Facts and Figures 2012: State Gas Tax Rates

 State Excise Tax Other Taxes and Fees Total Rank  Ala. 16.0 4.9 20.9 37  Alaska 8.0 0.0 8.0 50  Ari z. 18.0 1.0 19.0 42  Ark. 21.5 0.3 21.8 35 Calif. 35.7 12.9 48.6 2 Colo. 22.0 0.0 22.0 33 Conn. 25.0 23.6 48.6 2 Del . 23.0 0.0 23.0 31 Fl a. 4.0 31.0 35.0 10 Ga. 7.5 21.9 29.4 18 Hawai i 17.0 30.1 47.1 4 I daho 25.0 0.0 25.0 25 Ill. 19.0 19.9 38.9 7 Ind. 18.0 20.9 38.9 7 I owa 21.0 1.0 22.0 33 Kans. 24.0 1.0 25.0 25 Ky. 26.4 1.4 27.8 21 La. 20.0 0.0 20.0 38 Maine 30.0 1.5 31.5 16 Md. 23.5 0.0 23.5 29 Mass. 21.0 2.5 23.5 29 Mich. 19.0 20.4 39.4 5 Minn. 28.0 0.1 28.1 19 Miss. 18.0 0.8 18.8 44 Mo. 17.0 0.3 17.3 45 Mont. 27.0 0.8 27.8 21 Nebr. 26.7 0.9 27.6 23 Nev. 23.0 10.1 33.1 12 N.H. 18.0 1.6 19.6 41 N.J. 10.5 4.0 14.5 48 N.M. 17.0 1.9 18.9 43 N.Y. 8.1 40.9 49.0 1 N.C. 38.9 0.3 39.2 6 N.D. 23.0 0.0 23.0 31 Ohio 28.0 0.0 28.0 20 Okla. 16.0 1.0 17.0 46 Ore. 30.0 1.0 31.0 17 Pa. 12.0 20.3 32.3 15 R.I . 32.0 1.0 33.0 13 S.C. 16.0 0.8 16.8 47 S D 22 0 2 0 24 0 28 State Gasoline Tax Rates, as of January 1, 2012 (Cents Per Gallon)

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Other Taxes

and Fees Total Rank

 Ala. 16.0 4.9 20.9 37

  Alaska 8.0 0.0 8.0 50 Ariz. 18.0 1.0 19.0 42

 Ark. 21.5 0.3 21.8 35

Calif. 35.7 12.9 48.6 2

Colo. 22.0 0.0 22.0 33

Conn. 25.0 23.6 48.6 2

Del. 23.0 0.0 23.0 31

Fla. 4.0 31.0 35.0 10

Ga. 7.5 21.9 29.4 18Hawaii 17.0 30.1 47.1 4

Idaho 25.0 0.0 25.0 25

Ill. 19.0 19.9 38.9 7

Ind. 18.0 20.9 38.9 7

Iowa 21.0 1.0 22.0 33

Kans. 24.0 1.0 25.0 25

Ky. 26.4 1.4 27.8 21

La. 20.0 0.0 20.0 38

Maine 30.0 1.5 31.5 16

Md. 23.5 0.0 23.5 29

Mass. 21.0 2.5 23.5 29

Mich. 19.0 20.4 39.4 5

Minn. 28.0 0.1 28.1 19

Miss. 18.0 0.8 18.8 44

Mo. 17.0 0.3 17.3 45

Mont. 27.0 0.8 27.8 21

Nebr. 26.7 0.9 27.6 23Nev. 23.0 10.1 33.1 12

N.H. 18.0 1.6 19.6 41

N.J. 10.5 4.0 14.5 48

N.M. 17.0 1.9 18.9 43

N.Y. 8.1 40.9 49.0 1

N.C. 38.9 0.3 39.2 6

N.D. 23.0 0.0 23.0 31

Ohio 28.0 0.0 28.0 20Okla. 16.0 1.0 17.0 46

Ore. 30.0 1.0 31.0 17

Pa. 12.0 20.3 32.3 15

R.I. 32.0 1.0 33.0 13

S.C. 16.0 0.8 16.8 47

S.D. 22.0 2.0 24.0 28

Tenn. 20.0 1.4 21.4 36

Tex. 20.0 0.0 20.0 38Utah 24.5 0.0 24.5 27

Vt. 19.0 7.1 26.1 24

Va. 17.5 2.3 19.8 40

Wash. 37.5 0.0 37.5 9

W.Va. 20.5 12.9 33.4 11

Wis. 30.9 2.0 32.9 14

Wyo. 13.0 1.0 14.0 49

D.C. 23.5 0.0 23.5 (29)

Source: American Petroleum Institute.

Tax Foundation


State Gasoline Tax Rates,

as of January 1, 2012(Cents Per Gallon)

Note: The American Petroleum Institute (API) has developed a methodology for determining

the average tax rate on a gallon of fuel. Rates may include any of the following: excise

taxes, environmental fees, storage tank taxes, other fees or taxes, and general sales tax. In

states where gasoline is subject to the general sales tax, or where the fuel tax is based on

the average sale price, the average rate determined by API is sensitive to changes in the

price of gasoline. States that fully or partially apply general sales taxes to gasoline: CA, CT,


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