EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS … · insertion, monitoring, and clinical...

EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS Clinical Expert Consensus Statement on the Use of Percutaneous Mechanical Circulatory Support Devices in Cardiovascular Care Endorsed by the American Heart Assocation, the Cardiological Society of India, and Sociedad Latino Americana de Cardiologia Intervencion; Afrmation of Value by the Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology-Association Canadienne de Cardiologie dintervention* Charanjit S. Rihal, MD, FSCAI, FACC 1 ** Srihari S. Naidu, MD, FSCAI, FACC, FAHA 2 Michael M. Givertz, MD, FACC 3 Wilson Y. Szeto, MD 4 James A. Burke, MD, PHD, FACC 5 Navin K. Kapur, MD 6 Morton Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC 7 Kirk N. Garratt, MD, FSCAI, FACC 8 James A. Goldstein, MD, FSCAI, FACC 9 Vivian Dimas, MD 10 Thomas Tu, MD 11 , From the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), Heart Failure Society of America (HFSA), Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS), American Heart Association (AHA), and American College of Cardiology (ACC) ABSTRACT Although historically the intra-aortic balloon pump has been the only mechanical circulatory support device available to clinicians, a number of new devices have become commercially available and have entered clinical practice. These include axial ow pumps, such as Impella â ; left atrial to femoral artery bypass pumps, specically the TandemHeart; and new devices for institution of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. These devices differ signicantly in their hemodynamic effects, insertion, monitoring, and clinical applicability. This document reviews the physiologic impact on the circulation of these devices and their use in specic clinical situations. These situations include patients undergoing high-risk percutaneous coronary intervention, those presenting with cardiogenic shock, and acute decompensated heart failure. Specialized uses for right-sided support and in pediatric populations are discussed and the clinical utility of mechanical circulatory support devices is reviewed, as are the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical practice guidelines. 1 Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; 2 Division of Cardiology, Winthrop University Hospital, Mineola, New York; 3 Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 4 Department of Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 5 Division of Cardiology, Lehigh Valley Heart Specialists, Allentown, Pennsylvania; 6 Cardiology, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts; 7 Division of Cardiology, UCI Medical Center, Or- ange, California; 8 Department of Cardiac and Vascular Services, Heart and Vascular Institute of New York, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, New York; 9 Division of Cardiology, Beaumont Heart Center Clinic, Royal Oak, Michigan; 10 Pediatric Cardiology, UT Southwestern, Dallas, Texas; and the 11 Louisville Cardiology Group, Interventional Cardiology, Louisville, Kentucky. *The Canadian Association of Interventional Cardiology (CAIC) is approached by other guideline developers and asked to review and consider guidelines for endorsement. Guidelines developed by external organizations will be considered for afrmation of value. The CAIC may not agree with every recommendation in such a document, but overall considers the document to be of educational value to its members. **Correspondence to: Charanjit S. Rihal, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street S.W., Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail: [email protected]. The document will also appear in the Journal of Cardiac Failure and Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions. Conict of interest: See Appendices. The American College of Cardiology requests that this document be cited as follows: Rihal CS, Naidu SS, Givertz MM, Szeto WY, Burker JA, Kapur NK, Kern M, Garratt KN, Goldstein JA, Dimas V, Tu T. 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS clinical expert consensus statement on the use of percutaneous mechanical circulatory support devices in cardiovascular care (endorsed by the Amer- ican Heart Association, the Cardiological Society of India, and Sociedad Latino Americana de Cardiología Intervencionista; afrmation of value by the Canadian Association of Interventional CardiologyAssociation Cana- dienne de Cardiologie dintervention). J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:e726. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY VOL. 65, NO. 19, 2015 ª 2015 BY THE SOCIETY FOR CARDIOVASCULAR ANGIOGRAPHY AND INTERVENTIONS, THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION, THE HEART FAILURE SOCIETY OF AMERICA, AND THE SOCIETY FOR THORACIC SURGERY ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER INC. Downloaded From: on 09/27/2016

Transcript of EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS … · insertion, monitoring, and clinical...

Page 1: EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS … · insertion, monitoring, and clinical applicability. This document reviews the physiologic impact on the circulation of these

J O U R N A L O F T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y V O L . 6 5 , N O . 1 9 , 2 0 1 5

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2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS ClinicalExpert Consensus Statement on the Useof Percutaneous Mechanical CirculatorySupport Devices in Cardiovascular CareEndorsed by the American Heart Assocation, the Cardiological Society of India, and SociedadLatino Americana de Cardiologia Intervencion; Affirmation of Value by the Canadian Associationof Interventional Cardiology-Association Canadienne de Cardiologie d’intervention*

Charanjit S.Rihal,MD,FSCAI,FACC1**Srihari S. Naidu, MD, FSCAI, FACC,FAHA2

Michael M. Givertz, MD, FACC3

Wilson Y. Szeto, MD4

James A. Burke, MD, PHD, FACC5

Navin K. Kapur, MD6

1Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic,2Division of Cardiology, Winthrop University Ho

York; 3Cardiovascular Division, Brigham and Wom

Massachusetts; 4Department of Surgery, Univer

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 5Division of Cardiology

Specialists, Allentown, Pennsylvania; 6Cardiology,

Boston, Massachusetts; 7Division of Cardiology, UC

ange, California; 8Department of Cardiac and Vascu

Vascular Institute of New York, Lenox Hill Hospital9Division of Cardiology, Beaumont Heart Cente

Michigan; 10Pediatric Cardiology, UT Southwestern,11Louisville Cardiology Group, Interventional C


*The Canadian Association of Interventional

approached by other guideline developers and

consider guidelines for endorsement. Guidelines d

organizations will be considered for affirmation of on 09/27/2016

Morton Kern, MD, MSCAI, FACC7

Kirk N. Garratt, MD, FSCAI, FACC8

James A. Goldstein, MD, FSCAI,FACC9

Vivian Dimas, MD10

Thomas Tu, MD11, From the Societyfor Cardiovascular Angiography and

Rochester, Minnesota;

spital, Mineola, New

en’s Hospital, Boston,

sity of Pennsylvania,

, Lehigh Valley Heart

Tufts Medical Center,

I Medical Center, Or-

lar Services, Heart and

, New York, New York;

r Clinic, Royal Oak,

Dallas, Texas; and the

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**Correspondence to: C

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Conflict of interest: See A

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Although historically the intra-aortic balloon pump has been the only mechanical circulatory support device available to

clinicians, a number of new devices have become commercially available and have entered clinical practice. These include

axialflowpumps, such as Impella�; left atrial to femoral artery bypass pumps, specifically the TandemHeart; and newdevices

for institution of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. These devices differ significantly in their hemodynamic effects,

insertion, monitoring, and clinical applicability. This document reviews the physiologic impact on the circulation of these

devices and their use in specific clinical situations. These situations include patients undergoing high-risk percutaneous

coronary intervention, those presenting with cardiogenic shock, and acute decompensated heart failure. Specialized uses

for right-sided support and in pediatric populations are discussed and the clinical utility of mechanical circulatory support

devices is reviewed, as are the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association clinical practice guidelines.

ommendation in such a document, but overall

to be of educational value to its members.

haranjit S. Rihal, Division of Cardiovascular

0 First Street S.W., Rochester, MN 55905. E-mail:

appear in the Journal of Cardiac Failure and

iovascular Interventions.


ardiology requests that this document be cited as

S, Givertz MM, Szeto WY, Burker JA, Kapur NK,

tein JA, DimasV, Tu T. 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS

statement on theuseof percutaneousmechanical

es in cardiovascular care (endorsed by the Amer-

he Cardiological Society of India, and Sociedad

iología Intervencionista; affirmation of value by

of Interventional Cardiology—Association Cana-

ntervention). J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:e7–26.

Page 2: EXPERT CONSENSUS DOCUMENT 2015 SCAI/ACC/HFSA/STS … · insertion, monitoring, and clinical applicability. This document reviews the physiologic impact on the circulation of these

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Percutaneous MCS Devices in Cardiovascular Care M A Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 : e 7 – 2 6


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Percutaneous hemodynamic support has historicallybeen limited to the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)or extracorporeal bypass with membrane oxygenator(ECMO) (1–3). Although the IABP is widely available,limitations include modest hemodynamic support ormyocardial protection; ECMO can provide full hemody-namic support but is limited by complexity and need forperfusion expertise and is rarely used in the catheteri-zation laboratory environment. These limitations havespurred development of alternative percutaneous me-chanical circulatory support (MCS) devices with the po-tential to provide greater cardiac and systemic supportand reduce morbidity and mortality among high-riskpatient subsets (1).

