f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

Spartan Daily San Jose State College Mabel R. Cillis, Librari:211 f.-6Z)sec"1"f California State Library Sacramento 9, r:E.1ifornia 2 TE: College ’Use Tech High Space Vol. 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 No. 106 San Jose Technical high school’s proposed move in May to a new MEMBERs OF Ma g I iiorge I o -op, independent photo by Zimmermar is omen’, organization. are shown atter Dr. Irene "111. -re I Am," "sal " and "Bless This Bliitise:’ Palmer presented them with the first place March Delta Gamma sorority and Kappa Phi. alethodist :Melodies trophy, The girls’ winning selections in women’s society, took second and third place hon the song contest, held Wednesday night, includtd ors. respectively. Faith as Life’s Basis Is (.:Ourses won t RE Week Panel Topic Delay Seniors New state requirement that A total of six ,peakers will comprise a panel entitled "What Nly students hair instruction in ac - Faith Provides As a Basis for Living" at the opening night of Rein. eident preiention, fire preien- ions Emphasis week March 30 in the Morris Dailey auditorium. Gan, and :11141h411 and narcotics, The Sunday evening APAQ0111 Will get underway at 7:30 o’clock. will not affect graduation in according to R.E. week publicity chairman Gerry Sartain. June of those students who lune Father John S Duryea will give the Catholic view of the topic; not had this instruction, it was Rabbi Joseph Gitin will deliver the Jewish side of the question; Dr explaimal yesterday hi ....liege James Strayer, liberal Protestant’s version; Rev. Douglas Nail, tip ad ’strat’ sources. Effort fundamentalist’s opinions: Dean James DeVoss will be the moderato:, will be made however, to giie and Student Body President Lud Spolyar will officially open the week the instruction to As many June with a talk. graduates as possible. Morning worship will he -held in the 1.ittle Theater Monday at - , (11(1 8:30 o’clock, with Rabbi Gitin officiating. Rabbi Gitin will f0110A i 1 0 . \ E111 and L a ill 11aillf’111. the services with a talk entitled "This I Believe" in the Morris Twso Studen 1 ts Dailey auditorium at 10:30 a.m. Monday’s program will conclude. with visitations to fraternities and sororities by iariow. speaker.... ’Awardeti Free 1411" .% MI_ site on the San Jose -Los Gatos highway near the County hospital promises to ease present college space problems, according to Presi- dent T. W. MacQuarrie. ’The fact that we can use some of Tech’s building space practi- catl a, I" ii.1, 04.4141, \ 41410W ii, ,-d. l’XpallS1011 ioi our machine slag, for one !lung.’ President 11()TC Cadets I, 4 ( 11 It )eel re MarQuarrie said !,estercW Jack Anderson, San JCIAA. TO1.11 Commissions Seien Air Force itoTC cad.ts , and two Army ROTC cadets will reCel% e reSfTht commissions as sie ond lieutenants in two sapara!, ceremonies today. President T W. MaeQuarrie w present commissions to Wallace Summers and William Ready. sen- ior ROT(’ cadets in Morris Dailey auditorium at 12.31i tiDi The Air Fore.. ROT(’ cere- monies, presided user President MaeCtuarrie, will be hod I pit,. in the Air Force ’444 Ill is- to Robert Edwards, John Francis, Ruch Jor- dan, Dale Olson, Robert Power. Jerry Vidulich and Larry Burn- ham. Edwards, Jordan. Power and Burnham previously won awards as Distinguished Militai students. Vidulich. Osborn, Power, Fran- cis and Burnham have applied for active duly with the Air Force, but have not received replies. Vid- ulich and Osborn request...1 flight duly, according to la. Col. Haw - arc! E. Brown, head of the An 1’..rce ar department. Tuesday’s proi;ram will Consist ot Protestant mdrning worship , in the Little Theater at 8 a.m. A movie, "What Our Neighbors 11,’ - hove." will be viewed at 12:30 p.m. Another movie, a panel, and a. sert rips discussion of art in religion will round out the day’s activities. On Wednesday’s agenda will be Protestant worship, a talk, "This Claris Broadwell. biological sci- I Believe," by Father John Scanlon, a pabel, and evening visitations. ence major, and Jack Dorman, Morning worship will open Thursday’s activities in the Little physical science major, have been Theater. Two movies, a panel, and evening vitationa will con- awarded free tuition to the West elude the day’s program. , Coast Nature school’s Mar. 16-22 Father Duryea will start Friday’s schedule with a mass in New- man hail. Rev. G. Arthur Casaday will talk on "This I Believe" in the Morris Dailey auditorium at 11:30 a.m. The week will close with a Dr- 0,11101(1.1 (’n ins si’cretarY dinner and a speech by Dr. Vere Loper at 6 p.m. The monei tor the two Death Organizations pat ticipating in and helping with 11E. week are , scholarships w a s made Alpha Phi Omega. Blue Key, Kappa Phi, Spartan Shields, Spartan aiailable th.. school bi C. M. Spears, Philosophy club, Student Y, College Religious council, and Goethe, sacrament., businetis- Orchesis. man. De left the selection of the tyro winners to the discretion of College Debater ill Appear the nature school faculty. 1)1.. Cavins said that ale Goethe wanted h e scholarships to be OnRadioPro,gramTommorrotr awarded to two students who would enjoy and learn more. about Kathryn Sproul, forensic team member, has been chosen to rep- the outdoors "and obliterate No- 1..gical ignorance. - resent the college on tomorrow’s University Platform of the Air radio Both otudents are teacher program which will hold a discussion on "Who Should Control Stu- I training candidates, she said. dent Publications?" Judges who chose the winners ifi i were Dr. Carl D. Duncan, Dr. Ca- lif U1S1(inalli ir Sk its Tomorrow The broadcast, which is sponsored each week by the Northern vins, Arnold G. Appl.garth, Dr. California Forensic association, us heard over Station KCBS at g p.m. , , ROUNI)L In announcing the selection of Miss Sproul, Wilbur Luick, assist- ant one representative from Stanford professor of speech. said that More Foreign Aid? university, San Francisco State Washington, President Truman college, and the University of Cal- asked Congress yesterday to in - will participate in he dis- . vest another $7.900,0n0 in building etission. ’up strong allies against Commu- The lr.C, representative will nism, and warned that any cuts in be the editor of the Daily ( j foreign aid spending would be fornian, which recently was put ..foolish and dangerous." under control of an ads- ioiry 24 Die in Earthquake board as a result of its publica- tionof a story belieied by sonie workcrs and tillage offiCials yes- to be of a iMbversise character. terday- ieported an official toll of 124 dead, six missing, and 262 in- jured in Tuesday’s earthquake that , sent tidal waves rolling onto Hok- ’E xt re rn unt, et ness.. oh! kaido and northern Honshu. growled the man under the soggy green visor. "Pack your weather- U.S, Has Bumper Baby (’rep cock and frog livers, Garbunkle. Waiihington. A bumper baby and never darken our newsprint erop in 1951 may have set an all time high for the United States. again." "But Your Editorship," pleaded The U.S. Public Health service AP.. "it could have happened to reported yesterday that live births the hest of us, even Phgbnd. Be- soared above 3.900,000 last year sides, my contract doesn’t run out Tiles. next." The Weather for the second time in tistory. Sales will continue through the This figure, however, is not final. first week of spring quarter. 1G. A. McCallUM, Dr. Wayne I Kartchner, and Byron Bollinger, all faculty members of the natuie school. Ray Hasse. fall quarter editor - in -chief of the Spartan Daily, was the recipient of a single scholar- ship to Death Valley last yea, which also was contriteavd by al, Goethe.. //cries Slated Next Quarter ("las., meeting at: NI tidily. %l arch 10 S.:11 lIt 30 Nf to hails 12 30 Trti 2130 VIM.. or 1 taPs 4 34) rll lasses meeting at : TrmUit’I or 1 i I v 11 30 M’SVF of. Daily All English Ax. Ay. Az classes I 30 Tila 3 30 NMI: oi !laity lawies inert lag : 7 ’30 ’TTla (.0 30 MIAT tiailv 11 307Th 1 30 :IMF Or Da .30 TI’ll IIIII’llton:T.nt.nibecting at, 1410 MW F. or Ilatt, 311MlVF or Daily 1:41:44CirTNINhV F.,41 flails - ,Spart(mR(,z-ifitr13 li()-(),;(t1.1 . fi - is, 11 1.. - 714’ 41(, - 21, 3 30 - 5-10 Tuesday, March 7-3o - 9-10 9 .20 - 11(3(1 11.10 - 12-511 041 - 2:30 1., - -1:2(1 I i;III Wednesday. March 1? 7 St - III 9:29 - 11 00 11.10 - 12:541 1.40 - 3-20 3 - pi Thursday, Mani!’ 13 7.30 - 9:10 9,2ta - 11:00 11 10 - 12:511 1:40 - 3:214 3-30 - 510 principal. said Wednesday- that the last week in May. or prinsihly the first week in June has been ten- tatively set for the major portion .0 Ile MO% me Commenting on this far I. President Martina rrie statcd, i possible that ’rech classrooms will not he utilised untii :unman’ quarter. Part ol our spring qua r ter tlasses might be ansterr. rt, hut at present. I Ilk is doubtful. Ms -a use oi Tech runs mni date." H...garding the cundli len .1 1’, , t: , classroom areas, Byron t . superintendent of buildings and :grounds, said hi. has recs.ived no !word that the high school build- ings A rut unfit for immediate (seen- panc Present college plaits. aecording to Dr. NtacQuarrie, include pos- sible moviment of the auto me- chanics and printing poi ions ’,TM’ Indust rial Arts; claw ersion of a 414‘41.-.4.11411 TeCh eyound area into a eolltgi Cortan , mechanical repa and machinery si,,, , i, transferring of the Receiving and Ntimeographing depaitment, in the SA’11.114V I,, fia-emetil o Tech -Spartan Review," the college variety radio show broadcast by KLOK, will wind up this quarter’s series with reenactments of its best skits tomorrow morning at 11:30 o’clock. Such satirical thrillers as "Fishnet- and I Loathe a Mystery’ wrIl be contrasted with the gentler Poet Pot- and the farcicial "Martinoff ; District Officiak Discuss .11, Split San I’mfliii officials Hat her. 1Rnsicbrit Vk’ Ma(-Quarric and j other colle-a authorities to discus, Season tickets went on saie yes- the San Jose Slate -Junior roilet:i ferday for the annual spring series I split. of motion pictures to be presented MarQuarras said the i i- the Speech and Drama depart- Iper-student fee will definitely have ment. The mn..irss will be shown to ix- prosidod for in the next Thursdays at 4 p.m. and 8 pm. School District-S.1S contract rhp, in.tilut. of Indus - during the quarter, according 1011%511c). has been laid down by the; trial Relations will present a pro- Mrs. Virginia Vogel of the depart- 1 State Board of Education. ; gram which sill discuss what so- wn! ’office, ’Those’ representing the school c let) can do to prra,T1 itself Season tickets cost $1.50 and !district were: Earle P Crandall.’ against sex criminals It will tie may be purchased from the Speech superintendent of schools: George; heard over station /N: EEN. Four Department secretary. Room 57. !Downing and Curtis Davis. assist- representatives of tilt Santa Clara I ant superintendents; and Chace ’Stevens a local businessman. \ r : I. "1.1 t. 51 .4 .1 I. I 154.-k I resin and Ilis orchestra ss ill pros 1.1. tas’.’ Iv., I of1111A1 - rAA pres. nt at oal and! is ill h. %SIPA% hi I .fr..IN n king and lie Her. aiwithel ladm broadcast scheduled lot Ili 3.1 it ni sunday. if mint) District Alt tern-’, s office , will part ’emote in the disi-ussion.

