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OPEN ACCESS Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

ISSN 1683-9919DOI: 10.3923/ajava.2016.737.756

Review ArticleFactors Influencing in vitro Production of Bovine Embryos:A Review1,2Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz, 1Usama E. Mahrous, 1Sherief Z. Kamel and 3,4Ahmed A. Sabek

1Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Damanhur University, 22511, Egypt2Department of Biological Production, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan3Department of Animal Hygiene, Behavior and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Benha University, Moshtohor, 13736 Kalyobiya,Egypt4Laboratory of Animal Behavior, Department of Veterinary Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan

AbstractIn vitro embryo production (IVP) is currently one of the most important biotechnologies in cattle breeding and husbandry. However, theefficiency of in vitro embryo production is still low with only 30-40% of oocytes developing into blastocysts, probably because,the in vitro environment cannot mimic in vivo environment and results in embryos that have altered morphology and gene expression.Several factors can influence the IVP efficiency and contribute to the existing differences between in vivo and in vitro produced embryos.There is also evidence showing that IVP can cause some disorders during gestation and in offspring. The aim of this study is to give a briefoverview of some factors that influence in vitro production of bovine embryos and their ability to develop into blastocyst stage.

Key words: Bovine, in vitro fertilization, embryo development, offspring

Received: July 25, 2016 Accepted: September 27, 2016 Published: November 15, 2016

Citation: Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz, Usama E. Mahrous, Sherief Z. Kamel and Ahmed A. Sabek, 2016. Factors influencing in vitro production of bovine embryos:A review. Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11: 737-756.

Corresponding Author: Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz, Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Wealth Development, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,Damanhur University, 22511, Egypt

Copyright: © 2016 Ayman H. Abd El-Aziz et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the creative commons attribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Competing Interest: The authors have declared that no competing interest exists.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its supporting information files.

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Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 11 (12): 737-756, 2016


The ability to produce large number of embryos fromdonors of high genetic merit has considerable potential valuein disseminating genetic improvement and shorter theprogeny testing and generation interval through the nationalherd. Some commercial applications of in vitro fertilizationtechnology have included efforts to: (1) Upgrade theproductive and genetic performance of animals, (2) Toovercome infertility of valuable high yielding animals, (3) Toproduce transgenic and cloned animals, (4) Provide a sourceof sexed embryos, (5) For twin production in beef cattle and(6) At the molecular level, the technique is used to elucidateevents related to maturation, fertilization of oocytes anddevelopment of embryos, these events are difficult to studyunder natural conditions in living animals. In the laboratory,embryos can be routinely produced and developed up to theblastocyst stage using three subsequent techniques: In vitromaturation (IVM) of oocytes, followed by sperm capacitationand in vitro fertilization (IVF) of matured oocytes and thenin vitro culture (IVC) of the fertilized oocytes up to theblastocyst stage. In vitro embryo development is stronglyinfluenced by events occurring during oocyte maturation,fertilization and the subsequent development of the fertilizedoocytes. So, improving the efficiency and identifying the sources of variations between IVF systems or between different laboratories are more important when routinelyproducing blastocysts from individuals of high genetic merits.Also, the development of specific culture regimes capable of supporting IVM/IVF and IVC to the blastocyst stage is highlydesirable. In addition, survival rate of in vitro producedembryos after freezing and thawing and following some of themore advanced manipulation is less than for embryosproduced in vivo, indicating that the techniques used toproduce embryos in vitro still require considerableimprovement.

The following study presents description of the history ofembryo transfer (in vivo and in vitro) and various factors thatcould affect in vitro development of oocytes and their abilityto develop into blastocysts in cattle. These factors can beclassified into:


In vitro embryo production involves 3 steps: Maturationof oocytes, fertilization with motile, capacitated sperm andthen culture to the blastocyst stage. It is still almostunfathomable that it is actually possible to begin with animmature oocyte and end with a developed embryo outside

of an animal. Thus, the researchers of today owe a huge debtto the researchers of yesterday, as there were many, manyinvestigations and failed attempts which laid the foundationfor the eventual successes found in the 1980s and still enjoyedtoday.

In vivo maturation: Before exploring in vitro maturation, it isprudent to consider the details of maturation in vivo. Folliclesare stimulated to change from primordial to primary folliclesunder the influence of as-yet unknown signals. Once theybecome primary follicles, they develop a zona pellucida andexperience abundant hyperplasia of the surroundinggranulosa cells as they become a preantral follicle over aperiod of about 3-4 months1. At this point, they areconsidered gonadotropin-responsive and will continue togrow and develop under the influence of Follicle StimulatingHormone (FSH) secreted by the anterior pituitary in responseto gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) secreted by thehypothalamus. As the preantral follicles respond to FSH, oneor more will grow larger than the others and become thedominant follicle.

As the follicle grows (due mostly to increasing antrumsize, although the oocyte itself also approximately quadruplesin size), it becomes dependent on FSH for its final maturationand development. Just before ovulation the majority of thehormone receptors present on the dominant follicle willchange from FSH to Luteinizing Hormone (LH) receptors,which occurs in concert with falling FSH concentrations (dueto production of inhibin by the dominant follicle). This assuresdominance of the follicle, as other, less developed follicles donot have this changeover in receptors and are still FSHdependent. The final step in in vivo maturation occurs inresponse to the LH surge, which precedes ovulation byapproximately 24 h. During this pre-ovulatory maturation(sometimes called oocyte capacitation) the oocyte resumesmeiosis to arrest at the metaphase II step. The granulosa cellswhich are in direct contact with the oocyte (called coronaradiata cells) have had very intimate contact with thecytoplasm of the oocyte through zona processes which passthrough the zona pellucida and are connected to the oocytethrough gap junctions. These gap junctions allow the passageof several cytoplasmic molecules, including cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP). Prior to the LH surge, thoseprocesses retreat somewhat from the cytoplasm and after thesurge they retract more until they are completely removedfrom the oocyte2. This loss of communication causes, amongother things, a decrease in cAMP in the oocyte. This fallinglevel of cAMP within the oocyte is suspected to be a signal forresumption of meiosis3.


