F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  ·...

WE GATHER WORSHIP F I R S T U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H As a courtesy to others, please silence all cell phones/sound-making devices. Asterisks indicate standing if you are able. * WELCOME Kurt Poland PRELUDE Ricercare (Palestrina) Dr. Christoph Bull, Organist *PROCESSIONAL HYMN #529 United Methodist Hymnal — How Firm a Foundation *CALL TO WORSHIP Todd Vollstedt, Lay Lector There are different ways of serving, but the same God is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to each of us for our particular service. The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all. Christ is like a single body which has many parts. It is still one body, even though it is made up of different parts. Together, we are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it. *CHORAL ACT OF PRAISE “Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the Head and Cornerstone; One in might, and One in glory, while unending ages run.” *SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST Please greet those worshipping near you. Baptism of the Lord Renewal of Baptismal Vows Installation of Officers January 13, 2013 "But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine." – I saiah 43:1

Transcript of F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  ·...

Page 1: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

W e G a t h e r

W O r S h I PF I r S t U N I t e D M e t h O D I S t C h U r C h

As a courtesy to others, please silence all cell phones/sound-making devices. Asterisks indicate standing if you are able.*

WelCOMe Kurt Poland

PrelUDe Ricercare (Palestrina) Dr. Christoph Bull, Organist *PrOCeSSIONal hYMN #529 United Methodist Hymnal — How Firm a Foundation

*Call tO WOrShIP Todd Vollstedt, Lay Lector

There are different ways of serving, but the same God is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to each of us for our particular service.The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.Christ is like a single body which has many parts.It is still one body, even though it is made up of different parts.Together, we are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.

*ChOral aCt OF PraISe “Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the Head and Cornerstone; One in might, and One in glory, while unending ages run.”

*SharING the PeaCe OF ChrISt Please greet those worshipping near you.

1008 Eleventh StreetSanta Monica, CA 90403


[email protected]

Resident BishopMinerva G. Carcaño

West District SuperintendentKathey Michelle Wilborn

Senior MinisterPatricia Farris

[email protected]

Business AdministratorChristina Eddy

[email protected]

Youth & Intergenerational Ministries

Robert [email protected]

Children & FamilyMinistries Director

Kurt [email protected]

Preschool DirectorBatsheva Spector

[email protected]

Assistant Preschool DirectorVivien Firta

[email protected]

Music DirectorJames Smith

OrganistChristoph Bull

Office ManagerNancy Perov

[email protected]

Office AssistantsSarah Scribner

Shalimar ReodicaHead CustodianJavier EspinosaSentinel Editor/

Wedding CoordinatorEmily Payne

[email protected]

Order of Worship EditorTina Gage

Baptism of the Lord • Renewal of Baptismal Vows • Installation of Officers January 13, 2013

"But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

– Isaiah 43:1

—The Head Usher today is Al Mead. See any of the ushers if you need assistance. —Nursery Care is available in Room 204 in the Education Building. Parents with young children are also welcome to worship in the Kids Zone in the Narthex. We provide a changing table in the restroom located in the hallway west of the Fireside Room. Please see an usher for directions. —Flowers at the Reredos: To the Glory of God, from Don and Bobbe Mulder.—Weekly Prayer: Each week we pray for one of the churches and/or ministries in the United Methodist West District. This week, please pray for the Centenary United Methodist Church.—Every gift matters. Your offering today helps support the ministry andmission of our church. Checks may be made payable to "First UMC." Contributions may also be made online at www.santamonicaumc.org. If you have not done so already, please fill out a 2013 giving card (which can be found in the pew racks) and place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your gift.—If there are Prayer Quilts hanging on the north wall of the sanctuary, you are invited to pray over and tie knots on the quilts.—The Welcome Table is located right outside the main entrance. You will find information that you may take with you and church members who can answer questions. Please sign our guest book!—Come for refreshments and fellowship in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center after the worship service. Today’s Coffee Fellowship is provided by the Boy Scouts.—Stop by the Hospitality Table in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center during Coffee Fellowship today to ask about membership, order name badges, update your emergency contact information, and more! All information is for FUMC purposes only. —FUMC’s Children and Family Ministries are sponsoring a Book Drive to restock the children’s section in the library. The sign-up list will be in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center today.—Next Sunday: Worship at 10 am; Rev. Patricia Farris will preach.—Each time we worship, we collect food for the Westside Food Bank. In January, bring Nutritional Bars: protein, granola, energy or breakfast bars.—Keep up with all of our activities and news by email! Sign up at the Hospitality Table today, or call or email the church office.—Are you on Facebook? If so, be sure to look up “First United Methodist Church of Santa Monica” and click the “Like” button and you’ll receive updates about upcoming events, worship information, and more! —Visit the church website, where you will find updated information on FUMC events under the “Happenings” heading, and recent sermons under the “Worship” heading.

