fAd I J THE I NEWS Jr ParisL J 4 SquIres BF HutchisonO...

PARIS JANUARY 8 1909 0 NEWS fAd 0 Jr 4 p r hr w THE KENTUCKY > > V THE NILE Ancient Greeks and the Process of Water The ancient Greeks already the use of sterilized Rufus of Ephesus in the first century vjpl this era taught that all water tfrom rivers and ponds is bad except ihsit from the Nile rivers which flow through unhealthy soil stagnant water and that which flows public bathing places is harmful The best water is that which has been boiled in baked earthenware vessels xooled and then heated a second time Before drinking This hygienic prescription was in both for healthy and sick peo tple since it was applied to the armies A During marches and in camps pits be dug successively from the r highest point to the lowest level of the place These holes should be lined wIth clay such as is used for making and the water should be made lo percolate through it The water will all its impurities in these pits It may be inquired how the ancient Greeks knowing the processes of stcr 41ization and filtration of water which they applied to that of the most limpid r Drivers should have drunk without pre cautions the water of the Nile which TOUT microscopes allow us to declare sound but which is in the most worthy of suspicion of all siand is so muddy so yellow that it re dienibles wine Gazette des Eaux THE BASILISK maw the Fabulous Monster Was Pic tured by Ancient Writers The basilisk was the most famous f the monsters of me llaevnl folklore According to the popular notion it was hatched by a rtoad from an egg laid by the cock of common barnyard fowl In the ancient picture books it was usually represented as an eight limbed ser went or dragon sometimes with and without wings Its name ii2s derived from basiliscos meaning a little king and was applied because creature was figured with a circle of white spots on its head which much resembled a crown The cockatrice a pecles of basilisk besides having a crown possessed a comb which was counterpart of the cocks PHny assures us that the basilisk a voice which struck terror to hearts of men beasts and ser ents The Bible classes it with the mon the serpent and the dragon as of the most formidable creatures ia writers Pliny Bascho and others that its bite was mortal in every that its breath was suffocating jmd that no plant would grow in the suspended in belfries to pre swallows from building there Disease Scents Every disease almost has its pecul Jar odor said a doctor This odor whelps us greatly in diagnosis Gout imparts to the a smell precisely like whey Diabetes causes m sweet honeylike smell Jaundice a smell of musk Smallpox bias a very strong and hideous smell If is lile burning bones Measles has as of fresh plucked feathers The fevers have the most distinc odors The odor of typhus is Tunmoniaoal that of intermittent is like fresh brown bread hot from the Oven that of typhus is musty recall to the mind old damp cellars that f yellow fever is like the washings ol a dirty gun barrel So see to speak of a doctor scenting our disease is not to use a mere figure of speech A Surprise For the Thief Herr Hager a rich and influential frequently had watches picked from his pocket At first he had re course to all kinds of safety chains one morning he took no whatever and quietly allowed himself to be robbed At night on returning from his business he took up the evening paper he uttered an exclamation of delight A watch had exploded in a mans hands The vic hands were shattered and the eye destroyed The crafty bank jer had the watch case with dy namite which exploded in the opera lion of winding London Telegraph f A Difficult Task One of the greatest puzzles said a member of parliament is how to con cecle the most worthy and honorable intentions to an opponent how to pro Mess an unswerving and unfading be flier in his uncompromising veracity and bona fides and at the same time to convey a distinct conviction that he jlsan impostor and a humbug of the first water and an accomplished Ana tolas carrying a welter of thirteen stone seven pounds in the mendacity handi jasp London Opinion The Other Way fl heard that Ranter down in waddle of his speech the bther the man who was kept at going by illness Not exactly replied the man who Was there The meeting broke up light in the middle of his speech Needed a Starter One night little Margaret on kneel ing by her mamma to say her finished Now I lay me and forgot gamma she said you just start me and then I can go awhizzing Delineator Qualified Caller Is the lady of the house in j who has been given notice in but shes no lady Life V The world is upheld by the veracity of I J RIVER Sterilizing Waterfrom tended must 4 lease appearance many fabulous j sometimes the ofJlD exact bad caSe of its lair Its dead body Soften went skits a smell banker eft filled nightsaid Waitress g d men Emerson f LL J 1 recom- mended water dear the the pane essay oc- casions live hang you then precau- tion broke the prayers E o E 1 ¬ < > > ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > < < > ° = + j THE WINTER Said to Have Originally Indicated Wetness Not Coldness There is a prevailing impression that there is something in the word win ter that signifies cold and the sea son is usually associated with the idea of low temperature but where the originated