Facad Tracing Tutorial1

Facad Tracing 3.5 - Tutorial 1 Table of contents FACAD – Overview of Landmarks.................................................2 1 FACAD TRACING – Introduction...................................................3 2 Help & User manuals......................................................................3 3 Open a Facad patient.....................................................................4 4 Create a new Tracing......................................................................6 5 Right-click menu.............................................................................7 6 Adjust brightness and contrast....................................................7 7 Zoom the image..............................................................................8 8 Calibrate the tracing image...........................................................9 9 Place markers...............................................................................10 10 Undo the latest action..................................................................10 11 Working with markers..................................................................11 12 Cephalometric analysis results...................................................12 13 Save the patient............................................................................12 14 Interactive Measurements...........................................................13 15 Place teeth.....................................................................................14 16 Adjust teeth...................................................................................15 17 Draw hard tissue...........................................................................16 18 Create the soft tissue profile line................................................17 19 The Analysis Window...................................................................19 20 Superimposition...........................................................................21 21 Overview of keyboard usage.......................................................22

Transcript of Facad Tracing Tutorial1

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Facad Tracing 3.5 - Tutorial1

Table of contents

FACAD – Overview of Landmarks.................................................21 FACAD TRACING – Introduction...................................................32 Help & User manuals......................................................................33 Open a Facad patient.....................................................................44 Create a new Tracing......................................................................65 Right-click menu.............................................................................76 Adjust brightness and contrast....................................................77 Zoom the image..............................................................................88 Calibrate the tracing image...........................................................99 Place markers...............................................................................1010 Undo the latest action..................................................................1011 Working with markers..................................................................1112 Cephalometric analysis results...................................................1213 Save the patient............................................................................1214 Interactive Measurements...........................................................1315 Place teeth.....................................................................................1416 Adjust teeth...................................................................................1517 Draw hard tissue...........................................................................1618 Create the soft tissue profile line................................................1719 The Analysis Window...................................................................1920 Superimposition...........................................................................2121 Overview of keyboard usage.......................................................22

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FACAD – Overview of Landmarks

Here follows an overview of the cranofacial landmarks (markers) that are used in thestandard cephalometric analyses included with the Facad software.

A : Downs’ A-point ; Subspinale

ANS : Anterior Nasal SpineAr : ArticulareB : Downs’ B-point ; Supramentale

Ba : BasionCo : Condyle, posterior point

D : Center of symphysisDC Centre of condyleGn : Gnathion

Go : GonionpGo : posterior Gonion (posterior point on ramus)

aGo : anterior Gonion (lower border of mandible)Id : Infradentale

Ii : Incisor inferior (lower incisor tip)Iia : Incisor inferior apex (lower incisor root)Iil : Incisor inferior labial outline

Is : Incisor superior (upper incisor tip)Isa : Incisor superior apex (upper incisor root)

Isl : Incisor superior labial outlineMe : MentonMi : Molar inferior, cusp

Mi-dc : Molar inferior, distal cuspMi-m : Molar inferior, most mesial point

Mi-mc : Molar inferior, mesial cuspMs : Molar superior, cusp

Ms-d : Molar superior, most distal pointMs-da : Molar superior, distal apex Ms-dc : Molar superior, distal cusp

Ms-m : Molar superior, most mesial pointMs-mc : Molar superior, mesial cusp

N : NasionOLp : Occlusal Line, posterior point

Or : Orbitale

P : PorionPM : Protuberance Menti ; Suprapogonion

PNS : Posterior Nasal SpinePog : Pogonion

Pr : ProsthionPt : Pterygo-maxillary fissureS : Sella turcica

Se : Sella’s entrySI : Sella inferior

SOr : Supraorbitalewp : Walker's point

Soft tissue landmarks

GL : Soft tissue GlabellaNs : Soft tissue Nasion

ONs : Soft tissue Os Nasale (nasal bone)PRN : Pronasale ; Tip of the nose

MS : Steiner’s S-point (columnella tangent point)SN : Subnasale ; Retronasale

SLs : Sulcus Labial superior ; Soft tissue A point

Ls : Labrale superior (upper lip)Ls-inf : Upper Lip (labrale superior), inferior point

STs : Stomion superiorSTi : Stomion inferior

Li : Labrale inferior (lower lip)

Li-sup : Lower Lip (labrale inferior), superior pointSLi : Sulcus Labial inferior ; Soft tissue B point

PGs : Soft tissue PogonionGNs : Soft tissue Gnathion

MEs : Soft tissue MentonT : Throat, neck

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1 FACAD TRACING - Introduction

Facad® is a software program used for orthodontic tracing, cephalometric analysis, andvisual diagnostic imaging, as well as for treatment planning with soft tissue profileprediction for both orthodontics and maxillo-facial surgery. This program is meant to beused by orthodontists and orthofacial surgeons.

