Chief Patron Secretary (Ministry of Power) Govt. of India Patrons CEO's of Organization Members Associate Members Governing Body Heads of HR- Member Organizations • BBMB • DVC • NEEPCO • NHPC • NTPC • PFC • POWERGRID • REC • SJVN • THDCIL Organization Members • DTL • IREDA • NPCIL • NSPCL • OPTCL • PTCUL • UPCL COMPETENCY MAPPING- EXPERIENCE of • IREDA • SJVN Brought by: Power HR Forum Sectt. Power Management Institute Plot No. 5-14, Sector-16A NOIDA - 201301



Chief Patron

Secretary (Ministry of Power)Govt. of India


CEO's ofOrganization Members

Associate Members

Governing Body

Heads of HR-Member Organizations











Organization Members











Brought by:Power HR Forum Sectt.Power Management InstitutePlot No. 5-14, Sector-16ANOIDA - 201301


Message from Honorary Secretary

We are glad to present the second volume of compendium on “Competency Mapping”. The first volume was brought out in Feb 1, 2014 and it had the competency mapping information of THDC, NHPC, NTPC and POWERGRID. The present volume has information pertaining to IREDA and SJVN.

The first volume is available in pdf format in FORUM website, www.powerhrforum.org. This volume shall also be hosted in forum website for wider dissemination and we hope this compendium shall serve as a reference by member organizations in developing/improving their own “Competency Mapping” framework.

We are thankful to IREDA and SJVN for sharing details on the practices of ‘Competency Mapping’ being followed by them at their respective organizations and also providing valuable inputs, without whose support it would not have been possible to bring out this the details and their valuable support, without which it would not have been possible to bring out this Compendium.

Best Wishes!

Avinash KumarGeneral Manager (HR)-NHPC &

Sept 29, 2016 Honorary Secretary-Power HR Forum


CONTENTSA. Competancy Mapping at IREDA 2 – 131.0 IREDA – The organization 2

2.0 Background 2

2.1 Need 2

2.2 Objectives 2

3.0 Approach & Methodology 2

3.1 Secondary Research 3

3.2 Primary Research 3

4.0 Competency Identification 3

4.1 Competency Bouquet 3

4.2 Deptt.-wise Competency Framework 7

4.3 Level-wise Competency Famework 75.0 Finding the development need 106.0 Task ahead 11

7.0 Conclusion 13

8.0 Annexures - Competency Assesement Formats

B. Competancy Mapping at SJVN 54 – 721.0 Introduction to SJVN and the Context 54

2.0 Work Stages 54

3.0 Methodology Adopted 54

3.1 Developing competency Framework 54

3.1.1 Behavioural Competency 54

3.1.2 Functional Competency

3.2 Skill Gap Analysis 55

3.3 Formulating IDP 55

4.0 Competency Identification 55

4.1 Behavioural 55

4.2 Functional 56

5.0 Analysing Skill Gap and formulating IDP 58

5.1 Skill Gap 58

5.2 IDP 58

6.0 Conclusion 58

8.0 Annexures 59

• Annexure – I: Details of functional competencies of P&A 60

• Annexure – II: Sample Competency Questionnaire (Part A, B & C) 68

• Annexure – III: Sample Analysis for Competency Gap 71

• Annexure – IV: Sample IDP 72



1.0 IREDA: The OrganisationIndian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) was established in the year 1987 as a special-ized public financial institution under the administra-tive control of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), with an objective to promote, develop and ex-tend financial support to Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency / Conservation Projects in India. The technol-ogies supported by IREDA include Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Hydro Power, Biomass Power & Cogeneration, Waste to Energy and Energy Efficiency/ Conservation. Till the end of Financial Year 2014-15, IREDA has sanc-tioned more than 2200 clean energy projects with loan commitment of Rs. 30,818 crores, making it the single largest “Green Financier” in the country. This has sup-ported the growth of Renewable Energy sector in India, which currently contributes more than 12% in terms of the total installed power capacity of India.

IREDA has been awarded “Mini Ratna” (Category -I) status in 2015 by Ministry of New and Re-newable Energy (MNRE).IREDA has been notified as a “Public Financial Institution” under section 4 ‘A’ of the Companies Act, 1956 and registered as Non-Banking Fi-nancial Company (NFBC) with Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

IREDA is a leading institution in renewable energy financing. It has facilitated entry of private sector to re-newable energy sector. It has helped in building sector capability by helping create manufacturing, design, en-gineering, operation and maintenance facilities.

2.0 Background

2.1 NeedRenewable energy has acquired a greater challenging role in India due to its ability to provide energy security and last mile energy access. The strong focus of Govern-ment of India on tapping renewable resources, particu-larly solar and wind power shall provide huge business opportunities for IREDA in future. IREDA being a lead-ing player in financing renewable energy in India, will witness exciting business growth.

To meet the emerging opportunities, IREDA will re-quire highly competent human resource that will steer the growth of company’s business in future. Tremendous opportunities bring with it enormous challenges which are unique to this emerging sector. IREDA’s human re-source needsto acquire new and critical skills in sync with the emerging business prospects.

IREDA held a strong view that the future leadership has to come from within the organization and Compe-tency is an important issue for a service institution, as timely deliveryand quality output is most essential for them.With the rapid changes in technology and competi-tive business environment, organizations are required to be more technology driven and managerial effective. The jobs of strategic significance and the role of a generalists and specialists are getting redefined. To keep pace with such change, we need to raise beyond the traditional job description and undertake periodical studies and align and reposition jobs with the right plans of functional, cross functional, inter personnel, social, financial, lead-ership, IT competencies with a global perspective.

Therefore it was decided to carry out a thorough ‘Com-petency Gap Analysis’ study with following Objectives.

2.2 Objectives:• Finding out new organizational capabilities, new skill

base required for IREDA to become world class.• Identifying the jobs and skills of strategic significance.• Assessing the gap in the competencies in role specific

and organizational competencies.• Providing measures for filling up the competency gap-

sas enabling process.

3.0 Approach & MethodologyAdministrative Staff College of India (ASCI), Hyder-abadwas assigned the task of developing competency model for IREDA aspart of the study on ‘Organizational Restructuring and Manpower Planning’. The objective of the competency model exercise was to arrive at de-partment-wise competencies required for superior per-formance of IREDA considering its strategic plans.

The first exercise that was taken up along with ASCI was to identify the competency needed forleadership po-sition.It was based on the explorative, descriptive and analytical approach to study the objectives in-depth with regard to the specific target respondents.

The details of methodology adopted in this study are given below:a) The competency required for specific levels were

identified through administration ofstructured questionnaire

b) Based on the job/task analysis, specific skill re-quirements to perform the job wereIdentified.

c) The top 3 performers were identified by examin-ing the performance records of previousyears.This



was followed with intense behavior event inter-view (BEI) conducted on each of thetop perform-ers based on the skills identified through job/task analysis.

d) The competency thus identified was revalidated through exhaustive discussions in a panel compris-ing the job incumbent, key executives and subject matter experts.

Thus behavioral competencies identified for job/depart-ment were grouped into two clusters;organizational competency and the role specific behavioral competen-cy. The organizational competencies are important to the organization irrespective of the role the person perform-er in the department or job. The role specific competen-cies have been worked out for the employees in specific roles that they are expected to possess.

The approach needed both secondary and primary re-search to generate required information.

3.1 Secondary ResearchThe Secondary Research was undertaken to gain insights through developmental goals of country, funds generated for which data sources such as industry reports, websites of IREDA and relevant ministries, development fund-ing organizations etc.to capture business landscape and reviewed thoroughly.

3.2 Primary Research

Under the primary research, two different modules were employed, i.e.1) Qualitative Research for capturing the soft/ intan-

gible areas and to validate the competencies al-ready identified by ASCI

2) Quantitative research for listing present functional and behavioural skills.

Through a rigorous application of research methodol-ogy through literature survey, structured questionnaires, sampling plan, Focus Group Discussions (FGD), be-havioural event interview (BEI) of top performers and further validation, desired Competency identification and Gap Analysis was obtained. This finally gave rise to theCompetency Model along with the definitions of each competency. Level wise application was also identified to aid further developmental effort from the employee and more importantly, the organisation.Information was obtained from the individual employees as well as their reporting officers. Besides the feedback was taken from peers (internal customers) and juniors in respect of senior executives (E-7 and E-8 level).

Keeping in view the nature of study, all targeted employ-ees were covered for administration of structured ques-tionnaires.