Transcript of f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

Page 1: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

� Spartan Daily San Jose State College

Mabel R. Cillis, Librari:211


California State Library

Sacramento 9, r:E.1ifornia 2 TE:

College ’Use Tech High Space

Vol. 40 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 No. 106 San Jose Technical high school’s proposed move in May to a new

MEMBERs OF Ma g I ii�orge I o -op, independent �photo by Zimmermar is omen’, organization. are shown atter Dr. Irene "111. -re I Am," "sal " and "Bless This Bliitise:’ Palmer presented them with the first place March Delta Gamma sorority and Kappa Phi. alethodist :Melodies trophy, The girls’ winning selections in women’s society, took second and third place hon� the song contest, held Wednesday night, includtd ors. respectively.

Faith as Life’s Basis Is (.:Ourses won t RE Week Panel Topic Delay Seniors

New state requirement that A total of six ,peakers will comprise a panel entitled "What Nly students hair instruction in ac-

Faith Provides As a Basis for Living" at the opening night of Rein. eident preiention, fire preien-ions Emphasis week March 30 in the Morris Dailey auditorium. Gan, and :11141h411 and narcotics,

The Sunday evening APAQ0111 Will get underway at 7:30 o’clock. will not affect graduation in according to R.E. week publicity chairman Gerry Sartain. June of those students who lune

�Father John S Duryea will give the Catholic view of the topic; not had this instruction, it was

Rabbi Joseph Gitin will deliver the Jewish side of the question; Dr explaimal yesterday hi ....liege

James Strayer, liberal Protestant’s version; Rev. Douglas Nail, tip ad � ’strat’ sources. Effort

fundamentalist’s opinions: Dean James DeVoss will be the moderato:, will be made however, to giie

and Student Body President Lud Spolyar will officially open the week the instruction to As many June

with a talk. graduates as possible.

Morning worship will he -held in the 1.ittle Theater Monday at � � - � ,

(11(1 8:30 o’clock, with Rabbi Gitin officiating. Rabbi Gitin will f0110A i

1 0 . \

E111 and L

a ill

11aillf’111. the services with a talk entitled "This I Believe" in the Morris Twso Studen 1 ts Dailey auditorium at 10:30 a.m. Monday’s program will conclude. with visitations to fraternities and sororities by iariow. speaker.... ’Awardeti Free 1411" .% MI_

site on the San Jose -Los Gatos highway near the County hospital

promises to ease present college space problems, according to Presi-

dent T. W. MacQuarrie. ’The fact that we can use some of Tech’s building space practi-

catl a, I" ii.1, 04.4141, \ 41410W

ii, ,-d. l’XpallS1011 ioi our machine

slag, for one !lung.’ President 11()TC Cadets I, 4 ( 11 It

)eel re MarQuarrie said !,estercW

Jack Anderson, San JCIAA. TO1.11

Commissions Seien Air Force itoTC cad.�ts ,

and two Army ROTC cadets will reCel% e� reSfTht commissions as si�e ond lieutenants in two sapara!, ceremonies today.

President T W. MaeQuarrie w � present commissions to Wallace Summers and William Ready. sen-ior ROT(’ cadets in Morris Dailey auditorium at 12.31i tiDi

The Air Fore.. ROT(’ cere-monies, presided user President MaeCtuarrie, will be

� hod I pit,. in the Air Force

’444 Ill is- to Robert Edwards, John Francis, Ruch Jor-dan, Dale Olson, Robert Power. Jerry Vidulich and Larry Burn-ham. Edwards, Jordan. Power and Burnham previously won awards as Distinguished Militai students.

Vidulich. Osborn, Power, Fran-cis and Burnham have applied for active duly with the Air Force, but have not received replies. Vid-ulich and Osborn request...1 flight duly, according to la. Col. Haw - arc! E. Brown, head of the An 1’..rce ar department.

Tuesday’s proi;ram will Consist ot Protestant mdrning worship , in the Little Theater at 8 a.m. A movie, "What Our Neighbors 11,’ -hove." will be viewed at 12:30 p.m. Another movie, a panel, and a. sert rips discussion of art in religion will round out the day’s activities.

On Wednesday’s agenda will be Protestant worship, a talk, "This Claris Broadwell. biological sci-I Believe," by Father John Scanlon, a pabel, and evening visitations. ence major, and Jack Dorman,

Morning worship will open Thursday’s activities in the Little physical science major, have been Theater. Two movies, a panel, and evening vitationa will con- awarded free tuition to the West elude the day’s program. , Coast Nature school’s Mar. 16-22

Father Duryea will start Friday’s schedule with a mass in New-man hail. Rev. G. Arthur Casaday will talk on "This I Believe" in the Morris Dailey auditorium at 11:30 a.m. The week will close with a Dr- 0,11101(1.1 (’n ins si’cretarY dinner and a speech by Dr. Vere Loper at 6 p.m. The monei tor the two Death

Organizations pat ticipating in and helping with 11E. week are , scholarships w a s made Alpha Phi Omega. Blue Key, Kappa Phi, Spartan Shields, Spartan aiailable th.. school bi C. M. Spears, Philosophy club, Student Y, College Religious council, and Goethe, sacrament., businetis-Orchesis.

man. De left the selection of the tyro winners to the discretion of

College Debater ill Appear the nature school faculty. � �

1)1.. Cavins said that ale Goethe wanted h e scholarships to be

OnRadioPro,gramTommorrotr awarded to two students who would enjoy and learn more. about

Kathryn Sproul, forensic team member, has been chosen to rep- the outdoors "and obliterate No-1..gical ignorance. -

resent the college on tomorrow’s University Platform of the Air radio Both otudents are teacher program which will hold a discussion on "Who Should Control Stu- I training candidates, she said.

dent Publications?" Judges who chose the winners ifi i � were Dr. Carl D. Duncan, Dr. Ca- lif U1S1(inalli ir Sk its Tomorrow

The broadcast, which is sponsored each week by the Northern vins, Arnold G. Appl.�garth, Dr. California Forensic association, us heard over Station KCBS at g p.m. ,

, ROUNI)L In announcing the selection of Miss Sproul, Wilbur Luick, assist-ant

one representative from Stanford professor of speech. said that More Foreign Aid?

university, San Francisco State Washington, President Truman college, and the University of Cal- � asked Congress yesterday to in-

will participate in he dis- . vest another $7.900,0n0 in building etission. ’up strong allies against Commu-

The lr.C, representative will nism, and warned that any cuts in be the editor of the Daily ( j foreign aid spending would be fornian, which recently was put ..foolish and dangerous." under control of an ads- i�oiry

24 Die in Earthquake board as a result of its publica-tionof a story belieied by sonie �

workcrs and tillage offiCials yes-to be of a iMbversise character. ’

� terday- ieported an official toll of 124 dead, six missing, and 262 in-jured in Tuesday’s earthquake that

, sent tidal waves rolling onto Hok-’E xt re rn unt, et ness.. oh! � kaido and northern Honshu.

growled the man under the soggy green visor. "Pack your weather- U.S, Has Bumper Baby (’rep cock and frog livers, Garbunkle. Waiihington. A bumper baby

and never darken our newsprint erop in 1951 may have set an all time high for the United States. again."

