Facility Management System...v [email protected] FMS functionality includes • List view –for...

Facility Management System www.kastechssg.com [email protected]

Transcript of Facility Management System...v [email protected] FMS functionality includes • List view –for...

Page 1: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


Facility Management System

[email protected]

Page 2: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

Facility Management System (FMS) functionality includes

• Dashboard

• Work order management

• Schedule

• Asset tracking

• Preventive maintenance scheduling (PM)

• Inventory management

• Requisition management

• Purchase orders

• Contracts

• Vendors

• Reliability-centered maintenance (RCM)

• Admin

• Projects

• Document

• Contact

• Budgets

• Inspection

• Training

Page 3: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

FMS functionality includes

• List view – for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The list view handles fetching datafrom server behind scenes.

• Read view – for viewing a data record • Edit view – for editing a data record • New view – for creating a data record • Lookup view – for cross-data lookup • Search view – for data search • Master detail view – for displaying a master record with many detail lists such as a work order with lists of parts, labor,

and instructions.• Dashboard view – for displaying key performance indicators or access to frequent used information Report views • Drag-and-drop customization of all the views above • Drag-and-drop module access design • Adding/removing custom fields • Dropdown list customization • Auto-completion for all cross-data lookup fields

Page 4: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Dashboard gives the detailed graphical representation of following details

• Daily WO Count by Organization• WO Count by Status• Monthly WO Count by Organization• WO Age by Priority

Dashboard can be customized based on the selected option

Page 5: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

Work Order

WORK ORDER MODULE Work order module functionality

• Creating a trouble call request • Creating a work order for corrective task or project • Creating a PM work order • Work order number auto-numbering • Editing work order steps • Editing work order safety notes • Editing work order documents • Editing planned, scheduled and actual labor for a work order • Editing planned and actual parts for a work order • Editing planned and actual tools for a work order • Editing planned and actual downtime for the work order asset • Editing work order comments • Editing work order meter readings• Track work order status changes • View work order status change history • Reserve parts in inventory for planned parts in work orders • Auto-order parts based on inventory configuration • Work order print

Page 6: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

Work Order List

In this we can track the status of the work order and gives a detailed view of the Work Order.

It provides – Add, Edit, Delete, Print and customization of Work Order data

Page 7: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

Work Order View

Work Order View Includes:

• Complete Details of Work Order(Organisation,Codes,Assignment,Schedule,Completion,Cost,Downtime,last Changes)

• Instructions(Safety Notes, Work Steps, Documents)• Labor(Planned, Scheduled, Labor)• Part(Planned, Part)• Tool(Planned, Part)• Downtime(Planned, Part)• Misc(Comments, Meter)• Customize

Page 8: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


User Schedule, gives the detailed view of the User shift, User working hours. It provides – Add, Edit, Delete and customization of Schedule data

• Schedule work hours by crew or individuals by shifts. • Schedule a team to a shift for a time period • Schedule an individual to a shift for a time period • Editing individual shift schedules

Page 9: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Assets include location, system, equipment and building. A system may consist of equipment and buildings.

• Track asset downtime • Track asset service history • Editing asset comments • Editing spare parts for an asset • Track asset depreciation • Editing asset meters and meter readings

Page 10: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]

Preventive maintenance (PM) Work Order

Preventive maintenance (PM) module keeps track of recurring maintenance activities.

• Creating a PM task with recurring schedule by time (daily, weekly, by weeks and months) and/or by meter and by seasons

• Editing assets on the PM task • Defining PM dependencies (i.e. Release of one PM will cause other PMs to release or skip).• Editing PM steps editing safety notes • Editing PM documents • Editing PM comments • Editing labor on a PM • Editing downtime • Editing parts used in the PM • Editing tools used in the PM • Editing meters for an asset on the PM • Track PM Audits

Page 11: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Inventory module manages parts and tools.

• Setting up parts/tools with manual or automatic replenishment • Reorder by Min/Max or re-order point • UOM and UOM conversion management • Parts/tools check out and return • Physical inventory • Inventory moves • Receive from purchase • Inventory check in • View reserved parts • Editing part vendors• Editing documents • Editing comments• Track inventory audits • Parts/Tools re-order List print

Page 12: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Requisition module stores part/tool order requests.

• Creating requisition requests • Requisition number auto-numbering • Editing items on requisition • Pre-approval by persons with requisition approval rights • Approve/Void requisition requests based on requisition approval levels • Track requisition status change history • Auto-generate requisition based on work order needs • Auto-generate requisition for parts/tools with auto-replenishment • Requisition print

Page 13: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Purchase module manages purchase orders and vendors. Only approved requisition can be added to purchase orders.

• Creating purchase orders • PO number auto-numbering • Adding items from approved requisition requests • Pre-approve by persons with PO approval rights • Approve/Void POs based on PO approval levels • Track PO status change history • PO print • View my PO list by a buyer • Editing tax codes • Editing vendors and tax codes • Editing shipping and billing addresses

Page 14: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Contract module manages Contract vendors. Creating Contracts

• Creating Contract • Editing Contract • Delete Contract • Customize Contract • Contract Document Create• Contract contact Create• Customize contract

Page 15: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Vendor module manages vendors. Creating Vendors

• Creating Vendor • Editing Vendor • Delete Vendor • Customize Vendor • Vendor contact Create

Page 16: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Reliability-centered maintenance module stores the results of RCM analysis. RCM module is also linked to work order module by failure actions.

• Creating RCM templates. An RCM template is associated with a collection of assets sharing the same RCM attributes.

• Creating RCM functions • Defining RCM failures • Associate RCM failure actions and consequences to RCM failures • A failure action can be looked up from RCM module and entered in a work order

Page 17: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Admin module provides a rich set of tools for configuring to fit customer needs.

• Adding new custom fields to existing tables and place the new fields on data views for editing • Modifying dropdown list by adding new ones and/or reorder the list • Customizing texts displayed in CalemEAM • Customize module access by groups • Customize menus in a module • Adding/hiding tabs to master-detail forms by groups and users • Adding/hiding detail views on master-detail forms by groups and users • Hiding/moving fields and texts on forms by groups and users • Hiding/moving fields and texts on search forms by groups and users • Hiding/moving fields and texts on reports by groups and users • Creating users with access rights for saved searches Creating groups and define group access

rights and user screens• Creating teams

Page 19: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Project module manages Projects.

• Creating Project• Editing Project• Delete Project• Customize Project

Page 20: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Document module manages Documents.

• Creating Document• Editing Document• Delete Document• Customize Document

Page 21: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Contact module manages Contacts.

• Creating Contact• Editing Contact• Delete Contact• Customize Contact

Page 22: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Budget module manages Budget.

• Creating Budget• Editing Budget• Delete Budget• Customize Budget

Page 23: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Inspection module keeps track of inspection (from OSHA, EPA, etc.) and citations received.

• Creating an inspection • Creating citations for an inspection• Editing Inspection• Delete Inspection• Customize Inspection

Page 24: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


[email protected]


Training module manages Training.

• Creating Training• Editing Training• Delete Training• Customize Training

Page 25: Facility Management System...v info@kastechssg.com FMS functionality includes • List view –for viewing data list. One can scroll by list view's scroll bar or mouse wheels. The


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Pradeep MPhone: +91 832 974 [email protected]