Page 2: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

Worship concludes with the Postlude music which prepares us to transition from worship to life in the world. You are invited to remain seated until the Postlude concludes, or to exit quietly.

ChIlDreN’S MeSSaGe Kurt Poland #2233 The Faith We Sing — Where Children Belong

This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong.

As the congregation sings, all children are invited to come forward.

I Am a Child of GodI am a child of God; You are God’s child, it’s true. Children of God are called to love one another, as Jesus taught to do.

As the congregation sings, the children may go to their Sunday school classes.

OUr MISSION & COMMON lIFe Rev. Robert English We thank God for these opportunities for fellowship and service. Thanks be to God!

W e h e a r G O D ’ S W O r D

the PSalM Psalm 29 with sung response - UMH p. 761 Todd VollstedtWord of God, Word of Life. Thanks be to God.

the leSSON Isaiah 43:1-7 (Pew Bible page 672, OT) Word of God, Word of Life. Thanks be to God!

hOMIlY "Claim the Power" Rev. Patricia Farris

W e r e S P O N D

W e G O F O r t h t O S e r v e

*hYMN #2238 TFWS — In the Midst of New Dimensions



POStlUDe Canzona (Andrea Gabrieli) Dr. Bull

INvItatION tO PraYer #2150 TFWS — Lord, Be Glorified Rev. English

SIleNt PraYer & PaStOral PraYer

the lOrD’S PraYer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

ChOral reSPONSe

We OFFer OUr GIFtS & OUrSelveS The offering plates will be passed to gather our gifts for the mission and work of the church.

the OFFertOrY The Chancel Choir/Dr. James Smith, Music DirectorLiving Water of Life (David Lantz III)Are you thirsty for the Master, for the God of all creation? Come through Jesus to the Father, through the life sustaining vine. Drink deeply from the living water of life; drink deeply. Drink deeply from the endless water of life; drink deeply. Like the waters of the Jordan, He will nourish and sustain us. Come through Jesus to the Father, drink the life of love divine. Like the woman at the well, we are human and with sin. Come through Jesus to the Father, feel His quenching deep within. Come through Jesus to the Father. Taste the water of all life.

*reSPONSe #94 UMH — The Doxology

*UNISON PraYer OF DeDICatION We give you thanks, O God. May our offering honor you. May our lives reflect your mercy. May our hands bestow on others the blessings we have received. Amen.

*BaPtISMal reNeWal

#2132 TFWS — You Who Are Thirsty #2218 TFWS — You Are Mine #593 UMH — Here I Am, Lord

INtrODUCtION aND INStallatION OF 2013 FUMC leaDerS (see insert)

Page 3: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

Worship concludes with the Postlude music which prepares us to transition from worship to life in the world. You are invited to remain seated until the Postlude concludes, or to exit quietly.

ChIlDreN’S MeSSaGe Kurt Poland #2233 The Faith We Sing — Where Children Belong

This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong.

As the congregation sings, all children are invited to come forward.

I Am a Child of GodI am a child of God; You are God’s child, it’s true. Children of God are called to love one another, as Jesus taught to do.

As the congregation sings, the children may go to their Sunday school classes.

OUr MISSION & COMMON lIFe Rev. Robert English We thank God for these opportunities for fellowship and service. Thanks be to God!