"But Your Editorship," pleaded The U.S. Public Health service AP.. "it could have happened to reported yesterday that live births

the hest of us, even Phgbnd. Be- soared above 3.900,000 last year

sides, my contract doesn’t run out Tiles. next."

The Weather

for the second time in tistory. Sales will continue through the This figure, however, is not final. first week of spring quarter.

1G. A. McCallUM, Dr. Wayne I Kartchner, and Byron Bollinger, all faculty members of the natuie school.

Ray Hasse. fall quarter editor -in -chief of the Spartan Daily, was the recipient of a single scholar-ship to Death Valley last yea, which also was contriteavd by al, Goethe..

//cries Slated Next Quarter

("las., meeting at: NI °tidily. %l arch 10 S.:11

lIt 30 Nf to hails 12 30 Trti 2130 VIM.. or 1 taPs

4 34) rll lasses meeting at :

TrmUit’I or 1 i I v

11 30 M’SVF of. Daily All English Ax. Ay. Az classes

I 30 Tila 3 30 NMI: oi !laity lawies inert lag :

7 ’30 ’TTla (.0 30 MIAT tiailv

11 307Th 1 30 :IMF Or Da

.30 TI’ll IIIII’llton:T.nt.nibecting at, 1410 MW F. or Ilatt,

311MlVF or Daily

1:41:44CirTNINhV F.,41 flails - ,Spart(mR(,z-ifitr13 li()-(),;(t1.1


fi - is, 11 1.. - 714’

41(, - 21, 3 30 - 5-10

Tuesday, March 7-3o - 9-10 9 .20 - 11(3(1

11.10 - 12-511 041 - 2:30 1., - -1:2(1

I i;III Wednesday. March 1?

7 St - III 9:29 - 11 �00

11.10 - 12:541 1.40 - 3-20 3 - pi

Thursday, Mani!’ 13 7.30 - 9:10 9,2ta - 11:00

11 10 - 12:511 1:40 - 3:214 3-30 - 510

principal. said Wednesday- that the last week in May. or prinsihly the first week in June has been ten-tatively set for the major portion .0 Ile MO% me

Commenting on this far I. President Martina rrie statcd, i� possible that ’rech classrooms will not he utilised untii :unman’ quarter. Part ol our spring qua r ter t�lasses might be ansterr. rt, hut at present. I Ilk is doubtful. Ms -a use oi Tech ’� runs mni date."

H...garding the cundli len .1 1’, , t: , classroom areas, Byron t . superintendent of buildings and :grounds, said hi. has recs.ived no !word that the high school build-ings A rut unfit for immediate (seen-panc

Present college plaits. aecording to Dr. NtacQuarrie, include� pos-sible moviment of the auto me-chanics and printing poi ions ’,TM’ Indust rial Arts; claw ersion of a 414‘41.-.4.11411 TeCh eyound area into a eollt�gi� Cortan���� , mechanical repa and machinery si,,, ,� i,� transferring of the Receiving and Ntimeographing depaitment, in the SA’11.114V I,, fia�-emetil o Tech

-Spartan Review," the college variety radio show broadcast by KLOK, will wind up this quarter’s series with reenactments of its best skits tomorrow morning at 11:30 o’clock.

Such satirical thrillers as "Fishnet- and �I Loathe a Mystery’ wrIl be contrasted with the gentler Poet Pot- and the farcicial "Martinoff


District Officiak Discuss .11, Split

San I’mfliii officials Hat her.

1Rn�sicb�rit Vk’ Ma(-Quarric and j other colle�-a� authorities to discus,

Season tickets went on saie yes- the San Jose Slate-Junior roilet:i ferday for the annual spring series I split. of motion pictures to be presented MarQuarras said the i i-

the Speech and Drama depart- Iper-student fee will definitely have ment. The mn..irss will be shown to ix- prosidod for in the next

Thursdays at 4 p.m. and 8 pm. School District-S.1S contract rhp, in.tilut.� of Indus -

during the quarter, according 1011%511c). has been laid down by the; trial Relations will present a pro-

Mrs. Virginia Vogel of the depart- 1 State Board of Education. ; gram which sill discuss what so-

wn! ’office, ’Those’ representing the school c let) can do to prra,T1 itself

Season tickets cost $1.50 and !district were: Earle P Crandall.’ against sex criminals It will tie

may be purchased from the Speech superintendent of schools: George; heard over station /N: EEN. Four

Department secretary. Room 57. !Downing and Curtis Davis. assist- representatives of tilt Santa Clara

I ant superintendents; and Chace ’Stevens a local businessman.

\ r : I. "1.1 ’ t. � 51 .4 .1

I. I

154.-k I resin and Ilis orchestra ss ill pros 1.1.� tas’.’ Iv., I of1111A1 -

rAA pres. nt at oal and! is ill h. %SIPA% hi I .fr..IN n king and lie Her.

aiwithel ladm broadcast scheduled lot Ili 3.1 it ni sunday.

if mint) District Alt tern-’, s office , will part ’emote in the disi-ussion.

Page 2: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

Two Youth Pastors to Servo Yon

SPARTAN DAILY Friday. Mai 7.


is secoeel eless wetter Apr;I 24, 1934, at See Jose, Ce uncier rrus istt of 14,orci� 1879 F.411 lo�sod seroc� Un.ted Pron. Mintbe� Co’forni� N�vrip�pil, Pub-’ .h�rs Atsos er,on

Pros, of the oOe P�:n. rkg Cornp�,,, 1445 S r’ 5 So , Se" Jose, Celifornia.

Published dens tes dos Assec4oed She:Ives et See Jose Stole coileu� sum* Saturday slid

Issday durieu oho croieu� yaw wilt ee� Imo deer., sack tisei seeminatkoe west.

Telephorists CT pram 4 toC4 � Editor:el Est. 210 � Advert4;ng Dept., Est. 211

Suirscr;pt;on Poo* $2.50 per yelper or $1 Feer ov�rter. tor eoe ASS card holders

,i4C;NTI. Lott 5. ’/C;.

Make-up Editor, this issue JOY ASPINWALL

� � � �


Pokey, the Tortoise, Decides; }es, Sir. It’s Spring Already


Is spring here already? , art of bargain -hunting from Tom

Pokey thinks so, and it would be pretty hard to convince this Leonard, Aeronautics department four -legged creature that winter isn’t over. head. In recent purchases. Mr.

Who is Pokey? Why, he’s a desert tortoise who starts moving ssiA�Oorntharodf

elhausipmadednit2d tosothmeedi$4�pa2:15-1

around and eating normally when I� ment’s inventory for output of -.pi Inv approaches. That is ta ha! ( t only $255.25,

Bargain Hunt Nets Machines

fir. Matthew F. Vessel. associat4. Aontest To Offer professor of nature stud) and Pre - ,

S330 Total Prizes stand, originally priced at 84000. 1400-pound carburetor testing -

Leonard paid $250 for it. Minor adjustments now are being made on the machine, and it will be in swavidrking condition next week, he

A poney-brake aircraft engine starter testing-stand, normally costing $250, was purchased for $5.25. The department is convert-ing the machine into a horsepower testing device.

, Bargain-hunter Leonard bought :the equipment from Navy surplus in San Leandro,

Destitute Spartans could do well Ito take a few lessons in the fine

se),’s buddy for over two years.

I tried to ask the short -legged resident of S222 about the local weather situation and when I,

, could go swimming in the surf at Santa Cruz again. But he just gave me a bladk stare and retreated into his shell

Dr. Venwl pointed out that

tortoises don’t losualks converne

ttith humans, or CNC Might has,- %timid there all du) %salting for An answer.

Editor’s Swan Song This time of the, quarter. when the Spartan Daily editorship is

about to be changed it has been somewhat of a tradition for the out-

going editor to sing his swan song�a kind of dirge -like tune, which

strikes a mournful note in the editor’s heart, if not the readers’.