there was little of winter as we understand it while there was a great deal of moisture at the time the earth was nearest to the sun so that it is not the temperature but the atmospheric condition that has given us the word winter as we use it is found with but slight modifications in all the branches of the Aryan 1 lan guages for the idea of wetness asso ciated with the season was given to it before the Aryan family was divided If go to the root of the word we find wad with the signification of to well to wash out to moisten or make wet Our Aryan ancestors used that root to apply to all conditions of and many words besides winter have grown out of it wet and water being among them This root wad is in the Sanskrit as udan water AngloSaxon has wae ter and in Latin we have unda wave from which we get our inun date Our Danish and Swedish cousins changed the w into a v and have enter In Icelandic it is vetir and the old high German has win tar and it is winter in German These four words are all from the Teutonic base wata which wet So it has been moisture that has been indicated from the birth of the root on which all of the different words In a dozen languages have grown New York Herald CURIOUS FLORIDA HERB i Red Plant Which Feeds Upon Ants and Other Insects Almost everybody knows there are such things as insectivorous or carniv orous plants but it is doubtful if many know we have any such plants grow ing right here in southern Florida Nevertheless there is a plant or herb growing here which is really insectivorous It is likely that on account of its be ing extremely small it has escaped attention In fact it seems to have been overlooked by the botanists also as we are unable to find it classed among the sensitive plants This is an annual herb and the en tire plant including the flowers is of a deep rich red color It rarely reach ed a height of more than three inches and is never so broad The leaves arc spatulate when undisturbed and many small fibrillae and secrete at their tips a tenacious fluid which is capable of holding the very small in sects such as ants and the like upon i which it feeds When any of these get lodged in the fluid and disturb these fibrillae the leaves slowly acquire a deep cut shape and sometimes curl completely up over their victim When they have absorbed the insect they slowly recover their original shape leaving only the skeleton of the insect remaining These plants grow on the very low flat poor and sandy lands They ap pear In the late winter ad early spring Gorda Fla Herald The Human Temperature Put to the test of the it appears that the normal of the body is almost invariable regardless of latitude or season Put ting the bulb of the thermometer the tongue of an Eskimo at the frozen north or of a man under the j blazing sun of the tropics we find that in each case the body being in a state of health the temperature is about the same the difference not amounting to a degree We may say absolutely that the average normal temperature of a human being is about 985 degrees F just as we may say that at sea level water boils at 212 degrees F New York American Put In More Words Now said the teacher what is it makes the water of the sea so said Peters Next said the teacher What Is it makes the water of the sea so saltyThe salty quality of the sea water answered Next is due to the ad mixture of a sufficient quantity of chloride of sodium to impart to the aqueous fluid with which it a saline flavor is readily recognized by the organs of taste Right said the teacher one Mutton Birds During six weeks every autumn the 400 inhabitants of the Australian Fur neaux islands make enough money to support themselves in idleness the rest of the year They do this by catching the very fat young mutton birds which are hatched there in such num hers that the flocks when they extend for mires They furnish food and oil which is used for purposes and also as a substi tute for cod liver oil Making Sure Country you I am In the right train Town Relative has had about enough of it Well I have asked Seventeen porters and thirtytwo passengers and they all say Yes so I think youd better risk it London Telegraph If thou continues to take delight in idle argumentation thou inayest be qualified to combat wifth the sophists but never to love with men v T Socrates I WORD word Theword we means I rath- er I I I pre- sent I i t monthsPunta J thermometer t I tempera- ture i I Peters I saltySalt commin- gles which mi- grate lubri- cating CousinAre who knoW I moisture Un- der lest G c- up sure how M u ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = GOOD NIGHTS REST I J j for It 1 she cried to For she knew in her little heart That German Syrup homes Could impart tiThe greatest tonic on earth is a good nights and rible exhaustion of a are dread dangers of the poor consumptive JBut fear of when few doses of Dr Boschees German will insure refreshing sleep entirely free from or sweat Free ex pectoration in the morning is made cer German yWe know by the experience of over thirtyfive that one 75cent bottle of German Syrup will speedily relieve car cure the worst coughs Of lung troubles that even in bad cases of consumption one large bottle erf German work wonders 1 j JTwp sizes 250 and 750 All druggists G S VARDEN SON Paris Ky Left Them Thinking unfortunate of putting faith in