Experimental Studies of Droplet Evaporation Kinetics ...jyh10/pubs/Xue-lamb-2005.pdf ·...

Experimental Studies of Droplet Evaporation Kinetics: Validation of Models for Binary and Ternary Aqueous Solutions HUIWEN XUE NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado ALFRED M. MOYLE,NATHAN MAGEE,JERRY Y. HARRINGTON, AND DENNIS LAMB Meteorology Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania (Manuscript received 15 October 2004, in final form 24 May 2005) ABSTRACT Experiments were conducted with an electrodynamic levitation system to study the kinetics of droplet evaporation under chemically rich conditions. Single solution droplets of known composition (HNO 3 /H 2 O or H 2 SO 4 /HNO 3 /H 2 O) were introduced into an environmentally controlled cubic levitation cell. The gas- eous environment was set intentionally out of equilibrium with the droplet properties, thus permitting the HNO 3 mass accommodation coefficient to be determined. Measurements were performed at room tem- perature and various pressures (200–1000 hPa). Droplet sizes (initial radii in the range 12–26 m) were measured versus time to high precision (0.03 m) via Mie scattering and compared with sizes computed by different models for mass and heat transfer in the transition regime. The best agreement between the theoretical calculations and experimental results was obtained for an HNO 3 mass accommodation coeffi- cient of 0.11 0.03 at atmospheric pressure, 0.17 0.05 at 500 hPa, and 0.33 0.08 at 200 hPa. The determination of the mass accommodation coefficient was not sensitive to the transport model used. The results show that droplet evaporation is strongly limited by HNO 3 and occurs in two stages, one charac- terized by rapid H 2 O mass transfer and the other by HNO 3 mass transfer. The presence of a nonvolatile solute (SO 2 4 ) affects the activities of the volatile components (HNO 3 and H 2 O) and prevents complete evaporation of the solution droplets. These findings validate recent attempts to include the effects of soluble trace gases in cloud models, as long as suitable model parameters are used. 1. Introduction The rates with which aqueous solution droplets grow and evaporate depend on the chemical and thermody- namic conditions prevailing at the time. The composi- tion of the droplets affects their equilibrium vapor pres- sures, and the relative abundances of condensable gases influence how rapidly mass exchanges between the liq- uid and vapor phases. Numerical models of droplet condensation and evaporation rely on understanding the chemistry and physics of the processes involved, as well as on knowledge of the various parameters incor- porated into the theory. Experimental studies, with their capability of measuring droplet evolution under clearly defined conditions, allow theories to be tested and parameters to be determined. Validated numerical calculations then serve to predict and elucidate impor- tant atmospheric phenomena. Cloud formation involves complicated interactions between atmospheric motions, aerosol particles, and condensable vapors. The microphysical properties of clouds, such as droplet number concentration and size distribution, play important roles in the global radiation budget (Houghton et al. 2001), precipitation formation (Rosenfeld 2000), and cloud chemistry (Feingold and Kreidenweis 2002). The microphysical evolution of clouds has traditionally been thought to be determined by the atmospheric aerosol population and moisture abundance (Rogers and Yau 1989, p. 72), but trace gases can also affect cloud microstructure (Kulmala et al. 1997; Hegg 2000; Charlson et al. 2001; Xue and Fe- ingold 2004). Nitric acid, generated photochemically in the atmo- sphere (Seinfeld and Pandis 1998, p. 241), may be an Corresponding author address: Dr. Huiwen Xue, NOAA/En- vironmental Technology Laboratory, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305. E-mail: [email protected] 4310 JOURNAL OF THE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES VOLUME 62 © 2005 American Meteorological Society JAS3623

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Experimental Studies of Droplet Evaporation Kinetics:Validation of Models for Binary and Ternary Aqueous Solutions


NOAA/Environmental Technology Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado


Meteorology Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania

(Manuscript received 15 October 2004, in final form 24 May 2005)


Experiments were conducted with an electrodynamic levitation system to study the kinetics of dropletevaporation under chemically rich conditions. Single solution droplets of known composition (HNO3/H2Oor H2SO4/HNO3/H2O) were introduced into an environmentally controlled cubic levitation cell. The gas-eous environment was set intentionally out of equilibrium with the droplet properties, thus permitting theHNO3 mass accommodation coefficient to be determined. Measurements were performed at room tem-perature and various pressures (200–1000 hPa). Droplet sizes (initial radii in the range 12–26 �m) weremeasured versus time to high precision (�0.03 �m) via Mie scattering and compared with sizes computedby different models for mass and heat transfer in the transition regime. The best agreement between thetheoretical calculations and experimental results was obtained for an HNO3 mass accommodation coeffi-cient of 0.11 � 0.03 at atmospheric pressure, 0.17 � 0.05 at 500 hPa, and 0.33 � 0.08 at 200 hPa. Thedetermination of the mass accommodation coefficient was not sensitive to the transport model used. Theresults show that droplet evaporation is strongly limited by HNO3 and occurs in two stages, one charac-terized by rapid H2O mass transfer and the other by HNO3 mass transfer. The presence of a nonvolatilesolute (SO2�

4 ) affects the activities of the volatile components (HNO3 and H2O) and prevents completeevaporation of the solution droplets. These findings validate recent attempts to include the effects of solubletrace gases in cloud models, as long as suitable model parameters are used.

1. Introduction

The rates with which aqueous solution droplets growand evaporate depend on the chemical and thermody-namic conditions prevailing at the time. The composi-tion of the droplets affects their equilibrium vapor pres-sures, and the relative abundances of condensable gasesinfluence how rapidly mass exchanges between the liq-uid and vapor phases. Numerical models of dropletcondensation and evaporation rely on understandingthe chemistry and physics of the processes involved, aswell as on knowledge of the various parameters incor-porated into the theory. Experimental studies, withtheir capability of measuring droplet evolution under

clearly defined conditions, allow theories to be testedand parameters to be determined. Validated numericalcalculations then serve to predict and elucidate impor-tant atmospheric phenomena.

Cloud formation involves complicated interactionsbetween atmospheric motions, aerosol particles, andcondensable vapors. The microphysical properties ofclouds, such as droplet number concentration and sizedistribution, play important roles in the global radiationbudget (Houghton et al. 2001), precipitation formation(Rosenfeld 2000), and cloud chemistry (Feingold andKreidenweis 2002). The microphysical evolution ofclouds has traditionally been thought to be determinedby the atmospheric aerosol population and moistureabundance (Rogers and Yau 1989, p. 72), but tracegases can also affect cloud microstructure (Kulmala etal. 1997; Hegg 2000; Charlson et al. 2001; Xue and Fe-ingold 2004).

