Faith in the Future (CHAPS 2013)

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Transcript of Faith in the Future (CHAPS 2013)

  • 7/29/2019 Faith in the Future (CHAPS 2013)



    Catholic Education:

    Faith in the FutureL. Franchi

    CHAPS Conference


  • 7/29/2019 Faith in the Future (CHAPS 2013)



    1. Aims of the presentation2. Background toLumen Fidei3. Key ideas ofLumen Fidei4. Reflection on some of the key ideas ofLumen Fidei5. Some practical points6. Concluding thoughts

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    1. Aims of the presentation

    S To explore how we can havefaith in the future of Catholiceducation in Scotland and beyond

    S To allow us to reflect on the EncyclicalLumen FideiS To useLumen Fideias a guide to developing the faith life of

    our Catholic schools

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    2. Background toLumen Fidei

    S Lumen Fideiis part three of atrilogy consisting ofSpe Salvi

    (2007) and Caritas in Veritate(2009), both written by PopeBenedict XVI

    S Lumen Fidei, although signed byPope Francis, was started by hispredecessor

    SJoint-authorship is a sign of theunity of the Magisterium

    S Publication date of June 29 isalso significant

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    Popes united!

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    3. Key ideas ofLumen Fidei

    S StructureS

    Four sectionsS Sixty paragraphs

    S Opening sentenceS The light of Faith: this is

    how the Churchs tradition

    speaks of the great gift

    brought by Jesus.

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    Ch 1. We have believed in

    love (1 John 4:16)

    S Key ideasS Abraham, our Father in faith faith of Israel the fullness of

    Christian faith salvation by faith ecclesial form of faith

    S CommentS Faith, while personal, is communal. The tradition of

    monotheism goes back to Abraham. Ekklesia (Greek)= called


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    Ch. 2 Unless you believe you

    will not understand (Is. 7:9)

    S Key ideasS Faith and truth knowledge of the truth and love faith as

    hearing and sight the dialogue between faith and reason faith and the search for God faith and theology

    S CommentS Faith is a challenge to modernity and the predominance of


    S For the Catholic, there is a truth: the divine Person of Jesus

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    Ch. 3 I have delivered to you

    what I also received (1 Cor.


    S Key ideasS The Church, mother of our faith the sacraments and the

    transmission of faith faith, prayer and the Decalogue the

    unity and integrity of faith

    S CommentS Our need to love the Church as a communion of faith, a living

    body called to teach

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    Ch. 4 God prepares a city for

    them Heb. 11.16

    S Key ideasS Faith and the common good faith and the family a light for

    life in society consolation and strength amid suffering

    blessed is she who believed

    S CommentS Dont keep the faith, spread it!S Faith is not a private matter

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    4. Reflection on key ideas

    a. Knowledge of the the truthand love (26)

    b. Dialogue between faith andreason (32-34)

    c. Faith and theology (36)d. Sacraments and the

    transmission of faith (40-45)

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  • 7/29/2019 Faith in the Future (CHAPS 2013)


    Dialogue between faith and

    reason (32-34)

    S Truth nowadays is often reduced to the subjective authenticity ofthe individual, valid only for the life of the individual. A common

    truth intimidates us, for we identify it with the intransigent

    demands of totalitarian systems. But if truth is a truth of love, if it

    is a truth disclosed in personal encounter with the Other and with

    others, then it can be set free from its enclosure in individuals and

    become part of the common good. As a truth of love, it is not one

    that can be imposed by force; it is not a truth that stifles the

    individual. Since it is born of love, it can penetrate to the heart, to

    the personal core of each man and woman (34).

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    Faith and theology (36)

    S Clearly, theology is impossible without faith; it is part of the veryprocess of faith, which seeks an ever deeper understanding of

    Gods self-disclosure culminating in Christ. It follows thattheology is more than simply an effort of human reason toanalyze and understand, along the lines of the experimentalsciences. God cannot be reduced to an object. He is a subject whomakes himself known and perceived in an interpersonalrelationship. Right faith orients reason to open itself to the lightwhich comes from God, so that reason, guided by love of thetruth, can come to a deeper knowledge of God. The greatmedieval theologians and teachers rightly held that theology, as ascience of faith, is a participation in Gods own knowledge ofhimself.

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    Sacraments and the

    transmission of faith (40-45)

    S For transmitting a purely doctrinal content, an idea might suffice,or perhaps a book, or the repetition of a spoken message. But

    what is communicated in the Church, what is handed down in her

    living Tradition, is the new light born of an encounter with the

    true God, a light which touches us at the core of our being and

    engages our minds, wills and emotions, opening us to

    relationships lived in communion. There is a special means for

    passing down this fullness, a means capable of engaging the entire

    person, body and spirit, interior life and relationships with others.

    It is the sacraments, celebrated in the Churchs liturgy (40)

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    Applicationto context

    S The Creed

    S The Catholic School as asite of Catholic culture

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    Using the Creed

    S Re-discover the value ofthe Apostles' and the



    Creeds. These creeds are

    both prayers and

    doctrinal statements and

    hence manifest the unity

    of faith and worship.

    SConsider if one of theCreeds should be prayed

    at school Masses and

    assemblies (as


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    The Catholic

    school as a site of

    Catholic culture

    S The Catholic wayshould be as natural asthe air we breathe

    S Emphasise theimportance offeastdays in the Churchsyear: Mass, specialtreats for both staff andpupils

    S Emphasise theimportance of thefastdays and what thismeans for ourcommunity

    S How can the Catholicschool develop the

    faith of the parents?

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    6. Concluding

    thoughtsDo not be disheartened in theface of the difficulties that theeducational challenge presents!Educating is not a professionbut an attitude, a way of being;

    in order to educate it isnecessary to step out ofourselves and be among youngpeople, to accompany them inthe stages of their growth andto set ourselves beside them(Pope Francis June 7 2013:Address to students of Jesuitsschools of Italy and Albania)

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    Holy Mary

    our hope, Seat

    of Wisdom.

    Pray for us.