W e h e a r G O D ’ S W O r D

the PSalM Psalm 29 with sung response - UMH p. 761 Todd VollstedtWord of God, Word of Life. Thanks be to God.

the leSSON Isaiah 43:1-7 (Pew Bible page 672, OT) Word of God, Word of Life. Thanks be to God!

hOMIlY "Claim the Power" Rev. Patricia Farris

W e r e S P O N D

W e G O F O r t h t O S e r v e

*hYMN #2238 TFWS — In the Midst of New Dimensions



POStlUDe Canzona (Andrea Gabrieli) Dr. Bull

INvItatION tO PraYer #2150 TFWS — Lord, Be Glorified Rev. English

SIleNt PraYer & PaStOral PraYer

the lOrD’S PraYer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

ChOral reSPONSe

We OFFer OUr GIFtS & OUrSelveS The offering plates will be passed to gather our gifts for the mission and work of the church.

the OFFertOrY The Chancel Choir/Dr. James Smith, Music DirectorLiving Water of Life (David Lantz III)Are you thirsty for the Master, for the God of all creation? Come through Jesus to the Father, through the life sustaining vine. Drink deeply from the living water of life; drink deeply. Drink deeply from the endless water of life; drink deeply. Like the waters of the Jordan, He will nourish and sustain us. Come through Jesus to the Father, drink the life of love divine. Like the woman at the well, we are human and with sin. Come through Jesus to the Father, feel His quenching deep within. Come through Jesus to the Father. Taste the water of all life.

*reSPONSe #94 UMH — The Doxology

*UNISON PraYer OF DeDICatION We give you thanks, O God. May our offering honor you. May our lives reflect your mercy. May our hands bestow on others the blessings we have received. Amen.

*BaPtISMal reNeWal

#2132 TFWS — You Who Are Thirsty #2218 TFWS — You Are Mine #593 UMH — Here I Am, Lord

INtrODUCtION aND INStallatION OF 2013 FUMC leaDerS (see insert)

Page 4: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

W e G a t h e r

W O r S h I PF I r S t U N I t e D M e t h O D I S t C h U r C h

As a courtesy to others, please silence all cell phones/sound-making devices. Asterisks indicate standing if you are able.*

WelCOMe Kurt Poland

PrelUDe Ricercare (Palestrina) Dr. Christoph Bull, Organist *PrOCeSSIONal hYMN #529 United Methodist Hymnal — How Firm a Foundation

*Call tO WOrShIP Todd Vollstedt, Lay Lector

There are different ways of serving, but the same God is served. There are different abilities to perform service, but the same God gives ability to each of us for our particular service.The Spirit’s presence is shown in some way in each person for the good of all.Christ is like a single body which has many parts.It is still one body, even though it is made up of different parts.Together, we are Christ’s body, and each one is part of it.

*ChOral aCt OF PraISe “Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the Head and Cornerstone; One in might, and One in glory, while unending ages run.”

*SharING the PeaCe OF ChrISt Please greet those worshipping near you.

1008 Eleventh StreetSanta Monica, CA 90403


[email protected]

Resident BishopMinerva G. Carcaño

West District SuperintendentKathey Michelle Wilborn

Senior MinisterPatricia Farris

[email protected]

Business AdministratorChristina Eddy

[email protected]

Youth & Intergenerational Ministries

Robert [email protected]

Children & FamilyMinistries Director

Kurt [email protected]

Preschool DirectorBatsheva Spector

[email protected]

Assistant Preschool DirectorVivien Firta

[email protected]

Music DirectorJames Smith

OrganistChristoph Bull

Office ManagerNancy Perov

[email protected]

Office AssistantsSarah Scribner

Shalimar ReodicaHead CustodianJavier EspinosaSentinel Editor/

Wedding CoordinatorEmily Payne

[email protected]

Order of Worship EditorTina Gage

Baptism of the Lord • Renewal of Baptismal Vows • Installation of Officers January 13, 2013

"But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel:

Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

– Isaiah 43:1

—The Head Usher today is Al Mead. See any of the ushers if you need assistance. —Nursery Care is available in Room 204 in the Education Building. Parents with young children are also welcome to worship in the Kids Zone in the Narthex. We provide a changing table in the restroom located in the hallway west of the Fireside Room. Please see an usher for directions. —Flowers at the Reredos: To the Glory of God, from Don and Bobbe Mulder.—Weekly Prayer: Each week we pray for one of the churches and/or ministries in the United Methodist West District. This week, please pray for the Centenary United Methodist Church.—Every gift matters. Your offering today helps support the ministry andmission of our church. Checks may be made payable to "First UMC." Contributions may also be made online at www.santamonicaumc.org. If you have not done so already, please fill out a 2013 giving card (which can be found in the pew racks) and place it in the offering plate. Thank you for your gift.—If there are Prayer Quilts hanging on the north wall of the sanctuary, you are invited to pray over and tie knots on the quilts.—The Welcome Table is located right outside the main entrance. You will find information that you may take with you and church members who can answer questions. Please sign our guest book!—Come for refreshments and fellowship in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center after the worship service. Today’s Coffee Fellowship is provided by the Boy Scouts.—Stop by the Hospitality Table in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center during Coffee Fellowship today to ask about membership, order name badges, update your emergency contact information, and more! All information is for FUMC purposes only. —FUMC’s Children and Family Ministries are sponsoring a Book Drive to restock the children’s section in the library. The sign-up list will be in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center today.—Next Sunday: Worship at 10 am; Rev. Patricia Farris will preach.—Each time we worship, we collect food for the Westside Food Bank. In January, bring Nutritional Bars: protein, granola, energy or breakfast bars.—Keep up with all of our activities and news by email! Sign up at the Hospitality Table today, or call or email the church office.—Are you on Facebook? If so, be sure to look up “First United Methodist Church of Santa Monica” and click the “Like” button and you’ll receive updates about upcoming events, worship information, and more! —Visit the church website, where you will find updated information on FUMC events under the “Happenings” heading, and recent sermons under the “Worship” heading.

Page 5: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

* Today 9 am Shareringers Sunday School, 203 11:15 am CAST Brunch, SH 12:30 pm CAST PerformanceWilly Wonka Jr. SHTuesday, January 15 - Deadline for Sentinel 6 pm Upward Bound House Mtg, OS 7:30 pm Amadeus Handbell Choir, CRWednesday, January 16 7 pm the bridge, Rm 308Thursday, January 17 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CRSaturday, January 19 9:30 am Prayer Quilt Workparty, 300 10 am Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, OS 12 pm Battig Remembrance, TBA 4 pm Adriatico Funeral/Reception, Chapel/FR * Sunday, January 20 11 am Blood Pressures, SH 11:30 am Basic Christian Beliefs Class, 101

CHR = Choir Room; CR = Conference Room; CY = Courtyard; FR = Fireside Room; L = Library; MH = Member’s Home; OS = Off Site; S = Sanctuary; SH = Simkins Hall; WR = Work Room (UMW)

O P P O R T U N I T I E S a t F U M C

W W W . S A N T A M O N I C A U M C . O R G

* Westside Food Bank collection for January: Nutrition Bars

* Sundays at FUMC 8:45 am Youth Handbell Choir Rehearsal, CHR 9 am Lectionary Scripture Discussion, FR 9 am Partnership with God, 101 9:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal, 300 9:20 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Chapel 9:30 am Nursery Care, 204 10 am Worship Service, S 10:10 am Sunday School, Education Bldg. 10:50 am Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 108 11 am Fellowship, SH/Alcove 6:15 pm UMYF, 3rd Floor Edu Bldg

f i r st u n i t e d m e t h o d i st c h u r c h o f sa n ta m o n i ca1008 eleventh street, santa monica, ca 90403

www.santamonicaumc.org · 310-393-8258 · [email protected]

F O C U S O N BA PT I S MHighlights

FUMC’s Book DriveFUMC’s Children and Family Ministries are asking the congregation to help restock the children’s section in our library. The sign-up list is in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center today.

