Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update...

Takustraße 7 D-14195 Berlin-Dahlem Germany Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum ur Informationstechnik Berlin AMBROS M. GLEIXNER Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method ZIB-Report 12-36 (October 2012)

Transcript of Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update...

Page 1: Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method Ambros M. Gleixner October

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Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix forthe revised simplex method

ZIB-Report 12-36 (October 2012)

Page 2: Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method Ambros M. Gleixner October

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Page 3: Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method Ambros M. Gleixner October

Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix

for the revised simplex method

Ambros M. Gleixner∗

October 2012


In this paper, we describe a method to enhance the FTRAN and BTRAN oper-ations in the revised simplex algorithm by using a reduced basis matrix definedby basic columns and nonbasic rows. This submatrix of the standard basis ma-trix is potentially much smaller, but may change its dimension dynamically fromiteration to iteration.

For the classical product form update (“eta update”), the idea has beennoted already by Zoutendijk, but only preliminarily tested by Powell in theearly 1970s. We extend these ideas to Forrest-Tomlin type update formulas foran LU factorization of the reduced basis matrix, which are suited for efficientimplementation within a state-of-the-art simplex solver. The computationaladvantages of the proposed method apply to pure LP solving as well as to LP-based branch-cut-and-price algorithms. It can easily be integrated into existingsimplex codes.

1 Introduction

Since Dantzig’s initial formulation of the simplex method for solving linear programs(LPs), the algorithm has seen numerous computational improvements. One exampleis the so-called revised simplex method given by Dantzig [2] himself. For an LP withm inequality constraints and n nonnegative variables, the original tableau simplexhas to maintain a matrix of dimension m× (n+m). In the revised simplex, a matrixof dimension m×m, a representation of the so-called basis inverse, suffices.

This paper discusses a method to employ an even smaller basis matrix definedby the basic columns and nonbasic rows of the constraint matrix. The dimen-sion of this reduced basis matrix varies throughout the algorithm and never ex-ceeds min{m,n} × min{m,n}. This approach unifies the simplex variants appliedto the different computational representations of an LP—column and row form—as considered by Nazareth [8] and Wunderling [11]. Both for pure LP solving, inparticular for problems with more rows than columns, as well as for LP-based branch-cut-and-price algorithms, it shows various computational advantages.

For the classical product form update, this idea has been noted already in theearly 1970s by Zoutendijk [13]. Soon after, Powell [9] has reported on a simpleximplementation featuring the reduced basis matrix and has given computational ev-idence based on a small set of three instances showing that it helps to reduce thenumber of nonzeros in the factorization significantly. For the next decades, however,these results have seemingly been disregarded and the idea has not been adopted bycommercial simplex codes.

∗Zuse Institute Berlin, Takustr. 7, 14195 Berlin, Germany, [email protected].


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In this paper, we extend the approach to Forrest-Tomlin type update formulasfor an LU factorization of the reduced basis matrix, which are suited for efficientimplementation within a state-of-the-art simplex solver. This research is conductedindependently from recent developments of Wunderling [12], who has presented anew implementation of the simplex algorithm based on the idea of the reduced basismatrix. While he proposes to redesign the algorithmic structure of the simplex algo-rithm, we emphasize that the factorization of the reduced basis matrix and its updatecan be integrated seamlessly into existing simplex codes.

The paper is organized as follows: In Sec. 2, we introduce notation and revisit thelinear systems of equations solved during the revised simplex method. Sec. 3 presentsthe basic idea of how to avoid the artificial unit structure in the column and row basismatrices by using the reduced basis matrix. In Sec. 4, we provide update formulas foran LU factorization of the reduced basis matrix, in particular for the cases when itsdimension changes after a pivot step. To conclude, Sec. 5 discusses the computationalbenefits of the new method.

