________________ _______________

T7T7THEN —y -KS C O M i e j ;e 324-4383 ' • " * J 'Q

d o d g e C I T Y .

F O R - r - ; : :

, B E T T E R : _______

■■ : . B 1 J Y S ! T ^ - ' .

^ p S o n ^ ^ , , ■

__ __ I

- P o F c h - & - G a r (2 0 0 AUTOS FO R' SALE

------ WHF A M I L "

L S . , . - S A :

4-door 1966 FORD.FAIRLAKE GT 2i ^jiay more engine, 4-on•th^^ioor. Sho

^ o o r ______ 1M5.MUSTANG.2-DOQR HARIg-in ’*how* dard." w V y = .--M...............................

1965 RAMBLER CUSSIC slatl r 4-door owner, low mily that hai ............................................Ide. powerequipped. • jggj b e l v e d e r e 4-DOOk S!

and standard. Excellent.< /agon .......................... ....................j unit will'Tpoi**T* CHEVELLE 2-DOOR. Ro

1964 PLYMOUTH BELVEDEP standard, JO,000 miles,

ilcon ; -------»tnndard • ...........

fitlon* th« J9M JE E P WAGONEER 4-D0( paiienger c r power steering, power 1

™ ^ ^ l n 1!)64 RAMBLER CUSSIC 4-di drive.

•R O M - .........: ....................................up 1963 FORD FAIRLANE 2-doo

power steering and aulom

ITMENT ...................................................... 733-1019 jggj RAMBLER 770 4-DOOR s.-------------- matlc.


1963 MERCURY 4-DOOR static U E _____ _____steering, power brakes,_o

J C K S - ........................... ................1962 CHRYSLER 4-DOOR statl

5— er steering, power broke

ab~ $ 1 7 8 5 ............ .............................................1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2-

. . . . $1595 . er, power steering, auton


JS95 automatic and power-stcc JHlLSSSf:...................................... ; .................

T7T7r:$745 196r DODGe T d o OR SEDAN i-ipeed, V8, • a u to m a tic .. ...............

. . . . . $795 ................................lallt tran*-

“ “ m 0 P E N T . L 8 -

Truck I.ii • Offlcc Phoi

' L O W E L L W ILLS DICKN;;-:pifn.L 733-6552 73^

,a rg e r — ^ ^ -----------

' w a t c :

T K e " P r ^ 1

a ^ -T H E I^ l^ eO ]:. .

. . . . $1595a n d t h e i

L L & • U S E D C ll l , I n c :-------------------— y — TT---------

733-<268 I n O u r

F r i d a y . S a t u r d .

s e p t M b e rle l i ' grain 1• 24,000. V e^

' : a

- T H E I S E N•ulie-o-malle. - - -? iX 'cover ----------------- TwIn.I^aVmile*. *2473:t. phone 430- -------r r ;-------

lf5 s ~FlVE~0F THJ

S y d u r e e; 1 9 6 6 Cheve

m' belt con. Super sport coiipe. ‘327’/V8, PosS irI«- eSf I t & g r i e . W Mtuol-miresrt

■ SOO 4. 1965 Ford I. Sedan. VB,motor, Cru'lseomatlt

in d brakes..'

!’a i r ' i964 o ia s-------- --------- Hardtop.~Hydm m atlc—transn

' ■ brakei, factoryTi^-condlllonlr

' ' 1 9 6 4 I m p s' ........... Hardtop. .'327' V8, Power Glldt

and brakes, power windows,' dUlnnlng. * ,

3 E ^ ■ I9 6 2 T a c ^ G .TT»V ■ olaUon wngon. S^gflini . i .X - mission, very sharp.

- . - ' -GETTE R :-,— J O R $51 DOWN am! . -« M -M « ln -S m lh — --T— -

3 e a Eldredge ____Jack_

Garage-Sales -SALE_____________________________200

W H i S — —


- S A L E - 'LAKE GT 2-door hardtop. ‘390’ cubic Inch lh^^ioor. Shorp! • , • '... .......................L.. $2395

-D.OQR.HARDTOP. Rodlo.’,hcalcr_and.stan.:_____

.............. ........ ..... ! $ 1 7 9 5•LASSIC station wagon. Radio, hedtcr. stan- vncr, low mileage.......................•...-............................. .$ 1 6 9 5

E (-DOOlt SEDAN. Radio, hoatcr. Bis ’f 1. Excellent.condition............................................................ $ 1 4 9 5

2-DOOR. Radio, heater and overdrive...................... $1395

BELVEDERE V8 4-door. Radio, hciiter,000 miles.