CAST Presents: Willy Wonka Jr.All are invited to the Children’s After School Theater 1st - 4th grade group production of Willy Wonka Jr. today at 12:30 pm. Tickets for an 11:15 am brunch and the matinee are $15 for adults and $10 for children.

Remembering Doris BattigWynn Battig invites you to a remembrance of Doris on Saturday January 19 at 12 pm (place TBA). The audio recording of her service will be played, as will the beautiful DVD of her life. A buffet lunch will be served. Please RSVP by January 17 to Wynn at 310-829-5190, or call the church office.

Basic Christian BeliefsIf you are interested in pursuing a deeper understanding of the beliefs of the Christian faith, join Kurt Poland for a 6-week class on Basic Christian Beliefs in Room 101 at 11:30 am beginning next Sunday January 20 through February 27.

Rev. Patricia Farris Book Study & Potluck The 2012-2013 Book Study continues Sunday January 27 at 11:30 am. Join in the discussion, fellowship & potluck lunch after worship in the Fireside Room along with members of the Haiti Work Team. The January book is Rubble Nation: Haiti’s Pain, Haiti’s Promise by Chris Herlinger and Paul Jeffrey, available at the Hospitality Table today and in Nook & Kindle formats.

Martin Luther King, Jr., DayThe City of Santa Monica hosts three Martin Luther King, Jr., Day events to commemorate the life of the slain civil rights leader: Friday 1/18, 7:30 to 9 am: Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at Calvary BaptistChurch, 1502 20th St., SM. Suggested donation $25 per person. Saturday 1/19, 10 am: Two free events:29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Celebration, including speakers, music, dance and the MLK Education Awards, at SGI Auditorium, 525 Wilshire Blvd, SM. Followed by a Community involvement Fair from 12 to 1:30 pm, at SGI Youth Center, 606 Wilshire Blvd, SM. Sunday 1/20, 3:30 pm: SM Symphony Orchestra presents a free concert after President Obama’s re-inauguration, SGI Auditorium.

January 13, 2013

United Methodists baptize at any age. We believe baptism to be a means of God’s grace; a sign of our covenant relationship with God; entrance into the Body of Christ, the church; as forgiveness of sin; and as an entrance into new life and holy living. We also recognize the baptism of all Christians. See any of our pastors for more information about baptism or about opportunities for growth as a baptized Christian.

“The life of faith which baptized persons live, is like a pilgrimage or journey. On this journey, there are many challenges, changes and chances. Ongoing Christian nurture teaches, shapes and strengthens us to live ever more faithfully as we are open to the Spirit’s revealing more and more of the way and will of God. As our appreciation of the good news of Jesus Christ deepens and our commitment to Christ’s service becomes more profound, we seek occasions to celebrate…we celebrate in every baptism and in today’s service of baptismal renewal.”

(adapted from “By Water and the Spirit: A United Methodist Understanding of Baptism”)

Gavin Kalin (center), Jeremy, Ashley, and Cade Borden with Rev. Patricia Farris.

Pennies for HaitiSunday January 27 during Coffee Fellowship, our Haiti team will be collecting contributions of any size in our ‘Pennies for Haiti’ fundraiser. Bring your loose change, dollar bills or donations of any amount, because every contribution matters. We will also have a slide show of photos of our trip last year. Thank you all for your support, prayers and contributions.

Page 6: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

* Today 9 am Shareringers Sunday School, 203 11:15 am CAST Brunch, SH 12:30 pm CAST PerformanceWilly Wonka Jr. SHTuesday, January 15 - Deadline for Sentinel 6 pm Upward Bound House Mtg, OS 7:30 pm Amadeus Handbell Choir, CRWednesday, January 16 7 pm the bridge, Rm 308Thursday, January 17 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal, CRSaturday, January 19 9:30 am Prayer Quilt Workparty, 300 10 am Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration, OS 12 pm Battig Remembrance, TBA 4 pm Adriatico Funeral/Reception, Chapel/FR * Sunday, January 20 11 am Blood Pressures, SH 11:30 am Basic Christian Beliefs Class, 101