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In vitro maturation: The goal of in vitro maturation (IVM) isto cause an immature oocyte from a developing follicle toresume meiosis and render itself capable of fertilization,arrested at the second metaphase step of meiosis just like itsin vivo matured counterpart. Early researchers found thatoocyte maturation (as indicated by nuclear changes inchromatin and germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD)) seemedto proceed spontaneously when oocytes were removed fromthe follicle4. The mechanisms of this spontaneous resumptionof meiosis, however were not entirely clear at that time. Another researcher found that culturing murine oocytes infollicular fluid caused a transient suspension of maturation(signaled by a prevention of GVBD) and further, the additionof a cAMP elevating agent ((Bu)2 cAMP) inhibited maturationfor at least 21 h (compared to nearly 100% GVBD after 3 h incontrols). Thus, it seems that the necessary steps to initiate thematuration process in vitro include both removal of theoocyte from the follicular environment and depletion ofintracellular cAMP stores5. The first report of successful IVM(indicated by polar body extrusion and metaphase plateappearance) of a bovine oocyte6. The major mediumcomponents (cell culture medium, serum and antibiotics) andincubation conditions (5% CO2 in humidified air) described inthis report are, with only slight modifications, still used today. Soon after, similar study was conducted by another groupshowing that oocytes could start the maturation processin vitro (to metaphase I), continue in vivo and be successfullyfertilized in vivo (shown by two pronuclei or evidence ofsperm within the ooplasm)4. The first report of a blastocystproduced in vivo after in vitro maturation (in Fetal BovineSerum (FBS) alone)7. Old study performed IVM in a media verysimilar to Edwards with the addition of pyruvate as well asporcine-origin Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH). That studyshowed that although 39% of in vitro matured oocytesappeared to undergo normal fertilization after IVF (comparedto 71% of in vivo matured and in vitro fertilized controls),there were no blastocysts recovered after in vivo culture(compared to 37% of controls). This showed that in vitromatured oocytes were still quite hampered compared totheir in vivo matured counterparts and despite beingcapable of experiencing apparently normal fertilization,further development was severely depressed8. A studypublished one year later from the same researchers showedvastly improved results: The biggest difference in the IVMprotocol was the substitution of purified and defined FSH, aswell as the addition of purified and defined LH and estradiol.Their results showed improved development over previous study, as 28% of cleaved embryos recovered after in vivo

culture had proceeded to the morula or blastocyst stage9. No control in vivo matured group was included butagroup of oocytes subjected to IVM in media devoid ofhormones resulted in a development rate of 18% which wasnot significantly different than the hormone-included group.The inclusion of the gonadotropins is intended to mimic thein vivo environment and both LH and FSH have shown toimprove the health of the oocyte or surrounding cumuluscells10,11. Steroid hormones present a bit of an enigma, as thegranulosa cells which surround the oocyte have been shownto secrete estrogen, testosterone and progesterone duringIVM12. Although they may not be added to the media,they are likely present in unmeasured amounts. However,progesterone concentrations declined precipitously in mediawhich was in contact with mineral oil (vs no change in medianot in contact with oil). These studies suggest thatconcentrations of steroids are rather undefined in the mediaand may be very sensitive to environmental conditions13.

The results some of the early IVM studies suggest that FBSalone is a media capable of supporting oocyte maturation.However, as the negative effects of serum were discovered,many researchers changed to using FBS only in smallconcentrations or excluding it altogether from maturationmedia. Instead, cell culture media such as TCM 199 or DMEMoften make up the majority of maturation media7-9. In thepursuit of more defined maturation media, several serum freematuration media tested, the common factor among thosewhich produced the highest percentage of blastocysts afterIVF and in vitro culture (IVC) was glucose supplementation14.A further investigation confirmed that moderate (1.5 mM)glucose supplementation in IVM media augments blastocystdevelopment (compared to no supplementation) but revealedthat an excess (20 mM) leads to comparatively depresseddevelopment after IVF/IVC. This depression in developmentwas seen inspite of the fact that more of the oocytes maturedin the high glucose group showed nuclear evidence ofprogression to metaphase II than those in the moderateglucose media and fertilization between the two groupsappeared to be equal15. Other additives which have shownbenefit when added to maturation media are thegonadotropins (LH and FSH). The IVM has been successfullycarried out successfully in defined media without the additionof gonadotropins14 however, many media used in IVM todayinclude gonadotropins as the eventual development ofoocytes matured in their presence following in vitroproduction appears to be higher than those matured withoutgonadotropins16.


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In vitro maturation is the most critical step in vitroembryo production. There is a constant need to emphasizethe fact that effective oocyte maturation is the foundation ofembryo production. Identifying these factors will improve thein vitro embryo production systems in bovine. These factorsinclude:

Factors affecting oocytes yield: The recovery of large numberof oocytes with high developmental competence remains anultimate goal for the mass production of embryos in cattle. Atthe same time, the origin of the oocyte can play an importantrole in their IVF and subsequent developmental competence.Oocytes yield and quality can be affected by:

Effect of follicular size on oocyte competence: In cattle, theoocyte first acquired competence to develop into blastocystsin in vitro system at a follicular size of 2-3 mm. When follicleswere pooled according to size, it was shown that large follicles($10 mm diameter) contain oocytes with a higher potential tobecome embryos17,18. Some studies described the fate ofindividual oocytes according to the exact follicular size and itconfirmed an increased competence with follicle size, i.e.,bovine oocyte complexes (COCs) isolated from ovariescarrying follicles of 2-5 mm in diameter showed lower rates ofmaturation and blastocyst formation than those from ovariescarrying follicles of >10 mm in diameter19,20. This indicatethat large follicles ($6 mm diameter) provide the oocyte witha microenvironment which improves its quality21. Dramaticchanges in oocyte nuclei, especially nucleoli are known tooccur as the bovine follicle grows from 1-20 mm. Suchchanges may have a crucial effect on the developmentalpotential of the oocytes. It is known that a very stable form ofRNA accumulates in the oocyte and that it is translated duringmaturation, fertilization and early embryonic development;such RNA accumulation may be influenced by the nature ofthe follicle growth22. However, other reports suggest thatfollicular size may not the only important criterion, since somebovine oocytes originating from large follicles failed toproduce embryos, while some oocytes from medium sizefollicles already have this capacity23.


Aspiration technique: Several reports deal with comparisonof the different methods used for oocyte recovery. Recovery ofbovine oocytes by aspiration of vesicular follicles, using an

appropriate pipette or syringe and needle has been themethod most commonly employed. The advantage of follicleaspiration is in terms of speed of operation, which may beparticularly important in commercial embryo production. Oneof the difficulties associated with the aspiration approach liesin the fact that oocytes may only be retrieved from 30-60% ofthe puncture follicles24. When comparing between aspirationof follicles and follicular dissection in cattle these studygenerally supports the view that significantly greater yield ofoocytes in the highest-quality grades may be obtained byfollicle dissection rather than aspiration25. Aspiration of theoocyte can result in greater disruption of surrounding cumuluscells. There is also the possibility that aspiration does notalways succeed in retrieving the highest-quality oocytes, thismay be due to the cumulus oophorus being firmly attached tothe stratum granulosum26.

Slicing of ovary: More recently, slicing procedures have beenemployed in cattle27. Those researchers reported that oocyteyields average 55 animalG1. This was a threefold increase onthe number than recovered by aspiration. Oocyte recovery byslicing rather than aspiration can resulted in marked increasein blastocyst yield after IVM, IVF and IVC.

Slicing after aspiration: The slicing of ovaries afterpreliminary aspiration of follicles has been dealt in severalreports28. Those authors concluded that there would be nomerit, in terms of oocytes recovered or their quality incombining the two procedures.