4.0 CompetencyIdentificationA list of 30 competencies which include managerial, technical, professional skills and human attributes that are necessary for employees to work effectively in the organization, were identified. Identification was done through ‘BEI’ and through ‘resource panel’ comprising subject matter experts (SME). The model thus devel-oped, has been validated by thorough examination of the job specifications ofvarious departments of IREDA. The validated models have then been shared with a teamof officials from IREDA for revalidation. The definition for each competency is listed in Table 1 below.

4.1 Competency Bouquet

S.No. Type of Skill Total No.

I Managerial Skill 19

II Human attribute 8

III Technical/Professional Skill 3



Sl. No. Competency Type

Competency Definition

I.1 Managerial Leadership Identifies issue, continuously shares expertise with team members; supports individual development and improvement; provides performance feedback and reinforces strength; provides opportunities and motivates others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching; promotes a continuous learning and development environment; provides guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals.

I.2 Managerial Planning and Organizing

Establishes a systematic course of action for self to ensure accomplishment of specific objectives.Sets priorities, goals, tracking systems and timetables to achieve maximum productivity.

I.3 Managerial Strategic Thinking and Vision

Assesses the gap between the present state and desired future direction; able to formulate plans keeping in mind long term consequences and risks; Provides direction & communicates the vision to encourage alignment within the organization; encourages others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired goals.

I.4 Managerial Relationship Management

Interacts frequently with other departments as well as with other parties, shares relevant information, understands and helps resolving issues, works effectively in cross functional teams, establishes good rapport with external agencies, creates and acts on opportunities of interaction and facilitating achievement of goals.

I.5 Managerial Achievement Orientation

Consistently delivers required business results; sets and achieves achievable, yet aggressive goals; consistently complies with quality standards and meets deadlines; maintains focus on the firm’s goals.

I.6 Managerial Delegation Allocating decision making authority and/or task responsibility to appropriate persons to maximize the organization’s and individual’s effectiveness.

I.7 Managerial Decision Making Identifying and understanding issues, problems,and opportunities; comparing data from different sources to draw conclusions; using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions; taking action that is consistent with available facts, constraints, and probable consequences.

I.8 Managerial Initiative Identifies what needs to be done and takes action to achieve standard of excellence beyond job expectations.



Sl. No. Competency Type

Competency Definition

I.9 Managerial Networking Working to build and maintain friendly, trustworthy, open internal and external relationships or networks of contacts with people who are or might become important actors in achieving strategy related goals.

I.10 Managerial Resilience Has ability to adapt to and work with a variety of situations, individuals and groups; being able to think on own feet, and not being disconcerted or stopped by the unexpected.

I.11 Managerial Influencing Skill Asserts own ideas and persuades others, gaining support and commitment from others; mobilizes people to take action, using creative approaches to motivate others to meet organizational goals.

I.12 Managerial Change Management

Initiates and /or manages the change process and energizes it on an ongoing basis, taking steps to remove barriers or accelerate its pace.

I.13 Managerial Risk Taking Initiating action that tries to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage when potential negative consequences are understood.

I.14 Managerial Problem Solving Builds a logical approach to address problems or opportunities or manage the situation at hand by drawing on own knowledge and experience base and calling on other references and resources as necessary.

I.15 Managerial Presentation Skill Presenting ideas effectively to individuals or groups when given time to prepare; delivering presentations suited to the characteristics and needs of the audience.

I.16 Managerial Analytical Thinking

Bringing disciplined analysis to data and situations, to see cause and effect and to use this to make effective decisions.

I.17 Managerial Customer Focus Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationships.

I.18 Managerial Coordination Developing and using collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals.



Sl. No. Competency Type

Competency Definition

I.19 Managerial Prioritizing Able to manage self and/or others, and resources including time and surrounding circumstances to reach a specific goal.

II.1 Human Attribute

Team Work Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals.

II.2 Human At-tribute

Communication Clearly conveying information and ideas through avariety of media to individuals or groups in amanner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message.

II.3 Human At-tribute

Stress Tolerance Maintaining stable performance under pressure; handling stress in a manner that is acceptable to others and to the organization.

II.4 Human At-tribute

Building Trust Interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in one’s intentions and those of the organization.

II.5 Human Attri-bute

Ethics and Integ-rity

Has concern for the degree of trustworthiness and ethical behaviors with consideration for the knowledge one has of the impact and consequences when making a decision or taking action.

II.6 Human At-tribute

Attention to De-tails

Thoroughness in accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved. Monitors and checks work or information and plans efficiently.

II.7 Human At-tribute

Interpersonal Skills

Seeks to understand others’ perspectives while dealing with a conflicting situation; responds fairly to others, maintain confidentiality while dealing with sensitive matters; handles conflict situation objectively and provide timely and constructive feedback.

II.8 Human At-tribute

Adaptability Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; adjusting effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures.

III.1 Technical /Professional skill

Report Writing Ability to communicate respectfully ideas and information in writing to ensure that information and messages are understood and have the desired impact.

III.2 Technical /Professional skill

Organizational Awareness

Understands the workings, structure, and culture of the organization as well as the political, social, and economic issues affecting the organization.



Sl. No. Competency Type

Competency Definition

III.3 Technical /Professional skill

Professional Knowledge /Leveraging Technology

Acquires and uses technical and professional knowledge, skills and judgment to accomplish results and serve internal and external customers effectively; Applies IT skills in job and aware of current trend on professional and technical matters relating to job.

4.2 Department-wise Competency Framework

IREDA identified defined competencies for each department which is given as below:

Technical Services

Finance &Accounts

Human Resources Legal Vigilance

• Planning & Organizing

• Achievement Orientation

• Adaptability

• Initiative

• Networking

• Technical/Financial/Legal Knowledge

• Presentation skills

• Report writing

• Analytical thinking

• Prioritizing

• Customers focus

• Coordination

• Delegation

• Teamwork

• Decision making

• Communication

• Ethics & Integrity

• Prioritizing Risk taking Stress Tolerance

• Building trust

• Professional knowledge.

• Planning &Organizing

• Problem solving

• Influencing skills

• Professional knowledge

• Attention to detail

• Initiative

• Communication

• Organizational awareness

• Flexibility

• Change management

• Analytical thinking

• Decision making

• Team work

• Result oriented

• Professional knowledge

• Customer focus Communication

• Presentation skills

• Ethics & Integrity

• Flexibility

• Achievement Orientation

• Planning & Organizing

• Achievement Orientation

• Decision making

• Problem solving

• Resilience

• Communication skills

• Compliance

• Attention to details

4.3 Level-wise Competency Framework

Two focus group discussions were conducted involving key executives and heads of department to iden-tify competencies of various levels of employees. Based on the consensus emerged, the following compe-tency model was prepared:



Competency Framework for E-8 & E-7: (GM & Dy.GM)

Competency Framework for E-5 & E-6: (Asst GM & Senior Manager)



Competency Framework for E-0to E-4 (Manager & Below)

Competency Framework for Workmen and Supervisors



5.0 Finding the Development NeedBased on the above competencies, strengths and development needs were identified through a detailed study through aquestionnaire. The questionnaire for various labels is at is reproduced at the end (AS-1, AS-1A, AS-1B & AS-1B):

Individual assessment, Peer assessment & Reporting officer assessment facilitated to find out the gaps.

Level Strength Development Needs

General Manager & Dy. General Manager


(AS-1, AS-1A, AS-1B & AS-1C)

• Leveraging Technology.

Demonstrate fair level of knowledge, skill and judgment for accomplishment of jobs.

• Relationship Management

Regular interaction with team and external agencies to resolve issues and accomplish organizational goals.

• Delegation

Allocate decision making authority and/or task responsibility to appropriate persons.

• Leadership

Display control orientation, limited ability to inspite confidence and trust, least interest to lead by ex-ample and to listen and understand people.

• Strategic Thinking and Vision.

Do not take interest to create a vision for team, find it difficult to develop short term and long term strategy to meet the organization goals and objectives.

• Achievement Orientation

Find it difficult to set high performance standards for self and team and hesitate to take additional targets.

Asst. General Manager & Senior Manager



• Team Work

Participate as a member of a team to move the team towards the comple-tion of goals.

• Planning and Organizing

Focus on setting priorities, goals, tracking, systems and timetables to achieve maximum productivity.

• Leadership

Provides opportunities and motivates others for development through challenging assignment, maintaining and coaching.

• Risk Taking

Initiate action that tries to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage when potential negative conse-quences are understood.

• Delegation

Allocate decision making authority and/or task responsibility to team members.

