Extraction and application of natural food colorants

Extraction And Application Of Natural Food Colorants 1 sujeevine

Transcript of Extraction and application of natural food colorants

Page 1: Extraction and application of natural food colorants

Extraction And Application Of Natural Food Colorants


Page 2: Extraction and application of natural food colorants

IntroductionFood color is any substance that is added to food

to change or enhance its color. 1) Natural colors

2) Synthetic colors 3) Lakes and dyesThe FDA calculated estimated intake of the

colorants in 2010 to be roughly 45mg per person per day (Carol.C.B,2013).

The nutrition foundation believed - For children 27mg per day to be average daily

intake (Carol.C.B,2013). 2

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Hyperactivity, asthma, skin rashes, Carcinogenic compoundSunset yellow

Induce allergies & asthmaCancer

Brillint Blue

Hyperactivity and skin rashes

Adverse effects of Synthetic colorants Allura red

May worsen or induce asthma, hives


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Perception of food colorants

4 Figure1: consumer perception Source: food ingredient first

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Natural Food Colorants

Natural Food Color is any dye, pigment or any other substance obtained from



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Natural distribution of pigments


Carotenoids Chlorophylls Anthocyanins Caramel

Polyphenols Turmeric

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CAROTENOIDSCarotenoids can occur in nature in four states 1. As crystals2. As esters of fatty acids.3. In combinations with sugars4. In combination with protein

Some important color pigments of carotenoidsAlpha-Carotene Beta-CarotenoidsLycopene LuteinZeaxanthin Capsanthin

Betacrpytoxanthin7 (Natural food colors ,2014)

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Applicationssorbets beverages Confectionerysauces

Fruits or seeds extracted from them are crushed. It is extracted using organic solution

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ANNATTO Annatto, also called Roucou, used to produce a Orange

(red) food coloring and also flavoring agent (Smith.J. )

Cheeses MargarineButterRicesmoked fishcustard powder


Figure2: Bixa orellana and it’s seed (source: www.indiannaturaloils.com)


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PAPRIKA Red to reddish orange color

Tomato productspizzameat products soupsSmaller quantities are used in salad dressing,

snacks, cheese &confectionery10

Figure3: Capsicum annuum Source: www.unpri.org


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SaffronThe zeaxanthin occur in several other plants, but

Crocus sativus is the only commercial source. Saffron as having anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic

and antioxidant properties (Premkumar.A et al ,2010)yellow-orange

ApplicationsConfectionariesLiquorsDairy products

11 Figure4: Crocus sativus (Source: www.baomoi.com )

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LYCOPENE Lycopene occurs as the major (85-90%)

pigment in red tomatoes (Frncis.F.J,1999).


Figure5: Lycopersicon esculentum (Source: www.agrohold.com.tr)

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AnthocyaninsThese colors offer good light, heat and pH stability in most

applications and can apply with pasteurization and UHT treatment

Color Pigments: Only six are important in food (Frncis.F.J,1999); - Cyanidin- Delphinidin- Malvidin- Peonidin- Petunidin- Pelargonidin


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Anthocyanin pigments are extracted from Red Cabbage, Strawberries, Grape Skin, Indian corn, Roses, Black Currant, Blueberries and Raspberries (Frncis.F.J,1999). These pigments are responsible for the red, purple, and blue colors.

ApplicationsBeverages, fruit fillings, Snacks, dairy products

and confectionery.


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Grape skin extract:Treatment of skin with water containing up to 3000ppm of sulfur dioxide or its equivalent in bisulfite or metabisulfite.

The final product is a particle-free liquid, which may also be dried to produce a water-soluble dry powder.

Source: Manufacturing Methods for Natural Colors

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The roots of beet, known as an attractive food and as means desirable red color.

The betalain group contain about 50 red pigments called betacyanins and 20 yellow pigments termed betaxanthins(Frncis.F.J,1999)

Figure5: beta vulgaris (Source: www.wisegeek.org)


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Liquid concentration can be prepared by

pressing blanched ground beets filtering the liquid (concentrated under vacuum )

Applications Ice creams Sausages

Yoghurt Soft drinks Salad dressing Hard candies Cake mixtures Fruit chews

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ChlorophyllsThe chlorophylls are naturally occurring

pigments present in all photosynthetic plants, including algae and some bacteria.

18Figure6: Alfalfa and Nettles (Source: www.claire-bayeux.com)

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Take 1g of sample and add about 5ml of water and homogenize in blender

Make up homogenate to 10ml with water and centrifuge the solution

Take 5ml of aliquot and add 4.5ml of 80% acetone to it for extracting the pigments.

Centrifuge, remove the supernatant

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The major portion of both oil-soluble and water-soluble forms is used in

Dairy productsEdible oilsSoupsChewing gumSugar confectionsDrinks(Frncis.F.J,1999)

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Phycobilins are major biochemical components of blue-green and red algae.

major groups according to colour(Frncis.F.J,1999): phycoerythrins - red with a bright orange

fluorescence phycocyanins - fluorescence blueallophycocyanins- fluorescence red

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Freeze drying

Centrifuged for removal of chlorophyll and carotene

-Ammonium sulfate -ion exchange

ApplicationChewing gumSoft drinksIce creams

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Cochineal extract is a red solution obtained by treating the dried bodies of female cochineal insects, particularly Dactylopius coccus costa.