Nitric acid, generated photochemically in the atmo-sphere (Seinfeld and Pandis 1998, p. 241), may be an

Corresponding author address: Dr. Huiwen Xue, NOAA/En-vironmental Technology Laboratory, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO80305.E-mail: [email protected]

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© 2005 American Meteorological Society


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especially important trace gas (Charlson et al. 2001).The concentration of HNO3 is expected to approach 1ppbv in remote areas of the continents and exceed 50ppbv in heavily polluted areas (Kulmala et al. 1993).Nitric acid, being highly soluble in water, acts to reducethe activity of water in the solution (Tang 1980; Cleggand Brimblecombe 1990). When traditional Köhlertheory (Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 173) is modifiedto account for the presence of HNO3, the critical su-persaturation for a cloud condensation nucleus (CCN)to be activated and form a cloud droplet is found to belowered substantially (Korhonen et al. 1996; Laaksonenet al. 1998; Charlson et al. 2001). Cloud models of theactivation and growth of CCN in the lower tropospherehave shown that the number of activated nuclei is in-creased and the mean size of cloud droplets is de-creased by ambient concentrations of HNO3 (Kulmalaet al. 1993, 1995). Some studies have shown that mod-estly high gas-phase concentrations of HNO3 can causeliquid aerosol particles to grow and yield persistentfogs, hazes, or clouds (Carslaw et al. 1994; Kulmala etal. 1997; Charlson et al. 2001). Thus, the albedo of theatmosphere may be increased by gas–droplet interac-tions (Nenes et al. 2002), although not in simple ways(Xue and Feingold 2004). Beyond effects on the radia-tion budget, HNO3 may also affect precipitation micro-physics. Hegg (2000) investigated precipitation forma-tion in low-altitude clouds impacted by both HNO3 andNH3 and found precipitation to be enhanced, particu-larly by NH3. Our current state of understandings oftrace gas–cloud interactions is developing but still un-certain.

When HNO3 is present at the time of cloud forma-tion, vapors of both H2O and HNO3 are simultaneouslytransported to the surfaces of haze and cloud droplets.As these vapors are transferred into the liquid phase,the thermodynamical properties of the solutions are al-tered in complicated ways (Kim et al. 1993; Clegg et al.1998). However, limited accommodation of the H2Oand HNO3 molecules by the liquid surface can hinderthe rate of mass transfer. The magnitude of the HNO3

mass accommodation coefficient thus becomes an im-portant parameter for quantitative studies of the effectof HNO3 on atmospheric clouds. Lacking suitable data,some researchers have simply set such kinetic param-eters to unity (e.g., Kulmala et al. 1993).

The binary cocondensation process has been studiedin several ways. For instance, Rudolf et al. (2001) useda rapid-expansion chamber to study droplet growth onmonodisperse di-2-ethyl-hexyl-sebacate (DEHS) aero-sols in a supersaturated binary mixture of H2O andHNO3 vapors. The time-dependent sizes and numberconcentrations of the droplets were obtained optically

(Wagner 1973). Comparing the experimentally deter-mined droplet growth rates with model calculations andassuming the mass accommodation coefficient of H2Oto be unity, Rudolf et al. (2001) concluded that the massaccommodation coefficient of HNO3 must be between0.3 and 1.0.

This paper reports on new experimental investiga-tions of binary cocondensation and evaporation usingsingle, levitated droplets of binary (HNO3/H2O) andternary (H2SO4/HNO3/H2O) solutions. We attempt tovalidate specific models of droplet growth and evapo-ration under representative conditions of temperature,total pressure, and partial vapor pressures. The presentstudy does not attempt to invalidate the results of pre-vious work. Rather, our goal is to determine the massaccommodation coefficient of HNO3 under conditionsthat facilitate its direct application to atmospheric mod-eling. At the same time, we hope to provide experimen-tal results that may lead to improved understanding ofthe mass accommodation process. Section 2 discussesthe theory of mass and heat transfer to/from a droplet,while section 3 summarizes the experimental methods.The results are shown and discussed in section 4. Fi-nally, section 5 concludes by emphasizing the need todefine experimental conditions carefully when trying toestablish values for the kinetic parameters used in cloudmodels.

2. Theoretical background

a. Aqueous phase equilibria

The equilibrium state of a droplet defines the condi-tions under which it neither grows by condensation norevaporates. By the same reasoning, a droplet changessize only to the extent that the environmental condi-tions deviate from equilibrium. A robust designator ofthe equilibrium state is the set of activities of the vari-ous components comprising the solution. Thus, the ac-tivity Ai of a volatile component i is the effective molefraction of i in the solution and is related to its equilib-rium vapor pressure peq

i through a generalization ofRaoult’s Law, Ai � peq

i /p0i , where p0

i is the equilibriumvapor pressure of pure component i (Atkins 1986, p.182). Note that activity is a property of the liquid phase,whereas the pressure ratio characterizes the conditionsin the gas phase needed to maintain equilibrium. In thelimiting case of pure water (never achieved in the at-mosphere), AH2O � 1, implying that peq

H2O � p0H2O, or in

the convention of meteorology eeq � es, which is thesaturation vapor pressure of pure water.

All real solutions of atmospheric interest containboth volatile and nonvolatile solutes, so the activity ofwater in aqueous solutions is generally less than unity

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(see Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 109). The activitiesof the solutes vary in complicated ways with their con-centrations, chemical reactivity, and volatility (Stummand Morgan 1981, section 2.9), and much literature hasbeen devoted to quantifying the effects of aqueousphase chemical interactions on the activities of waterand solutes of relevance to atmospheric systems (see Liand Coull 1948; Jaecker-Voirol et al. 1990; Kim et al.1993; Zhang et al. 1993; Tabazadeh et al. 1994; Carslawet al. 1995, 1997; Clegg et al. 1998). It is important thatthe equilibrium vapor pressures of all components becomputed accurately, as the rates of droplet growth/evaporation are often proportional to small departuresof the environmental partial pressures from the respec-tive equilibrium values.

Factors other than composition also influence theequilibrium vapor pressures. The curvature of smalldroplets enhances the vapor pressure by the Kelvinequation (Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 170), and thepure-component vapor pressure (p0

i ) increases withtemperature T by the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship(Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 117). Thus, given thefunction p0

i � p0i (T), the equilibrium vapor pressure of

i over a droplet of radius a becomes

pa,i � pi0�Ta�Ai exp� 2�l�

nLRTaa�, �1�

where equilibrium at the droplet surface lets us setpeq

i � pa, i, �l� is the surface tension, nL is the molardensity of the liquid, R is the universal gas constant, andTa is the droplet temperature.

b. Interfacial exchange

Whenever the ambient conditions surrounding adroplet differ from the equilibrium state, the dropletwill either accumulate mass and grow, or lose mass andevaporate. A net flux of molecules then crosses theliquid–vapor interface. A net flux of energy also ex-changes between the two phases to compensate for thephase-change enthalpies. The molecular-scale mecha-nisms by which these exchanges of mass and energyoccur are complicated and as yet highly uncertain(Davidovits et al. 1991, 1995; Li et al. 2001; Kolb et al.2002), so surface processes are typically parameterizedin terms of kinetic coefficients.

The mass accommodation coefficient and the ther-mal accommodation coefficient are the two conven-tional kinetic parameters used to account for the mo-lecular interactions and energy exchanges at the liquid–gas interface. The mass accommodation coefficient, M,is defined as the probability that a vapor molecule im-pinging on the surface enters the liquid phase

�M �flux of molecules entering the liquid phase

flux of molecules colliding with the surface.