.................. $1295)NEER 4-DOOR sUtion woRon.-Radb. hcal^ . - Bring, power brakes, 4-wheel drive and lock*

............................ . $1995fCUSSIC 4-door. Radio, heater and over*

............................... . ?1195tLANE 2-door hardtop. V8, radio, heater, ng and automatic, bucket scats and console............. ............................................ $ 1 2 9 570 4-DOOR sedan. Radio, heater and auto-

........ : .............„ ; i . . . . . : . . . . _ ......... $ 1 0 9 5

t-DOOR station wagon. Radio, heater, power ver brakes, automatic, lop luggage carrier.

......... : . . . . . . . ......... ■ $ 1 2 9 5

4-DOOR station wagon. Radio, heater, pow- power brakes,' automatic. Exceptional!............................... : . ......................... $ 1 2 9 5 .

r IMPALA 2-door hardtop. V8, radio, heat- eerlng, automatic, Sharpl................................ $1295r IMPALA V8 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, - id power-steering.......... ,........,SP-EGIA-V$1--195—bOR SEDAN.“ RTdiorHcSlcrr^3re’‘TB-imd-------

$595 ■iN TIL 8 — FRIDAY 'T IL 9

. S U S E D C A R S - ,Truck Lane Wc.st

• Office Phone 733-73CS LS DICK BOYD E R N IE WILLS

733-0542 • • 733-4B88

_ _ ^ ______________ ' _________ ' '■

"Premiere OfI N - e O t O R i T H E A T : ^ — r :

. • id a y , S e p t e m b e r 8 Channel 11 a t 10:30 p .m .

a n d t h e p ' e a t e s t

D .C A R . ' S A L E. Our H isto ry

S a t u r d a y a n d S u n d a y

U B E R 8 , . 9 A N D 1 0 -

3 E N ° - M O T O ^___Twin FalU. Idaho._________ ______________ ;


lEE MOTORB6 C h e v e l l e M a l i b u ■. '327’.V8, Power GlIdeHransmlssIon,. power c tuo l'nn resrftew T varriin ty r'-r-------- ..

3 5 . F o r d LTD 4 - d o o rCrulseomatic transm bslon, power steering ,

3 6 4 - O i a s 8 8 4 - d o d rnatlc~transml8SloiirT»wcr-stceTing-Hnd----_ Ir-rondlUonint?:-— -----------------

9 6 4 I m p a l a 4 - d o o r f t ’., Power Glide transmission, power steering ur w idows, tilt steering, factory air con-

? f l c ^ G b r a i i i y " S q u i f e “flgon. S^g-lindcr motor, automallc Uans- irp. •

GET THE BUG .3W N and $62 PER MONTH'- - ------- -------Phone 7 3 3 4 8 1 1 ,____Jack Cot Woody Turley

Page 19: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'


ONLY------ -


To Qur manjHowever, we

-"these beautifIn defermejii give an idea (

1963 LINCFull power,

BOOK PRIC— -----0UR-PE-IGE---------

-- ----- “ - g

1964 MERCURY C1965 MERCURY ( 1960 BUICK (1 ow 1963 BUICK ;


1963 FORD i/2-ton 1960 FORD V2-tot

__1949 F0RD4/2=ton — l-953-F5RDJ/2-ton

1952 FORDl^on


n e :— Hi

■■....I N e w l9 f

■ This V

$1------------- — r m

-------- Your Eager Cl313 Main Avenue A

■ - ONLY' -


1 , . _ ..

J N o m a t te f ■ [ now telepho;

' ■ zr{r~lf~y lve-in- . ' ( Wen^li, Good

; ' I FUcr. Holliste

[ Burley, Rupcr

liomaticaily I■E . . • • 200 .

' ____________ --- '

5AVE-t - \ - lany friends andr,-.we have taken iutiful-ears-at-aenent to other de? iea of our reduc< LINCOLN CONTINEN

til pow er, a ir . A v e r y s h a rp autom ob

PRICE . . : ..........mCE ; . ■ ■ - r .

