Exploring the Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Water ... · Exploring the Effectiveness of an...

Exploring the Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Water Resources Engineering Module in an Eighth Grade Science Course* JODY L. RISKOWSKI 1 , CARRIE DAVIS TODD 2 , BRYAN WEE 3 , MELISSA DARK 4 and JON HARBOR 4 1 University of Texas, El Paso, TX, 79902, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 2 University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, PA, 15904, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 3 University of Colorado, Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 80217, USA. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Engineering education has historically been given little attention in the USK-12 classrooms even though engineering incorporates scientific and mathematical concepts into meaningful, everyday applications. Including engineering and design projects in K-12 science and mathematics classes may improve student interest and comprehension, while also reaching a broader range of students than traditional lecture-based classes. For this study, the authors implemented an engineering design project focusing on water resources in 8th grade science classes. Students were exposed to either an engineering project (treatment) or a more traditional format (control) and their knowledge of water resource issues was evaluated using a pre-post assessment tool. Overall, students in the treatment classes showed statistically significant improvement in two areas—they displayed higher levels of thinking on open-ended questions and greater content knowledge. This research indicates the effectiveness of engineering in enhancing student learning and supports its inclusion in the middle school science curriculum. Keywords: K-12 engineering education; project-based learning; middle school education; water resources INTRODUCTION WATER QUALITY AND WATER ACCESSI- BILITY are important areas of global concern and significance for many individuals and humanitar- ian agencies. Although 75 per cent of the earth’s surface is water, only a small amount is potable (less than 0.7 per cent) [1, 2]. Consequently, safe drinking water is inaccessible to nearly 20 per cent of the world’s population and, given current rates of population growth and urbanization, is becom- ing an increasingly limited resource [3]. Reflecting the critical importance of water resources, the Indiana 8th grade curriculum contains a unit focused on human impacts on water and water quality. However, due to the perceived lack of relevance to students’ lives, they may not fully grasp what is needed to ensure safe drinking water. A key approach to resolving water quality issues in the US may reside in providing education that presents accurate information in a meaningful way. The National Research Council (NRC) has a content standard of ‘science in personal and social perspectives,’ which focuses on populations, resources and environments as well as ‘risk and benefit analysis’ to encourage the development of the student’s systematic and critical thinking skills [4]. As a component of these standards, the NRC also emphasizes the importance of local and global environmental health and scientific literacy in the US. While these are important guidelines that help educators to structure lessons that develop a greater understanding of water use and water quality, questions remain about how they are translated into classroom instruction and the sub- sequent impact on student learning, especially through the use of engineering and applied science modules. Engineering education has experienced limited use as a vehicle for curriculum and instruction in K-12 classrooms, largely because science and math textbooks tend to focus on specific facts and concepts rather than the application of those concepts or ideas [5–7]. While students in science classes may participate in scientific experiments, these activities are typically not tied to real-world * Accepted 30 September 2008. 181 Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 181–195, 2009 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00 Printed in Great Britain. # 2009 TEMPUS Publications.

Transcript of Exploring the Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Water ... · Exploring the Effectiveness of an...

Page 1: Exploring the Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Water ... · Exploring the Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Water Resources Engineering Module in an Eighth Grade Science

Exploring the Effectiveness of anInterdisciplinary Water ResourcesEngineering Module in an Eighth GradeScience Course*


1University of Texas, El Paso, TX, 79902, USA. E-mail: [email protected] of Pittsburgh, Johnstown, PA, 15904, USA. E-mail: [email protected] of Colorado, Denver and Health Sciences Center, Denver, Colorado 80217, USA. E-mail:[email protected] University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA. E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]

Engineering education has historically been given little attention in the USK-12 classrooms eventhough engineering incorporates scientific and mathematical concepts into meaningful, everydayapplications. Including engineering and design projects in K-12 science and mathematics classesmay improve student interest and comprehension, while also reaching a broader range of studentsthan traditional lecture-based classes. For this study, the authors implemented an engineeringdesign project focusing on water resources in 8th grade science classes. Students were exposed toeither an engineering project (treatment) or a more traditional format (control) and theirknowledge of water resource issues was evaluated using a pre-post assessment tool. Overall,students in the treatment classes showed statistically significant improvement in two areasÐtheydisplayed higher levels of thinking on open-ended questions and greater content knowledge. Thisresearch indicates the effectiveness of engineering in enhancing student learning and supports itsinclusion in the middle school science curriculum.

Keywords: K-12 engineering education; project-based learning; middle school education; waterresources


WATER QUALITY AND WATER ACCESSI-BILITY are important areas of global concern andsignificance for many individuals and humanitar-ian agencies. Although 75 per cent of the earth'ssurface is water, only a small amount is potable(less than 0.7 per cent) [1, 2]. Consequently, safedrinking water is inaccessible to nearly 20 per centof the world's population and, given current ratesof population growth and urbanization, is becom-ing an increasingly limited resource [3]. Reflectingthe critical importance of water resources, theIndiana 8th grade curriculum contains a unitfocused on human impacts on water and waterquality. However, due to the perceived lack ofrelevance to students' lives, they may not fullygrasp what is needed to ensure safe drinkingwater. A key approach to resolving water qualityissues in the US may reside in providing educationthat presents accurate information in a meaningfulway.

The National Research Council (NRC) has acontent standard of `science in personal and socialperspectives,' which focuses on populations,resources and environments as well as `risk andbenefit analysis' to encourage the development ofthe student's systematic and critical thinking skills[4]. As a component of these standards, the NRCalso emphasizes the importance of local and globalenvironmental health and scientific literacy in theUS. While these are important guidelines that helpeducators to structure lessons that develop agreater understanding of water use and waterquality, questions remain about how they aretranslated into classroom instruction and the sub-sequent impact on student learning, especiallythrough the use of engineering and applied sciencemodules.