Facad Tracing is a limited version for orthodontics, which does not include thefunctionality for treatment planning and soft tissue profile prediction. This tutorialdescribes the functionality for the limited Facad Tracing version.

2 Help & User manuals

2.1 User manuals

Standard menu: Help>Facad Manuals>User’s Guide

The complete Facad manual.

Standard menu: Help>Facad Manuals>Cephalometry>...

All standard cephalometric analyses and the Facad Cephalometry Library (measurementsand lines) are well documented.

Standard menu: Help>Facad Manuals>Cephalometry>Overview of Landmarks

A schematic overview of all markers and their names that may be required to be placed,depending on the chosen cephalometric analysis.

2.2 Facad language

Standard menu: Tools>SettingsTab: National

This is where you can specify the language of the software Facad. You need to restart the Facad program before the language change will take effect.

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3 Open a Facad patient

You need to open a Facad patient, before you can start working with a patient's image(s).You can open a Facad patient using several methods:

• Open an existing patient using the Patients List, see section 3.1 below

• Open a patient using one of the built-in plugin programs, see section 3.2 below

• Create a new patient and import images manually, see section 3.3 below

3.1 Open an existing patient using the Patients ListThe Patients/Work List opens automatically when the Facad program is started.If you want to open the Patients/Work List manually:

Standard menu: File>Patients/Work List

Keyboard key: <Ctrl>L

Tool button:

The Patients/Work List contains 2 lists, the Patients List and the Work List.

Tab: Patients List

The Patients List presents existing Facad patients.

Tab: Work List

The Work List presents new patients and new images that have been transferred to Facadusing one of the built-in plugin programs.

Open an existing patientSelect the patient you want to open from the Patients List and click Open, or double-clickon the patient. When a patient is opened, the patient’s Image/Tracing Manager isdisplayed.

3.2 Open a patient using one of the built-in plugin programsThe built-in plugin programs are used to transfer digital images and patient data from x-raysoftware, PACS, or patient management system to Facad. Examples on software than canwork with Facad are: CliniView, DBSWIN, DentalEye, Digora, Dimaxis/Romexis, Edward,Sectra PACS IDS5/IDS7, Sidexis, VisiQuick, VixWin.

Standard menu: Help>Facad Manuals>Plugin program Guides>...

Information on how to set up the different plugin programs is found in the Help menu.You may also contact your Facad dealer for help in this matter.

Some plugin programs opens the Facad patient (existing or new) automatically, while otherplugin programs makes incoming patients/images available in the Work List.

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Open a patient from the Work ListSelect the patient you want to work with from the Work List and click Open, or double-clickon the patient. When a patient is opened, the patient’s Image/Tracing Manager isdisplayed.

3.3 Create a new patient and import images manuallyLet us assume that you have a digital x-ray image file (JPEG, TIFF, BMP, or in DICOMformat) on the computer, a USB memory stick, or on a CD, and no Facad plugin programis used to transfer the image to Facad.For instance, the x-ray image file is a scanned x-ray film.

In this situation, the Patients/Work List is not used at all. Close the Patients/Work List if it isopen.

Standard menu: File>New Patient

Keyboard key: <Ctrl>N

Tool button:

Displays the New patient dialogue box.

Enter the patient’s unique ID, first name, lastname, and other relevant patient data in theappropriate fields, and click Create.This will automatically create a new patientfolder in the Patient Data Node folder, and anew Facad file is automatically saved in thisnew patient folder.The patient’s (empty) Image/Tracing Manager isthen displayed.

If you are going to import a DICOM image file, use Import Dicom image and import theimage before you enter any patient data. The patient data will then be enteredautomatically using the information stored in the DICOM image file.

3.3.1 Import an image to the patient

To import a new image, click on Import image in the Image/Tracing Manager. Browse and locate the image file. When the image is chosen, the Image Informationdialogue box is displayed.

In this dialogue box:

• Specify the Image Type and when theimage was Created.