However, the time seems more opportune for giving readers an of the stetus of the Spartan Daily, and how it operates.

Pokey is the friend of all stu-dents who venture into S222. The tomer resident of the Mojave des-.�rt is easy to handle. He weighs about 10 pounds and is approxi-mately 10 in wides and 14 in. long Incidentally, Dr. Vessel ’thinks it is a male."

One thing that all instructors like about the tortoise is that hi� doesn’t cut classes. There ate many instances when he can’t hi -

The most important single item which readers should realize is found in the building, but that that the Daily is a workshop for journalism majors--an educational sit- because many of the student

uatioa in which students are "instructed" by Journalism department teachers take him out to meet

fatally members. The students are on the Daily to learn, and there-’ Their classes, according to his in-

, fort. must tackle ti diversity of jobs to insure a well-rounded introduc-

erpreter Vesseli

+lor to the field. His tucience btidils repoiN� that Pokes ea t� the equisident of

With this in mind, many students jump to the conclusion that the half ’a heath of lettuce daily, now %pertain Daily is not a -free press.- and suffers from acute -adviseri- and thco indolginc in bananas

Ns’ in the conducting of its policies. and prune.,

Amid the ranting and haranguing of this sect, it is difficult to see 11 y01.1.1.1. interested in seeing She advantages of such a set-up. Nevertheless, under the instruction Pokey and asking him about the of men who have vast experience in the newspaper business, the Daily

staff is able to put out a paper which is technically superior to the majority of west coast college publications. At the same time, erli

torial policies are entirely up to the discretion of the editor.

Daily editors are not Advised as +0 what stands to take on C .

rent issues. In fact, they are not advised as to what issues merit con-oduration. And no editing whatsoever is done by the instructors

aft. r editorials have been written.

When nest quarter rolls around two new co-editors will be at �. helm of Spartan Daily policy.

Readers ran rest assured that the Daily will continue to serve them like few other college papers can do.

Lizards 11 in Honors

.1/4 �.,1�111, And it/Alds

’ihr� upecimens on linsitis thou orck tth Iota.,..? I I. r Naltir.t1

’,Mains; " Itsc ti !is if 111.altd (he btu, ,

Itow-il Iiiard, .1.� I. ,�1

Ill. S. ttl tlt


11111.111% Mg’ a garden i� to I% is hir t people term t-.1 n ist,t %Lim eat thew. ri attire., fir. %moth


tt 11 It

Grace Lutheran Church The Row. Clareor� F. C�ousor SD.

S�rOce�I I -00 � m �Sunday

Heedquertios of Th. Lutheren Students Assor!ietlon




� � � OU WANT REAL FUN � �,:Of t


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-WM.. God ii mod* mono 6 -IS COLLEGE AGE YOUTH GROUP

prospern on college lewsl for college mot,’ 7 30 EVENING SERVICE

helpful that thavs.endt hoar 11.4i hour of prayer-


First Baptist 0--$1.cif,omCw.�pus 2nd & San Antonio

weather situation, he can be found almost any day of the wel%k in

Proo, totaling $350 will be awarded to winners of the 17th Phelan literary contest, according to Dr. Raymond Barry, head of the English department.

First, second and third place winners in each of the following divisions: lyric poems, free verse, essay and short story will receive awards of $25, $15 and $10. Prizes of $40, 820 and 815 will be pre-sented for winning sonnets and plays. Essay and short story con- ’ tributions must have a minimum of 1000 words.

’ The contest deadline is Frida:,. Apr. 4. All manuscripts must hi. turned into the English deOwt-ment, Room H26, before 5 p.m

Most expensive acquisition is a

GOT A FREE PERIOD? Come to . . .



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RICE CHEX 1 package 2c 1 package 19e

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Page 3: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

Friday. Mar. 7, 1952

oted for erbosity Ed Sobczak of San Jose Red

Sox fame and formerly of the Mi-chigan State college baseball team, is not, as many sportswriters char-acterize players, a whiz on the dia-mond and a fool outside it. accord-ing to the Michigan State college News.

sobezak. oho is making his h � in San Jose non and plays on !or a I semi -pro basketball ters in which he wrote the above an inter-squad football game. opted" by the fraternits houses teams ith former !qt..; players, were first printed in the Knox- In another story on the same

they were quartered in, so that the reeently held out on a i�ontraet ville Journal. players would feel at bonus. ottisrs�t1 him h� the Birmingham Barons 11itli the (ottoman; nords: a Ise Lottery One reason given for the tourn-

ament s importance was the "bet-ter state-wide publicity" the uni- in writing, and because 01 this

versify would gain by the staging doesn’t get full credit for he. cap. of the games. abilities

"It is stated that business let-ters should be stlecinct. Paradox-ically, exaggeration gets results, and yet I do not profess to do � � either. My aim and hope is to gain your viewpoint, so that it coin-cides with mine. A story in the USC Daily Trojan

"With your verbosity and ease to warned students to be on the look -indite such a composition (your out for a young man who is at letter of the 11th) I’m sure you tempting to conduct a loiter\

need not make any concession... . ticket "charity" racket in stain At signing contracts I am a no- land universities. Vice; however, not entirely nes- At UCLA, the young man, ss cient of a contract containing a looked like a college student. Clause. I have weighed the advant- sold tuo totter) tieket� for a ages and disadvantages and no hasty decision was rendered.

"Baseball and the pursuit of happiness are almost one and




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ENaglee Barber Shop_-= 508 South 10th Street ;


� QUALITY FOOD =- Dpens 6:30 Daily

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Shoe Repairing = Experts in Cleaning. Dyeing =

and Shining

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EBest Battery Deal in Town!= =Bonus Otter! We’ll give you BOO for=

mo old battery PLUS Green Stamm= =.�. new top quality ’battery. Come inE, � ,iny

Jack’s Shell Service F: 10th of William

Potpourri Spartan Daily Exchange Page


Local Baseball Playe




= Beauty Box = = = � Permanent Waring � Hair Shaping

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LEONARD’S Sporting Goods

Trophies = - t =

SPARTAN DAILY S . I ntuuents Not

Arkansas Not Affected By Cage ‘De-emphasis’

Au example .1 how much recent subject. the Traveler headline read basketball scandals have affected "UA Raked In Talent from ’39 the game in the South may be in- Meet.- referrimf to the last time . s . dicated by a story in the Arkansas i clinic at Penns� tvania . tate col -

the institution hosted the school- leg.’ refutes the id . Traveler. relating that the um- ege e a that Collect.

r hosting the annual schoolboy has-versity had received the nod in boys, students are as dumb as !awn’,

The stor� tells hot% I he i r , ticots. cynics and liollywitaxt titres - ket ball tournament despite "foi -

� midable bids" submitted by othei basketball roach. (den Rose. t..r. aould has.’ the public behese

; colleges in the area. a:defied "ssith slobbering amid -lie said that the as erage student

! It sat� that the main reason it �.- the pertormani��� of toirdon not an , � h;

the saint., except at times like I these in nhieh ae strive to bet- I ter out-seises from a remunera-tive standpoint."

He got the raise. Then he notified them he was

to be married, or as he probably put it, he was "perambulating res-olutely toward a future of ineff-able connubial eccstasy." The let -

Former SD Stall Member Supports Asiatic Program

A former San Jose State student who is also a former Spartan Daily staff member, recently became in-volved in a dispute regarding his defense of current U.S. foreign policy via the "letters" column of the Montana Kalinin.

He is Moises De Guzman, stu-dent from the Philippines, who served on the SD staff for several quarters, and held the job of ex-change editor at one time IA his letter, he held that current for-eign policy in Asia is by and large good, citing personal experiences that led him to I hello+

� eettn

Amateur Radio Club: Meet in


S2 today at 3:30 p.m.

Black Masque: BM CF meeting Sunday. Important that all check to find ’shat you’re supposed to bring.

Charming Club: Meet Sunday at 160 N. Third street at 7:30 p.m. to decide next quarter’s program and the topics of the between-quarter meetings.

College Religious Council: Meet ; Sunday at 2 p.m. Len Cross will report on Religious Emphasi. week.

for the bid acceptance as the tact that the uni�ersity pro-claimed in its bid that Stolle would he given to the Arkansas At hietii� Association "to distri-bute as it %a% lit."

Preliminary plans tor the "event" included a banquet. dance

1souvenirs of the tournament, con-cession booths, guided tours and

Delta Zeta: Members of this or-ganization report to Butera’s stu-dio Monday for La Torre picture -

Institute of Radio Engineers: Meet today in Room S109 at 11:31; a.m. All members must attend Will have an election to fill office . being vacated by graduating S. /

iors. Library Fines must he paid ti,1

books returned by Mar. 11 or st,, dent grades will be withheld.

League of Concern: Meet at II, YWCA today at 3:30 p.m. Xi! membets novo attend.