T~Gpme~in^and great values.

SUPERJRY Comet JRY Comet (1 owner)

[OBILE Jetstarr - [OBILEm -----

------- M A N Y (/2 -ton54-toh l^ o n ------------- -

^-ton—---- ■. —-W;on ■; '

iOUE TRAIL!ome of the cleanest usee

EW GI— H-uyr-y-in-while-ther-


few 1967'Corvair New 196. - A Luxury Co

' This Week Only This W

$1895 . $31'

T h e B est W ork

(ger Chevy Dealer enue West,- 'Iwin Fallsr • . -__ _ - • ■ -

... ..^—rCall on any;D. A. M c G U IR E ...........

L - A R R Y - S A € K C T ^SAVE -

LUseJIlheserEhQn&fem^ f r e e ;

OF CHARGEh 3 :-----b m a tte r w here you -H ve In these a re t r te lephone . the T im es-N ew s F re e >

i^ Iv e ~ ln ' B u h l;= C » tlo to r(l= ^ .-.v ......^ .

ideli, Gooding. Hagerman. Je ro m e .............

r. Hollister. RogersoQ ......................... .

ley, Rupert, Dcclo, Paul. N orland .............

fy Have q W2 0 0 . AUTOS FOH SALE

and customers wken so many cars t-aetion-pHceS”©f dealers, we will duced sales price INENTALautomobile.

........... '$2265 BC-^t-t- ^ $ 1765 -~p; 01

and ch& ues. Listed belovERMARKET


1963 PONTIAC Bi 1963 FORD Galax1963 FORD Galax

------1965 FORD Galax

^ COMMER1964 GMC V2-ton

• 1963 GMC Va-ton - .195rGMC'Vg-'ton.

• 1959 INTERNAT]

^ILEk FOR HlJrit used cars in town - all (

3 ARS3-there-is-stilI-ar-gQd-se'IF YOUR CHANCE TO SAVEl

FOMOBILES—ew '1967 Caprice N e w ’67 SLuxury Car. Was W078.53 For the sr

Thb only

. $3178.55 ... $2991 ^R ^teE - D EPA-RTM1BSt Work — On A ll M akes


'alls ■ ■ ,

tl any;of our salesmen fa; E ........................................ 733-7J30

g r r ........................................... 733-l2WT=e:

2iiumb-ers_ ■ ^ ^ .

GE. ^ i

hese areas, you can s Free of Charge . 3

' — < J

l e ................ . . 536-2535' ' * i

........................ 32M375 • ' , }

i d ....... 678-K52" . 3

------------------ •_-------------------------------------------^

I W ant Ad C200 j

irs w h o h ave mac

cars in trade, weeSi-^—^^---------will not print the Drices, we will lis

1965 VOLKSW;


vitll'“our' salesme )elow a.few of t:ET SELEClMOBILE 88 .LAClAC Bonneville Galaxie 4-do’t>r Galaxie 2-ddor' ' Galaxie 2-do6r

HERCIAL TO14-tont4-ton _______k2-ton. . :............. : ,^NATIONAL 1/ 2 -ton

H l J N t l N G - 1 8 ’1 - all of 0 ur OK Used C<

, OTEir'

49-------- — iWAY^-TO-SAood-selest ion-for-you-to-iVEl ■ ~ "

5W ’67 Suburban /For the sportsman

Was $3816.BS .This Week Only -


- J E N - M MTry the leader. . .


nen for either new or u!33-7130 JO H N C A R L S O N ...............

3 3 -4 2 a 0 t : r r - J O H N -J -E N k lN S -^ .^ ^ c ,

, THART TO N HATCH . . . . .


