Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies

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  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies




    By Vladimir Susic

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies




    Well,of course,the first followers of Christ,his apostles,the disciples of

    his apostles and the early Chruch,when we look at Todays

    Denominations,we see that over 9! of those who claim to "e

    Christian "elieve in this doctrine,# will list some of the most attended

    Chruches in the World$

    The Catholic Church

    The %astern &rthodo' Church(#ncludin) the Copts*

    +ssyrian Church

    ost -rotestant denominations (&f course,not all of The Churches are listed here*

    #n this presentation # will also seek to show why Trinitarian

    interpretation of The Scripture is the only valid one$

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies


    The Statement of Belief

    The Statement of The Belief in The Trinity is found

    in The .iceno/Constantinopolean Creed and the

    +thanasian Creed$

    We can see some the Chruch 0athers statin) the

    Belief ,like for e'ample 1ustin The artyr in 234

    +$D$ #)natius too,who is an +postolic 0ather,a

    disciple of 1ohn,in 245 +$D$

    #t was defended at the Council of .icea in 673 +$D$

    a)ainst the +rian heresy,"ut more on that later$

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    Short Definition

    Since "oth of the Creeds stated in the previous

    slide are way too lon) to post,# will sum it up in

    a very short sentence,then e'plain each part of


    There is one 8od in whom are three eternal,

    distinct, simultaneously e'istin) persons//the

    0ather, the Son (1esus Christ*, and the oly

    Spirit$ +ll three are the one 8od, coeternal,


  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies


    Exlanation Part !

    +s stated previously,we "elieve in e'actly &.% 8&D$(#saiah


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    Exlanation Part "

    These 6 persons are +lways in perfect +)reement,for

    they are indeed &ne 8od$

    .ei)hter of these persons is older than another,Theyhave all e'isted for eternity,none of Them are mi)htier

    than +nother,they are a)ain,the same +lmi)hty 8od$

    owever one person mi)ht choose to su"mit itself to

    another in perfect a)reement so that an +ction can "e

    performed,for e'ample,1esus came in the world as a

    uman and therefore chose,as a perfect human

    should,to su"mit to the 0ather$

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies



    Ariani#m&Sa'elliani#m an( )h* the#e

    (o$trine# are in+ali( The "elief in the Trinity must "e distincted from +rianism,Semi/+rianism

    and Sa"ellianism,also known as &neness -entacostalism$

    +rianism is .&T T& B% C&.0>S%D with Semi/+rianism,the "elief that1Ws hold onto$

    +rians "elieve that There are 6 Divine -ersons of &ne 8od,The 0ather

    The Son and The oly Spirit,however The 0ather and The Son,and

    perhaps even the Spirit accordin) to some are not omousias(of thesame nature* "ut omou#sias(of similar nature* They +lso "elieve that at

    one point in time The Son (and a)ain,The oly Spirit accordin) to some

    +rians* were created and Then 8od created the eavens and The


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    Ariani#m%INVALID .ot only that this doctrine is a plain insult to our %ternal Aord 1esus Christ and The oly Spirit "ut is also plain and

    simple -olytheism$

    ou cannot claim that there e'ist one 8od if that 8od is not one Divine Spirit (1ohn ;

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies


    Semi Ariani#m%Belief Semi +rians "elieve that 0ather is the only person that is W,they

    "elieve that The S is not a person "ut a manifestation of power(TheSs personhood will "e defended later* of The 0ather and that The

    Son is not 8od "ut a first created "ein) of 8od who then created all

    thin)s$ They are an offshoot of +rianism$

    They have )i)antic pro"lems in claimin) this$

    Christ clearly said in 1ohn

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies


    Semi Ariani#m%INVALID&De+a#tatin,

    Ref-tation The devastatin) refutation of Semi +rianism comes from #saiah ;;

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    Sa'elliani#m%INVALID Sa"ellianism as known to the %arly Chruch 0athers and &neness -entacostalism as known to us today

    is a "elief that 6 -ersons of The Trinity,The 0ather,The Son and The oly Spirit,are not in fact 6 persons

    "ut The Same person(mind* of &ne 8od that only manifests itself in 6 different 0orms$

    This "elief was decimated "y The %arly Chruch 0ather Tretullian in his ?+)ainst -ra'eas@$

    #t is refuted plainly in the Bi"le where we have even Before The Creation,7 persons facin)

    eachother,remem"er,Their "elief is that &.% -%S&.,takes different forms when needed,for humans$

    1ohn 2

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    .Bi'li$al /nitariani#m0

    These people "elieve that 0ather is &nly -erson that is 8od,that 1esus is Gust an oridinary human and that S is an active

    force of The 0ather and not a -erson imself$

    +psolutely "lasphemous$

    0irst lets prove that S is a person$

    %phesians ;

  • 7/25/2019 Explanation of the Trinity Invalidity of Heresies


    S-m /

    We Believe in &ne 8od $(#saiah ;;