• Only when applicable: If the image is anx-ray image, and if you are using yourstandard scale setting as calibrationmethod - select Use standard scale tocalibrate the image.

• Click Save.

• The image file is now copied into thepatient folder.

Paste an image from the Windows clipboardIt is also possible to paste an image from the Windows clipboard, to the patient. First, youneed to copy an image from another software to the Windows clipboard.

Standard menu: Edit>Paste

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4 Create a new Tracing

The image/tracing manager is used to manage the patient’s images and tracings. Every Facad patient contains one or several tracings. A specific tracing can represent e.g.a pre-treatment tracing, or a post-treatment follow-up tracing. A tracing can also representa combination of several tracings, a so-called superimposition.

The middle area of the image/tracing manager is called the Image overview and containsall the patient’s digital images, shown as image thumbnails.The right-most area of the image/tracing manager is called the Tracing overview andcontains the patient’s tracings, shown as tracing thumbnails.

To create a new tracing, first select an image thumbnail (usually a lateral x-ray image) inthe image overview as the tracing image, and then click New Tracing.A new tracing named Tracing # is now created. This new tracing is automatically selectedin the tracing overview and information about the tracing is presented in the tracinginformation area (the left-most area of the image/tracing manager).

4.1 Tracing informationIn the tracing information area (the left-most area of the image/tracing manager):

1. Enter a more appropriate name that better describes the tracing, forexample Pretreatment.

2. Select the cephalometric analysis that you want to use in this tracing,for example BergenShort.

3. To change to another analysis, click Load and select an analysisamong standard analyses that come with Facad, or local, customdesigned analyses.

4.2 Open tracingTo start working with this new tracing, you need to open the tracing. Double-click on thetracing thumbnail in the tracing overview. The analysis window and the tracing image willbe displayed, and you are now ready to start working with the tracing.

Note! If you double-click on the image thumbnail in the image overview (middle area) instead,this image will be shown in the image viewer (display only) instead of opening the tracing.If this happens, just close the image and you will be in the image/tracing manager again.

4.3 SMART TIP – Quick startIf you are in a hurry and you know that the correct cephalometric analysis is previouslychosen, you can first select an image thumbnail in the image overview as the tracingimage, and then press the <Return>-key twice on the keyboard. This will first create thenew tracing, and then the tracing will be opened.

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5 Right-click menu

Right-click in the tracing image and you will find a convenient way of finding functions thatwork on the tracing image.

6 Adjust brightness and contrast

The Brightness/Contrast tool lets you control the brightness and contrast of the image.

Standard menu: Image>Brightness/Contrast

Keyboard key: C

Tool button:

Selects the Brightness/Contrast tool.

Adjust brightness and contrastClick-and-drag in the image. Release the mouse button when satisfied.Left-right mouse movements affect the contrast, and up-down mouse movements affectthe brightness.

Higher contrast Click-and-drag leftLower contrast Click-and-drag rightBrighter Click-and-drag upwardDarker Click-and-drag downward

The arrow keys on the keyboard also controls the brightness and contrast in the image.

It is possible to change the way that this function works (which mouse movements that affect the brightness andthe contrast). This is specified as a Facad Setting (General tab).

Reset image brightness and contrastTo reset the image brightness and contrast when the Brightness/Contrast tool is active:

Keyboard key: Press the <Shift>-key and click in the image.

To reset the image brightness and contrast regardless if the Brightness/Contrast tool isactive or not:

Right-click menu: Reset Brightness/Contrast

Standard menu: Image>Reset Brightness/Contrast

Optimise the image brightness and contrast locallyTo optimise the image brightness and contrast in a local image area:

Keyboard key: Press the <Ctrl>-key and click in the image at the area where youwant to optimise the image brightness and contrast.

The image brightness and contrast is optimised for a small area around the image pixel where you clicked.

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7 Zoom the image

The Zoom tool changes the zoom factor (enlarges/reduces the image) and lets you zoomin and out in the image windows.

Standard menu: Image>Zoom

Keyboard key: Z

Tool button:

Selects the Zoom tool.

Use the Zoom toolClick or click-and-drag in the image.

Zoom (enlarge) in steps Click in the imageReduce in steps Press the <Ctrl>-key and click in the imageEnlarge continuously Click-and-drag upwardReduce continuously Click-and-drag downwardMove the enlarged image To move the enlarged image within the image window, use the

windows' scrollbars, or use the scrolling wheel on the mouse

Reset the zoomed image To reset the zoomed image when the Zoom tool is active:

Keyboard key: Press the <Shift>-key and click in the image.