Engineering education has experienced limiteduse as a vehicle for curriculum and instruction inK-12 classrooms, largely because science and mathtextbooks tend to focus on specific facts andconcepts rather than the application of thoseconcepts or ideas [5±7]. While students in scienceclasses may participate in scientific experiments,these activities are typically not tied to real-world* Accepted 30 September 2008.


Int. J. Engng Ed. Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 181±195, 2009 0949-149X/91 $3.00+0.00Printed in Great Britain. # 2009 TEMPUS Publications.

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experiences or problems and may leave studentswith little understanding of application, both ofwhich may limit students' comprehension of scien-tific concepts. To address this issue, the AmericanAcademy for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)and NRC has emphasized student exploration ofthe everyday world to promote a deeper under-standing and stronger conceptualization of scienceconcepts, while deemphasizing rote memorizationof scientific facts and theories. [5, 6, 8] Hence, theuse of engineering design projects has beensuggested as learning tools to help students invest-igate their surroundings and to make those impor-tant connections to their everyday lives. [8±15]

Studies have shown that engineering and designprojects can be beneficial for students in terms ofhelping them to conceptualize ideas [16] and todevelop a greater understanding of the materialbeing presented [10]. Engineering modules can beeffective in reaching a greater number of students,particularly minority students or those from disad-vantaged backgrounds [17]. A major challenge forengineering as a discipline is to demystify thenotion that engineering is only for high-perform-ing students. Engineering education and engineer-ing practices should be accessible and appealing toa range of students to encourage career explora-tion in this field. When engineering is targeted onhigh-performing students, many potential engi-neers are neglected. Restricting engineering onlyto a select group of high-achieving students greatlytruncates the number of engineering students, andconsequently hinders the progress of the discipline.In short, selecting only high performers precludesstudents who can pursue engineering, limiting thenumber of engineers available for research andindustryÐa detriment to society [18].

The purpose of our research was twofold:

1) to explore students' understanding of issuesrelated to safe drinking water

2) to understand how the introduction of an en-gineering module into the curriculum shapesstudent learning and conceptualization.

To the authors' knowledge, there is no researchexplicitly exploring the effects of using an engin-eering module versus a traditional lecture formaton conceptual understanding in middle schoolscience, and there is no research on the effects ofan engineering module on minority and typicallydisadvantaged (lower socio-economic status)students at the middle school level. Thus, thespecific research questions for this study were:

1) How does participation in an engineeringmodule influence 8th-grade students' concep-tual understanding of human impacts on waterresources and water quality?

2) How do 8th-grade students' conceptual under-standing of water pollution and water purifica-tion differ by gender, race/ethnicity and socio-economic class following their participation inan engineering module?

Our hypothesis was that students who experiencean engineering design project concerning waterquality develop a greater breadth and depth ofunderstanding of the human impacts on water andthe US regulations for safe drinking water. Wefurther hypothesized that typically disadvantagedstudents would achieve greater benefit from parti-cipating in the engineering module than the tradi-tionally strong students.


This study draws from two areas of literature:

1) social constructivism2) community of practice.

Social constructivism structures student learningas a dynamic, iterative process developed throughsocial interaction with members of the communityand culture [19]. From this perspective, studentsconstruct their knowledge independently, not inisolation, but through a socially-negotiated prac-tice of understanding [19±21]. They develop under-standing based on prior ideas and experiences [22,23] and through physical and mental manipulationof objects [24]. Thus, one key to facilitating learn-ing is to enable students to successfully accommo-date new information and to interact effectivelyand discuss with their peers their view of the topicin hand [22]. This latter point drives the concept ofa community of practice [25].

Within the community of practice membersdeepen their knowledge and expertise in theirdiscipline by interacting with other communitymembers [26]. Individuals learn from each other'ssuccesses and mistakes to develop solutionstogether that would be too difficult or complexto be developed individually [27]. Activities invitestructure and produce real-life experience; know-ledge is obtained through participation. Sharingand discourse on the practical is sharing under-standing and knowledge [25].

The fundamental tenet in a community of prac-tice is that knowledge is not an object, but an entity;key points on the nature of knowledge are thatknowledge lives in the human act of knowing, isimplicit and explicit, is communal and personal, andis dynamic [28]. Knowledge is the accumulation ofexperience and the reservoir of actions, thoughtsand conversations, which facilitate learning fromother community members vicariously [27].Members in the community make advancing andprogressing their understanding an integral part ofthe activities and interactions, serving as a livingrepository for experience and expertise. As such,storytelling, conversation, mentoring and appren-ticeship between community members are required[29], and through the process of communal involve-ment knowledge is developed and acquired.Committed to exploring, developing, and sharingrelevant knowledge, communities of practice

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believe `Knowledge involves the head, the heart,and the hand; inquiry, interaction and craft' [28].

Community or individual artifacts, such astools, documents and products, are the embodi-ments of knowledge, but personal learning andknowing exists in the skill, understanding andrelationship of community members [25]. Thecommunity takes pride and appreciates the collec-tive nature of knowledge, which allows the indivi-dual to use communal knowledge to expand anddevelop his or her own personal breadth of under-standing. In today's society, with ever-increasingchallenges and complex problem solving, multipleperspectives within the community complementand advance members' expertise and understand-ing [26].

The shared nature of knowledge encouragesdebates and discussion, reasoning that controversymakes a community vital, effective and productive[25]. Latour and Cummings state that with no-oneto discuss drafts of ideas, check proposals forstrengths and weaknesses or debug prototypes,we cannot understand what is feasible or fruitless[30]. In the K-12 academic setting, the focus ofcommunity-centered environments is to transfusecommunity practices and to engage the learner inactivities with well-defined goals and sub-goals[28]. To succeed, the learner is to become acontributing community member, able to discussintelligently, critically analyze theories andadvance understanding; the mentors are investedin both the development of learner and the qualityof the outcome (product, project or design) [26]. Inthe K-12 system, this is seen through teachers andinstructors carefully seeding learners within theclassroom, making time and resources availablefor student work, encouraging participation fromall students, providing authenticity for work andgiving the students a voice in decisions [21]. Fromthis standpoint, stewarding knowledge, fosteringlearning and cultivating understanding surpassesthe production of factual, static information.