In parallel, cardiovascular practice has seen rapidgrowth in cohorts that may benefit from the use of suchdevices (4). These include patients with chronic systolicdysfunction and acute decompensated heart failure(ADHF), those in whom high-risk multivessel percuta-neous coronary intervention (PCI) or other proceduresmay be required, those with acute cardiogenic shock, andthose with residual or concomitant cardiac dysfunctionfrom myocardial infarction despite reperfusion. Amongpatients with cardiogenic shock, in particular, acute im-plantation of surgical MCS remains associated with rela-tively poor outcomes. Accordingly, there has been arise in the development and use of percutaneous devicesover the past decade for both acute (e.g., acute myo-cardial infarction (MI) complicated by cardiogenic shockor mechanical complications) and acute on chronic(e.g., high risk (HR) PCI) indications.

Percutaneous MCS devices have become an integralcomponent of the cardiovascular therapeutic armamen-tarium. The 2011 American College of Cardiology/AmericanHeart Association/Society for Cardiovascular Angiog-raphy and Interventions (ACC/AHA/SCAI) Guidelinefor Percutaneous Coronary Intervention recommendsconsideration of percutaneousMCS in two clinical settings:a) as an adjunct to HR PCI (Class IIb) and b) for cardiogenicshock in patients presenting with ST-elevation myocardialinfarction (Class Ib) (5). However, no additional guidanceis provided. The goal of this document is to provide suchguidance on the appropriate clinical settings for MCSutilization and to review the available devices, treatmentstrategies, practical recommendations for use, gaps inknowledge, and evolving practice.



Potential benefits of MCS include the ability to: 1) main-tain vital organ perfusion, thereby preventing systemic

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shock syndrome, 2) reduce intracardiac filling pressures,thereby reducing congestion and/or pulmonary edema,3) reduce left ventricular volumes, wall stress, andmyocardial oxygen consumption, 4) augment coronaryperfusion, 5) support the circulation during complex inter-ventional and electrophysiologic procedures, and, theo-retically, 6) limit infarct size. As new MCS devices becomeavailable, several specific patient populations likely tobenefit from this therapy can be identified. These includepatients undergoing high-risk PCI (HR-PCI), and thosewith large acute myocardial infarctions (AMI), acute de-compensated heart failure (ADHF), and cardiogenic shock.

The hemodynamic condition of the left ventricle (LV)in these populations is illustrated by the pressure-volume(PV) loop (Figure 1), which provides information aboutcontractile function, relaxation properties, stroke vol-ume, cardiac work, and myocardial oxygen consumption(6–10). The anticipated effect with available support de-vices is shown in Figure 2. Each clinical syndrome pre-sents a unique set of hemodynamic variables wherecardiac function and myocardial oxygen supply or de-mand is compromised. For example, in AMI, patients maypresent with reduced LV contractile function, acute dia-stolic dysfunction, elevated LV end-diastolic volume(LVEDV) and pressure (LVEDP), and increased LV work(oxygen demand) in addition to diminished coronaryblood flow. In cardiogenic shock LV contractile function isseverely reduced with significantly increased LVEDV andLVEDP, markedly reduced stroke volume, but increasedmyocardial oxygen demand; coronary blood flow may alsobe impaired by hypotension and elevated wall stress.These pressure-volume loops provide hemodynamiccharacterization only of the LV and do not provide in-formation on right ventricular function or extra-cardiacproblems that may be impacted by MCS such as sys-temic hypoperfusion of the cerebral, visceral, renal, andperipheral arteries.


Each aspect of PCI from guide catheter engagement tocoronary wiring, balloon inflation, and stent deploymentincurs a potential risk of damage to the coronary vascu-lature with impairment of myocardial perfusion, eithertransient or persistent. At present, no single, unifyingdefinition for HR-PCI exists but variables that contributeto elevated risk during PCI have been well defined andcan be categorized into three major groups: 1) patientspecific, 2) lesion specific, and 3) clinical presentationspecific.

Patient-specific variables include increased age, im-paired left ventricular function, symptoms of heart fail-ure, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, priormyocardial infarction, multivessel or left main disease,

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FIGURE 1 Normal and Abnormal Pressure Volume Loops

Each pressure volume (PV) loop represents one cardiac cycle (A). Beginning at the end of isovolumic relaxation (Point 1), LV volume increases during diastole

(Phase 1 to 2). At end-diastole (Point 2), LV volume is maximal and isovolumic contraction (Phase 2 to 3) begins. At the peak of isovolume contraction, LV

pressure exceeds aortic pressure and blood begins to eject from the LV into the aorta (Point 3). During this systolic ejection phase, LV volume decreases until

aortic pressure exceeds LV pressure and the aortic valve closes, which is known as the end-systolic pressure-volume point (ESPV) (Point 4). Stroke volume

(SV) is represented by the width of the PV loop as the volume difference between end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes (Points 1 and 2). The shaded area

within the loop represents stroke work. Load-independent LV contractility, also known as Emax, is defined as the maximal slope of the ESPV point under

various loading conditions, known as the ESPV relationship (ESPVR). Effective arterial elastance (Ea) is a component of LV after- load and is defined as the

ratio of end-systolic pressure and stroke volume. Under steady state conditions, optimal LV pump efficiency occurs when the ratio of Ea:Emax approaches 1.

(B) Representative PV loop in AMI (blue loop). LV contractility (Emax) is reduced; LV pressure, SV, and LV stroke work may be unchanged or reduced; and

LVEDP is increased. (C) Representative PV loop in cardiogenic shock (gray loop). Emax is severely reduced; LVEDV and LVEDP are increased; and SV is reduced.

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and peripheral arterial disease (11–18). Lesion-specificvariables encompass anatomic characteristics such asleft main stenosis, bifurcation disease, saphenous veingrafts, ostial stenoses, heavily calcified lesions, andchronic total occlusions (19–23). Lesions that supply alarge territory (including a last patent conduit, leftmain disease, or critical 3-vessel disease) also increaserisk should dissection or occlusion occur during PCI—particularly in combination with poor ventricular func-tion. Finally, the clinical setting, such as acute coronarysyndrome or cardiogenic shock, can increase the risk ofan adverse event with PCI. The combination of severeleft ventricular dysfunction, particularly ADHF, with alesion(s) that is difficult to treat is an example of HR-PCI.

Need for an MCS device for HR-PCI depends uponthe hemodynamic condition of the patient at the time ofPCI, the anticipated risk of hemodynamic compromiseduring the procedure, and the need for hemodynamicsupport after revascularization. Risk calculators specif-ically designed to assess the real-time need for MCS dur-ing PCI do not exist and require further investigation.

Acute Myocardial Infarction

Although the vast majority of non-ST- and ST-segmentelevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI and STEMI) pa-tients can be safely and effectively treated using standardtechniques, selected patients may benefit from the

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unloading and hemodynamic effects of MCS, which mayserve to reduce myocardial oxygen consumption andischemia, and improve coronary perfusion through effectson coronary blood flow. Due to the presence of active andongoing myocardial ischemia, NSTEMI and STEMI areamong the high-risk clinical scenarios for PCI. Severalfactors make these patients high risk. Due to myocardialischemia, left ventricular (LV) diastolic and systolicfunction is impaired and contributes to elevated in- tra-cardiac filling pressures. Furthermore, PCI is associatedwith the risk of thrombotic embolization and infarctextension, which can lead to hemodynamic decompen-sation. Finally, although standard therapy for STEMI israpid myocardial reperfusion, up to one-third of STEMIpatients do not experience effective reperfusion asassessed by resolution of ST-segment elevation, andreperfusion itself may cause myocardial damage (reper-fusion injury) and life- threatening ventricular arrhyth-mias (24). Whether MCS can reduce myocardial injury inthe setting of acute occlusion and subsequent reperfusionfor myocardial infarction is unknown.

Advanced Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock

Heart failure is a major cause of morbidity and mortalityworldwide. In the United States alone, an estimated 5.7million adults 20 years or older have heart failure, ofwhom nearly 50% have reduced LV ejection fraction (25).

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FIGURE 2 Cardiac Effects of Mechanical Support

Illustrations of PV loops after activation of device therapy (gray loops). (A) Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) counterpulsation reduces both peak LV systolic

and diastolic pressures and increases LV stroke volume. The net effect is a reduced slope of arterial elastance (Ea2), (B) Percutaneous LV assist devices

(pLVAD: Impella and TandemHeart) significantly reduce LV pressures, LV volumes, and LV stroke volume. The net effect is a significant reduction in cardiac

workload. (C)Veno-arterial extra-corporealmembrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO)without a LV venting strategy increases LV systolic and diastolic pressure, while

reducing LV stroke volume. The net effect is an increase in arterial elastance (Ea).