2 The revised simplex algorithm

2.1 Notation

For clarity of presentation, let us consider a linear program in form

min{c′x : Ax > b, x > 0} (P)

with c ∈ Rn, A ∈ Rm×n and b ∈ Rm. Its dual reads

max{b′y : A′y 6 c, y > 0}. (D)

The feasible regions of (P) and (D) each form a polyhedron defined by m + n in-equalities. For given index sets I ⊆ {1, . . . ,m} and J ⊆ {1, . . . , n} of constraints andvariables of problem (P), respectively, we denote the corresponding submatrix of Aby AI,J :=(aij)i∈I,j∈J ∈ R|I|×|J |. The index set of all columns or rows is abbrevi-ated by ‘·’. Hence, the i-th row vector and j-th column vector are denoted by Ai·and A·j , respectively. For a vector d ∈ Rn, we write dI :=(di)i∈I ∈ R|I|. The identitymatrix is denoted by I, the i-th unit column vector by ei, the vector of all zeros by 0.Dimensions are usually clear from the context. The transpose of a vector or matrixis denoted by ‘ ′ ’.

Definition 1 (basis, basic solution). Let C ⊆ {1, . . . , n} and R ⊆ {1, . . . ,m} beindex sets of variables and constraints of (P), respectively.

1. We call (C,R) a basis of (P) if |C| + |R| = m. Variables and constraintswith index in C:={1, . . . , n} \ C and R:={1, . . . ,m} \ R, respectively, are callednonbasic.

2. We call a basis (C,R) regular if the vectors A·j, j ∈ C, and ei, i ∈ R, arelinearly independent.

3. We call a primal-dual pair (x, y) ∈ Rn × Rm a basic solution of (P) if thereexists a regular basis (C,R) such that

xj = 0, j 6∈ C, (1)

Ai·x = bi, i 6∈ R, (2)

y′A·j = c′j , j ∈ C, (3)

yi = 0, i ∈ R. (4)


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4. A basic solution (x, y) is called primal feasible if Ax > b, x > 0 and dualfeasible if A′y 6 c, y > 0.

While the primal simplex algorithm moves between primal feasible basic solutionstrying to decrease their objective function value c′x in each step, the dual simplexproceeds along basic solutions which are dual feasible and tries to increase the objec-tive of the dual b′y. As soon as a solution is reached that is both primal and dualfeasible, the algorithm concludes optimality. Infeasibility and unboundedness can bedetected and certified.

A characteristic feature of the simplex algorithm is the interplay between its dis-crete and continuous nature. While the basic solutions live in continuous space, theyhave a discrete representation in the form of a basis. The following lemma shows thatany regular basis uniquely determines a basic solution.

Lemma 1. Let (C,R) be a basis of (P), then the vectors A·j , j ∈ C, and ei, i ∈ R,are linearly independent if and only if the vectors Ai·, i 6∈ R, and e′j , j 6∈ C, arelinearly independent.

Proof. det(A·C |I·R) = det(AR,C) det(I) = det



Hence, for a regular basis the system of equations 1–4 has full rank and a uniquesolution (x, y).

2.2 Computational forms

Implementations of the simplex algorithm typically cast (P) in a computationallysuited form. They differ in how the values of a basic solution (x, y) are computed orupdated, given a regular basis (C,R).

Dantzig [3] designed the simplex method for what we call the column form of (P),which continues to be the basis for most state-of-the-art implementations. Here, weintroduce slack variables s ∈ Rm in order to obtain equality constraints:

min{c′x : Ax− s = b, x, s > 0}.

Given a regular basis (C,R), the variables xj , j 6∈ C, and si, i 6∈ R, are set to zero asprescribed by eqs. 1 and 2. The m remaining columns A·j , j ∈ C, and −ei, i ∈ R,form the (full rank) basis matrix M = (A·C |−I ·R) ∈ Rm×m. The values of the basicsolution can then be computed by solving the two systems of linear equations



)= b


M′y =



called FTRAN and BTRAN, respectively.Treating variable bounds as inequality constraints, we obtain the so-called row

form, which was first investigated and implemented by Wunderling [11]:

min{c′x :


)x >



Here, we form the basis matrix N ∈ Rn×n using rows e′j , j 6∈ C and Ai·, i 6∈ R. Thislets us compute the primal vector x by solving

Nx =




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which is identical to eqs. 1 and 2. If z ∈ Rn denotes the dual multipliers associatedwith the bound constraints x > 0, then the dual vector y is computed solving


)= c,

complemented with yi = 0 for i ∈ R. Note that if the numbers of variables andconstraints differ widely, so do the dimensions of M and N and subsequently theeffort for computing and updating the basic solution values.

