F X! •**•» xw^*ywyi)...

7 " <\ \ I t. / X! •**•» =w xw^*ywyi) ^ .Iw.jl.M, 1 \\,-; F AJffiff » t o ^ from*tto*l5j t Packet and <%er small Bib|es>from4s. to $5, Tow»wnd»s Me, 2 volumes; * QMS v» « a « ' ?oi^s J Jt*W^, « 3 3 « mentary, 6 vols i do, 6 * Dd^lMgtis Family Expositor} £alm«t$<Dictionary of the Bibfe— TJWlMENTS, a great vaiietyl fc3&Fo^sile_ at the Geneva Bookstore, two doors febuthoj^tnePostoffice, Mamst., Geneva. Noyfrnber 18,184& « V K NORAVIN^ i^rOi Opm of Newaric>Quld>'fc*m the \Jm citi?*a?"tff Geneva, that^be tan furnish them *Vith Business, Address, or Visiting CARDS, and V^MLofe M of COPPERPLATE ENGRA- \V$$NG^;andals0 WOOD ENG;RA¥IN£, done t %v$$n lbo*tmo$ce. , ^ X T*tiKA$ »roi e l? left ** tbe/B^okstore of v Scot- ? ten, Ujjferrejil & Stow, Vrbere specimens of his en- graving may he seen, witt, receive immediate at* .tentieC ** ^ * > A . Newark, OctobeHl, 1842. [*& >• 68- HOUSE, SIGN A1JD ORNAMENTAL Shoii opposite* WSshmgton: ^erntperance House, **T 4 ^orhe>o£ Castle and Wer-sjreets. ^MITATJON^ bf various kuwVof FANCY Woo^KarTites^ &t, donejtp the, latest and '^t ,.« jnostbeaupp styles. VS ' \ , % » ^ ^ P f e m b e r 2 Q , 1842, 59 vkk ^Barrels pure Liver OIL, for sale by JLJP:V*\ - S.R.HALL. AqguffiM a »4g. 7 CHBSTNUm *Mtfb ,CHESTNtJTS wanted, for .Hfchich the highest market piice will be <a>dehvery, STOWELL &7LYMAN. weva, O c t o b e r ^ 1842.' -65^ „ .MfttBJ^R, CHEAP. F QlEL Sate, Qi> Commission, a quantity of PINE *nd HEMLOCK L U M B E R , as cheap t^'e cheapest, for Cash.* Likewise, a quantity ""^BSgWUfc. THOMAS JUDD. ^evaj September 20,1842 58 jfrXCKEREk, garter rbaixelaj also, by the ponnd- -all fggwjaa^toC 1, at fr KELLY & CO 'S. '. OANJMWES. * ^ T ^ ? ^ ? ' ^ P**5R* Sperm, or semi-wax Candles. Also, by A :ND Fall Sperm Lamp Oil,-for sale in quan- tifies to suit purchaser?, by mm. 12,1842 L KELLY & CO S ODA CRACKERS.- -Afresh supply, foi saje S 11 HALL. 42y *.* Wtll Steamboats < t , ... T II^abdv«OoaiscojiH«QtU«roujt'houi'i| ftntl winter) with t he folloWinij route A'ufUUN AND ItOOBpTRIl, BLOSSBUROU AND CORNING, , EtMIRA A^DvWl&pUMSPOlt-r i A^n^Uv^aKoroytes wiih Etmlirtti iihaeu,-Corning, Bailt, P^OH Vigj, Lyons a»d Newark; ifcwV* oj Departure-lmv$Qme\a at C A.M~Ile- turning, leaveJetforsohfttil A. M. N, B.-^The new steamer CM&MUNG, espiossly built foi W^NTiiR NAVLBATION, wili^ty us a Mall and Paasuge Boat throughout tl»o year. Geneva. January 1,1842. 57 GENEVA HOTEL. rpms PUBLIC UOUSE is THE LAR(;E«T, AND -I- for abundance of room, the most convenient «ithe kind in the Village of Geneva. It Is s>itu>ite<l on Main- Btroel, on the eminence in front of the Public. Squnrt und Lake, commanding a pleasant prospect of the Village, Lake, undsurroundingcoUntry. It is kept by . " CHARLES SEELY, whose tinremittednttentioiitothiebountlesoUlieTABLE, tothec6mf.rtahdcouvenienceofhisCu8tomer8uiidTruv- eliera, at all times, renders it a pleasing reBort for the ajjjoam)sr and wayfarer. S% Beely keeps good iiorses, Carriages, and a line OAIlSlNSVS, for the conveyance of Passengers to and from the. STEAMBOATS and. IIAII- ROAP, had ready on all occasions to accommodate them tnthont expense. v^ 53?-The Citizens of Geneva tan at alltlmesboaceOin* modated witlnheOMNioos attheirdoors,b> leaving word at the BAR of the Geneva Hotel. No pains will bespaied to entertain those who may confer upon him their cuS torn,io theirentiresatisfaction. Geneva^ Aug'us'tgS, 1841. . ,. ,'5|y" J. SIMMONS' RAILROAD HptEL/ 1 ' AND TEMPERANCE REFBESHMEMMT ^USE, ' GENEVA. ; _ J* ' - T HIS Establlshmeut, situated at the RAtfWnd Depot, has been recently erecltd and fitted iinrffirtTteaccom- modation of the traveller, to whom iioflerf peculiar ad- vantages. GOOD BEDS, and a weU'supfilied TABI E will be always in readiness, and passengers cap remain in the Lodging and Sitting Rooiv still the Cars arrive, as they will remain long enough at the doorjfor the passen- ger to prepare himself for bis jrjurney. 4 ^ClP 5 " A CARRIAGE will be in readinois to convey pas- sengers and their baggage ta.andfroni the Steamboat, tree of t harge. B3p"Good Stabling for Horses. 533—Stages go to Lyons, Penn-Yaij, Ithaca, Elmira, Corning and Bath, daily Apt 11.1843. 'mM. ».ii*"*!»- mm wm T I/W T if ^ .i* n m iftllC*,' the IMPORTANT TO P T HE,subscriber would inform t!he asftje fll political prejudices and taken the Shop belonging to N.B. K, tached to bis Steam Saw-Mill, where/{y tensive Machineiy for Planing, FIi all kinds, together with Circular an hopes to be able to serve tiis cust Unlike most politicians of the pres preserve an uniformity between pr If anyone wishes to know his poll «ay that he is in favor of improve ternal and is ready 10 defend his [ ble occasions. He ha'' • >n hand und sawed Timber for Prumts, Jo,sls iJWKMIIHIWWfJiill mmmm\*.n< 1NG executed with neatness and des] which may be seen at his Office, Witer-strect. Geneva, June 29,1842. ^i^ - *. jm^^m 57 [T1CIANS ! (public, that laying references, he I.a6 DDEU, Esq.