2-4% carminic acid as the main red color compound (Frncis.F.J,1999)

Figure7: Dactylopius coccus costa (Source: www.taringa.net)

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• Carmine based products are ideally suited for food systems with a pH above 3.5

SausagesJams, gelatin desserts Baked goods Confectionaries IcingsDairy products (cheese, ice cream)Un carbonated drinks

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Turmeric is the dried ground rhizomes of several spices of curcuma longa

The dried rhizome is ground and curcumin is extracted using a solvent

Turmeric is a bright yellow powder with a characteristics odor and taste

Figure8: curcuma longa & turmeric (Souece: www.toxicologycentre.com)

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Applicationscurcuminto be de-flavored before use in certain

applications.Ice cream and yougurt, cheeses, Backed goods, Confectionery, Cooking oils,Sauce,Salad dressingpicklesIt is also used alone or in combination with other

colorants such as annatto in spices

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Caramel is a brown colour

Commercial Preparation The heating of sugar 500C-1000C

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Class Reactants Applications

I. No ammonium or sulfite compounds

Distilled spirits, Spirits, Desserts, Spice blends

II. Sulfite compound Liquors

III. Ammonium compound Backed goods, beer, gravies

IV. Both sulfite and ammonium compounds

Soft drinks, pet foods, Soups

Table1: Class of Caramel Formulations


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Brown Polyphenols


CACAOThe colorants suitable for most foods for which a

brown color is desired.

Extraction method involves -hot acid-ethanol (Source: International Cocoa Organization,2003)Figure10: Theobroma cacao

(Source: www.topukluhaber.com)

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Production of soft drinks and alcoholChocolate flavoured drinksIce cream CakesBiscuitsConfectionery

(Source:International Cocoa Organization,2003)

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TeaPreparation of extracts of tea is usually a

simple extraction of the leaves and steams with warm water or ethanol, followed by filtration and concentration.

ApplicationReady-to-eat mealsMeat productsMargarinesSpreads

Figure11: Thea sinensis (Source: www.tetosene.no)

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Difficulties With Natural Food Colors


Color Stability and Fading Anthocyanine: Brighter in lower pH range and

becomes blue at higher pHHigh concentration can be change the colorHeat Sensitivity Anthocyanine: stable at 2 °C - 5 °CPrice and AvailabilityUnfavorable for oxidative condition Annatto

Natural food colors(2014)

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Dairy ProcessingMeat Processing

Beverage ProcessingConfectionaries



Synthetic food colorants

Natural food colorants



CarotenoidsAnthocyanins Chlorophylls



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Ahmed.A, Food chemistry [pdf] Available at <http://www.feingold.org/Research/PDFstudies/colors.pdf> [Accessed on 6th December 2016]

Bechtold.T, Mussak.R(1998); Hand book of naturl colorants; John wiley & sons ltd; west sussex; united kingdom; pp 65-147

Carol.C.B(2013); A comparison of daily consumption of artificial dye-containing food by American children and adult[pdf] Available at <http://commons.emich.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1839&context=theses> [Accessed on 2th April 2016]

Chitany Laksmi.G(2014); Food colouring: the natural way[pdf] Available at <http://www.isca.in/rjcs/Archives/v4/i2/15.ISCA-RJCS-2014-007.pdf > [Accessed on 18th March 2016]

Francisco, Octavio (2002); Natural colorants for food and Nutraceutical uses; CRC press; London; pp 7-59

Frncis.F.J(1999); Colorants; Eagan press; United states of America; pp 43-124.Julia.G.N.D(2007); Food additives; [pdf] Available at

http://www.juliagonen.com/docs/Food-additives.pdf [Accessed date: 14th February 2016].

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Premkumar.A, Ramesh.A(2010), Anti-carcinogenic, antimutagenic and antioxidant potential of saffron[pdf] Available at <http://www.globalsciencebooks.info/Online/GSBOnline/images/2010/FPSB_4(SI2)/FPSB_4(SI2)91-97o.pdf >

[Accessed on 18th March 2016]Smith.J; Annato Extraction [pdf] Available at

<http://ftp.fao.org/ag/agn/jecfa/cta_annatto.pdf> [Accessed on 20th February 2016]

Manufacturing Methods for Natural Colors, [online] [Accessed on 26th January 2016] Available from: http://www.ddwcolor.com/manufacturing-methods-for-natural-colors/

International Cocoa Organization(2003), [online] [Accessed on 18th march 2016]

Available from: http://www.icco.org/faq/52-by-products/115-products-that-can-be-made-from-cocoa.html

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Natural food dyes, [online] [Accessed on 26th January 2016] Available from: http://www.ebooklibrary.org/articles/Food_color

Colorants, [online] [Accessed on 26th January 2016] Available from:

http://web.ist.utl.pt/ist11061/fidel/flaves/sec4/sec4.html food ingredient first [pdf] Available at

http://www.foodingredientsfirst.com/news/54-Percent-of-Global-Consumers-Want-Products-With-Only-Natural-Colors-Claims-Study?type=article [Accessed on 2nd April 2016]

Natural food colors (2014), [online] [Accessed on 26th January 2016]

Available from: http://foodscintech.blogspot.com/2014/10/natural-food-colors_29.html

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Colorful food doesn't always indicate that the product is quality

37 Thank you Sujeevine…….