Transvaginal ultrasound-guide oocytes pick up (OPU):Transvaginal oocyte pick-up (OPU) is an important techniquefor oocyte retrieval in living previously genetically selectedhighly valuable donor cow. The success of OPU is measuredin part by the recovery rate of oocytes, expressed as apercentage of the number of follicles punctured29. Thisrecovery rate in turn is influence by numerous factors such asaspiration vacuum, hormonal pre-treatment of animals,puncture frequency, stage of the estrous cycle and theexperience of the operator. Recovery rate declined as theaspiration pressure increased above 50 mmHg. The recoveryrate of grade 1 oocytes decreased significantly as the vacuumpressure increased with a corresponding increase in thenumber of denuded oocytes recovered30. Moreover, hormonalpretreatment of donors prior to OPU using gonadotropinsignificantly increased oocytes recovery rates and blastocystproduction18. Oocyte competence was increased when the period between p-FSH administration and OPU was


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extended31. Recently, it is possible to improve the efficiency ofOPU and in vitro production of embryos by utilization of thegrowth phase of the first follicular wave before dominantfollicle selection in cattle32.

Ovary storage: Temperature and time limits: In the recoveryof oocytes for in vitro maturation, the time interval betweenanimal slaughter and oocyte recovery from the ovaries and thetemperature at which the ovaries should be stored areimportant considerations. Cattle oocytes were recoveredwithin 1-2 h of animal slaughter; ovaries were usually stored33

at about 30EC. Another scientist suggested that exposure ofCOCs to temperature below 35EC during oocyte recoverymight significantly decrease both the quantity and quality ofbovine embryos produced by in vitro methods34. Otherreports suggested that the time from slaughter to oocyterecovery might extend upto 8 h according to Solano et al.35.

Oocyte quality: Proper oocyte selection in the laboratory iscrucial for successful embryo production. Presence of an intactcomplement of cumulus cell layers surrounding the oocyteand a homogenous appearing cytoplasm have been the bestindicators of an immature oocyte ability to undergomaturation and embryonic development. Studies haveevaluated the impact of cumulus morphology on subsequentdevelopment in cattle36. When immature oocytes wereclassified according to the number of layers of cumulus leftaround the oocytes following aspiration, the thicker thenumber of layers of cumulus cells, the better were the chancesfor development21. The oocytes that are not of this type haveaberrant protein synthesis and complete meiosis at a lowerfrequency37,38. The role of the cumulus cells is to providenutrients to the oocytes during its growth, to participate in thezona formation and following the LH surge, to synthesis thematrix composed of proteins and hyaluronic acid important inoviductal transport or in sperm trapping39.

Culture media: The culture employed in IVM not onlyaffect the proportion of bovine oocytes that reachmetaphase II (M II) and become capable of undergoingin vitro fertilization but can also influence subsequentembryonic development40. In vitro maturation medium canbe broadly divided into simple and complex. Simple media areusually bicarbonate-buffered systems containing physiologicalsaline with pyruvate, lactate and glucose and they differ intheir ion concentration and in the concentrations of theenergy sources. Complex media contains in addition to thebasic components of simple media, amino acids, vitamins andpurines.

Most IVF laboratories routinely use M-199 as the basicIVM medium in cattle and there have been few reportssuggesting that other media may be more appropriate. In onecomparison of complex media for IVM, the scientistsconcluded that under their conditions, F-10 medium issuperior to M-199 and B2 media41. In another comparison ofIVM commercially available complex chemically defined mediashowed that TCM-199 was superior42 to RPMI-1640. While, nodifference in the rate of embryo development for bovineoocytes matured in TCM-199 or CR2 media43. Oocytes maturedin medium leading to poor developmental competence havedepressed levels of glycolysis that necessary for completion ofmaturation, the reduced level of glycolysis may reflect reducedactivity of the pentose phosphate pathways, which plays animportant role in meiotic maturation of bovine oocytes44.

Dealing with the energy source, the excessive glucose inthe media used for oocyte maturation impairs thedevelopment of bovine oocytes to the blastocyst stage,possibly due to the increase of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)and the decreased in the intracelluar glutathion contentof bovine oocytes15. Addition of $-mercaptoethanol toTCM-199 medium increased intracellular glutathion levelsof bovine oocytes cultured individually and can improvematuration rate leading to the blastocyst stage throughoutin vitro production45.


Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA): The FCS generally superior toBSA as a protein supplement in IVM medium46. It has beenrecognized that BSA was probably contaminated with somelow molecular weight compound47. For example, four lots offraction V BSA were tested for their ability to support two-cellhamster embryos in culture. Results showed that suchpreparations can produce highly variable effects on culturedembryos and cells ranging from highly inhibitory to highlystimulatory48. Data on the amino acid content of bovineserum albumin is provided by other scientists. They noticedthat this constituent could show wide variations; similarvariability may presumably be expected with hormones,growth factors, cytokins and vitamins49.

Sources of bovine serum: Bovine serum, in the form of FCS orOestrous Cow Serum (OCS) has been employed as the mainprotein source in bovine IVM studies. The OCS had asignificant and marked effect, compared with FCS, on thepercentage of secondary oocytes that were fertilized andwhich cleaved during culture50. In another study suggestedthat pro-oestrous serum may be more effective than OCS51, it


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was found, on analysis, it contains high levels of LH andprolactin. In another reported reveled that super ovulatedcow serum (SCS) was superior to FCS for oocyte maturationand fertilization and embryo development in vitro52. Fetuin, amajor glycoprotein constituent of FCS, can prevent hardeningof the zona pellucida (ZP) during IVM by preventing the actionof proteolytic enzymes originating from precociously releasedcortical granules53.

Serum substitutes: Several commercial products are availableas serum substitutes for use in in vitro cell culture. theultroser G (compounds: Growth factors, adhesive factors,mineral trace elements, hormones, binding proteins andvitamins) successfully in cattle IVM without hormonesupplementation at a concentration21 of 1-4%. A studyemployed polyvinyl-pyrrolidone (PVP) at a 0.3% concentrationas a substitutes, in the absence of hormones(Estradiol/LH/FSH) in the IVM medium, there was no yield ofblastocyst54. However, PVP could effectively replaced serumin the absence of hormones55.


Gonadotropins: Currently, most IVM protocols do employLuteinizing Hormone (LH) or Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) or a combination of them. However, the effect ofthe gonadotropins and their relative importance onin vitro maturation and subsequent fertilization and earlydevelopment is still controversial10,56. The use of highlypurified LH preparations of bovine origin at a certain levelin their IVM medium significantly increased embryo yieldafter IVF/IVC. Evidence was found that LH may altercalcium distribution within the ooplasm and that thegonadotropin promotes increased glycolysis, combinedwith increased mitochondiral glucose oxidation, withincumulus-cell-enclosed bovine oocytes. It was also evident thatLH exposure resulted in increased glutamine metabolismwithin the oocyte. In contrary, other reports showed noenhancement of development following addition of LH tomaturation medium57. Reports revealed that mRNA of the LHreceptors was detected exclusively in thecal cells. Absence ofLH receptors in oocytes confirmed the previous results58. Atthe same time, much of study suggested that FSH has abeneficial effect and that the presence of this gonadotropin in the in vitro maturation medium enhancesexpansion of the cumulus cells surrounding the oocyte, whichin terms enhances sperm capacitation and the fertilizationprocess59. Additionally, FSH or eCG supplementation to theIVM medium significantly increased cleavage rate and

