Experimental Lesson 6 June 23/24… · Circuit-Scribe video, first frame (image) Hand writes...

Experimental Lesson 6 June 23/24 1

Transcript of Experimental Lesson 6 June 23/24… · Circuit-Scribe video, first frame (image) Hand writes...

Page 1: Experimental Lesson 6 June 23/24… · Circuit-Scribe video, first frame (image) Hand writes “Us” next to the lightbulb and “God” next to the battery in permanent marker.

Experimental Lesson 6

June 23/24 1

Page 2: Experimental Lesson 6 June 23/24… · Circuit-Scribe video, first frame (image) Hand writes “Us” next to the lightbulb and “God” next to the battery in permanent marker.

Experimental Lesson 6

June 23/24 2


Series at a Glance for Elevate

About this Series:

From the tiniest animals on earth to stars spinning light-years away, this world is incredible. God made a universe to be explored, one where every detail points us back to him. In this series we’ll

discover who God is, whether we look in the depths of the sea or the farthest reaches of the universe. The best part is, God made all of this for a purpose, one he doesn’t want you to miss.

Memory Verse:

Psalm 19:1- “The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies show that his hands created them.”

Weekly Overview:

Lesson: Topic: Big Idea: Lesson 1: May 19/20 Lesson 2: May 26/27 Lesson 3: June 2/3 Lesson 4: June 9/10 Lesson 5: June 16/17 Lesson 6: June 23/24

The Creator Psalm 19; Isaiah 40:26 The Lab Genesis 1 The Scientists Genesis 2 The Reaction Genesis 3 The Solution John 19-21 The Purpose Ephesians 2:10

I can learn about God through science. God made this world so we could know him. God made me with a purpose. God loves me, no matter what I’ve done. God made me to live for him. I can be who God made me to be.

Large Group

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Experimental Series at a Glance for Elevate (continued)

Lesson 1: The Creator

If you designed a world, what would it look like? It would probably have a lot of your favorite things

in it. Looking at the world you made would tell someone a lot about you. God designed this whole

world exactly the way he wanted it, and because of that, it can tell us a ton about who he is. All the

things we learn through science can help us get to know God better. In fact, that’s why this world

was made!

Lesson 2: The Lab

God made this world for a reason. Wherever we look, we learn more about him! The things he made

are incredible, and so is the way he made them. This week, we’ll look at some huge parts of our

universe, and through them, discover some awesome things about God.

Lesson 3: The Scientists

From the beginning, God wanted to share his creation. He gave us an incredible responsibility, to

take care of and explore this incredible world. This week, we’ll look at our roles in God’s story, and

learn how each one of us is known and designed by God.

Lesson 4: The Reaction

Just when everything in God’s world was going great, something terrible happened. People began to

disobey God, and stopped living the way he made them to live. They did things God said were

wrong, things we call sin. This looked like the end of God’s purpose for our world, but he had an

amazing plan, a plan to show everyone how great his love for us is.

Lesson 5: The Solution

What happened in God’s world was a disaster, but God’s purpose for us didn’t end when we

disobeyed him. He still has a plan to make us like new again, and would give anything to make that

plan happen. When you see how much God loves you, everything changes.

Lesson 6: The Purpose

God made this world so we could know who he is. He gave it to us to care for, and wants every one

of us to be all He made us to be. Every time we serve, defend, and love others, we’re showing them

the same thing that changed our lives: God’s love.

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Experimental Lesson Outline for Elevate

Lesson 6: The Purpose

Lesson Segment Total Running Time

Engage Opening Song (2:00) Welcome and Opening Activity (10:00) Question of the Day (3:00) Worship: Love Has Found Us (5:00) 0:00 - 20:00 Involve Lesson Intro (2:00) Memory Verse (5:00) Application (5:00) Group Activity (10:00) 20:00-42:00

Challenge Media and Bible Story (8:00) Worship: Rock This Planet, Movin Me (8:00) Wrap Up (2:00) 42:00 - 60:00

Video Cue Slide Cue Audio Cue Tech Notes

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Opening Song 2:00 Welcome to Elevate! Come up to the front, throw your popcorn away, and find a place to sit. Let’s get started.

Welcome and Opening Activity 10:00 Welcome everyone! My name is __________. This is going to be an awesome time, today is all about electricity! We’ve got big questions, music, and stories all coming up, but I’d like to get us started with a game. This is a game for everyone called “Current Events.” Here’s how it works.

Do This: Before the hour begins, tape two very long lines on the floor, extending away from the stage.

You’re going to line up on one of these lines, and face away from the stage, and put one finger on the back of the person in front of you. I’m going to roll a giant die. If it lands on the number 6, the people in the back of the line will poke the back of the person in front of them, who will poke the person in front of them. When the last person feels the poke, they’ll grab the ball that’s at the end of your line. Whichever team gets the ball first, gets a point. If you grab the ball and I didn’t roll a 6, though, you lose a point, so make sure to wait for the right time! The first step is to get onto your line. Pick one of the two lines, and get on it! Next, face away from the stage, and get your fingers ready to poke the person in front of you. You have to poke them in the back, so don’t touch their head, or anywhere else. If you’re in the back of the line, you can look at the stage, and watch the die as I roll it. Everyone else, you have to wait until you feel them poke you, then pass it forward quickly! Let’s see who’s the fastest team!