thieves and scoundrels of the basest description I have done The unhappy man in the dock puts faith in you gentlemen of the jury The Lexington Herald for 1909 The Lexington Herald annoucnes its annual bargain offer for 500 per year to mail subscribers who pay a year in advance before January 15th This ap plies only to mail subscrbiers who are notin arrears All subscribers who are in arrears may secure this reduced rate by paying up co January 1 1909 and paying 500 in advance for the year New subscribers may receive the paper by mail on payment of 500 in advance These sates do not either to carrier delivery in Lexington or carrier delivery in any of the towns of Central Kentucky but only to sub scribers who receive their paper through the mails The Herald for 1909 will be a better newspaper than ever before It will continue to cover the news fields with the thoroughness that has already made it Central Kentuckys favorite newspaper and the Sunday Herald will retain all of the high class features that have made it supeior to any other Sunday paper published in a city of Lex ingtons size In addition to what Herald have received heretofore they Iwill get on Monday morning an al weekly which will fih6 news of the day The regular of the daily editions of the Herald will receive the Blue Grass Farmer j edition The Blue Farmer edition will be for 100 a year and The Sunday Herald for 150 a year LEXINGTON HERALD CO Inc Lexington Ky Made His Diagnosis What diagnosis did the doctor make of your wifes illness Said she is suffering from overwork Is that so Yes he looked at her tongue and reached his decision Good Cough Medicine for Child The coughs and colds at hand and too much care cannot lie used to protect the children A child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold The quicker you cure his cold the less the risk Chamberlains Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers and few of those who have tried it are willing to use Mrs FF Starcher of Ripley AV Va says I have never used any thing other than Chamberlains Cough Remedy for my children and it has al good satisfaction This remedy contains no opium or other and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult For sale by W T You need no other guarantee dee Judge Has Something to Learn There is no such thing as unskilled labor says the judge of the Washing ton juvenile court Evidently the learned judge never saw a city the country trying to chop wood Seven Years of Proof I have had seven years of that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condition of the throat chest or lungs says W V Henry of Panama Mo The world has had thirtyeight years of proof that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best remedy for coughs and coldsla grippe asthma hay fever bronchitis of the lungs and the early stage of consumption Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumoia Sold under guarantee at Oberdorfers drug stores 50cts and 1 Trial bottle free jan Distinctions Impossible That which is not for the interest of the swarm is not for the of a single bee Marcus Aurelius t Watched Fifteen Years fifteen years I have the working of Bucklens Arnica Salve never failed to cure any sore boil ulcer or burn to which it was applied Tt lids us many a A F Hardy Wilton Maine at drugstore y jan i 1 fc tr a prIncipal implic- it t I I subscrib- ers agricu tur- I al o cart subscrib- ers I Gras I I ren waysgiven nar- cotic I proof hemor- rhage whole in- terest t For watched and it has doc- tor of East 25c Oberdorfer o cpr i joy i characteristic nex p im- mediately f se sonafor i S- now an- other Brooks ma- in r saved sat a Y a y > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ERRATIC SCIENCE Some Wonderful by School room Small Boys Mushrooms in damp places and so they look like umbrel las wrote a small boy inthe science examination Other examples of the howler are compiled by a writer in the Scientific American Air is the most of all the elements If there were no such thing as air I would not be writing this es say now also there would be no pneu matic tires which would sad loss Electricity and lightning are of the same nature the only difference being that lightning is often several miles in length while electricity is only a few inchesAir usually has no weight but found to weigh about fifteen pounds to a square inch The axis of the earth is an imagi nary line on which the earth is to take its daily routine The difference between air and is that air can be made wetter but water cannot Gravity is chiefly noticeable In the autumn when the apples are falling from the trees Things which are equal to each other are equal to anything else A parallel straight line is one which if produced to meet itself does not meetThe blood is putrefied in lungs by inspired air Mind Your Business If you pont nobody will Itis your business to keeping out of all the trou ble you can and yuu can and will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr Kings New Life Pills They keep biliousness and Jaundice out of your system 25c at Oberdorfers drug store jan The Woman Novelist Our woman novelists in proportion to their numbers get fewer novel dramas put on the stage than our man novelists Is this because women have less of the dramatic sense the power to paint with a big brush and perhaps