Ezobject wrapper workshop

It’s all about eXperience EzobjectWrapper Workshop

Transcript of Ezobject wrapper workshop

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It’s all about eXperience

EzobjectWrapper Workshop

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1. Why we needed a wrapper

2. What is ezobjectwrapper ?

3. Hands on exercises

4. Q&A2

EzobjectWrapper Workshop

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Why we needed a wrapper

01● Performance issues when

displaying multiple contents in the same page with ez_content:viewLocation

● Rendering rules in classes rather than repositories/controller

● Listing different content types with the same HTML code


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What is EzobjectWrapper ?

02● Bundle originally made by

Antonin Savoie, dev@Kaliop

● A wrapper encapsulates content & location (lazy loading)

● Each wrapper provides its own methods / business logic

● Factory creates corresponding wrapper object depending on content type

● Bonus : renderLocation twig function


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Github repos

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Encapsulates content & location

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public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container, $location = null, $content = null) { ….

$this->location = $location; $this->content = $content; }

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Lazy loading

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public function content() { if($this->content == null){ $this->content = $this->repository->getContentService()->loadContent($this->location->contentId); } return $this->content; }

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EzobjectWrapper factory

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public function buildeZObjectWrapper($source) { $locationSource = null; $contentSource = null;

if(is_numeric($source)) { $locationSource = $source = $this->repository->getLocationService()->loadLocation($source); } elseif($source instanceof Content) { $contentSource = $source; } else { $locationSource = $source; }

$contentTypeIdentifier = $this->repository->getContentTypeService()->loadContentType($source->contentInfo->contentTypeId)->identifier; $mappingEntities = $this->container->getParameter('class_mapping'); $defaultClass = $this->container->getParameter('default_ezobject_class');

if(isset($mappingEntities[$contentTypeIdentifier])){ $className = $mappingEntities[$contentTypeIdentifier]; } else { $className = $defaultClass; }

$objectWrapper = new $className($this->container, $locationSource, $contentSource);

return $objectWrapper; }

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renderLocation Twig function

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{{ render( controller( "ez_content:viewLocation", {"locationId": 123, "viewType": "line"} ) ) }}

Before :

{{ renderLocation( 123, "line" )|raw }}

After :

public function renderLocation($locationID, $viewType, $params = array()) { $rendering = $this->container->get('ezpublish.controller.content.view')->viewLocation($locationID, $viewType, false, $params);

return htmlspecialchars_decode($rendering->getContent()); }

How it works :

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Hands on exercises


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Check your ezobjwrapper instance is working

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$ cd /var/www/summercamp/workshops/ezobjwrapper

$ git pull

$ git checkout step-0

Open http://ezobjwrapper.ezsc in your browser

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