f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5)...

Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \ ' 511.62 : 551.553.2 1 : 551. 51 Energetics of the Energy ter ms and monsoon circulation over south energy tr ansformation terms Asia -II : S. RAJ AM ANI Indian Ins titute 0/ Tropical M eteorology . Pune iReceived 18 April 1983) .." - ..r ,l"T offi if 19 63 if t(" sn:n: "" """!" '1M 'IT ')'1'1 ll"Trf"q'i 'lit ""'" !if...- ""li "'" m qf"" ; .'it if """F,"" "" '"""''' ." >iru "" if f.f.1lr qar 1PITt ,ar erf",,, i> J;;r r-f'lllA ..-r illClq-'!'i'q "f..,<:fi.;" '" f< , a[ 'flIr I ", i> >( R f'lar fiarT-l-..' qr",,';-om <To -1M f'<a . .., >fi ill ""' '' f'PI r 'flIr I n.'ll <r 1"'l'T'T R:... rt ..m "., 1 ,;, foW """'" !if...- "" ", r-. iiara ii;;i\'lt m "'" "f"'" li;ij " fCl" 'If.nl J;" "" ><if" ..m m ""rl'I 'iii 'TR'rf .... /if"" f"'" rot ffi "f"l;; .'H IT J;;Ii "I"l -"''''" ,, 'to: '!I"f'!" i r'l' 'lit m if '!I"f'!" """"1 "" .. ",i<ft 1 .r..ra m "",.. It ffi it '1nr-fi if """" 1 f• • , '1 J;;I" qf "" ""li if 'lfnWrl .1 """ If.."" J;,t "" q't! "'IT C1T1l .r, " .. if "f 1f'lIi!" 3;'11 om qf"" J;"i ;f. "" ''1 IT i11 f" IT "f"'" , ABSTR ACT. In this paper a study has been made of ava ilab le potential energy o nd its trans. for mation into kine tic en ergy d the dilTerent wea ther systems for the region of S0 11lh As ia for the typic.. ! monsoon month of July 1963. Energe tics o f the sta ndi ng eddies and transient eddies have been separately computed. Interactions amongst themselves and with mean zo nal flo w have been st udied It is Inle rrcd that zonal current is the source of available potential energy fo r both standing lind transie nt eddies: stan ding eddy is the source of kinetic energy for zo nal current and transient eddies. However. When the regio n of mO OS(lOn trough is con side red. standing eddy gains kinetic energy from transient eddy sugge sting the Importance of monsoon de pressions in strengthening the mon soon trough. Avail abl e potential energy is co nverted into kinetic ener gy in the C:I'CS of both zonal cu rrent and the standing cody. The generation of avai lable potential ener gy and the ener gy advec ted into the urea of interest. together exceed the losses due to dissipation of kinetic ene rgy. 1. Introduct ion Th is study perwi;t; to tho aspect s of the mon - soo n circulation. In the first par: of the paper (here- after called I) the diabatic heating and thc generati on , of available potential energy comp uted over the mon- soo n region have been discussed. In tho present paper wh ich for ms par t II of tho study, the energy terms. their fluxes, the energy co nversion terms and the dissipa- ti on of kinetic energy are comp uted for the typ ical monso on mon th of July. As mentioned in I, monsoon circ ulati o n is considered as the mea n zom l 110 11' with the standing eddies and the transient eddie; superimpo- sed on it. The energetics of the standing eddies and t he tran sient edd ies ha ve been se para tely computed a nd studied, to understand the interaction amongst them- solves and the ir inte ract ion; with the mean zona l flow. As only a limited regi on is considerecl, the various energy fluxes ha ve been computed. To comp lete the energy now diagram a rough estimate of the frictional dissipation of kinetic energy also has been made. 2. Data From the da ily aerological data of July 1963 from about 90 starions (Details given in I), the follow ing q uant ities were calculated for the standard isobaric lew is, viz .• 1000. 850, 700, 500. 300 and 100 m b . fo r each of the stations. ' (i) Mean m onthly tempe rat ure . T (ii) Mean zonal and meridiona l wind compo nents, Ii a nd v. (iii) The variances, r l. u;", and (;1') The covar iances, IT T'. and v' T' The parameters tl't , ."1, , TV'; ., ;;-r nod VI T' were not computed for 1000 a nd 100 rob levels for wa nt of reliable data. The above nine parameters were plotted on separate char t; for " lit he levels and analysed. The value; at the grid points at tho intervals of 2. 5' lat it ude and longitude' were picked up fr om t he , . (405)"

Transcript of f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5)...