• Resilience

Demonstrates ability to adapt to and work with vari-ety of situations, individuals and groups.

Manager & below


• Coordination

Develop and use collaborative rela-tionships to facilitate the accomplish-ment of work goals.

• Team work

Participate as a member of a team to move the team towards the comple-tion of goals.

• Leveraging Technology

Demonstrate fair level of knowledge, skill and judgment for accomplish-ment of jobs and apply IT skills in their functions.

• Influencing Skill

Not very competent to persuade others to accept rec-ommendations, cooperate, or change their behavior; works with others towards an agreement.

• Presentation Skill

Present ideas to individuals or groups when given time to prepare.

• Problem Solving

Builds a logical approach to address problems or op-portunities or manage the situation at hand.



Level Strength Development NeedsSupervisors & Workmen


• Professional Knowledge

Demonstrate fair level of knowledge and skill for accomplishment of lobs.

• Attention of Details

Fairly thorough when performing work and concerned about attending to details.

• Initiative

Identify what needs to be done and takes action to perform the job.

• Organization Awareness

Not thorough about the organization’s mission and functions to work effectively within them; this includes the policies, rules, and regulations of the organization.

• Communication

Do not effectively expresses information (for example, ideas and facts) to individuals or groups effectively, taking into account the audience and nature of the information.

• Adaptability

Unable to maintain effectiveness when experiencing changes in work tasks or the work environment.

6.0 Task Ahead

At IREDA, the daunting task of developing its employees based on the Competency Frameworks and Gap Analysis has already begun. The continuous activities of mapping competency, analysis of competency gaps and facilitating appropriateorganizational development (OD) interventions like training, re-training, coaching, mentoring,counseling etc. has to be the prime agenda of Human Resource Department. As a first step, theorganization has initiated steps to strengthen the competencies of E-8 and E-7 level andtaking a top down approach, it will address the competency improvement for all levels ofemployees.

7.0 ConclusionRenewable energy has acquired a greater challenging role in India due to its ability to provideenergy security and last mile energy access. The strong focus of Government of India on tappingrenewable resources, particularly solar and wind power shall provide huge businessopportunities for IREDA in future. IREDA being a leading player in financing renewable energy inIndia, will witness exciting business growth.

To meet the emerging opportunities, IREDA will require highly competent human resource thatwill steer the growth of company’s business in future. Tremendous opportunities bring with it enormous challenges which are unique to this emerging sector. IREDA’s human resource needsto acquire new and critical skills in sync with the emerging business prospects.

In this scenario, mapping competency, analysis of competency gaps and facilitating appropriateorganizational development (OD) interventions like training, re-training, coaching, mentoring,counseling etc. has to be the prime agenda of Human Resource Department. As a first step, theorganization should initiate steps to strengthen the competencies of E-8 and E-7 level andtaking a top down approach, it should address the competency improvement for other levels of employees.

Based on this competency gap analysis, the company initiate steps to conduct trainingneed analysis and draw an annual training plan to develop the knowledge, skills and humanattributes of its employees. Multiple OD interventions being undertaken to keeppace with the business opportunities and meet the emerging challenges effectively.








This is an instrument to assess the competency of the executives at E-7 and E-8 level who are reporting to you. There is nothing in this which would reflect on personal

aspects of the report. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box.

Very Low Pres-ence of Compe-tency (1)

Low Presence of Competency (2)

Moderate Pres-ence of Compe-tency (3)

High Presence of Competency (4)

Very High Presence of Competency (5)

Does not display any behavior

Does not display most of the behaviors

Display both positive and negative be-havior

Clear display with good pro-ficiency with some negative behavior

Clear display with ap-propriate proficiency with insignificant negative behavior

Name of the employee who is reporting:Designation: (E7 /E8) Department Code:

TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Employee No: Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1Identifies issue and continuously shares expertise with team members on how to handle them.

2Supports individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength.


Provides opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching

4Promotes a continuous learning and development environment for team members.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

5Provides guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals.

6 Assesses the gap between the current state and desired future direction.

7 Formulates plans keeping in mind the long term consequences and risks.

8 Provides direction and communicates the vision to encourage alignment within the organization.

9 Encourages others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired results.

10 Undertakes cost benefit analysis and develop a business case for the envisaged strategic direction.

11 Interacts frequently with different departments and shares relevant information.

12 Understands and helps others in resolving issues.

13 Establishes good rapport with external agencies to meet organizational needs.

14 Creates and acts on opportunities for interaction and facilitates achievement of organization goals.

15 Develops clear, achievable and challenging goals for meetings and projects.

16 Maintains commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome.

17 Has a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and accomplishing work.

18 Sets and maintains high performance standard for self and others that support organization’s strategic plan.

19 Takes responsibility and stay focused on problems until an effective solution can be found.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

20 Seeks ways to improve overall performance levels to give higher level of satisfaction to clients.

21 Delegates assignments to the appropriate individuals based on their skills, roles and interests (such as special projects or assignments).

22 Provides guidance and instructions when delegating.

23 Gives each direct reportee as much responsibility as they can handle.

24 Expands areas of responsibility of those reportees who demonstrate good performance.

25 Updates self on the technical and professional aspects of your job.

26 Goes through the current research in your professional field.

27 Uses basic IT skills in day today work.

28 Undertakes net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge.

29 Ensures a clear understanding of the desired end result and asks for clarification.

30 Works independently; takes responsibility of work flow and the management of it.

31 Anticipates and prepares for upcoming events ensuring adequate resources are available.

32 Considers the impact of something before it happens and makes necessary preparations and changes needed.

33 Sets priorities with an appropriate sense of what is most important.

(Signature) Name: Designation:



This is an instrument to map the competency of the executives at E-7 and E-8 level who are working with you. There is nothing in this which would reflect on personal aspects or performance of the concerned

executive. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box and hand over to the representative of HR department in a closed envelope. This will be treated as confidential.


Assessment of Competency of E7-E8 executive (by Pear)

Very Low Pres-ence of Compe-tency (1)

Low Presence of Competency (2)

Moderate Pres-ence of Compe-tency (3)

High Presence of Competency (4)

Very High Presence of Competency (5)

Does not display any behavior

Does not display most of the behaviors

Display both positive and negative be-havior

Clear display with good pro-ficiency with some negative behavior

Clear display with ap-propriate proficiency with insignificant negative behavior

Name of the employee who is reporting:Designation: (E7 /E8) Department Code:

TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Employee No: Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1Identifies issue and continuously shares expertise with team members on how to handle them.

2Supports individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength.


Provides opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching

4Promotes a continuous learning and development environment for team members.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

5Provides guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals.

6 Assesses the gap between the current state and desired future direction.

7 Formulates plans keeping in mind the long term consequences and risks.

8 Provides direction and communicates the vision to encourage alignment within the organization.

9 Encourages others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired results.

10 Undertakes cost benefit analysis and develop a business case for the envisaged strategic direction.

11 Interacts frequently with different departments and shares relevant information.

12 Understands and helps others in resolving issues.

13 Establishes good rapport with external agencies to meet organizational needs.

14 Creates and acts on opportunities for interaction and facilitates achievement of organization goals.

15 Develops clear, achievable and challenging goals for meetings and projects.

16 Maintains commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome.

17 Has a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and accomplishing work.

18 Sets and maintains high performance standard for self and others that support organization’s strategic plan.

19 Takes responsibility and stay focused on problems until an effective solution can be found.



(Signature) Name: Designation:

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

20 Seeks ways to improve overall performance levels to give higher level of satisfaction to clients.

21 Delegates assignments to the appropriate individuals based on their skills, roles and interests (such as special projects or assignments).

22 Provides guidance and instructions when delegating.

23 Gives each direct reportee as much responsibility as they can handle.

24 Expands areas of responsibility of those reportees who demonstrate good performance.

25 Updates self on the technical and professional aspects of your job.

26 Goes through the current research in your professional field.

27 Uses basic IT skills in day today work.

28 Undertakes net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge.

29 Ensures a clear understanding of the desired end result and asks for clarification.

30 Works independently; takes responsibility of work flow and the management of it.

31 Anticipates and prepares for upcoming events ensuring adequate resources are available.

32 Considers the impact of something before it happens and makes necessary preparations and changes needed.

33 Sets priorities with an appropriate sense of what is most important.



This is an instrument to map the competency of the executives at E-7 and E-8 level who are working with you. There is nothing in this which would reflect on personal aspects or performance of the concerned

executive. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box and hand over to the representative of HR department in a closed envelope. This will be treated as confidential.