From the constructivist and community of prac-tice framework, students generate the meaningfrom the experience and activities of the commu-nity and relate their understanding to prior experi-ences and existing concepts. For this study, theshared experience for the students was to create asafe drinking water system. The students, thoughattending a rural school, were from very diversebackgrounds and experiences. For example, in anopening discussion on water quality, 10±15 percent of them had lived in or traveled to an areawith poor quality drinking water and wererestricted to bottled water only (i.e. Mexico andCentral and South America). Many studentsalready had preconceived ideas concerning safedrinking water; however, they lacked a scientificunderstanding of water quality and waterresources.

Thus, the students' scientific understanding isembodied in their experience and discoursethrough the activity (practice). Consequently,

student learning is a reflection of their uniquesocial, educational and cultural experience. Utiliz-ing the community of practice framework toevaluate and justify the inclusion of engineeringdesign modules in middle school science class-rooms, three concepts were promoted throughthe student activity.

1) Interaction: engagement and opportunity tobuild relationships and trust with communitymembers through the shared repertoire of con-cepts, tools, language and stories, allowing thecommunity a unique resource for learning [31].In this project, students were provided withclassroom time to design, build and test theirdrinking water apparatus. They worked insmall groups, with the emphasis being on inter-acting with others. All students were to con-tribute to each part of building a safe drinkingwater device, placing the student interactionand participation as a paramount componentof the activities.

2) Artifact Development: well-defined goals andsub-goals of creating a portable drinking waterdevice (the community artifact) promoted stu-dents' focus and motivation. The project arti-fact was symbolic of the students'understanding of water quality concepts. Stu-dents were placed in cooperative-learninggroups that would allow them to use theircommunal knowledge to develop their designand succeed in the task. Groups were createdsuch that there multiple perspectives within thegroup that would complement the students'understanding and progress the group's pro-duct.

3) Critical Analysis: the concept of continuouslearning as a response to participation in thelearning environment was emphasized.Throughout the project, discourse between stu-dents and student groups concerning projectdevelopment was expected. Students were toshare their findings and work within theirgroup and with the entire class. In the finalassessment of the project, peers were encouragedto discuss and question others' designs, notingeach design's advantages and disadvantages.

This approach centered on the understanding thatall students were to interact and build relationshipswhile fulfilling the project goal of designing a safedrinking water apparatus. Their success was afunction of their connectedness, giving voice toall members, promoting understanding and learn-ing from their peers.


Placing engineering in the K-12 curriculum is anattempt to increase student awareness of engineer-ing and to demonstrate the importance of learningscience through application-based projects and

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inquiry. Increased attention to K-12 engineering inthe US is due in part to the perceived failure ofscience and mathematics instruction relative toother industrialized countries [32]. According tothe 1999 Third International Mathematics andScience Study Repeat Report, US scores in bothscience and mathematics dropped considerablybetween fourth and eighth grade, compared tothe international average, indicating that USstudents' performance dropped as they progressedthrough the educational system [33]. Berrymansuggests that the critical years for increasingstudent motivation and interest in the STEM(science, technology, engineering and mathe-matics) fields appears to be during the middlegrades (fourth to eighth grade) [34]. To this end,adding engineering design projects to the middlegrade curriculum may be an effective approach toimproving the status and appeal of the moretechnical careers to a wide range of students.

Engineering design activities are not only aneffective strategy for improving student motivation[35], but the integration of science, mathematicsand technology can bring a deeper level of know-ledge to the student [for review 36]. Design andengineering projects are able to fill the gap betweenfactual content knowledge, abstract knowledgeand application. Roth suggests that there areseveral key aspects relevant to teaching scienceeffectively, all of which can be attained throughengineering design projects [25]. Key aspectsinclude developing and utilizing problems, projectsor activities that:

. Connect classroom knowledge to authentic,compelling applications.

. Use cognitive modeling to create physical repre-sentations of science.

. Allow for change, either through multiple itera-tive projects or through cognitive iterations ofprojects.

. Combine different types of knowledge, includingfacts, concepts and skills, while exposing stu-dents to knowledge that is difficult to convey informal training and education.

By creating and implementing a water resourcesunit at the eighth grade level, the attempt was toincorporate components of effective science teach-ing using an engineering module. In order to facil-itate a deeper understanding of the scientificconcepts of water quality, the students in the treat-ment group conducted an engineering designproject where they designed, built and tested awater purification system, and then presented theirfindings to the class. The project provides students anew model for developing knowledge and provideda confluence of connected and complementaryteaching avenues in an attempt to reach the multi-tude of science students in the class [14].

This engineering design project allowed studentsto develop their own working knowledge of watersystems, treatments and purification methodswithin a community of practice framework. The

learning environment developed through engineer-ing modules encourages students to discover andexplain natural phenomena and science concepts(phenomenaria [37] ). These modules and projectsare collaborative and provide social skills for thestudents, as they involve students assigning groupand individual tasks, negotiating and delegatingresponsibilities, and developing working relation-ships with their peers [38, 39]. As opposed toteacher-driven knowledge construction (e.g.lectures), engineering modules support student-driven learning and the interdisciplinary natureof science, engaging students in creating theirown knowledge based on personal and meaningfulexperiences [40].

The research study was developed with twocontrolled learning environments: one was a tradi-tional, lecture-based classroom and the second wasan inquiry, participatory classroom that includedthe engineering module. It has been argued thatlearning environments concentrating solely on thememorization of knowledge promotes a superficialunderstanding of science concepts does little todispel alternative concepts and tends to stiflecreativity and enthusiasm [41, 42]. Additionally,student learning in this environment is a passiveprocess in which the teacher conveys knowledge toreceptive students. The teacher may be providingthe student `all the correct answers' and/or tellingthe students what to study and memorize;however, this instructional method may not reachstudents who are disinterested in the subject orwho have limited background and understandingof the language spoken in the classroom.