Phi Epsilon Kappa: Meet in tI ; Pli)sleal Education offices toda) I; 30 p.m. Formal in of r,

.11-liters. Initiation dinner will t. V at El Morocco.

ickets Sold By ’Collet) a n

radlo-phono-television +et, say-ing that the proceeds nom to go to CARE. Ile game the name of Delta Upsilon Delta MUD) fraternity as the lottery spon-sor Police reported that CARE is

not connected with the lottery. and that there are no chapters, national or local, of "Delta Upsi-lon Delta."

Campus police apprehended the suspect, hut he escaped. The man is about 24 years old. 5 feet 7 inches tall. weighs 13.5 to 140 pounds and has brown curly hair and light complexion. He was de-scribed as "quick-acting and fast. walking," the Daily Trojan re-ported.

y Mitch mumie Utile talk

ance eUery night


KG0 DIAL 810

- Notice! Will the following rep.;

I the Graduate Manager’s °III’ !tenni 16, immediately: Janet 1-.1. \-s___,1111-


ingson. Frank Gutierrez, Brse’l;)

Hart, Bill Tyler, Bob Miller (who, Aid the ASH posters for the Stud-

’t Council).

Student and Teacher Tours To

� Europe � Alaska

� South America � Orient

St. Claire Hotel

Jerry Aaei.ti

rpaeel cenlice CY 3-7273

( arpenter, oho. after high si hoot

da�� Nen’ o�er, bet�aiiii� a Ha


School officials hoped lei a 10 000 total turnout for the three-

day series, with morning, after-noon and evening garnet. scheduled

They asked that players be "ad -

Dumb at Penn State: SuryeN

The Syracuse Dail) (II ams. r� - ported recenti that a statemen�

by the director of the Ps.�eludog�

� �



a definite degree of superiorit) in , terms of IQ e about 121)1. and ha, ;:ood stud) habits.

Contrar� to popular opinion. ; the Penn state Joe 4 "liege is a I quit.% iesponsible permin. "The

person n ho ’i�lit� nots� and participates in ott-eampus vi�ti�i-ties." he said. -is in the minor-ity."

The tspical studi�tit is not ndh. out flaws, however lie isn’t Mae to express himself eithex mall Or

Your Best D�.!, L..






� The styles exciting

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S SIN Suit S’

-MISS I III ERSE" � ) � 1)1, i ’ii

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� � 1111184ni AT�� 45,� A ’Aar�

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� � Ws (ay to refer! � Nfer�lv een,f ,n a 1�11. � .�Ti ��fr

�� It S. II 55..

� ..11 I ; ��.,.

Suit pictured the Ice -Cube print cotton to be warn with

or without straps. Navy White, Green White. Small �

Medium � Large. Just one of the dozens of styles by Catalina, Rose Marie Reid, and Maurice Handler.




Page 4: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space


It’s Iltirtitless�Ste Far

�photo hi 1 rm in 1111I 1INI I’ll II fa. In esistrio e soon’ l,.,rrible tsr Iron,

.6 pr. hi�torla mg. s. the ,.hot e photo is .4 profile of -Snapper." habv roco4111,. ;lel of Hoofer I .ohr a srillifir art rii.sjor Ir Lodi.

Its harmless--so far!

Pei Is Problem it NI tit% 11%1.1.

’SAN1 Tit IT:Al nv� ,�0.t.bir,aled ti an it, is. I (7141�1 -

rat Ing I *;talth Arn� ii. ail odd, Ito a 0,11 t ii.palm-

The ,oloisi .�,I 0.55 t. Its Illonacr I.iih,. art ma; .1 Iron. %%h. is making a 4,

perSit. eltIt�nipt to get red of his yet rror..dar, -snapp.�r," before It ’tel. rid of tabs.

I at ;Ana t....011 the leptile tiont ion ’#1’5t it. S/111

et I I ks 1041110W he �olio thine Mfferent tot

le / 14% hell 4esktif t Kit he thinkt� .-.a.1�11 as I pet nnte, 11,

It or. 41 It .111/. 44141 et rr I � 11’,1.11.� 41 4114

g�.’.. -..s .11.111�Ik 11.11, 1.1 I he -.10.1�1.,I.

Ito 14414 earl

Blau k -old it hails limn U’ imp IAntanni Itivet"olititr. ’Snapper’ IS rime month:. .1.1. nine

inches loin:. and an natural habitat, could r,ron to the horrible prtipat - ?ions of lit lee, in length It t4,444

!oft �-at �

It Prided MINIM lAshr �,1r,.,-he’,�,

it hen ii r,., -he’, maturity 0 tit Mout 30 rears) it it ill iron

feel long in this climate. I.ohr has decided not to keep his "pet" this lonc. hot% etrf.

-It Iv, hongerolis en, 41Igh alreadv he �aul "%lien the sun conies out. and -Stiteppel " V% arm. he also trets actite The other day he-t -ante within .5 55.0th 55t In,. ling. r

lVith its 71, needle-sharp teeth. ’,Margie! is not the tip, ..1 pet

...II, an irritan-t ohr keep.. the little beast in

in 0141..;ish basin surrounded try

Student Cop Upholds Police Honor; Refuses Reward for ’Doing Duty’

f � .,alu in

r tro�

.tntlent :4 pproa i� Ii e d schriti�it anil displayed a cheek bib- $.111 sent to him a� a reward tor discinering and helping to put out a recent fire in one of It.. men’s rest rooms in the gs tn. The eltet�k it as sent 1I. the

Buddhist 1.44aglie gal ...an dhow. it hieh as holding a special meeting in the to in n hen the lire oiccurred. ’I he man told s1elimidt,

can’t accept this moneN for doing m� job,- and indicated hi �as gonn; to return the check. He

-.aid this despite the fact that he suffered some facial burn* in the

fire and that his uniform was

rhicken wire, and, although earl.s. precaution is taken to keep it there, It has escaped title.. and James 1.overa, instructor in al,

I been found roaming around the was recently awarded a prize to:

! room, his pottery exhibits in the fifth

I Howard Ross. Lohr’s roommate, annual San Francisco Potters Ex-

bought is crocodile to keep -Snap- hibition at the M. H. DeYoung per- company, but he overfed it, Memorial Museum. The exhibition

and it died. Ross is a senior P.E. started Mar. 1 and will rt.!

’major from Auburn, (hi-ouch i lu310

Loh,. has discovered an interest

1.111..kr -� Ma g. tir,.� 111.1 / .� definite nthantages of collegiate pollee trainlsg.

The meaning implicit in this ..Th, student.: name v.ho re-

statement. Schmidt felt, is indi- . fused the if-v.ard? I don’t think

eatite at much noire than it he would

7nri -, an?’ Mperson," SchMtdt

e to tell that. k

.bows on the surface. It -.bons _.1,(1

that a young tnan, enter1ng the

I,.., att.. Mid a lei el 01 to ides-law enforcement field, already

’tonal morals not usually It/a4 tied

at such 313 early st-nte.

�’This :s thin that --an ’t

graded.- ointinued.. "and

It comes und. maturitN’"

Nehroult aw. sue,,,-,,f) edueatirr_I- r

in Ili, police st ie.’01 is not instruct"’ � t hat divSt.

alone, but also to the �:!ollege

lessors and instructors as a whet.

who give the student a chance to

become of age mentally before he

hx, to corr.0 in contact with

thu normally depraved elements of

society. . Tfille, he said, i/4 OOP of the

Wins �ilot’ Prize


mg phenomenon about his carni-,orous friend. When he scratch,. its stomach, it goes into a trance .ind berOMPS as harmless as a baby. It will take a little mor.� than :scratching to pacify it in a few years. however. Lohr said.

501 e ,e

Spaclous Booths... Pleasant Atmosphere...

And Really GOOD Food

Dirr.tr Icrom 1.00

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Smorgasbord - Eat

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37 W. Son Carlos

Save Time � 8 -Hour Service "Bachelor Shirt Laundry"

Shirts in at 9:00 � 2 at 5:00

25-29 South Third St.

9Iden We-6f Dry Cleaners

CYpress 2-1052


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California Book Co. "The Friendly Student Store"

134 E. San Fernando Just Across Fourth from Student Union



pir); the t

Phi tat tie Ttli.h

house be 7

evrni local nuts hods(

Ka schi Mph: gal cduci the of Ili lint)

Tet Call spee

Att senta cites

ir fount this

pt.!’ 11111‘.

bre .


Page 5: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

() i___)ocicti Scene


Greek Garbles

By ERNIE VOSPER OSP’ Give "First Aid"

Dom2 Pendleton and John Toloi. son. De:ta Sigma Phis, am .iii.. -

1._i d a:d Sunday to iliju,e,1 c,c,ipants af a ear which crash.,1

:;.ont ot the chapter ,101.1140.

’lie accident occurred hen.the dreer, a woman .a ho was learn-in�-� the lundamerdals if driving 11-0711 her husband, smacked the eat into a tree.