CHR = Choir Room; CR = Conference Room; CY = Courtyard; FR = Fireside Room; L = Library; MH = Member’s Home; OS = Off Site; S = Sanctuary; SH = Simkins Hall; WR = Work Room (UMW)

O P P O R T U N I T I E S a t F U M C

W W W . S A N T A M O N I C A U M C . O R G

* Westside Food Bank collection for January: Nutrition Bars

* Sundays at FUMC 8:45 am Youth Handbell Choir Rehearsal, CHR 9 am Lectionary Scripture Discussion, FR 9 am Partnership with God, 101 9:15 am Youth Choir Rehearsal, 300 9:20 am Children’s Choir Rehearsal, Chapel 9:30 am Nursery Care, 204 10 am Worship Service, S 10:10 am Sunday School, Education Bldg. 10:50 am Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 108 11 am Fellowship, SH/Alcove 6:15 pm UMYF, 3rd Floor Edu Bldg

f i r st u n i t e d m e t h o d i st c h u r c h o f sa n ta m o n i ca1008 eleventh street, santa monica, ca 90403

www.santamonicaumc.org · 310-393-8258 · [email protected]

F O C U S O N BA PT I S MHighlights

FUMC’s Book DriveFUMC’s Children and Family Ministries are asking the congregation to help restock the children’s section in our library. The sign-up list is in Simkins Hall in The Shelby Center today.

CAST Presents: Willy Wonka Jr.All are invited to the Children’s After School Theater 1st - 4th grade group production of Willy Wonka Jr. today at 12:30 pm. Tickets for an 11:15 am brunch and the matinee are $15 for adults and $10 for children.

Remembering Doris BattigWynn Battig invites you to a remembrance of Doris on Saturday January 19 at 12 pm (place TBA). The audio recording of her service will be played, as will the beautiful DVD of her life. A buffet lunch will be served. Please RSVP by January 17 to Wynn at 310-829-5190, or call the church office.

Basic Christian BeliefsIf you are interested in pursuing a deeper understanding of the beliefs of the Christian faith, join Kurt Poland for a 6-week class on Basic Christian Beliefs in Room 101 at 11:30 am beginning next Sunday January 20 through February 27.

Rev. Patricia Farris Book Study & Potluck The 2012-2013 Book Study continues Sunday January 27 at 11:30 am. Join in the discussion, fellowship & potluck lunch after worship in the Fireside Room along with members of the Haiti Work Team. The January book is Rubble Nation: Haiti’s Pain, Haiti’s Promise by Chris Herlinger and Paul Jeffrey, available at the Hospitality Table today and in Nook & Kindle formats.

Martin Luther King, Jr., DayThe City of Santa Monica hosts three Martin Luther King, Jr., Day events to commemorate the life of the slain civil rights leader: Friday 1/18, 7:30 to 9 am: Interfaith Prayer Breakfast at Calvary BaptistChurch, 1502 20th St., SM. Suggested donation $25 per person. Saturday 1/19, 10 am: Two free events:29th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Day Celebration, including speakers, music, dance and the MLK Education Awards, at SGI Auditorium, 525 Wilshire Blvd, SM. Followed by a Community involvement Fair from 12 to 1:30 pm, at SGI Youth Center, 606 Wilshire Blvd, SM. Sunday 1/20, 3:30 pm: SM Symphony Orchestra presents a free concert after President Obama’s re-inauguration, SGI Auditorium.

January 13, 2013

United Methodists baptize at any age. We believe baptism to be a means of God’s grace; a sign of our covenant relationship with God; entrance into the Body of Christ, the church; as forgiveness of sin; and as an entrance into new life and holy living. We also recognize the baptism of all Christians. See any of our pastors for more information about baptism or about opportunities for growth as a baptized Christian.