To reset the zoomed image regardless if the Zoom tool is active or not:

Right-click menu: Reset Zoom

Standard menu: Image>Reset Zoom

Keyboard key: X

Tool button:

Resets the zoomed image.

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8 Calibrate the tracing image

To be able to make correct distance measurements in mm, the tracing image must becalibrated. If the image is not calibrated, you need to calibrate the image.

To ensure high accuracy in distance measurements, use the Zoom tool (before calibrating)to enlarge the image so that the x-ray system ruler becomes as large as possible.

Standard menu: Tools>Calibrate

Tool button:

Starts the Calibrate tool and displays the Calibration Method dialogue box.

The current calibration status is shown in the upper-most part of this dialogue box.

• Calibrate by measuring a well-defined distance in the tracing image, on the x-ray system ruler (real world) which is the method we recommend.

Select the appropriate choice in the Calibration Method dialogue box and then clickCalibrate.

Click at two points in the tracing image that define a well-defined distance and enterthe length (in mm) of that distance.

• You can also calibrate by measuring a well-defined distance in the tracing imagethat is a certain distance you have measured on the x-ray film. If known, you canspecify the enlargement factor.

• Or you can calibrate by using the image scanner's DPI (dots per inch) setting (if the tracing image comes from a scanned x-ray film). If known, you can specifythe enlargement factor.

• Or you can calibrate by using your standard calibration setting.

To save a certain calibration value as standardIf the button Save as standard is clicked, the calibration value is saved as the standardcalibration value, to simplify further image calibrations.

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9 Place markers

Standard menu: Tools>Draw or Place>Marker

Tool button:

Starts the Place Marker tool.

Follow the recommended next marker tool-tip (that follows the cursor) and click in thetracing image where you want to place the marker. When you have placed a marker, thenext marker to be placed is shown in the tool-tip.

Use the Zoom tool if you need more precision. Use the Brightness/Contrast tool if youneed to adjust the image’s brightness and/or contrast.

Normally, the marker name is presented as an abbreviation in the tool-tip. The markers'long name is displayed in the lower left hand corner of the program window.

If you also want to see the markers' long names in the tool-tip when placing the markers,activate this functionality with the Facad Setting (Tracing tab) Show long marker names.

To change the appearance of the placed markers, select between classic, bullet, and small bullet:

Right-click menu: View>Markers>...

Standard menu: View>Markers>...

If you want to set how the markers should look when you open a tracing, use the Facad Setting (Tracing tab) View when a tracing is opened.

9.1 Analysis windowNote that the placed markers are shown in the lower part of the analysis window (theobjects part).

10 Undo the latest action

You can always undo the latest action with

Standard menu: Edit>Undo

Keyboard key: <Ctrl>Z

Tool button:

An action that has been undone can be redone.

Standard menu: Edit>Redo

Keyboard key: <Ctrl>Y

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11 Working with markers

11.1 Select markers

Standard menu: Tools>Select/Move

Keyboard key: <F2>

Tool button:

Use the Select/Move tool.

Click on a marker you want to select. Note that the marker is also selected in the lowerpart of the analysis window (the objects part).You can also select a marker by clicking on the corresponding entry in the lower part of theanalysis window (the objects part).

11.2 Adjust markers

Use the Select/Move tool to correct the placement of a marker. Click-and-drag the markeryou want to adjust. When you are done, click outside the selected marker.

The arrow keys on the keyboard also controls the movement of a selected marker.To move a selected marker in bigger steps, press the <Ctrl>-key whenusing the arrow keys.

11.3 Delete markersTo delete a marker, use the Select/Move tool to select the marker you want to delete and:

Keyboard key: <Delete>

Right-click menu: Delete

Standard menu: Tools>Delete Selected

11.4 Marker appearanceTo change the appearance of the placed markers, select between classic, bullet, and small bullet:

Right-click menu: View>Markers>...

Standard menu: View>Markers>...

If you want to set how the markers should look when you open a tracing, use the Facad Setting (Tracing tab) View when a tracing is opened.

11.5 View marker namesTo turn the (abbreviated) marker names on/off in the tracing image:

Right-click menu: View>Marker Names

Standard menu: View>Marker Names

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11.6 Extra tipsIf you want to skip a recommended marker and go onto the next recommended marker, use the <Space>-baron the keyboard.