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Cardiogenic shock is defined as systemic tissue hypo-perfusion secondary to inadequate cardiac output despiteadequate circulatory volume and LV filling pressure.Diagnostic hemodynamic criteria include: a systolic bloodpressure <90 mm Hg for >30 min; a drop in mean arterialblood pressure >30 mm Hg below baseline, with a cardiacindex (CI) <1.8 L/min/m2 without hemodynamic supportor <2.2 L/min/m2 with support; and a pulmonary capillarywedge pressure (PCWP) >15 mm Hg (26–28).

Among patients with advanced heart failure, techno-logic advances have facilitated the use of surgicallyimplanted left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as abridge to recovery, bridge to transplant, or for use aspermanent (destination) therapy (29). Biventricular assistdevices and the total artificial heart are also available as abridge to transplant for patients with biventricular heartfailure. As a result, the use of MCS devices as a treatmentstrategy for patients presenting with advanced heartfailure or cardiogenic shock may be considered. Theprimary goal of such a strategy is stabilizing a criticallyill patient before making a decision regarding durabletherapy. Moreover, MCSs may allow for myocardialrecovery, possibly obviating the need for destinationtherapy.

The optimal timing of MCS insertion in ADHF andcardiogenic shock remains unknown and significantpractice variability exists. For patients with advanced HF,the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Cir-culatory Support (INTERMACS) has defined seven clinicalprofiles before implantation of a surgical VAD. Cardio-genic shock is identified by INTERMACS profiles 1 and 2

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patients, who either have acutely decompensated or arefailing to respond to aggressive inotrope therapy,respectively (30). Both INTERMACS 1 and 2 patients maybe considered for temporary MCS support as a bridge torecovery, surgical MCS, or cardiac transplantation.

Emerging Populations

Given the growing numbers of patients with compromisedcardiac function undergoing percutaneous coronary andvalve therapies new applications for this technology areemerging. In the adult population, patients with severe,nonoperable valve disease represent a rapidly growingpopulation; carefully selected patients may benefit fromcardiac support during percutaneous aortic valvuloplastyor aortic valve replacement (31,32). Similarly, patientsreferred for electrophysiologic procedures with severeunderling LV dysfunction may not tolerate sustained ar-rhythmias during prolonged electrophysiological map-ping and ablation procedures (33,34). Finally, patientswith right ventricular (RV) failure are at considerablyhigher risk for morbidity and mortality when presentingwith AMI, ADHF, or CS. Use of MCS for RV or biventricularsupport has been reported (35–37) and represents animportant new use for this technology. Although not yetavailable in the United States, a dedicated RV supportdevice is under clinical evaluation (35,38).

Many children have or will develop disorders involvingthe myocardium. The current therapeutic options forcirculatory support in the pediatric population are quitelimited. Primary indications for circulatory support inpediatrics include heart failure related to congenital heart

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disease, cardiomyopathy and myocarditis, and cardiacallograft failure. The most commonly used method ofcirculatory support in children is ECMO. According to themost recent Extracorporeal Life Support Organization(ELSO) Registry Report from January 2013, a total of 6,225pediatric patients (>31 days to 18 years) have been sup-ported on ECMO since 1990 due to cardiac failure with a65% survival from ECMO but only a 49% survival todischarge (39). ECMO is able to provide complete circu-latory support in a wide range of patients from newbornsto adults both with and without congenital heart diseasebut is highly invasive and survival rates remain low at40 to 50% (39). At this time, the only percutaneous deviceapproved in the United States for short-term cardiacsupport in children is the IABP, with all other modalitiesrequiring surgical implantation. MCSs have been utilizedfor circulatory support in older children successfully intheir current configuration (40,41). An important limita-tion in this patient population is femoral vessel size.Further device iterations may allow broader application.


Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

The IABP remains the most commonly used form of cir-culatory support. The IABP has two major components, aballoon catheter and a pump console to control theballoon. The catheter itself is a double-lumen 7.5–8.0 Frcatheter with a polyethylene balloon attached at its distalend. One lumen is attached to the pump and is used toinflate the balloon with gas. Helium is used because itslow viscosity facilitates rapid transfer in and out of theballoon, and because it absorbs very rapidly in blood inthe case of balloon rupture. The second lumen of the IABPis used for guidewire insertion and to transduce aorticpressure.

Timing of balloon inflation and deflation is based onelectrocardiogram (ECG) or pressure triggers. The ballooninflates with the onset of diastole, which roughly corre-sponds with electrophysiologic repolarization or themiddle of the T-wave on the surface ECG. Followingdiastole, the balloon rapidly deflates at the onset of LVsystole, which is timed to the peak of the R-wave on thesurface ECG. Poor ECG quality, electrical interference, andcardiac arrhythmias can result in erratic balloon inflation/deflation and make pumping inadequate or impossible.Excessive tachycardia also mitigates the usefulness fordiastolic pressure augmentation, due to a reduction of thetime spent in diastole. Modern timing algorithms utilizingfiberoptics can somewhat improve device performanceeven in the setting of tachycardia or irregular pulse (42),while larger volume balloons (i.e., 50 ml) have recentlybeen developed (43).

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Hemodynamic Effects

The IABP increases diastolic blood pressure, decreasesafterload, decreases myocardial oxygen consumption,increases coronary artery perfusion, and modestly en-hances cardiac output. The IABP provides modest ven-tricular unloading but does increase mean arterialpressure and coronary blood flow. Patients must havesome level of left ventricular function and electrical sta-bility for an IABP to be effective, as any increase in cardiacoutput is dependent on the work of the heart itself.Optimal hemodynamic effect from the IABP is dependenton several factors, including the balloon’s position in theaorta, the blood displacement volume, the balloon diam-eter in relation to aortic diameter, the timing of ballooninflation in diastole and deflation in systole, and thepatient’s own heart rate, blood pressure and vascularresistance (44).

Contraindications and Complications

Aortic valve regurgitation of greater than a mild degreehas traditionally been considered a contraindication tothe IABP as diastolic balloon inflation may worsen thedegree of regurgitation. Severe peripheral arterial oraortic disease increases the risk of vascular complicationssuch as thromboembolism to the lower extremities orvisceral arteries (45).

The majority of complications from IABP use arevascular and may include stroke (46), limb ischemia,or vascular trauma. Thrombocytopenia from plateletdeposition on the IABP membrane (or use of heparin),infection, and complications of immobility can occur inpatients who remain on prolonged IABP therapy. Traumato the aorta or ostia of visceral arteries, includingthe renal arteries, can occur and result in severe life-threatening complications such as bowel ischemia,atheroembolism, and acute kidney injury.

There is variability in use of anticoagulation for IABP.Many centers do routinely use anticoagulation, but othersdo not, particularly with 1:1 pumping. No definitivedata exist to provide guidance. Each institution shouldestablish its protocol, with monitoring of bleeding andischemic complications.

Left Atrial to Aorta Assist Devices

Currently, only one left atrial—aorta assist device iscommercially available, TandemHeart. This is a percuta-neously inserted circulatory assist device that pumpsblood extracorporeally from the left atrium (LA) to theiliofemoral arterial system via a transseptally placedleft atrial cannula, thereby bypassing the LV (47). TheTandemHeart has four components: a 21-F transseptalcannula, a centrifugal pump, a femoral arterial cannula,and a control console. Regulatory status includes U.S.

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Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval to provideextracorporeal circulatory support for up to 6 h and CEmark for use up to 30 days. It also has FDA approval to addan oxygenator to the circuit allowing for concomitant LVunloading and oxygenation.

The transseptal cannula is made of wire-reinforcedpolyurethane with a large end-hole and 14-side holesthat allow for aspiration of left atrial blood. The arterialperfusion cannula is available in sizes ranging from 15- to19-F and is the main determinant of maximal flow. Thecentrifugal blood pump contains a hydrodynamic bearingthat supports a spinning impeller. The pump has a motorchamber and a blood chamber that are separated by apolymeric membrane. The impeller is powered by abrushless DC electromagnetic motor, rotating between3,000 and 7,500 rpm. The external console controlsthe pump and provides battery backup in case of powerfailure. A continuous infusion of heparinized salineflows into the lower chamber of the pump, which pro-vides lubrication and cooling, and prevents thrombusformation.