To refer to the basic and nonbasic columns of the auxiliary matrix (A |−I) directly,we define the index set B:=C ∪ {i + n | i ∈ R} ⊆ {1, . . . ,m + n}. Then M can bewritten as (A |−I)·B and N′ = (I |A′)·B, where B = {1, . . . ,m + n} \ B. We denotethe position of the j-th column of (A |−I) in M by π(j), if basic. The position in Nof row (I |A′)·i, i ∈ B, is σ(i).

To summarize, the left columns of Figs. 1 and 2 outline the primal and dualsimplex algorithm when using column and row form.

3 The reduced basis matrix

A basis (C,R) of (P) partitions the columns and rows of the constraint matrix A, i.e.,after reordering we can assume

A =



In column form, the basis matrix then reads

M =

(AR,C −IAR,C 0


Traditionally, simplex solvers apply a black-box LU factorization to M followed bytriangular solves to perform FTRAN and BTRAN. However, if we exploit that

Mu = p⇐⇒ AR,CuC = pR, uC = AR,CuC − pR,

andM′v = q ⇐⇒ vR = −qC , A′R,CvR = qC −A′R,CvR,

we only need to factorize the smaller matrix AR,C . In other words,

M−1 =

(0 A−1




Then we can perform FTRAN by solving for uC and subtracting pR from a matrix-vector product. For BTRAN, we first compute a matrix-vector product, subtract itfrom qC , and then solve for vR.

The idea applies similarly to the row form where the basis matrix would read

N =

(0 I



A factorization of AR,C and some matrix-vector computations suffice.The right column of Figs. 1 and 2 presents the primal and dual simplex algo-

rithm using the reduced basis matrix. The hinge clearly lies in the update of theLU factorization in line 19, which will be explained in detail in the following section.


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Figure 1: Three versions of the primal simplex algorithm starting from a primal feasible basis using column form (left), row form (center), and thereduced basis matrix (right).


factorize M = (A |−I)·B2



y′← (c′ |0′)BM−15

r′B← (c′ |0′)B − y′(A |−I)B·6

while mink∈B rk < 0 do7

choose k∈B with rk < 08

pB←M−1(A |−I)·k9


if pB 6 0 then11

stop: LP unbounded12


l← arg mini∈B:pi>0


y′← e′π(l)M−1


rB← y′(A |−I)·B16

B← (B ∪ {k}) \ {l}17

update p, r18

update factor. of M19



factorize N =



x←N−1bB· with b:=






r′B← (z′ |y′)B← c′N−15


while mink∈B rk < 0 do7

choose k∈B with rk < 08


pB← −(IA



if pB 6 0 then11

stop: LP unbounded12


l← arg mini∈B:pi>0

pi − bipi14





B← (B ∪ {k}) \ {l}17

update p, r18

update factor. of N19



factorize B = AR,C2



y′R← c′CB−1


r′C← c′C − y′RAR,C6

while mini∈R yi < 0 or minj∈C rj < 0 do7

choose k from {i ∈ R : yi < 0} or {j ∈ C : rj < 0}8

xC← ( if k is column index then B−1AR,k else B−1eσ(k) )9


if xC 6 0 and sR 6 0 then11

stop: LP unbounded12


l← arg min{xjxj

: j ∈ C, xj > 0}∪{si − bi

si: i ∈ R, si > 0


y′R← ( if l is column index then e′π(l)B−1 else Al,CB

−1 )15

r′C← y′RAR,C − (if l is row index then Al,C else 0′)16

if k is column index then C←C ∪ {k} else R←R∪ {k}17

if l is column index then C←C \ {l} else R←R \ {l}update xC , sR, yR, rC18

update factorization of B19



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Figure 2: Three versions of the dual simplex algorithm starting from a dual feasible basis using column form (left), row form (center), and thereduced basis matrix (right).