less sense of Monthly How is Your Digestion Mrs Mary Dowling of No 228 8th Ave San Francisco recommends a remedy for stomach trouble She says Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute in digestion prompts this testimonial I am fully onvinced that for stomach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today This great tonic and alterative medi cine invigorates the system purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness 50c at Oberdorfers drug store jan Rewards Constantly Paid The rewards of great living are not external things withheld until the crowning hour of success arrives they come by the the con sciousness of growing power and duties nobly met and work thoroughly done Joy and peace are by the way Mabie Hows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any of Catarrh that can not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure FJ CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio We the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly honorable in all his business transactions and able to carry out any obligations made by his firm WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system Tes timonials sent free Price 75 cents druggistsTake pation jan Not Improbable- I dont know how true it is said the Irishman but they tell that the dime museum bearded lady just died and left a wife and four children Insure with W 0 Hinton Prompt paying nonunion com panics As True Now as Then Corruption will never want a pre tense Cato County Court Days Below is a list of County Courts held each month in counties tributary to Paris Anderson Lawrenceburg 3d MondayBourbon Boyle Danville 3d Monday MondayClark Estill Irvine 3d Monday Fayette Lexington 2d Monday Fleming Flemingsburg 4th Monday Franklin Frankfort 1st Monday Garrard Lancaster 4th Monday Grant Williamstown 2nd Monday Harrison Cynthiana 4th Monday Henry Newcastle 1st Monday Jessamine Nicholas vi lie 3d Monday Lee Beattyville 4th Lincoln Stanford 2nd Monday MondayMason Mercer Harrodsburg 1st Monday MondayOwen Plendletown Monday Powell Stanton 1st Somerset 3d Monday Scott Georgetown 3d Monday MondayWayne Woodford Versailles 4th Monday I have 100 nice calves for sale Will sell in bunches to snit the buyer v fcf JOE FRAEES Paris l Answers always grow necessary ben sup- posed wa- ter the humorBook wayin worthof case finan- cially me I M MondayNicholas Falmouthls FOR SALE t f R dec1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Repiesentative Sidney G Clay For Circuit Judge Robt L Stout of Woodford county For Commonwealths Attorney Robt B Franklin of Franklin For County Dundpn For Circuit H Webb Fr Coun ty Paton For County Bat terton For 0 James For G McClintock For F Bedford For Coroner Rudolph Davis JudgeDenis ClerkW ClerkPearce withW AttorneyGeorge JailerH AssessorW Gilkeyas SurveyorBen SuperintendentF r > > FOR MAGISTRATE J ParisL J FretwelJ Little RockW H SquIres Clintonville BF Stipp B Lloyd Centerville J T Barlow Ruddles Mills Geo K Redmtin Millersburg E P ThumaBon 4l ANNOUNCEMENTS Jm FOR STATE SENATOR f We are authorized toannounce Glauc M Thomas as a candidate for the Deiri ocratic nomination for State from this district composed oft bon Clark and Montgomery The Tightwad One trouble with a tightwad that he doesnt care who knows it 7 7 i ti d HutchisonO of fo f North MlddletownJ J RedoR s i i f Senato i ll II 71 f Bout < A New Year Resolution We have by fair dealing and sea sonable price and courteous treatment to make this year a greater success than one in the history of our experience in the furniture business By buying my furni ture in large quantities than ever before therefore it enables us to give to my cus tomers the benefit of a close price our patrons for their past favors arid we hope to merit a continuation of the same J T Luman Co Keely Building Cor and Main Stsy I salved any J j re r Thank- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ > < + = Q 4CORSETS4f The Perfect Carsct for Large Women It places overdeveloped women en the same basis as their slender sisters the bust Battens the abdomen and reduces the hips from i to 5 inches Not a harness not a cumbersome affair no torturing strapr but the most scientific boned in a manner as to give the wearer absolute of movement NcW W B Rcduso No 70 for Urs tall women cf wHo coutil Hose suppotteii tent and sides Sizes 20 to 3b Price 300 New W B Rcduso No 772 for large short women Price 300 Ask dearer anywhrre to show you the New W B models from 100 to 300 per pair WEINGARTEN BROS Mfrs 377379 BROADWAY NEW YORK ofcorsetry uch mode in batate tnsamo No coutilHose ad J abso- lutely Made it as Hip eubduiag ¬ floiflays HomeMade CANDIES Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention Divinity Fruit Pudding Praulines Celestials Nougat Nut Wafers Chocolates Chocolate Cocktails Orientals Cocoannt Caramels Pecan Caramels Naugat Caramels Vanilla Caramels Cinamon Potatoes Modijeskas Stuffed Dates IKIy Both Phones Main St near Fifth CLOVER SEED v We have in stock some very fine NEW CROP Clever Seed which we are selling nov to be out at time are very low now Call at our office to see this seed Brent Bro Both Phones 14 1 1 j BRUtE IIOLLAFAY Paris If 1 04i I J y1 iI t i b I I ChasmS i I ENT1rO Y I- i I i c l Vjfi t L 1rGJ FJ t J t i t jo i J i i I S L des f 1 taken ELI r < > > < =

