Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively...

Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop
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Transcript of Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively...

Page 1: Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively Exploration Practice Summary.

Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop

Page 2: Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively Exploration Practice Summary.

Explore Plan Apply


•How to Live Proactively

•Exploration Practice


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Explore Plan Apply


•How to Live Proactively

•Exploration Practice


Page 4: Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively Exploration Practice Summary.

Where Achievement Begins

• San Fernando Valley – 14 high schools, 80% parent, student dissatisfaction with counseling program

• Superintendent Robert Collins: “If you don’t submit a written plan – for college, the military, a trade school, or a job, you will not be able to attend the graduation ceremonies.”

• “Every student’s goal and dream is important and should be nurtured by school administration, counselors and teachers.”

San Fernando Effect

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Where Achievement Begins

• June 2002: 18 months later – 100% of 3,764 grads completed a written ‘post-secondary commitment’ plan

• Result: 10% decrease in the dropout rate

• Result: 10% increase in the number of students accepted to the University of California

• Result: College admission rose 150% for African Americans, 31% for Latinos.

Positive Results

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Where Achievement Begins

“Achievement is closer than you think.”

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Where Achievement Begins

Ample evidence exists to indicate the impact of more motivated students on key school outcomes

Achievement Outcome: Academic Achievement

“Students attending middle schools with more fully implemented comprehensive guidance programs reported….(c) believing education was more relevant and important to their futures, ….(f) earning higher grades.”

(Helping 7th Graders Be Safe and Successful, Lapan, Gysbers et al, 2001)

Drive School Achievement

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Where Achievement Begins

Achievement Outcome: Academic Achievement

“Students grades rose as they spent more time in career academies. This study compared student grades before and after enrollment in the academies.”

(California Partnership Academies – Evaluation Report, 1997)

“Participation in well implemented career academies raised students’ GPA’s. This conclusion was based on a comparison to non-academy students in the same district.”

(Career Academy Programs in California, Maxwell & Rubin, 2000)

Drive School Achievement

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Where Achievement Begins

Achievement Outcome: Dropout/Attendance Rates

“Students who can articulate a meaningful connection to future education and/or employment, “are less likely to drop out; their attendance and grades improve; …(and they have) enhanced motivation and better planning for the future.”

(School-to-Work: Making a Difference in Education, Hughes et al, 2001)

To Drive School Achievement

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Vertical/Horizontal Services

Vertical Services – responsive to specific types of medical needs (eg. heart, skin, EENT, optometry, spinal cord, pediatrics, emergency)

Horizontal Services – wellness - preventative services (eg. nutrition/diet, physical fitness, stress mgmt.)

Proactive wellness services have positive value for all physical ‘verticals’ of medicine.

Medical Model

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Vertical/Horizontal Services

Vertical Services – responsive to specific types of educational needs (eg. English, math, biology, geography, physical education, trades, Spanish)

Horizontal Services – motivation - proactive services (eg. educational planning, balanced career/life planning, financial planning, self-management)

Proactive motivation services have positive value for all skills/information ‘verticals’ of education.

New Model for Education

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Explore Plan Apply


•How to Live Proactively

•Exploration Practice


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How To Live Proactively

• EXPLORE: Diversify and update your personal understanding of self and the world

• PLAN: Create at least two meaningful and achievable career/life plans

• APPLY: Continuously implement and upgrade your action plan

21st Century Work/Life Planning

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How To Live Proactively


Identity (to be) Career (to do)

Motivation Competencies





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How To Live Proactively


Identity (to be) Career (to do)

Motivation Competencies





What do you want from your life?

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How To Live Proactively


Motivation Competencies

Identity (to be) Career (to do)





What do you want from your life?

What do you have to offer the world?

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How To Live Proactively


Motivation Competencies

Identity (to be) Career (to do)





What do you want from your life?

What do you have to offer the world?

How will you

connect who you are with

what you do?

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How To Live Proactively

• Step I - Exploration

• Step II – Fulfillment Planning

• Step III – Sustainability Planning

• Step IV – Action Planning

• Step V - Apply and Achieve

Five Easy Steps

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How To Live Proactively

• Step I - Exploration

• Step II – Fulfillment Planning

• Step III – Sustainability Planning

• Step IV – Action Planning

• Step V - Apply and Achieve

Five Easy Steps

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Explore Plan Apply

• Key Focus: Diversify Awareness of Self/World

• Three Parts1. Self Assessment – Motivations and Skills

2. Career Research - Top Ten Work Interests

3. Career Research - Top Ten Life Interests

Step I – Exploration

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Explore Plan Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others



Medical Sonographer, Software Producer, Elementary Teacher, Art Therapist, Recording Engineer, Event Planner, Arts Manager, Video Jockey, Clay Animation Artist, Photojournalist

Community Theater, Amnesty International, ESL Tutor, Pianist, Outdoor Photographer, Baseball Coach, Choral Singer, Hospice Volunteer, Reading, Work Camps

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Explore Plan Apply

• Key Focus: Priorities and Plans

• Two Parts1. Decision-Making – Prioritized Work & Life


2. Work/Life Planning – Three Unique Balanced Plans

Step II: Fulfillment Planning

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Explore Plan (Fulfillment) Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others




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Explore Plan (Fulfillment) Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others


Work: Software Producer


Motivation – CreativityAbilities – Creativity, Leadership, Organization Skills, Listening Skills, Writing Skills, Motivating Others

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Explore Plan (Fulfillment) Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others


Work: Software Producer

Life (Balance)

Motivation – CreativityAbilities – Creativity, Leadership, Organization Skills, Listening Skills, Writing Skills, Motivating Others

Pianist – MusicOutdoor Photography – Outdoor Recreation, PhotographyCoaching Baseball – Helping Others, Physical Coordination