^ and at- tire aid of his ex- ing, end I.umberof ~ iip-Saws, &c.,he ers very pronipily. day, he intentlf 10 sion ond'prariire. 1 creed, he would internal and ex- lee on all suilu- le n qiiMntity of He. Like- Sashes and S3" DRAW. . specimens of Steam-Work6, MAS JUDD. 57 <ni/f1 57 TONS .MAN'S L.OZENGES, SQtD IAST YEAR, ,. miUions of cases of disease, and often 'all other means failed to give relief.— T h e y J ^ never sold by the ounce, but in boxes, with ifac-simile of his name around each box. Seji that you get the genuine. ^HERMAN'S COGM L ZENGES i For coughs, colds, asihma, whooping cough, cough attending measles, consumption, tightness of the chest, and all diseases of the lungs, are truly an unrivalled medicine. They cured the Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneida Conference, of consumption, when his physicians gave him up, and his Fathers in the Gospel told him to prepare for death, that at most he could survive but a few weeks. They also cured tlie Rev. S. Streeter, of Boston j the Rev. Dr. Eastmond, of New-York. The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of the Baptist Church, Mc-Dougal st. 5 was cured of a Very harassing cough in 24 hours, as were also Mr. E. G. Stacy, 66 Wooster st.; Rev. Mr. Hancock, 497 Pearl j Mr. H. S. Bancker, 97 Green st.} and more than 3000 others of the first respectability, whose names might be added. SHERMAWS WORM LOZENGES £ proved in more than ,1,400,000 cases, to be toe only infallible worm-destroying medicine ever discovered, and so considered by the medical Symptoms of Worms—Bad breath, paittin the , ^^f^ limbs or joints, picking at the nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, paleness about the lip! withflushedcheeks, bleeding at the nose, gnaw- ing at the stomach,flashesof heat, slight ebUIs, or shiverings, headache, drowsiness, disturbed m g - form 0 f f0 1 dreams, sudden starting in sleep, dry, hacking l ert j 8emer it. Thev ha\p proved remarkably ; «iic< cough, feverishness, thirst, fits, bad taste in the W . * , an dlcan ji'.MH recommend them to tee len, and others without number, might Wglve» of their really great virtues. skEMMtmpommN'vwwm. 1,000,000 Soli yearly, airffor mpffigw fr^'fr. Rheumatism* Lumbago, p^HEL'.(if.^Mill|-i|> : the breos^ side, back. _or any ' ^ ^ W »«*y> immediatelyrelieved by this V s t # « « A e i % cost what they may. Worn on 1»|.|0W« pa^t of the spine they curt tlie piles awMemale v nessjftUling of tho womb j they draw cprr by the roots without the least jpain. 4' Htocie was almost bent donble^tUisjlastf ed him in a few hours. Mr. David WiHiftl old revolutionary soldier, was cured of m tism, ot several years standing, by. it. %# tor defies the world to produce a better or better lozenges than bis. He is an m ed, educated physician, a member of the Society of the city of New York, and all U parations are in high repute with bis a* brethren as well as with all other classes < community. Alwayg see you get the gfiijftine Shermon's Lozenges or Plasters, as they are known and have stood the test ooe»nu.i^ wt warehouse is at J06 Nassau st, one door j|pv£ Ann, New York. VOTT v « 'tiffin Sold by L. KELLY & 0%.: Geneva, Nov, 4,1842. [Iy68] Ajsni ,_ l.,,!,.,.^,.,...,.,. .L.MI .•••.•Mill" * ~ ' ' ' . ^ W ^ M P t W W ^ t a L p ^ THE COUNTRY DOCTOR f PRESCRIBES THE RK 8TO R'ATI^B FAMILY rI%#!>#«: »& the safest and most effectual &m fi)t th lowing Diseases, viz: B ILIOUS, Intermittent, Remittent Feyet*|»d Fevers in general 5 Cataarh, and com%tfjtf>.] Colds t Sore Throat} Affections of tbe tm^; Dropsy of tlie Chest and Limbs j Asthraa|M- pepsia, or Indigestiou $ Jtundice $ Pp it «|' ! side: Diarrhoea and Dysentery.; Scrofula imj0 vous Affections j Bilious Stomaeh, Co»tig||l Swelled Limbs, Affections of the Liver,®^ ache, and all Chronic Complaints of loP>t1ff The Restorative Pills combine 4 of several simple Medicines, an^y^J*lig||ii ? Stomach andregulatingtbe fun^P^Wtlie Waf-l they purify th«T>lood, promr«ne »vely action I of the circulating medium^ ™*iw the bloomi «• of health to a body fasJ^thenng before the in- fltfince of disease. / . , .-' > •;' ''*":'-***4 The Pills in alLf* 8 ma Y be taken with per- ' feet safety, nojf d *ere betmy change j*«*i; habits or dk^^ eS8 SVK " haw t s or dielitipejF^ I induced tipPease. •_ » ;f Letjpfcians and men of mt€lh|e||e beai J Frum Dr L- B"ors, Danby. I have used the' Restorative or Family"Pills*- ow presented to the r ,,bllc h Y Mr. George W." chuyler, for the last 2o years in my practice, ami j n pvprv form of complaiTit mentioned ill bis ad- mouth, pain in the stomach or bowels, fatigue, voracious appetite^sickness of the stomach, leanr ness, bloated stomach, xrtyt*srfA*™«*n&Tnt*xvri\ various parts of the bodj f a sense of something rising in the throat, itcjpg of the arms towards 1 nicrht, &c. &c. Tbe^raltitude of cases cured by these'Lozenges i* «®Y astonishing. Dr Hunti!®^ ^ xt ^ -^ v, > n a s u s e ^ ^ 6m T ^Tn hi V f 1»^ i 4 5 . f SOP- !r"\+ fr tv a* * } i K A v V r v K-S f * i .