Facebook (Ev)




Transcript of Facebook (Ev)

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What is the ConnectionWhat is the Connection?..?..

Sergio CortezGraphic design studentSantiago, Chile

HermesThe Global Fashion HouseParis

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Free AdFree Ad!… !…

Sergio is not on Hermes payroll .. He wish! But he decided anyhow to design a gifts

application for Hermes products, used by 2062 users/day

It was for Facebook to give the space and freedom for a free ad.

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Local Culture … With FunLocal Culture … With Fun!!

Samia Albar, a Saudi designer produced “Saudi life Style” gifts app. (1589 users/day)

The application showed a sense of humor we don’t see in mainstream media

The designer doesn't see any harm in showing funny modern cultural icons…

… in fact she was surprised to be asked about it!

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With No Movie TheatersWith No Movie Theaters

Young Saudis with movies making abilities created “Saudi Action” group…

… to show samples of their works and promote it Mishari Hilal thinks Facebook helped introduce

them to the media and movie makers

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Communicating with No Communicating with No RulesRules

What makes a journalist take a refuge in Facebook? Trad Alasmari, runs four groups with 3000 members, says:

“Facebook is a social communication space with no censorship complication, or publishing identity”

“most of the members comes with their true identities, starts with fun the get more serious”

“in Facebook we think out LOUD..!”

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e-illiteracy.. In Universitye-illiteracy.. In University

Dr. Saud Katib created a virtual class for “Computer & Media Technology” on Facebook

90% of his students did not have emails at the beginning of the semester The class proved success in allowing dialogue among students, with their

professor, and supplying them with materials (pics, movies and references) King Abdulaziz University is considering to take the experience further


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New Communication TheoryNew Communication Theory

The internet gave new meanings to the communication process

User Generated content: a new concept gave every individual the power to be more active

Despite criticism UGC proved to be a staying power, with the masses ownership

It all started with Bulletin Boards, personal websites, groups on Yahoo and MSN, and Blogs

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Out of the SanctuaryOut of the Sanctuary!..!.. Mark Zuckerberg Harvard student who

feared to lose touch with outside world, started Facebook from his dorm room to communicate with his fellow students

“it took off so fast that within a year or so it had spread to thousands of campuses. Now it's on almost every college campus in America.”

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Change Concept … Change Concept … Implement conceptImplement concept

Before and after Facebook, a number of Social Networking sites were flooding the web

They are all based on UGC

Conclusion: Mass communication concepts needs to be redefined

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New Meanings to Mass New Meanings to Mass CommunicationCommunication

On the same path Al Gore and Joel Hyatt launched the popular TV Network

Current TV Simply by

broadcasting video reports by the audience

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The Power of FacebookThe Power of Facebook A portal that complement

the social, cultural and emotional relations in the virtual society it creates for the user

Limitless in time and place User can deal with

whomever he choose with, in the subjects he likes

Very powerful cross continental/ cultural tool

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No More BoundariesNo More Boundaries

More than 80 million active users Ranked 6th in the most used websites, and 2nd in the social

sites No. 1 in pictures uploading, more than 14 millions/day Fastest in demographic growth (ages 25+) More than 6 million active groups, 400,000 developers, more

than 24,000 applications (140 added every day) With translation added, users can communicate around the

globe (15 languages added by June 2008)

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The Power of PeopleThe Power of People Success has its enemies

and attackers In the Arab world we

talked about an Imperialist conspiracy

In the west there were lawsuits based on privacy violations

And the defense were there

More than 213,000 users registered in a group to support Facebook in the lawsuit raised by the rivals ConnectU

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Accusation: Facebook..!Accusation: Facebook..!

Murder or Robbery?

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Facebook GirlFacebook Girl Israa Abdulfattah was

the heroine of the most famous Facebook case in the Arab world

She went to jail accused of calling for the 6th of April public protest in Egypt

More than 71,000 members in her group

She was released after found not guilty

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Public Opinion InterestsPublic Opinion Interests Internet became an

arena to discuss most of the Saudi Public Opinion subjects

Facebook took big share in dealing with most important issues such as:Qatif Rape VictimQatif Rape Victim

More and more Saudi dialogues are spreading in this space

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Efficient Internal Comm.Efficient Internal Comm. Some corporate found

in Facebook an efficient internal communication tool that promote social connections among staff

Some used it for recruitment

Others used it to communicate with clients and consumers to measure their satisfaction

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Personal ExperimentPersonal Experiment To experiment the easy

publishing on Facebook, I created a group for the achievement of my colleague Farouq Alzouman, the first Saudi to climb Mount Everest

In few days “Saudi on Top of the World” had more than 800 members

In another few days, Farouq’s fans created their own group beyond our control

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