Compared to lecture-based pedagogy, project-based learning requires students to be active parti-cipants in the construction of knowledge. Studentsconstruct mental models that support the advance-ment of their conceptual understanding aboutscience and science concepts [43]. This teachingstyle places learning in the hands of the students,allowing them to proceed at their own pace and toforge their own conclusions. Within this frame-work, the middle school student is introduced tolateral thinking, which is designed to stimulatestudents to think in a broader perspective andpromote creative problem solving [9]. With engin-eering modules, students can be exposed tounstructured problems that they would experiencein the real world and can learn to develop solutionsthat are scientifically, economically and sociallyfeasible [9].

Three research objectives initiated this study:

1) to determine if an engineering module wouldallow students to develop more complex under-standing of water purification methods andhigher levels of scientific knowledge, relative toa traditional lecture-based teaching approach.

2) to assess whether students would develop morecomplex reasoning for water purificationmethods through the engineering module.

3) to understand the effects of engineering mod-

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ules on traditionally disadvantaged studentpopulations.

Through these objectives, the fundamental base ofthe project was to assess student learning throughan engineering module.


Subject populationA sample of 126 students from 10 eighth grade

science classes (total population of students = 220)from an Indiana state-defined rural middle school(non-MSA) participated in this study. With projectapproval from the teachers and school adminis-trators, student selection criteria were:

1) signed assent and consent forms by the studentand legal guardian

2) responses to both the pre- and post-evaluation.

All parties were informed of their rights as studyparticipants, and consent and assent forms wereapproved by the Institutional Review Board.

This population of students was chosen as theywere already taking part in a larger grant, and two ofthe co-investigators were regularly involved in class-room activities through the NSF GK-12 program.These particular classes were selected for the studybecause the teachers were implementing concurrentunits on water resources and water quality usingdifferent pedagogical techniques. Five scienceclasses were taught using instructional formatssuch as lectures, notes and videos (control) whilethe remaining classes adopted a more inquiry-basedapproach to teaching and learning (treatment).

The ethnic background of the total enrollmentof the middle school was 71 per cent White, 27 percent Hispanic, and two per cent Multiracial/Other,with 57 per cent of the total student populationreceiving free/reduced lunches [44]. Table 1 showsthe gender, race/ethnicity, primary language,socio-economic class (free/reduced lunch status),and overall science grade for the students partici-pating in the research study. The individual grades

for the students in the control group science gradeswere not provided. However, the average studentgrade for the control classroom was a 2.9 based ona 4.0 scale (A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.), similar to theaverage student grade in the treatment classroom(3.1).

All subjects were informed that they wouldundergo a pre- and post-evaluation concerningtheir views of safe drinking water, water qualityand methods of water treatment. The evaluationswere conducted approximately one week beforeand after the unit on human impacts on waterquality in each classroom. Since the two teachersoperated on slightly different schedules, the twogroups of students did not necessarily complete theevaluations on the same day.

Curriculum and instructionAs the use of engineering modules is a relatively

new shift to provide collaborative and high chal-lenge, low risk environments, the AmericanSociety of Engineering Education (ASEE) setforth six guidelines to promote and improve K-12 engineering education [45]:

1) Use of hands-on learning.2) Use of an interdisciplinary approach by incor-

porating technology and writing in math andscience courses.

3) Engineering benchmarks in standards.4) Use of teachers in K-12 outreach and curricu-

lum writing, and increase teacher salary.5) Use of mentors to make engineering fun.6) Creation of better incentives for universities

and companies to engage in K-12 outreach.

These guidelines were used in developing, creatingand implementing the engineering module used inthis study. For the treatment classes, the designproject was to construct a working water purifica-tion device. Students were to detail and presenttheir work, explaining how they decided on theirdesign and how their device purified water. Class-room mentors were utilized as two graduatefellows worked in the treatment classroom.

Table 1. Demographic information for participating students. Gender, ethnicity and primary language spoken at home wereobtained directly from the students through a questionnaire. No overall science grades were provided from the control classrooms;

however, the average student grade was provided. Differences between the control and treatment average student grade wasnegligible (3.1 for the treatment vs. 2.9 for the control on a 4.0 scale). There was no statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the

treatment and control group subject population

Group Gender Race/EthnicityPrimary languagespoken at home

Socio-economic status(fre/reduced lunch)


Control(n = 60)

58% Male42% Female

77% White13% Hispanic2% African-American2% Did not know, did not answer

92% English8% Spanish

68% Ineligible32% Free/reduced eligible

Treatment(n = 66)

36% Male64% Female

68% White18% Hispanic6% Multi-racial6% Did not know, did not answer2% African-American

83% Engligh17% Spanish

62% Ineligible38% Free-reduced eligible

39% A38% B15% C8% D0% F

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Table 2. National [4] and Indiana state [47] science standards the control and treatment classes utilized in their respectivecurriculum unit

National Standards

Control Treatment

Integrate all aspects of science content. Integrate all aspects of science content.

Communicate scientific arguments. Communicate scienfitic arguments.

Learn subject matter disciplines in the context of inquiry,technology, and science in personal and social perspectives.

Learn subject matter disciplines in the context of inquiry,technology, and science in personal and social perspectives.

Use activities to investigate and analyze questions. Use activities to investigate and analyze questions.

Science as argument and explanation. Science as argument and explanation.

Management of ideas and information. Management of ideas and information.

Public communication of student ideas and work to classmates. Public communication of student ideas and work to classmates.

8th Grade Indiana Science Standards

Control Treatment

8.1.6 Identify the constraints that must be taken into accountas a new design in developed, such as gravity and the propertiesof the materials to be used.

8.1.4 Explain why accurate record keeping, openness, andreplication are essential for maintaining an investigator'scredibility with other scientists and society.

8.1.7 Explain why technology issues are rarely simple and one-sided because contending groups may have different values andpriorities.

8.1.6 Identify the constraints that must be taken into accountas a new design in developed, such as gravity and the propertiesof the materials to be used.

