Explanation of Religion


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Transcript of Explanation of Religion

Explanation of religion:Evolutionists explain religion in terms of human needs. Some: response to intellectual needs Some: response to satisfying emotional needsFunctionalists explain religion in terms of meeting the pre-requisites of society.Religion helps social solidarity, value consensus, harmony + integration. DURKHEIM: The sacred and the profaneDurkheim: All societies divide the world into 2 categories: the sacred + the profane (non-sacred).Religion based upon these divisions. R = a unified systems of beliefs and practices related to sacred things set things apart and forbidden.Any item can be sacred. The thing that makes it sacred is the symbolism (they must represent st).Must understand the rel between sacred symbols + what they represent understand role of R.TOTENISM:Uses aborigines religion = totenism = simplest form of religion.Aborigine relgions are divided into clans. Clans share certain rules + obligationse.g. exogamy