EXPRESSING PERMISSION BY USING “Do you mind... and Shall we...” (for ELEMENTRY SCHOOL, GRADE V, SEMESTER II) By: Name : Ni Kadek Parmadyani NPM : 3553 NEXT

Transcript of EXPRESSING PERMISSION BY USING “Do you mind... and Shall we...” (for ELEMENTRY SCHOOL, GRADE V,...

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Slide 2 EXPRESSING PERMISSION BY USING Do you mind... and Shall we... (for ELEMENTRY SCHOOL, GRADE V, SEMESTER II) By: Name : Ni Kadek Parmadyani NPM: 3553 NEXT Slide 3 HOME MATERIAL PRACTICE TEST Expressing permission by using Do you mind... and Shall we... ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES BACK Slide 4 MATERIAL Do you mind... is used to ask for permission in general questions. FORM: Do you mind if I/ we + verb +...? Examples: Do you mind if I excuse myself? Do you mind if we left early? Do you mind if I ask your mom? NEXT HOME Slide 5 MATERIAL Shall we... is used to ask for permission politly, shall is used to express the simple future for first person I and we. FORM: Shall I/ we + (verb) +...? Examples: Shall we go now? Shall I call a doctor for you? Shall I help you? BACK HOME Slide 6 PRACTICE NEXT HOME A.Please listen the dialogue and then repeat it! Sarah: Hallo Nisa, How are you? Nisa: Im fine, and you Sarah? Sarah: Im fine too. Your book looks good, do you mind if I borrow your book? Nisa: Of course! this is a funny book, you will happy when read it. Sarah: Thank you Nisa. Nisa: Youre welcome. Slide 7 PRACTICE HOME B. Please listen the dialogue and then repeat it! Sarah:Hi Nisa, you looks not so good today, are you okay? Nisa: Im not so good. I get fever since yesterday. Sarah: Shall I call a doctor for you? Nisa: No, Thanks! I will be fine. BACK Slide 8 TEST NEXT HOME A.Please make one sentence using Do you mind... and one sentence using Shall we... and then read it in the front of the class! 1..............................? 2..............................? Slide 9 TEST BACK HOME B. Please make one dialogue using Do you mind... or using Shall we... with your partner and then show in front of the class! A:................................. B:.................................. A:................................. B:.................................. Slide 10 ASSESSMENT HOME 1-2 DescripsionScore -Grammar, correct.1 -Pronounciation, correct.1 -Intonasi, correct.1 Total Score3 Assessment guidelines: A. B. The Dialogue DescripsionScore -Grammar, correct.1 -Pronounciation, correct.1 -Intonasi, correct.1 Total Score3