FAITH ON TAX CUTS WEEKLY RUNDOWN - Amazon …...$10,000+ digital marketing services client...

DECEMBER 22, 2017 OMG WEEKLY RUNDOWN: ISSUE #4 Joe: YouTube Client Crusher Out of the Park Home Run From the desk of Mike Long, coming to you tax-slashed Southern California! Item #1: Joe Marfoglio burned down the house Wednesday night with his YouTube Client Crusher full module. Then he piled on with a 100% transparent, over the shoulder $10,000+ digital marketing services client consulting deal over the shoulder, step by step! Here’s the $1,000 plot twist: I call him Street Smart Joe because he’s all about the rubber hitting the road. OMG INSIDER FREE MEMBERS AREA 1 Ragnarök 1: Megan Lee’s 53p transcript is ready WITH SCREEN-CAPS! HURRICANE LIZ AMAZON BLITZ OLIVER ADDS $5000/M ACE CORP ATTORNEY FAITH ON TAX CUTS Welcome to issue #4 of our all-new OMG Weekly Rundown! Click here for mp3 WEEKLY RUNDOWN

Transcript of FAITH ON TAX CUTS WEEKLY RUNDOWN - Amazon …...$10,000+ digital marketing services client...

Page 1: FAITH ON TAX CUTS WEEKLY RUNDOWN - Amazon …...$10,000+ digital marketing services client consulting deal over the shoulder, step by step! Here’s the $1,000 plot twist: I call him


Joe: YouTube Client Crusher Out of the Park Home Run⚾ From the desk of Mike Long, coming to you tax-slashed Southern California!

Item #1: Joe Marfoglio burned down the house Wednesday night with his YouTube Client Crusher full module. Then he piled on with a 100% transparent, over the shoulder $10,000+ digital marketing services client consulting deal over the shoulder, step by step!

Here’s the $1,000 plot twist: I call him Street Smart Joe because he’s all about the rubber hitting the road.


Ragnarök 1: Megan Lee’s

53p transcript is ready 🤩



Welcome to issue #4 of our all-new

OMG Weekly Rundown! Click here for mp3 🎧


Page 2: FAITH ON TAX CUTS WEEKLY RUNDOWN - Amazon …...$10,000+ digital marketing services client consulting deal over the shoulder, step by step! Here’s the $1,000 plot twist: I call him


No surprise when he spends $1,000 out of his own pocket so you enjoy his proven locked and loaded funnel, scripts, gigs, rep management and more!

The whole night rocked and rolled with hundreds of comments including questions, insights and amazing energy, in The OMG Way Facebook group thread for the webinar.

Joe delivered on a full no holds barred a to z digital marketing agency money-getting system powered by Joe’s unique R&D behind his radically effective YouTube SEO method.

This week Joe landed a high dollar Digital Marketing Services client, using this exact method, so he turned the whole experience into a step by step over the shoulder case study for the webinar, which was a huge hit with OMG’ers.

When Joe turned up the heat, revealing the additional training, scripts, and funnel he paid over $1,000 to craft for OMG’ers to benefit from, that’s when pandemonium broke out.

That incredible stand alone module, YouTube Client Crusher replay and resource area is now live on the OMG Insider free members area.Item #2: OMG’er Megan Lee personally transcribed David Mills Ragnarök #1 webinar that lit an incredible bonfire of clarity and motivation for OMG’ers.

It’s 53-pages and Megan did it beautifully with screen captures.

Megan graciously provided it to David and I, and asked us to share it with you, as her OMG Christmas present.

David was especially excited because his wife, and OMG’s accountant, Olya, wanted to get her hands on the transcript too.

I’ve placed that in David Mills area in the OMG Insider free members area.

Item #3: Hurricane Liz is in full on Amazon R&D mode. She’s got massive paychecks pouring into her accounts every single day and she’s got key data flowing in from a small fleet of clients.

Christmas is an incredible time for Amazon because there’s so much energy on the site that allows Liz to massively ramp up her


My Tax-Cut Assessment

Proven AGAIN 💸

I covered Wednesday’s Trump tax cut and jobs bill passing in an amazingly received email. I pointed out AT&T, FedEx, and Fifth Third Bank are ramping up big. Wells Fargo, Boeing and Comcast joined. OMG Tax Cut news in Item #4…

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These real world money-getting tests form the backbone of OMG’s stranglehold on Amazon SEO and strategic paid traffic pressure points.

As the sidebar mentions, we’ll be talking about the implications of the Trump tax cuts and jobs bill that just passed on the economy and especially on OMG’ers more in Item #4…

…But one thing my phone call with Liz let me know that Amazon sales have exploded so much that they are overloading UPS with orders.

Not to mention the cutting edge conversion techniques, and outside the box Amazon R&D Liz does.

I gave a speech at Tai Lopez’s $2,500 per person 1-day mastermind at his Beverly Hills compound on one of Liz’s biggest recent breakthroughs in Amazon R&D.

Here is a short video clip I shot at the end of my speech and you can hear the roar and see ovation. (Screen capture to the right.)

My speech was on Liz’s R&D into Merch by Amazon - that is Amazon’s new and massively surging program to enter into the massive mega-billion dollars per year online tee shirt market.

This is one of the biggest opportunities - one of the biggest untapped markets for Amazon and they are going at it full blast.

After all nobody has more potential in the print on demand market than Amazon so it’s Jeff Bezos’ playground for the taking.

Amazon’s pattern for developing new markets has been through leveraging the awesome power of crowd sourcing their inventory by making things appealing for small business owners to invest in Amazon inventory.

A tremendous example is the way Amazon dialed in on the massive billions available in the online supplements space.

A few years back Amazon had a very small piece of the supplements pie.