To create a marker other than the recommended one, press the <Shift>-key and click inthe tracing image where you want to place the marker.

12 Cephalometric analysis results

The current cephalometric analysis is viewed in the upper part of the analysis window. Theresults from the cephalometric analysis (measurement values) are available as soon asthe necessary markers have been placed in the tracing image.

If a calculated measurement value falls outside the norm interval (if specified), that valuewill be presented in a highlighted color. This highlighted color is different depending on ifthe value is too low (blue) or too high (red).

If you only are going to use Facad for the purpose of making a cephalometric analysis,then it is not necessary to draw any teeth, hard tissue structures and a soft tissue profileline. Only the markers are necessary. But of course, you can draw them if you want tohave that kind of graphics displayed.

13 Save the patient

Make a habit of saving the patient quite regularly.

Standard menu: File>Save Patient

Tool button:

Saves the patient.

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14 Interactive Measurements

Try out some of the interactive measurement tools.

14.1 Measure Distance

Standard menu: Tools>Measure>Distance

Tool button:

Click at two points in the image. The distance between these two points is calculated.

14.2 Measure Distance to Line

Standard menu: Tools>Measure>Distance to Line

Tool button:

• Click at two points to define the line.

• Click at the desired point.

The shortest distance between the desired point and the defined line is calculated.

14.3 Measure Angle (3pt)

Standard menu: Tools>Measure>Angle (3pt)

Tool button:

• Click at the common apex.

• Click at the end point of the first line.

• Click at the end point of the second line.

The angle between the two lines is calculated. Positive rotation is clockwise.

14.4 Measure Angle (4pt)

Standard menu: Tools>Measure>Angle (4pt)

Tool button:

• Click at the end point of the first line.

• Click at the point of the first line that is closest to the angle apex.

• From the first point, move clockwise and click at the end point of the second line.

• Click at the point of the second line that is closest to the angle apex.

The angle between two lines that do not necessarily have a common apex is calculated.

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15 Place teeth

Place teeth in the tracing image.

15.1 Place incisorsThe incisors are automatically drawn when the incisor markers Is, Isa, Ii, and Iia. areplaced.

To place an incisor manually:

Standard menu: Tools>Draw or Place>Incisor

Tool button:

Incisors and canines: First, click at the apex (root) – tool-tip apex, and then clickat the tip of the tooth.

If the incisors are placed before the incisors' markers, then the incisor markers Is, Isa, Ii,and Iia will automatically be placed when the incisors are placed.

15.2 Place molars

Standard menu: Tools>Draw or Place>Molar

Tool button:

Lower molars and premolars: First, click at the most mesial point of the crown (low:mes),and then click at the most distal point of the crown, i.e.from right to left.

Upper molars and premolars: First, click at the most distal point of the crown (upp:dis),and then click at the most mesial point of the crown, i.e.from left to right.

15.3 Analysis windowNote that the placed teeth are shown in the lower part of the analysis window (the objectspart).

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16 Adjust teeth

16.1 Move a tooth

Standard menu: Tools>Select/Move

Keyboard key: <F2>

Tool button:

Use the Select/Move tool.

Click-and-drag inside the tooth to move it. When you are done, click outside the selectedtooth.

The arrow keys on the keyboard also controls the movement of a selected tooth. To move a selected tooth in bigger steps, press the <Ctrl>-key when usingthe arrow keys.

16.2 Resize and rotate a tooth

Use the Select/Move tool. Click inside the tooth you want to adjust so it becomes selected.

• Click-and-drag on the resize corners to resize the tooth.

• Click-and-drag the knob of the rotation lever to rotate the tooth.

16.3 Delete a toothTo delete a tooth, use the Select/Move tool to select the tooth you want to delete and:

Keyboard key: <Delete>

Right-click menu: Delete

Standard menu: Tools>Delete Selected

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17 Draw hard tissue

Draw hard tissue structures in the tracing image, selected from a set of predefined hardtissue templates.

17.1 Draw hard tissueTo draw hard tissue, such as the maxilla and the mandible, or anatomical structures suchas the nasal bone and the orbita structure, use the Draw hard tissue tool.

Standard menu: Tools>Draw or Place>Hard tissue

Tool button:

The Draw hard tissue tool dialogue box displays.

• Select a hard tissue template from the list and click Draw, ordouble-click on a template.

• Follow the guided process (place suggested landmarks) andplace anchor (control) points along the selected hard tissuestructure.