development of buffalo embryos upto the blastocyst stagewhen compared with negative control medium60. It isconcluded that cAMP dependent protein kinase activityregulating by cumulus cells following FSH stimulation plays arole in the complex mechanism of chromatin condensationand MPF activation leading to meiotic resumption in bovineoocytes61. Moreover, in vitro maturation of bovine CumulusOocyte Complex (COCs) in serum free medium supplementedwith bovine growth hormone (bGH) accelerated theprogression of meiosis, induced cumulus expansion andenhanced the cleavage rate and number of blastocystfollowing IVF and IVC62,63. Growth hormone can influenceoocyte maturation by affecting the kinetics of the first polarbody extrusion64. Also, it causes a better cytoplasmicmaturation in terms of proper distribution of cell organelles orthe formation of the male decondensation factor65. However,GH treatment during IVM had no marked influence on theresumption of meiosis but significantly delayed its completionin a dose related manner66.

Steroids: Maturation of oocytes in the presence of estradioland FSH reduced the percentage of oocytes undergoingGerminal Vesicle Break down (GVBD), while estradiol alonehad no effect. Rostenedione reduced the percentage ofoocytes showing GVBD when added alone or with FSH. Thepresence of estradiol in the culture medium of in vitromatured human oocytes had no effect on the progression ofmeiosis but improved fertilization and cleavage ratesuggesting that estradiol supports cytoplasmic maturationalchanges necessary for in vitro fertilization and early postfertilization development58. However, maturation of bovineoocytes in the presence of high concentrations of estradiolhad a negative effect on spindle formation and first polar bodyextrusion67 and may alter protein uptake and incorporation68. Estradiol could be added at a concentration26 of 1 µg mLG1,which is about the concentration in the follicular fluid ofpreovulatory follicles shortly after the LH peak.

Growth factors: The effect of growth factors on oocytein vitro maturation has been examined in cattle by severalinvestigators. The presence of Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)during IVM stimulated cumulus expansion and significantlyincreased the proportion of oocyte attaining M II69. While,adding EGF to cattle IVM without any evident effect onoocyte maturation70. The addition of insulin like growthfactor-I (IGF-I)71 or transforming growth factor-" or $ or IGF-2to the IVM medium significantly improved the quality ofoocyte25. Stimulating activity of EGF is dependent on the cyclicAMP pathway and probably transduced by proteinase-kcytokines pathway72.


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Effect of cytokins: Cytokines are small regulatory peptidesor glycoproteins, with molecular weight ranging from6000-60,000, which are synthesized and secreted by activatedimmune and mesenchymal cells. Cytokines are believed to actgenerally in a paracrine or autocrine manner. It is possible thatcytokines originating from the oocyte have a role in preparingthe maternal immune or endocrine system for subsequentevents in in vitro fertilization and early pregnancy73.

Effect of follicular fluid: Follicular Fluid (FF) is a serumtransudate modified by follicular metabolic activities, containsspecific constituents such as steroids and glycoproteinssynthesized by the cells of the follicle wall. Thesupplementation of the IVM medium by bovine follicular fluid(bFF) at the 10-20% level favoured subsequent embryonicdevelopment in cattle21. Also, the evidence of favourableeffect from including bFF in IVM medium at 20-30% level wasrecorded74. The implication in these various reports is thatcertain factors in bFF may favourably influence oocyte quality.However, the bFF from small follicles could inhibit meiosis incattle oocytes75. Follicular fluid from small and medium sizefollicles at estrus through mid-diestrus had more GVBDinhibition activity than at early proestrus76. Importantly, thehigh concentration of bFF (10-20%) in maturation mediumsuppressed both resumption of meiosis, fertilization rates andembryo development77.

Effect of maturation time: In the study on the timing ofnuclear events during IVM, the Germinal Vesicle (GV) wasevident from 0-6.6 h, GVBD occurred at 6.6-8.0 h, chromatincondensation at 8-10.3 h, metaphase I at 10.3-15.4 h,anaphase I at 15.4-16.6 h, telophase I at 16.6-18.0 h andmetaphase II at 18.0-24.0 h78. The IVM culture period requiredfor GVBD and abstriction of the first polar body was found tobe related to the thickness and compactness of the COCs79. The bovine oocytes achieved developmental competencywithin 14 h of commencing IVM; suggested that earlyfertilization could lead to significantly higher yields ofblastocyst80. Under routine IVM systems, maturation timeusually 22-24 h in cattle55.

Simulated Physiological Oocyte Maturation (SPOM): A novelin vitro maturation system that substantially improvesembryo yield and pregnancy outcomes as in the study ofGilchrist and other scientists81. They reached to a newapproach and a novel system to IVM known as SimulatedPhysiological Oocyte Maturation (SPOM), mimicing somecharacteristics of oocyte maturation in vivo and substantiallyimproving oocyte developmental outcomes. Adaption of

SPOM for clinical application should have significantimplications for infertility management and bring importantbenefits to patients. Bovine or mouse cumulus-oocytecomplexes (COCs) were treated with cAMP modulators for thefirst 1-2 h in vitro (pre-IVM), increasing COC cAMP levels-100 fold. To maintain oocyte cAMP levels and preventprecocious oocyte maturation, COCs were treated during IVMwith an oocyte-specific phosphodiesterase inhibitor andsimultaneously induced to mature with FSH. Using SPOM, thepre-IVM and IVM treatments synergized to increase bovineCOC gap-junctional communication and slow meioticprogression (both p<0.05 versus control), extending thenormal IVM interval by 6 h in bovine and 4 h in mouse. TheFSH was required to complete maturation and this requiredepidermal growth factor signalling. These effects on COC hadprofound consequences for oocyte developmental potential.In serum-free conditions, SPOM increased bovine blastocystyield (69 versus 27%) and improved blastocyst quality (184versus 132 blastomeres; both p<0.05 versus standard IVM). Inmice, SPOM increased (all p<0.05) blastocyst rate (86 versus55%; SPOM versus control), implantation rate (53 versus 28%),fetal yield (26 versus 8%) and fetal weight (0.9 versus 0.5 g)to levels matching those of in vivo matured oocytes(conventional IVF).

In vivo fertilization: In vivo fertilization in the bovine takesplace in the reproductive tract of the female when male andfemale gametes meet and combine. Normally, sperm isdeposited just outside the cervix (natural service) or just insidethe cervix (artificial insemination). Spermatozoa unite withoocytes in the oviduct, the tube connecting ovary to uterus.According to this relatively long journey through the uterusserves to select for the fastest swimming sperm, which areoften those with the longest flagella82. However, it is notsimply a matter of sperm meeting egg-much like the oocyte,sperm must undergo capacitation in order to successfullyfertilize. This became clear when scientists proved in a rabbitmodel that sperm needed time in the female tract to acquirethe ability to successfully fertilize an oocyte83.