Transcript of fAd I J THE I NEWS Jr ParisL J 4 SquIres BF HutchisonO...



NEWSfAd 0 Jr 4

p r hr w



Ancient Greeks and the Process ofWater

The ancient Greeks alreadythe use of sterilized

Rufus of Ephesus in the first centuryvjpl this era taught that all watertfrom rivers and ponds is bad exceptihsit from the Nile riverswhich flow through unhealthy soilstagnant water and that which flows

public bathing places is harmfulThe best water is that which has beenboiled in baked earthenware vessels

xooled and then heated a second timeBefore drinking

This hygienic prescription was inboth for healthy and sick peo

tple since it was applied to the armiesA During marches and in camps pits

be dug successively from ther highest point to the lowest level of theplace These holes should be linedwIth clay such as is used for making

and the water should be madelo percolate through it The water will

all its impurities in these pitsIt may be inquired how the ancient

Greeks knowing the processes of stcr41ization and filtration of water whichthey applied to that of the most limpid

r Drivers should have drunk without precautions the water of the Nile whichTOUT microscopes allow us to declare

sound but which is inthe most worthy of suspicion of all

siand is so muddy so yellow that it redienibles wine Gazette des Eaux


maw the Fabulous Monster Was Pictured by Ancient Writers

The basilisk was the most famousf the monsters of me

llaevnl folklore According to thepopular notion it was hatched by artoad from an egg laid by the cock of

common barnyard fowl In theancient picture books it was usuallyrepresented as an eight limbed serwent or dragon sometimes with and

without wings Its nameii2s derived from basiliscos meaning alittle king and was applied because

creature was figured with a circleof white spots on its head which muchresembled a crown The cockatrice a

pecles of basilisk besides having acrown possessed a comb which was

counterpart of the cocksPHny assures us that the basilisk

a voice which struck terror tohearts of men beasts and ser

ents The Bible classes it with themon the serpent and the dragon as

of the most formidable creaturesia writers Pliny Bascho and others

that its bite was mortal in everythat its breath was suffocating

jmd that no plant would grow in the

suspended in belfries to preswallows from building there

Disease ScentsEvery disease almost has its pecul

Jar odor said a doctor This odorwhelps us greatly in diagnosis

Gout imparts to the a smellprecisely like whey Diabetes causesm sweet honeylike smell Jaundice

a smell of musk Smallpoxbias a very strong and hideous smellIf is lile burning bones Measles has

as of fresh plucked feathersThe fevers have the most distinc

odors The odor of typhus isTunmoniaoal that of intermittent islike fresh brown bread hot from theOven that of typhus is musty recall

to the mind old damp cellars thatf yellow fever is like the washings

ol a dirty gun barrelSo see to speak of a doctor

scenting our disease is not to use amere figure of speech

A Surprise For the ThiefHerr Hager a rich and influential

frequently had watches pickedfrom his pocket At first he had recourse to all kinds of safety chains

one morning he took nowhatever and quietly allowed

himself to be robbed At night onreturning from his business he tookup the evening paper he uttered anexclamation of delight A watch hadexploded in a mans hands The vic

hands were shattered and theeye destroyed The crafty bank

jer had the watch case with dynamite which exploded in the operalion of winding London Telegraph

f A Difficult TaskOne of the greatest puzzles said a

member of parliament is how to concecle the most worthy and honorableintentions to an opponent how to pro

Mess an unswerving and unfading beflier in his uncompromising veracityand bona fides and at the same timeto convey a distinct conviction that hejlsan impostor and a humbug of thefirst water and an accomplished Anatolas carrying a welter of thirteen stoneseven pounds in the mendacity handi

jasp London Opinion

The Other Wayfl heard that Ranter down in

waddle of his speech the btherthe man who was kept at

going by illnessNot exactly replied the man who

Was there The meeting broke uplight in the middle of his speech

Needed a StarterOne night little Margaret on kneel

ing by her mamma to say herfinished Now I lay me and forgotgamma she said you just start

me and then I can go awhizzingDelineator

QualifiedCaller Is the lady of the house in

j who has been given noticein but shes no lady Life V

The world is upheld by the veracityof










many fabulous




ofJlD exact



of its lair Its dead bodySoften



a smell





g d men Emerson



recom-mended water











then precau-tion


























Said to Have Originally IndicatedWetness Not Coldness

There is a prevailing impression thatthere is something in the word winter that signifies cold and the season is usually associated with the ideaof low temperature but where the

originated there was little ofwinter as we understand it whilethere was a great deal of moisture atthe time the earth was nearest to thesun so that it is not the temperaturebut the atmospheric condition that hasgiven us the word

winter as we use it isfound with but slight modifications inall the branches of the Aryan 1 languages for the idea of wetness associated with the season was given to itbefore the Aryan family was divided