-She made the mistake :tep-pin�: on the gas pedal instead �if the Wake,- P,ndleton quipped.

Greek Gatherings Phi Sigma Kappas recently enter-

tained members of Kappa Alpha Th,�ta sorority at a "1930’s Gang-s.tfr" party held at the chapler house. Alpha Chi Omegas met with the Theta Xis Wednesday for an evcnina of i.oller skating at the local rink. Coffee, cider, and dough-nuts were served at the Theta Xi house following the party.

Leap Year Leaps Kappa Kappa Gamma Ida Me-

schi recently received the Kappa Alpha fraternity pin of Don Musa-gal of Stanford. pat Giese, junior education major, now is wearing he Kal.:x Alpha’ fraternity pin

of Bill Miley. sophomore conserva-tion major.

IkissifietI WANTED

Term papers or other typing. Call Hazel at CY 4-4089. Rapid speed: reasonable rates.


Attention: Your campus repre-sentative for Chesterfield cigar-ettes will supply a rton of Ches-terfields as a reward for lost and found ads if the writer mentions this reward in his ad.


Rooms for Rent. Girls only. $12.50 per month. Private entrance and community kitchen available. 112 S. 12th street.

Male Students. $47 per month.. Two blocks from college. 11 meals per week. Television lounge. Board only $27.50 per mo. 101 N. Fifth sheet. CY 2-5920.

Rooms for two boys. Kitchen priv. ’Linens furnished. $17.50 each per Month. 421 S. 11th street. ’

Wanted: College girl to work for room and board. Help with house, work and care of two girls. Near college. Phone (7Y 5-6515.

One male student to share room. $12 per month. Two blocks from college. 491 S. Seventh street.

Two Harks from college, three-room furnished apt. Suitable for two men or married eouple. $70 a month, utilities included. 491 S. Sex enth street.

College Girlie boarding house has one vacancy. Share comfort-able room with one. Good food. 301 S. Third street.

Close in. large, attractive, stu-dio room with dressing room and kitchen. Also a small apt. 545 S. Fourth street.

Comfortable, quiet room for two , I. - Reasonable. Kitchen privi-

Kappa Alpha Holds Open House, Buffet

�photo tiv Rider Tilt; SIDNE1 Ann Gilpin Lenis trophj an anard for achieve-ment and progress in fraternity life, rvwentiv ssa� presented to the Gamma Xi chapter of Theta (hi fraternitv. The ass ard is

given annualtj. to the outstand-Kappa Alpha fraternity recentlj ing group in the counlxv by the

held an open house and buffet sup- Grand chapter of Theta Chi. Ad-

am- to give the member’s parents tmoirriingghithTronmen44trop:fyviaerre,prelesft

in opportunity to see the chapter ident: Ray Vonce, past presi-house and meet the brothers and

Viser ;M.r.DRicT(Waln11:rrisent.ragtr.orunp

ad their families. it president: and Bob Custer.

Floral designs of red carnations.

white stock, blossoms and ferns

decorated the table. The KA Moth-

ers club was in charge of the buffet


Jerry Vertin was general chair-

man for the open house, and Bill

Lamson was in charge of decora-tions. Don Haney, Dean Cover-stone. Bruce summers. taj Flood,

and Rono Loamy worked on the committee

)1 to Visit aituret) .,.

Services at the First Church of Christ Scientist will be attended by Student Y members Sunday at 10:30 am., according to church visitation chairman Rm.., Miser.

Students who wish to attend are urged by Miser to be present at the Y office at 10:13 a.m. Sunday.

Icges. 874 S. 10th street.

Need two men to share room. $20 per month. Kitchen privileges. Telephone. One-half block from school. Good deal Call CY 3-1469 or apply at 355 S. Sixth street.

It’s time to go beyond doubt!" This is the series title for seven talks or sermons. You’ve �Iready mined Ha first one! Plan to offend the second which is

"The Emergence of Man" Screen and Churcn Serve

Sunday. March 9, 1952 at 11:00 am.

Channing Club

will meet 7:30 p.m. in the Fireside ROOM March 9. so plan to attend. Session will be devoted to dive’ -Ong the program for net quar-ter, and also to getting started on the UNESCO PROJECT Students are welcom�.

The First Unitarian Church 160 N. THIRD STREET


Delicious Italian Dinners . . .



Come As You Are Week Days�S1.40

Sundays & Holidays S1.60

Private Banquet Room

Hof Food to Take Out Spaghetti, 0t. 65c

Ravioli, co. 75c

A quart of each feeds lig

THE ITALIAN RESTAURANT Open I I 30 A M .0 9 00 P M �Sat and Sun U-til 910 P


Downstairs CY 4-5045

Fruiav Mar 7. 1952 SPARTAN DAILV

llutstatulin2 Chapter’ Triplt�

ht (dreli 14) LOCtli Thew

The Gamma Xi chapter of Theta arer: Bill 4 )Mks, 10�41��i� Ii aternitj recent I) was award- oi p..i�

,�cl the Sidnej Ann Gilpin Lewis Ph..1 son , trophy as the most outstandin,!,

lain 1 tiek Chai k�11 co, chapter thi.: countrj. st�ci � . ITSiTI IAN IiI

The onnual a w ard w as an- ,11.1 ‘1111111e.’d tic the Grand chaptcr

Th ia Chi. Th., local iine ill the co:ingest evi% e t he honor.

Installation of trat..rnity was la-id :1Iondaj night at

Hhaptev house ottivers initial � � � l’�

m.o, sty! eta’) . Earl j Elam, hi,.,’--

1)1 s (.4111’4111C!

S1/11 I )1’.1111s. Bal.

1)elta Upsilon traternitj now is constructing a soft drink bar LI

. the basement of the chaplet hour’. The curved "S" bar will he made

of glass and red brick with a black formica top. Redwood planks and bamboo partitions covered with ivj are being designed. A plush leather! ’horseshru. h.,


CIRCUS? at the


KAM amps

prin spectator pumps


Special Rates to All Campus Organizations

Angel Food Donuts 5 6C,2

A DIAMOND is Forever


Priced n C,ocht terms ;14:1�sifed.

D.a,nencl% � Wn.,i.es


. OA\ I.

t_ �

ito kin , :1\s:4 ’4) � �

I00 S. First Sins,’ 1920

Mid�high heel and flattering extension sole makes it the

perfect classic shoe with cottons, knits, suits � as.z.Lres walking ease. FIRST and SANTA CLARA

Page 6: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

Top Boxers in West Spartan Swimmers Scuttle TI Navy for Fourth Victory

Pocatello Tourney Starts Tonight

Hy Lloyd ttronn


Most of aii the West, HP

Sat. tit,ite ,r4g.t 1;no.ersity. sail pirticip �

this tonne y Ida ho St ;,t will Ilse men, Idaho two, tide

Cal Poi, two, and Cal:forma ar Sant:, (1:4ra rpm

lollars Gregory. Santa (’hors. :we bras right� t eled yen terd�y to the Northwest lob Ith 4 ..a. to IN, P��11431’.� piano-ho-is.Froue Pair; Iron I atom, Mork Adkn is. Jerry ’stern, stan Mar ell, Darrell Dukes P , aul Reeder and !Sortie 4 arirr.

I ’31 t��r will Is. Idling the .00 Of Ted Springston, who woos forced by an Inpify to rem om ain it he rartei has had no previous ,�x -/wrier.... aside frolli nO% ire tourna-m b ents, ut has stead vd ily improe

"mei the season Evidetwe of this 14 the fart that he failed It) non it match in Ihe 165 It, division fat the Now a, u tot 130 I A lT1 vre114.1,

hilt tivrisilinerf Heavyweight Ik’ruo SulltVan of Santa Clara last weei. on the 1110 Northein h.rnta Nov lee Roos

T 1 St UR \ �R.t1,141 e.orned rii;tot to rrpresent 1 he Spurt en. in it.. II ’ illy Ishii, of the led. � � tttttt sin tourney ley � dicing Si 1. � eors�� in 3 chill Irng� it, 11 ��� ��I � Alter11����11.

I. he finest In

I I lit. 11N." Marti’ nih roe � strong field in the 1541 Ito, thylsion of the Poralello tourna-ment. Ile probably so. ill meet de-fending champion 1:11.34 lath Mehl) of Idaho stale tonight or 1 ttttttt rrow night.

Coach Charley Walker’s Spartan Bob Filler continued the Win-

splashers looked good in repeating nor..’ first place assault by taking

"Baseball games scheduled for this afternoon and tomorrow after_ non have been rained out," Coach Walt Williams lamented yesterday.

The vaniity ass to have met the Alameda Navy this after-noon. On Saturday the Reserve%

Adwere scheduled to meet Modesto

Bluejackets. San Jose State’s Jack Coultas was Spartan’s Fred Postal and Num second. Bill Short and Stan Son-

Kong Fong were the top point deno placed one-two for the Spar.

getters of the night. Postal won tans in the 200 yard breast stroke. The time was 2:46.7. the 50 and 100 yd. free style

events in 2t6 and 56.7, respec-tively. Fong’s victories came in

for a double-header. 1Aillianos’ reserves lost io twin hill to Mo-desto, 3-0 and 8-3, earlier In the A oleason.