< <s £ s r 1 n ** r i _ i & 1* >. ? Wi r «"*. * •- -DR. WATERMAN'S r ^HELEBRATEDStrengthening PLASTER, for "t^VeV S. R.HALL. ' f August 31,1842 4>4> B A G S C O F F E E , for sale low, by **£>& -December 9? S. R. HALL R. M. BERGORDES, ' ^ X J s p r Room gddoorsouth of the Gehevd Hotel 55 NOTICE. < TJ\A,MILIJES and parties caip at all times be supplied with ' X: theibllowmg articles bj applying at the Confection vj Store of PA.GE & SEYMOUR, No % Seneca street SPONGE, POUND antt FRtflT tAKE, Also, 1 MACARONIES of a superior qaal'ly,^urmshed at the shortest uotice, a nd atpru-erto correspond with the times June 17,1842 57_ GEORGE SANFOB.D, SILVER Sn BRASS PLATER, C AtoTLiTSTREET, a few doors we^tof HaU<& Cieve land s iron Foundry, coiitmiies to ca,rry oalhe above business, a<? usual, aud solicit^ a sliaie of the public pat ronage ' M~ayl7, 1842 57 MACHINE SHOP AND FQUNDBX T HE subscribei's pew M*cinNE SHor and FOONDRY are now in operation, wlaere he is prepared to make Castings and Machinery of all kinds viz Steam Engines and Boilers., Grist and Saw-Mill Gear mas, Rail Road Castings, Cipher's Pi esses and Plates, Plaster JvlillB, Stoves aifdjWllow Ware, Oauldions and Kettles Tire Fronts, Wagfon Boxes Wrought lion and feteel Work of every kirtd M4I ! Wrights und Machinists can be supplied with all kittds of Mill Castings or work, on the most reasonable term*. T D BURRALL Geneva, June ts, 1842 ,- 63 " TO FARMERS. T HE suhRcnbee is. nowfi.dishmg several first-rate tm proved THRASHING MACHINES and HORSE POWEUS, of different kinds, Whii,h he offers on reafeondble crpdit and at very low'"prices, to suft the times Gram of all kinds Will We received in payment, and a liberal discount made for cash. * T D BURR-ALL Geneva, 8th June, 1842 43 Banni»t*r t Fence. T HE subscriber has on fraud a quantity of BAJifNI^- TER FENCE/which Jhe>will put up od short notice and at Aprice that cannot fail to suit THOMAS JUDD. 57 ndsJ STOVES, PAINTS, OIIii s &c . (y-j&» ThcSub^criber havingon hant^ahpavy^ ^, ,„,„*, ^* of HARDWARE, STOVES. PAINTB r ll 8 *? l * m l has cometo the determination tooffer the JIUD1ICV~ ' lnsline. for Cash, Thnty percent! lower than this 00 been sold in this neighborhood. |'^ Having inslreceived a largeaud completeassortihent of COOKING, PARLOR and Plain STOVES, of the latest and most approved Paiternp, he wonld particu- larly invite the public to call and examine his assortment before purchasing tilsewhere. P S. Old Cast Iron,Brass,Copper ,andPewter,received in exchange for Goods. N B. All persons indebtedtotheSubscriber.eitherby note or account past iiue,Vill please cnli and settle the «»ame on or heforp the fiisi day of December next, or they will be left forcoilection. H. B. BUSHNELL. Geneva, Oct 27,184 i. 57 Dr. A . G . HULL'S TRUSSES. CAUTION to Ruptured Persons—Patients afflicted vtilh raptures may rely upon the best instrumental ahKthe world affords on application ai his office, 4 Vesey St., Astor Hou-e, N Y., or to any of his Agents in the cliieftowns ofthe United Stales. Thegreat popularity of theseinstru- ments has made unskilful surgeons und mechanics in this city and plsewhere pretend to have ihe'«r»noine trues for 1 sale and in some instance* they have counterfeited it in outward appearance; but 1 hese imitaiioi©^annot be relied on and are nobeifrtban the ordinary t< usses of the mar- ket Patients should alwaysexamineih? hack padof Dr. Hull'b trusses to see if they arp endorsed by Dr Hull in writing, and should they be offered»tmsses without this, tin y may be sure they are bcingjj#f>sed upon. Children uniler 12 years of a*e imjyeWally cured with- out further expensp thnn the cost of'tlie truss. The radi- cal cure has been under tlipproaressriveprbcticalirn prove- ment for more than 20 years post in Dr. Ijull's Truss Of- fi e and is. now hroughttoastfiteofuririv tiled perfection. Patients having used misers of various patterns without relief, are invited to call and examine VliPse instruments. r»r«alein New York only l.y AMOS G. ;HIILL & CO., 4 VCSGV st \ IMPORTANT. Dr. J. G Hull's AbdotoinalSupport- ers—This apparatus uniformly currs P'olapsvs Uteri, and removes many weaknesses inciderit i^ft-males. It is applied as an arliclp of dnss; any hidy^can fil herself wjthout recourne to a surgeon on readiri the pnmphlet written hy DCssB,"ll, accompanying e:ichinstiumenI,and to lie had g'*MBttf Dr. Hull or his Aeente TheTRU^H^i, SUPPORTERSojlDr. BULL'S invention, contitfiie ior> ceivp my decided [reference. For twenty years pa.«t I h>\ ve employed the Tn g?es of Dr. Hull with success. The Sujiporter was invent) din 1831 hy 1 lie Doctor, with my advice anil approbation -Stand I am Imppy to say that it is extensively ado 'ted in E imp- as we'l as mthisconntry. Signed VALENTINE TOTT, M-D. The above Instruments for sale by L. J lELLTltc CO. and SANFORD R. HALL, "Geneva. ' May 25,1842. i ly41 three yej ses of> J. W. DTJFFIN, F ASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER, NO. 17 Seneca street. Aug. 25. 