8.1.8 Explain that humans help shape the future by generatingknowledge, developing new technologies, and communicatingideas to others.

8.1.7 Explain why technology issues are rarely simple and one-sided because contending groups may have different values andpriorities.

8.2.7 Participate in group discussions on scientific topics byrestating or summarizing accurately what others have said,asking for clarification or elaboration, and expressingalternative positions.

8.1.8 Explain that humans help shape the future by generatingknowledge, developing new technologies, and communicatingideas to others.

8.3.6 Understand and explain that the benefits of Earth'sresources, such as fresh water, air, soil, and trees, are finite andcan be reduced by using them wastefully or by deliberately oraccidentally destroying them.

8.2.7 Participate in group discussions on scientific topics byrestating or summarizing accurately what others have said,asking for clarification or elaboration, and expressingalternative positions.

8.7.1 Explain that a system usually has some properties thatare different from those of its parts but appear because of theinteraction of those parts.

8.2.8 Use tables, charts, and graphs in making arguments andclaims in, for example, oral and written presentations about labor fieldwork.

8.3.6 Understand and explain that the benefits of Earth'sresources, such as fresh water, air, soil, and trees, are finite andcan be reduced by using them wastefully or by deliberately oraccidentally destroying them.

8.7.1 Explain that a system usually has some properties thatare different from those of its parts but appear because of theinteraction of those parts.

Table 3. Open-ended questions for the pre-post evaluation.These questions were not assessed for correctness, but morefor an understanding of how students viewed water quality

issues in the US

1. When someone says that your drinking water is safe, whatdoes that mean or what does ``safe'' mean?

2. What would make water ``unsafe'' for drinking?

3. Do you think the U.S. is able to provide people with safedrinking water? Why or why not?

4. Do you believe there are placed in the U.S. with unsafedrinking water? If yes, list places in the U.S. where youbelieve the availability of safe drinking water is an issue.

5. What can be done to make water ``safer'' to drink?

Table 4. True/false statements and answers from pre- andpost-evaluations. One point was given for a correct answer,and zero points for an incorrect answer. Thus, the highest

score achieved would have been 5 out of 5

Statement 0 points 1 point

1. Clear water is safe water to drink. True False

2. The lower the pH of the water,the safer the water is to drink.

True False

3. Warm water has more dissolvedsolutes than cold water.

False True

4. Water will purify itself, so there isno need to worry about safedrinking water.

True False

5. To a certain degree, water can stillbe safe if there are some chemicalsor solutes dissolved in it.

False True

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In comparison, the control classroom structureused a more traditional model of teaching, relyingheavily on lectures and notes. The teacher of thefive control classrooms estimated that 60 per centof classroom time was spent on lectures, 20 percent on hand-outs and worksheets, and 20 per centon the final project. The treatment classroomteacher, however, focused more on active learning,with less than 10 per cent of total classroom timedevoted to lecturing.

Coverage of the unit on human impacts onwater resources and water quality included groupprojects in both classrooms; however, theseprojects differed greatly. Both classrooms usedthe same textbook and were expected to reachthe same level of understanding through theircurricular units on water resources and waterquality. For the final unit project in the controlclasses, students were to design and draw theirideas for future human habitation in light ofenvironmental changes and population needs.Students were provided only with paper andpencils to design and create their `future city'.Students were expected to diagram and report onhow the future city would operate and provide forits citizens. Students were evaluated on thorough-ness of project details.

The treatment class' project centered on under-standing local water quality issues with a labora-tory exercise that allowed the students to test tapsurface water samples from various locations inIndiana. To incorporate the engineering moduleinto the unit, students were asked to create a table-top apparatus to purify and ensure safe drinkingwater from a water sample. Students in the treat-

ment group were placed in cooperative learninggroups and tasked with designing a practical waterpurification system, which implied that thestudents could build it themselves with readilyavailable materials. The teacher assigned coopera-tive learning groups for the students in order toseparate social cliques and provide a workingenvironment representative of the class as awhole (e.g. minority students did not worktogether and highly-motivated students were sep-arated).

For the final assessment in the treatment class-rooms, each student group was responsible forcreating an informative and professional three-minute presentation regarding the effectivenessand specifics of their design. Having the studentspresent their ideas and understand their activitieswas a method to encourage the integration of thescientific concepts, ideas and theories [43] andallow a more interdisciplinary approach. Evalua-tion of the final design project was based on severalfactors, such as how well the device ensured safedrinking water, how fast the water was purified,presentation skills, innovation of design and expla-nation of why/how the apparatus worked or didnot work. The final presentations helped reinforcethe concepts presented in the larger waterresources unit and encouraged student reflection.

To conclude, the overarching goal of the unit inboth classrooms was to understand the current stateof water quality in the US and how individuals'actions impact the environment. While the unit goalbetween both treatment and control classrooms wassimilar (Table 2), the approach was not, whichunderscores the importance of this study.

Table 5. Grading rubric for design question from pre- and post-evaluation. The question was as follows: assume you do not haveaccess to safe drinking water. Design an effective device that could be used to make the water safe to drink. IDENTIFY what

makes the water unsafe to drink and EXPLAIN how your design ensures safe drinking water. Use any means necessary to explainyour answer, such as drawings, maps, or sentences. Use space on the back if necessary

Coding category Score Sample response

No Response;Irrelevant Response

0 ``I don't know.''``Go somewhere else.''

Student is aware there are contaminants, yet does notcorrectly identify them nor explain design.

1 ``Take all the bad stuff (dirt, germs, etc) out.''

Student identifies 1 or more contaminants andprovides incomplete explanation of how to removethem.

2 ``Use a filter to remove the dirt.''

Student identifies at least 2 contaminants and providesincomplete explanation and justification of how toremove them.

3 ``Get rid of the dirt by using a filter with a pore sizesmall enough that it can remove the dirt, and if thereis bacteria and germs in the water, boil it for 10minutes to kill them.''