This ratio is sometimes referred to as the condensationcoefficient, or a sticking probability. Note that the defi-nition of mass accommodation coefficient via (2) refersonly to the molecular flux entering the liquid. Evapo-ration, which occurs in parallel with condensation (evenat growth equilibrium), results in an outgoing flux thatcould be described by a separate evaporation coeffi-cient, the ratio of the actual to the maximum rate ofevaporation. It is generally not possible to distinguishbetween the condensation and evaporation coefficientsin experimental data unless the two processes can beseparated unequivocally. Here, as in many previousstudies of growth/evaporation kinetics (e.g., Chodes etal. 1974; Shaw and Lamb 1999), condensation andevaporation coefficients are assumed to be equal (Mo-zurkewich 1986; Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 164), asonly net rates were measured. The condensation orevaporation of each volatile component is character-ized by its own mass accommodation coefficient.

The thermal accommodation coefficient, T, ac-counts for the incomplete equilibration of impinging airmolecules with the surface temperature (Knudsen1911). Mathematically,

�T �Tout � Tin

Ta � Tin, �3�

where Tin is the (kinetic energy equivalent) tempera-ture of the gas molecules incident on the liquid surface,Ta is the liquid surface temperature, and Tout is thekinetic temperature of the gas molecules leaving theliquid surface. Unique values of both the thermal andthe mass accommodation coefficients cannot be deter-mined from our current evaporation experiments, sowe use T � 0.7, which was found in a previous studydesigned to yield independent measures of the two ki-netic coefficients (Shaw and Lamb 1999). This value isslightly lower than the near-unity value found by Win-kler et al. (2004), so sensitivity tests were performed(see section 4c).

c. Transport

The rate at which a trace gas is taken up by a liquiddroplet is determined by several serial processes: gas-phase diffusion, mass accommodation at the surface,interfacial chemical equilibration, and liquid-phase dif-fusion [see Schwartz (1986) for details]. For systemsinvolving more than one condensable component (e.g.,H2O and HNO3) embedded in a noncondensable car-

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rier gas, the transport of each species to or from thedroplet depends to some extent on the transport of allother components in the gas phase (Heidenreich 1994;Vesala et al. 1997).

Corrections to gas-phase transport based simply onFick’s and Fourier’s laws are inherently complicated(Carstens 1979). When Fick’s law is applied to masstransport, for instance, one assumes that the medium isstationary and that no temperature gradients exist.Similarly, Fourier’s law applies strictly to heat transportin the absence of diffusive mass transfer. However,when a droplet evaporates or grows, both concentra-tion and temperature gradients necessarily exist. Theinteractions affecting mass transport include Stefanflow, thermal diffusion, and the effects of nonuniformtemperature. Stefan flow, the convective (mass aver-age) flow that affects all components, does need to beaccounted for under some conditions (Hienola et al.1999), but it is often ignored (e.g., Kulmala and Wagner2001). For heat transport, it is the diffusion thermo ef-fect and the energy carried with the diffusing vapormolecules that should be included. In addition to theseinteractions, the diffusion coefficients and thermal con-ductivity depend upon temperature, so they vary as afunction of distance from the droplet surface undernonisothermal conditions (Rudolf et al. 2001; Nadyktoet al. 2003). A rigorous calculation of the rates of heatand mass transport would account for all such effects,but many of the contributions are found to be small(Wagner 1982; Vesala et al. 1997; Mozurkewich 1986).Errors caused by the sole use of Fick’s law for masstransport are negligible for growth processes under at-mospheric conditions (Wagner 1982), and the transportof one component is not appreciably affected by thetransport of any other component (Vesala et al. 1997).

The achievement of interfacial equilibrium is gener-ally expected to be rapid, even for highly soluble gases(Seinfeld and Pandis 1998, p. 613). The actual vaporpressures of the volatile species at the droplet surfaceare therefore always close to their respective equilib-rium values. Also, the liquid-phase concentrations areassumed to be uniform throughout the particle, as thetime scale for internal transport is small compared withthat for gas-phase transport (Rudolf et al. 2001). Over-all, mass transport is limited primarily by gas-phase dif-fusion and mass accommodation at the surface.

The fluxes of vapors to or from a spherical particle ofradius a depend on the Knudsen number Kni � i/a,where i is the pressure-dependent mean free path ofspecies i (Widmann and Davis 1997). The Knudsennumber can be related to the gas-phase diffusion coef-ficient Di and the average molecular speed �i in a num-

ber of ways [see Qu and Davis (2001), and referencestherein], but the classical relationship,

Kni �3Di

a�i, �4�

is commonly used (Kulmala and Wagner 2001). SmallKnudsen numbers (Kn � 1) correspond to the con-tinuum regime, in which mass transport is limited bygas-phase diffusion. In this regime, the mass flux in asteady-state vapor field is based on Fick’s first law,which can be written as (Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p.504)

Jc,i �Dim0, i

a�n�, i � na, i�, �5�

where m0,j is the mass of the molecule, n�,i is the am-bient vapor number density, and na,i is the equilibriumvapor number density of i immediately over the particlesurface. Values of Kn � 1 correspond to the kineticregime in which mass transport is limited by surfacekinetics. The mass flux of i to the particle in the kineticregime is (Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 505)

Jk, i ��M, i�im0, i

4�n�,i � na, i�, �6�

where M,i is the mass accommodation coefficient ofspecies i. Knudsen numbers Kn �1 correspond to thetransition regime, in which both gas-phase diffusionand surface kinetics are important. A full treatment oftransition regime behavior needs to be based on theBoltzmann equation (Davis 1983; Seinfeld and Pandis1998, p. 601). However, a general solution to this equa-tion does not exist, so simplified treatments and ap-proximations are used for the mass and heat fluxes inthis regime (Davis 1983). Previous studies utilizing ap-proximate solutions of the Boltzmann equation includethose of Loyalka (1973), Sitarski and Nowakowski(1979), Qu and Davis (2001), and Qu et al. (2001).However, the models most frequently used to describethe growth of atmospheric aerosol and cloud droplets,as well as the uptake of trace gases by such particles, aresemitheoretical in nature (Fuchs and Sutugin 1970) orbased on flux-matching methods (Fuchs 1959; Fukutaand Walter 1970). As a general approach, the mass fluxto a droplet is typically expressed as an adjustment tothe continuum flux (5),

Jt, i �Di�M, im0, i

a�n�, i � na, i�, �7�

where M,i is a model-dependent correction factor (seeTable 1 for details).