54 lis practice, and cured several ca<r he never knew them to fail of d«f» "g the worms. Zabriskie, 18 Duane st., has used them in 6ver 700 cases, some of the most alarming char- acter. He has cured some that were supposed to be on the brink of the_ grave from a decline J one poor boy was unable to help himself, and had to be fed like an infant; the doctors could do nothing for him—3 boxes of Sherman's Worm Lozenges entirely cured him. Mr. John R. Wood, 37 Third st.; B. F. Goodspeed, 130 Sixth av.; Mr. L«,M. Gross, 86 Fulton st.; the Hon. E: J. Porter, Hon. B. B. Beardsley, H. B. King, Dr. E. C. Castle, 104 Sixth av.; Jas. B. Hunt, corner Courtlandt and Greenwich-sts. 5 and hundreds upon hundreds of others, who have given their certificates, might be added. SHERMAN'S CdMPHOR L ZENGES, which cure a headache, palpitation or sea-sick- ness, in ten minutes, are the greatest' medicines of the day. Tbey also give immediate relief in dizziness, lpwness of spirits, despondency, fa- tigue or oppression, drowsiness, and all nervous diseases. After a night's dissipation, they im- part vigor and cheerfulness to the system and mind. Persons travelling, or attending crowded parties, or subject to great or long bodily or men tal exercise, will find an occasional use of them will enable them to perform their task with great comparative" ease and comfort. George Wash- ington Dixon was enabled to walk 72 hours with- out rest, by using these Lozenges. He - says there is nothing like them to keep up a man's strength or spirits, or to cure headache or palpitation. Capt. Chadwick, of the Wellington, has fully, tested them for seasickness. J. W. Cochranj Esq., the inventor of the many-chambered can- non, gave them a trial during his passage to Ha- vre. They cured every one on board. •'Many persons have been cured of sickness in our rail- road cars and stages. Mr. Jckerman ? the cele- brated sign painter in Fulton st., always cures his headache with them. The Hon. daron Clark, ex-mayor, says, Sherman's Camphor Lozenges are among the best things in the world. Daniel M, Frye, Esq., of the upper police, has used them for four years with the greatest success. JQr. El- liott, tjie distinguished oculist, uses Sherman's Lozenges daily in. his practice. J. Sherman Brownwell, Esq., register 5 W. H. Buun, Esq., deputy register of New York; Col. C. S. Ben- son; Major Tuck; Judge Upham j Rev. Dr. At *1 laboring under disease, us a Hafe remedy, antt Letter from R. P. Rush, Esq , Postrru'iter. Cedar, Livington Co. Michigan. Mr. G. W. Schuyler, litac a. Dear Sir: Miv± ing been acquainted with the 'Restorative or Family Pills' for quite a number of years, I caft assure you that I have used them for the last five years (which time I have lived in this State) when attacked with Bilious Complaints, and everfound relief in a very short time ; and in fact, it hasbe&i/' my only medicine. I have never called a Dodtofe during the time I have lived here, having been supplied with these Pills; but not so with, my neighbors, almost every family have had long fits of sickness occasioned by Ague*, Intermittent artd Bilious fevers, and have paid large Doctors bills, when in my opinion a dose of these Pills WOflluV have cured them in a short time if taken ift sear son. In truth, I believe them to be a sure cUffr for the Billious complaints so common to th^ whole west. Yours .with respect, June 28,1842. R. P. BUSH. < From Dr.'s Stephens & Sayles, Ithaca! ; We hereby certify that we are acquainted with ,the* composition of the ' Restorative or lEaigiiy Pills' prepared byG. W. Schuyler, and havefife- scribed them in a variety of cases with very good effect. We can cheerfully recommend them for family use, as being a mild, safe, and efficient ^ijli adapted to tlie cure of many complaints# ' J . < JNO. STfcVEtf^ •%• B. H. SAYI.E%*t»,». « '-." Ithaca, January 11,1842. From T. S. Williams, Esq., President ofthofm'ercWtults' and Farmers' Bank. ' ;.: I have used Schuyler's ' Restorativf'dr; E^ily Pills, and frodthem to be a good and safe Midieine'i Ithaca, Aug. 1,1842. T.'S. VfmMx0 : : From David Nichols, Esq. " ' ' Newfield, /#»,#:$i|» J8/4-! G. W. Schuyler: Sir-~Conceivih%^paV t$£s conferring a benefit on (lie public,W-fjom'tting the sale ot your c Restorative or V\Si^ r $mSfl would state that some time last Jan%p||a|'lii'- ft ^l ter, Mary Nichols, was attacked vvi^ibt^le^-'*'*! risy, together with an affection-of ^^g^^-^ which she partially recovered, but # b ^ | ^ d f e % •'% feeble j.so much so, that medical tir^p^^Wsft*!"! to lose its efficacy, till she resorf^d^dm^R^lfo^'li \ ratrve Pills; since which she had''fei»\|a«f4%'''*l t regaining b e r , . ^ g « i 5 and is . f c ^ j f ^ g ^ V ' ^ her usual donie>tic avocations. . •;*;? ;.**••' ''. .•"w : DAVI'U' 'Njci^^ll^' For- Sale atttie Grocery and Drug* '^ A.H. SlRAVE'^at^r-strfeet, Gene^v; I •:-w. sale by TANNEHS!, and OHve O i l s , ^ j L. pa* parrel, for ^ COi »•' !/ ? •A k,t*\ \ rV> 9 ,s< v 'f ! \ •0W- M i*m-