Assessment -1 Competency of E7- E8 executive (by Sub-ordinate)

Very Low Pres-ence of Compe-tency (1)

Low Presence of Competency (2)

Moderate Pres-ence of Compe-tency (3)

High Presence of Competency (4)

Very High Presence of Competency (5)

Does not display any behavior

Does not display most of the behaviors

Display both positive and negative be-havior

Clear display with good pro-ficiency with some negative behavior

Clear display with ap-propriate proficiency with insignificant negative behavior

Name of the employee who is reporting:Designation: (E7 /E8) Department Code:

TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Employee No: Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1Identifies issue and continuously shares expertise with team members on how to handle them.

2Supports individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength.


Provides opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching

4Promotes a continuous learning and development environment for team members.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

5Provides guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals.

6 Assesses the gap between the current state and desired future direction.

7 Formulates plans keeping in mind the long term consequences and risks.

8 Provides direction and communicates the vision to encourage alignment within the organization.

9 Encourages others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired results.

10 Undertakes cost benefit analysis and develop a business case for the envisaged strategic direction.

11 Interacts frequently with different departments and shares relevant information.

12 Understands and helps others in resolving issues.

13 Establishes good rapport with external agencies to meet organizational needs.

14 Creates and acts on opportunities for interaction and facilitates achievement of organization goals.

15 Develops clear, achievable and challenging goals for meetings and projects.

16 Maintains commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome.

17 Has a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and accomplishing work.

18 Sets and maintains high performance standard for self and others that support organization’s strategic plan.

19 Takes responsibility and stay focused on problems until an effective solution can be found.



(Signature) Name: Designation:

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

20 Seeks ways to improve overall performance levels to give higher level of satisfaction to clients.

21 Delegates assignments to the appropriate individuals based on their skills, roles and interests (such as special projects or assignments).

22 Provides guidance and instructions when delegating.

23 Gives each direct reportee as much responsibility as they can handle.

24 Expands areas of responsibility of those reportees who demonstrate good performance.

25 Updates self on the technical and professional aspects of your job.

26 Goes through the current research in your professional field.

27 Uses basic IT skills in day today work.

28 Undertakes net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge.

29 Ensures a clear understanding of the desired end result and asks for clarification.

30 Works independently; takes responsibility of work flow and the management of it.

31 Anticipates and prepares for upcoming events ensuring adequate resources are available.

32 Considers the impact of something before it happens and makes necessary preparations and changes needed.

33 Sets priorities with an appropriate sense of what is most important.



This is an instrument to map the competency of the executives at E-7 and E-8 level who are working with you. There is nothing in this which would reflect on personal aspects or performance of the concerned

executive. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box and hand over to the representative of HR department in a closed envelope. This will be treated as confidential.


Assessment of competency of E7-E8 executive (by Self)

Name :

Designation: (E5 /E6)

Department Code: TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date of Joining in the Department:


Gender: Male / Female

Age (in Years):


Institute last attended:

This questionnaire is made to map the competency of employees at various levels in groups. There is no right or wrong answer.

1- Very Rarely 2- Rarely 3- Sometimes 4- Very Often 5- Always Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1Do you identify issue and continuously share expertise with team members on how to handle them?

2 Do you support individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength?

3 Do you provide opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

4 Do you ensure a clear understanding of the desired end result and ask for clarification?

5 Do you work independently; take responsibility of work flow and the management of it?

6 Do you define tasks and milestones to achieve objectives while ensuring optimal use of resources to meet these objectives?

7 Do you support individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength?

8 Do you work independently; take responsibility of work flow and the management of it?

9 Do you formulate plans keeping in mind the long term consequences and risks?

10 Do you understand and help others in resolving issues?

11 Do you maintain commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome?

12 Do you provide guidance and instructions when delegating?

13 Do you go through the current research in your professional field?

14 Do you provide opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching?

15 Do you define tasks and milestones to achieve objectives while ensuring optimal use of resources to meet these objectives?

16 Do you provide direction and communicate the vision to encourage alignment within the organization?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

17 Do you work effectively in cross functional teams?

18 Do you find or create ways to measure performance against goals?

19 Do you assign a direct report to resolve problems that typically would be beyond that person’s authority?

20 Do you recognize the trends in theory and practice in your professional or technical field and prepare yourself for anticipated changes?

21 Do you promote a continuous learning and development environment for your team members?

22 Do you anticipate and prepare for upcoming events ensuring adequate resources are available?

23 Do you encourage others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired results?

24 Do you establish good rapport with external agencies to meet organizational needs?

25 Do you have a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and accomplishing work?

26 Do you give each direct report as much responsibility as they can handle?

27 Do you use basic IT skills in your day today work?

28 Do you provide guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals?

29 Do you consider the impact of something before it happens and make necessary preparations and changes needed?

30 Do you undertake cost benefit analysis and develop a business case for the envisaged strategic direction?

31 Do you create and act on opportunities for interaction and facilitate achievement of organization goals?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

32 Do you set and maintain high performance standard for self and others that support organization’s strategic plan?

33 Do you expand areas of responsibility of those reports who demonstrate good performance?

34 Do you undertake net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge?

35 Do you take responsibility and stay focused on problems until an effective solution can be found?

36 Do you set priorities with an appropriate sense of what is most important?

37 Do you seek ways to improve overall performance levels to give higher level of satisfaction to clients?




This is an instrument to assess the competency of the executives at E-5 and E-6 level who are reporting to you. There is nothing in this which would reflect

on personal aspects of the report. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box.



Very Low Presence of Competency (1)

Low Presence of Competency (2)

Moderate Presence of Competency (3)

High Presence of Competency (4)

Very High Presence of Competency (5)

Does not display any behavior

Does not display most of the behaviors

Display both positive and negative behavior

Clear display with good proficiency with some negative behavior

Clear display with appropriate proficiency with insignificant negative behavior

Name of the employee who is reporting:

Designation: (E7 /E8)

Department Code:

TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

This questionnaire is made to map the competency of employees at various levels in groups. There is no right or wrong answer.

1- Very Rarely 2- Rarely3- Sometimes 4- Very Often5- Always Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1 Identifies issue, continuously shares expertise with team members; supports individual development and improvement; provides performance feedback and reinforces strength; provides opportunities and motivates others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching; promotes a continuous learning and development environment; provides guidance to juniors for attainment of professional and personal goals



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

2 Establishes a systematic course of action for self to ensure accomplishment of specific objectives. Sets priorities, goals, tracking systems and timetables to achieve maximum productivity.

3 Consistently delivers required business results; sets and achieves achievable, yet aggressive, goals; consistently complies with quality standards and meets deadlines; maintains focus on the firm’s goals.

4 Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals.

5 Identifying and understanding issues, problems, and opportunities; comparing data from different sources to draw conclusions; using effective approaches for choosing a course of action or developing appropriate solutions; taking action that is consistent with available facts, constraints, and probable consequences.

6 Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message.

7 Identifies what needs to be done and takes action to achieve standard of excellence

beyond job expectations.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

8 Working to build and maintain friendly, trustworthy, open internal and external relationships or networks of contacts with people who are or might become important actors in achieving strategic related goals.

9 Has ability to adapt to and work with a variety of situations, individuals and groups; being able to think on own feet, and not being disconcerted or stopped by the unexpected.

10 Asserts o w n i d e a s a n d persuades others, gaining support and commitment from others; mobilizes people to take action, using creative approaches to motivate others to meet organizational goals.

11 Initiates and/or manages the change process and energizes it on an ongoing basis, taking steps to remove barriers or accelerate its pace.

12 Allocating decision making authority and/or task responsibility to appropriate persons to maximize the organization’s and individuals’ effectiveness.

13 Acquires and uses technical and professional knowledge, skills and judgment to accomplish results and serve internal and external customers effectively; Applies IT skills in job and aware of current trend on professional and technical matters relating to job.

14 Initiating action that tries to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage when potential negative consequences are understood; risk taking ability.

15 Maintaining stable performance under pressure; handling stress in a manner that is acceptable to others and to the organization.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

16 Interacting with others in a way that gives them confidence in one’s intentions and those of the organization; building Trust.

17 Builds a logical approach to address problems or opportunities or manage the situation at hand by drawing on own knowledge and experience base and calling on other references and resources as necessary; problem solving skills.

18 Presenting ideas effectively to individuals or groups when given time to prepare; delivering presentations suited to the characteristics and needs of the audience; presentation skills.

19 Ability to communicate respectfully ideas and information in writing to ensure that information and messages are understood and have the desired impact.