As a particle grows or evaporates, the enthalpies as-

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sociated with the phase change must be taken into ac-count (Fukuta and Walter 1970). The droplet tempera-ture thus always differs from the ambient temperature.For the same reasons that concentration gradients in-side the droplet can be ignored, the temperature of thedroplet may be taken to be uniform throughout its vol-ume. The flux of thermal energy (heat) to or from anevolving droplet in the continuum regime is based onFourier’s law and can be expressed as (Pruppacher andKlett 1997, p. 508)

Qc �kg

a�Ta � T��, �8�

where kg is the thermal conductivity of the surroundinggas, and T� is the ambient temperature. In the kineticregime, the heat flux takes the form (Pruppacher andKlett 1997, p. 509)

Qk ��Tng�gcp

4�Ta � T��, �9�

where T is the thermal accommodation coefficient ofcarrier-gas molecules on the liquid surface, and ng, �g,and cp are, respectively, the number density, averagemolecular speed, and heat capacity at constant pressure

of the surrounding gas. Fukuta and Walter (1970) re-placed cp with c� � k/2, where c� is the constant-volumeheat capacity of the surrounding gas and k is the Boltz-mann constant. The heat flux in the transition regimehas the form

Qt �kg�T

a�Ta � T��, �10�

where T is a model-dependent correction factor,analogous to M,i in Eq. (7) (see Table 2).

d. Droplet models

Most models for atmospheric application fall intotwo categories: those that treat the growth of individualdrops (a Lagrangian approach) and those that treat thegrowth of entire populations (distributions) of drops(an Eulerian approach). Many of the individual-dropstudies were initiated before computer power was suf-ficient for detailed computations, and most of thesestudies simply used Langmuir’s (1961) compensateddiffusion coefficients for the kinetic corrections (e.g.,Squires 1952; Mordy 1959). More recent studies (e.g.,Clark 1973; Politovich and Cooper 1988; Kogan 1991)

TABLE 1. Correction factors to the continuum regime mass flux from three transition regime transport models; �M, i � CM, i, withC � 0.7 (Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 506), and M, i � (3Di /�i).

Author Correction factor

Pruppacher and Klett (1997, p. 506)�m, i �


a � �M, i�


�M, i a�i

�0.75�M, i�1 � CKni�

Kni�1 � CKni� � 0.75�M, i

Fukuta and Walter (1970)�M, i �


1 �4Di

�M, i a�i

�0.75�M, i

Kn i � 0.75�M, i

Fuchs and Sutugin (1970); also see Seinfeld and Pandis (1998, p. 604)�M, i �

0.75�M, i�1 � Kni�

Kni2 � Kni � 0.283�M, iKni � 0.75�M, i

TABLE 2. Correction factors to the continuum regime heat flux from three transition regime transport models.

Author Correction factor Definitions

Pruppacher and Klett (1997, p. 508)�T

�PK� �1


a � �T�



�0.75�T�1 � CKn�

Kn�1 � CKn� � 0.75�TT �



�T � CT

Fukuta and Walter (1970)�T

�FW� �1

1 �4kg

�Tang��c� � 0.5k�


Kn � 0.75�TT �


ng��c� � 0.5k�

Fuchs and Sutugin (1970); also seeRudolf et al. (2001) �T

�FS� �0.75�T�1 � Kn�

Kn2 � Kn � 0.283�TKn � 0.75�T

T �3kg


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continued to follow this lead, despite severe criticismsby Fukuta and Walter (1970).

Whereas the methods of Squires (1952) and Mordy(1959) may still be used in some studies, most models(e.g., Roach 1976; Barkstrom 1978; Brown 1980; Paluchand Knight 1984; Cooper 1989; Austin et al. 1995) arenow based on corrections derived by Fukuta andWalter (1970). Especially in Eulerian microphysicalmodels, those that resolve the drop spectrum into fixedsize bins (e.g., Feingold et al. 1994), the growth equa-tions need to be analytically integratable, as is possiblewith Fukuta and Walter’s (1970) kinetic corrections(Carstens 1972; Harrington et al. 2000). Less preva-lently, Pruppacher and Klett’s (1997) kinetic correc-tions are also used in numerical droplet growth models(e.g., Bott 1990; Feingold and Heymsfield 1992). Eventhough kinetic corrections significantly affect calculatedCCN activation and the early development of drop sizedistributions, cloud models with assumed size spectra(i.e., gamma or lognormal distributions) tend not to usethem (e.g., Ferrier 1994; Walko et al. 1995, 2000).

Three transition regime transport models seem tohave been used most frequently in recent studies. Theflux-matching model presented by Pruppacher andKlett (1997, 505–506) assumes that the transfer of vaporto a spherical particle is controlled by surface kineticswithin the molecular boundary layer (of thickness �M

� C about the droplet surface) and by gas-phase dif-fusion at longer range. By matching the continuum re-gime and kinetic regime fluxes at the boundary (at ra-dial distance r � a � �M), one obtains the mass fluxinto the droplet surface. Fukuta and Walter (1970) letthe matching occur at the droplet surface (i.e., at a,implying C, �M � 0). Pruppacher and Klett (1997, p.506) note that setting C � 0.7 lets the treatment coin-cide with that of Langmuir. Beyond the flux matchingmodels, a semiempirical transition regime transportmodel developed by Fuchs and Sutugin (1970) has beenused by many physical chemists. Fuchs and Sutuginused a semiempirical solution of the Boltz-mann equation based on Sahni’s (1966) transport ofneutrons to a black sphere (which is analogous to com-plete condensation of vapor onto a spherical particle).In general, the mass flux to a droplet obtained fromeach of the three models discussed above is of the formgiven by Eq. (7), where M,i is the model-dependentcorrection to the continuum regime mass flux (seeTable 1). Because Fuchs and Sutugin chose to expresstheir correction in terms of Kn, we have written theexpressions for M,i from each of the other two modelsin terms of the Knudsen number as well, thus facilitat-ing a direct comparison of the correction factors.

The correction to the continuum theory, as calcu-lated from each of the models, is shown in Fig. 1a. Theapproximate values of Kn corresponding to aerosol,haze, cloud, and rain particles are indicated, as is therange covered in our experiments. The correction fac-tors from these models are overall similar. In particular,we see that the magnitude of the correction is depen-dent on M and Kn (hence on atmospheric pressure),depending on which limits of the Knudsen range oneconsiders. For M � 0.1, the mass flux does not deviategreatly from that given by the continuum theory forrain and cloud particles. However, when M � 0.1, thekinetic effect can be significant, even for cloud droplets.

The relative differences between the three modelsconsidered here are shown in Fig. 1b for each of threedifferent condensation coefficients. Significant differ-ences show up only in the transition range, being largestwhen the condensation coefficient is close to unity [upto about 13% for Fukuta and Walter’s (1970) model].The cause of the difference between the models ofFukuta and Walter and of Pruppacher and Klett (1997)is the thickness (�M � C) of the molecular boundarylayer chosen by each author. Fukuta and Walter’s de-cision to assume the boundary layer to have negligiblethickness (C � 0) leads to important distinctions be-tween the various models. The use here of Pruppacherand Klett’s version with C � 0.7 (Cunningham’s con-stant) gives agreement with the model of Fuchs andSutugin (1970) no worse than about 6%. Fukuta andWalter (1972), however, point out that no flux-matching model is likely to be valid when the dropletradius is less than the mean free path.