“The life of faith which baptized persons live, is like a pilgrimage or journey. On this journey, there are many challenges, changes and chances. Ongoing Christian nurture teaches, shapes and strengthens us to live ever more faithfully as we are open to the Spirit’s revealing more and more of the way and will of God. As our appreciation of the good news of Jesus Christ deepens and our commitment to Christ’s service becomes more profound, we seek occasions to celebrate…we celebrate in every baptism and in today’s service of baptismal renewal.”

(adapted from “By Water and the Spirit: A United Methodist Understanding of Baptism”)

Gavin Kalin (center), Jeremy, Ashley, and Cade Borden with Rev. Patricia Farris.

Pennies for HaitiSunday January 27 during Coffee Fellowship, our Haiti team will be collecting contributions of any size in our ‘Pennies for Haiti’ fundraiser. Bring your loose change, dollar bills or donations of any amount, because every contribution matters. We will also have a slide show of photos of our trip last year. Thank you all for your support, prayers and contributions.

Page 7: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

r eco g n i t i o n & i n sta l l at i o n o f o u r c h u r c h l e a d e rs

introduction Rev. Robert EnglishDear friends, you have been called by God and chosen by the people of God for leadership in the church. This ministry is a blessing and a serious responsibility. It recognizes your special gifts and calls you to work among us and for us. In love we thank you for accepting your obligation and challenge you to offer your best to the Lord, to this people, and to our ministry in the world. Live a life in Christ and make him known in your witness and your work.

introduction of leaders Rev. Patricia Farris

to our leaders

Do you this day acknowledge yourself a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ?I do.Will you devote yourself to the service of God in the world?I will.Will you so live that you enable this church to be a people of love and peace?I will.Will you do all in your power to be responsible to the task for which you have been chosen?I will.

prayer Almighty God, pour out your blessings upon these your servants who have been given particular ministries in your church. Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in your service. Keep before them the example of our Lord, who did not think first of himself, but gave himself for us all. Let them share his ministry and consecration, that they may enter into his joy. Guide them in their work. Reward their faithfulness with the knowledge that through them your purposes are accomplished; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

to the congregationDear friends, rejoice that these persons have accepted the gift and responsibility of leadership in our congregation. Will you do all you can to assist and encourage them in the responsibilities to which they have been called, giving them your cooperation, your counsel, and your prayers?

We will.

Church leaders respond in bold italics. Congregation responds in bold type.

Sunday, January 13, 2013Church Leadership

LAY LEADER: Michael LambASSOCIATE LAY LEADER: Shannon SturgesCHAIRPERSONS OF BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COUNCILS:Co-Chairpersons, Church Council: Noel Eaton and Leslie NordbyChairperson, Fellowship & Events Council: Sandra JonesChairperson, Finance Committee: Kim DefenderferCo-Chairpersons, Health Ministry Council: Debi Jenkinson and Dorothy WilliamsChairperson, Historical Records Committee: Marilyn HedgesChairperson, Nominations & Leadership Development Committee: Caprice Walker Chairperson, Library Committee: Mary CrawfordChairperson, Loans & Scholarships: Ben Ing President, Methodist Foundation of Santa Monica: John StutsmanCo-Chairpersons, Missions Council: Helen Hewitt and Linda Diane AndersonChairperson, Parking Lot Committee: Chuck Kearsley Chairperson, Seasonal Displays: Mike EskridgeChairperson, Spiritual Formation Council: Mary CrawfordChairperson, Staff-Parish Relations Committee: Dee MenziesChairperson, Trustees: Todd ErlandsonCo-Presidents, United Methodist Women: Cheryl Shanks and Betty Storm Co-Chairpersons, Youth Ministry Council: Adam Guerrero and Madeleine Ing


Co-Presidents: Cheryl Shanks & Betty Storm Vice President: Laura FarrandRecording Secretary: Joy WilliamsCorresponding Secretary: Christine Stumpf Treasurer: Mary Clark Program Resources: Carol Reich Boutique: Patricia McFadden & Betty Storm Historian: Marilyn HedgesScholarships: Rebecca PearsonParliamentarian: Carol Wire Sunshine Committee: Ella Mae Holmes, Bernice de Leon, Berneice Southcott & Kathy NaylorMembership: Joyce Landsverk Christian Global Concerns: Christine Stumpf Women of Action: Linda Diane Anderson Quilters Circle: Caprice WalkerAbigail Circle: Christine StumpfMothers Fellowship: Ella Mae HolmesNominating Committee: Helen Hewitt, Bernice de Leon