Capacitation in sperm means that it is prepared toundergo the acrosome reaction when it meets the zonapellucida. It involves stripping many of the seminal plasmaproteins from the head of the sperm which were attachedduring ejaculation. Much of what is known about spermcapacitation comes from studies of sperm in vitro. In vitrostudies have shown that capacitation84 takes 4-6 h but thesetime points are not as well defined in vivo due to many factorsspecific to the uterine environment85. The aforementionedacrosome reaction involves fusion of the plasma andacrosomal membranes of the sperm head, which allows


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proteolytic enzymes to leave the sperm head to help breakdown a small area of the zona pellucid to assist with spermentry into the perivitelline space. The entry of a single sperminitiates a cascade of events inside the oocyte leading to thezona block which should prevent any other sperm frompenetrating. This is important because an oocyte which isfertilized by more than one sperm (a phenomenon calledpolyspermy) is non-viable.

In vitro fertilization: In vitro fertilization (IVF) showed itselfas an equal if not greater challenge than IVM, likely owing tothe fact that conditions needed to be optimized for twogametes instead of one. The foundational study can again befound reviewed in Wright and Bondioli86. After completing theaforementioned in vivo capacitation study, Chang87 went onto carry out one of the first studies to demonstrate successfulcapacitation which involved flushing sperm from the uterusand oviducts of a rabbit bred 18 h previously to accomplish alow but meaningful rate of IVF (1959). This system ofcapacitation, although successful was not practical. Thedevelopment of high ionic strength system of incubationwhich induced spermatic capacitation in vitro resulted insperm capable of successfully fertilizing rabbit ova88. Just afew years later, the birth of the first calf was described as aresult of in vitro fertilization89. The oocytes were maturedin vivo, collected from the oviduct of donor heifers,coincubated with approximately 1 million freshly collectedsperm (which had previously been incubated in a high ionicstrength solution for 3 h) in 4 mL fertilization media and theresulting embryos were transferred surgically to the recipient cows who had a natural estrus at the same timeas the donor when the embryo was at the 4 cell stage. One livebirth (Virgil) resulted. This method, although preliminarilysuccessful, was difficult to replicate and appeared to only study for certain bulls84.

Further investigations into the composition of oviductalfluid (which induces capacitation in vivo) showed very highlevels of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) and a new focus forelucidating the induction of capacitation was found. The GAGheparin sulfate significantly improved fertilization, as well asthat this improvement was reduced by the presence ofglucose in the media90. Heparin binds to seminal plasmaproteins present on the sperm head, eventually causing thenumber of these proteins to decrease. However, changesinduced by capacitation do not stop at the surface-indeed, thediscovery of heparin as a capacitation agent has aided in theunderstanding of intracellular changes in the sperm due tocapacitation. In the intracellular environment of the sperm,heparin induces alkalinization, increases the amount of cAMP

present and increases calcium concentrations both in theacrosome and the intracellular environment of the spermhead84,91. Glycolysis induced by the presence of glucoseacidifies the intracellular environment (thus antagonizing theheparin-induced alkalinization), hence the reduction incapacitation in media including glucose. Since, its discovery,heparin has become the de facto capacitation agent inbovine IVF.

Factors affecting in vitro fertilization (IVF): Fertilization is acomplex process, which results in the union of two gametes,the restoration of the somatic chromosome number and thestart of the development of a new individual. Successful cattleIVF requires appropriate preparation of both sperm andoocyte, as well as culture conditions that are favorable to themetabolic activity of the male and female gametes92. The firstreport of successful IVM and IVF of cattle oocytes was inJapan93 but the birth of calves was not reported until the study of Hanada et al.94.

Preparing sperm for fertilization: Fertilization of the bovineoocyte involves a sequence of events in which the sperm:(1) Is motile (to reach the oocyte and move through the ZonaPellucida (ZP)), (2) Has the ability to undergo capacitation andexpress the Acrosome Reaction (AR), (3) Has the capacity tobind to the zona pellucida and vitelline membrane byacquiring the correct binding proteins during maturation andexposing these binding sites to the oocyte at the appropriatetime and (4) Able to fuse with the oolemma and beincorporated into the oocyte.

It is clearly important to have highly motile bull spermavailable for IVF. This may be achieved by applying variousprocedures for isolating motile samples. There are also anumber of chemical agents which may be employed tostimulate motility and AR of bull sperm and to maintainmotility.


Effect of bull as a source of variability in IVF: Considerablevariability was exists among bulls in the ability of their spermto become capacitated. The High Ionic Strength (HIS) mediumemployed to capacitate bull sperm, from five different bulls,they recorded that in vitro fertilization rates varying from14-46%, they illustrated that individual variation as one of themost important factors affecting sperm preparation by the HISmethod95. Another researchers using other capacitation


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medium recorded the same finding96. Moreover, the outcomeof IVF examined when sperm from high and low fertility bullswere employed, the yield of IVF embryos for the high fertilitybulls was double than that recorded for those in the lowfertility group97. Individual bull variability may be related to thestage of season, age of animal, ejaculate sperm quality92. Inthis respect, seminal plasma may have been a source ofvariation in the sperm used in IVF as it contains:(1) Decapacitation factors and variation in the level of suchfactors may affect ejaculated sperm98. (2) Synthetic activity inoocytes is induced by sperm penetration99 and (3) Sperm maydiffer in the time taken for them to capacitate and this mayaffect subsequent embryonic development of the oocyte afterIVF. Moreover, Taft et al.100 have recorded evidence that spermfrom subfertile bulls may undergo the Acrosome Reaction (AR)and die prematurely. The use of pooled semen is awell-accepted method of minimizing male variability in cattleIVF study101. In contrary, Miller and Hunter102 failed to findevidence of significant variation among 29 AI bulls in theircapability to achieve IVF. This result was confirmed by anotherscientist who suggested that there was no predictiverelationship between bull field fertility and in vitro embryocleavage or developmental rates103.

Use of fresh or frozen semen: Various studies haveemployed both fresh and frozen bull semen in their cattle IVFstudies104. Those researchers concluded that fresh semenrequires a longer capacitation period than frozen semen.Meanwhile, fresh sperm gave better penetration rates thanfrozen thawed sperm105. Frozen-thawed bull semen is likely todeteriorate more rapidly than fresh ones26. One problem inusing fresh bull sperm, they have at least passed through aninitial screening before freezing.

Methods of sperm separation: There have been many reportscharacterizing Percoll density gradient, swim-up, sephadex,glass wool and other sperm separation procedures for bovinespermatozoa. The recovery rate of motile spermatozoa washigher for sperm separated by Percoll rather the swim-upmethod. However, swim-up procedure resulted in more ovabeing penetrated than did by using Percoll method. Increasingnumber of sperm concentrations during IVF could eliminatethis problem106. this adverse effect of Percoll is not due toPercoll particle per se butmay be ascribed to the effect ofunbound PVP in the Percoll. For that reason, the presence ofPVP stopped bull sperm motility107.

