Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart...

Congress & Expo 2018 April, 16 to 18 Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart City

Transcript of Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart...

Page 1: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São




Page 2: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

Smart Ci ty Business America Institute (SCBA):SCBA is a non-profit entity that promotes the advancement of the dialogue related to Smart Cities in the American continent. With a vision focused on business development, SCBA positions itself as a platform to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship for the ecosystem of the cities of the future.

SCBA IN AMERICA: 1. São Paulo, Brazil (Headquarters)

2. Bogotá, Colombia

3. Buenos Aires, Argentina

4. Mexico City, Mexico

5. Panama City, Panama

6. La paz, Bolivia

7. Orlando, USA

8. Quito, Ecuador

9. Santiago, Chile

10. Toronto, Canada

Page 3: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

THEMESWater and Environment:• Storage, Treatment and Distribution • Cities Park • Urban Cisterns • Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Solid

Residues • Water Use Efficiency • Basic Sanitation

Built Environment:• Smart Architecture • Sustainable construction • Building Information Modeling (BIM) • Revitalization and Urban Remodeling • Smart Buildings

Economic and Social Development:• Condos of Cities • Cooperativism • Circular Economy • Creative Economy • Urban Ecosystems • Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Urban Laboratories (Living LABS) • Smart Cities Solutions Startups

Education:• Technical and Professional Training

of Citizens • e-Learning • Educational Entertainment • Digital School • Strategic Management of Education • Education Management Systems

Planning and management:• Open Data • Governance and Transparency • Public-Academy-Business Interaction • Regulatory Framework for Smart

Cities • Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) • Citizen Participation • Strategic Planning • Urban Planning • Public Policies for ICT

Healthcare:• e-Health and Telemedicine • Strategic Management of Public Health • Health Management Systems

Security and Resilience:• Operations Centers • Interagency Collaboration • Risk Management • Cyber Warfare • Monitoring and Management of Infrastructures

and Services • Cyber Security • Sensing • Emergency Services • Georeferencing Systems • Smart Security Systems

Technology and Society:• Connected and Smart Cities and Communities • Collaboration and Co-creation in Smart Cities • Technology for the Development of Society • Universalization of the Internet

Digital Transformation:• Cloud Computing • Electronic Government • Digital Infrastructure • Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing • Internet of Things (IoT) • Social Networks • Analytical, Big Data and Data Science Systems • Integrated Management Systems

Transport and Mobility:• Shared Car • Electric Car and Autonomous Car • Strategic Transportation and Mobility Management • Transport Infrastructure and Urban Mobility • Alternative Mobility • Electrical Mobility • Smart Transportation System • Urban Multimodal Transportation

Energy:• Energy Efficiency • Alternative Energy Sources • Street Lighting • Business Models • Smart Grid

Page 4: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São Paulo wants to accelerate and, in a short time, become an example of a smart city in the world. As the largest and most developed capital of the country, the metropolis that already has the best startup ecosystem in Latin America has great potential to use technology more and more to improve urban infrastructure and make services more efficient, providing greater wellbeing and improvements in the quality of life of the population.

Starting from premises such as urban intelligence, debureaucratization, celerity, and automation, we are seeking solutions for several areas. This matter is so important for us that we created a Secretariat of Innovation and Technology, with the purpose of encouraging, developing and implementing projects to improve our city.

Our goal is to bring technological efficiency to all sectors of the public administration in São Paulo. And by 2020, we will transform São Paulo into a smart city model, with intelligent planning and management of the city.

Thus, the Smart City Business America Congress & Expo (SCBAC&E) could not come in better time. You are all very welcome to São Paulo, the City of the World.

João Doria Mayor of São Paulo


Page 5: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

WHO WILL PARTICIPATEThe SCBAC&E will attract leaders, managers, government and private sector agents who structure smart cities. This audience consists essentially of 2 different groups: the one that makes Smart City and the one who sells solutions to those who make Smart City.

The goal is to have strategic partners and ecosystem stakeholders, such as energy and sanitation concessionaires, LED manufacturers, software/application/systems companies, IoT and smart grids manufacturers, etc.