20 Bringing disciplined analysis to data and situations, to see cause and effect and to use this to make effective decisions; analytical thinking.

21 Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationships.

22 Developing and using collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals; coordination ability.

23 Has concern for the degree of trustworthiness and ethical behaviors with consideration for the knowledge one has of the impact and consequences when making a decision or taking action; ethics and integrity.

24 Able to manage self and/or others, and resources including time and surrounding circumstances to reach a specific goal; Prioritizing




This is an instrument to map the competency of the executives at E-7 and E-8 level who are working with you. There is nothing in this which would reflect on personal aspects or performance of the concerned

executive. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box and hand over to the representative of HR department in a closed envelope. This will be treated as confidential.


Assessment of competency of E7-E8 executive (by Self)

Name :

Designation: (E7 /E8)

Department Code: TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date of Joining in the Department:


Gender: Male / Female

Age (in Years):


Institute last attended:

This questionnaire is made to map the competency of employees at various levels in groups. There is no right or wrong answer.

1- Very Rarely 2- Rarely 3- Sometimes 4- Very Often 5- Always Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1 Do you identify issue and continuously share expertise with team members on how to handle them?

2 Do you support individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength?

3 Do you provide opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching?

4 Do you ensure a clear understanding of the desired end result and ask for clarification?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

5 Do you work independently; take responsibility of work flow and the management of it?

6 Do you define tasks and milestones to achieve objectives while ensuring optimal use of resources to meet these objectives?

7 Do you develop clear, achievable and challenging goals for meetings and projects?

8 Do you maintain commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome?

9 Do you find or create ways to measure performance against goals?

10 Do you demonstrate a personal commitment to the team and help the team keep roles and responsibilities clear?

11 Do you make procedural or process suggestions to perform team functions and achieve team goals?

12 Do you provide resources or help remove obstacles to help team accomplish team goals?

13 Do you anticipate the consequences of decision?

14 Do you take action to generate alternative solutions to resolve problems?

15 Do you consider multiple factors (e.g. customers’ needs, feasibility, due dates, costs etc) when making decisions?

16 Do you ask clear questions using oral and/or other methods of communication?

17 Do you provide clear instructions or information to peers/ team members/ others orally or other methods of communication?

18 Do you convey complex ideas in a logical sequence that others can understand?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

19 Do you contribute new ideas and look for ways to add value to the department as a self starter?

20 Do you assume responsibility for results of own actions and their impact on the department?

21 Do you complete assignment without prompting from your senior or any colleague?

22 Do you manage relationships among key outside organizations and government entities to create long range opportunities?

23 Do you utilize established network of relationships to seek information of strategic importance and to seek a position of influence in key forums?

24 Do you actively and continuously expand own network to meet strategic goals and seek information from others to resolve issues?

25 Do you consider alternative approaches according to needs of situations?

26 Do you weigh up costs and benefits impartially?

27 Do you investigate options in depth even when they are the ideas of others?

28 Do you develop and use suitable strategies to persuade others?

29 Do you effectively articulate the position of others and help them understand the underlying issues and concerns?

30 Do you communicate complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences?

31 Do you communicate a compelling vision that generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment?

32 Do you communicate the need for change and inspire commitment to the process?

33 Do you obtain and provide resources to enable implementation of change initiatives?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

34 Do you delegate assignments to the appropriate individuals based on their skills, roles and interests (such as special projects or assignments)?

35 Do you provide guidance and instructions when delegating?

36 Do you give each direct report as much responsibility as they can handle?

37 Do you update yourself on the technical and professional aspects of your job?

38 Do you use basic IT skills in your day today work?

39 Do you undertake net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge?

40 Do you make decisions when probability of success is unclear?

41 Do you make decisions that involve risk?

42 Do you try new but unproved approaches to solving problems?

43 Do you effectively handle a heavy workload and remain flexible, open and positive in the face of changing needs and customer demands?

44 Do you cope appropriately with conflicting work demands?

45 Do you effectively handle distractions or interruptions to work or rush situations?

46 Do you accurately communicate the strengths and limitations of a product/service and of the organization?

47 Do you treat individuals fairly and equally and keep promises and commitments?

48 Do you undertake a complex task by breaking it down into manageable parts in a systematic and detailed way?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

49 Do you anticipate the consequences of situations and think several possible explanations or alternatives for a situation?

50 Do you identify the information needed to solve a problem effectively and get input from internal and external contacts that are closest to the problem?

51 Do you present problem analysis and recommend solution to others rather than just identifying or describing the problem itself?

52 Do you make formal presentations to peers, team members, or others?

53 Do you make formal presentations to senior managers in the organization?

54 Do you make formal presentations using IT skills?

55 Do you organize written work in a manner that is clear and easy to follow?

56 Do you keep written material concise and relevant?

57 Do you use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation and paragraph structure?

58 Do you make a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives and notice discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information?

59 Do you identify many possible causes for a problem, weigh the costs, benefits, risks, implications, and chances for success, when making a decision?

60 Do you recognize key actions and underlying issues and problems?

61 Do you clarify the exact nature of customers’ problems or requests and make recommendations?

62 Do you take responsibility to solve customers’ problems?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

63 Do you involve the help of others to solve customers’ problems?

64 Do you build effective working relationships with other departments?

65 Do you share information, ideas and effective approaches to issues with other regions and departments?

66 Do you work collaboratively with others to meet organizational goals?

67 Do you hold self and others accountable for making principled decisions; address unethical behaviors head-on?

68 68 Do you display honesty and are forthright with people?

69 Do you take responsibility for own mistakes and not blame others?

70 Do you accurately estimate time and effort required to complete a task?

71 Do you identify and arrange critical tasks in a logical order?

72 Do you establish priorities systematically, differentiating between urgent, important, and unimportant tasks?

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1 Do you identify issue and continuously share expertise with team members on how to handle them?

2 Do you support individual development and improvement, provide performance feedback and reinforce strength?

3 Do you provide opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

4 Do you ensure a clear understanding of the desired end result and ask for clarification?

5 Do you work independently; take responsibility of work flow and the management of it?

6 Do you define tasks and milestones to achieve objectives while ensuring optimal use of resources to meet these objectives?

7 Do you develop clear, achievable and challenging goals for meetings and projects?

8 Do you maintain commitment to set goals on the face of obstacles and frustration and seek to understand reasons of obstacles and explore ways to overcome?

9 Do you find or create ways to measure performance against goals?

10 Do you demonstrate a personal commitment to the team and help the team keep roles and responsibilities clear?

11 Do you make procedural or process suggestions to perform team functions and achieve team goals?

12 Do you provide resources or help remove obstacles to help team accomplish team goals?

13 Do you anticipate the consequences of decision?

14 Do you take action to generate alternative solutions to resolve problems?

15 Do you consider multiple factors (e.g. customers’ needs, feasibility, due dates, costs etc) when making decisions?

16 Do you ask clear questions using oral and/or other methods of communication?

17 Do you provide clear instructions or information to peers/ team members/ others orally or other methods of communication?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

18 Do you convey complex ideas in a logical sequence that others can understand?

19 Do you contribute new ideas and look for ways to add value to the department as a self starter?

20 Do you assume responsibility for results of own actions and their impact on the department?

21 Do you complete assignment without prompting from your senior or any colleague?

22 Do you manage relationships among key outside organizations and government entities to create long range opportunities?

23 Do you utilize established network of relationships to seek information of strategic importance and to seek a position of influence in key forums?

24 Do you actively and continuously expand own network to meet strategic goals and seek information from others to resolve issues?

25 Do you consider alternative approaches according to needs of situations?

26 Do you weigh up costs and benefits impartially?

27 Do you investigate options in depth even when they are the ideas of others?

28 Do you develop and use suitable strategies to persuade others?

29 Do you effectively articulate the position of others and help them understand the underlying issues and concerns?

30 Do you communicate complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences?

31 Do you communicate a compelling vision that generates excitement, enthusiasm and commitment?

32 Do you communicate the need for change and inspire commitment to the process?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

33 Do you obtain and provide resources to enable implementation of change initiatives?

34 Do you delegate assignments to the appropriate individuals based on their skills, roles and interests (such as special projects or assignments)?

35 Do you provide guidance and instructions when delegating?

36 Do you give each direct report as much responsibility as they can handle?

37 Do you update yourself on the technical and professional aspects of your job?

38 Do you use basic IT skills in your day today work?

39 Do you undertake net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge?

40 Do you make decisions when probability of success is unclear?

41 Do you make decisions that involve risk?

42 Do you try new but unproved approaches to solving problems?

43 Do you effectively handle a heavy workload and remain flexible, open and positive in the face of changing needs and customer demands?

