Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected] Presented by: Bill Whalen Solutions Specialist, RJS Software Extending Your Paperless Solutions: Building a Roadmap to Success


Learn how to extend WebDocs and other RJS solutions beyond their initial deployments to other departments in your organization. Learn a simple, six-step process that can help you identify opportunity areas, map out new solutions and build a project plan that gains stakeholder buy-in and helps you ensure a successful implementation. To learn more about RJS Software and the products we offer, visit http://www.rjssoftware.com/. Find product videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/RJSSoftwareSystems

Transcript of Extending your Paperless Solutions

Page 1: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Presented by:

Bill WhalenSolutions Specialist, RJS Software

Extending Your Paperless Solutions:

Building a Roadmap to Success

Page 2: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Why Extend Your Paperless Solution

Project Planning

The Solution Design/Taming Projects

The Six Steps of Solution Design


Learn More


Page 3: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Extend to other departments:

AP, HR, Shipping, Receiving, etc.

Save time and money.

Increase efficiency and get everyone working with the same


Why Extend Your Paperless Solution?

Page 4: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Solution Design is a comprehensive

planning and analysis service, and is the

first step for any major IT project. We

analyze current business processes,

identify areas for improvement or

automation, and work with you to

establish a project plan and solution


Why Use Solution Design?

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[email protected]

Solution Design helps you: Solidify your understanding of the problem

and desired solution Select the best solution for you Ensure everyone is on the same page Document clear objectives Create a feasible schedule Get commitment to implement Define a common language to use when

talking with a solution provider Describe the requirements and the

expected results Avoid surprises

Taming Your Projects (and the solution provider)

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[email protected]

Implementing an IT Project

Page 7: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Understand the ProblemUnderstand the Problem1 Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Design the SolutionDesign the Solution4

Document and PresentDocument and Present6

Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Map the Current Process Map the Current Process3Solution Design

The Six Steps of Solution Design

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[email protected]

Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Solution Design

Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem


Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Map the Current Process

Map the Current Process


Design the Solution

Design the Solution


Document and Present

Document and Present


Page 9: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Involve key users/departments and understand the problem:Paper reduction in the workplaceToo many file cabinetsDifficulty in finding information (time + costs)Distributed offices making it challenging to share documentsNeed for increased security in accessing information Industry/Government regulationsToo many systems, not integrated, difficult to distribute documentsTime and cost to retrieve and distribute documentsManaging the approval process

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

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[email protected]

Basic Purchase to Pay Process – Executive View




Make copies of documents

Sends copy to Accounting

Locate receiving document

Advanced Shipping Notification

Match to packing slip

Notate exceptions

Accept orderFiles in


Accounting files copy

Sends copy to Purchasing

Purchasing files copy

AP receives documents

Makes copies

Sends copy to Approver

Matching of documents Conforming


Reconcile process GL Coding Voucher entry Print checks

Match checks with paperwork

Approve / Sign



Sends copy to ReceivingPurc



User fills out requisition form

Walks to Purchasing to deliver requisition Enters PO in the

systemPrints approved PO

Mails / Faxes PO to vendor

File copy in Purchasing

Sends copy to Accounting

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[email protected]

Basic Purchase to Pay Process – User View

Order Request Form


Reviewer or ProxyApproves



Photocopy of Req.

ManualDelivery of Req.

to Admin

Requestor File Copyof Req.

Admin Sort and Deliver to

Reviewer for Approval

Copy of Approved

Req. Made

ManualDelivery of Req.

to Admin

Order Placed by Admin

Deliver Approved

Req. to Requestor

Order Placed by Requestor

File Approved


Copy of Approved Req. Filed

by Requestor

Deliver Approved

and Ordered

Req. to A/P


Merge invoice checks printed

Checks are stuffed


Single signature


Invoice Received




Invoices Delivery to A/P - Plant

Invoices are


Look up in ERP to Verify Received


Held until received


Visual Verification – Invoice to ERP


2-3 WayVoucher Entry into


Copy sent to Approver

for Info/Approve



Notations made on Invoice

Invoice entered in

ERP by A/P clerk at the

plant location


Invoice is filed at plant


Double signature checks

Checks are folded by machine

Mail Room

Require stuffing



Standard Voucher Entry - ERP

Approved & Completed

YESDeliver to

Approver if needed


Packing slip received by W/H clerk

Shipment Received – Changes /

Corrections written on

Packing slip

Packet Delivered



Copy filed at Plant

Copy delivered to Purchasing


Packing slip or

Receiver Stapled to


Variance – PO vs


Copies of Receiving

Documents Filed –

pending Invoice




Product Received into ERP

2-WayPO against what

was received

Book accrual to GL in ERP

Plant clerk notifies

Purchasing Agent for resolution

Approved Requisition

Approved Request is


Receiver is filed

Receiver or Packing Slip

Copy of PO for

Receiving awaiting receiver

PO is printed then copied multiple

timesCopy of

PO for A/P

PO is filed

Purchase Order (PO)