Hemodynamic Effects

During MCS with TandemHeart, both the LV and thepump contribute flow to the aorta simultaneously(thereby working in parallel, or tandem, rather than inseries). The redirection of blood from the LA reduces LVpreload, LV workload, filling pressures, wall stress, andmyocardial oxygen demand (47,48). The increase inarterial blood pressure and cardiac output supports sys-temic perfusion. The 19-F arterial cannula allows up to5 L/min of flow whereas the 15-F cannula will allow up to3.5 L/min. These values are additive to left ventricularoutput through the aortic valve, although the contribu-tion of the heart is typically reduced as MCS support isincreased due to changes in LV loading conditions (i.e.,decrease in preload and increase in afterload). Coronaryflow is driven by the perfusion pressure (diastolic pres-sure—right atrial pressure). With two pumps in parallel,the aorta is perfused and pressured by both LV and theTandemHeart, with the relative contribution of eachvarying and dependent upon LV response to the pump.Not infrequently LV contraction virtually ceases andperfusion is pump-dependent with a flat mean arterialpressure curve. Ventricular tachycardia or fibrillationusually but not always renders LVADs ineffective due toright ventricular failure (RVF) (49).

Contraindications and Complications

Adequate RV function or a concomitant RVAD is usuallynecessary to maintain left atrial volume. There is limitedexperience with the use of the TandemHeart device in thesetting of a ventricular septal defect or severe aorticregurgitation (50,51). Severe peripheral arterial disease,

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which is commonly present in elderly patients, may pre-clude placement of the arterial cannula, or result in pe-ripheral ischemia. In select cases with peripheral arterialdisease, a 5- or 6-F sheath can be placed antegrade intothe superficial femoral artery and spliced into the arterialoutflow cannula to provide limb perfusion. Profoundcoagulopathies and bleeding diatheses such as heparininduced thrombocytopenia or disseminated intravascularcoagulation are contraindications to use of TandemHeartas are the presence of a right or left atrial thrombus.Anticoagulation is important to prevent thromboembo-lism or in situ thrombosis and few data with anticoagu-lants other than unfractionated heparin are availablealthough anecdotal reports exist. Activated clotting timesabout 300 are typically required. Alternative agents suchas bivalirudin or argatroban may be required in case ofheparin contraindications and their use is empiric.

Complications from the device are similar to otherpercutaneous support devices and include vasculartrauma and limb ischemia (47). Expertise with trans-septal puncture is required, particularly given the caliberof the venous cannula. The relatively low numbers ofinterventional cardiologists regularly performing trans-septal puncture in their practice is an important barrierto clinical application in many labs. Collaboration withcolleagues with transseptal experience and imagingguidance using intracardiac or transesophageal echocar-diography can facilitate training and safety of the trans-septal puncture. Complications unique to transseptalpuncture, such as cardiac tamponade can occur; and theserisks are increased among anticoagulated patients. Otherpossible complications include thrombo-or air-embolismand hemolysis. Care must be taken to prevent dislodge-ment of the left atrial cannula, particularly during patienttransport, or if the patient moves their leg, as dislodge-ment into the right atrium will result in massive right toleft shunt and severe systemic desaturation. The cannulamay also migrate into a pulmonary vein leading to devicemalfunction.

LV to Aorta-Assist Devices

The Impella is a nonpulsatile axial flow Archimedes-screwpump designed to propel blood from the LV into theascending aorta, in series with the LV (47). Three versionsare now available. The 12-F (Impella 2.5) and 21-F (Impella5.0) devices which provide maximal flow rates of 2.5 and5.0 L/min, respectively, and a new 14-F device (ImpellaCP) with an intermediate level of support of 3.0 to 4.0 L/min. These devices are designed to be placed via thefemoral artery, either percutaneously (2.5 and CP) or witha surgical cutdown (5.0). Alternate access sites such as thesubclavian artery have been described but are notroutinely used. The tip of the catheter is a flexible pigtailloop that stabilizes the device in the LV with a low

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likelihood of perforation. The pigtail connects to a 12-F(2.5 device), 14-F (CP device), or 21-F cannula (5.0 device)that contains the pump inlet and outlet areas, motorhousing, and pump pressure monitor. Due to its size, theImpella 5.0 requires a surgical cutdown for deploymentvia the axillary or femoral artery. A possible advantageof the axillary approach is the potential for long-termsupport (52).

The proximal 9-F catheter shaft houses the motorpower leads and purge and pressure measurement lu-mens. The catheter’s proximal end consists of a hubfor attachment of a console cable and side arms forattachment of purge solution and pressure-measurementtubing. As the Impella CP device has just recently becomeavailable in the United States, the greatest experience todate has been with the Impella 2.5 device.

Unlike the IABP, and comparable to the TandemHeart,the Impella does not require timing, nor is a trigger froman electrocardiographic rhythm or arterial pressureneeded. Similar to the TandemHeart, the device allows forstability despite transient arrhythmias, but asystole andventricular fibrillation are poorly tolerated. The devicehas received FDA approval for providing up to 6 h ofpartial circulatory support whereas in Europe, the Impella2.5 is approved for use of up to 5 days.

Hemodynamic Effects

The Impella pumps blood from the LV into the ascendingaorta, thereby unloading the LV and increasing forwardflow. It reduces myocardial oxygen consumption, im-proves mean arterial pressure, and reduces pulmonarycapillary wedge pressure (53). The Impella 2.5 provides agreater increase in cardiac output than the IABP but lessthan the TandemHeart device. The more powerful ImpellaCP and 5.0 devices are comparable to the TandemHeartdevice in terms of support. Whether the Impella CPfurther reduces native left ventricular stroke work andwall stress at comparable flow rates to the TandemHeartbased on device inflow location is unknown. Similar to theTandemHeart, adequate RV function or concomitantRVAD is necessary to maintain LV preload and hemody-namic support during biventricular failure or unstableventricular arrhythmias (49).

Contraindications and Complications

Use of the Impella is contraindicated in patients with amechanical aortic valve or left ventricular thrombus.Aortic stenosis and regurgitation are relative contraindi-cations, although reports of use in critical aortic stenosisfor hemodynamic rescue or to facilitate valvuloplastyexist (54). The device should not be placed in patientswith severe peripheral arterial disease or who cannottolerate systemic anticoagulation. Theoretically, use of

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Impella may worsen right-to-left shunting and hypoxemiain patients with a preexisting ventricular septal defect.

The most commonly reported complications of Im-pella placement are limb ischemia, vascular injury, andbleeding requiring blood transfusion (55). Vascular com-plications common to all transfemoral procedures suchas hematoma, pseudoaneurysm, and arterial- venous fis-tula, and retroperitoneal hemorrhage can occur with anymechanical support device.

Hemolysis due to mechanical erythrocyte shearing hasbeen reported within the first 24 h of use in 5% to 10% ofpatients, and may respond to repositioning the device(55). Persistent hemolysis associated with acute kidneyinjury is an indication for device removal.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation

ECMO provides cardiopulmonary support for patientswhose heart and lungs can no longer provide adequatephysiologic support. ECMO can be either veno-veno(V-V) for oxygenation only or veno-arterial (V-A) foroxygenation and circulatory support. In cases of biven-tricular failure, V-A ECMO is the MCS of choice forpatients in cardiogenic shock and impaired oxygenation,as it provides full cardiopulmonary support. ECMOmay be placed at the bedside without fluoroscopicguidance.

Similar to a cardiopulmonary bypass circuit used incardiac surgery, V-A ECMO involves a circuit composed ofa centrifugal, nonpulsatile pump for blood propulsion,and a membrane oxygenator for gas exchange. A venouscannula drains deoxygenated blood into a membraneoxygenator for gas exchange, and oxygenated blood issubsequently infused into the patient via an arterialcannula. Anticoagulation is required and unfractionatedheparin is the most commonly used agent. The degree ofanticoagulation is dependent on the type of membraneoxygenator used, with ACTs ranging between 180 and250. Venous and arterial cannulae can vary in size buttypically will be similar to TandemHeart (20-F venous,17-F arterial). An experienced cardiac perfusionist isrequired for management of the ECMO system, whereasthey are not required for the other devices.

While any standard ECMO or perfusion system avail-able in the hospital may be used, new portable ECMOsystems such as CardioHelp (Maquet) have now attainedFDA approval and may find a useful role in catheterizationlaboratories due to the relative ease of implantation andinitiation.

Hemodynamic Effects

V-V ECMO offers gas exchange without hemodynamicsupport and is useful for conditions associated withsevere impairment of gas exchange with stable hemody-namics such as ARDS, or rarely, pulmonary embolism.

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On the other hand, V-A ECMO provides systemic circula-tory support with flows sometimes exceeding 6 L/mindepending on cannula sizes. However, due to highmyocardial oxygen demand (secondary to high fillingpressures and volume), V-A ECMO alone may not signifi-cantly reduce ventricular wall stress (56). This has theo-retic negative consequences on myocardial protectionunless the LV is vented or unloaded by concomitant IABPor Impella (57). Metabolic derangement and deleterioussystemic effects of cardiogenic shock can often be cor-rected within hours of initiation of ECMO.