44 Do you cope appropriately with conflicting work demands?

45 Do you effectively handle distractions or interruptions to work or rush situations?

46 Do you accurately communicate the strengths and limitations of a product/service and of the organization?

47 Do you treat individuals fairly and equally and keep promises and commitments?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

48 Do you undertake a complex task by breaking it down into manageable parts in a systematic and detailed way?

49 Do you anticipate the consequences of situations and think several possible explanations or alternatives for a situation?

50 Do you identify the information needed to solve a problem effectively and get input from internal and external contacts that are closest to the problem?

51 Do you present problem analysis and recommend solution to others rather than just identifying or describing the problem itself?

52 Do you make formal presentations to peers, team members, or others?

53 Do you make formal presentations to senior managers in the organization?

54 Do you make formal presentations using IT skills?

55 Do you organize written work in a manner that is clear and easy to follow?

56 Do you keep written material concise and relevant?

57 Do you use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation and paragraph structure?

58 Do you make a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives and notice discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information?

59 Do you identify many possible causes for a problem, weigh the costs, benefits, risks, implications, and chances for success, when making a decision?

60 Do you recognize key actions and underlying issues and problems?

61 Do you clarify the exact nature of customers’ problems or requests and make recommendations?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

62 Do you take responsibility to solve customers’ problems?

63 Do you involve the help of others to solve customers’ problems?

64 Do you build effective working relationships with other departments?

65 Do you share information, ideas and effective approaches to issues with other regions and departments?

66 Do you work collaboratively with others to meet organizational goals?

67 Do you hold self and others accountable for making principled decisions; address unethical behaviors head-on?

68 68 Do you display honesty and are forthright with people?

69 Do you take responsibility for own mistakes and not blame others?

70 Do you accurately estimate time and effort required to complete a task?

71 Do you identify and arrange critical tasks in a logical order?

72 Do you establish priorities systematically, differentiating between urgent, important, and unimportant tasks?




This is an instrument to assess the competency of the executives at E-0 to E-6 level who are reporting to you. There is nothing in this which would reflect

on personal aspects of the reportee. Kindly give your ratings in a five point scale by marking the appropriate box.


Assessment of competency of E7-E8 executive (by Self)

Name of the employee who is reporting:

Designation: (E0 /E1/ E3/ E4)

Department Code: TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Employee No:

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1 Understands the workings, structure, and culture of the organization as well as the political, social, and economic issues affecting the organization.

2 Thoroughness in accomplishing a task through concern for all the areas involved. Monitors and checks work or information and plans efficiently.

3 Seeks to understand others’ perspectives while dealing with a conflicting situation; responds fairly to others, maintain confidentiality while dealing with sensitive matters; handles conflict situation objectively and provide timely and constructive feedback

4 Actively participating as a member of a team to move the team toward the completion of goals.

Very Low Presence of Competency (1)

Low Presence of Competency (2)

Moderate Presence of Competency (3)

High Presence of Competency (4)

Very High Presence of Competency (5)

Does not display any behavior

Does not display most of the behaviors

Display both positive and negative behavior

Clear display with good proficiency with some negative behavior

Clear display with appropriate proficiency with insignificant negative behavior



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

5 Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing major changes in work tasks or the work environment; adjusting effectively to work within new work structures, processes, requirements, or cultures.

6 Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message.

7 Identifies what needs to be done and takes action to achieve standard of excellence beyond job expectations.

8 Working to build and maintain friendly, trustworthy, open internal and external relationships or networks of contacts with people who are or might become important actors in achieving strategic related goals.

9 Asserts own ideas and persuades others, gaining support and commitment from others; mobilizes people to take action, using creative approaches to motivate others to meet organizational goals.

10 Acquires and uses technical and professional knowledge, skills and judgment to accomplish results and serve internal and external customers effectively; Applies IT skills in job and aware of current trend on professional and technical matters relating to job

11 Maintaining stable performance under pressure; handling stress in a manner that is acceptable to others and to the organization.

12 Builds a logical approach to address problems or opportunities or manage the situation at hand by drawing on own knowledge and experience base and calling on other references and resources as necessary; problem solving skills.



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

13 Presenting ideas effectively to individuals or groups when given time to prepare; delivering presentations suited to the characteristics and needs of the audience; presentation skills.

14 Making customers and their needs a primary focus of one’s actions; developing and sustaining productive customer relationships

15 Developing and using collaborative relationships to facilitate the accomplishment of work goals; coordination ability.

16 Able to manage self and/or others, and resources including time and surrounding circumstances to reach a specific goal; prioritizing.

(Signature) Name: Designation:





Name :

Designation: (E5 /E6)

Department Code: TS F&A Legal HR Vigilance Corporate Affairs Company Sect. Others

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Date of Joining in the Department:


Gender: Male / Female

Age (in Years):


Institute last attended:

This questionnaire is made to map the competency of employees at various levels in groups. There is no right or wrong answer.

1- Very Rarely 2- Rarely 3- Sometimes 4- Very Often 5- Always Behavioral Indicators

S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

1 Do you demonstrate awareness of goals of other departments and of the organization?

2 Do you identify key decision makers on issues of concern?

3 Do you work to build a sense of common purpose across all work groups, avoiding a "we versus them" attitude?

4Do you double check the information before submitting a proposal?

5Do you carefully monitor the details and quality of other’s work?

6Do you complete all work according to procedures and standards?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

7 Do you seek to understand others’ perspectives while dealing with a conflicting situation?

8 Do you respond fairly to others, maintain confidentiality while dealing with sensitive matters?

9 Do you handle conflict situation objectively and provide timely and constructive feedback?

10 Do you demonstrate a personal commitment to the team and help the team keep roles and responsibilities clear?

11 Do you make procedural or process suggestions to perform team functions and achieve team goals?

12 Do you provide resources or help remove obstacles to help team accomplish team goals?

13 Do you demonstrate willingness to change ideas or perceptions based on new information or contrary evidence and adjust schedules, tasks, and priorities when necessary?

Do you provide opportunities and motivate others for development through challenging assignments, mentoring and coaching?

14 Are you open to new ideas and listens to other people’s points of view?

15 Do you apply rules or procedures flexibly, depending on the individual situation to accomplish tasks or activities more effectively?

16 Do you ask clear questions using oral and/or other methods of communication?

17 Do you provide clear instructions or information to peers/ team members/ others orally or other methods of communication?

18 Do you convey complex ideas in a logical sequence that others can understand? Do you promote a continuous learning and development environment for your team members?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

19 Do you contribute new ideas and look for ways to add value to the department as a self starter? Do you encourage others to contribute to the vision of the organization to achieve desired results?

20 Do you assume responsibility for results of own actions and their impact on the department?

21 Do you complete assignment without prompting from your senior or any colleague?

22 Do you manage relationships among key outside organizations and government entities to create long range opportunities?

23 Do you utilize established network of relationships to seek information of strategic importance and to seek a position of influence in key forums?

24 Do you actively and continuously expand own network to meet strategic goals and seek information from others to resolve issues?

25 Do you develop and use suitable strategies to persuade others?

26 Do you effectively articulate the position of others and help them understand the underlying issues and concerns?

27 Do you communicate complex issues clearly and credibly with widely varied audiences?

28 Do you update yourself on the technical and professional aspects of your job?

29 Do you use basic IT skills in your day today work?

30 Do you undertake net browsing to explore contemporary development to enhance professional and technical knowledge?

31 Do you effectively handle a heavy workload and remain flexible, open and positive in the face of changing needs and customer demands?



S.No. Competency Parameters Kindly mark the appropriate box as you assess yourself (Low to High)

32 Do you cope appropriately with conflicting work demands?

33 Do you effectively handle distractions or interruptions to work or rush situations?

34 Do you anticipate the consequences of situations and think several possible explanations or alternatives for a situation?

35 Do you identify the information needed to solve a problem effectively and get input from internal and external contacts that are closest to the problem?

36 Do you present problem analysis and recommend solution to others rather than just identifying or describing the problem itself?