Participating publics:

• Financial, Insurance and Risk

• Government

- City Halls, Secretariats and Departments involved

- States, Secretariats and Departments involved

- Ministries and Controlling Regulatory Bodies

• Industry

- Companies that develop/sell technologies or that provide services to the sector

Page 6: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

• Provide proactive dialogue on issues of interest to the ecosystemamongstakeholders

• Discuss alternaBves and smart soluBons to the challenges of citymanagement

• SBmulate social collaboraBon and ciBzen parBcipaBon throughInformaBonandCommunicaBonTechnology

• ImprovePublicGovernance• PromotetheimplementaBonofPublic-PrivatePartnerships• Encourage urban models that combine the use of ICT with the

SustainableDevelopmentObjecBves• Promote the sharing of successful experiences and projects in all

areasofinteresttotheSmartCiBes• Present innovaBve intelligent technologies applicable to the

managementofciBes• Create channels for sharing ideas, visions, and transformaBve

soluBonsbetweenspecialists,industryleadersandpublicmanagers• Encourage the strategic relaBonship between public and private

managers• Generate strategic business opportuniBes for the development of


OBJECTIVESThe three-day event is the perfect arena for sharingknowledgeandconducCngbusiness. ItprovidesunlimitedpossibiliCes to explore partnership and fundingopportuniCes, accelerates and promotes projects andiniCaCves of parCcipaCng ciCes, and promotes the mostinnovaCve products, soluCons and services in the SmartCiCesindustry.

ParCcipate, connect, discuss withnaConal and internaConal leaders, andexplore the latest innovaCons inimplemenCng smart soluCons in ciCesaroundtheworld.

Page 7: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São


Under the coordinaCon of professionalsspecializing ineachtheme, therewillbe50 panels, 6 plenary sessions, and 11strategic meeCngs. These will cover allthe areas of interest relaCng to SmartCiCes and will present an overview ofthe situaCon of LaCn America in theworldscenarioofSmartCiCes.

Page 8: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

EXPO SMART CITYWhybeanExhibitoratSmartCityExpo?

• Because the exhibition area will bringtogether companies that work withi nnova t i ve p ro j e c t s and advancedtechnologiescapableoftransformingcities

• Because your company can showcase itstechnologies, solutions, projects andproducts in a strategic event that bringstogether organizations and cities that are areferenceinSmartCities

• Becauseyourbusinessorprojectwillfindthepromotion and visibility necessary toparticipate in a specialized and highlycompetitivemarket

• Becauseyourcompanycanshareknowledgeand technology, make new contacts andpartnershipswith thebest companies in thesector, and create relaBonships with ciBesthathavebusinesspotenBal

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Page 10: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

INNOVACITY AWARDIn its sixth edition, the INOVACITY AWARD is an acknowledgment of the SCBA to the initiatives that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in cities.

The award is rewarded to the cases of initiatives or projects that have caused measurable positive impacts and are recognized by society, accomplished by public administration, private initiative, or by society.

The registraBons of the caseswill be done inthe portal of the SCBA and evaluated by aspeciallyconsBtutedcommission.TheselectedprojectswillbeawardedduringtheSmartCityBusiness America Congress & Expo GalaDinnerBusinessAmericaCongress&Expo.

Page 11: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

During Smart City Business AmericaCongress & Expo there are strategicrelationshipandbusinessactionsthatallownetworkingandintegration.



Page 12: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

Held between the 22nd and 24th of May at the ExpoUnimed,inCuritiba,PR-Brazil.

Highlights include the qualification of its public andeffectivegenerationofbusinessesaroundtheecosystemoftheSmartCities.

• Participationofpublicmanagers,executives,entrepreneursandspecialistsrelatedtothetheme

• Morethan250speakersanddebaters

• 3,500peopleonthethree-dayevent

• 8internationalcommitteesfromChile,Bolivia,USA,UnitedKingdom,Colombia,Panama,Ecuador,andMexico

• 95institutionalsponsorsandsupporters

• MorethanU$1millioninspontaneousmediagenerated

• Morethan500publicationsinnationalandinternationalmediavehicles

• 500cityhallsdirectlyimpacted

• 80accreditedpressprofessionals 95%oftheexhibitorsexpressedachievementsand/orbusinessprospecting


Page 13: Expo Center Norte, São Paulo, Brazil Structuring a Smart Citysmartcitybusiness.com.br/.../11/Presentation-SCBACE... · The concept of smart city is still relatively new, but São

2018 Edition Theme: Structuring a Smart City To be held between April 16 and 18, 2018, at the Yellow Pavilion of Expo Center Norte, in São Paulo, Brazil, the next edition will offer even more opportunities:• 300 speakers• 5,000 participants• 12 international committees• 150 sponsors and institutional partners• 11 main themes• 6 plenary sessions• 50 panels and parallel sessions• 11 strategic meetings• More than 30 international city halls• More than 100 Brazilian mayors• More than 200 CEO's• EXPO with 6,000 m2 • 80 exhibitors


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