‘ P O N T IA C -C A D IL L A C---------------- ----------------GMG-----------------

Rupert. Idaho 4364478


a n y n w k c — anj? m odel _

- r — 'D rscO D N T-A TJTO " _____r i= r r r _ w j iE C ia N G _ _ ________

r i m r u c a w eit or.Hoipiitt on Hlfhway 30. • rxons 7U-H91

JE E P, loss walOD. 4x4. 6>cyllndcr. clenn. moior needi. repair, phone

' . Cnll M-VCfll. - ■

■ • “ tS S TSaJei. 1SJ8 KImberlv noad. . ■

......... I'OR w le. IBM~Merc'urt SlieS'ihltiloverdrive. SU. C4U n M K t.

d Charge Ac(2 0 0 A U T O S FO R S A L t

made our stockj 3, we are out of si

it the sacrifice pr 11 list a few exam .KSWAGEN COUPE -

. . $136

?smen the low p of the fine usedACTION- V O

■ 1966 FORD Mus1 1966 FORD Faii-1 1959 CHEVROL] 1961 CHEVRen 1966 CHEVROL] 1966 CHEVROL]



____:.1960-CHEV-ROL:on 1958 CHEVROL;

- 1 8 ’ ZENITH TlIsed Cars have been thre ILL

[9 ^rO.SAVE_________: -reu-to-choose-fromrTAt-0

A Twin F alls - - With V-8, pow

' BI

[ N S - e H ® Vier. . . Where'Volume Sc ; ES YOU MONEY

vor used'cars an^imer^ ............................................... 733-0187

............. . ■ 733:fi?^l-.! ~

TCH m s m __. , ‘ ■ ; MILLER AUTO SALESV N ^ o o d c an , old can . DIB ear*,i t , ' e»r»- Priced lo leir. Open

iL L A c a . r t n - i s r-----------B 0R A N 2A TV I0T0R S-----

^36-^7 Ponllae Opd Buick

------------- B U R L E Y , IDAHOCARS ----------------------- ---------------------


■ T • • in i. Your on#-»lO[* »nopptnr~ccn»oiDllat sn aU'automoiive need*, sa ie i• 73 5*91 ■'■<> service, factory ouihorKed'• cnevrolcj. Pontlati. oiomowie*,— ,7—~ Dulelu. and OK Ui«d C o n and

S'cyllnder. - Trucks. Opea Suadayi and «v»-palr. phone - ning*._________ ■ . .■

—«-brake«r«ut0m atl^ lr*R ii& tlonr

Rm S. *extroi, leBUIno ItaUisr*WteHo^

‘phon? WI . I IMPALA. 1W13 luper iport. ‘327*'VS.

h u i o T ^ i . ; i « . 'r- h.757nn.-TilcTiinTn BW>d tlrei. t m or mafca offer. IMKt. Pbone 324-SU3. Je rm e .

Account-C^!- - 2 0 0 . -

OUDck jreductio h sal

o f sp ace on o u r i

e p r ices on m o st xam ples.P E - I960:

15,000 m iles . A (T IQ C n Ing a ir con d itl

■ pl*60 ■ book P -^$960-;-------OUR^FR

w p rices 'on th eu s e d automobile:VOLUME P]) Mustang ) Fairlane.500 /^ROLET 4rdoor ®0IiET Impala /■ROLET Caprice /^ROLET Impala .

FO-GHOOSE/ROLET 1/ 2 -ton /ROLET 1/2 -ton /ROLET V,-ton/ROLEIL%-ton_L__ 1:/•ROLETJ/a-tpn;;--— r

^ TRADED ONin through our factory t

NEW ^irrAt-our-prices-theyTvoi

A'in F a lls D ea ler A dvertised in L a s t } V-8, pow er steering.

BUY A NEW ■ 196'with V8, pow er s teer in g

— ---------— QNLYlI t m a y be worti:

E V R 0 I7E Time Selling .]Y

itimerhome or workrd:-0187 • B RUCE C A U G H E Y '. . J.\\

n L F O N H A R D FI.SHKR _____

,:fibl2_____\ _____ '.ALES ; . - - -

f f i S All 1967 Models ' must G O ! ,

r O R ^ : " W e'N eed- M m ----------- YOUR-TfeADE-IN—

------- DRIVE A LITTLEOR . And You ConsislcnUy Savo

^ - ■ • - $ 1 0 d t o - ? 5 0 0 ; ^S S i issSffi.tfRaS'Ssrildimobile^ ■ ., ? .d n i -HARBAUSH MOTOR CO.

• V Coodlflg. Idaho 'r'hoo«‘ » U t »

^B74” A}Sr ** ipe«?^idau. >jany ' Sui‘**Ii"ri ^ “ emdU CHISHOLM SroUiert. Burltr. Your

sirraaiKc;i;s:..Kirt. -aiVIJV#. J u

SHkS’ f f i S i»'i"c<iiiLm:1. ' . *179. n o a e 73^»gm. . ..