factorize M = (A |−I)·B2

y′← (c′ |0′)BM−13

r′B← (c′ |0′)B − y′(A |−I)B·4



while minl∈B pl < 0 do7

choose l∈B with pl < 08

y′← e′π(l)M−1


rB← − y′(A |−I)·B10

if rB 6 0 then11

stop: LP infeasible12


k← arg mini∈B:ri>0


pB←M−1(A |−I)·k15


B← (B ∪ {k}) \ {l}17

update p, r18

update factor. of M19



factorize N =



r′B← (z′ |y′)B← c′N−13


x←N−1bB· with b:=






while minl∈B pl < bl do7

choose l∈B with pl < bl8





if rB 6 0 then11

stop: LP infeasible12


k← arg mini∈B:ri>0






B← (B ∪ {k}) \ {l}17

update p, r18

update factor. of N19



factorize B = AR,C2

y′R← c′CB−1


r′C← c′C − y′RAR,C4



while minj∈C xj < 0 or mini∈R(si − bi) < 0 do7

choose l from {j ∈ C : xj < 0} or {i ∈ R : si < bi}8

y′R← ( if l is column index then e′π(l)B−1 else Al,CB

−1 )9

r′C← − y′RAR,C + (if l is row index then Al,C else 0′ )10

if yR 6 0 and rC 6 0 then11

stop: LP infeasible12


k← arg min{yiyi

: i ∈ R, yi > 0}∪{rjrj

: j ∈ C, rj > 0}


xC← ( if k is column index then B−1AR,k else B−1eσ(k) )15


if l is column index then C←C \ {l} else R←R \ {l}17

if k is column index then C←C ∪ {k} else R←R∪ {k}update yR, rC , xC , sR18

update factorization of B19



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4 Updating an LU factorization of AR,C

Solving FTRAN and BTRAN accounts for a major part of the computational effortin each simplex iteration, see, e.g., Hall and McKinnon [6]. Competitive implemen-tations employ a factorized representation of the basis matrix or its inverse. Sincethe basis matrix is only slightly modified from iteration to iteration—traditionallyexchanging a column of M or a row of N—it is more efficient to update the factoriza-tion instead of recomputing it. This section shows how a factorization of the reducedbasis matrix AR,C can be updated also in the case when its dimension changes.

4.1 Product form update

The first update procedure suggested by Dantzig and Orchard-Hays [4] was based onthe product form of the inverse. Suppose for a regular basis matrix B = AR,C ∈ Rp×p,p = |C| = |R|, we have computed a factorized representation of its inverse B−1. Nowthere are four types of basis changes that may occur:

Case 1. If both a column enters and leaves the basis, i.e., C← (C ∪ {k}) \ {l}, thenthe dimension of B is invariant and the new basis matrix reads

B(1) = B + (AR,k −Beπ(l))e′π(l) = B (I + (η − eπ(l))e

′π(l))︸ ︷︷ ︸



with η = B−1AR,k, which is available as product of the last BTRAN operation. Ma-trices like E, i.e., identity matrices with one column or row replaced by a vector, arecalled (column respectively row) eta matrices. Their inverse is

E−1 = I − (η − eπ(l))e′π(l)/ηπ(l),

which yields an updated representation of the basis inverse

B(1)−1= E−1B−1,

as described by Dantzig and Orchard-Hays [4].

Case 2. Similarly, if one row is replaced by another, i.e., R← (R ∪ {k}) \ {l}, wecan write B(1) = FB with

F = I + eσ(k)(Al,CB−1 − e′σ(k))

Then the basis inverse is updated by multiplication from the right, B(1)−1

= B−1F−1.