Artificial induction of capacitation and Acrosome Reaction(AR): Capacitation is a process involving the sperm in acomplex series of biochemical and physiological reactions. Itis believed that the initial step of capacitation involve theremoval and alteration of components derived from theseminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens and seminalplasma, this would permit exposure of receptors sites,allowing sperm to interact specifically with oocyte receptors.Sperm capacitation can be achieved by different methodssuch as:

Fertilization medium: Treatment of semen with a medium ofHigh Ionic Strength (HIS) like Brackett and Oliphant (BO)medium (osmolarity 360-390 mOsm) is described forcapacitation of fresh bovine semen89 and frozen bovinesemen108. Another report demonstrated that the use of the HISmethod as probably being limited to certain bulls; they did notregard the procedure as suitable for general application109.Additionally, many authors used TALP-medium for in vitrocapacitation of bovine spermatozoa110. In this respect, agroup of scientists observed that a significantly higherproportion of bovine oocytes developed to blastocyst stageafter insemination with spermatozoa prepared by swim-upin Fert-TALP supplemented with heparin than bycentrifugation in mBO supplemented with 10 mMcaffeine-sodium benzoate111.

Use of heparin and caffeine: Studies support the view thatcapacitation of bull sperm by heparin probably reflects thein vivo mechanism112. Heparin dosage and incubation periodfor sperm capacitation are important factors affecting bovineIVF and subsequent embryo development113. Heparin induceschanges in the calmodulin (CaM)-binding properties of spermproteins and induces a reduction in Ca2+ concentrationsduring capacitation114. The capacitation of bovine sperm withheparin requires extracellular calcium, the maximal kinetics ofheparin-induced capacitation occurs when extracellularcalcium exceeds 10 µMI91. Changes in calcium triggresubsequent increase in cAMP, pH and tyrosine are known tobe essential for capacitation106. Also, in another study reporteda synergistic effect of 20 µg mLG1 heparin and 10 nM caffeinein their capacitation treatment of frozen-thawed bull sperm115.It was evident that the optimum dose of the agent116 was100 µg mLG1. Other reports suggested that the fertilizationrate may be rapidly improved by adding heparin to the IVFmedium at values varied between117 0.5-5.0 µg mLG1. Preincubation period of 15 min was found to be satisfactory.


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Follicular fluid: Various procedures have been examined forcapacitating frozen-thawed bull sperm and the subsequentuse of such sperm in IVF. Using frozen-thawed bull spermpreincubated in media containing bFF reported a spermpenetration118 rate of 56%. It is clear that bFF contains manycompounds (Glucose Amino Glycains (GAGs)) capable ofcapacitating bull sperm; for that reason, it has been used inbull sperm capacitation medium119.

Use of calcium ionophore (A23187): Various authors haveshown the importance of an influx of extra-cellular Ca2+ intothe sperm in the capacitation process. The calcium ionophoreA23187 has been employed to achieve this influx120. Theionophore treatment resulted in hyperactivation and afunctional AR in bovine sperm, enabling them to penetratezona-free hamster oocytes121. Other studies comparedtreatment of bull sperm with A23187 and heparin, it wassuggested that the simplicity of using the ionophore and thehigher yield of embryos as the advantage of using thatagent122. There are some evidences that the Ca2+ influx is theresult of calcium entering a non-mitochondrial compartmentas a consequence of the equilibration of the ion across themitochondrail and plasma membrane of the sperm andincrease the respiratory activity of the sperm123. Although, theionophore-induced AR is believed by some to be similar to thenormal in vivo reaction in capacitated sperm. While, anotherreport concluded that the ionophore-induced reaction is notthe same as the natural event124.

Effect of glucose in fertilization medium: In cattle, it isreported that glucose inhibits the role of heparin for inducingsperm capacitation125. On the other hand, for cattle oocytesinseminated in chemically defined medium, glucose isrequired for stimulating in vitro fertilization of bovine oocyte.

In vivo embryo culture and early embryo development: Inits natural environment, the developing embryo stays in theoviduct until 4-7 days post fertilization. The embryo is oftenat the morula or blastocyst stage by this point. Much ofthe study done in in vitro culture methods has shown that in vivo cultured control embryos hold advantages over theircounterparts in vitro126-128.

The developing embryo (both in vivo and in vitro) goesthrough several recognizable stages of growth. A one-celledstructure where male and female pronuclei have fused iscalled a zygote129. In the first few mitotic divisions, growth isonly in cell number, as the original cytoplasm of the oocyte isdivided among the daughter cells. Each blastomere possessesthe quality of totipotency, meaning that it could be induced

to become any fetal or adult cell type. After the fourth cellcycle (when the embryo is made up of 8 cells), the embryoundergoes the “Maternal to embryonic transition” whichmeans that the embryo is charged with the task of making itsown mRNA instead of using the stockpiled maternal mRNApresent in the oocyte. The embryonic genome is highlymethylated (and thus unavailable for transcription) in thegamete, so it must be both de and re-methylated reviewed inZhao et al.130 and Kepkova et al.131. Not surprisingly, thisprocess is a critical obstacle which is difficult for embryos toovercome. After the blastomeres become too numerous tocount (16 cell stage, at the earliest), the embryo is called amorula. Further, this is usually the time at which the cellsbecome differentiated into cells which make up the inner cellmass and those of the trophectoderm. Thus, although theyare still pluripotent, they are totipotent no longer. The innercell mass gives rise to the embryo proper as well as other extraembryonic membranes and the trophectoderm becomes thechorion or the fetal contribution to the placenta. The finaldevelopmental milestone is signaled when the embryodevelops a fluid-filled cavity called a blastocoel, around whichprimitive endoderm will enclose the yolk sac. It is at this, theblastocyst stage, when many in vivo or in vitro producedembryos in commercial production are evaluated andtransferred to appropriately timed recipients.

In vitro embryo culture: In the in vitro production ofembryos, two of the three pieces of the puzzle were in place.

Obviously, study continued to improve methods ofmaturation and fertilization but embryo culture stood as thefinal great frontier to in vitro embryo production. Thebenefits offered by IVC are easy to see, such as the ability to observe development in real time, as well as the ability to non-surgically transfer embryos at a later stage of development. The latter is absolutely essential for the widespread commercial application of in vitro embryoproduction. The early study in this area involving bovineembryos is reviewed in Wright and Bondioli86. Although eachinvestigation provided some foundational frame study for theinvestigators who came later, there were a few discoverieswhich led to large leaps in our understanding of embryoculture and they will be the focus of this discourse.

The first several attempts at bovine IVC used a variety ofmedia. a saline with egg white medium was used (which wasfirst used by Hammond132 successfully in murine embryoculture)133. Dowling’s study focused on superovulatedin vivo matured and fertilized embryos collected at varyingstages post fertilization. One donor whose embryos werecollected 4 days post insemination gave 148-cell embryos.


