

Transcript of Eyesight

  • 1. Long Distance Short Distanceeyesight
    By: Aaliyah HIbbler

2. Introduction
Many people may not realize it, but eyes are very sensitive.They adjust based on focus, light, distance, and other variables.How does this change when we get older?Does it become harder to switch between seeing things up close and seeing them far away?
3. Materials
Eye Chart
4. Objective
The purpose of this experiment is to determine how age affects the speed that someone can change the focus of their eyes between near sightedness and far sightedness.
5. Research questions

  • How do eyes work?

Eyes work when light recoil off of an object and into the eyeball. Through refraction of light and the lens of the eyeball the brain examines what it sees.

  • Does eyesight change with age?

Yes, because as we age the lens in our eyes gradually becomes harder. This makes it more difficult to focus. Sometimes the muscles of the eye also weaken over time, which can also make it harder to focus on what you are looking at. This relates to both things that are close to you and things that are further away
6. What is the difference between far sightedness and short sightedness?
7. Hyperopia
Farsightedness is a vision fault caused by an imperfection in the eye (often when the eyeball is too little or when the lens cant become round enough), causing incapability to focus on near objects, and in intense cases causing a victim to be incapable to focus on items at any distance. As an object shifts toward the eye, the eye must amplify its power to keep the image in focus on the retina. If the power of the cornea and lens is deficient, as in hyperopia, the image will come into view blurred.
8. Myopia
Short-sightedness, is a refractive imperfection of the eye in which collimated light produces image focus in front of the retina while the eyes are relaxed. Those with myopia see nearby objects clearly but distant objects appear blurred. With myopia, the eyeball is too long, or the cornea is too steep, so images are focused in the vitreous inside the eye rather than on the retina at the back of the eye.
9. Experimental Procedure
Find a collection of subjects willing to partake in this experiment.(Subjects from different agessome over 40, some in their teens, some younger than that, some over 60, etc.)
Make sure that these subjects know that when they show up, they are allowed to have glasses (NOT bifocals)-They do not take the glasses off while reading something close.
Direct an eye exam from a poster that is suspended far away.
Give your partakers a break.
Manage a second eye exam from a book that is near.
Independently, make every member take an eye exam from a poster hung far away, then quickly shift to reading the book close up.Measure how long it takes for them to make this shift.a. In addition, count the number of mistakes made while these charts.
10. Hypothesis
I think that the vision of the younger members will be stronger than the older. members.
11. Results
The nine year old made four mistakes reading far and no mistakes reading near.
The fifteen year old made two mistakes reading far and no mistakes reading near.
The thirty-five year old made one mistakes reading far and no mistakes reading near.
The fifty-one year old made no mistakes reading far and seven mistakes reading near.
The seventy-five year old made five mistakes reading far and four mistakes reading near.
The older the person was the more mistakes were made. This also shows the difference in the visions some members were far sighted and some were near sighted
12. Reference

  • www.ask.com 13. www.google.com 14. www.yahoo.com

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