• If there are already markers placed, these markers may beused as anchor points in the guided process.

• When the anchor points have been placed, the Select/Move tool is automatically activated.

• Click-and-draw the control points to adjust the drawn hardtissue.

To abort the drawing of hard tissue, type the <Esc>-key.

17.2 Adjust hard tissue

Standard menu: Tools>Select/Move

Keyboard key: <F2>

Tool button:

Use the Select/Move tool.

Click on the border of the hard tissue you want to adjust so it becomes selected.You can also click inside a closed hard tissue structure, in order to select it.

Click-and-draw the control points to adjust the hard tissue. When you are done, clickoutside the selected hard tissue structure.

17.3 Delete hard tissueTo delete a hard tissue structure, use the Select/Move tool to select the hard tissue youwant to delete and:

Keyboard key: <Delete>

Right-click menu: Delete

Standard menu: Tools>Delete Selected

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18 Create the soft tissue profile line

Create the soft tissue profile line in the tracing image.

18.1 Create the soft tissue profile lineTo create the soft tissue profile line in the tracing image, use the Create profile line tool.This tool can be activated in 2 different ways:

• Either together with a dialogue box, where you can select a profile line from aselection of profile line templates, or

• without the dialogue box, where you create the current standard profile lineimmediately.

Without the Create profile line dialogue box

Standard menu: Tools>Profile Line>Create

Keyboard key: P

Tool button:

This function creates the current standard profile line. If no standard profile line is selected,the Create profile line dialogue box displays.

See 18.2 Place the profile line below.

With the Create profile line dialogue box

Standard menu: Tools>Profile Line>Select template

Keyboard key: <Shift>P

Press and hold

Tool button:

The Create profile line dialogue box displays.The current standard profile line (if one is defined) is marked with red text.

To draw a profile line• Select a soft tissue profile line template from the list and click

Draw, or double-click on a template.

• See 18.2 Place the profile line below.

To select a standard profile line• Select a profile line template from the list and click

Save as Standard.

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18.2 Place the profile line• Follow the guided process and place suggested landmarks that will act as anchor

(control) points along the soft tissue profile.

• If there are already profile markers placed, these markers may be used asanchor points in the guided process.

• When the anchor points have been placed, the Select/Move tool is automaticallyactivated.

• Click-and-draw the control points to adjust the drawn soft tissue profile line.

To abort the drawing of the soft tissue profile line, type the <Esc>-key.

18.3 Adjust the soft tissue profile line

Standard menu: Tools>Select/Move

Keyboard key: <F2>

Tool button:

Use the Select/Move tool.

Click on the soft tissue profile line so it becomes selected.Click-and-draw the control points to adjust the profile line.When you are done, click outside the profile line.

18.4 Delete the soft tissue profile line

Right-click menu: Delete Profile Line

Standard menu: Tools>Profile Line>Delete


Tool button: use the Select/Move tool. Click on the soft tissue profile line so it becomes selected.

Keyboard key: <Delete>

Right-click menu: Delete

Standard menu: Tools>Delete Selected

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19 The Analysis Window

The analysis window is divided into two parts, the analysis part (upper) and the objectspart (lower). You can select one of the two tabs, Values and Properties.

Analysis part (upper), Values tab All measurement values of the chosencephalometric analysis.

Objects part (lower), Values tab All placed graphic objects, i.e. hard tissue, teeth,and markers.

Analysis part (upper), Properties tab Overview of the properties for all cephalometricitems, i.e. measurements, lines, and constructedmarkers. Here you can also see which measurementitems and lines that are visualized with graphicsin the images (Lines), and which measurementvalues that are presented numerically in theimages (Values).

Objects part (lower), Properties tab Overview of the properties for all placed graphicobjects.

19.1 Change the window appearanceTo move the middle border between the upper and lower parts of the analysis window, justclick-and-drag on the middle border (up-down movements).

Change column widthTo change the width of each column, move the borders between the column headers,using click-and-drag. A double-click on such a column header border will auto-size thecolumn to the left of the border.

Change the column orderTo change the order of columns in the upper part of the analysis window (Values tab),click-and-drag on a column header to move the column to another position.

19.2 Right-click menuRight-click in the analysis window and you will find a convenient way of findingcephalometry functions.

19.3 Cephalometric items/measurements

Display a full description of a cephalometric measurementPosition the cursor on a certain measurement name and a tool-tip will show up.