Contraindications and Complications

Perfusionists familiar with device function and mainte-nance should be readily available. Significant aorticinsufficiency may worsen with ECMO and promoteincreased ventricular wall stress without a venting strat-egy. Patients with severe peripheral arterial diseaseshould not undergo peripheral cannulation and centralcannulation should be considered. Anticoagulationis necessary to prevent thrombosis of the membraneoxygenator and varies dependent upon type. Typicalactivated clotting times (ACTs) are between 180 and 250.Each laboratory and hospital with a mechanical supportprogram should have target ACTs and regular monitoringas part of its protocol. Alternative antithrombin agentsmay be required if contraindications to unfractionatedheparin exist (58).

Complications of ECMO relate to bleeding and throm-boembolic events, as well as hemolysis. Thromboembolicevents may occur both in the circuit or the patientif adequate anticoagulation is not achieved. Cannulationcomplications, common to all large cannulae, may in-clude venous thrombosis or distal arterial ischemia.Similar to TandemHeart, a second, antegrade, arterialsheath inserted into the superficial femoral artery canprovide antegrade limb perfusion when needed. Stroke,either embolic or hemorrhagic, can occur and caremust be taken to assure adequate but not excessiveanticoagulation.

Right-Sided Support

RVF is associated with increased morbidity and mortality(59–67). Management of RVF focuses on reversingthe underlying cause, maintaining adequate preload,reducing RV afterload, and enhancing RV contractility. InRVF refractory to medical therapy, options include sur-gical RVAD implantation, veno-arterial ECMO, cardiactransplantation, or a total artificial heart (67). Historically,percutaneous mechanical support for RVF has beenlimited to the IABP, which only indirectly benefits RVfunction by reducing LV afterload and enhancing coro-nary perfusion. Since RV stroke work requires one-sixththe energy expenditure of the LV (68), pumps that

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generate continuous flow with a minimal, low-amplitudepulsatile component, may more closely approximatenative RV function.

Right ventricular support using two venous cannulasand ECMO or a TandemHeart centrifugal pump providingflow from the right atrium to main pulmonary artery hasbeen reported (69). Since the earliest reports, the Tan-demHeart RV support device has been implanted for RVFin the setting of AMI (70,71), post-LVAD implant (72), se-vere pulmonary hypertension (73), and acute cardiacallograft failure (74). Right internal jugular venous can-nulation can be used and is particularly useful when thedistance from the femoral vein to the fifth intercostalspace exceeds 58 cm or if femoral venous access is limitedby infection, thrombosis, or an inferior vena caval filter(75). Close monitoring for antegrade cannula migration isessential and may present as hypoxic respiratory failure,hemothorax, hemoptysis, decreased cardiac output, andan acute decrease in device flow. TandemHeart is notFDA-approved for use as an RVAD (36). The Impella RP, acatheter-mounted axial flow pump is undergoing evalu-ation for management of RVF (38). A potential advantageof the Impella RP device is the need for only a singlevenous access site. As experience with percutaneous RVsupport devices grows, their role in the interventionalarmamentarium of mechanical therapies for heart failurewill evolve and will require algorithms for risk stratifica-tion, patient and device monitoring, and weaningprotocols.

Theoretical Comparison ofHemodynamic and Myocardial Effects

The primary mechanism of benefit of MCS is to reducenative LV stroke work and myocardial oxygen demandwhile maintaining systemic and coronary perfusion.Myocardial effects of reducing LV volume and pressure,known as “LV unloading” have been well described (76).Device options can be classified according to pump typeand include: volume-displacement pumps (IABP) andcontinuous-flow pumps, which can be further grouped asaxial-flow (Impella) or centrifugal-flow (TandemHeart;CentriMag; Rotaflow) MCSs.

By displacing blood volume in the descending aortaduring systole, the IABP generates a vacuum that isreplaced by blood from the LV. The net result is reducedLV afterload, increased stroke volume, and a smallreduction in LV stroke work (77). However, the IABP isfunctionally limited by balloon capacity, accurate timing,and a dependence on native LV function. Whether newergeneration, larger capacity IABPs will provide more car-diac support remains unknown.

With minimal native LV function continuous flow de-vices actively reduce LV stroke work and myocardial ox-ygen demand, and can maintain systemic perfusion.

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Output of these devices is determined by rotor speed andis influenced by preload and afterload. Whether axial orcentrifugal flow pumps have different effects on LVunloading has not been clearly established (78,79). Dif-ferences between these two device types that impacthemodynamic effects are the rotor sizes and the caliber ofthe inflow and outflow segments.

Technical differences between axial and centrifugaldevices exist and relate to the location of device inflowand outflow. The Impella is placed across the aortic valveinto the LV for direct unloading, while the TandemHeartinflow cannula is placed across the interatrial septum intothe LA, thereby reducing LV stroke work indirectly byreducing LV preload. No patient-level data exist currentlyto suggest that any meaningful difference is observedbetween unloading via the LA or the LV. In contrast,ECMO, which displaces venous volume into the arterialcirculation, can significantly increase after-load on theLV, thereby potentially reducing LV stroke volume,increasing myocardial oxygen demand, and necessitating“venting” of the LV (80). The major technical differenceis that to achieve device flow rates of 5 L/min, theTandemHeart device requires venous and arterial can-nulation with trans-septal puncture, while the Impella5.0 pump requires surgical vascular access.


The American College of Cardiology, the AmericanHeart Association, and the Society for CardiovascularAngiography and Intervention have published expertconsensus documents and clinical practice guidelinesreferencing the use of left ventricular assist devices. Themost recent guidelines relating to percutaneous coronaryintervention and management of acute coronary syn-dromes recommend consideration of hemodynamic sup-port devices in the settings of HR-PCI and STEMI withcardiogenic shock and for use in unstable patients beingtransported from one hospital center to another (5,81).

Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump

In a retrospective study of 48 patients who underwentprimary PCI for acute myocardial infarction complicatedby cardiogenic shock, those that had an IABP placedbefore PCI had a lower peak creatine kinase (CK), lowerin-hospital mortality and fewer major adverse cardiacevents than those with IABP inserted after PCI (82).However, a nonrandomized study examined the use ofIABP in HR-PCI using the National Cardiovascular DataRegistry database and found no differences in overallmortality and wide regional variation in the use of IABPin this setting (83). Similarly, a meta-analysis of IABP usein AMI found no benefit and potential harm, includinga higher risk of stroke (46). Finally, prospective

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randomized, controlled trials have failed to demonstrateconclusive proof of IABP benefit. The IABP-SHOCK II Trial(84) randomized 600 patients with cardiogenic shockcomplicating AMI to IABP or no IABP, with all patientsexpected to undergo early revascularization and toreceive optimal medical therapy. The vast majority (83%)of IABP were inserted after the primary PCI procedure; at30 days, there were 119 deaths (39.7%) in the IABP groupand 123 deaths (41.3%) in the control group (p ¼ 0.69), andno significant differences in secondary clinical, labora-tory, and resource utilization endpoints. Rates of majorbleeding, sepsis, and stroke were also similar between thetwo groups (84).

Despite limited evidence of meaningful benefit, IABPhas received a Class IIa indication for use during STEMIcomplicated by cardiogenic shock in the 2013 ACCF/AHAguideline statement pertaining to STEMI management(81). IABP use in STEMI without shock was not addressedexcept to note that it may be useful for mechanical com-plications of STEMI. Additionally, the current ACCF/AHAguideline statement (5) and the most recent SCAI expertconsensus document (85) on PCI without on-site cardiacsurgery agree that the ability to provide IABP supportduring transport of unstable patients is a requirementfor such centers.

The CRISP AMI (Counterpulsation to Reduce InfarctSize Pre-PCI Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial was a30-center randomized controlled trial that investigatedwhether routine IABP placement immediately beforereperfusion reduced myocardial infarct size in patientspresenting with an anterior STEMI. The trial enrolled337 patients in nine countries. No reduction in infarctsize as assessed by cardiac magnetic resonance imagingwas found 3 to 5 days following coronary intervention,and no significant difference in survival was observed at6-month follow-up between groups (86).

In a large study from the National CardiovascularData Registry, IABP was used in only 10.5% of 181,599high-risk interventions (defined unprotected left mainintervention, reduced left ventricular ejection fraction,STEMI and cardiogenic shock) (83). IABP use in thisanalysis was not associated with lower mortality andvaried widely between centers. Since all retrospectivenonrandomized studies are subject to significant selec-tion and referral bias it remains unknown what theoutcomes of the 18,990 patients would have been hadan IABP not been used.