Student identifies all 3 contaminants. Uses evidence tojustify and explain design.

4 ``Test the water to see what contaminants are in it.Though it is best to remove as much contaminants aspossible, a small amount can be in water for it to besafe to drink. To remove dirt and sediment, use a filterwith a pore size small enough to be able to removedirt particles. Boiling the water for 10 minutes canhelp to breakdown bacteria and germs by rupturingtheir cell-membrane. A slow-sand filter can helpremove chemicals by causing the chemicals to attachto the sand, letting the water pass.''

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AnalysisStudents were asked to respond to eleven ques-

tions on a pre-post evaluation designed to elicittheir conceptual understanding of water purifica-tion processes, as well as their thoughts regardingissues of water quality. Five open-ended questionsfocused on the human impact of the availability ofsafe drinking water (Table 3). Five true/false ques-tions taken directly from the textbook common toboth groups were included to assess factual know-ledge of water quality (Table 4). The final questionwas a design question requiring students todescribe and explain what was needed to ensuresafe drinking water and how their purificationdesign addressed the water quality issues theyidentified (Table 5).

To answer the design question, students wereable to use drawings, words or phrases to explaintheir understanding of how water is treated andmade safe for consumption (referred to as theengineering conceptual understanding). Studentscreate images or drawings in order to make senseof their everyday experiences and understanding ofthe world [48]; it was believed that the designquestion would enable students to draw on theirexperiences and knowledge of clean drinkingwater. All responses to the design question wereinitially reviewed to develop codes associated withrecurring themes, which were scored for use withstatistical analysis.

The coding analyses in the open-ended questionsand the design problem followed a content-drivensystematic iterative process of text interpretationand categorization to establish patterns of impor-tance [49]. First, the authors independentlyreviewed the data to identify meaningful descrip-tions or noteworthy statements related to theresearch questions. After meeting to comparepreliminary findings and debate interpretations,they developed coding strategies through consen-sus; themes were subsequently derived from theseries of coded statements to establish the mainfindings. The reliability of the analysis wasstrengthened by the diversity of perspectives thatfunctioned as checks and balances in the analyticalprocess and through a post-analysis examinationfor conflicting or disconfirming evidence. [50]

Student pre-post evaluations for the science andengineering scores were calculated into POMPscores, and the subsequent statistical resultsbetween control and treatment groups utilizedthese values [51]. General linear model was usedto understand the effects of the teaching style(control or treatment) for the different studentpopulations (e.g. minority and free/reduced lunchstatus), with a Tukey post-hoc analysis. The thresh-old for statistical significance was set at p = 0.05(actual p-values are reported below). Evaluationsthat were left blank or that scored a zero were notincluded in the statistical comparison. Statisticalanalysis software used included SPSS 15.0 (SPSSInc, Chicago, IL, USA) and NVivo 7.0 (QRSInternational, Melbourne, Australia).


Overall, student learning was affected by theteaching strategy used, with the treatment groupgaining a higher degree of improvement with theengineering module versus the control group'straditional teaching style of lecturing in both thescience factual knowledge and engineering assess-ment (Figure 1).

There was no statistical difference in pre-evalua-tion scores on the five true/false questions betweenthe treatment and control groups of students(t-test, p = 0.71). Post-evaluation scores, however,were significantly different between the controland treatment classes for the true/false questions(t-test, p = 0.017), with the treatment classesoutscoring the control classes. Treatment studentswith a primary language other than English madethe greatest gains (63.3%). In the open-endedquestions, students in the treatment group notedthat water quality and safe drinking water was amore complex enterprise, and their responsesshowed a much more developed response as aresult (Figure 2).

Using the pre-evaluation helped indicate areasof confusion or misconception by students on agiven topic and allows for directed instruction toclarify these topics. For the treatment group, thepre-evaluation indicated uncertainty regardingeffects of impurities and definition of cleanwater. Although the pre-evaluations were onlyexamined after the unit and post-evaluationwere completed, the students in the treatmentclasses still made marked gains in the areaswhere they scored lower on the pre-evaluation;overall post-evaluation scores were significantlybetter than pre-evaluation scores (t-test, p =5.6610±6) .

A within group comparison showed students inthe treatment groups made statistically significantimprovement (t-test, p = 3.17610±6) in the waterpurification design question, with their averagenumber of procedural steps (complexity) in thedesign increasing, together with the depth of theirunderstanding of the water purification process(Figure 2). There was no significant change in thecontrol group's average engineering score andcomplexity from pre- to post-evaluation.

For the open-ended questions, treatmentstudents were able to see water quality issues asmore complex as a result of the activity as moststudents in the treatment class (60.6 per cent)recognized that `unsafe drinking water' consistingof both natural (bacteria, germs, sediment, etc) andunnatural (pesticides, herbicides, various chemi-cals) contaminants. No students in either classheld this view before the unit, and no students inthe control room made this connection in the post-evaluation. Asking this question in reverse as whatis `safe drinking water?' showed a similar response,with only post-evaluation treatment students notingthat an absence or minimal amount of natural andunnatural contaminants would yield safe drinking

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water. With the last question, which asked how wecould improve water quality in the US, treatmentstudents were more likely than control students tostate both human intervention (i.e. better treatmentfacilities, testing, or filtering at home) and increased

societal awareness (i.e. deter people from polluting).Students in the treatment class were over five-timesmore likely to have this answer than controlstudents. The dual response of human interventionand societal awareness shows student understand-

* p value < 0.05 between pre- and post-evaluation scores{p value < 0.05 between post-evaluations scores in the control and treatment classes

Fig. 1. Graphs representing the changes in student evaluation scores based on classroom (control vs. treatment) showing thedifferences in gains by the student demographic groups. Students in the demographic groups could belong to multiple groups (i.e.Hispanic males that did not speak English at home would have scores counted in the Male, Non-White, and Non-English Primary

Language groups). SES = Socioeconomic Status, based on free/reduced lunch status.

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ing that water quality issues and resolutions are aresult of multiple avenues of circumstance, actionand intervention.