The rate of change of the mass of each volatile com-ponent in a solution droplet in a steady-state vapor fieldis given as



4aDi�M, iMi

R �p�, i


�pa, i

Ta� �11�

(where i � 1 for H2O and 2 for HNO3). The parametersmi, Mi, p�,i, and pa,j are the contribution of i to thedroplet mass, the molar mass of i, ambient partial pres-sure, and equilibrium vapor pressure over the dropletsurface for component i, respectively; and R is the uni-versal gas constant. Similarly, based on energy balance,the rate of change of the droplet temperature is


dt� �


Li ·dmi

dt� 4akg�T�T� � Ta�, �12�

where cL is the specific heat of the liquid, m is the totalmass of the droplet, and Li is the enthalpy of evapora-tion of component i. Equations (11) and (12) form a

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closed set of equations to be solved. The equilibriumvapor pressures of H2O and HNO3 over the dropletsurface vary with the aqueous phase composition andtemperature and so must be provided by a chemicalequilibrium model. In typical models (e.g., Carslaw etal. 1998), the activity coefficient of H2O, as well as ofthe cations and anions in the mixture, are derivedthrough an ion interaction approach (Carslaw et al.1997). The chemical model of Carslaw et al. (1995) isused in the present study, which is valid over the tem-perature range 328 to �200 K and for acid concentra-

tions in the range of 0 to 40 mol kg�1. Droplet radius isrelated to the mass through the solution density (ascalculated by Luo et al. 1996).

Any study focused on the kinetics of droplet growthand evaporation assumes that the droplets are out ofequilibrium with their gaseous environment and thusalways in the process of approaching gas–particle equi-librium. It is therefore relevant to seek the character-istic time scale for each volatile species to achieve itsunique equilibrium (Meilinger et al. 1995; Meng andSeinfeld 1996; Audiffren et al. 1998). Note that such a

FIG. 1. (a) Correction factors to the continuum theory as calculated from the three transitionregime transport models. Here, PK refers to Pruppacher and Klett (1997), FS to Fuchs andSutugin (1970), and FW to Fukuta and Walter (1970). (b) Relative differences between themodels, using Fuchs and Sutugin as reference.

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time scale is based on the overall mass transfer process,not simply on that for interfacial equilibrium. As shownby Meilinger et al. (1995), the time scale is inverselyrelated to the saturation vapor pressure. The time scalefor HNO3 to achieve equilibrium in a droplet of givensize is thus long compared with that for H2O (Meilingeret al. 1995; Meng and Seinfeld 1996). This distinctionproves to be important for understanding the effect ofHNO3 on droplet evaporation.

3. Methods

a. Experimental apparatus and procedures

The experiments were performed using individualcharged particles localized in space within an electro-dynamic balance. The principles of electrodynamic levi-tation have been described in the literature (see Har-tung and Avedisian 1992; Allison and Kendall 1996;Davis 1997), and details of our specific system are avail-able elsewhere (Lamb et al. 1996), so only a summary ispresented here.

The cubic levitation cell, measuring 2.54 cm alongeach edge, is mounted inside a vacuum-jacketed envi-ronmental chamber capable of maintaining controlover temperature (range �70° to about 25°C), pressure(200 hPa to atmospheric), and relative humidity (�0%to 90%). The cubic geometry offers excellent opticalaccess and permits well-characterized, laminar gas flowaround the test particle. The AC and DC voltagesapplied to electrodes on the six faces of the cell al-low independent three-axis control over particle posi-tion near the center of the cell, where effects of cham-ber walls are minimal. The DC voltages could be con-trolled manually or via computer with a tracking board(ISCAN, Inc.) and a digital video camera (PanasonicDigital 5000) to maintain fixed particle position.

A steady laminar flow of dry gas (N2 derived fromliquid nitrogen, MG Industries), mixed with knownflows of H2O vapor, was introduced horizontally intothe cell. The moisture content of the gas (�90% rela-tive humidity) was established by an external flow-control system, which diverted a portion of the dry ni-trogen flow into a bubbler containing liquid water anda mist filter. The total flow rate was typically 5 standardcm3 s�1 for experiments at atmospheric pressure and 1standard cm3 s�1 for experiments at 200 hPa, therebymaintaining a linear flow rate of slightly less than 1cm s�1 inside the cell. The absolute humidity was mea-sured in the upstream flow with a chilled-mirror dew-point hygrometer (�0.2°C; General Eastern Hygro-M2). The temperature of the gas entering the cell wasmeasured close to the upstream electrode with a Type-

T (copper-constantan) thermocouple referenced to acalibrated platinum-resistance thermometer (�0.02°C;Omega DP251). The gas pressure (�1 torr, Wallaceand Tiernan) could be reduced to 200 hPa with a ro-tary-vane vacuum pump (Fisher) for investigationsdeeper into the transition regime.

Particles were introduced into the cell from aboveusing a specially constructed launcher. The body of thedroplet injector was constructed of 1/8” outside diam-eter stainless steel tubing and contained a small reser-voir for the working fluid near the top. Gentle taps ona piston protruding into the reservoir forced the solu-tion through a capillary glass tip (orifice diameter 30–50�m) that was attached to the bottom of the launcherassembly. A moderate DC voltage (�150 V) was ap-plied to a stainless steel cylinder surrounding the glasstip, while the top end of the injector was grounded,causing the liquid to become polarized (Lamb et al.1996). The ejected particles thus became electricallycharged, but the amount of excess charge was relativelysmall (�106 elementary units). The effect of net chargeon droplet growth and evaporation was negligible. Theliquid solutions were made by volumetric dilutionfrom ultrapure reagents (HNO3, H2SO4, J. T. Baker),using distilled, de-ionized water (SYBRON/BarnsteadNANOpureII). Some experimental runs employed so-lutions derived from HPLC reagent-grade water (J. T.Baker).

An argon-ion laser (488 nm, Spectra Physics 165,�100 mW) illuminated the levitated particle through anoptical port in the bottom of the cell. Both the focusedimage of the particle and its structural interference pat-tern (Mie fringes) over a range of scattering anglesfrom 80° to 100° were preserved simultaneously on atime-lapse video recorder (VCR, Sony) using two digi-tal video cameras (Pulnix, Sony). A half-wave retarda-tion plate (Edmund Scientific) was used to set the po-larization of the laser beam parallel to the scatteringplane and thereby enhance the contrast of the higher-order interference patterns.

Individual experimental runs began by setting theflows, temperature, and pressure inside the environ-mental chamber housing the levitation cell. Chargeddroplets were then launched into the levitation cell un-der conditions that were intentionally out of equilib-rium with the droplet properties. Data collectionstarted when a single droplet entered the field of viewof the video cameras and became trapped in the cell.This instant was taken to be the initial time (t0) for dataanalysis. The droplet was maintained in the center ofthe cell (by manual or computer control of the verticalDC voltage) until it evaporated beyond the electrody-

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namic stability point (Allison and Kendall 1996) andwas no longer visible.

b. Data analysis

Droplet sizes as a function of time were determinedby analysis of the recorded video data via Mie scatter-ing theory (Bohren and Huffman 1983, chapter 4). Twomethods of data analysis were used for each run, one toestablish the absolute size of the droplet at one instantin time (referred to as the reference) and the other todetermine how the size of the droplet evolved in timerelative to this reference. The reference size was deter-mined with an error of less than �0.5 �m by adjustingthe size parameter in the Mie scattering calculation toproduce the same number of fringes as observed in theangular range (80° to 100°) viewed by the video camera.The refractive index of the solution was derived fromLuo et al. (1996).