If go to the root of the word wefind wad with the signification of towell to wash out to moisten or makewet Our Aryan ancestors used thatroot to apply to all conditions of

and many words besideswinter have grown out of it wet andwater being among them

This root wad is in the Sanskrit asudan water AngloSaxon has wae

ter and in Latin we have undawave from which we get our inundate

Our Danish and Swedish cousinschanged the w into a v and haveenter In Icelandic it is vetir

and the old high German has wintar and it is winter in GermanThese four words are all from theTeutonic base wata whichwet So it has been moisture that hasbeen indicated from the birth of theroot on which all of the different wordsIn a dozen languages have grownNew York Herald


Red Plant Which Feeds Upon Antsand Other Insects

Almost everybody knows there aresuch things as insectivorous or carnivorous plants but it is doubtful if manyknow we have any such plants growing right here in southern FloridaNevertheless there is a plant or

herb growing here which is reallyinsectivorous

It is likely that on account of its being extremely small it has escapedattention In fact it seems to havebeen overlooked by the botanists alsoas we are unable to find it classedamong the sensitive plants

This is an annual herb and the entire plant including the flowers is ofa deep rich red color It rarely reached a height of more than three inchesand is never so broad The leaves arcspatulate when undisturbed and

many small fibrillae and secreteat their tips a tenacious fluid which iscapable of holding the very small insects such as ants and the like upon

i which it feeds When any of these getlodged in the fluid and disturb thesefibrillae the leaves slowly acquire adeep cut shape and sometimes curlcompletely up over their victim Whenthey have absorbed the insect theyslowly recover their original shapeleaving only the skeleton of the insectremaining

These plants grow on the very lowflat poor and sandy lands They appear In the late winter a d earlyspring Gorda FlaHerald

The Human TemperaturePut to the test of the

it appears that the normalof the body is almost invariable

regardless of latitude or season Putting the bulb of the thermometer

the tongue of an Eskimo at thefrozen north or of a man under the

j blazing sun of the tropics we find thatin each case the body being in a stateof health the temperature is about thesame the difference not amounting toa degree We may say absolutely thatthe average normal temperature ofa human being is about 985 degreesF just as we may say that at sealevel water boils at 212 degrees FNew York American

Put In More WordsNow said the teacher

what is it makes the water of the seaso

said PetersNext said the teacher What Is

it makes the water of the sea sosaltyThe

salty quality of the sea wateranswered Next is due to the admixture of a sufficient quantity ofchloride of sodium to impart to theaqueous fluid with which it

a saline flavor is readilyrecognized by the organs of taste

Right said the teacherone

Mutton BirdsDuring six weeks every autumn the

400 inhabitants of the Australian Furneaux islands make enough money tosupport themselves in idleness the restof the year They do this by catchingthe very fat young mutton birdswhich are hatched there in such numhers that the flocks when they

extend for mires They furnishfood and oil which is used for

purposes and also as a substitute for cod liver oil

Making SureCountry you I am

In the right train Town Relativehas had about enough of it

Well I have asked Seventeen portersand thirtytwo passengers and theyall say Yes so I think youd betterrisk it London Telegraph

If thou continues to take delight inidle argumentation thou inayest bequalified to combat wifth the sophistsbut never to love with menv TSocrates










I pre-sent





J thermometert








commin-gles which









lest G c-

























= =




for It 1 she cried toFor she knew in her little heart

That German Syrup homesCould impart

tiThe greatest tonic on earth is a goodnights and

rible exhaustion of a aredread dangers of the poor consumptiveJBut fear of whenfew doses of Dr Boschees Germanwill insure refreshing sleep entirely freefrom or sweat Free expectoration in the morning is made cer

GermanyWe know by the experience of overthirtyfive that one 75cent bottle ofGerman Syrup will speedily relieve car

cure the worst coughs Oflung troubles that even in badcases of consumption one large bottle erf

German work wonders 1 jJTwp sizes 250 and 750 All druggists


Left Them Thinking

unfortunate of puttingfaith in thieves and scoundrels of thebasest description I have done Theunhappy man in the dock puts

faith in you gentlemen of the jury

The Lexington Herald for 1909The Lexington Herald annoucnes its

annual bargain offer for 500 per yearto mail subscribers who pay a year inadvance before January 15th This applies only to mail subscrbiers who arenotin arrears All subscribers who arein arrears may secure this reduced rateby paying up co January 1 1909 andpaying 500 in advance for theyear New subscribers may receivethe paper by mail on payment of 500in advance These sates do noteither to carrier delivery in Lexingtonor carrier delivery in any of the townsof Central Kentucky but only to subscribers who receive their paperthrough the mails