So they made it easy for the little guy to get in and compete with the big boys.

I personally know several people who made their fortunes, starting from scratch, selling vitamin c serum, garcinia cambogia and all sorts of other supplements.


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In great part that was because Amazon made it easy.

Today it’s not so easy to get in on the Amazon supplements space.

It’s competitive and the big boys are knocking on the doors.

But March by Amazon is wide open, including there’s a secret to getting involved smart.

And now Liz is holding a webinar in the next week-or-so. It’s going to be open to all of OMG Nation, through your OMG Insider members area.

And it’s going to kick off an incredible opportunity to get in ground floor. So keep your eyes peeled on your OMG Insider free members area.

Item #4: This last Wednesday, before Joe’s blockbuster webinar, I sent out an email dispatch that turned out to be one of the most popular and appreciated.

Now of course people were glad for Joe’s webinar. But a LOT of the feedback I got was about what I said about the Trump Tax Cuts and Jobs bill that just passed. Here’s a reprint of Wednesday’s email.

The quick rundown on what I said Wednesday was that the while there are a lot of people out there in the left wing press trashing the Tax Cuts and Jobs bill as bad for the little guy, and that they reason they were using, was that the money businesses - including OMG’ers doing business - would get, would vaporize from the economy. Because there would be no reinvestment.

And it is an especially key question for OMG’ers running their digital marketing agencies and ecommerce businesses and so on, because the more investment in the economy, the better the landscape.

I pointed out that AT&T, Fed Ex, and Fifth Third Bank pounced to announce huge investments - $200,000,000 in AT&T bonuses to 200,000 workers, and a billion in new investment.

And then I said look, not only are these businesses rushing to reinvest - but these are all businesses that rely on a higher tide floating all boats. They are all meta-businesses, that hinge on other businesses demand. And digital marketing agencies are the ultimate meta-businesses.

If I were starting a businesses and I had one way and one way only to get customers I’d shut out anything else besides finding the right digital marketing agency.

Ok so OMG’ers really liked that. I’ve been mobbed with thanks. Well if you liked that, you’re going to love this.

Because yesterday several more huge businesses made massive moves. Boeing saw AT&T’s $200,000,000 investment in their employees and upped it to $300,000,000 in bonuses for their


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employees. Then they sent their spokesman, Phil Musser, Senior Vice President of Communication, to appear on Fox and Friends this morning:

Our first and most important top-line message from the Boeing company is to say, “Thank you,” to President Trump, Speaker Ryan, Leader McConnell, and members of Congress who passed this historic, once-in-a-generation tax reform bill that’s gonna allow us to make a lot more investments that will make us more competitive. That will allow us to compete globally, more effectively. Invest in research and development and — most importantly — in our most important asset, which is our people. And so the announcement today that our CEO Dennis Muilenburg made as the bill just passed into law sends an important message to the American manufacturing and global community about the significance of this bill.

Fox and Friends Steve Doocy then asked: “Democrats are saying this tax bill’s a handout to big companies like you. What do you say to that?”

This is like swimming! Our tax code has been like swimming with lead boots. The lead boots are off. We’re gonna swim faster! Faster swimming, more competition, more opportunity. We’re going to be able to grow and win more effectively in the global economy and we compete against state-subsidized competitors. My message to the president is, “Thank you for this generation-changing opportunity.”

You know, if you look at the growth in the American economy after the Kennedy tax cuts, after the Reagan tax cuts, and now after the Trump tax cut, what I would say to those who might be skeptical is, “Watch us.” Dennis Muilenburg, our CEO, made a decision to make an immediate investment back in our people and our economy.

Comcast and Wells Fargo also jumped in on the mix with jaw dropping bonus packages and investment announcements. Like I said in Wednesday dispatch they are ramping up with intensity.

Once again, Well Fargo, Comcast and Boeing are in the same meta business type category as AT&T, Fifth Third and Fed Ex. And once again they are shouting HELP WANTED at the top of their lungs.

The news to OMG Nation is it’s time to gear up because the economy is already on fire, and now with this new Tax Cuts and Jobs bill it’s only ramping up.

So very cool tie in, I was able to meet with Faith Jones, who is Megan Lee’s daughter, and also a Georgetown trained top gun corporate attorney.


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A few months back Faith led two webinars to help OMG’ers get on track with setting up their LLCs and that was a huge hit and incredibly helpful.

So who wouldn’t want to hear about Faith’s findings, as she’s pouring over the tax bill, along with her business partner? (Her business partner is tax attorney to numerous A-list celebs.)

Here’s what I’ve asked Faith to do, and she’s eagerly agreed to, is to hold at least one more webinar, to give you an update on the huge implications of the Trump Tax-Cuts and Jobs bill for OMG’ers.

So that’s coming likely in early January 2018!

That’s my way of helping us cut down on the gray area, as David Mills calls it, and hone in on kicking into overdrive in 2018, as the economy rockets up and the demand for Digital Marketing agencies explodes!

Item #5: This last week was my birthday and it was really great - especially because Cassidy pulled out all the stops (Pictured right).

But there’s no way my quality of life could really be at the same level if it wasn’t for the incredible city on a hill movement we have at OMG.

The thank yous, prayers, well wishes, and feedback that I get, and that each of the OMG co-founders gets really makes things larger than life. But I’ll tell you the real difference maker is seeing the lives of those around us ascend.

And I had such a cool moment a day or two after my birthday where I shared Oliver, from Sweden, $5,000 per month earnings report with Cassidy and a friend. That’s more money than an average household brings in. Life can change in a flash. It does every day at OMG.

We wish you a very, very Merry Christmas on behalf of myself and all of the OMG co-founders! God bless! #cityonahill