Finally, a prospective randomized clinical trial, BCIS-1,enrolled 301 patients across 17 centers in the UK andfailed to show a mortality benefit of routine IABPover provisional IABP use among those referred forHR-PCI (87). On the other hand, routine IABP use signifi-cantly reduced major procedural complications (1.3% vs.10.7%, p < 0.001), particularly procedural hypotension.

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Procedural hypotension in the group randomized to noIABP necessitated crossing over to IABP in 12% of pa-tients. A long-term follow-up analysis of BCIS-1 out to 51months showed a 34% relative reduction in all-causemortality with routine IABP use in patients with severeischemic cardiomyopathy undergoing HR-PCI (88).

Percutaneous Mechanical Circulatory Support

The opportunity for these systems to provide greaterhemodynamic support than IABP has been demonstrated(89); however, there have been few randomized clinicaltrials. In an analysis of 117 patients with severe cardio-genic shock refractory to IABP and/or vasopressortherapy, Kar et al. (89) observed significant improvementsin cardiac index, systolic blood pressure, and urineoutput with TandemHeart support over an averageimplant time of 6 days. In addition, pulmonary capillarywedge pressure and serum creatinine levels decreased.Despite these clinical and laboratory improvements,30-day mortality remained high at 40% with significantbleeding complications. Whether observed mortalitywould have been higher without circulatory supportcannot be determined; however, it bears emphasis thatthese were the sickest subgroup with true refractoryshock with almost one-half undergoing CPR during theircourse. In a small open-labeled study, Burkhoff et al. (90)randomized 33 patients within 24 h of developingcardiogenic shock to treatment with an IABP or Tandem-Heart. Compared with IABP, the TandemHeart deviceresulted in a greater increase in cardiac index anddecrease in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, but nodifference in severe adverse events or 30-day mortality.Low statistical power due to small numbers precludeddefinitive conclusions.

Similar hemodynamic improvements have been dem-onstrated with the Impella 2.5 system in CS. Seyfarthet al. (91) randomly allocated 25 patients with AMI andcardiogenic shock to receive percutaneous support withan IABP or Impella 2.5 device. Early increases in cardiacindex were greater with Impella (þ0.49 L/(min m2)vs. þ0.11 L/min/m2; p ¼ 0.02). Similar to the TandemHeartdata, 30-day mortality was high 46%) and not differentbetween the two groups. Elective use of the Impella 2.5system has been demonstrated to be safe in HR-PCI (92)although an earlier study raised some concerns abouthemolysis and increased left ventricular volume afterdevice activation (93).

A large observational study of the Impella 2.5 device inHR-PCI has been published (94). Most patients wereextremely high risk, including inoperable patients with ahigh prevalence of chronic kidney disease, prior coronaryartery bypass grafting, and severe LV dysfunction, aswell as a high prevalence of NYHA class III to IV heartfailure. Despite these risk factors, procedural success was

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high with a 90% success rate with multi-vessel revascu-larization and 8% rate of 30-day major adverse cardiacevents. Survival was 91% and 88% at 6 and 12 months,respectively.

The PROTECT 2 trial is the largest single randomizedclinical trial of HR-PCI using MCS ever performed andenrolled 452 symptomatic patients with complex three-vessel disease or unprotected left main coronary arterydisease and severely depressed left ventricular functionto IABP (n ¼ 226) or Impella 2.5 (n ¼ 226) support for HRPCI (95). The primary end point was a 30-day compositeof 11 adverse events and was not significantly differentbetween groups (Impella 35.1% vs. 40.1% IABP, p ¼ 0.227)in the intent-to-treat population. The trial was stoppedearly for futility. Primary endpoint differences weregreater in the per protocol population (34.3% Impella vs.42.2% IABP, p ¼ 0.092). Impella provided superior he-modynamic support in comparison with IABP, and at90 days a trend toward decreased events was observed inthe intent-to-treat population (40.6% Impella vs. 49.3%IABP, p ¼ 0.066). Differences were magnified in the perprotocol population (40.0% Impella vs. 51.0% IABP, p ¼0.023) (90). A subsequent analysis redefining myocardialinfarction as the development of new Q waves or CKMBmore than eight times the upper limit of normal demon-strated lower rates of events in patients treated withImpella (composite event rate 37% vs. 49%, p ¼ 0.014),respectively; and major adverse cardiac and cerebrovas-cular events 22% vs. 31%, p ¼ 0.034) (96). Interestingly,this is consistent with the late mortality reductiondemonstrated in BCIS-1 and has been the cause of intensespeculation. The potential mechanism for late benefitmay relate to more stable procedural hemodynamicsallowing for greater and more complete revascularization,including allowing for more complex PCI procedures suchas rotational atherectomy (97).

No comparable randomized trial of HR-PCI with theTandemHeart device exists. Alli et al. (98) reported a se-ries of 54 patients using the TandemHeart for HR-PCI. Allpatients were deemed high risk for surgery and under-went complex PCI, with left main and multivessel stent-ing performed in 64%. Procedural success was high at97%, and 6-month survival was 87%. Besides demon-strating the safety and feasibility of this device to allowcomplex intervention in a very high-risk, non-surgicalgroup, hemodynamics improved during support, with adecrease in cardiac filling pressures and increase incardiac output. No patient required hemodialysis butvascular complications occurred in 13%. Other smallseries of patients undergoing HR-PCI with TandemHeartsupport have also been reported (99,100).

It is important to note that the sickest patients withmost significant hemodynamic compromise are clearlynot readily enrolled in large clinical trials. Clinical

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operators frequently empirically use commercially avail-able MCS for hemodynamic support. Exclusion fromenrollment of those candidates who would have been themost likely to benefit from enhanced MCS will decreasethe power of clinical trials to detect outcome differences.

Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO)

ECMO is part of a broader category termed extracorporeallife support (ECLS) (101). This term includes cardiopul-monary support, extracorporeal CO2 removal, and ECMO.A common cardiac indication for ECMO is in patientswith postcardiotomy syndrome and an inability to weanfrom cardiopulmonary bypass. ECMO has also beenused to support patients with allograft failure followingcardiac transplantation, fulminant myocarditis, and se-vere decompensated heart failure refractory to standardtherapies. As a bridge to definitive therapy, ECMO hasalso been used in patients with cardiogenic shock fromacute coronary syndromes and as a bridge to transplantwith or without the use of other ventricular assist devices.Multiple reports of ECMO being instituted for cardiac ar-rest (102,103) exist, and the institution of ECMO for car-diovascular collapse and cardiac arrest is rapidly growingin popularity (104). A major advantage is the relative easeof implementation, but a disadvantage is the need forspecialized perfusion expertise and nursing. Nichol et al.reviewed 84 studies of ECMO instituted for cardiogenicshock or cardiac arrest and showed an overall survivalof 50% (105).

Analysis of the ELSO (Extracorporeal Life Support Or-ganization) registry for ECMO used in the setting of adultcardiac arrest demonstrated a 27% survival to hospitaldischarge with the need for renal replacement therapyincreasing odds of mortality (106). A more recent experi-ence similarly found 49% survival with use of either MCSor ECMO in cardiogenic shock, with ongoing cardiopul-monary resuscitation a risk factor for increased mortality(107). There are no large randomized controlled trials withuse of ECMO.


When to Consider Mechanical Circulatory Support

For historic reasons, positive inotropes and vasopressorshave been first-line therapy for hemodynamic instabilityand cardiogenic shock. Given the lack of data showingbenefit with these agents, and the potential for harm withcoronary and peripheral vasoconstriction, MCS may beconsidered in carefully selected patients with severe he-modynamically unstable cardiovascular presentations.Table 1 lists the most common scenarios in which MCSmay be used to provide hemodynamic support and bridgeto recovery or definitive therapy. Table 2 provides a guidefor clinical use for HR PCI.

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Timing of MCS insertion depends on the indication foruse. For cardiogenic shock, a support device should beinserted as soon as possible, particularly if initial attemptswith fluid resuscitation and pharmacologic support failto show any significant hemodynamic benefit, and beforePCI (110). Early initiation of MCS support can mitigatethe consequences of systemic hypoperfusion, worseningischemia, and declining cardiac function. Hemodynamicevaluation and monitoring with right heart catheteriza-tion is helpful in most cases.

For prophylactic support during elective, high-riskprocedures, the device should be placed before the startof the intervention. If a patient is hemodynamicallystable post-procedure, the device can usually be removedimmediately. Patients who remain hemodynamically un-stable post-procedure or those with cardiogenic shockmay remain on percutaneous support until their hemo-dynamic status improves. Although these devices arelabeled for as little as 6 h of use, they have been suc-cessfully employed for days or even weeks in selectedcases of prolonged shock. A team approach with in-put from advanced heart failure specialists and VAD/transplant surgeons can facilitate decision making.