Game Title Slide: “Current Events” and clear audio

(Roll when directed) Elevate Opener

(Auto advance) Elevate Slide and Underscore

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Worship 5:00

Do This: Roll the die, waiting a few seconds in-between rolls. If a team gets a point or loses a point, mark it down.

Good job everyone. It looks like team ____ is the winner! You are super fast. You can come back and find a spot to sit, because it’s time for our question of the day.

Question of the Day 3:00

If you could travel to school however you wanted, what would you choose? A plane? A submarine? Riding a giant platypus? How would you like to get to school every day? Ask someone near you for their answer, then tell them yours!

Do This: Emcee as the kids are sharing their answers. Encourage them to share with the people around them, and encourage any kid whose story you hear. Know This: Allow kids time to interact with one another. Feel free to ask a few of them what their answer is.

Super fun ideas. However you get there, by whale, rocket, or jet pack, you’d still be going to the same place. All of those things would have the same purpose, to get you to school, but they would get you there very differently. We’re going to use the word “purpose” a few times today, so remember it. Next, though, we get to do something that’s part of our purpose for living here, and worship God.

God made us with a purpose. He made us to know Him, learn about Him, and take care of this world He made. When we worship God by singing, praying, or learning about

(Auto Advance) QOTD Slide: If you could travel to school however you wanted, what would you choose?

Worship Slide

Question of the Day Video

Fun Game Music

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Lesson Intro 2:00

him, we’re showing that we love him, because of how much he loves us. Let’s sing this song about God’s love together!

Like I said, another great way to worship God is by praying. He loves it when you spend time with Him, and will hear you no matter what time it is and no matter where you are. Let’s close our eyes, to help us focus on talking to God. God, thank you for loving us. Thank you for never giving up on us. Help us to learn more about you today. Amen.

This whole series has been about figuring out how God made this world to work. That’s what experimenting means, testing something to find out how it works. We’ve see how this world can teach us a lot about God, and last week heard how God gave us a chance to be forgiven for every wrong thing we’ve done, by giving his son for us. We’ve learned that God made us to live for him, but how do we do that? How can we live the way God made us to, and what does that even look like? I think you can figure it out, and we’ll be talking about it a lot today. Today, we’re going to change things up, and start out with our memory verse!

Memory Verse 5:00

Song 1: Love Has Found Us

(Auto advance) Worship Slide

(Auto-Advance) Series Title Slide: “Experimental”

Bumper Video (1:00)

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Do This: Read the verse from the screen. This is a verse from the book of Psalms. It’s actually the beginning of a song about God. We don’t know what the song sounded like at first, but we can have some fun making up our own! Let’s sing the verse together, pick any tune you want! Do This: Sing the verse with the kids. Next, let’s try singing it like opera singers. Do This: Sing the verse with the kids. One more time, let’s sing it like we’re underwater. Do This: Sing the verse with the kids. Alright, you can sit down, and we have an experiment to check out.

Application 5:00

Do This: Put on a lab coat and goggles. Know This: Keep talking while each of these videos is happening, in order to maintain the kids’ interest.

Today we get to experiment with some electricity! Check out the pen on the screen. That pen’s ink can conduct an electric current, which means it acts like a wire. On one side we have a battery, and on the other, a lightbulb. When they’re connected, what do you think the lightbulb will do? It should light up. This lightbulb represents us. The battery is what gives the lightbulb life and power. This battery represents God.

Memory Verse Slide: Psalm 19:1- “The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies

show that his hands created them.”

Circuit-Scribe video, first frame (image)

Hand writes “Us” next to the lightbulb and “God” next to the battery in permanent marker. Freezes on last frame.

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God is the one who made us, and he made us to be connected to him, like this light is supposed to be connected to the battery. We have a problem, though. There’s a space separating the battery and the lightbulb. We can’t live the way God made us to, while we’re separated from him. All of us have done things we know are wrong. We call those things sin, and they separate us from God, and stop us from living the way we were made to. Our anger, jealousy, mean words, stealing, lying, and disobedience means we can’t even be near God, who is perfect. Then, God set his great plan in motion.

God sent his son, Jesus, down to this earth. He came down from heaven to live with us, and connected God with us again, but his job wasn’t done. Even though God’s son himself was living with us, we still deserved to be punished for the wrong things we had done. That’s why Jesus volunteered to take our punishment. He gave us the chance to be connected to God, by dying on a cross, taking every punishment that we deserved for all our sin.

When we choose to follow Jesus, something amazing happens. We can live the way God made us to. Some of you decided to follow Jesus years ago, and some of you may have made that choice last week. No matter when it happened, that is the best choice you have made. If you haven’t decided to make Jesus the leader of your life, you can make that choice anytime. All you have to do is tell God that you want him to be your leader and savior. If you are wondering about making that decision today, any of the adults in here would love to answer questions you might have, and help you talk to God and make that choice. The biggest thing I want you to remember from today is this.

