Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.

Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors

Transcript of Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.

Page 1: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.

Faith of Well-Known Personalities

As Understood by Protestant Pastors

Page 2: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.



The telephone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted October 7-14, 2010

The calling list was randomly drawn from a list of all Protestant churches. Up to six calls were made to reach a sampled phone number

Each interview was conducted with the senior pastor, minister or priest of the church called

Responses were weighted to reflect the geographic distribution of Protestant churches

Page 3: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


Methodology Continued

The completed sample is 1,000 phone interviews

The sample provides 95% confidence that the sampling error does not exceed +3.2%

Margins of error are higher in sub-groups

Page 4: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


Not Sure

None of These

George W. Bush

Oprah Winfrey

Sarah Palin

Glenn Beck

President Barack Obama

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%








75% of Protestant Pastors believe former President George W. Bush is a Christian, while 41% believe that President Barack Obama is a Christian.

Q. 22: ‘Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?”Note: “None of these” and those who were not sure are exclusive responses; these respondents did not indicate another response.

Among Protestant Pastors

Page 5: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


In general… Protestant pastors are more likely to indicate these well-

known personalities are Christians if they personally are liberal or very liberal politically, Democrats, or Mainline.

Protestant pastors are less likely to indicate these well-known personalities are Christians if they personally are conservative or very conservative politically, Republicans, Evangelical, or in churches with less than 50 attendees.

Beliefs about the Christian faith of the 5 well-known personalities differ greatly by characteristics of the Protestant pastors themselves

Page 6: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


Pastors ages 55-64 are most likely to believe President Obama is a Christian. Belief that President Obama is a Christian by age: Under 45 38%, 45-54 36%, 55-64 48%, and 65+ 35%.

Pastors under age 55 are less likely to believe Oprah Winfrey is a Christian than those over 55. Belief that Oprah Winfrey is a Christian by age: Under 45 14%, 45-54 16%, 55-64 22%, and 65+ 24%.

Differences by the Age of Protestant Pastors

Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?

President Obama, Beck, Palin, Winfrey, Bush

Page 7: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


Pastors of churches with attendance under 50 are least likely to believe President Barack Obama is a Christian. Belief that President Obama is a Christian by pastor’s church size: Under 50 29%, 50-99 43%, 100-249 42%, and 250+ 41%.

Pastors of churches with attendance under 50 are least likely to believe Sarah Palin is a Christian. Belief that Sarah Palin is a Christian by pastor’s church size: Under 50 53%, 50-99 69%, 100-249 65%, and 250+ 69%.

Pastors of churches with attendance under 50 are least likely to believe Former President George W. Bush is a Christian. Belief that Former President George W. Bush is a Christian by pastor’s church size: Under 50 65%, 50-99 81%, 100-249 74%, and 250+ 75%.

Differences by the Church Size of Protestant Pastors

Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?

President Obama, Beck, Palin, Winfrey, Bush

Page 8: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


23% of pastors who identify their political party as Republican believe President Obama is a Christian, compared to 80% of Democrats and 52% of Independents.

24% of pastors who identify their political party as Republican believe Glenn Beck is a Christian, compared to 37% of Democrats.

10% of pastors who identify their political party as Republican believe Oprah Winfrey is a Christian, compared to 46% of Democrats and 21% of Independents.

Differences by the Political Party of Protestant Pastors

Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?

President Obama, Beck, Palin, Winfrey, Bush

Page 9: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


88% of pastors who identify their political ideology as Liberal or Very Liberal believe President Barack Obama is a Christian, compared to 66% of Moderates, 31% of Conservatives and 12% of Very Conservatives.

40% of pastors who identify their political ideology as Liberal or Very Liberal believe Glenn Beck is a Christian, compared to 21% of Conservatives and 24% of Very Conservatives.

56% of pastors who identify their political ideology as Liberal or Very Liberal believe Oprah Winfrey is a Christian, compared to 34% of Moderates, 11% of Conservatives and 5% of Very Conservatives.

84% of pastors who identify their political ideology as Liberal or Very Liberal believe Former President George W. Bush is a Christian, compared to 74% of Conservatives and 75% of Very Conservatives.

Differences by Political Ideology of Protestant Pastors

Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?

President Obama, Beck, Palin, Winfrey, Bush

Page 10: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.


Pastors who consider themselves “Mainline” are more likely to believe President Barack Obama, Glenn Beck, Oprah Winfrey, and Former President George W. Bush are Christians than pastors who consider themselves “Evangelical” President Barack Obama 63% compared to 32% Glenn Beck 39% compared to 24% Oprah Winfrey 34% compared to 13% Former President George W. Bush 85% compared to 76%

Differences between Evangelical and Mainline Protestant Pastors

Which, if any, of the following people do you believe are Christians?

President Obama, Beck, Palin, Winfrey, Bush

Page 11: Faith of Well-Known Personalities As Understood by Protestant Pastors.

Faith of Well-Known Personalities

As Understood by Protestant Pastors