The Herald for 1909 will be a betternewspaper than ever before It willcontinue to cover the news fields withthe thoroughness that has alreadymade it Central Kentuckys favoritenewspaper and the Sunday Herald willretain all of the high class featuresthat have made it supeior to any otherSunday paper published in a city of Lexingtons size

In addition to what Heraldhave received heretofore they Iwill

get on Monday morning anal weekly which will fih6news of the day The regular

of the daily editions of the Heraldwill receive the Blue Grass Farmer

j editionThe Blue Farmer edition will

be for 100 a year and The SundayHerald for 150 a yearLEXINGTON HERALD CO Inc

Lexington Ky

Made His DiagnosisWhat diagnosis did the doctor

make of your wifes illness Saidshe is suffering from overwork Isthat so Yes he looked at hertongue and reached his decision

Good Cough Medicine for Child

The coughs and coldsat hand and too much care cannot

lie used to protect the children Achild is much more likely to contractdiphtheria or scarlet fever when hehas a cold The quicker you cure hiscold the less the risk ChamberlainsCough Remedy is the sole reliance ofmany mothers and few of those whohave tried it are willing to use

Mrs FF Starcher of RipleyAV Va says I have never used anything other than Chamberlains CoughRemedy for my children and it has al

good satisfaction Thisremedy contains no opium or other

and may be given as confidentlyto a child as to an adult For sale byW T You need no otherguarantee dee

Judge Has Something to LearnThere is no such thing as unskilled

labor says the judge of the Washington juvenile court Evidently thelearned judge never saw a city

the country trying to chop wood

Seven Years of ProofI have had seven years of

that Dr Kings New Discovery is thebest medicine to take for coughs andcolds and for every diseased conditionof the throat chest or lungs says WV Henry of Panama Mo The worldhas had thirtyeight years of proof thatDr Kings New Discovery is the bestremedy for coughs and coldsla grippeasthma hay fever bronchitis

of the lungs and the early stageof consumption Its timely use alwaysprevents the development of pneumoiaSold under guarantee at Oberdorfersdrug stores 50cts and 1 Trial bottlefree jan

Distinctions ImpossibleThat which is not for the interest

of the swarm is not for theof a single bee Marcus

Aurelius t

Watched Fifteen Yearsfifteen years I have

the working of Bucklens Arnica Salvenever failed to cure any

sore boil ulcer or burn to which it wasapplied Tt lids us many a

A F HardyWilton Maine atdrugstore y jan












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whole in-terest


For watched

and it has

doc-tor of East

25c Oberdorfero









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Some Wonderful by Schoolroom Small Boys

Mushrooms in dampplaces and so they look like umbrellas wrote a small boy inthe scienceexamination Other examples of thehowler are compiled by a writer in

the Scientific AmericanAir is the most of all the

elements If there were no such thingas air I would not be writing this essay now also there would be no pneumatic tires which would sad loss

Electricity and lightning are of thesame nature the only difference beingthat lightning is often several miles inlength while electricity is only a fewinchesAir

usually has no weight butfound to weigh about fifteen pounds toa square inch

The axis of the earth is an imaginary line on which the earth is

to take its daily routineThe difference between air andis that air can be made wetter but

water cannotGravity is chiefly noticeable In the

autumn when the apples are fallingfrom the trees

Things which are equal to eachother are equal to anything else

A parallel straight line is one whichif produced to meet itself does notmeetThe

blood is putrefied in lungsby inspired air

Mind Your BusinessIf you pont nobody will Itis your

business to keeping out of all the trouble you can and yuu can and will keepout of liver and bowel trouble if youtake Dr Kings New Life Pills Theykeep biliousness and Jaundice out ofyour system 25c at Oberdorfers drugstore jan

The Woman NovelistOur woman novelists in proportion

to their numbers get fewer noveldramas put on the stage than our mannovelists Is this because women haveless of the dramatic sense the powerto paint with a big brush and perhapsless sense of Monthly

How is Your DigestionMrs Mary Dowling of No 228 8th

Ave San Francisco recommends aremedy for stomach trouble She says

Gratitude for the wonderful effect ofElectric Bitters in a case of acute indigestion prompts this testimonial Iam fully onvinced that for stomachand liver troubles Electric Bitters isthe best remedy on the market todayThis great tonic and alterative medicine invigorates the system purifiesthe blood and is especially helpful inall forms of female weakness 50c atOberdorfers drug store jan