Nest on tap for the Spartan, will be the third in a three-game

with the San Jose alumni \larch 15. In their first ’meeting the varsity edged the alumni, 5-4, in the dosing innings.

Wednesday the teams met again mg tournament at (’iv,.’ Audi.. and the foowerfUl alUMni blasted

i101111111 ; their way to a 7-2 victory over i Ile so ill forntai lily hay.’ too file*. ! the Spartan.. ;Rill Schettler of Gonzaga before Chuck G o 4 s h a II and Earl

I the toornament draws to a close Wright led the ’.’.ay for the Tin� zag der isit ono, I Spri to’’.tor , a lumni, collecting seven of their

IA loo�r� his team defeated the Sp.ii team’s I? hits. Godshall rapped

s tan three weeks ago, 51i-2’2. out a pair of hum.’ roan.., :0 triple,

and a single In as many times at Den Vamp, Raider ring rap- hat, lle had three RBI’s and

lain, will he attenopting too re- scored three runs. prat his performance of last ’.031’Williams wasn’t happy with his which brought Mtn the feather- teams’ performance on Wednesday. %% eight crown. 1 hatio�es :are good ,sa,, ing. -They made Inn mans that he will face :Mother 1951 mistake’s" Last night’s practice Int. tail,,ehampioin In liar- session was to be devoted to iron -le, Tonne, Idaho Slate gloveman ing out the team’s play, but late who noon the 130 Ito. Ws isiiin in , afternoon rains pre% enied practice last year’s tourney "nd h".’ of any kind. shown great strength this year.

TIA0 other partwipants all &lending their titles Bolo laosseylUchida’s Judomen


o C r t"LA and F:Ilsworth Webb of Idaho Stale Spai tan ferry Stern, ii1

,ntefeited in the ’’iii Wi se ll a SI m, ’ Enter Valley Meet ,.bak,i, Will IIIVO I h���03.y in the , 117 lb di’,i!Ol on

6 SPARTAN DAILY event on the card last night to I and 5:39.5. Friday, Mar. 7, 1952 win a first place as they copped Freshman ace Jay Flood cap-

the 400 yd. relay, but were de- lured the 150 yard individual med-

feated for the second straight time last night by the Spartan mermen, 61-23, in the Spartan

. pool. ing for the winners. Ball Gaines

1 Treasure Island’s swimming the 220 and 440 yard free style

� � - team had to wait until the final1 races. His clockings were 2:34 1

Rain Delays 9

Varsity Rests Itheir last month’s win over the the 200 yard back stroke in 2:37.1.

Coach Yosh Uchida will enter

Sensational Chuck Adkins. soph. his judoists in the Northern Cali -

onion. Spartan light welterweight, fornia Judo Championships in

is expected to win his weight di - ’Stockton Sunday.

vision. ()them entries in this class I For the last two years, Uchida are m Sa Nichols. Idahoan whom and Co. have returned home with Adkins TKO’d in their last meet- i the winner’s cup. Last year the m D g, and Dave Poole took of Gonzaga. Spartan juioists tk every trophy

t Mardi will find the 156 lb divi. !excep one However, Coach Uchida said, -I am a hit skeptical of a third win"

This year San Jose will enter only a senior tearn. James Fos-ter, the only returning veteran, will be the team captain. Lyle hunt, last year’s junior team captain so. ill hethe second team member.

The remaining three members of the Spartan team will be chosen from the following: Tom Dunlap, Larrv Tambellini, Bill ()’Doan, Bob Lees. Ford Harvey, Chris Bell, and Rav Capella.

Ten teams will be entered in the championships: Mann SC, Stock-San Jose Buddhist church. Oakland Travis Air Base, Berkeley YMCA, 1Tniversity of California, and the Spartans.

sun, a tough test of his hoXitr: Besides Welds, Jack Bet-

’’’Iiit of Cal PoIv and Tom Keys of I:on/awl will battle for this title


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vertising Group wards ’Shovels’ "The Order of the Golden Shov-

el." an organization of outstand-

ing ad staff members, initiated

six new members in an impressive, candle-lit ceremony in the Spar-tan Daily lecture room yesterday.

Initiates are Frank Gendusie, Bob Melbye, Gelso Gualco, Bill Codiga, Tucker Simpson, and Dale Harris. "The Golden Shovel" is given each quarter to ad staffers who have sold five contracts or more. The six men received Golden Shovel clasps, and special certifi-cates.

ley. His time was 1:44.8, Bill Finch and Freshman Brooke Vincent went one-two in the 3-meter div-

Special Rates to

College Group Parties



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Page 7: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space


Friday. Mar 7, 1952 SPARTAN DAILY 7 ( lark Among Top Five

Coaches Choose All-Star Cagers

By ROY HURLBERT Three centers, one forward, and a guard were the coaches’

choices in the Spartan Daily’s second annual all -independent basketball team compiled yesterday.

Cage coaches of San Jose, St. Mary’s, Santa Clara, USF, San Francisco State, and College of Pacific mailed in their ballots this week with first, second, and honorable mention teams. Coaches were not allowed to choose players from their own squad.

The lirst string live includes Centers Ben Gibson of St. Mary’s, George Clark of the Spartans, hook-shot artist Kevin Duggan of the San Francisco State Gators, Guard Phil Vukiecevich of USF, and Forward Jim Young of Santa Clara. Clark was listed on the first team in last year’s poll.

Duggan receised the most votes as the outstanding eager among the independents for the 1951-52 ...amen. Close behind for the honor seas Yukiecevich, high -scoring Don guard. Gibson led the independents in

scoring in games among them-selves, with a ten-game output of 143 points for a 14.3 average per

Netmen Face JC Champions

Sparta ’s varsity tennis team gets a tough assignment this after-noon when they maet the Modesto JC netmen, national junior college champions, at 3 p.m. on the Bac-kesto Park courts.

The visitors are rated as one of the best junior college teams in the nation and are strong favorites to maintain. their JC-erown this year.

Their No. 1, Than, Whitney Reed, is ranked 15th nationally, ahile Jerry DeWitt,. No. 2 Mo-destoan, Is rated 20th in the country. Modesto also has Norm Peterson, national junior college singles champ, and three ex-perienced players from Canada. This is the third outing of the

season for the Spartans. They lost th-eir opener to Stanford and then swamped Santa Clara last week. 9-0.

SHOW SLATE California: cY 3-7007

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SUNNYSIDE OF THE STREET-Frankie Lain* Terry Moore

Mayfair: CY 3-840!

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Mission: CY 3-814

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"CROSSWINDS" John Payne, Rhonda Fleming

-REDHEAD AND THE COWBOY.’ Glenn Ford. Rhonda Fleming


"ROOM FOR ONE MORE". Cary Grant. Betsy Drake

’MAGIC CARPET -Technicolor

Lucille Ball. John Agar

One of Five

SPARTAN GEORGE CLARK, 6 ft. 6 in. center, teas a near-unanimous choice on the second annual Spartan Daily All -Inde-pendent team. The lanky senior already had been named to the All -Northern California second team and to a third team berth on the All -I oa Palace squad.

game. Spartan senior Clark tallied ’$1 urn men Ream 136 points in nine independent games for a 15.1 average.


The deadly Duggan posted the Drive for P( :I highest per-game scoring mark in five independent tussles, netting

97 points in five games for a 19.4 Top Spot ()night average, tops in the mythical league. By Dick Deg-non non

placed fourth in Hopes of captut�ing the Pacific V Coa s t Intercollegiate wrestling championship for the first time in the school’s history, could mature into a reality, as Spartan wrestling coach Ted Mumby will send a strong mat squad against the field tonight and tomorrow in the. 1952 PCI meet at Cal Poly’s Crandall gym ’

the independent scoring column with 117 points in 10 games for a 11.7 average. lie was an out-standing floor man and an fine

m tea pla seas the

Bronco Young as the second highest scoring for-ward in the loop, with a 11.4 average in nine games for 103 points.

The second team consists of For-wards Drew Turner of St. Mary’s, and Bob Peters of Santa Clara. we centers, Rod Detrick of Col-

lege of Pacific and Herb Schoen-stein of Santa (Nara and Guard Elmer Craig, Coach Walt Mcl’her. son’s hard-working Spartan field _teneral. Craig and Peters were -econd-team choices a year ago.

Accorded honorable ment ion honors is a unit of Forwards Lee Jensen of the Spartans and Ken Sears of Santa Clara, versatile Forward-Center Frank Evangelho of USF, and Guards Gene Sosnick lif COP and Vic Gipson of San Francisco State.