Change a cephalometric itemDouble-click on a cephalometric item. The Cephalometric properties dialogue box isdisplayed. Alter the Norm and check (or uncheck) the checkboxes Draw lines, Show value and/orShow name.Click OK. Note what was changed.

19.4 Load another cephalometric analysisTo load another cephalometric analysis:

Right-click menu: Load analysis(right-click in the analysis window)

Standard menu: Cephalometry>Load analysis

Then, choose an analysis from one of the two lists of analyses (standard or local).

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19.5 Create a new/modified cephalometric analysisThe Analysis Editor is used to create a new cephalometric analysis, or to modify anexisting analysis to a local, custom designed analysis that can be used with other patientsand tracings.

Standard menu: File>New/Edit Ceph Analysis

Opens the analysis editor.

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20 Superimposition

The purpose of the Superimposition window is to visually compare several tracings.It is also possible to superimpose two x-ray images simultaneously with see-through effect.

20.1 Create a new superimpositionA superimposition is created in the image/tracing manager.

1. Select a tracing thumbnail in the tracing overview that is going to be used as thereference tracing.

2. Click New Superimposition. The Superimposition Information dialogue boxdisplays.

3. In the Superimposition Information dialogue box, select at least another tracing thatyou want simultaneously displayed.

4. Select a separate color for each chosen tracing.5. Select which alignment method that is going to be used, in order to geometrically

align the included tracings.Movement by one marker and rotation by a line (recommended)Facad will place all tracings so that the reference marker (for example S) matchesin all tracings. The tracings will then be rotated according to the reference line (forexample NSL) so that the reference line is parallel in all tracings.No scaling of the tracings will be done, so it is important that the tracing images inthe included tracings are properly calibrated.Movement, rotation and scaling by 2 or more reference markersSelect at least two reference markers that are present in all included tracings, forexample S and N. Facad will move, rotate, and scale the tracings to make the best match possibleaccording to the selected reference markers.

6. Click Save. A new superimposition named Superimposition # is created.

20.2 Open a superimpositionA superimposition is opened from the image/tracing manager.Double-click on the superimposition thumbnail in the tracing overview.

20.3 Right-click menuRight-click in the Superimposition window and you will find a convenient way of findingsuperimposition functions.

20.4 Change superimposition settingsTo return to the Superimposition Information dialogue box:

Right-click menu: Superimposition information(right-click in the Superimposition window)

Standard menu: Tracing>Superimposition information

Here you can (for instance) select which graphic symbols that should be visible in thesuperimposition.

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Facad Tracing 3.5 - Tutorial22

20.5 Adjust the tracing alignment manuallyIn the Superimposition window, use the Move Active Trace tool.

Standard menu: Tools>Move active trace

Right-click menu: Move active trace

Tool button:

1. Place (move) the active tracing in such a manner that one point is “the same” as inthe reference tracing: Click-and-drag anywhere in the Superimposition window.

2. Assign this point as the fixed point: Click where you want to place the fixed point.3. Rotate the active tracing around the fixed point: Click-and-drag the knob of the

rotation lever that is attached to the rotation symbol.4. If needed, scale (enlarge or reduce) the active tracing, use the resize corners for


20.6 Superimpose x-ray imagesIn the Superimposition Information dialogue box, you can select to view the x-ray images(Image and Image #2) for the reference tracing and for Tracing 2, respectively.

You can then (in the Superimposition window) adjust the balance (mixture) between thetwo x-ray images with the Blend images tool.

Standard menu: Image>Blend images

Tool button:

Click-and-drag upward/downward in the Superimposition window or use the arrow keys onthe keyboard to control the blending between the images.

21 Overview of keyboard usage

Some keys on the keyboard work as shortcuts to certain menu selections and tools. Here follows an overview of these keyboard accelerators.

Key Function

<Ctrl>L Show the Patients/Work List<Ctrl>N Create a new patient<Ctrl>O Open an existing patient<Ctrl>S Save the current patient<Ctrl>W Close the current patient<Ctrl>P Print the active window<Ctrl>C Copy the contents of the active window to the Windows clipboard<Ctrl>V Paste (a copied image to the patient)<Ctrl>Z Undo the latest action in Facad<Ctrl>Y Redo the latest undone action

Z Zoom toolX Reset Zoom C Brightness/Contrast toolP Create profile line tool

<Shift>P Display the Create profile line dialogue box + Create profile line tool<F2> Select/Move tool<F3> Select the previously used tool