Factories of Future

A presentation on Factories of Future Kiran Hanjar I sem, M.Tech IE&M MSRIT


Latest methodologies to be followed in order to improvise the firm's efficiency.

Transcript of Factories of Future

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Factories of Future

Kiran HanjarI sem, M.TechIE&MMSRIT

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Aim of the Presentation*To know what are the Factories of Future

*Why it is important

*Building manufacturing vision

*Roadmap to achieve the above

*Expected results

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Innovative production technologies are the main source to enhance productivity in manufacturing

Advanced manufacturing and controlling techniques are required

Hence Factories of future

The focus is on four main technological challenges

• ICTs - next generation of robotics, automation

•Virtual factories - supply chains

•Adaptive production

•High-precision manufacturing

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Factories of Future – Manufacturing vision

Megatrends and manufacturingIt includes:

*Changing demographics

*Globalization & future markets

*Limited use of natural resources

*The challenge of climate change

*Dynamic technology & innovation

*Sharing global responsibility

Hence, a new logic of global socio-economic sustainability is to be adopted

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The long term direction: Manufacturing vision

*Factory and Nature: green / sustainable

*Factory as a good neighbor : close to the customer

*Factories in the value chain: collaborative

*Factory and Humans: human centered

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Manufacturing Challenges and opportunities

Manufacturing the products of the future

Source: EFFRA

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Economic sustainability of manufacturing

*Realizing reconfigurable, adaptive and evolving factories capable of small scale production

*High performance production

*Resource efficiency in manufacturing

Social sustainability of manufacturing

Environmental sustainability of manufacturing

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Key technologies and enablers

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Advanced manufacturing processes

*The efficiency and sustainability of both the manufacturing of actual and future products is very much determined by the processes that shape and assemble the components of the product

Mechatronics for advanced manufacturing systems

Information and communication technologies





Modelling, simulation and forecasting methods and tools

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Research and Innovation Priorities

*Cost efficiency

*Optimized consumption of resources

*Short time-to-market

*Increased focus on high added value components/goods

*Higher and more stable product quality

*Higher productivity under enhanced safety and ergonomics conditions

*Increased reusability of production systems towards global interoperable factories

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Smart Factories


*Knowledge, awareness, and prediction of man, machine, material, and method in manufacturing

*The KAP research project aims to provide manufacturing standards to ensure that every existing resource can be used as efficiently as possible through the effective coordination of man, machine, material and method

*KAP stands for knowledge of past performance and awareness of the present state, enabling the prediction of future outcomes

*It is estimated that reductions of over 5% per annum in waste and energy and 10% in time to market

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Virtual factories


*Glocal enterprise network focusing on customer-centric collaboration

*GloNet aims at designing, developing, and deploying an agile virtual enterprise environment for networks of SMEs involved in highly customized and service-enhanced products through end-to-end collaboration with customers and local suppliers

* It aims to:

*Develop a novel way to commonly represent/provide information and knowledge

*Generate user-customized interfaces which dynamically adjust to different stakeholders, supporting their access and visualization needs

*Provide these services through the cloud, to be available to anybody, at any time, from anywhere

*Support the negotiation among all involved parties

GloNet results are expected to bring major improvements in production and product life cycle support processes

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Adaptive Project Equipment*PopJIM

*Plug and produce joint interface modules

*PopJIM creates an innovative solution to performance limiting problems by optimising mechatronic module alongside a wireless network

*It is based on a novel concept through which the dynamic stiffness of the machine is controlled to maintain process stability, rather than changing the process parameters

The project idea is based on two crucial innovative solutions:

• Replacing conventional machine tool structural joint interfaces by JIM.

• A wireless network consisting of these modules and a machining process proxy to enable adaptive control and plug and produce capability to the JIMs

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High Precision manufacturing


*Femtosecond laser printer for glass microsystems with Nano scale features

The project’s three main objectives are:

• Development of a femtosecond laser which is suitable for glass that can be manufactured on a micro/nano scale.

• Incorporation of the laser into a machine similar to a printer which is able to position and manipulate glass sheets of various thicknesses.

• Demonstration of the printer’s ability to generate a variety of micro/nano-systems with optical, mechanical and fluid-handling capabilities

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From stacked to laminated foil

3d printing in glass material

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*Eco Manufactured transportation means from Clean and Competitive Factory

*EMC2-Factory is a project which develop a radically new paradigm for cost-effective, highly productive, energy-efficient and sustainable production systems

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Robots for Automation and other auxiliary process


*Miniaturised Robotic systems for holistic in-situ Repair and maintenance works in re-strained and hazardous environments

*MiRoR will develop a fundamentally novel concept of a Miniaturised Robotic Machine (Mini-RoboMach) system equipped with intelligence-driven and autonomous abilities

*MiRoR intelligent controller equipped





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Towards zero defects*IFaCOM

*Intelligent Fault Correction and self-Optimizing Manufacturing systems

*IFaCOM aims to achieve a near zero defect level of manufacturing for all kinds of manufacturing, with emphasis on production of high value parts, on large variety custom design manufacturing and on high performance products

*Improved performance process control to reduce defect output and reduce the costs of defect avoidance.

*Enhanced quality control to obtain more predictable product quality.

*Enhanced manufacturing process capability independent of manufactured parts

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Conclusion *Factories of Future clearly states that significant

improvements can be achieved in order to achieve better results than the existing manufacturing industries.

*It directs how to utilize the limited natural resources effectively and efficiently. Simultaneously to control the green house effects.

* It concentrates on development of new manufacturing strategies and methods which will be demonstrated in industrial cases to reduce defects.

* It also allows the customer to have high degree of customization in choosing the product.

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References*An introduction to Mechanical Engineering: Study on the

Competitiveness of the EU Mechanical Engineering Industry Within the Framework Contract of Sectoral Competitiveness Studies – ENTR/06/054 - Final Report

*High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies, Final Report, June 2011

*Megatrends1, Roland Berger strategy consultants based on World Bank, OECD, IMF, UNCTAD, EC, UNEP, UNESCO statistics and others – also related to EU documents (EU2020, Lund declaration)

* ICT for Manufacturing, The ActionPlanT Roadmap for Manufacturing 2.0

*Manufacturing statistics - NACE Rev. 2 Environmental issues: Encyclopedia of Energy, Cleveland C.J, Oxford

*Overview of the Factories of the Future Projects, Progress through Partnership

*Developing technologies for Factories of the Future

*WP 2011 topics of the three PPPs from the different participating Themes: NMP, ICT, Transport, Environment and Energy

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Thank you