Face to face online

Page 4: “operational definition” of Technology Integration. Page 5: A classroom video to show the active engagement of the students. Reciprocal learning (verbalizing thoughts on learning experiences)… improves meta-cognition which is the process of reflecting on the building of knowled ge (Baxter- Magolda , 1999 & 2001 ). TeachTown Throughout the Day Self Click Online Presentation version of “Tech To Self-Self to Tech” Page 2 : Title page. It will give you focus on the trainin g segment Page 3: Ice breaker page. Please click on the links to tell you; w ho I am, how “ Techie” you are, and explore all that the Tea chTown Website has to offer Page 6: The 3 steps of Technology and Classroom Integration of TeachTown Page 7: TeachTown Programs; Using Characters in Cross Curricular Lessons Page 8: High Tech meets Low Tech Page 9: Creating Classroom Materials Page 10: Make and Take Page 11: Wrap up Page 12: Resources and References Page 13: Contact Information

Transcript of Face to face online

  • 1. TeachTown Throughout the Day Self Click Online Presentation version of Tech To Self-Self to Tech

2. Lisa Witteman K-2 Autism Teacher Online Professional Learning April 10, 2014 By PresenterMedia.com Tech to Self Self to Tech Incorporating TeachTown Characters throughout the School Day 3. Hello and Welcome 4. What is Technology Integration? National Educational Technology Standards For Students, International Society For Technology In Education Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions as accessible as all other classroom tools. 5. Koegel, R. L., Tran, Q., Mossman, A., & Koegel, L. K. (2006). Incorporating Motivational Procedures to Improve Homework Performance Paul H Brookes. Pivotal Response Treatments for Autism: Communication, Social, & Academic Development (pp. 81-92). Baltimore Technology Integration = Reciprocal Learning 6. TeachTown Programs Common Core Aligned IEP Driven Premade Low Tech Symbols CCSS lesson plans ideas Social Skills lesson plans Student Centered: Schedules Boards Books Classroom integration of TeachTown Technology In 3 Steps Unpack Breakfast Calendar Brain Break DTI Work box Copyrighted material 7. Pre-programmed individualized CCSS academics and IEP Goals Character Introduction Student-friendly scenarios Reinforces identification of animated friends and their town SOCIAL SKILLS TeachTown Programs Basic Classroom + Social Skills + Character Low Tech Symbols = Cross Curricular Reciprocal Learning BASIC CLASSROOM Copyrighted material 8. Curriculum Driven High Tech Meets Low Tech : , , , , and star Copyrighted material 9. At your table there are materials and examples to incorporate TeachTown visual cues into your classroom. As a group: Create a classroom tool to model Fill in the 3 Stages of Learning Worksheet Group Presentations Creating Classroom Materials Group Exercise 10. Make and Take On the back table there are starter materials to take back to your classroom. Have fun creating! I will set the timer. Please return to your table when the timer goes off 11. Post Assessment and Your Ticket out the Door Any Questions or Concerns? Evidence of Learning Worksheet After participating in Tech to Self Self to Tech, the following worksheet can be used to document what you have learned and how you plan to implement your new knowledge. 1. I participated in Tech to Self Self to Tech on __________________________ Date 2. After participating, I think ________________ would benefit from the following features__________________________________________________. 3. I think ___________________ would find these features challenging _________________________________________________________________. 4. The above program features will allow me to a. Differentiate instruction by _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. b. Accommodate students with special needs by_______________________ ___________________________________________________________. c. Modify the general education curriculum by ________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 12. Resources and References 13. Lisa Witteman Steven Bruce Benson Contact Information 14. Materials .