Copy of PO for Buyer

Deliver to


Deliver to Receiving



Page 12: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Customer AP Problems - Examples:

Step 1: Understanding the Problem

Average time taken from receipt of invoice to payment: 42 days

On average, 3.6% of invoices handled by A/P have errors

Cost of manually handling, checking, and processing a paper invoice and cutting a paper check: $8 to $12 dollars

Taking advantage of vendor discount offers due to processing time 2 Way & 3 Way matching of PO’s, Receivers, and Invoices are manual

Cost to reproduce documents for audits or customer research

Lack of control during approval process

28 AP processing locations creating redundancy and delivery cost

Increased cost of postage for mailing purchase orders and checks

Average days in payables is too high / too low

Average cost to process vendor payment: $8.15

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[email protected]

Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Solution Design

Map the Current Process

Map the Current Process


Design the Solution

Design the Solution


Document and Present

Document and Present


Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem


Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


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[email protected]

Key questions:What are the manual steps in the process (photocopying, delivery,

sorting, follow-up on approving steps)?Can we automate the PO Request process?Can we centralize any of the purchase to pay processes?How do you handle purchase orders, (other docs, etc.)?How do you send your POs?Who and how do you get your checks signed? Who needs to review and approve POs and Invoices?How do you file and retrieve the documents?

Step 2: Identify Goals and Requirements

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[email protected]

Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Solution Design

Design the Solution

Design the Solution


Document and Present

Document and Present


Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem

1 Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Map Current Process

Map Current Process


Page 16: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

It’s more than just technologyThink about the documents you receive or create

Invoices, Packing Lists, Bills of Lading, Purchase Order Requisition, Order Confirmations, Change Orders, Purchase Orders, Picking Lists, AP Checks, Receivers generated from your business application

Think about the ways in which you send/receive documents Fax, Email, Mail

It is more than simply transforming paper into image format, it includes: Indexing, Archiving Searching, Retrieving Sending it out to other people for approval, getting alerts and notifications, etc. Integrating into your business application

AND it includes integrating your business process into the equation

Step 3: Map Current Process

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[email protected]

How to map the current process: Identify points of origin, decisions, and where it endsMap the entire process, not only one task Identify all personnel involved Identify potential user issues Identify all integration points with core applications Identify document-related as well as activity-related tasks Identify the “problem areas” or “opportunity areas”

Step 3: Map Current Process

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[email protected]

Current: Accounts Payable

Fax Invoices picked up from fax machines

Emailed invoices - Printed

Invoices voucherd

Sorted by Plant Code, Materials,

Blanket, or NON-PO

Invoices grouped for processing

Email back to AP

Invoices Filed Alpha pending

check runX



Faxed Invoices


Stamped Placed in one of

4 foldersReceived


Put in folder – recheck for receiving

each day

Email invoice to Requestor

YES Received





Paper Invoices received from remote location or

in mail.

Verify if received in ERP

Visual 3 way match to determine if voucher ready



Scan to MFP

Requestor corrects issue comments in



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[email protected]

Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Solution DesignDocument and


Document and Present


Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem

1 Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Map the Current Process

Map the Current Process


Design the Solution

Design the Solution


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[email protected]

Explore different scenarios to solve the problems identifiedValidate chosen scenario with key usersIdentify the technology requiredIdentify changes to business processes, business rules, etc.Prioritize implementation planSchedule review of solution design with executive management

Step 4: Design the Solution

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[email protected]

Fax Invoices picked up from fax machines

Emailed invoices - Printed

Invoices voucherd

Sorted by Plant Code, Materials,

Blanket, or NON-PO

Invoices grouped for processing

Email back to AP

Invoices Filed Alpha pending

check run




Faxed Invoices


Stamped Placed in one of

4 foldersReceived


Put in folder – recheck for receiving

each day

Email invoice to Requestor

YES Received





Paper Invoices received from remote location or

in mail.