Our aim was to investigate how a community-centered approach to teaching and learningthrough an engineering module would influencestudent understanding of water and water quality,relative to a lecture-based style of instruction.Most notably, we found that students exposed tothe engineering module improved their scientificunderstanding about water resources and manage-ment even though they were not `taught' thematerial in a traditional sense.

In addition, students from traditionally disad-vantaged backgrounds (ethnic minority studentsand students in the free/reduced lunch programs

(low socioeconomic status) ) reached similar endpoints as their counterparts in terms of scienceand conceptual understanding gains resultingfrom the engineering design unit. Differences inthe treatment class post-evaluation scores as afunction of students' overall science grades werestatistically significant and noteworthy, especiallyin light of the `No Child Left Behind' provision.Treatment class pre-evaluation scores for `D'students were significantly lower (p = 0.002) thanthe `A' students in the combined engineering andscience score (28.7% vs. 59.0%). However, signifi-cant gains by both the `D' students (53.3%) and `A'students (57.3%) provided a similar ending pointfor both groups of students. This suggests that theengineering module was equally effective in reach-ing a wide spectrum of students, thus no childrenwere left behind by this particular activity. The datasuggest that engineering modules can positivelyenhance student learning, which in turn could

* p value < 0.05 between pre- and post-evaluation scores{p value < 0.05 between post-evaluations scores in the control and treatment classes

Fig. 2. Responses to open-ended questions regarding student thoughts on what makes what safe and unsafe to drink. The responsescould have involved multiple codes and, as a result, the overall percentage is greater than 100 per cent. The only responses that werelimited to one category were `Absence of Unnatural Contaminants', `Absence of Natural Contaminants' and `Absence of Natural andUnnatural Contaminants' in question 1. In question 2, the responses `Unnatural Contaminants', `Natural Contaminants' and `Natural

and Unnatural Contaminants' were exclusive categories.

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encourage students to pursue more science andengineering classes and degrees as they continue intheir education.

The success of students in the treatment classillustrates the benefits of incorporating elements ofengineering into an eighth grade science classroom.Students who participated in the design activitiesshowed a greater increase in factual knowledge ofwater quality and resources, as well as a deeper andmore complex understanding of the water purifica-tion process. Although both teachers (treatmentand control) structured class projects that allowedfor freedom and creativity in design, the controlgroup structure, with more lecturing and limitedreality-based activity did not allow the develop-ment of conceptual understanding of the issuesinvolved in water quality. This is shown in thestudent responses to open-ended questions as

treatment students noted the complicated andmultifaceted natures of drinking water issues.These results concur with other studies thatmarked gains can be seen through engineeringmodules and design projects [8, 15, 17, 52].

The engineering project also helped reduce thenumber of misconceptions that students heldabout water quality. A common misconceptionprevalent in the pre-evaluation for both classeswas that chemicals could be killedÐas one studentstated, `The chemicals in the water system wouldhave to be killed for it to be safe' or killed as aresult of boiling the water. However, in post-evaluation, there was a marked reduction in refer-ence to `killing chemicals', in the treatment groupfrom pre- to post-evaluation (11 vs. 3), but not inthe control classroom (11 vs. 12).

An important characteristic of engineering

* p value < 0.05 between pre- and post-evaluation scores{p value < 0.05 between post-evaluations scores in the control and treatment classes

Fig. 3: Student responses to the question, ``What can be done to make water `̀ safer'' to drink?'' The responses were exclusive to eachcategory, meaning student responses were coded as human intervention, such as filter the water or build better treatment facilities,

increased societal awareness, such as `̀ tell people not to pollute'' or deter people from contaminating the water, or both interventionand awareness to tackle water pollution with a multifaceted approach.

* p value < 0.05 between pre- and post-evaluation scores

Fig. 4: Graphs representing the changes in student evaluation scores based on final science grade in the treatment classes only.Significant increases were seen in the student evaluation scores pre to post in the `A' students and `D' students with all students reaching

a similar end point.

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modules is allowing students to construct theirown knowledge while also increasing their levelof confidence in the material [21, 27]. Both controland treatment groups relied on team work for theirfinal projects; it is likely that this also influencedstudents' knowledge gains. The use of cooperativelearning and teaming activities enhances students'understanding by allowing them to build know-ledge synergistically as well as promoting problem-solving abilities for all students [46, 53]. Imple-menting cooperative groups encouraged studentsas they proceeded in the project, yielding theconceptual goals of interaction, discussion andartifact development. It also demonstrates theimportance of the collaborative nature of engin-eering, science and technical fields that facilitatethe social construction of knowledge and cultivategenerative and reflective thinking [53].

A high level of achievement by traditionallylower-performing students in the engineering activ-ity also demonstrates the accessibility of engineer-ing to a wide range of students. Many teachers areapprehensive about including engineering, think-ing (incorrectly) that only motivated and intellec-tually-gifted students will succeed with engineeringunits. Our results contradict this assumptionbecause all students performed well on the engin-eering unit; no one demographic achieved a greateror lesser degree than their peers, indicating lowcultural or gender bias in the engineering module.

While there are some limitations to the presentstudy, the insights gained are useful in promotingengineering modules at the middle school level.One limitation is that the pre-post evaluation was11 questions, which is not sufficient to fully under-stand student knowledge and conceptual under-standing gained through either teaching style.Though each section was geared toward assessinga particular type of knowledge, conceptual (open-ended), factual (true/false questions) or abstract(design question), it is difficult to delineate the typeof knowledge integrated by the student mostsuccessfully through the project. Lectures andtraditional teaching formats are geared towardsunderstanding facts, so it was believed thatstudents in the control classroom would outper-form students in the treatment classroom on thetrue/false question. However, this was not the caseas the students in the treatment classroom devel-oped a greater understanding of the materialpresented as shown by their improved scores.