Case 3. If a column enters the basis and a row leaves the basis, i.e., C←C ∪ {k},R←R \ {l}, the dimension of B increases by one. Suppose that column k and row lare added to the right and bottom, respectively, then

B(1) =

(B AR,kAl,C Alk


(I 0

Al,CB−1 1

)︸ ︷︷ ︸


(B 00′ κ

)(I B−1AR,k0 1

)︸ ︷︷ ︸


with κ:=Alk −Al,CB−1AR,k. Thus, the new basis inverse can be written as


= E−1

(B−1 00′ 1/κ



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Case 4. Finally, if a column leaves the basis and a row enters the basis, i.e., C←C \{l}, R←R ∪ {k}, the dimension of B decreases by one. Let E = I + (B−1eσ(k) −eπ(l))e

′π(l), F = I + eσ(k)(e


−1 − e′σ(k)), and denote by Dj :=(e1 | . . . | ej−1 | ej+1 |. . . |ep) ∈ Rp×(p−1) the identity matrix with its j-th column removed. Then the newbasis inverse is given by

Lemma 2. B(1)−1

= D′π(l)E−1B−1F−1Dσ(k).

Proof. B(1) = AR\{k},C\{l} = D′σ(k)AR,CDπ(l) = D′σ(k)BDπ(l) yields

B(1)D′π(l)E−1B−1F−1Dσ(k) = D′σ(k)BDπ(l)D


−1︸ ︷︷ ︸I−B−1eσ(k)e




= D′σ(k)BIB−1F−1Dσ(k) −D′σ(k)BB−1eσ(k)︸ ︷︷ ︸


( · · · ) = I ∈ R(p−1)×(p−1),

and analogously D′π(l)E−1B−1F−1Dσ(k)B

(1) = I.

4.2 LU update

Current state-of-the-art implementations, see, e.g., [11, 7] are based on an LU factor-ization of B,

B = LU ,

where L = P ′LP and U = P ′UP , are permuted lower and upper triangular matrices,respectively, P ∈ Rp×p a permutation matrix. (Because the columns in the basismatrix can be reordered, we may assume a symmetric permutation.) Pioneered byBartels and Golub [1], the most successful update formulas used in practice are byForrest and Tomlin [5] with an improvement by Suhl and Suhl [10]. We now provideForrest-Tomlin like update formulas for AR,C .

Case 1. Using eq. 5, we obtain

V :=L−1PB(1)P ′ = L−1PB(I + (B−1AR,k − eπ(l))e′π(l))P

= U + (L−1PAR,k︸ ︷︷ ︸=:α

−UPeπ(l))(Peπ(l))′ =

u11 . . . α1 . . . u1p

. . ....

...αt · · · utp...

. . ....

αp upp


Suppose Peπ(l) = et, then V is the original factor U which has its t-th column replacedby the so-called spike α. To restore triangularity, we shift the t-th column and rowto the last position by multiplying with the permutation matrix Π:=(e1 | . . . |et−1 |ep |et+1 | . . . | ep−1). Subsequently, we eliminate the resulting nonzeros in the last row:U (1):=ΛΠVΠ′ is upper triangular, where the nonzeros of Λ = I + epλ

′ are computedby solving ut+1,t+1

.... . .

ut+1,p · · · up,p



= −





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Using the definition of V and U (1) and P (1) = ΠP we obtain

B(1) = P ′LV P = P ′L(Π′Λ−1U (1)Π)P

= P ′LP︸ ︷︷ ︸L

P (1)′Λ−1P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸R(1)

P (1)′U (1)P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸U(1)


Case 2. For a row exchange, we can write

V :=PB(1)P ′U−1 = P (I + eσ(k)(Al,CB−1 − e′σ(k)))BP


= L+ Peσ(k)(Al,CP′U−1︸ ︷︷ ︸


−(Peσ(k))′L) =


.... . .

α1 · · · αt · · · αp...

.... . .

lp1 · · · lpt · · · lpp


where Peσ(k) = et. For suitable Λ as above, L(1):=ΠVΠ′Λ′ is lower triangular.