Page 8: F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h WOrShIPstorage.cloversites.com...2013/01/13  · We Gather WOrShIP F I r S t U N I te D M e t h O D I S C t h U r C h As a courtesy

r eco g n i t i o n & i n sta l l at i o n o f o u r c h u r c h l e a d e rs

introduction Rev. Robert EnglishDear friends, you have been called by God and chosen by the people of God for leadership in the church. This ministry is a blessing and a serious responsibility. It recognizes your special gifts and calls you to work among us and for us. In love we thank you for accepting your obligation and challenge you to offer your best to the Lord, to this people, and to our ministry in the world. Live a life in Christ and make him known in your witness and your work.

introduction of leaders Rev. Patricia Farris

to our leaders

Do you this day acknowledge yourself a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ?I do.Will you devote yourself to the service of God in the world?I will.Will you so live that you enable this church to be a people of love and peace?I will.Will you do all in your power to be responsible to the task for which you have been chosen?I will.

prayer Almighty God, pour out your blessings upon these your servants who have been given particular ministries in your church. Grant them grace to give themselves wholeheartedly in your service. Keep before them the example of our Lord, who did not think first of himself, but gave himself for us all. Let them share his ministry and consecration, that they may enter into his joy. Guide them in their work. Reward their faithfulness with the knowledge that through them your purposes are accomplished; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

to the congregationDear friends, rejoice that these persons have accepted the gift and responsibility of leadership in our congregation. Will you do all you can to assist and encourage them in the responsibilities to which they have been called, giving them your cooperation, your counsel, and your prayers?

We will.

Church leaders respond in bold italics. Congregation responds in bold type.

Sunday, January 13, 2013Church Leadership

LAY LEADER: Michael LambASSOCIATE LAY LEADER: Shannon SturgesCHAIRPERSONS OF BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND COUNCILS:Co-Chairpersons, Church Council: Noel Eaton and Leslie NordbyChairperson, Fellowship & Events Council: Sandra JonesChairperson, Finance Committee: Kim DefenderferCo-Chairpersons, Health Ministry Council: Debi Jenkinson and Dorothy WilliamsChairperson, Historical Records Committee: Marilyn HedgesChairperson, Nominations & Leadership Development Committee: Caprice Walker Chairperson, Library Committee: Mary CrawfordChairperson, Loans & Scholarships: Ben Ing President, Methodist Foundation of Santa Monica: John StutsmanCo-Chairpersons, Missions Council: Helen Hewitt and Linda Diane AndersonChairperson, Parking Lot Committee: Chuck Kearsley Chairperson, Seasonal Displays: Mike EskridgeChairperson, Spiritual Formation Council: Mary CrawfordChairperson, Staff-Parish Relations Committee: Dee MenziesChairperson, Trustees: Todd ErlandsonCo-Presidents, United Methodist Women: Cheryl Shanks and Betty Storm Co-Chairpersons, Youth Ministry Council: Adam Guerrero and Madeleine Ing


Co-Presidents: Cheryl Shanks & Betty Storm Vice President: Laura FarrandRecording Secretary: Joy WilliamsCorresponding Secretary: Christine Stumpf Treasurer: Mary Clark Program Resources: Carol Reich Boutique: Patricia McFadden & Betty Storm Historian: Marilyn HedgesScholarships: Rebecca PearsonParliamentarian: Carol Wire Sunshine Committee: Ella Mae Holmes, Bernice de Leon, Berneice Southcott & Kathy NaylorMembership: Joyce Landsverk Christian Global Concerns: Christine Stumpf Women of Action: Linda Diane Anderson Quilters Circle: Caprice WalkerAbigail Circle: Christine StumpfMothers Fellowship: Ella Mae HolmesNominating Committee: Helen Hewitt, Bernice de Leon