Transcript of F X! •**•» xw^*ywyi)...

7 " <\

\ I

t . /

X! • * * • » =w xw^*ywyi) ^ .Iw.jl.M,1 \\,-;

FAJffiff » t o ^ from*tto*l5j t Packet and <%er small Bib|es> from 4s. to $5, Tow»wnd»s M e , 2 volumes; * QMS v» « a « '


J t * W ^ , «

3 3 «

mentary, 6 vols i do, 6 *

Dd^lMgtis Family Expositor} £alm«t$<Dictionary of the Bibfe— TJWlMENTS, a great vaiietyl

fc3&Fo^sile_ at the Geneva Bookstore, two doors febuthoj^tnePostoffice, Mamst., Geneva.

Noyfrnber 18,184&

« V K NORAVIN^ i^rOi O p m of Newaric>Quld>'fc*m the \Jm citi?*a?"tff Geneva, that be tan furnish them

*Vith Business, Address, or Visiting CARDS, and V ^ M L o f e M of COPPERPLATE ENGRA-\V$$NG^;andals0 WOOD ENG;RA¥IN£, done

t %v$$n lbo*tmo$ce. , ^ X T*tiKA$ »roiel? l e f t ** tbe/B^okstore of vScot-

?ten, Ujjferrejil & Stow, Vrbere specimens of his en-graving may he seen, witt, receive immediate at* .tentieC ** ^ * > A .

Newark, OctobeHl, 1842. [*& >• 68-


Shoii opposite* WSshmgton: erntperance House, **T 4 ^orhe>o£ Castle and Wer-sjreets. ^MITATJON^ bf various kuwVof FANCY

Woo^KarTites^ &t , donejtp the, latest and ' ^ t ,.« jnostbeaupp styles. V S ' \ , % » ^ ^ P f e m b e r 2 Q , 1842, 59

v k k ^Barrels pure Liver OIL, for sale by J L J P : V * \ - S.R.HALL.

AqguffiMa»4g. 7 C H B S T N U m

*Mtfb ,CHESTNtJTS wanted, for .Hfchich the highest market piice will be

<a>dehvery, STOWELL &7LYMAN. weva, October^ 1842.' -65^

„ .MfttBJ^R, CHEAP.

FQlEL Sate, Qi> Commission, a quantity of PINE *nd HEMLOCK L U M B E R, as cheap

t^'e cheapest, for Cash.* Likewise, a quantity ""^BSgWUfc. THOMAS JUDD.

^evaj September 20,1842 58

jfrXCKEREk, garter rbaixelaj also, by the ponnd- -all

fggwjaa^toC 1, at fr KELLY & CO 'S.

'. OANJMWES. * T^?^? '^ P**5R* Sperm, or semi-wax Candles.

Also, by

A:ND Fall Sperm Lamp Oil,-for sale in quan­tifies to suit purchaser?, by

mm. 12,1842 L KELLY & CO

SO D A C R A C K E R S . - - A f r e s h supply, foi saje S 11 HALL.


* . *

W t l l

Steamboats < t , ...

TII^abdv«OoaiscojiH«QtU«roujt'houi'i| ftntl winter) with t he folloWinij route


, EtMIRA A^DvWl&pUMSPOlt-r i A^n^Uv^aKoroytes wiih Etmlirtti iihaeu,-Corning, Bailt, P^OH Vigj, Lyons a»d Newark;

ifcwV* oj Departure-lmv$Qme\a at C A . M ~ I l e -turning, leaveJetforsohfttil A. M.

N, B.-^The new steamer CM&MUNG, espiossly built foi W^NTiiR NAVLBATION, wili^ty us a Mall and Paasuge Boat throughout tl»o year.

Geneva. January 1,1842. 57

GENEVA HOTEL. rpms PUBLIC UOUSE is THE LAR(;E«T, AND -I- for abundance of room, the most convenient «ithe

kind in the Village of Geneva. It Is s>itu>ite<l on Main-Btroel, on the eminence in front of the Public. Squnrt und Lake, commanding a pleasant prospect of the Village, Lake, undsurroundingcoUntry. It is kept by

. " C H A R L E S SEELY, whose tinremittednttentioiitothiebountlesoUlieTABLE, tothec6mf.rtahdcouvenienceofhisCu8tomer8uiidTruv-eliera, at all times, renders it a pleasing reBort for the ajjjoam)sr and wayfarer. S% Beely keeps good iiorses, Carriages, and a line OAIlSlNSVS, for the conveyance of Passengers to and from the. STEAMBOATS and. I I A I I -ROAP, had ready on all occasions to accommodate them tnthont expense. v

5 3 ? - T h e Citizens of Geneva tan at alltlmesboaceOin* modated witlnheOMNioos attheirdoors,b> leaving word at the BAR of the Geneva Hotel. No pains wil l bespaied to entertain those who may confer upon him their cuS torn,io theirentiresatisfaction.

Geneva^ Aug'us'tgS, 1841. . ,. ,'5|y" J. SIMMONS' RAILROAD HptEL/1 '


THIS Establlshmeut, situated at the RAtfWnd Depot, has been recently erecltd and fitted iinrffirtTteaccom­

modation of the traveller, to whom iioflerf peculiar ad­vantages. GOOD BEDS, and a weU'supfilied TABI E will be always in readiness, and passengers cap remain in the Lodging and Sitting Rooiv still the Cars arrive, as they will remain long enough at the doorjfor the passen­ger to prepare himself for bis jrjurney. 4

ClP5" A CARRIAGE will be in readinois to convey pas­sengers and their baggage ta.andfroni the Steamboat, tree of t harge.

B3p"Good Stabling for Horses. 533—Stages go to Lyons, Penn-Yaij, Ithaca, Elmira,

Corning and Bath, daily Apt 11.1843.