C A M 7 3 ^ 3 1iOO.......................... Sopl..8.9, 1967. '. T

— — - i : : — _

: ' ___■ '. Wh saleisuch agres>ur used car lot.

. . 1) .

nost of the cars. 1

I960 MERCURY MON) m ile s . A Ford executive car. A ll ih( lir conditioning.

OK PRICE..................R^FRICE-

the mahy'iQther )biles in stock.rPRICES


: 1965 CHEVROL1964 CHEV Che

-1962 CHEVY H



1963XHEy-RQ:I -— r-1966-CHEVROL

ON A NEW CHt e y type reconditionin


RUGKS— - —in Last Week's Paper "19G7 ElCa'ml

r 1967 EL CAMmb 'steering a t Glen Jenkins' for

N L Y - $ 2 5 9 S — ________—be worth more used.

E T ----- --The Supern


)rkrday or nightr— 'y ' . . . i . 733-8861

lE R -^ ..........................^733.1264 , ^


If! i}lySave I I I [l m k

iS'SSr ‘

t i o u n i

"JeeVUni:i s iw i .W ' .i^ O a d ^ d .tc p m p ro m lM d on an'ce. .frrice volum t and h s 's - to ((

0931 Today!?67- T w in FoUs Tlm ei-NB W » - 1 9 ;------

------- — ONLY— — ^

^ - - 4 9 ^: WAYS TO SAVE ■ ■

i great^success. -- „lo t. We now sell

ars. However, to

■MONTCLAIRca r. A ll th e equ ipm en t inciud*

......... . . . . $2960^ ■ ■ ■ . . .--^2460--------- —

)therck. _1

5VR0LET Super-Sport SVROLETlmpala' CVROLET Corvair 2VR0LET Corvair - " - 3V Chevdle Wagon 3VY II

IM ■ ' —liVROLET 2-ton CVROLET 2-tonLYROLET IQ-yyheel_____SV-ROLET-Ji-fon-----------------—


CHEVROLETiitioning shop. ' "



!67 ElCa'mIno $2895,

lilNCl ■ 'lo r

Supermarket of Values" Phone 733-3033

•ONLY'-_ i -----------------------—


^ jg w jA r

. . • _ ___r e m lts d on-th* h t> f l I 4 ^ - i iM n w - 4 q M ^ = ^ id h e 's t o keep u p th »


Page 20: FALLS, IDAHO. FRI CENT3 Reeopt ow d Is Reporiorted …newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF248/PDF/... · by playing "Dork Eyes." live a cc low of Vour Smile,’'

a. '

' . S»p t; 8-9, 1967

Solons View Shotguns il Sent To t a n '


23 sho t^ns allocated lo Iran un- ], der the military assistance pro- i, nram are for riot control, not f

----- hunting or d a y pigeon-shooUng, .------U.Sroffldal5"lnsistr~And'suspl- •_

cious congressmen were told the converted . seaplane tender turned over to Ethiopia and , maintained n t $80,000 a year by the United States is a training }

------ shlp-lQiUheJEthIoplaa.navxcP'« :a yacht (or Emperor Haile Se-

' lassie .- - ■ IBut it does have-wallpaper— r

about $124 worth. FThese items "Sot a prolonged a

goMg-over at-closcd hearings ot { B House Appropriations subcom o mittce April -6. The censored testimony was made public to- (

the allocations was .' Vice Adm. L. C. Hclnr, director

of military assistance.Rep. Silvio 0. Conte, R-Mas!!..

« observed tha t 20 shotguns have i been delivered to Iran in the c past'17 years-and two more are I

____iiicludca.in.thc.currcnt_budgct,.. s




i ' ■ -

---------------------------- 1— ^

___ t___ ■ ^ h I

a t:

" r l ',___' ■ .