Page 1: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation

Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112

5) \ ' 511.62 : 551.553.2 1 : 551. 51

Energetics of theEnergy terms and

monsoon circulation over southenergy transformation terms

Asia -II :


Indian Ins titute 0/ Tropical M eteorology . Pune

iReceived 18 April 1983)

.." - ..r,l"T~ offi if .,~ i ' 19 63 if t(" ~~ sn:n: "" """!" '1M 'IT nr'1~T f~f¥R ')'1'1 ll"Trf"q'i 'lit""'"!if...- ""li "'" m qf"" ; .'it if """F,"" "" '"""''' . " >iru "" if f.f.1lr qar 1PITt li~ ''i ,arerf",,, \j~'1 i> J;;rr-f'lllA..-r illClq-'!'i'q "f..,<:fi.;" '" f<, a[ 'flIr ~ I " , i> >(R ill',;r-~ f'larfiarT-l-..' qr",,';-om ~'11i1 <To -1M f'<a. .., >fi ill""' ''f'PI r 'flIr ~ I • •

n.'ll <r1"'l'T'T ~ R:...rt ~~ ..m ".,1 ,;, foW """'" !if...- J;;I ~ "" ",r-. iiara '1itT ~ , ii;;i\'lt m "'" "f"'" li;ij " fCl"'If.nl J;" "" ><if" ..m m ~ ""rl'I 'iii 'TR'rf ~,oir .... /if"" f"'" 'ffifT ~, rot ffi "f"l;; .'H IT J;;Ii "I"l -"''''" ~ ,,'to:'!I"f'!" i r'l' 'lit:~~ m if '!I"f'!" """"1 ""~ ..",i<ft ~ 1 .r..ram "", ..It ffi it '1nr-fi if """"1f• •, '1 J;;I" qf""""li if 'lfnWrl .1 """ ~ If.."" J;,t "" q't!~r'lT "'IT C1T1l .r, " .. if " f1f'lIi!" 3;'11 om fqCl"~ qf"" J;"i ;f.""''1 IT ~i11f" IT "f"'" ~ ,

ABSTR ACT. In this paper a study has been made o f ava ilable potential energy ond its trans.formation into kinetic en ergy d the dilTerent wea ther systems for the regio n o f S011lh As ia for thetypic..! monsoon month of July 1963. Energe tics o f the sta ndi ng eddies and transient eddies have beenseparately computed. Interactions amongst themsel ves and with mean zo nal flo w have been st udied

It is Inle rrcd that zo nal current is the source of avai lable pot ential energy fo r both standing lindtransie nt eddies: standing eddy is the source of kinetic energy for zo nal current and tran sient eddies.However. When the regio n of mOOS(lOn troug h is con side red. standing eddy gains kineti c energy fromtransient eddy sugge sting the Importance of mo nsoo n de pressions in strengthening the mon soon trough .Avail able pote ntial energy is co nverted into kine tic energy in the C:I'CS of both zonal cu rrent and thestanding cody. The ge neration of avai lable potential ener gy and the energy advec ted into the urea ofinterest. together exceed the losses due to dissipation of kinetic ene rgy.

1. Introduct ion

This study perw i;t; to tho e;t~ rgy aspect s of the mon­soon circ ulat ion. In the first par: of the paper (here­after called I) the d iabatic hea ting an d thc generat ion

, of a vailabl e potential energy comp uted over the mon­soo n region have been d iscussed . In tho present paperwh ich for ms par t II of tho st udy, the energy terms.the ir fluxes, the energy co nversion terms and the dissipa­t ion of kinetic energy are computed fo r the typicalmonsoon month of Ju ly. As mentioned in I, monsooncirc ulati on is considered as the mean zoml 110 11' withthe standing edd ies an d the tra nsient eddie; superimpo­sed on it. The energetics of the stan ding eddies and thetransient edd ies have been separately computed a ndst udied , to understa nd the interaction amongst them­solves a nd the ir inte ract ion; with the mean zonal flow.As only a limited region is considerecl, the va riousenergy fluxes ha ve been computed. To complete theenergy now d iagra m a rough estimate of the frict iona ldissipa tion of kinetic energy a lso has been made.

2. D ata

From the da ily aero logical data of July 1963 fromabout 90 starions (Deta ils given in I), the follow ingquant ities were calculated for the standard isobariclew is, viz .• 1000. 850, 700, 500. 300 an d 100 m b .fo reach of the stations. '

(i) Mean monthly tempe rat ure. T(ii) Mea n zonal an d meridional wind compo nen ts,

Ii and v.(iii) The va riances, r l.u;", and l;:~

(;1') The covariances, ,;;-I'~ ITT'. and v' T'

The parameters tl't , ."1, ,TV';.,;;-r nod VI T'were no t computed for 1000 a nd 100 rob levels forwant of reliable data . T he abo ve nine param eters wereplotted o n sepa rate char t; for " lithe levels a nd a nalysed.The value; a t the grid point s a t tho intervals of 2. 5'lat it ude a nd longitude' were picked up from t he

, .(405)"

Page 2: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 3: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 4: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 5: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 6: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 7: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation
Page 8: f' - metnet.imd.gov.inmetnet.imd.gov.in/mausamdocs/13641_F.pdf · Mausam, (1985), 36,4, 405-112 5) \'511.62 : 551.553.21 :551.51 Energetics of the Energy terms and monsoon circulation