'mM. ».ii*"*!»-

mm wm T

I/W T if


. i * n m



IMPORTANT TO P THE,subscriber would inform t!he

asftje fll political prejudices and taken the Shop belonging to N.B. K, tached to bis Steam Saw-Mill, where/{y tensive Machineiy for Planing, FIi all kinds, together with Circular an hopes to be able to serve tiis cust Unlike most politicians of the pres preserve an uniformity between pr If anyone wishes to know his poll «ay that he is in favor of improve ternal and is ready 10 defend his [ ble occasions. He ha'' • >n hand und sawed Timber for Prumts, Jo,sls iJWKMIIHIWWfJiill mmmm\*.n< 1NG executed with neatness and des] which may be seen at his Office, Witer-strect.

Geneva, June 29,1842.

^ i ^

- *.



[T1CIANS ! (public, that laying

references, he I.a6 DDEU, Esq.^ and at­

tire aid of his ex-ing, end I.umberof ~ iip-Saws, &c.,he ers very pronipily. day, he intentlf 10 sion ond'prariire. 1 creed, he would

internal and ex-lee on all suilu-le n qiiMntity of

He. Like-Sashes and

S 3 " DRAW. . specimens of Steam-Work6, MAS JUDD.

57 <ni/f—1


SQtD IAST YEAR, , . miUions of cases of disease, and often

'all other means failed to give relief.— TheyJ^ never sold by the ounce, but in boxes, with ifac-simile of his name around each box. Seji that you get the genuine.

^HERMAN'S COGM L ZENGES i For coughs, colds, asihma, whooping cough,

cough attending measles, consumption, tightness of the chest, and all diseases of the lungs, are truly an unrivalled medicine. They cured the Rev. Darius Anthony, of the Oneida Conference, of consumption, when his physicians gave him up, and his Fathers in the Gospel told him to prepare for death, that at most he could survive but a few weeks. They also cured tlie Rev. S. Streeter, of Boston j the Rev. Dr. Eastmond, of New-York. The Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of the Baptist Church, Mc-Dougal st.5 was cured of a Very harassing cough in 24 hours, as were also Mr. E. G. Stacy, 66 Wooster st.; Rev. Mr. Hancock, 497 Pearl j Mr. H. S. Bancker, 97 Green st.} and more than 3000 others of the first respectability, whose names might be added.

SHERMAWS WORM LOZENGES £ proved in more than ,1,400,000 cases, to be toe only infallible worm-destroying medicine ever discovered, and so considered by the medical

Symptoms of Worms—Bad breath, paittin the , ^^f^ limbs or joints, picking at the nose, grinding of • the teeth during sleep, paleness about the lip! with flushed cheeks, bleeding at the nose, gnaw­ing at the stomach, flashes of heat, slight ebUIs, or shiverings, headache, drowsiness, disturbed m g - f o rm 0f f0

1 dreams, sudden starting in sleep, dry, hacking le r tj8emerit . Thev ha\p proved remarkably;«iic< cough, feverishness, thirst, fits, bad taste in the W .* ,andlcan ji'.MH recommend them to tee

len, and others without number, might Wglve» of their really great virtues.

skEMMtmpommN'vwwm. 1,000,000 Soli yearly, airffor mpffigw fr^'fr.

Rheumatism* Lumbago, p^HEL'.(if.^Mill|-i|>:

the breos^ side, back. _or any ' ^ ^ W »«*y> immediatelyrelieved by this Vst # « « A e i % cost what they may. Worn on 1»|.|0W« pa^t of the spine they curt tlie piles awMemale v nessjftUling of tho womb j they draw cprr by the roots without the least jpain. 4' Htocie was almost bent donble^tUisjlastf ed him in a few hours. Mr. David WiHiftl old revolutionary soldier, was cured of m tism, ot several years standing, by. it. %# tor defies the world to produce a better or better lozenges than bis. He is an m ed, educated physician, a member of the Society of the city of New York, and all U parations are in high repute with bis a* brethren as well as with all other classes < community. Alwayg see you get the gfiijftine Shermon's Lozenges or Plasters, as they are known and have stood the test ooe»nu.i^wt warehouse is at J06 Nassau st , one door j |pv£ Ann, New York. • V O T T v « 'tiffin

Sold by L. KELLY & 0%.: Geneva, Nov, 4,1842. [Iy68] Ajsni

,_ l . , , ! , . , . ^ , . , . . . , . , . .L.MI . • • • . • M i l l " * — ~ ' ' ' . ^ W ^ M P t W W ^ t a L p ^


F A M I L Y rI%#!>#«: »& the safest and most effectual &m fi)t th

lowing Diseases, viz:

BILIOUS, Intermittent, Remittent Feyet*|»d Fevers in general 5 Cataarh, and com%tfjtf>.]

Colds t Sore Throat} Affections of tbe tm^; Dropsy of tlie Chest and Limbs j Asthraa|M-pepsia, or Indigestiou $ Jtundice $ P p it « | ' !

side: Diarrhoea and Dysentery.; Scrofulaimj0 vous Affections j Bilious Stomaeh, Co»tig||l Swelled Limbs, Affections of the Liver,®^ ache, and all Chronic Complaints of loP>t1ff

The Restorative Pills combine


of several simple Medicines, an^y^J* l ig | | i i ?

Stomach andregulatingtbe fun^P^Wtlie Waf-l they purify th«T>lood, promr«ne »vely action I of the circulating medium^ ™*iw the bloomi «• of health to a body fasJ^thenng before the in-fltfince of disease. / . , .-' > •;' ''*":'-***4

The Pills in alLf*8 maY b e taken with per- ' feet safety, nojfd *ere betmy change j * « * i ; habits or dk^^e S 8 SVK" h a w t s or dielitipejF^ I induced tipPease. • •_ » ;f

Letjpfcians and men of mt€lh|e||e beai J Frum Dr L- B"ors, Danby.