Big Idea Slide: “I can be who God made me to be.”

Hand writes “Sin” in black marker between us and God. Freeze on last frame.

Hand draws the bottom part of the cross, connecting the battery and bulb on one side. Freezes on last frame.

Hand draws the top part of the cross, connecting the other nodes of the battery and bulb. Then, switches the light on. Freeze on last frame.

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I can be who God made me to be. Because of what Jesus did, we can live for God, the way we were made to live! What does that look like? I know someone who can help us answer that question, but first, I think we need to get some of our energy out, with a group activity!

Group Activity 10:00

Know This: Since this is summer, our schedule looks different than usual. If you are able to do group time, you are encouraged to do it, as the closeness of a smaller group is a great thing for kids to experience. If you aren’t able to do this section in group time, keep following this script, and direct the activity from the stage. Do This: If you are doing this activity in small groups, direct the kids to their group leaders now.

Do This: If you are doing this as a large group, make sure the four signs, labeled “A” “B” “C” and “D” are hung up around the room.

This activity is called “Recap Lap!” The way it’s played is simple. I’ll ask you a question, and give you four possible answers. You’ll pick an answer, and run to that letter on the wall, A, B, C, or D. Some of the questions are about science, some are about things we’ve talked about today. Ready? Let’s give it a try.

Here’s our first question!

Pick your answer, and run to that letter, quick! Alright, let’s find out what the answer is.

Game Title Slide: “Recap Lap”

What was the first game we played today called? A. Static Shuffle B. Zap! C. “Current” Events D. That one game where you poke people in the back.

Fun game music!

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If you picked C, good memory, that was it! Our next question is a science question.

Let’s find out what the answer is!

If you picked A, you got it right! The oil would be on top, then the water, then the heaviest, syrup. This picture shows us what it looks like. Next, another question!

Which one is it? Let’s find out if you got it right!

It’s answer “D,” Psalm 19:1. Let’s go to another one!

Make your guess! Let’s see which one it is.

C. Current Events

If you poured syrup, water, and oil into a vase, what order would they stack in? (from top to bottom)

A. Oil, water, syrup. B. Syrup, water, oil. C. Water, syrup, oil. D. Syrup, butter, pancakes.

A. Oil, water, syrup. (Include picture)

What is the reference (book, chapter, and verse) for our memory verse? A. Proverbs 12:24 B. Jeff 24:42 C. Philippians 4:4 D. Psalm 19:1

D. Psalm 19:1

Which of these planets is the farthest from the sun? A. Earth B. Saturn C. Mercury D. Jupiter

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Saturn is farther from the sun than any of the others. It’s 888 million miles away from the sun! Alright, what’s our next question?

Which one is it? Let’s find out!

It’s “C.” If you guessed it right, good job! We’ve only got a couple more questions, so get ready to move fast.

Let’s find out the answer!

It’s all of them! We use a lot of magnets in our everyday lives. We have one more question to answer, so get ready!

B. Saturn

Earlier, we saw a lightbulb with a battery. What did the battery and lightbulb represent?

A. Jesus and Sin B. Circuits and Electricity C. God and Us D. Waffles and Bacon

C. God and Us

Which of these things uses magnets to work? A. Refrigerator B. Computer C. Doorbell D. Compass

Answer: A. Refrigerator B. Computer C. Doorbell D. Compass

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Worship 8:00

Media 8:00

Why did Jesus come to earth? Make your guess! Let’s find out the answer.

Jesus came to show us how much God loves us. He died to take the punishment that we deserved for sin. Then, Jesus came back to life, proving that he really was God’s son.

He’s the reason we’re here, learning about God, because Jesus showed us without a doubt that God loves us. He gives us the chance to live the way God made us to live, doing the good things he made us to do. How do we do that, though? To help us find out, we get to check in one more time with our scientist friend, Calvin.

Amazing! God sometimes works in ways we don’t expect. You have the potential to do so much good for God, because of all the good that God has done for us.

Why did Jesus come to earth? A. To do good things B. To have fun C. To show us God’s love D. To try the ice cream

C. To show us God’s love.

Game Title Slide: “Recap Lap” and clear audio

Scientist Calvin- Episode 6 (8:00)

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Experimental

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Wrap-Up 2:00

I hope you will take Calvin’s challenge, and watch for ways you can do good for others this week, but we don’t have to wait! We can do something good right now, by worshipping God. Let’s stand and sing together!

When we do good things for God and others, we really will rock this planet for him. His love is world-changing, and we get to be a part of it! Knowing God’s love just makes me want to dance, and that’s what this next song is about! Let’s sing it together.

I love worshipping with all of you! You can sit down. Let’s finish up by talking to God. To help us stay focused on Him, let’s close our eyes and bow our heads while we pray. God, you are are wonderful. Thank you for making us, loving us, and giving us such a great purpose. Help us to live for you every day. In Jesus’ name, amen. I’ve had so much fun hanging out with you all today, I hope to see you next week!

Worship Slide

Song 2: Rock This Planet

(Auto-Advance) Worship Slide

Song 3: Movin Me

(Auto advance) Series Title Slide: Experimental

Elevate Slide

Start hangtime music videos