MCS Device Selection

Multiple factors must be considered when choosing MCSincluding: the hemodynamic condition of the patient,hemodynamic impact of the device, technical consider-ations including ease and rapidity of insertion, and theultimate goals of support. In emergent situations (e.g.STEMI), IABP is often selected as the quickest and mostfamiliar way to obtain some degree of hemodynamicstabilization, especially in the setting of AMI with pumpfailure. The initial effects of the IABP on coronary bloodflow may be particularly desirable in this setting as well.However, the IABP often requires concomitant pharma-cologic support to maintain hemodynamics in those withpump failure, and recent data raise questions about theefficacy and safety of IABP support in this setting(46,86,111,112). Operators familiar with the Impella mayelect to insert this device instead in such patients, in or-der to minimize or obviate pressor use, reduce myocardialoxygen demand and improve systemic perfusion, therebyavoiding systemic shock. In experienced centers, inser-tion of an Impella 2.5 or CP device may be as rapid as anIABP.

If hemodynamic compromise occurs despite appropriatemedical management and/or IABP, one may consider morepowerful hemodynamic support devices such as an axial orcentrifugal flow pump. Use of these devices requires anexperienced team and may not be possible under all cir-cumstances, particularly with adverse conditions. Withexperience the Impella 2.5 or CP can be inserted rapidlyand provide a higher magnitude of support compared to

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TABLE 1 Suggested Indications for Percutaneous MCS

Indication Comments

Complications of AMI Ischemic mitral regurgitation is particularly well-suited to these devices as the hemodynamic disturbance is usuallyacute and substantial. Acutely depressed LV function from large AMI during and after primary PCI is an increasingindication for temporary MCS use. Cardiogenic shock from RV infarction can be treated with percutaneous rightventricular support.

Severe heart failure in the setting ofnonischemic cardiomyopathy

Examples include severe exacerbations of chronic systolic heart failure as well as acutely reversible cardiomyopathiessuch as fulminant myocarditis, stress cardiomyopathy, or peripartum cardiomyopathy.In patients presenting in INTERMACS profiles 1 or 2, MCS can be used as a bridge to destination VAD placement oras a bridge to recovery if the ejection fraction rapidly improves (108).

Acute cardiac allograft failure Primary allograft failure (adult or pediatric) may be due to acute cellular or antibody-mediated rejection, prolongedischemic time, or inadequate organ preservation.

Post-transplant RV failure Acute RV failure has several potential causes, including recipient pulmonary hypertension, intraoperative injury/ischemia, and excess volume/blood product resuscitation. MCS support provides time for the donor right ventricleto recover function, often with the assistance of inotropic and pulmonary vasodilator therapy (109).

Patients slow to wean from cardiopulmonarybypass following heart surgery

Although selected patients may be transitioned to a percutaneous system for additional weaning, this is rarely done.

Refractory arrhythmias Patients can be treated with a percutaneous system that is somewhat independent of the cardiac rhythm. For recurrent,refractory, ventricular arrhythmias, ECMO may be required for biventricular failure.

Prophylactic use for high risk PCI Particularly in patients with severe LV dysfunction (EF <20% to 30%) and complex coronary artery disease involving alarge territory (sole-remaining vessel, left main or three vessel disease) (94,95,98).

High-risk or complex ablation of ventriculartachycardia

Similar to HR-PCI, complex VT ablation can be made feasible with percutaneous support. MCS use allows the patientto remain in VT longer during arrhythmia mapping without as much concern about systemic hypoperfusion.

High-risk percutaneous valve interventions These evolving procedures may be aided with the use of MCSs.

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an IABP. For patients who continue to deteriorate despitesuch support, TandemHeart using the larger arterialoutflow cannula, ECMO, or surgical cutdown for delivery ofan Impella 5.0 should be considered.

Operators must consider the advantages and disad-vantages of initially selecting a device to achieve highercardiac output by inserting it at the beginning of a high-risk procedure or at the early stages of ADHF or shock,and perhaps obviating peripheral and coronary vasocon-striction that accompany vasopressor therapy. In patientswith cardiogenic shock and mechanical complications,the TandemHeart or Impella 5.0 offers the greatest car-diac output and hemodynamic support while the indi-vidual is evaluated for surgery. Inotropes may still berequired to support RV function after placement of a left-sided support device. Patients with biventricular failureand/or impaired oxygenation may require ECMO support.Biventricular support with two different devices (e.g.,TandemHeart for RV support and Impella or IABP for LVsupport) has also been reported.

Early MCS implantation before the patient requiresmultiple vasopressors is theoretically attractive but re-quires testing in controlled trials. Insertion of an Impella

TABLE 2 Suggested Schema for Support Device in High-Risk PC

Patient With Left Main, Last RemainingConduit, or Severe Multivessel Disease

AnticipatedNoncomplex PCI

Normal or mildly reduced left ventricular function None

Severe left ventricular dysfunction (EF <35%) or recentdecompensated heart failure

IABP/Impellaas back up

A suggested schema for use of support devices for high-risk PCI based upon clinical and anatomic circpotential benefit of MCS.

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or TandemHeart device should permit completion of arevascularization procedure without hypotension andsystemic hypoperfusion, reduce vasoconstriction morequickly, and achieve a greater likelihood of improvedlate survival. Such an approach is supported by recentguidelines (5).

Gaps in Knowledge

Given the limited prospective, randomized, multicenterdata with MCS use, these recommendations must betempered with understanding of knowledge gaps. Theeffects of percutaneous MCS on reducing LV stroke workand myocardial oxygen demand in acute myocardialinfarction are poorly understood. MCSs may reduceinfarct size and/or ischemic complications, but availableclinical data so far does not support this indication.

In patients undergoing HR-PCI, more data are neededon subgroups of patients that may benefit from support(e.g., based on clinical or angiographic characteristics).Likewise, for patients with AMI complicated by cardio-genic shock, the limitations of IABP use are apparent.A phase III, multicenter, three-arm study comparingoutcomes with IABP, MCS or neither, with power to


Anticipated Technically Challenging or Prolonged PCI

IABP/Impella as back up

Impella or TandemHeart, choice dependent upon vascular anatomy, localexpertise, and availability. ECMO for concomitant hypoxemia or RV failure.

umstances. The greater the likelihood of hemodynamic compromise or collapse the greater the

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determine clinical outcome differences not only inshort-term hemodynamics but also long-term survival, isneeded. With the re-emergence of ECMO at many centers,the trade-offs between complete cardiopulmonary sup-port versus complexity of intervention and monitoringand potential for complications and impaired myocardialprotection need to be defined. On the other hand, partialLV support may offer benefits over current MCS tech-nology in terms of ease of application and patientacceptability.

The potential advantages of these devices over phar-macologic therapy such as inotropes, with known adverseeffects on myocardial oxygen consumption and cardiacrhythm, need to be determined in controlled studies.Finally, more development and clinical data are neededon RV support devices.

Cost Effectiveness

The support devices discussed in this document areexpensive, with acquisition, disposable, and operatingcosts greatly exceeding that of the IABP. Costs incurredduring both the initial hospitalization and any subsequentreadmissions need to be considered. This is particularlytrue as most patients are older, have multiple comorbid-ities, and may experience prolonged hospital length ofstays and high readmission rates. A recent Europeanstudy modeled cost-effectiveness of an Impella in com-parison with IABP using decision trees bases upon rates ofendpoints reported in the literature. The Impella wasassociated with an incremental quality-adjusted life-year(QALY) between 0.22 (with Euro registry data) and0.27 (with U.S. registry data). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of the device varied betweenV38,069/$52,063 (with Euroregistry data) and V31,727/$43,390 (with U.S. registry data) per QALY compared withIABP, which is within conventionally accepted parame-ters of cost effectiveness (113).

A second study utilizing 2010–2011 MedPAR dataevaluated the cost-effectiveness of emergency MCS forcardiogenic shock (N ¼ 883) compared with surgicalECMO or VAD therapy (N ¼ 305). MCS was associatedwith better survival to hospital discharge (56% vs. 42%,p < 0.001), reduced LOS (13.2 and 17.9 days, respectively,p ¼ 0.055) and significantly lower inpatient costs ($90,929and $144,257, respectively, p < 0.001) (114).