Rewards Constantly PaidThe rewards of great living are not

external things withheld until thecrowning hour of success arrivesthey come by the the consciousness of growing power and

duties nobly met and workthoroughly done Joy and peace areby the way Mabie

Hows ThisWe offer One Hundred Dollars Re

ward for any of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure

FJ CHENEY CO Toledo OhioWe the undersigned have known F

J Cheney for the last fifteen yearsand believe him perfectly honorable inall his business transactions and

able to carry out any obligationsmade by his firmWALDING KINNAN MARVIN

Wholesale Druggists Toledo OhioHalls Catarrh Cure is taken intern

ally acting directly upon the blood andmucous surfaces of tho system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents

druggistsTakepation jan

Not Improbable-I dont know how true it is said

the Irishman but they tell thatthe dime museum bearded lady justdied and left a wife and four children

Insure with W 0 HintonPrompt paying nonunion companics

As True Now as ThenCorruption will never want a pre

tense Cato

County Court DaysBelow is a list of County Courts

held each month in counties tributaryto Paris

Anderson Lawrenceburg 3d

MondayBourbonBoyle Danville 3d Monday

MondayClarkEstill Irvine 3d MondayFayette Lexington 2d MondayFleming Flemingsburg 4th MondayFranklin Frankfort 1st MondayGarrard Lancaster 4th MondayGrant Williamstown 2nd MondayHarrison Cynthiana 4th MondayHenry Newcastle 1st MondayJessamine Nicholas vi lie 3d MondayLee Beattyville 4thLincoln Stanford 2nd Monday

MondayMasonMercer Harrodsburg 1st Monday

MondayOwenPlendletown MondayPowell Stanton 1st

Somerset 3d MondayScott Georgetown 3d Monday

MondayWayneWoodford Versailles 4th Monday

I have 100 nice calves for sale Willsell in bunches to snit the buyer v

fcf JOE FRAEES Paris


always grow


































For Repiesentative Sidney G ClayFor Circuit Judge Robt L Stout

of Woodford countyFor Commonwealths Attorney

Robt B Franklin of FranklinFor County DundpnFor Circuit H Webb

Fr Coun ty Paton

For County Batterton

For 0 JamesFor G McClintock

For F Bedford

For Coroner Rudolph Davis








FOR MAGISTRATE JParisL J FretwelJLittle RockW H SquIresClintonville BF Stipp

B LloydCenterville J T BarlowRuddles Mills Geo K RedmtinMillersburg E P ThumaBon 4l


We are authorized toannounce GlaucM Thomas as a candidate for the Deiriocratic nomination for Statefrom this district composed oftbon Clark and Montgomery

The TightwadOne trouble with a tightwad

that he doesnt care who knows it

7 7

i tid

HutchisonO of


North MlddletownJ J RedoRs

ii f








A New Year ResolutionWe have by fair dealing and seasonable price and courteous treatment tomake this year a greater success thanone in the history of our experience in thefurniture business By buying my furniture in large quantities than ever beforetherefore it enables us to give to my customers the benefit of a close price

our patrons for their past favors aridwe hope to merit a continuation of thesame

J T Luman CoKeely Building Cor and Main Stsy

















4CORSETS4fThe Perfect Carsct for Large Women

It places overdeveloped women en the same basis as theirslender sisters the bust Battens the abdomen and

reduces the hips from i to 5 inches Not a harness not acumbersome affair no torturing strapr but the most scientific

boned in a manner as to give the wearer absoluteof movement

NcW W B Rcduso No 70 for Urs tall women cf wHocoutil Hose suppotteii tent and sides Sizes 20 to 3bPrice 300

New W B Rcduso No 772 for large short women

Price 300Ask dearer anywhrre to show you the New W B

models from 100 to 300 per pairWEINGARTEN BROS Mfrs 377379 BROADWAY NEW YORK

ofcorsetry uch

mode in batate

tnsamo NocoutilHosead




it as

Hip eubduiag


floiflays HomeMade

CANDIESMail Orders Given Prompt Attention

Divinity Fruit Pudding PraulinesCelestials Nougat Nut WafersChocolates Chocolate Cocktails Orientals

Cocoannt Caramels Pecan CaramelsNaugat Caramels Vanilla Caramels

Cinamon Potatoes Modijeskas

Stuffed Dates

IKIyBoth Phones Main St near Fifth


We have in stock some very fine NEW CROPClever Seed which we are selling nov to beout at time are very low now Callat our office to see this seed

Brent Bro

Both Phones 14




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