37 Do you make formal presentations to peers, team members, or others?

38 Do you make formal presentations to senior managers in the organization?

39 Do you make formal presentations using IT skills?

40 Do you clarify the exact nature of customers’ problems or requests and make recommendations?

41 Do you take responsibility to solve customers’ problems?

42 Do you involve the help of others to solve customers’ problems?



43 Do you build effective working relationships with other departments?

44 Do you share information, ideas and effective approaches to issues with other regions and departments?

45 Do you work collaboratively with others to meet organizational goals?

46 Do you accurately estimate time and effort required to complete a task?

47 Do you identify and arrange critical tasks in a logical order?

48 Do you establish priorities systematically, differentiating between urgent, important, and unimportant tasks?






1.0 Introduction to SJVN and the ContextSJVN Limited is a Schedule A, Miniratna Company, augmented its approach towards capability development of senior employees (E6-E8) by having a competency framework for behavioral and functional domain. Based on this, identification of competency gap was also done for earmarked level of executives. Corporate office, Delhi office, major plant locations had been chosen to be covered by this initiative.

SJVN is a joint venture of Govt. of India (GoI) and Govt. of HP under the administrative control of Ministry of Power, GoI. At present, equity shareholding of Gol, GoHP and Public is 64.46%, 25.51% and 10.03%

respectively. SJVN is presently operating country’s largest 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station (NJHPS) on river Satluj in Distt. Kinnaur. SJVN has also commissioned the 412 MW Rampur Hydro Electric Project and 47.6 MW Khirvire Wind Power Project during the year 2014. The corporation is entrusted with the responsibility of carrying out Survey and Investigation, Construction of other hydroelectric projects in the Satluj river basin in HP and in other states of India and abroad in Nepal / Bhutan also.

This initiative was launched by SJVN in 2015-16 as part of its commitment to adapt best HR practices, with help of Power HR Forum.

2.0 Work Stages

The assignment had been carried out in following stages:Stage-1: Developing a competency framework for behavioral and functional domain.Stage-2: Based on the Competency framework, undertaking skill gap analysis for identified and agreed set of

employees at E6-E8 level.Stage-3: Preparing IDP (Individual Development Plan) for the executives for whom skill-gap has been identi-


3.0 Methodology Adopted

The methodology adopted for the above stages of work is as given below:3.1 Developing Competency FrameworkThe competency framework is at two domains: Behavioral and Functional. The Behavioral competency takes care of the need of SJVN in terms of expected skill level in day to day behavior from targeted employees (E6-E8) and is same irrespective of department/function to which the employees belong. The Functional competency is unique to particular function/role that the individuals are performing, e.g. P&A or Corporate Planning or Civil construction.

3.1.1 Behavioural competencyThese are identified at three levels eg Individual, Team and Organisation level. Abouquet of competencies are derived from the following sources:

• Similar Indian PSUs like THDC, NHPC, NTPC etc• Best practices from private power utilities like

Tata, Reliance etc and non-power organizations• International best practices

• Issues and Concerns of SJVNTop management at board level of SJVN chose the best-fit competencies at above mentioned three levels, that shall aid SJVN to reach their vision and growth plan. For ease of execution and manageable action from employees, total number of competencies are limited to eight and maximum number of competencies in each viz Leading self, Leading others and Leading Business, are three.

The work pertaining to Behavioral competency consists of the following:

• Listing of Behavioral competencies• Components of these competencies• Behaviour at three levels i.e Basic. Proficient and

Expert3.1.2 Functional competency

Functional competency are worked out for given set of departments that are agreed by SJVN. These are as given below:

1. Personnel & Administration

2. IT & Communication



3. Corporate Planning

4. Corporate Monitoring & Coordination

5. Corporate Environment

6. Quality Assurance & Inspection

7. Power plant Electrical Design

8. Commercial & System Operation

9. Electrical Contracts

10. Civil

11. Contract & Procurement

12. O&M

13. New Projects (for HoPs-Head of Projects)

The work pertaining to Functional competency shall consists of the following:

• Listing of functional competencies, as per role• Components of these competencies• Behaviour at three levels i.e Basic, Proficient and

Expert3.2 Skill Gap Analysis

Based on listing of displayed behavior for each competencies (behavioral and functional) at mentioned three levels, Basic, Proficient and Expert, identified employees together with their reporting officer are to identify the following:

• Desired level of skill in a 1-5 point likert scale (to be done alone by employee her/himself).

• Existing level of skill and expected level of proficiency for concerned employees (to be done by reporting officer, after seeing the self rating report); this ratings are utilized for further analysis.

• Also, each employee to write the ‘activities performed’ by him in his present role, in following categories:

o Routine [Daily / Weekly/ Fortnightly]

o Periodical [monthly/Quarterly / Half yearly]

o Infrequent [Yearly/ Unscheduled, emergent]• Also, the employee need to mention his personal

profile eg age, department, location, which shall be considered for analysis.

An analysis of above four enable identification and formulation of his skill gap.

3.3 Formulating IDP‘Triple E ’ approach is adopted for developing individual development plan. 3E stands for Education, Experience and Exposure.

1E: EDUCATION: Reading, Training, Higher Education, e-Learning

2E: EXPERIENCE: Job rotation, Action learning projects

3E: EXPOSURE: Cross functional assignment, Mentoring, Coaching

4.0 CompetenciesIdentified4.1 Behavioural

Below table describes the eight competencies along with behavioral indicators were chosen after discussion with senior management.

Broad Categories Behavioral Competencies Behavioral Indicators

1 Leading Business • Vision & Strategic Orientation

• Demonstrate personal work alignment• Promotes personal work alignment• Influences strategic directions

• Business Acumen • Understanding the business• Acting on business levers to maximize profits• Comprehensive strength

• Collaboration & Networking

• Seek opportunities and clarifies current situation• Develops other’s and own ideas; Priority on organizational

goals• Facilitates agreements, effective interpersonal skills



Broad Categories Behavioral Competencies Behavioral Indicators

2 Leading Others

Team and People Leadership

• Team and people oriented• Inspires team and people for goal accomplishment• Promotes and empowers teams and people

Adaptability & Change management

• Makes other aware of change• Manage change process and aligns change initiatives• Champions change

System orientation

• Follow systems and strive for system improvement• Develops systems and align system parameters with

organizational objectives• Champions system orientation by leading effective

implementation and audits

3 Leading Self5959

Achievement Orientations • Proactive and enthusiastic• Significant contributor• Persuades excellence

Communication & Interpersonal Skills

• Initiate and Sustain (basic)• Empathetic (proficient)• Consensus build-up (expert)

4.2 FunctionalAppropriate competency framework was developed and validated after interactions with senior functionaries and analysis of work being done by the executives. The departments and sub sections are illustrated below. As a sample, the details of P&A functions were given for 18 sub sections at three proficiency level. Annexure-I gives the details.

Departments and sub-sections under study

Departments Sub sections

1 Personnel & Administration 1. Policy 2. Wages/ Incentives3. Training (HRD)4. Organisational Development (HRD)5. Career Development (HRD)6. Employee relations7. Employee welfare8. Manpower planning & Recruitment9. Pensions

10. Establishments11. Promotions12. Estate & HR Admn13. Production /Publication of Communication material (PR)14. Press and Media Relations, VIP Visits (PR)15. PR events, Publication of Annual reports (PR)16. Law17. R&R18. CSR & Sustainability



Departments Sub sections

2 IT & Communication 1. IT Infrastructure Establishment & Procurement

2. IT Infrastructure Management

3. IT Security Management

4. Software development & Maintenance Enhancement

5. User IT Support

6. Communication3 Quality Assurance &

Inspection1. Quality Advisory

2. Inspection & Testing

4 Power Plant Electrical Design

• Power Plant Electrical Design

5 Commercial & System Operation

1. Customer requirement Estimation

2. Commercial compliance

3. Revenue Assurance & Recovery

4. System Operation

6 Electrical Contracts • Contract Services7 Corporate Planning 1. Strategic Planning, MoU (Internal & external

2. Fund and Investment Planning

3. Project Approval Processing

4. MoP / Parliament & Parliament Committee

8 Corporate Monitoring & Coordination

• Corporate Monitoring & Coordination

9 Corporate Environment • Corporate Environment

10 Civil Engineering 1. Civil Engineering design

2. Cost Engineering

3. Civil Contracts

4. Civil Construction

5. Geology

11 O&M 1. Operation

2. Mechanical Maint

3. Electrical Maint

4. Civil Maint

5. Geological Monitoring of plant areas



12 Contracts & Procurement

1. Contracts

2. Procurement

3. Stores Management

4. Vendor Manageme

13 HoP- New projects • HoP- New Projects

5.0 Analysing Skill Gap & Formulating IDP5.1 Skill Gap

Based on the framework developed, both for behavioral and functional competency, questionnaire were developed, validated by HRD and senior functionaries and administered to identified executives. The questionnaire for one of the behavioral competencies and sample functional competencies for Corporate Planning (CP) is attached at Annexure-II. The questionnaire were collected, analysed together with their job responsibilities, as explained in Methodology section, to ascertain the skill gap.