In the design question, students in the treatmentgroup were at an advantage, having built, tested,and assessed the effects of the water purificationprocess, but to ensure equal learning opportunity,the students in the control classroom were lecturedon different wastewater purification methods,from the use of plants to clean water to thedesign of traditional wastewater treatment centers.Though it is understood that the designed evalua-tion does not truly assess student learning, thework presented does show that students can effec-tively learn conceptual and factual information

from engineering modules. The use of a triangu-lated assessment, with interviews and observations,in addition to the written evaluation could provideinsight into the level of learning achieved bystudents in project-based activities.

Another concern, especially for teachers, inusing engineering units is that they might requireincreased work and effort than other types ofapproach. The implementation of a multi-weekunit on water resources in the treatment class-rooms was aided by the presence of GK-12 grad-uate fellows. The fellows were responsible forcreating the activities and providing any extraassistance required by the students and primaryteacher. This does not mean that engineeringactivities require additional instructors in the class-room; it is an ASEE guideline in utilizing engin-eering modules in the K-12 classroom [45]. Whilewe do not know the long-term effects of thepresence of GK-12 fellows, their sustained involve-ment with the middle school curriculum andinstruction suggests a positive influence on studentlearning and participation in STEM disciplines.An interdisciplinary perspective was also evidentin the water resources unit as it combined elementsof earth and environmental sciences, language arts,engineering and geography.

This project and study followed the guidelinesproposed for the inclusion of engineering modulesin the curriculum and shows the positive learningeffects for students. It also leads to more questionsfor future studies. The project work used coopera-tive learning groups within the classroom setting.Students were placed in groups based on sciencegrade; the effects of using engineering moduleswhen students work individually or in anotherstyle of group placement are unknown. Thoughengineering, in practice, is often performed in ateam, the ideal method for grouping studentswithin this education framework is unknown andwarrants future investigation. Further, the long-term effects and learning utilizing engineeringmodules is unknown. Short-term gains were seenwith this curriculum design versus a traditionallecture-based curriculum, but how students retainknowledge through this framework is unknown.Future studies to address the long-term benefits ofengineering education should be initiated; with it,the effects on career choice and aspiration can alsobe explored. With the historically limited numberof students pursuing engineering and graduating,this is an important aspect to study to better meetthe needs of today's (and tomorrow's) society.


The results of the analysis of the impact of anengineering design module in middle school sciencelearning provides additional support for those whoadvocate the inclusion of engineering modules andengineering education as an integral part of themiddle school science curriculum. This work

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showed that students involved in an engineeringmodule outperformed those in a more traditional,lecture-based format. It was also found that allstudents achieved high levels of improvement;there was no difference based on grades, race andethnicity, socio-economic status and gender. Fromthis data, it was concluded that the use of engin-eering modules enhances understanding of sciencefor a wide range of students.

Middle school lays the foundation for highschool coursework, setting up students for successin higher education studies in STEM disciplines.Therefore, exposing students to engineeringmodules and nurturing student creativity in suchactivities facilitates a deepening of their knowledgeas well as providing meaningful experiences thatpromote the field of engineering. Additionalstudies are needed, however, to evaluate the lasting

effects of exposure and participation in engineeringmodules, as well as the optimal timing andfrequency of such activities and curricular unitsto increase student interest in and attraction to theSTEM fields. Nonetheless, the goal of increasedengineering education in the K-12 curriculum isnot only to create more engineers, but to enhancestudents' critical thinking skills and their ability toconstruct their own knowledge, and this researchshows engineering modules support these objec-tives.

AcknowledgementsÐThis material is based upon work sup-ported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.0538643. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommen-dations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) anddo not necessarily reflect the views of the National ScienceFoundation. The authors would also like to acknowledgeBrenda Capobianco from Purdue University for her assistance,guidance and critical review of the manuscript.


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Jody L. Riskowski is an Assistant Professor in Kinesiology at University of Texas at ElPaso. She received a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Wyoming inLaramie, WY (2003). She has worked with middle school and high school engineeringcamps since 2000. She was a GK-12 Fellow at Purdue University from 2006±2008 and is apast NSF-IGERT fellow. Her research interests are in the field of biomechanics andneuromuscular control, and she has served as a biomechanist with the national diving teamsince the 2004 Olympics.

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Carrie E. Davis Todd is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology and PlanetarySciences at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. She received her B.A. in geologyfrom Carleton College, Northfield, MN (1999) and M.S. in geological sciences from OhioUniversity, Athens, OH (2002). The work presented in this article reflects her graduatefellowship through the Indiana Interdisciplinary GK-12 Program at Purdue University,where she received her Ph.D. in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences in 2007. Her researchinterests include human modifications of landscape, separating the combined impacts ofhumans and climate on fluvial systems, and the environmental impacts of coal mining,especially related to water quality.

Bryan Wee is an Assistant Professor in Curriculum & Pedagogy as well as Geography andEnvironmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Denver. He has a broad inter-disciplinary background with degrees in science education, conservation biology andeconomics. This paper reflects his research interests in children's ideas about scienceconcepts and their corresponding relationship with the environment. He is currently aco-PI of the GK-12 program at UCD and is working on establishing a joint internationalGK-12 experience between the US and China.

Melissa Dark is a Professor in Computer Technology and Assistant Dean in the School ofTechnology at Purdue University. She has extensive experience in post-secondary science,technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. She completed her Ph.D.work at Purdue University and throughout her career has worked on several STEMcurriculum and instruction projects with business and industry, government, and highereducation. Currently, she is also the co-PI of the Purdue GK-12 program.

Jon Harbor is a Professor with the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences andinterim Dean of the College of Science at Purdue University. He oversees researchdevelopment, research communications, and industrial research development and technol-ogy for the College, as well as a range of grant, fellowship and award competitions. Heplays a leading role in overseeing and supporting Purdue's existing centers and institutes,and in encouraging and facilitating the development of new and emerging centers andinstitutes. He is also involved in establishing major research infrastructure cores at Purdue,and in assisting with space for interdisciplinary centers. He currently is the PI for thePurdue GK-12 program.

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