I have used the' Restorative or Family"Pills*-ow presented to the r , ,bl lc hY Mr. George W." chuyler, for the last 2o years in my practice, ami j n pvprv form of complaiTit mentioned ill bis ad-

mouth, pain in the stomach or bowels, fatigue, voracious appetite^sickness of the stomach, leanr ness, bloated stomach, xrtyt*srfA*™«*n&Tnt*xvri\ various parts of the bod j f a sense of something rising in the throat, itcjpg of the arms towards

1 nicrht, &c. &c. Tbe^raltitude of cases cured by these'Lozenges i* «®Y astonishing.

Dr Hunti!®^ ^ x t ^ -^v,> n a s u s e ^ 6m f°T

^Tn hi

V f


i 4


. f SOP-


a* * } i K


v V r v K-Sf *

i .< <s £ s

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Wi r


* •- -DR. WATERMAN'S r ^HELEBRATEDStrengthening PLASTER, for

" t ^ V e V S. R.HALL. ' f August 31,1842

4>4> BAGS C O F F E E , for sale low, by **£>& -December 9? S. R. HALL


^ X J s p r Room gddoorsouth of the Gehevd Hotel 55

NOTICE. < TJ\A,MILIJES and parties caip at all times be supplied with

' X: theibllowmg articles b j applying at the Confection vj Store of PA.GE & SEYMOUR, No % Seneca street


of a superior qaal'ly,^urmshed at the shortest uotice, a nd atpru-erto correspond with the times

June 17,1842 5 7 _


CAtoTLiTSTREET, a few doors we^tof HaU<& Cieve land s iron Foundry, coiitmiies to ca,rry oalhe above

business, a<? usual, aud solicit^ a sliaie of the public pat ronage '

M~ayl7, 1842 57


THE subscribei's pew M*cinNE SHor and FOONDRY are now in operation, wlaere he is prepared to make

Castings and Machinery of all kinds viz Steam Engines and Boilers., Grist and Saw-Mill Gear

mas, Rail Road Castings, Cipher's Pi esses and Plates, Plaster JvlillB, Stoves aifdjWllow Ware, Oauldions and Kettles Tire Fronts, Wagfon Boxes Wrought lion and feteel Work of every kirtd M4I! Wrights und Machinists can be supplied with all kittds of Mill Castings or work, on the most reasonable term*. T D BURRALL

Geneva, June ts, 1842 ,- 63

" TO FARMERS. THE suhRcnbee is. nowfi.dishmg several first-rate tm

proved THRASHING MACHINES and HORSE POWEUS, of different kinds, Whii,h he offers on reafeondble crpdit and at very low'"prices, to suft the times Gram of all kinds Will We received in payment, and a liberal discount made for cash. * T D BURR-ALL

Geneva, 8th June, 1842 43

B a n n i » t * r t F e n c e .

THE subscriber has on fraud a quantity of BAJifNI^-TER FENCE/which Jhe>will put up od short notice

and at Aprice that cannot fail to suit THOMAS JUDD.



STOVES, PAINTS, OIIii s & c . (y-j&» ThcSub^criber havingon hant^ahpavy^^, ,„ ,„*, ^ * of HARDWARE, STOVES. PAINTB r l l 8 *? l * m ?° l

has cometo the determination tooffer the JIUD1ICV~ ' lnsline. for Cash, Thnty percent! lower than th i s 0 0

been sold in this neighborhood. • | ' ^ Having inslreceived a largeaud completeassortihent

of C O O K I N G , P A R L O R and Plain S T O V E S , of the latest and most approved Paiternp, he wonld particu­larly invite the public to call and examine his assortment before purchasing tilsewhere.

P S. Old Cast Iron,Brass,Copper ,andPewter,received in exchange for Goods.

N B. All persons indebtedtotheSubscriber.eitherby note or account past iiue,Vill please cnli and settle the «»ame on or heforp the fiisi day of December next, or they will be left forcoilection. H. B. BUSHNELL.

Geneva, Oct 27,184 i. 57

D r . A . G . H U L L ' S T R U S S E S . CAUTION to Ruptured Persons—Patients

afflicted vtilh raptures may rely upon the best instrumental ahKthe world affords on application ai his office, 4 Vesey St., Astor

Hou-e, N Y., or to any of his Agents in the cliieftowns ofthe United Stales. Thegreat popularity of theseinstru-ments has made unskilful surgeons und mechanics in this city and plsewhere pretend to have ihe'«r»noine trues for 1 sale and in some instance* they have counterfeited it in outward appearance; but 1 hese imitaiioi©^annot be relied on and are nobei frtban the ordinary t< usses of the mar­ket Patients should alwaysexamineih? hack padof Dr. Hull'b trusses to see if they arp endorsed by Dr Hull in writing, and should they be offered»tmsses without this, tin y may be sure they are bcingjj#f>sed upon.

Children uniler 12 years of a*e imjyeWally cured with­out further expensp thnn the cost of'tlie truss. The radi­cal cure has been under tlipproaressriveprbcticalirn prove-ment for more than 20 years post in Dr. Ijull's Truss Of-fi e and is. now hroughttoastfiteofuririv tiled perfection. Patients having used misers of various patterns without relief, are invited to call and examine VliPse instruments. r»r«alein New York only l.y AMOS G. ;HIILL & CO., 4 VCSGV st \

IMPORTANT. Dr. J. G Hull's AbdotoinalSupport­ers—This apparatus uniformly currs P'olapsvs Uteri, and removes many weaknesses inciderit i^ft-males. It is applied as an arliclp of dnss; any hidy^can fil herself wjthout recourne to a surgeon on readiri the pnmphlet written hy DCssB,"ll, accompanying e:ichinstiumenI,and to lie had g'*MBttf Dr. Hull or his Aeente

TheTRU^H^i, SUPPORTERSojlDr. BULL'S invention, contitfiie ior> ceivp my decided [reference. For twenty years pa.«t I h>\ ve employed the Tn g?es of Dr. Hull with success. The Sujiporter was invent) din 1831 hy 1 lie Doctor, with my advice anil approbation -Stand I am Imppy to say that it is extensively ado 'ted in E imp- as we'l as mthisconntry. Signed VALENTINE TOTT, M-D.

