Facehugger BRP

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Transcript of Facehugger BRP

  • 7/27/2019 Facehugger BRP



    STR: 1D6+1 (4-5)

    CON: 3D6 (10-11)

    SIZ: 1D2+1 (2-3)

    INT: 3 (3)

    POW: 2D6 (7)

    DEX: 2D6+12 (19)

    CHA: 1D6 (3-4)

    Move: 12

    Hit Points: 7

    Damage Bonus: -1D6Armour: 0

    Attacks: Grapple 90%, special

    Skills: Climb 75%, Dodge 70%, Jump 90%, Stealth 50%,

    Facehug: In combat, a facehugger will attempt to grapple its targets head. It must

    make a successful Grapple roll to establish a hold on its foe. It can target the head at no

    penalty. Grapple attacks can be parried using the Grapple skill; if the defender parries

    with a weapon or shield, the facehugger will not normally attempt to grab the weapon

    or shield arm.

    Once a hold is established, the next round the face hugger will begin to strangle the

    target, who must make a CON x 1% roll each round or suffer 1D6 hit points of damage

    to his or her general hit points.

    Unless harassed by others, the facehugger will not attempt to kill its target, and will

    stop strangling once its victim reaches unconsciousness at 1 or 2 hp; and will pull its

    blows, using a smaller damage dice (d4, d3 or d2), once its victim is at about 6hp or


    The defender may attempt to break the hold by matching his or her STR against the

    facehuggers STR (which counts as 20 for this purpose) on the resistance table. Others

    may also attempt this, or they may assist the facehuggers victim, giving them a bonus

    of 10% per helper on their roll.

    If attacked while attached, bludgeoning weapons do no damage to the hugger, but all

    damage from the impact is transferred to the host.

  • 7/27/2019 Facehugger BRP


    If a surgical ward and a doctor are present and prepared, the facehugger can be safely

    removed, without acid blood spilt, on a successful Medicine skill roll. Failure kills the


    Acidic Blood: This biological acid is intensely powerful and will spray from any open

    wound the facehugger takes, actively corrosive for 1D6+2 combat rounds. Any target

    being grappled by the face hugger is spattered. That character takes 1D3 points from

    the acid. Armour will not protect against this acid. Once a character is being burnt by

    the acid, it will continue until it is neutralized by some force, or the acid eventually stops

    being corrosive at the end of the 1D6+2 duration.

    Wall Walking: Aliens can walk on walls and ceilings, whether on all fours or standing

    upright. They can stand still on vertical or upside-down surfaces as if on the ground.Immunities: Aliens are effectively immune to damage from acid, cold, radiation,

    vacuum, and inhaled gasses. They take half damage from electricity.

    Leap: A facehugger can jump up to 7 meters horizontally, or 3 meters vertically.

    A facehugger has eight long finger-like legs which allow it to crawl rapidly, and a long

    tail adapted for making great leaps. These particular appendages give it an appearance

    somewhat comparable to chelicerate arthropods such as arachnids and horseshoe


    Facehuggers emerge from alien eggs. As a potential host approaches, the egg's lobes

    unfold like flower petals, and the facehugger extracts itself from the egg and attempts

    to attach itself to the potential host.

    The facehugger is a parasitoid; its only purpose is to make contact with the host's

    mouth for the implantation process, by gripping its legs around the victim's head and

    wrapping its tail around the host's neck. Upon making contact, the facehugger tightens

    its tail around the host's neck in order to render him or her unconscious through oxygen

    deprivation. The facehugger then inserts a proboscis down the host's throat, supplying

    them with oxygen whilst simultaneously implanting an embryo. Attempts to remove

    facehuggers generally prove fatal, as the parasitoid will respond by tightening its grip

    on the hosts throat, and the facehugger's acidic blood prevents it from being safely cut


    Once the Alien embryo is safely implanted, the facehugger detaches and, shortly

    afterwards, dies.