W BURLEY — Tho Burley City--------r - Councll'hns-votcd to mointaln c

the 20 mill levy for the taxes for v_______ the coming year for the City of s

. TJuriey. a n Local toxpayers attending the P

council meeting Tuesday ‘ were J iTON Elwood Rich, Orland Bateman, s ~ The Jim Roper nnd M. H. King. Foi- r Iran un- lowing a discussion on the mill

,nco pro- levy, those attending were in trol, not fflyjjr of maintaining the pres-

ent 28 mills.— r ------- -----id 'su sp i- ........— -V---------- ------------- — 'i t o l d t k • ,

"£"”3 Landon Has 80th Birthday

■ ia ^ S e : “TOPEKJTKnn. rA P)=A 1fM :' Landon. one-time R epublican

llpaper— nominee for p resident, ap ­proaches h is 80lh b irthday

irolonged amused lha t some ohserver.s a rlngs o t find him not Ihe conservative he subcom once appeared,

c ensored w hat obout the conservative .ublic to- toB?u — ‘‘Yeah. " he chuckles. "1d^««2? J

"Well, I haven’t changed any. R-Mass.. "What was the old Bull Moose uns have keynote? 'Pass prosperity n in Ihe around.' What's the difference more arc between tiiat and the welfare budget,., state?" „ . _______



. \ VA'


_ . ; • F r e d i a n c l i 3 a r r a t- T h e G a l a ,&o

t T U S

yyi fletamed F(ley City Tho levy nollce set by the on naintaln ciiy-councli-w lll now- bc-for- pa axes for warded to the county commls- ch ; City of sloners. '--------------Thc'councirun'aTilmously-ap- grding-the proved the arrangements for an eq ly were $11,445 open-air portable band- llg atemnn, stand. Arrangements have been su Ing. Foi- mode to purchase the bandstand Bithe mill ■ , .........- ’ ' ........were in Bt

_ _ _ R e f u n d s __ . S. ' '■ JA C K M W iLLE,liL (A P)’_ ' Tho Morgan,Couniy clerit Is , I Q S refunds on marriage

y The clerk, Louise Coop, p. said she overcharged 20 cou* =A1f-M: —plc*'oricrbolng‘ml6lnrormca— S

publican on Ihc cost ot (ho licenses, ant. np- She’ had been charging $10 8birthday rather than $5. abscrvor.s She said she has been Is- Kmtlvc he suing $S refund checks. p

icrvativc__________ ■ »

les. "1 $Mm*f»raMW R

S S Irosperlty Ben Eldredgo \\9

welfare 6ia moIb a« . $. |

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E W j | S e | H | H B . e v

— — — — 1 DR J a n . • ; I ' ' Hors.

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tfFor Burley"!by the on a rental basis wilh the rent or bc-for* paym ents,applied-to-the-puf^

commls* chase price. . • ccTho bandstand ' will hold a

usly-ap- group-of-lOO-muslclans-and-is Is for an equipped wilh loud speaker and le band- lighting • equipment. The band- ive been stand Is already on lls way lo andstand Burley. It is hoped It will arrive

. in lime for lhe U.S. Air Force... Band, Black Hills. S. D.. to

use Sunday evening during a I_____ L_ public-concert-at..the...CassiaLfApV ’ —'leVk 1« "Forward Buriey" on organ*irrlnne of Ideos for community

“ planning and development. was_ discusscd by Mr. Roper. Mr.

in pnnl Roper presented tho council a [OrmCti—

HO C** 1dredgo i ? . G U N S M l T H I N G i

' ^ STOCK riniNO, scope ^B Aw $! P MOUNIINO, *irAt*INO, *16. O


^ I M

_ _ N o w J >


fresh seafoods, .flov master chefs. Cdmi

— r ::--------- trees-ana-saiaas:—


-W IN -C A S tt-E very Sunday'


DRAWJN.Gth e . ' ...........: ..

l4orse Shu Club

v t m

list of names whom the gronp - 7 ^ i T ~ Telt would be an-asset on-the l l j y committee for community plan* di

An ordinance regulating'the se the rent operation of self-scrJice ' g3S th

/ ' council.. ■ ■ a\hold a -------

i-an d -is ------------------------:----------------------iker ond »e band-i^way^lo . . I

ic F


3 iiGas&Tir(N G i 'i{jpt g . 240 Addison Avenu*

■ ANOTHER GIGANTIC C___ register often for the FRI

itiembershlp' cards.' THe — ZZ—^ACKPOT=BOARDS-at-

as ' 20 times on the BIG

M M Yt-Playing

FAMOUS GAI■EVERY-FRIDAY-NIGHTrOcean- )ods. .flovi/n in and prepared by ifs. Complete assortment of en*

------------- ------------------


— -----SUNDAV^Dff

CHICK■■ Sert/ed' .