Verify if received in ERP

Visual 3 way match to determine if voucher ready



Scan to MFP

Requestor corrects issue comments in


XXSolution: Accounts Payable

Mailed invoices are scanned in batches enough temporary

indexes to begin the process

Emailed and faxed invoices are captured, PO# entered to index image and place in


User routes to Purchasing / Requestor or Receiving for


WebDcos will extract final

indexes from Mapics

User VouchersInvoice

WebDocs will match Receiver/ BOL/

Packing List with Invoices as ready for


User Approves &Routes back to AP

User will self direct the invoice

to proper workbasket for

approvalIf needed

What does this mean to me?

•Electronic matching & associated document lookup from your desk•Invoices routed to proper workbasket for processing•Electronic capture information from voucher entry•Electronically route invoices for review/approval•Timers & alerts for timely processing•No manual filing

Page 22: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Processing efficiency Your ERP is the core: Your keystrokes within your ERP system feed the document

management database. This standardizes data entry, eliminates redundant data entry and allows for easy retrieval of data and documents from system.

Immediate access: Direct access to documents from ERP or other systems from anywhere, and at anytime.

No printing: Electronic documents digitally move through processes and are instantly available from authorized users’ desktops.

Quicker resolution Manage reviews and approvals: Automated workflow allows users to

electronically route, review and approve documents in-process without ever moving a physical document.

Solution and Benefits Overview

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[email protected]

Enhanced visibility and control Automated archival: Documents and their indexes become electronic documents

and are archived as they are created. Disaster recovery: In the event of fire, natural disaster or data loss, your critical

information can be retrieved as part of your disaster recovery plan. A single platform: You document management solution can expand to additional

departments such as Legal, HR and more.Reducing the paper shuffle

Less paper and storage: Copies kept in multiple locations can be eliminated. This reduces cost for storage and personnel while mitigating risk. Users will also be able to email, fax, view or print without creating multiple copies in multiple locations.

Solution and Benefits Overview, cont.

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[email protected]

Solution DesignDocument and


Document and Present


Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem

1 Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Map the Current Process

Map the Current Process


Design the Solution

Design the Solution


Calculate ROICalculate ROI5

Page 25: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Hard Savings Reduction in personnel Business operating costs (photocopying, postal mailing, courier services) Reduction in infrastructure costs (sell a building, remove filing cabinets, etc.) Increased in productivity measured by hours saved not handling paper (standing

at fax machine, looking for lost or misplaced files, etc.) Increased cash flow (taking advantage of vendor discounts, being able to invoice

earlier, etc.)Soft Savings

Improved customer service (higher customer satisfaction) Better and faster access to information Faster internal communications

Step 5: Calculate the ROI

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[email protected]

Areas to look at for savings: Legal mandates and Regulatory compliance – Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC Rule 17 Off-site and onsite storage costs for existing documents Labor reductions possible or additional labor required in the future Lost/misplaced documents (a lost document may cost up to $150 to replace) Reduced printing, mailing, faxing, special delivery costs Cost of printing and printers (Total Cost of Ownership for printers) Moving documents internally and making better decisions more quickly Improve/leverage existing legacy apps and processing by linking to imaging Improved security

Step 5: Calculate the ROI

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[email protected]


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Month 1 (Project Kick-of f)

Month 2 (Implem.)

Month 3 (Implem.)

Month 4 (Go Live)

Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10 Month 11 Month 12 Month 24 Month 36 Month 48 Month 60

Total Net Savings Cummulative Savings

Cummulative Costs


Page 29: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

ROI – Detailed 5 Year ROI Analysis

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Solution Design

Understand the Problem

Understand the Problem

1 Identify Goals and Requirements

Identify Goals and Requirements


Map the Current Process

Map the Current Process


Design the Solution

Design the Solution


Calculate ROICalculate ROI5Document and

PresentDocument and


Page 31: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Helps solidify your ideas, goals, analysis, and all other steps you took until now.

Gives other people an opportunity to review the Solution Design as a whole (some people may have only participated in parts of this process).

Good way to ensure everyone is literally on the same page.You can always go back to the document to check why certain

things are (or are not) being done.You have something to hold the Solution Provider accountable.

Step 6: Why Document and Present?

Page 32: Extending your Paperless Solutions

[email protected]

Paperless projects are more than just technology.Use the Solution Design to understand the problems, how to solve them and set goals.Use the solution design to help you select the RIGHT solution for

your needs and requirements.Beware of those who say “you don’t really need this, just trust me.”Project management is key to any implementation. Be on top of it

and make sure there is a methodology and a process in place.


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Learn More

Contact:Bill WhalenRJS Software [email protected] [email protected] or 952-736-5800

or visit us online atwww.rjssoftware.com