Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection - New … Opposing, & Ending Vivisection “There must come...

•Funding the development of alternatives to cruel tests like the LD50 in which animal are slowly poisoned to death •Exposing the use of cats in biomedical research; birds in agricultural research; rats and mice, who are unprotected by even minimal laws; chimpanzees, our next of kin; dogs, our best friends; and all other species •Closing “terminal labs” where healthy animals are killed for practice surgery •Ending the relationship between visection and entertainment, food production and dog racing •Certifying companies that do not test on animals; informing consumers about cruelty free products; and mandating the use of alternatives •Spreading the word and providing resources national and worldwide •Guaranteeing all students the right to a compassionate science education NEAVS Highlights Join NEAVS Located in Boston, a hub of biomedical research in the United States, NEAVS is proud of its century-long history of ethics, action, compassion and success for animals. NEAVS is the national and international anti-vivisection organization that understands the wisdom of long-term strategy and the urgent need for action today. The proponents of animal research are powerful and well-funded. That’s why your support for our ongoing with is needed now. Please join us. Together we can end animal suffering, close the doors of animal research laboratories, and create a future where science and compassion go hand-in-hand. O $10 senior O $15 Student O $25 Individual O $50 Friend O $250 Advocate O $500 Patron O _____ Other amount O Please make me a Monthly Sustainer by through a reoccurring gift made monthly Name _______________________________ Address ________________________________________ ________________________________ Phone (___)________________________ Email_________________________________ Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection “There must come a day, in the not too distant future, when science and compassion go hand-in-hand.” Theodora Capaldo, EdD, President and CEO, NEAVS 333 Washington Street Suite 850 Boston, MA 02108-5100

Transcript of Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection - New … Opposing, & Ending Vivisection “There must come...

Page 1: Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection - New … Opposing, & Ending Vivisection “There must come a day, in the not too distant future, when science and compassion go hand-in-hand.”

•Funding the development of alternatives to cruel tests like the LD50 in which animal are slowly poisoned to death

•Exposing the use of cats in biomedical research; birds in agricultural research; rats and mice, who are unprotected by even minimal laws; chimpanzees, our next of kin; dogs, our best friends; and all other species

•Closing “terminal labs” where healthy animals are killed for practice surgery

•Ending the relationship between visection and entertainment, food production and dog racing

•Certifying companies that do not test on animals; informing consumers about cruelty free products; and mandating the use of alternatives

•Spreading the word and providing resources national and worldwide

•Guaranteeing all students the right to a compassionate science education

NEAVS Highlights


Located in Boston, a hub of biomedical research in the United States, NEAVS is proud of its century-long history of ethics, action, compassion and success for animals.

NEAVS is the national and international anti-vivisection organization that understands the wisdom of long-term strategy and the urgent need for action today.

The proponents of animal research are powerful and well-funded. That’s why your support for our ongoing with is needed now.

Please join us. Together we can end animal suffering, close the doors of animal research laboratories, and create a future where science and compassion go hand-in-hand. O $10 senior O $15 Student O $25 Individual O $50 Friend O $250 Advocate O $500 Patron O _____ Other amount

O Please make me a Monthly Sustainer by through a reoccurring gift made monthly

Name _______________________________

Address ________________________________________________________________________

Phone (___)________________________


Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection


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Page 2: Exposing, Opposing, & Ending Vivisection - New … Opposing, & Ending Vivisection “There must come a day, in the not too distant future, when science and compassion go hand-in-hand.”

Vivisection: Viv-i-sec-tion, noun. Latin vivus, alive + ecare, to cut 1: the act of cutting into or operating on a living animal for scientific investigation 2: broadly : animal experimentation

One of the oldest and most distinguished animal advocacy organizations in the United States, the New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS), founded in 1895, works to oppose, expose, and end the unethical, ineffective and cruel use of non-human animals in scientific research, science education and product testing.

Opposing, Exposing and Ending Vivisection

NEAVS’ board and staff include physicians, scientists, psychologists, lawyers,veterinarians, teachers and other professionals -- many who know the suffering and inaccuracies of vivisection up close are resolved to end it. Through public education, investigation, legislation, litigation, and negotiation, NEAVS takes aim at the policies, attitudes and laws that allow primitives and inhumane practice of vivisection to continue.

NEAVS keeps animals out of labs and helps those in labs by getting them out alive. Our Sanctuary Fund provides for former research victims now living in model sanctuaries in Canada, Florida, New Mexico, South Carolina and Texas. Our direct rescues include Arthur and Phoenix, two baby chimpanzees sold from research into a roadside zoo; Duncan, a Debrazza’s monkey confined in a solitary cage; Hal and Moxie, two cats spared from death in a lab when their “usefulness” was over….and whoever else needs it!

Former “space chimps,” some of the last gibbons used in research, many species of monkeys and other animals now live in sunshine and fresh air - forever free of vivisectors.

Getting them out Alive

Alternatives Become Mainstream

Unlike other groups that hope to reduce the use of animals in science, NEAVS wants this use of animals to end and be replaced with ethical and scientifically superior alternatives. NEAVS supports and is supported by scientists and doctors who know the limitations and dangers of animal experiments and who work to develop humane and better alternatives.

Ethically and scientifically better, alternatives save both animal and human lives.

Ending the Abuse

Cruelty Free Science Education

NEAVS’ educational affiliate, the Ethical Science and Education Coalition (ESEC) champions state of the art science education by supporting students’ right to choose to not participate in the harmful use of animals and by advocating for humane alternatives at all levels of education and professional training.

Humane science education keeps compassionate students in science and allows them to prepare for humane careers in medicine and research.