Droplet radii away from the reference size were de-termined via a second optical method, one related tospecific cavity resonances excited by light inside asphere (Richardson et al. 1986). The calculated scatter-ing intensity for representative conditions is plotted inFig. 2 as a function of scattering angle and particle ra-dius. Note that the scattered light intensity attains amaximum (near the line segments in Fig. 2) across allscattering angles for specific changes in droplet size.

The spacing between the periodic intensity maxima isconstant at 0.063 �m, thus affording a precise determi-nation of relative size changes. The overall intensitymaxima and minima manifest themselves as periodi-cally brighter and dimmer Mie scattering patterns(flashes) in the experimental data. Therefore, if the ref-erence radius aref is known at time tref, the radius a(t) attime t � tref � �t can be determined to high precision(�0.03 �m) by counting the number of overall intensitymaxima npeaks observed in the time interval �t,

a�t� � aref�tref� � �0.063 �m�npeaks��t�. �13�

The mass accommodation coefficients and other pa-rameters were determined by fitting a model of dropletgrowth to the radius data. The transition-regime trans-port model of Pruppacher and Klett (1997, 506–509),with Cunningham’s constant C � 0.7, was used primar-ily, but the models of Fukuta and Walter (1970) andFuchs and Sutugin (1970) were also employed for com-parison to ensure that the results were not sensitive tothe specific model used. The equilibrium properties ofthe droplet at each instant were calculated from thechemical–thermodynamical model of Carslaw et al.(1995), which is based on a large body of empirical datapertaining to multicomponent solutions. The thermalaccommodation coefficient (T) was set at 0.7 (Shaw

FIG. 2. Theoretical calculation of the Mie scattering function vs scattering angle and dropletradius (�m) for wavelength 488 nm, parallel polarization, and refractive index 1.35. Thescattering function exhibits periodic maxima along the axis of scattering angle, as well as alongthe axis of the droplet radius.

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and Lamb 1999), although most droplets were reana-lyzed using T � 1 in order to determine the sensitivityof (HNO3) to this parameter. The formulas for thediffusion coefficients, thermal conductivity, and enthal-pies of vaporization used in (11) and (12) are summa-rized in Tables 3, 4, and 5. In calculating the dropletenergy balance, we applied the phase-change enthal-pies of water and nitric acid to the fluxes of the respec-tive vapors. The thermal conductivity of the moist gaswas calculated via the formulation given by Pruppacherand Klett (1997, p. 508), but the conductivity of nitro-gen was taken from Bird et al. (1960, p. 259). The spe-cific heat of the liquid was taken to be that of water(Seinfeld and Pandis 1998, p. 778). The time-dependentmass, composition, size, and temperature of a dropletwere calculated via a fourth-order Runge–Kuttascheme (Press et al. 1989, p. 550).

The selected model was initialized with a specificdroplet composition and size. The initial droplet com-

position was first taken to be that of the bulk solutionused in a particular experiment, and the initial radiuswas derived from the optical data. However, becauseneither the initial composition nor the humidity couldbe measured with the precision needed for data analy-sis, these variables were treated as free parameters(along with the mass accommodation coefficients ofH2O and HNO3). As exemplified by Fig. 3, for eachinitial droplet composition, the values of (H2O),(HNO3), and dewpoint were systematically varied togive a family of curves, each yielding a local minimum.A global minimum standard deviation close to the ex-perimental precision (�0.03 �m) was sought betweenthe calculated and measured droplet radii. The magni-tudes of the parameters corresponding to that mini-mum standard deviation were taken to be the best-fitvalues. The uncertainty range was established by con-sidering fitted values to be those that yielded standarddeviations within a factor of 2 of the global minimum.

TABLE 3. List of transport and energy parameters used in the model calculations.

Diffusion coefficient of H2O (Pruppacher andKlett 1997, p. 503) D1 � 0.211� T


p � D1 in cm2 s�1

T0 � 273.15 K, T in Kp0 � 101 325.0 Pa, p in Pa

Diffusion coefficient of HNO3 (Fuller theory;Cussler 1984, p. 112) D2 � 0.1375� T


p � D2 in cm2 s�1

T0� 273.15 K, T in Kp0� 101 325.0 Pa, p in Pa

Thermal conductivity of moist nitrogen kg

(Pruppacher and Klett 1997, p. 508;Bird et al. 1960, p. 259)

kN(T) � kN,1 � �N(T � T1)k�(T) � k�,1 � ��(T � T1)

kg � (1 � �1x�)kN(T) � �2x�k�(T)

kN,1 � 2.62 � 10�2 J s�1 m�1 K�1

�N � 7.1 � 10�5 J s�1 m�1 K�2

k�,1 � 1.73 � 10�2 J s�1 m�1 K�1

�� � 8.4 � 10�5 J s�1 m�1 K�2

T1 � 293.15 K, T in K�1 � 1.17, �2 � 1.02Vapor mole fraction x� � e/p

Water enthalpy of vaporization(Carslaw et al. 1995) L1��N, T� � �




Aj�T� � �i�0



L1 in kJ mol�1, T in K

HNO3 molality �N �mol-HNO3

kg-H2OBij in Table 4

Nitric acid enthalpy of vaporization(Carslaw et al. 1995) L2��N, T� � �




Cj�T� � �i�0



L2 in kJ mol�1, T in K

HNO3 molality �N �mol-HNO3

kg-H2ODij in Table 5

TABLE 4. Coefficients (Bij) used to calculate the enthalpy of water vaporization at given temperature T and nitric acid molality �N.Based on polynomial fits of calculations from the model of Carslaw et al. (1995). See Table 3 for formulas.

i j � 0 1 2 3

0 6.4380 � 10�1 �2.2645 1.2091 � 10�1 �1.8770 � 10�3

1 �1.0019 � 10�1 1.9718 � 10�2 �1.0311 � 10�3 1.6485 � 10�5

2 1.1641 � 10�4 �5.9466 � 10�5 3.3543 � 10�6 �5.5032 � 10�8

3 �3.1300 � 10�8 6.1776 � 10�8 �3.6027 � 10�9 5.9730 � 10�11

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4. Results and discussion

a. Droplet results

The environmental conditions and the analyzeddroplet properties for the various experiments are tabu-lated in Table 6. The experiments were performed nearroom temperature at three different pressures (i.e., �1atm, �500 hPa, and �200 hPa), corresponding approxi-mately to Knudsen numbers of 0.01, 0.02, and 0.05 fora 10-�m radius droplet. Data from binary solutiondroplets (1–26) were used to determine the mass ac-commodation coefficients. The inferred mass accom-modation coefficients were then used in the analyses ofternary solution droplets (27 and 28). The minimumstandard deviations between data and the model resultsfor all the experiments range from 0.02 to 0.04, with anaverage of 0.032. More specific findings regarding themass accommodation coefficient will be discussed later.