Family Stylo .J u s t . . . . . . . . . . .

is gronp - SAILOR FETED , .. - j?* on-the SAN-REM 0r-it«ly''(A1»)— ^

Ity plan* Britain's Sir Francis Chlchesteri;- • was saluted Thursday for his J

ting 'the seafarinii exploits. There were ■ , ice • girs thonsands of spectators, an hon-|;^

' '• award for courage.___________ j


F ~ m EPER’S"'

Tire Service ^n Avenue West, Twin Falls ■

^NTIC CACTUS PCTE'S AND H ' the FREE FORD BRONCO to be ds. THe bthet^ FREE FORD-BRC R D S-at-thB -H ors^htrand-C act the BIG BOARDS, increasing yoi

f W iig in the

GALA ROOIM-O c e a n ------ ; ^ f t o a s Tred by eveningof en* ' beef, co

--------------- ^ --------------- tHe-^way--------------------------------^wh!ch'-tc


W r^DfNNER^^;— --------- —


" r __ ■ to m

? 1 , P . t .

(^)^|j^pVrvc®-TrQlning'lmprovBS ■ *f*or” w s | " p h y s i c a l _ .c o - i

•re w ere ■ o rd in a t io n a n d d isc ip lin e . ■, an hon-}; -■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IS i- a - lo c a l ----------- ■------------------ -

— I REGISTER VOL ------ - :----- ------CCRSSES-STTAl

I * ‘TAP * 'A C R O

■ * b a u ^ . *

|<5 I— Donna |iSCBDW

PHONE 73; 361 3 rd A v«. N orlh

C lassed fo r B e g in n e rse I ' In lerm o d ic le a n d Ad*.

I s ■ A d e q u a te p a rk in g s p a c e J ■• - ■ o v a ilo b le -f re e . ^ ■■

AND HORSE SHU GIVEAWAY! CO to be given away wild on Cacti RD BRONCO wlirbe drawn from ind“CactU8”Pete*sr-YoarTtarrift-ca jsing your chances,to win!

f A K E Ile Gala R<

OM BUFFETS"FTOAST"BAR0T4“0>^B 'EEF.~E^ evening in the Gala Room. Chc beef, cooked- to perfection and s

"the':wa7-yocr1lks-it-D.o2bnsTof^ -which'-to-choose;----- :-------^ - —

WIN $ 5 ~ t < r

FREE CASH d raw irrg e v e ry half*hoi

• to m oke,-a pur<ho»e to b e e l ig ib le ,

s h ip c a r ^ s fo r sp e c ia l d r a w in g s ev i

P e te 's .

f m m

m p ro v B jJ -S p T ln g - 'D o n c o -R o v iew ~ fo r ' - • ical co-"*^*"® p u b llc - a n d p ro g ra m s

■ . ■ fo r c ivic o foon lz o tlo n s dur*:ip lin e . ■ jp g th e year. ' ' J,

FER YOUR CHILD NOW5ES STAR-1 b tP T , i l t h - ----------- --


ina Mauldin - - im r i J r i K N C E —JONE 733-1446--------- — ----- j — ■Ave. N o rlh Tw in Falls 2

B e g in n e rs (sto rting e g o 3) ■

e a n d A d v a n c e d Sludenls ■

s p o 'c e a ■ D anco on a ll nev / c le a n ■^ ■ ■ s e d fn les j T organol Floor. ^

VEAWAYf Register now and J on Cactus Pete's Series "I"awn from names on*the~Bl6~........ .“ rran1ft-can-appear-«a-mBny------- ----'In!

i l YRoom

:ETS;E R ^ e r y S a t u r d ^ ~ oom. Choice prime ion and served just sbnsTof^soiads-frorn------=------------ -—

. . 2.95


e ry h a lf - h o u r SUNDAYt Y ou d o n o ! h a v e ■

b e e lig ib le . B ring your se ries H . m e m b e N

Ira w in g s e v e ry h o u c e n 'i h e h o u r a t C a ctu s.