FIRST TEAM Jim Young Santa Clara Key Duggan SF State George Clark SJS Ben Gibson St. Mary’s Phil 5"iikicmich 11"SF



I-, Sr’. S..-


iu n mua 0 Brn ie, I.x Sr. � ’TWO OF A KIND

Eas °red to ss in the croan this year are co-champions Cal and Washington slat e. San JON/. State, and 1.1.1.A.

Washington Slate Coach Bill To-maras pins his hopes of retaining the title on undefeated Iry Dahl-berg, 130 lb. grappler. Aside from Dahlberg, the strength of the team is questionable. The Spa rtans downed the Cougars in a (lose match last month. In the last three years the Cougars have L-opped two PCL titles and two northern AAU crowns.

Trackmen Depart Today for Relays

1 ja.m, for the annual Long Beach j Relays, which will be held tomor-row, for their fa’s( competition of � he year.

Coach Bud Winter will lake 15 1of his top tracksters to the beach city to meet the top athletes in ’he country. in the first of the

relajs n the West Cwt./

Fa Bill Tunnel! Spartan It ackst, scc., -ched-

uled to leas, this morning at 9:20 ’

itelay te.uns r the 440. 8811, and tato-mile distances still he entered, probalily in the college. class, according to II itiairls %%inter. Santa Barbara college, san Diego Mate, Fresno State, and Lir% Angeles Slate cciii be entered in the college class along with the Gold and White.

"I don’t want to work my boys too hard this early in the season by sending them in the open divi-sion, which will include USC, UCLA, Occidental, and the various athletic clubs," said Winter.

Representing the Spartans in the 440 relay will he four newcomers to State track fans: Joe Orocehi, i freshman from Sunnyvale, with probably the fastest start of all the Spa rt an sprinters; Kenny Doler, a spoed-burner from Glen-dale college: Don Gillespie, fresh-man hurdler from Manual Arts high school in Los Angeles. and Walt Burnett, a transfer from San Mateo JC. Burnett is the best of the crop of Gold and White sprint-ers, off his 10 8 mark fur yards last aet.k

Gillespie. and Burnett still be je. .11 in the. 860 relay by Paul Dennis, last year’s hurdler for the Spartans, and another first year man, I% en S rt., a

; transfer Irons Pasadena city col-lege. The two-mile relay teams will

offer a little more experience, ini that three-fourths of the team are seasoned veterans from last year’s winning squad: Jim Grant. a dis-tance man who has toured the half-mile in 1:59; Bob Anderson. top MO man for the Gold and White last season with a 1:58 mark, and Bob McMullen, unde-feated an the mile lad t Year with

Brigg Hunt’s Bruin mat men has e had a good season and boast of a former PCI Wait in Bryan Os-borne, who was out of isailikel it ion last year and this season is w.rest-ling in tilt-, 168 lI’ di p. in Forini�r Bruin foothalkr be a strong contender in t - heavyweight class.

Mat Coach Henry Stone of the California Rear squad will bring 25 years of mat tutoring to this I steekeners PC1 finals. Slone’s hop.% for a first place is in the. 177 lb. division %% here Bent le.. Lyon, defending PC1 champ. a Is’ favored to repeat last yl.H1 -

winning effort,

Chief Spartan threat r-Waxham. defending PCI t.� the 155 lb. division. Muni’ send Washarn aaainst UCI�t home in the 1t;5 lii clatc

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hest ’king i�: I rs halt tied the school record..MeMullen is rumored to hate ran the half mile in 1:5.5. They will be joined by either Bob Stewart, Mod.� JC transfer who spivializes mile, or John Bollinger. City freshman with a best of 2:01.9 for the 880.

The five field men who will make the trip will be entered in the open competition. and aside from Herm Wyatt, Olympic hope-ful in the high jump, will probably have rough times trying to bring back blue ribbons

Wyatt will be competing against most of the same crowd he consistently beat last year. although .a minor leg baker, may Ice tamp), -r 1 some.


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Page 8: f.-6Z)sec1f Spartan Daily College 'Use Tech High Space

P -f�trt 1 \ frit 1 1 Friday Mar 7 Plifi?, Amneil Seeks 1.1tolorsItip Fund Committee

II ill Oiler Two s1011() Loons

\ i.11111.1111 10110�Co� re(

Ana letters of rel.-rent,- most 1/1-

.411 10 II1I� III/�17.-� of the

bctore al.. I. Intre.ted

a. and graotoo.ste �lardent.

.1o..utal matte .opplio.otion t., Sir.

I. IVO III, on Ito ..... II I prior lo

II..ot date

a, � el .11111, I0 I I.tt, i\II

04. re. risroi � .�.1..t.- of .1.614.� 4.0ot

1..4. .4. � r,���.1 .1.1.411111,11I �101a.

0, .01 of*, fill I 111 :11�0 is

, � 4111/�,11 t.. ..-not traie.eript. ot

ito apploo.onl’� oollege record.. And ..1 lo tuo letters uritten

fo the It% per.on� en

..;.ogeof in their maim held.

ii.. I,. au as. el (..,11!�.,,,,.;

I I, 1,�11, 11.1.14Itj

\ /Ill� .111,111H,

IP Irv,

� S�t im Lxanis

1, -.a host uill ge giten toda% ..... II:30 :1.111. to 11:30

p.m. and I 1:311 to, 330 p.m.

al lin pool III 4/1.- 5%.. �II.� 14%111

for u0111,11 stmt.-at. nistiing to b.. ..VI�trint..al trom the required

opiarter ot so aann.i ng. Student�

111’0 t report to Dr. Ellen -In th Prange, a...oft:int proffe..or

oI ph...if-al education, at the

pool. and towel.

ii ill he proaided, hut Oudent.

folo�t bring their our, b..thing

� �

Fraiernit� %Nits � � - � �

Four trt Lithants la-lta Phi Delta.

hiaioiary art fraternity,

hail aro oppoirturool!. to, a ow many ’,too:a:Ai:1g :lit works MI a 11.1.1�141

’tip to, Sall Foam-taco Ve.it. at era- mode to the Rotunda

gallery at the (’it) 01 Paris to Gump’. y Fraternity inemburs also attended the fifth

shots trig of contemporary Amer-;,ii paintim� at the Palau.. of the

I., ’,ion it know. :1/111 %I...wed the 71.1 exhibition ol painting


Double-Take Denims go sissy with popcorn fringe

trim. Pick yours in charcoal grey

or cocoa from a coordinate group.

Unni and Ada Inglebak model two

smart combinations at look -twice




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. S2.98



, � \ 1/41,11,1ra.

sal,/ /1..4

Camp Leaders Applications for Freshman Camp

icounselort are available now at - the Student Union.

The Market Place

Four Will Receive Technical Degrees

Four technical students will re-,eive Associate of Arts diplomas this quarter, according to Dr

� Applicants should fill out these i (Information on the t.,ttoialng ilarrison Heath. coordinator of

torms and put them in the Fresh-1 technical .7urricula.-opportunities elin bi- obtained at man Camp hos in the Student ti ie A

pi, l(n of the, 140.1 100 ) They are: Raymond Caruso. mer-

Union. Counselors for the next .

ichandising; Car/ Egli, general bus.

camp session. which is scheduled A one-way trip to Alaska now ;iness; Harold P. Serio, drafting, i. 1"1" Sept 13. 14. and 15. wabeinge’is being offered (or students x and Gene Wolf, ger..ral busines.- liol

chosen from these -ipplications 1 These students may. obtain their Queios stn asked on th,se tormsWill notreturning to ichool’ ’diplomas March 14, in Room 121),

coreern previous Freshman Camp: texp..rience. grade point average.’

!interests and hobbies, and miun-I or leadership experience.

Applicants also must state whether I they will he available for an all -day session on Sept 12.

Doc Weaver and Carol I..arson have been appointed assistant .1i -rectors of Freshman Camp for next tLilt, and Bob 1.1jaunch has been

iatie an extra lower class ma-i’s--f t he committee.

� - � tits Need 12 Units The ’a litotruia Veteran.’ ad-

niinistration ha’, ruled that grad-

uate sett-ran. enrolled under the

"Cal -Vet" plan oiled carry a niinin llllll at 11 unit. in order to

I he for sfitri.tenee. Pre -Oiled) the) !Acre 10.4114114r,d to

cart.) iiril) 10 units, tilron Gut -tortoni -iv, accounting

and sculpture at the San Franeise,. museum.

spring quaiter and wish to work

in Alaskan fisher’,

A student who has a sellout bus

driver’s license is needed to trans-

port Chandler Tripp ,chool :thil-

dren from Palo Alto to San Jose

and back during spring vacatioo,

ior have them mailed, Dr. Heath I said

; from March 17-21.

Hours are 7:30 to 9 a’clock in.

the morning and 3 to 4:30 o’clock

in the afternoon Pay is S.3.50 per day

Denny-Wabous Attractior.s CIVIC AUDITORIUM

SAT. EVE., MAR. 8, 8:30


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