Figure 4 illustrates the overall evaporation behaviorof the binary solutions. Droplets 1 and 2 in this seriescovered a wide range of initial nitric acid concentra-tions. The evaporation curve of a hypothetical dropletof pure water under the same conditions as droplet 1shows the pronounced effect of HNO3 on droplet be-havior. When nitric acid is present, two stages are gen-

erally noted. The first stage is dominated by rapid ad-justment toward more steady behavior. In the case ofhigh HNO3 concentration (droplet 2), growth first oc-curs until a new equilibrium with the ambient condi-tions is established. A weak-solution droplet (droplet1), by contrast, evaporates monotonically, but rapidlyat first. Overall evaporation is much slower in the sec-ond stage. The transition between the two stages ischaracterized by a kink, a sharp change in slope of theevaporation curve.

The same coupled transport-chemical thermody-namic model used for data analysis is now exploited toelucidate the underlying physics of the gas–droplet in-teraction. The model calculations confirm that HNO3

and H2O approach equilibrium on different time scales.Figure 4b shows the calculated instantaneous timescales for H2O and HNO3 to approach gas-particleequilibrium based on the approach of Meilinger et al.(1995). The characteristic time for H2O (about 0.01 to 1s) is several orders of magnitude smaller than that forHNO3 (about 10 to 1000 s). Therefore, when an HNO3/H2O solution droplet is exposed to an environment thatis out of equilibrium with its properties, the H2O trans-fers rapidly, whereas the HNO3 mass transfer is muchslower. The two stages of evaporation are clearly seen

TABLE 5. Coefficients (Dij) used to calculate the enthalpy of nitric acid vaporization at given temperature T and nitric acid molality�N. Based on polynomial fits of calculations from the model of Carslaw et al. (1995). See Table 3 for formulas.

i j � 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

0 �6.8053 � 101 5.8780 � 101 �6.1649 3.2503 � 10�1 �9.2921 � 10�3 1.3775 � 10�4 �8.2752 � 10�7

1 1.1137 �4.9893 � 10�1 5.0122 � 10�2 �2.4813 � 10�3 6.4409 � 10�5 �8.2804 � 10�7 4.0140 � 10�9

2 �3.0843 � 10�3 1.4784 � 10�3 �1.4841 � 10�4 7.1101 � 10�6 �1.7233 � 10�7 1.9435 � 10�9 �7.0144 � 10�12

3 3.0717 � 10�6 �1.5231 � 10�6 1.5284 � 10�7 �7.2061 � 10�9 1.6845 � 10�10 �1.7518 � 10�12 4.8302 � 10�15

FIG. 3. Standard deviations for droplet 1.

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in the calculated ratio of water-to-nitric acid fluxes,(dm1/dt)/(dm2/dt) (Fig. 4c). The concentration of H2Oin the droplet changes rapidly in the first stage, asshown in Fig. 4d. The rapid change in liquid-phaseHNO3 concentration in this early stage is caused mainlyby the change of droplet volume from H2O mass trans-fer, rather than by the mass transfer of HNO3 itself.The second stage of evaporation starts when the H2O-to-HNO3 mass flux ratio is constant (Fig. 4c), resultingin constant concentration until the droplet totallyevaporates (Fig. 4d). Evaporation of nitric acid solutiondroplets thus proceeds azeotropically during most oftheir lifetimes (Atkins 1986, p. 181). H2O tends to re-main in quasi-equilibrium with the environmental con-ditions as HNO3 slowly volatilizes throughout the sec-ond stage.

Ternary H2SO4/HNO3/H2O droplets exhibit similarevaporation characteristics, except that a residual drop-let always remains due to the nonvolatile nature of sul-

fate. As shown for droplet 27 in Figs. 5a,b, H2O re-sponds rapidly to the out-of-equilibrium conditionsduring the first stage. This rapid loss of water relative tothat of nitric acid (Fig. 5c) causes the solution to con-

TABLE 6. Environmental conditions, initial droplet HNO3 con-centrations, and the mass accommodation coefficients for two dif-ferent thermal accommodation coefficients.






(HNO3)T � 0.7

(HNO3)T � 1

1 23.03 986 21.25 5.20 0.10 0.102a 23.9 986 21.34 22.5 0.05 0.053 27.42 986 21.11 16.2 0.08 0.084 27.42 986 21.14 17.0 0.11 0.115 27.50 986 21.27 16.6 0.12 0.126 27.56 986 21.39 15.8 0.15 0.157 27.56 986 21.17 17.0 0.10 0.108 27.57 986 21.19 15.8 0.11 0.119 27.59 986 21.07 16.6 0.12 0.1210 27.59 986 21.14 15.8 0.14 0.1511 26.00 477 23.36 15.0 0.13 0.1312 26.04 482 23.62 15.0 0.21 0.2013 26.04 482 23.52 15.4 0.25 0.2514 27.36 481 23.85 7.80 0.15 0.1515 27.38 485 23.89 7.00 0.13 0.1316 27.06 225 22.69 15.8 0.20 0.2017 25.01 209 20.73 10.1 0.46 0.4518 22.35 207 19.65 10.1 0.29 0.3019 22.35 207 19.62 10.1 0.28 0.2920 22.35 207 19.59 10.1 0.35 0.3521 22.37 209 19.53 10.1 0.32 0.3322 22.37 209 19.51 10.1 0.35 0.3523 22.37 209 19.47 10.1 0.40 0.4024 22.47 213 19.50 10.1 0.27 0.2725 22.47 213 19.58 10.1 0.45 0.4526 22.47 213 19.36 10.1 0.23 0.2327b 23.67 986 21.65 3.50 0.1128c 22.73 986 18.93 0 0.11

a Temperature measurement with limited precision of �0.2°C.b Droplet also contained 6.23% of H2SO4 initially.c Droplet also contained 6.50% H2SO4 initially and exposed to 3.5

ppm gas-phase HNO3.

FIG. 4. (a)–(d) Evaporation/growth behavior of binary solutiondroplets. To distinguish the analyses of droplets 1 and 2, solid lines in(b)–(d) represent droplet 1, while the dashed lines represent droplet 2.

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centrate initially (Fig. 5d), but then the HNO3 concen-tration slowly decreases as it volatilizes into an envi-ronment devoid of HNO3 vapor. The concentration ofwater, however, remains constant as the one acid re-places the other. Droplet 28, by contrast, initially con-tained no nitric acid, instead being exposed only to gas-phase HNO3. Beyond an initial loss of water, droplet 28actually gained mass in the second stage as it absorbedHNO3 from the gas phase. The effect of HNO3 on thebehavior of sulfate particles is indicated by comparingthe data with the thin curves in Fig. 5a, which pertain tobehavior were no nitric acid to have been present.

b. Alternative transport models

The excellent agreement between the model calcula-tions and the data from the four droplets shown in Figs.4 and 5 validates the overall structure of the coupledmodeling system. Four widely varying scenarios weregenerated, and in each case the model captured all ofthe features of droplet evaporation, always using a con-sistent set of model parameters. Agreement was strongeven in the case of droplet 2, which exhibited a periodof transient growth as water was taken up while thenitric acid concentration was high and reduced the wa-ter activity greatly. Simply changing the initial and en-vironmental conditions to the appropriate values wassufficient to generate agreement. One may argue aboutthe specific values chosen for the model parameters,but the overall form of the equations used to calculatedroplet behavior is sound.