The above Instruments for sale by L. J lELLTltc CO. and SANFORD R. HALL, "Geneva. '

May 25,1842. i ly41

three yej ses of>


FASHIONABLE HAIRDRESSER, NO. 17 Seneca street. Aug. 25. 54

lis practice, and cured several ca<r he never knew them to fail of d«f»

"g the worms. Zabriskie, 18 Duane st., has used them in

6ver 700 cases, some of the most alarming char­acter. He has cured some that were supposed to be on the brink of the_ grave from a decline J one poor boy was unable to help himself, and had to be fed like an infant; the doctors could do nothing for him—3 boxes of Sherman's Worm Lozenges entirely cured him. Mr. John R. Wood, 37 Third st.; B. F. Goodspeed, 130 Sixth av.; Mr. L«,M. Gross, 86 Fulton st.; the Hon. E: J. Porter, Hon. B. B. Beardsley, H. B. King, Dr. E. C. Castle, 104 Sixth av.; Jas. B. Hunt, corner Courtlandt and Greenwich-sts. 5 and hundreds upon hundreds of others, who have given their certificates, might be added.

SHERMAN'S CdMPHOR L ZENGES, which cure a headache, palpitation or sea-sick­ness, in ten minutes, are the greatest' medicines of the day. Tbey also give immediate relief in dizziness, lpwness of spirits, despondency, fa­tigue or oppression, drowsiness, and all nervous diseases. After a night's dissipation, they im­part vigor and cheerfulness to the system and mind. Persons travelling, or attending crowded parties, or subject to great or long bodily or men • tal exercise, will find an occasional use of them will enable them to perform their task with great comparative" ease and comfort. George Wash­ington Dixon was enabled to walk 72 hours with­out rest, by using these Lozenges. He- says there is nothing like them to keep up a man's strength or spirits, or to cure headache or palpitation.

Capt. Chadwick, of the Wellington, has fully, tested them for seasickness. J. W. Cochran j Esq., the inventor of the many-chambered can­non, gave them a trial during his passage to Ha­vre. They cured every one on board. •'Many persons have been cured of sickness in our rail­road cars and stages. Mr. Jckerman? the cele­brated sign painter in Fulton st., always cures his headache with them. The Hon. daron Clark, ex-mayor, says, Sherman's Camphor Lozenges are among the best things in the world. Daniel M, Frye, Esq., of the upper police, has used them for four years with the greatest success. JQr. El­liott, tjie distinguished oculist, uses Sherman's Lozenges daily in. his practice. J. Sherman Brownwell, Esq., register 5 W. H. Buun, Esq., deputy register of New York; Col. C. S. Ben­son; Major Tuck; Judge Upham j Rev. Dr. A t


laboring under disease, us a Hafe remedy, antt

Letter from R. P. Rush, Esq , Postrru'iter.

Cedar, Livington Co. Michigan. Mr. G. W. Schuyler, litac a. Dear Sir: Miv±

ing been acquainted with the 'Restorative or Family Pills' for quite a number of years, I caft assure you that I have used them for the last five years (which time I have lived in this State) when attacked with Bilious Complaints, and everfound relief in a very short time ; and in fact, it hasbe&i/' my only medicine. I have never called a Dodtofe during the time I have lived here, having been supplied with these Pills; but not so with, my neighbors, almost every family have had long fits of sickness occasioned by Ague*, Intermittent artd Bilious fevers, and have paid large Doctors bills, when in my opinion a dose of these Pills WOflluV have cured them in a short time if taken ift sear son. In truth, I believe them to be a sure cUffr for the Billious complaints so common to th^ whole west. Yours .with respect,

June 28,1842. R. P. BUSH. < From Dr.'s Stephens & Sayles, Ithaca! ;

We hereby certify that we are acquainted with ,the* composition of the ' Restorative or lEaigiiy Pills' prepared byG. W. Schuyler, and havefife-scribed them in a variety of cases with very good effect. We can cheerfully recommend them for family use, as being a mild, safe, and efficient ^ijli adapted to tlie cure of many complaints# 'J. <

J N O . STfcVEtf^•%• B. H. SAYI.E%*t»,». « '-."

Ithaca, January 11,1842. From T. S. Williams, Esq., President ofthofm'ercWtults'

and Farmers' Bank. ' ;.:

I have used Schuyler's ' Restorativf 'dr; E^ i ly Pills, and frodthem to be a good and safe Midieine'i

Ithaca, Aug. 1,1842. T.'S. VfmMx0:: From David Nichols, Esq. " ' ' •

Newfield, /#»,#:$i|» J8/4-! G. W. Schuyler: Sir-~Conceivih%^paV t$£s

conferring a benefit on (lie public,W-fjom'tting the sale ot your c Restorative or V\Si^r$mSfl would state that some time last Jan%p||a|'lii'-ft^l ter, Mary Nichols, was attacked vvi^ibt^le^-'*'*! risy, together with an affection -of ^ ^ g ^ ^ - ^ which she partially recovered, but # b ^ | ^ d f e % •'% feeble j.so much so, that medical t ir^p^^Wsft*!"! to lose its efficacy, till she resorf^d^dm^R^lfo^'li

\ ratrve Pills; since which she had''fei»\|a«f4%'''*l t regaining b e r , . ^ g « i 5 and is . f c ^ j f ^ g ^ V ' ^ her usual donie>tic avocations. . •;*;? ;.**••''''..•"w

: DAVI'U' 'Njci^^ll^'

For- Sale atttie Grocery and Drug* ' ^ A.H. SlRAVE' at^r-strfeet, Gene v;



sale by

TANNEHS!, and OHve Oils ,^ j „

L. pa* parrel, for

^ COi »•'

! / ? •A k,t*\ \

r V > 9 , s < v


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M i*m-