Expressive Query Answering For Semantic Wikis (20min)

Expressive Query Answering For Semantic Wikis Jie Bao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute [email protected],


A 20 minutes version of the talk

Transcript of Expressive Query Answering For Semantic Wikis (20min)

Page 1: Expressive Query Answering For  Semantic Wikis (20min)

Expressive Query Answering For Semantic Wikis

Jie Bao, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

[email protected],

Page 2: Expressive Query Answering For  Semantic Wikis (20min)

Semantic Wiki as a Data Store

May 10, 20112

Wiki DB Triple Store Online dataData Layer

Map Data EvaluationPublication


Still many not yet


Wiki Layer


(Semantic) Wiki Scripting

Semantic Template

Semantic Query

(PHP, Javascript) Wiki Extensions


Parser Function

Concept Modeling: RDF, Relational Modeling, Rules

Semantic Forms


Remote SemWiki

Group Info. Management

Page 3: Expressive Query Answering For  Semantic Wikis (20min)

Semantic Media Wiki (SMW) Low-cost solution for light-weight semantic

applications Dozens of extensions to build apps.

Integrated environment for modeling and querying SMW-ML (Modeling language):

subclass/subproperty SMW-QL (Query language): disjunctive query

with subquery

(detailed SMW expressivity in the backup slides)May 10, 20113

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However, we often need more expressivity

Modeling Inverse property: “has author” <-> “author of” Transitive property: “part of” …

Query Negation: find cities that are not capitals Counting: find professors who advise more than 5


May 10, 20114

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Desired Expressivity Balance between expressiveness and


Modeling Language: OWL Prime [1]

rdfs:subClassOf, subPropertyOf, domain, range owl:TransitiveProperty, SymmetricProperty,

FunctionalProperty, InverseFunctionalProperty, inverseOf owl:sameAs, equivalentClass, equivalentProperty

Query Language: SMW-QL, plus Negation as failure Cardinality (aggregation) May 10, 20115


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Note: Semantic Wiki is NOT an open world (as oppose to OWL)

Formalizing OWL Prime with CWA using datalog Descriptive, closed-world semantics Well-understood complexity and mature tool


May 10, 20116

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[[Domain::C]] [[Range::C]] [[Type::Transitive]] [[Type::Symmetric]] [[Type::Functional]] [[Type::InverseFuncti

onal]] [[Inverse of::Q]]

C(x) :- P(x,y) C(y) :- P(x,y) P(x,y) :- P(x,z), P(z,y) P(x,y) :- P(y,x) SameAs(x,y) :-

P(z,x),P(z,y) SameAs(x,y) :-

P(x,z),P(y,z) Q(x,y) :- P(y,x)

May 10, 20117

On page “Property:P”



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Translation Rules for SMW-QL

{{#ask: [[Category:City]] [[capital of::+]] }}

result(x) :- City(x), capital_of(x, y) .

May 10, 20118

Other constructs: for conjunction, disjunction, subquery, property chain etc, see backup slides

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SMW-QL+ : Negations

{{#askplus: [[<>Category:C]] [[Category:D]]}}

{{#askplus: [[Category:C]] [[<>P::+]]}}

result(x) :- D(x), not C(x) .

result(x) :- C(x), #count{x: P(x,y)}<=0 .

Why not “C(x), not P(x,y)” ?

May 10, 20119

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SMW-QL+: (Non)qualified Cardinality

{{#askplus: [[>=3#P::+]]}}

{{#askplus: [[>=3#P::



result(x) :- thing(x),#count{x: P(x,y)}>=3 .

result(x) :- thing(x),#count{x: P(x,y),D(x)}>=3 .

May 10, 201110

For safeness

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Implementation Using DLV as the reasoner

Other LP solvers may be used as well

Two work modes File-based: reasoning based on a static dump

(snapshot) of wiki semantic data. Database-based:  reasoning based on a

shadow database via ODBC; Real-time changes of instance data will be updated.

Optimization Caching

May 10, 201111


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May 10, 201112

Inverse property

Transitive property


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Scalability: Data Complexity

Test machine: 2 * Xeon 5365 Quad 3.0GHz 1333MHz /16G / 2 * 1TB

Dataset: part of DBLP, 10,396 pages, 100,736 triplesMay 10, 201113

10k 20k 30k 40k 50k 60k 70k 80k 90k 100k0.0000.2000.4000.6000.8001.0001.2001.400

Query time(s)Query time(s)

Dataset size (triples)

Almost linear

{{#askplus: [[Category:Person]] }}

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Scalability: Query Complexity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100.000








Query time(s)Query time(s)

Subquery depth

May 10, 201114

Almost constant

{{#askplus: [[Knows::<q>[[Knows::<q>[[Knows::<q>…</q>]]</q>]]</q>]] }}

Dataset: DBLP 100k triples

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The SemanticQueryRDFS++ extension

May 10, 201115

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Some other work on SMW by us Semantic History – tracking provenance of


Tetherless Map – query-based map generation

DBLP Import – bibtex to semantic wiki

Array Extension – operate on arrays

RDFa Extension – RDFa <-> Wiki

Joint work with Li Ding, Jin Zheng, Rui Huang May 10, 201116

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Summary Formalizing SMW using datalog allows us to

extend SMW for an expressive subset of OWL. implement a SMW query engine that is scalable

good for typical uses. analyze the reasoning complexity of SMW (not

mentioned in the talk)

Future Work Incremental reasoning Customized reasoning rules SPARQL <-> SMW-QL+ translations

May 10, 201117

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May 10, 201118

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Expressivity (SMW 1.5.4) SMW-ML (Modeling Language)

category instantiation e.g., [[Category:C]] property instantiation e.g., [[P::v]] subclass, e.g., [[Category:C]] (on a category page) subproperty, e.g., [[Subpropety of:Property:P]] (on a property page)

SMW-QL (Query Language) conjunction: e.g., [[Category:C]][[P::v]] disjunction: e.g., [[Category:C]] or [[P::v]], [[A||B]] or [[P::v||w]] property chain: e.g., [[P.Q::v]] property wildcat: e.g., [[P::+]] subquery: e.g., [[P::<q>[[Category:C]]</q>]] inverse property e.g., [[-P::v]] value comparison, e.g. [[P::>3]][[P::<7]][[P::!5]]

May 10, 201119

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Translation Rules for SMW-ML

Subproperty Subclass Class instance Property instance Redirection

P(x,y) :- Q(x,y) .

C(x) :- D(x) . C(a) . P(a,b) . a=b.

May 10, 201120

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Translation Rules for SMW-QL

{{#ask: [[Category:A]][[p3::category:B]] or


[[Category:D]] or [[p1::<q>[[SomePage]]</q>]]

</q> ||!v ||<q>[[Category:E]]</q> ]]}}

result(x) :- _tmp0(x). _tmp0(x) :- A(x),

p3(x,x0), x0=category:B. _tmp0(x) :- p(x,x2),

p1(x2,x3), p2(x3,x1), _tmp9(x1).

_tmp9(x1) :- _tmp12(x1). _tmp12(x1) :- D(x1). _tmp12(x1) :- p1(x1,x4),

x4=SomePage. _tmp9(x1) :- thing(x), x !

=v. _tmp9(x1) :- E(x1).





Property chain

May 10, 201121

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Theoretical Complexity

May 10, 201122


SMW-ML NL-complete • NP-complete;• P-complete for grounded graph [Bruijn and

Heymans 2007]SMW-ML+ NL-complete

SMW-QL P-complete• In L without subqueries

(SPARQL) P-complete [Perez et al 2006]

SMW-QL+ P-complete

Recall that L NL P NP