Given that most of the analyses have been based onthe model of Pruppacher and Klett (1997), it is naturalto ask whether predicted droplet behavior or the in-ferred magnitudes of (HNO3) would be changed hadalternative transition regime transport models beenused. The transport models of Pruppacher and Klett(1997), Fukuta and Walter (1970), and Fuchs and Su-tugin (1970) were compared directly and also used forsome of the data analysis. As shown in Fig. 1, each ofthe three models exhibits similar behavior over wideranges of Knudsen number. Only in the transition re-gime (near Kn �1) and for large mass accommodationcoefficients do modest differences appear. Fukuta andWalter (1972) make the point that flux-matching mod-els may be invalid at large Kn, but their model never-theless agrees well with the Fuchs and Sutugin model,which is based on a more complete treatment of vaportransport (Chang and Davis 1976; Vesala et al. 2001).The underlying chemical thermodynamic model is im-plicitly validated too, although our analysis procedurewould compensate for minor biases in calculated activi-ties.

FIG. 5. Evaporation/growth behavior of ternary solution drop-lets. (a) The thin curves represent sulfate particles without HNO3

present. (b)–(d) Solid lines represent droplet 27, while the dashedlines represent droplet 28.

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Data analysis using different transition regime trans-port models does not significantly affect the determi-nation of (HNO3). However, because the continuumregime theory should account for higher-order phe-nomena (Wagner 1982), whereas the models used hereare based only on Fick’s and Fourier’s laws, continuedstudy is warranted.

c. The accommodation coefficients

The values of (HNO3) determined from the 26 bi-nary solution experiments in this study are summarizedin Fig. 6. The average magnitudes of (HNO3) exhibitan apparent dependence on total pressure: 0.11 � 0.03at atmospheric pressure, 0.17 � 0.05 at 500 hPa, and0.33 � 0.08 at 200 hPa. We expect no direct pressuredependence to the mass-accommodation process, soother parameters may have varied with pressure andpossibly influenced mass accommodation. For example,the diffusion coefficients are explicitly dependent onpressure, as is the thermal diffusivity, nonlinear varia-tions that could affect the droplet composition andhence the accommodation coefficient. Also, the satura-tion ratio over the droplet surface changes with ambi-ent pressure and possibly alters the efficiency of mo-lecular exchange across the interface (Lamb et al.2004). This matter will be explored in greater detail inthe future.

The techniques used in this study, unlike the ap-proach taken by Winkler et al. (2004), cannot indepen-dently determine the thermal accommodation coeffi-cient (T). The value used here (0.7) is based on priorexperiments that did allow independent determinationof mass and thermal accommodation coefficients (Shawand Lamb 1999). Nevertheless, other experiments yieldvalues near unity (Winkler et al. 2004), so we havererun the analyses using T � 1 in order to provide ameasure of the sensitivity of (HNO3) to this param-eter (see Table 6). Note that the analyzed values of(HNO3) are very insensitive to the choice of T overthis range.

Overall, the magnitudes of (HNO3) determinedhere are consistent with those derived from completelydifferent methods (Van Doren et al. 1990; Ponche et al.1993). Our (HNO3) values are slightly lower thanthose of Rudolf et al. (2001), who put 0.3 as the lowerlimit based on binary condensation to small particles inan expansion chamber. But, the same arguments wehave tentatively used to explain the empirical pressuredependence also lead us to expect (HNO3) to be rela-tively large over small particles at high supersaturations(Lamb et al. 2004).

The values of the water accommodation coefficientarising in this study vary widely and are not useful in

themselves. Specific values of (H2O) are needed fordata analysis, but large variations (within the range 0.01to 1) work equally well, mainly because (H2O) haslittle impact on the overall evaporation process whennitric acid is present. Water evaporation limits dropletevaporation only early in the process, when the dropletsize is still large compared with the molecular meanfree path in the gas phase. By the time a droplet be-comes small toward the end of each run, the evapora-tion is limited by the relatively high concentration ofHNO3. The value of (H2O) is moreover convolutedwith the analyzed moisture content of the ambient gas,so any change in (H2O) is compensated for by aslightly different analyzed dewpoint temperature. Thenet result is virtually no impact of (H2O) on the ana-lyzed (HNO3) and no opportunities to compare ourfindings with those from experiments employing purewater (e.g., Li et al. 2001; Winkler et al. 2004). Futurework will be focused on the mass accommodation ofpure water.

5. Summary and conclusions

This study presents new experimental data appropri-ate for verifying models used to simulate the growthand evaporation of droplets under atmospheric condi-tions. The mass accommodation coefficients of HNO3

on droplets of various binary (HNO3/H2O) and ternary(H2SO4/HNO3/H2O) solutions have been determinedby fitting precise sets of evaporation data taken at roomtemperature and various pressures. The analysis proce-dure requires the environmental temperature and dew-point to be determined to high precision (�0.01 K).The magnitude of the nitric acid mass accommodationcoefficient was found to vary with pressure: �0.11 atatmospheric pressure, �0.17 at 500 hPa and �0.33 at

FIG. 6. Summary of (HNO3) from the 26 binary solutionexperiments at different pressures.

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200 hPa, suggesting that the mass accommodation pro-cess might vary with the environmental conditions. Fur-ther research is needed to resolve the molecular mecha-nism of mass accommodation.

Both the data and the model calculations show thatthe coevaporation of two volatile components (HNO3/H2O) occurs in two stages. These findings confirm thateach volatile species has a unique time scale for ap-proaching gas–droplet equilibrium and validate thecoupling of a chemical thermodynamic model to a tran-sition regime kinetics model for atmospheric applica-tions. Despite ongoing criticism, the flux-matchingmodel of Pruppacher and Klett (1997, p. 506) was ableto provide robust agreement with the experimentaldata. The models of Fukuta and Walter (1970) andFuchs and Sutugin (1970) yielded comparable mass ac-commodation coefficients within experimental error.The coupled modeling system is also rich in auxiliaryinformation useful for diagnosing chemical and physicalcloud processes.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported bythe National Science Foundation under Grants ATM-9981511 and ATM-0234211. We are grateful to SimonClegg for providing the code for the chemical thermo-dynamic model and to Ulrich Krieger for sharing thecode for solution densities and refractive indices. Wealso thank Raymond Shaw for helpful discussions, andPaul Smidansky for assistance with data analysis. Help-ful suggestions from the anonymous reviewers are alsoappreciated.


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