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Explore Plan (Sustainability) Apply

• Key Focus: Reality Check

• Five Realities1. Labor Market Demand – Today and

Tomorrow2. Post-Secondary Path – Time and Financial

Costs3. Dimensions - Opportunity for

Growth/Change4. Compensation/Lifestyle Impact5. Formal Assessments

• Plan A/Plan B

Step III: Sustainability Planning

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Explore Plan (Action) Apply

• Key Focus: Proactive Planning

• Three Parts1. Present Position Audit vs Desired Position

• Credential/Skill Requirements• Experience/Network Requirements • Financial Requirements

2. Timeline and Benchmarks3. Action Team

Stage IV: Action Planning

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Explore Plan Apply

• Presentation Skills (Resume/Interview)

• eApplication Skills

• Test Prep Skill Development

• Portfolio Management Skills

• Personal Management Skills

Stage V: Apply and Achieve

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Explore Plan Apply


•How to Live Proactively

•Exploration Practice


Page 32: Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop. Explore Plan Apply Introduction How to Live Proactively Exploration Practice Summary.

How To Live Proactively

• Step I - Exploration

• Step II – Fulfillment Planning

• Step III – Sustainability Planning

• Step IV – Action Planning

• Step V – Apply and Achieve

Five Easy Steps

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How To Live Proactively

• Step I - Exploration

• Step II – Fulfillment Planning

• Step III – Sustainability Planning

• Step IV – Action Planning

• Step V – Apply and Achieve

Five Easy Steps

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Explore Plan Apply




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Explore Plan Apply: Interests




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Explore Plan Apply: Interests






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Explore Plan Apply: Interests

aerobics/fitness dancing meeting people puzzles/mazes

animals/pets designing things money reading

art activities drama/theater music/singing science

boating/sailing drawing cartoons nature shopping

building things fixing things organizing things studying languages

collecting things gardening outdoor recreation team sports

computers individual sports photography travel

cooking mechanics playing games writing

Interests Checklist

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Explore Plan Apply: Values




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Explore Plan Apply: Values






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Explore Plan Apply: Values

balance excitement location risk taking

cleanliness fairness loyalty security

competence family physical challengesolitude

competition having fun power/control spirituality

cooperation health recognition structure

creativity helping others responsibility variety

education independence relaxation wealth

environment intellectual challenge respect working hard

Values Checklist

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Explore Plan Apply: Motivations

TOP TEN MOTIVATIONSMotivations Interests/ValuesHumor/Fun (Comedy, Having Fun/Play)

Helping Others (Help Children, Making A Difference)

Fitness (Fitness/Exercise, Physical Challenge)

Friendship (Meeting New People, Friendship)

Independence (Independence/Freedom)

Horses (Animals/Pets/Wildlife)

Playing Piano (Music/Singing)

Writing Lyrics (Writing Stories/Email)

Web Surfing (Web Surfing/Chat)

Solitude (Watching TV, Solitude)

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Explore Plan Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others



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Explore Plan Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others



Medical Sonographer, Software Producer, Elementary Teacher, Art Therapist, Recording Engineer, Event Planner, Arts Manager, Video Jockey, Clay Animation Artist, Photojournalist

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Explore Plan Apply


MusicPhotographyPublic SpeakingCreativityHelping OthersTheater/DramaOutdoor Recreation

CreativityLeadershipOrganization SkillsListening SkillsWriting SkillsPhys. CoordinationMotivating Others



Medical Sonographer, Software Producer, Elementary Teacher, Art Therapist, Recording Engineer, Event Planner, Arts Manager, Video Jockey, Clay Animation Artist, Photojournalist

Community Theater, Amnesty International, ESL Tutor, Pianist, Outdoor Photographer, Baseball Coach, Choral Singer, Hospice Volunteer, Reading, Work Camps

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Explore Plan Apply

Exploration Unit OutcomesStudents will be able to:

1. Identify 10 different personal motivations.

2. Identify 10 different personal skills.

3. Name 10 interesting ‘fields of work’ that relate to personal motivations/skills.

4. Name 10 leisure/volunteer interests that relate to personal motivations/skills.

5. Create a high school and post-secondary ‘Education Plan’, that connects personal motivations/skills to course and program selection.

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Explore Plan Apply

Snapshots Training 2004

Snapshots TODAY (exploration)

Snapshots TOMORROW (fulfillment planning)

[email protected] (“Snapshots” in Subject


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•How to Live Proactively

•Exploration Practice


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Explore Plan Apply

The Wizard of Oz

• Dorothy (Goal)

• Tin Man (Passion)

• Scarecrow (Mind)

• Lion (Courage)

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Explore Plan Apply

Star Wars

• Luke (Goal)

• Leia (Passion)

• Obi-Wan (Mind)

• Han Solo (Courage)

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Explore Plan Apply

Lord of the Rings

• Frodo (Goal)

• Sam (Passion)

• Gandolf (Mind)

• Aragorn (Courage)

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Explore Plan Apply

Lord of the Rings

• Frodo (Goal)

• Sam (Passion)

• Gandolf (Mind)

• Aragorn (Courage)

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you“ (Gandolf)

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Explore Plan Apply

Driving Your Own Bus – The Movie

• You (Producer)

• You (Director)

• You (Screenplay)

• You (Special Effects)

• Family/Friends (Cast)

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Explore Plan Apply

Driving Your Own Bus – The Movie

• You (Goal/Plan)

• Fulfillment (Passion)

• Sustainability (Mind)

• Proactive (Courage)

• Team (Support/Share)

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Explore Plan Apply

“Take charge of your future. If you don’t, someone else surely will.

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Explore Plan Apply Mini-Workshop