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All of them divided once in 24 h of culture in the egg-salinemedium. Other trial attempted culture of in vivo producedembryos at varying stages of development in bovine serum.Less than 1 division per embryo after culture were observed134

for 72 h. Also, attempted to culture in vivo produced embryosin follicular fluid but observed no further development. In thesame experiment, 3 of 4 embryos cultured in bovine serum atthe 4 cell stage divided once but embryos cultured at otherstages did not continue to develop135.

Although the media choices of the initial attempts atin vitro culture were logical as they supplied protein, nutrientsand growth factors, embryo culture in them was relativelyunrewarding. Researchers set out to find exactly what type offluid embryos were cultured in in vivo. The first scientistselucidated the ionic and protein contents of the oviductal fluidof sheep. Appropriately, the resulting media was calledSynthetic Oviductal Fluid (SOF) and forms the basis for manyruminants in vitro production protocols of today136. The SOFwas used for the first time in bovine embryo culture137. Thein vivo produced embryos that started at the eight cell stageproceeded to the morula stage in 30% of embryos, whichrepresented only the second time that a morula had beenproduced in culture. In the same study, oxygen tension wasvaried to better approximate the conditions of the oviduct(borrowing a page from murine embryo technology138. WhenO2 levels were reduced to 5% (from the 21% found in theatmosphere) with 5% carbon dioxide and the balancenitrogen, development of 8 cell in vivo produced embryosproceeded appropriately and the world saw for the first timea bovine blastocyst as the result of in vitro culture. The loweroxygen tension is thought to reduce the load of reactiveoxygen species present in the media139.

Despite early success140, low oxygen tension was notimmediately adopted by all researchers of the time. However,after this relatively slow adoption, the large majority ofembryo projects performed today have adopted the loweroxygen tension. In doing this, they have experienced similarsuccesses in development. Early successes in bovine embryodevelopment were often seen either from 1-2 cell embryosto the 8 cell stage or from the eight cell stage tomorulae/blastocyst. Thus, the term “8 cell block” was coinedto describe the insufficiency of culture systems of the day tosupport development through the fourth cell cycle.Interestingly, this “Block” occurs at the same point asEmbryonic Genome Activation (EGA) or the shift in theembryo from the embryo’s dependence on maternal mRNA toembryonic. The same pattern is seen in murine embryodevelopment, where a similar “Block” is commonlyencountered at the two cell stage, which again is the point of

EGA for that species140. It is unclear if these two phenomenaare related but the pattern certainly raises suspicion of acorrelation. The application of low oxygen tension in bovineembryo culture was the first step in solving the 8-cell block137.

Although he was not the first to successfully bypass it(possibly owing to the omission of amino acids from theculture media141, his study laid the foundation for others tocome after him. The embryos in the third and fourth cell cyclewere most affected by in vitro culture conditions and wouldnot proceed in development in vivo after in vitro culture for24 h, even though embryos cultured for short periods in vitroat other points in development could proceed to theblastocyst stage after in vivo culture. Vital staining showedthat this cessation of development was not due to embryodeath but a suspension in embryo development. In additionto low oxygen tension, somatic cell co-culture has also beenshown to overcome this “Block142”.


In a page borrowed from murine embryo culture143,investigators discovered that somatic cell co-culture wasbeneficial to bovine IVC and helped to overcome theaforementioned “8 cell block.” One of the first bovineexperiments to use this approach was carried out byCamous et al.144. In vivo produced embryos were cultured inmedia including serum with and without trophoblasticvesicles. Trophoblastic vesicles are made from in vivo produced day 14 bovine embryos which have had their innercell mass removed. They have been shown to persist inin vitro culture for at least 5 days and to maintain corpora lutea in vivo145. The results showed that the previouslyidentified block to development was overcome in bothtreatment groups butto a greater extent in the co-culture group (46 vs 18% development to morula). These results,while encouraging, presented difficulties in replication as theydepend on a constant fresh supply of bovine blastocystsbecause the trophoblast could only be maintained in culture for around 5 days. Another co-culture system had previouslybeen reported to improve development of in vivo producedmouse embryos143. This study used whole-organ co-culture ofthe fallopian tube with embryos and noted the ability ofembryos to bypass the 2 cell block (analogous to the 8 cellblock in the bovine). This makes sense, because if the culturedoviductal cells behave similarly in vitro as in vivo, they may beexpected to approximate the in vivo environment byproducing growth factors and removing wastes. culturingin vivo produced ovine embryos on an oviductal epithelialmonolayer significantly improved development to the


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blastocyst146. Thus, another investigators chose to focus on aco-culture of oviductal cells in bovine embryo culture142. Thiswas a seminal paper for two reasons: It was the first to showthe beneficial effect of oviductal co-culture (or oviductalconditioned media) on bovine embryo development and itwas the first to demonstrate a fully in vitro system of embryoproduction which resulted in the birth of 5 normal, healthycalves. With these promising results, somatic cell co-culturewas soon adopted by many groups studying embryonicdevelopment of a wide variety of species. The benefits seenincluded faster cleavage, higher blastocyst rates, increasedcell numbers, better hatching rates, increased resultantpregnancies and most importantly, increased live births147.However, co-culture was not a one-size fits all approach. Afew drawbacks were quickly identified, including the differingmedia needs of cells and embryos, the possibility of viraltransfection from cells to embryos and the inherent strugglesof reproducibility that come from using undefined biologicalsubstrates. One additional difficulty of co-culture is the oftennecessary inclusion of serum in the culture media, which hasbeen previously established as a source of both positive andnegative effects on the embryo.

A type of co-culture which has yet to show negativeeffects on embryo development is the common practice ofgroup embryo culture. Although they are not somatic cells,they are still able to take from and contribute to the cultureenvironment in a way that has over and over again beenshown to be helpful to embryos. The origin of ruminant groupculture may well be a holdover from in vitro murine embryo study132, where multiple embryos develop together in vivo. Aswell, this tendency may have come as researchers realized thatless development resulted from individual culture141. In anycase, group culture often stands as the standard to whichindividual culture is compared.


Serum was found to have a beneficial effect on embryodevelopment almost as soon as in vitro production methodswere developed. At that time, due to the high level of interestin human IVF and close ties between researchers in bothhuman and animal fields, the additive of choice for researchersin some parts of the world (especially Australia) was humanserum148. Researchers in other parts of the world used bovineserum. This provided an ample source of protein, growthfactors and other hormones. Owing to its biological origins,the exact composition of both human and ruminant sourceserum, however, differs from batch to batch and thus itremains an undefined medium. One study compared embryos

cultured in SOF with those cultured in SOF+10% Fetal BovineSerum (FBS) showed that the development to blastocyst wasfaster and approximately doubled by the addition of serum(16 vs. 30% oocytes developed to blastocyst)149. This effectwas maintained even when the SOF was supplemented withglucose (0.67 mM) (15% of oocytes developing to blastocysts)or the FBS was de-salted (components less than 5 kDaremoved) (29% of oocytes developing to blastocysts)suggesting both that the increased development was due tocomponents of serum which were over 5 kDa in mass and notsimply the added glucose. A similar increase in developmentwith SOF supplemented with serum (34.4 vs 47.5% ofcleaved embryos to blastocyst)150. This study also showed aninteresting effect of serum on sex ratio. Whereas theblastocysts formed from embryos cultured in SOF tended tobe around half (51%) males, those embryos cultured in SOFwith serum had a statistically significant increase in males(57%). The same researchers showed in a different study thatmale embryos cultured in serum tend to develop faster butthe sex ratio is evened by day 10 in culture151.