Future Directions: Myocyte Protection and Recovery

Another potential use of ventricular support is myocytepreservation during acute ischemic insult (115). Ventric-ular unloading may reduce myocardial infarct sizethrough enhanced hemodynamics, preserved energetics,and activation of cardioprotective mechanisms (48,116).Despite limited unloading potency, some animal infarctmodel studies found improved myocyte recovery with

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IABP use (117,118). However, as described above, theCRISP-AMI study (101) found no difference in mean finalinfarct size between STEMI patients (not complicated bycardiogenic shock) who received routine IABP comparedwith those who did not. Animal studies of LV unloadingwith Impella appeared more favorable (56,119–121) and apreliminary clinical report of Impella for infarct sizereduction in the STEMI setting was encouraging (122). TheMINI-AMI (Minimizing Infarct Size with Impella 2.5Following PCI for Acute Myocardial Infarction) trialsought to measure this benefit, but this study wasterminated before completion (123). The TandemHeartdevice will be studied in a trial of similar design entitledTRIS (TandemHeart To Reduce Infarct Size) (Howard C,personal communication). This trial will test the hypoth-esis that left ventricular unloading before primary PCI willreduce infarct size. No human subject studies of ECMOhave been announced to test efficacy in myocardialsalvage but portable ECMO devices that have recentlybecome available may have an important role to play inthe future.


The availability of percutaneous MCS has broadenedtherapeutic options for patients that require hemody-namic support. A variety of devices are now available,each with specific technical and clinical nuances.

Unfortunately, definitive clinical evidence is in manycases either unavailable or controversial. We provide thefollowing consensus-based summary statements basedupon the anticipated hemodynamic effects and risks,clinical outcomes data as well as knowledge gaps.

1. Percutaneous MCS provides superior hemodynamicsupport compared to pharmacologic therapy. This isparticularly apparent for the Impella and Tandem-Heart devices. These devices should remain avail-able clinically and be appropriately reimbursed.

2. Patients in cardiogenic shock represent an extremelyhigh risk group in whom mortality has remainedhigh despite revascularization and pharmacologictherapies. Early placement of an appropriate MCSmay be considered in those who fail to stabilizeor show signs of improvement quickly after initialinterventions.

3. MCS may be considered for patients undergoinghigh-risk PCI, such as those requiring multivessel, leftmain, or last patent conduit interventions, particu-larly if the patient is inoperable or has severelydecreased ejection fraction or elevated cardiac fillingpressures.

4. In the setting of profound cardiogenic shock, IABP isless likely to provide benefit than continuous flow

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pumps including the Impella CP and TandemHeart.ECMO may also provide benefit, particularly forpatients with impaired respiratory gas exchange.

5. Patients with acute decompensated heart failuremay benefit from early use of percutaneous MCSwhen they continue to deteriorate despite initialinterventions. MCS may be considered if patients arecandidates for surgically implanted VADs or if rapidrecovery is expected (e.g., fulminant myocarditis orstress-induced cardiomyopathy).

6. When oxygenation remains impaired, adding anoxygenator to a TandemHeart circuit or use of ECMOshould be considered based upon local availability.

7. There are insufficient data to support or refute thenotion that routine use of MCSs as an adjunct to pri-mary revascularization in the setting of large acutemyocardial infarction is useful in reducing reperfu-sion injury or infarct size. Exploratory studies areunderway.

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8. MCSs may be used for failure to wean off cardiopul-monary bypass, considered as an adjunct to high-riskelectrophysiologic procedures when prolonged hy-potension is anticipated, or rarely, for valvularinterventions.

9. Severe biventricular failure may require use of bothright- and left-sided percutaneous MCS or veno-arterial ECMO. Certain patients may respond toLVAD implantation with inotropes and/or pulmonaryvasodilators to support the right heart. MCS may alsobe considered for isolated acute RVF complicated bycardiogenic shock.

10. Registries and randomized controlled trials comparingdifferent strategies in different clinical scenarios arecritically needed.

11. Early analyses suggest cost-effectiveness of MCS foremergent use in comparison to surgical ECMO or VADsupport, and for elective use in comparison to IABP.Further data are necessary.


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KEY WORDS ACC Expert Consensus Document,cardiogenic, percutaneous coronary intervention,shock, ventricular assist device

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CommitteeMember Consultant




Institutional, Organizational, orOther Financial Benefit


Srihari Naidu, MD None None None None None None

Charanjit Rihal, MD None None None None None None

James Burke, MD None None None None None None

James Goldstein, MD None None None None None None

Kirk Garratt, MD None None None None None None

Michael Givertz, MD None None None None None None

Morton Kern, MD None None None None

Navin Kapur, MD None None None CardiacAssista None None

Thomas Tu, MD None None None None None None

Vivian Dimas, MD None None None None None None

Wilson Szeto, MD None None None None None None

This table represents relevant healthcare relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were reported by authors at the time this document was under development. Thetable does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of $5% ofthe voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of $$10, 000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% ofthe person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are modest unlessotherwise noted. Please refer to for definitions of disclosure categories or additional information about the ACC DisclosurePolicy for Writing Committees.aSignificant relationship.

: on 09/27/2016

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CommitteeMember Consultant




Institutional,Organizational, orOther Financial


Srihari Naidu, MD None None None None None None

Charanjit Rihal, MD None None None None None None

James Burke, MD None None None None None None

James Goldstein, MD InfraReDx, Inc.a None None None None None

Kirk Garratt, MD Abbott VascularDaiichi- Sankyo/Eli Lillya

MedLogicsa GuidedDelivery Systemsa

The Medicines CompanyBoston Scientific

Abbott VascularMedtronic

The Medicines CompanyBoston Scientific

None None None None

Michael Givertz, MD None None None None Biocontrol—DataSafety Monitoring



Morton Kern, MD Merit Medicala Volcanoa Chief Cardiology, NoneSt. Judea LBVAHb Plaintiff 2010


Navin Kapur, MD Thoratec None None CardiacAssista None None

Thomas Tu, MD None None None None None None

Vivian Dimas, MD None None None None None None

Wilson Szeto, MD MicrolnterventionalDevice

None None Edwards LifeSciences

None None

This table represents all healthcare relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were reported by authors, including those not deemed to be relevant to this document,at the time this document was under development. The table does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in abusiness if the interest represents ownership of $5% of the voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of $$10,000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if fundsreceived by the person from the business entity exceed 5% of the person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose oftransparency. Relationships in this table are modest unless otherwise noted. Please refer to for definitions of disclosurecategories or additional information about the ACC Disclosure Policy for Writing Committees.aSignificant relationship. bNo financial benefit.

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Committee Member Representation ConsultantSpeakersBureau



Institutional, Organizational, orOther Financial Benefit Expert Witness

E. Murat Tuzcu, MD ACC None None None None None None

Hector O. Ventura, MD ACC None None None None None None

Anthony A. Bavry, MD ACC None None None None None None

Hani Jneid, MD ACC None None None None None None

Gurusher S. Panjrath, MD ACC None None None None None None

Peter Eckman, MD ACC None None None None None None

Sean Patrick Pinney, MD ACC None None None None None None

Joaquin E. Cigarroa, MD ACC None None None None None None

Robert N. Piana, MD ACC None None None None None None

Ehtisham Mahmud, MD ACC Abiomed None None None None None

Robert N. Vincent, MD ACC None None None None None None

James B. McClurken, MD ACC None None None None None None

Pasala S. Ravichandran, MBBS ACC None None None None None None

George H. Crossley, III, MD ACC None None None None None None

Marwan Refaat, MD ACC None None None None None None

Glenn N. Levine, MD ACC None None None None None None

Mariell Jessup, MD ACC None None None None None None

Dmitriy N. Feldman, MD SCAI Maquet None None None None None

Jeffrey Schussler, MD SCAI None None None None None None

Jennifer Peura, MD AHA Abiomed None None None None None

Scott Silvestry, MD AHA None None None None None None

Robert Kormos, MD STS None None None None None None

Joseph Cleveland, Jr., MD STS None None None None None None

James C. Fang, MD HFSA Maquet None None None None None

Gregory A. Ewald, MD HFSA None None None None None None

This table represents relevant healthcare relationships of committee members with industry and other entities that were reported by authors at the time this document was under development. Thetable does not necessarily reflect relationships with industry at the time of publication. A person is deemed to have a significant interest in a business if the interest represents ownership of $5% ofthe voting stock or share of the business entity, or ownership of $$10, 000 of the fair market value of the business entity; or if funds received by the person from the business entity exceed 5% ofthe person’s gross income for the previous year. Relationships that exist with no financial benefit are also included for the purpose of transparency. Relationships in this table are modest unlessotherwise noted. Please refer to for definitions of disclosure categories or additional information about the ACC DisclosurePolicy for Writing Committees.

: on 09/27/2016