With P (1) = ΠP we get

B(1) = P ′V UP = P ′(Π′L(1)Λ−1′Π)UP

= P (1)′L(1)P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸L(1)

P (1)′Λ−1′P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸R(1)

P ′UP︸ ︷︷ ︸U

. (6)

Case 3. If a column enters and a row leaves the basis, i.e., the dimension of thebasis matrix increases by one, it is straightforward to maintain triangular factors byextending L to the bottom and U to the right:

B(1) =

(B AR,kAl,C Alk


= P (1)′(

L 0Al,CP

′U−1 1

)P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸


P (1)′(U L−1PAR,k0 κ

)P (1)︸ ︷︷ ︸


. (8)

Case 4. If column l leaves and row k enters the basis, then the new basis matrixis obtained by deleting column π(l) and row σ(k) of B. First, however, imagine

that we replace these columns by unit vectors, forming B(0):=(I + eσ(k)(e′π(l)B

−1 −e′σ(k)))B(I + (B−1eσ(k) − eπ(l))e

′π(l)). As described for cases 1 and 2 above, we can

update the factorization to obtain

B(0) = PL′L(0)PL︸ ︷︷ ︸L(0)

PL′ΛL−1 ′PL︸ ︷︷ ︸



PU︸ ︷︷ ︸RU

PU′U (0)PU︸ ︷︷ ︸U(0)

, (9)

where the π(l)-th column and σ(k)-th row of B(0) are permuted to the last position pin U (0) and L(0), respectively. Hence, deleting the last row and column in L(0) andU (0), deleting the last (unit) columns of ΛL


and ΛU−1

and adjusting the permutation

matrices gives a factorized representation of B(1) = D′σ(k)BDπ(l).

The improvements of Suhl and Suhl [10] can be incorporated easily and have beenleft out merely for clarity of presentation.


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5 Concluding remarks

We conclude by discussing the computational advantages of using the reduced basismatrix. Note that for clarity, Figs. 1 and 2 present the FTRAN and BTRAN operationsusing the reduced basis matrix partitioned by C and R. However, this can easily behidden behind a black-box implementation of the linear algebra routines and thusseamlessly integrated into existing state-of-the-art simplex codes based on row orcolumn form, yielding all benefits outlined in the following.

Faster factorization and updates. Since AR,C is potentially much smaller thanM and N, both the initial factorization and subsequent updates may be expected toinvolve less nonzeros and perform faster.

Faster solves. Using an LU factorization of M, we need to perform two triangularsolves of dimension m for FTRAN or BTRAN. The new technique only requires twotriangular solves of dimension |C| 6 m. The remaining m− |C| solution values can becomputed in one sweep. The same effect holds when using the row form.

Smaller memory consumption. First, since AR,C is no longer part of the basismatrix, it can be read directly from the constraint matrix and is not stored a secondtime in U . Second, since we factorize and update a smaller matrix, we may expectthe fill-in to grow at a smaller rate, an effect that has been observed by Powell [9]and confirmed by Wunderling [12].

Solving from scratch. The impact of the advantages listed above will be moreprominent the smaller AR,C is on average when compared to M or N, i.e., whenmany of the vertex solutions traversed by the simplex algorithm are predominantlydetermined by tight column bounds. Note that, even if the optimal basis mighthave many basic columns, the simplex algorithm is often started from the slack ba-sis (∅, {1, . . . ,m}). In this case, AR,C necessarily has small dimension during the firstiterations.

Furthermore, it is a common situation that, for example, problems from com-binatorial optimization or relaxations solved within an LP-based branch-and-cut al-gorithm exhibit more rows than columns. In this case, the number of basic (nottight) rows |R| is at least m − n, i.e., the dimension of AR,C is guaranteed to be atmost n = dim(N) < dim(M).

Reoptimizing within branch-cut-and-price. Last, but not least, when usedin an LP-based branch-cut-and-price algorithm, the reduced basis matrix gives anadvantage independent of the proportions of the constraint matrix. When usingcolumn form the factorization must be computed from scratch after adding a row; inrow form after adding a column. Since reoptimization often only takes few iterations,having to recompute the factorization of the basis matrix each time can make up asignificant amount of the computational effort performed.

In contrast, adding new columns or rows to the problem does not affect AR,C sincea new column is initialized as nonbasic, i.e., added to C, and a new row is initialized asbasic, i.e., added to R. Hence, the factorization is not invalidated and can be reused.


Page 13: Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised ... · Factorization and update of a reduced basis matrix for the revised simplex method Ambros M. Gleixner October


Many thanks to Daniel Steffy, Timo Berthold, Thorsten Koch, and Matthias Mil-tenberger for their valuable comments on this paper.


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