However, this increased development came at a cost, asinvestigators quickly saw a trend in heavier birth weights,termed Large Offspring Syndrome (LOS). The humanserum-cultured ovine offspring in a study also showed otherperturbations, such as longer gestation (which could notaccount for the increase in birth weight) and increased deathsin the perinatal period. These differences persisted in ruminantembryo culture even after the serum source was changed tofetal bovine serum. The mechanism of these changes is notfully understood but is thought to be the result of impairedmethylation of the embryonic genome152.

One gene which has been hypothesized to be involved inlarge offspring syndrome is insulin-like growth factor, animprinted gene153. The DNA methylation is an epigenesischange which is often involved in down regulatingtranscription. However, in sheep feti cultured in serum asembryos (and experiencing large offspring syndrome), acomplete loss of methylation was found in the Insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor (IGF2R) and these same feti hada 30-60% reduction in IGF2R in tissues154. The researcherspurported that the marked differences in body weight seenmay be attributable to differences in IGF2 experienced duringother times in gestation or to differences in IGF2 bindingprotein concentrations. These changes are seen both in thepreimplantation embryo155 as well as in the fetus156. Interesting study done in murine embryos cultured with either bovineserum or Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) suggests that pupswho were cultured in serum as embryos continued to showdifferences up to nearly 2 years of age. The serum pups


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showed higher rates of pneumonia, larger organs (heart andliver) and differences in motor skills which persisted155. Thisstudy may have been confounded by the unusually poordevelopment in the FBS compared to the BSA groups (43 vs95%) as well as the lowered survival to parturition (23 vs 44%).It is also important to note that this was a murine model;however, such long term studies have not been carried out inruminants. Soon after seeing these unfortunate outcomes ofserum supplementation, investigators turned to otheravenues which would lead to equivalent developmentwithout serum. One early study showed that healthy(measured by total cell numbers) blastocysts could beproduced in serum-free conditions141. However, they foundseveral things necessary in the absence of serum: amino acidsmust be present in the media, the media must be changedfrequently to lessen the concentration of ammonia and theembryos must be cultured in groups. Additionally, manyformulations of serum replacer are available today, which,while somewhat undefined (as the exact formulation isproprietary), should be a more consistent formula than FBS.Oocytes and embryos which were matured and cultured inserum substitute in human in vitro embryo productionoutperformed both in morphologic assessments andpregnancy rates their serum-containing counterparts156.


For all of the aforementioned reasons, modern embryoculture is trending toward cell-free, serum-free conditions. Thisresults in more defined protocols which are potentially easierto replicate in different laboratories around the world.However, finding the right constituents of media whichsuccessfully support embryos through the 8 cell block andhelp them to form healthy blastocysts has proven aconsiderable task. Media additives for group culture whichhave shown some promise include defined amino acids141,transforming growth factor $ and basic fibroblast growthfactor157 and polyvinyl alcohol, insulin, transferrin, selenium,myo-inositol and epidermal growth factor158.


There are several ways to objectively measure the healthand quality of in vitro produced embryos. The most obviousmeasure is to transfer them to synchronized recipients andassess pregnancy and calving rate compared to in vivo

produced embryos transferred to another group. Indeed,although this might serve as the “Gold standard” test ofembryo health, it is often not feasible or practical due to usingoocytes of unknown genetic quality or financial constraints ofresearch. Thus, less cumbersome methods of embryo qualityassessment have necessarily arisen. There is a validatedmethod of evaluating in vivo produced embryos which wasdeveloped by members of the International Embryo TransferSociety. These guidelines concern percentage of cellularmaterial which forms the embryonic cell mass as well as thestage of development compared to the expected stage. Theyserve to inform decisions about transferring, freezing anddiscarding in vivo produced embryos159.

The IETS grading system allows assessment of liveembryos intended for transfer. However, since many researchprojects have blastocyst development (rather than pregnancyestablishment) as their endpoint, researchers can use moreinvasive methods of measuring embryo health which are notconcerned with embryo survival. Application of cell countingtechniques to in vitro produced bovine embryos for the firsttime122 that having been previously applied to the pig160. Theresults validated this method as they showed that highermorphologically graded embryos had higher total cell counts.The cell counting method was advantageous because itremoved the subjective element of embryo grading. As well,embryo grading has been shown to be a poorer predictor ofpregnancy establishment in in vitro (vs in vivo) producedembryos161. At around the same time, other study applied theimmunosurgery techniques to the bovine embryo which hadbeen developed previously in mouse embryos162,163. Thistechnique involved selectively permeabilizing the nuclei of thetrophectoderm layer of the embryo to allow fluorescent stainsto penetrate, which should leave the Inner Cell Mass (ICM)nuclei intact and only penetrable by vital stains. As a result,differences between in vivo and in vitro cultured embryoswere illuminated, as in vivo embryos had higher total cell aswell as ICM numbers than their in vitro cultured counterpartsin each developmental stage examined. Another studycompared the timing of blastocyst development to total andICM cell number and found that later developing blastocyststended to have fewer total ICM cells, a trend which was true ofboth in vitro and in vivo produced embryos. As this methodbecame more popular and more data was gathered, in vivoproduced embryos consistently showed that 30-40% of theirtotal nuclei were made up by inner cell mass cells and thisnumber became a benchmark by which in vitro producedembryos were measured164.


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According to the latest IETS statistics165, 1,877,400oocytes were collected from 128,444 donors largely obtainedfrom ultrasound-guided ovum pickup with a much smallerproportion received from the abattoir. This resulted in457,455 embryos. Over 350,000 of these embryos originatedfrom South America, mostly Brazil. The total number ofembryos collected worldwide in 2012 was 1,143,119. The factthat in vitro produced embryos now account for nearly 1 ofevery 2 embryos produced worldwide should fuelinvestigators everywhere to develop improved methods ofembryo production which are suitable both for the lab as wellas for use in clinical practice.


In conclusion, in vitro production of bovine embryos is anefficient tool to produce animals of higher genetic merit andits use has increased, mainly in developing countries in SouthAmerica and Asia. Several factors can influence the success ofin vitro embryo production and increase or decrease theembryo yield and gestational viability. Differences betweendonors, sperm and breeds should be taken into account inregard to in vitro embryo production. Single breeds adaptedto the environment will certainly overcome the effects of heaton oocyte quality and embryo yield. In vitro cultureenvironment is another factor that greatly influences embryoproduction. There are different culture systems and culturemedia available for in vitro fertilized bovine embryos andembryo yield generally varies among them. The efficiency ofculture systems may also vary among labs, making datacomparisons difficult. Therefore, it may be advisable to testwhat culture system or culture medium will provide betterresults for a given lab.


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