Faculty Evaluation Forms

Forms for Faculty Evaluation and Improvement of Instruction Preliminary Evaluation Agreement (Form 2220/001) Classroom Observation Form (Form 2220/002) Sample Formative Student Evaluation Form Faculty Member’s Final Conference Form (Form 2220/003) Supervisor’s Final Conference Form (Form 2220/004) Additional Evaluation Form for Nursing Faculty (Form 2220/005) Supervisor’s Evaluation Summary Form (Form 2220/006) Supervisor’s Evaluation Checklist: Part-time/Temporary Full-time Faculty (Form 2220/007) 1


Evaluation of Faculty by students

Transcript of Faculty Evaluation Forms

Forms for Faculty Evaluation andImprovement of InstructionPreliminary Evaluation Agreement(Form 2220/001)Classroom Observation Form (Form 2220/002)Sample Formative Student Evaluation FormFaculty Members Final Conference Form (Form 2220/003)Supervisors Final Conference Form (Form 2220/004)Additional Evaluation Form for Nursing Faculty (Form 2220/005)Supervisors Evaluation Summary Form (Form 2220/006)Supervisors Evaluation Cec!list"Part#time$%emporary Full#time Faculty(Form 2220/007)1PO&%FO'IO E(A')A%ION S*S%EMP&E'IMINA&* E(A')A%ION A+&EEMEN%Academic *ear Faculty Members Name",epartment or ,ivision: Directions:In collaboration with your dei!nated u"er#ior$ elect and lit the !oal that you ha#e %or the u"comin! year&('oalyou ha#e accom"lihed the ummer "re#iou to the academic year may count i% you ha#e not already lited them be%ore&) (hee!oalhouldoutlineareaonablewor)loadthat adheretothe!oalo%your"ro!ramandditributethewor)loadwithinthe"ro!ram in an e*uitable way while allowin! you to meet the e+"ectation a""ro"riate to your year o% %ull,time teachin! er#ice at-el!ado&(.ote:-e"endin! on the year o% er#ice$ %aculty may not ha#e to lit !oal in e#ery area o% thi %orm/ nor will all %acultymember ha#e the ame number o% !oal in each area& For "romotion "ur"oe$ ee -i#iion 0ommittee Individual1ecommendation Form (Form 2321/002) in Promotion Process Guidelines %or minimum intance re*uirement by "romotion le#el%or each cate!ory below&)I& Teaching and Related Activities/Academic Support II&Service to Students, Department, Division, or CollegeIII& Professional Service and Development Faculty 2ember3 4i!nature: 555555555555555555555555555555 -ate: 5555555554u"er#ior3 4i!nature: 5555555555555555555555555555555 -ate: 555555555Form 2220/001 (6/12)2PO&%FO'IO E(A')A%ION S*S%EMC'ASS&OOM O-SE&(A%ION Academic *ear" ,ate of Observation"Class Observed" Observer" Observee" Directions:7%ter the claroom ober#ation$ the ober#er and ober#ee hould dicu the *uetion on thi %orm&8n thi%orm$ the ober#er hould write about the claroom ober#ation$ but may alo write about the con#eration a well by includin! ome o% the ober#ation$ idea$ ob9ecti#e$ etc& o% the ober#ee& 1& :hat wa the "ur"oe o% the leon you ober#ed;2& :hat "art o% the cla eemed to "articularly enhance the learnin! "roce;:hat tren!th doe the teacher e+hibit;3& :hat intructional o"tion were dicued a a reult o% the ober#ation;(:hat o"tion would the teacher li)e to e+"lore;)

8ber#er3 4i!nature: 555555555555555555555555555555555 -ate: 555555555 8ber#ee3 4i!nature:555555555555555555555555555555555 -ate: 555555555Form 2220/002 (12/04)3SAMP'EFO&MA%I(E S%),EN% E(A')A%ION OF INS%&)C%ION(.ote:(hi i a sample form&(eacher may indi#iduali#aluation a!reement in collaboration with your u"er#ior;yeno

2& -id you "artici"ate in a claroom ober#ation;yeno ./7

3& -id you ue a %ormati#e e#aluation with one o% more clae thi academic year; ye no :hat coure;4& -id you com"ile an Annual Evaluation Portfolio;ye no5& -id you dicu your claroom ober#ation and/or your %ormati#e e#aluation with a collea!ue oror mentor;yeno 6& ?aed on your "artici"ation in the claroom ober#ation and the %ormati#e tudent e#aluation$ identi%y the tren!th you brin! to the claroom&7& ?aed on the ame ource$ identi%y one or two area you would li)e to tar!et %or de#elo"ment&6& Indicate any u""lie$ e*ui"ment or reource that mi!ht hel" you to im"ro#e intruction&@& Identi%y thin! u"er#ior could do to hel" you im"ro#e intruction$ de#elo" "ro%eionally and/or increae 9ob ati%action&(Aou may ue the bac) o% thi %orm to continue your re"one&)Faculty 2ember3 4i!nature555555555555555555555555555555555 -ate55555555555555 Form 2220/003 (12/04)S)PE&(ISO&S FINA' CONFE&ENCE FO&MOverall PerformanceName of Faculty Member DateDivisionAcademic *ear Activitieses Needs /or!0 !o"2eet cla re!ularly (eache a""ro"riate coure material related to coure content8r!ani