5.2 IDP

All the IDPs have following broad sections:• Short term development : For Behavioral

improvement in “Leading Self and others”

• Long Term Development: Behavioral component in “Leading Organisation” and “Functional”.

A sample copy of the analysis for skill-gap/ IDP is also enclosed as Annexure-III. The IDP for the employee has been shown in Annexure-IV. As indicated in the section ‘tool for development’, following three ways were suggested:

1. Books to be read

2. Training programmes to be attended

3. Movies to be watched

6.0 ConclusionThe formulation of competency framework and the skill gap analysis shall go a long way in augmenting capability of senior executives. The methodology adopted could be repeated after elapse of few years to ascertain fresh requirements of SJVN.






Annexure IDetails of Functional competencies of Personnel & Administration

Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Policy • Demonstrates the ability to coordinate with the various departments in collecting data for identifying their HR needs and provide factual inputs for developing HR Strategies.

• Demonstrates an appreciation of the critical people issues facing SJVN and how they are addressed through the current action plan of P&A.

• Demonstrates the ability to ensure that the laid down norms are followed by all concerned employees.

• Manage documentation and record keeping for all policy

• Demonstrates thorough understanding of departmental plan and translates strategic directions of the function into action plans.

• Has the ability to liaise with the function heads to identify and analyze the requirements for the business.

• Applies knowledge of the latest developments in the field of HR and evaluates various alternatives to determine what can be implemented.

• Coordinate with employee associations for matter pertaining to HR policies

• Provide clarifications to all employees on various HR policies

• Development/updation of manuals/employee hand book etc; keeps compilation ready for publication

• Demonstrates in-depth understanding of the business objectives and key drivers to formulate the HR Strategy.

• Participants in the conceptualization of the organization and business plan by providing relevant HR inputs.

• Integrates the contemporary HR Interventions with business Strategies to create viable HR Policies and plans.

• Formulates the HR strategies, policies and norms for the organization and leads initiatives to create and sustain the organization culture.

• Liaison with DPE and other public sectors

• Develop and amend policies in line with HR goals and strategies of SJVN, from time to time

• Critical analysis of issues relating to employees and recommending alternatives

Training/ HRD • Compiles the training database by collating information on training in following categories:

• Individual• Group• Organisation• Skills in training

administration• Working knowledge of

competency mapping, Instructions design

• Manage the induction process for all new recruits

• Consolidation of training need for different categories into training events

• Formulation and regular updation of training plan for SJVN.

• Conduct training evaluation for importance training programmes

• Oversee the induction process for all

• Formulation and updation of training strategy of for SJVN.

• Ensuring identification of operational and strategic training need of SJVN at individual/group levels

• Factor in changes in the programmes, based on effectiveness

• Training metrics formulation and presenting to top management



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Organizational Development/ HRD Development/ HRDw

• Describe Knowledge management (KM) as applicable for SJVN

• Explain Competency mapping and kind of learning that results in competency formation

• Knowledge of climate survey and service effectiveness survey for employees in various groups

• Describe components of mentoring system and maturity levels

• Knowledge of Employer Branding system and practices

• Deployment of KM system

• Regularly monitors parameters of KM system

• Formulation of competency maps for SJVN

• Design of survey objectives, analysis and synthesis of data

• Rolling out of mentor-mentee programmes, collect feedback and improve the system

• Identification of parameters for enhancing employer branding and incorporation of systems/practices to improve the same

• Collection and analysis of metrics regarding KM

• Continuously upgrade the technology and capability of KM system

• Integration of competency maps into all HR systems related to position, person or performance

• Reporting and facilitation of action plan on basis of organizational surveys being done

• Analysis of metrics related to Mentoring and employer branding system, reporting and improving the system

Career Development/ HRD

• Knowledge of :• Talent management• AC/DC (Assessment &

Development Centre) system• PMS and 3600 system• Coaching and counseling.• Parameters of various

Career development practices needed to know the effectiveness

• Operationalise various career development systems,

• Collect metrics to know the effectiveness

• Assess the organizational requirement vis-à-vis tools available for Career development , indentifying the best ways to do the same, monitoring the results, reporting to top management and enhancing for greater effectiveness



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Employee Relations

• Demonstrates an understanding of the applicable provisions, government directives and guidelines (including labour and contract laws), SJVN policies/ agreements and effectively works with the different functions in implementing and communicating them.

• Routinely circulates policy information to be shared with employees/deptts ;

• Assists employee with queries on policies and procedures.

• Liaison with external agencies like provident fund commissioner, labour commissioner etc

• Handles routine grievances and passes on critical issues bottlenecks to superiors.

• Coordination with legal deptt

• Exhibits keen knowledge of all acts and laws to ensure that compliance is met and identifies where discrepancies exists.

• Ensure timely processing of all employee requests and redressal of any policy related queries.

• Manage relation with executive association and unions

• Liaison with external agencies like provident fund commissioner, labour commissioner etc

• Determines the Employee Relations strategies for SJVN and provides guidance in designing policies and frameworks

• Supports leadership in fostering an environment of open communication.

• Develops a communication plan for employees, to build a supportive work environment that encourages information sharing.

• Manage liaison activities with external agencies like provident fund commissioner, labour commissioner etc

Employee Welfare

Coordinate with Procurement, administration and construction deptt for welfare activities,

Looks after Canteen, sports events etc.

Carry out welfare activities as planned/directed by senior management

Develop and maintain various employee participative mechanisms like safety committee, canteen management committee, sports council, deptt councils, etc.

Provide input for framing of policies related to Welfare activities

Projects and control welfare costs



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Manpower Planning & Recruitment

• Demonstrates the ability to gather and analyze data accurately to present the manpower requirements for all the locations.

• Applies laid down methodology for calculating manpower requirement and perform demand forecasting.

• Demonstrates the ability to handle all administrative formalities with regard to the recruitment process including that of adhoc appointments.

• Provides support for carrying out the recruitment process and ensures timely completion of all recruitment sub-activities.

• Compliance to GoI guideline for maintenance of roasters, apprenticeships.

• Manages the interface with corporate planning, operation & maintenance, and other functions in identifying manpower requirements and facilitates in developing recruitment strategies.

• Ensures that manpower planning in done as per manpower norms and policies.

• Provides overall support for carrying out recruitment process and coordinates with other departments for any required support.

• Demonstrates the ability to drive the implementation of specific selection tools and techniques to assess and select suitable candidate.

• Oversee the compliance of roasters, apprenticeships

• Keep track of changes in the industry, modify job specifications and eligible criteria

• Develops the Manpower Planning and Recruitment strategies in line with the overall business and personnel management strategy.

• Drives the manpower rationalization initiative across SJVN and forecasts the demand requirements.

• Leverages in-depth understanding of competency requirements and conducts a qualitative analysis to identify requirements and achieve proper fitment

• Monitors and allocates resources to drive recruitment process seeking assistance as required from local/ regional establishments.

• Manage the HRMIS • Manage transfer of

executive and non-executive

Pensions • Coordinate pension related activities

• Ensure maintenance of database of all pension cases and provide information support during court cases etc.

• Coordinate with LIC as necessary

• Discharge responsibilities of process owner for Pension & Gratuity Trust



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Establishment • Manages the day to day processing of the HR employee services including benefits claims and settlements.

• Manage payment of loans and advances

• Manage reimbursement of various benefits and facilities

• Manage functioning of time office (hard copy of bio metric or card reader type) and associated system

• Timely settlement of claims and application for employee benefits

• Defines administrative process flow for employee related processes like transfer, leave, attendance etc.

• Provide input to framing of policy, related to establishment matters

• Maintaining record of seniority list and reporting to senior management

Promotions • Knowledge of promotion policy and PMS policy of SJVN

• Knowledge of SJVN vigilance policies and procedures

• Knowledge about grievance procedure of SJVN

• Provide relevant and accurate information to top management to facilitate decision on promotions and appointments

• Manage the issue, collection and maintenance of performance appraisal report

• Manage promotion process for executives and non-executives

• Manage the process of appointment orders for executives promoted to top management positions

• Manage all court cases and employee grievances related to promotions

• Take care of pay fixation on promotion

• Compliance of GoI guideline for roaster maintenance

• Provide information support to top management on promotion related issues and give analytics regarding future man power structure



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Estate & HR Admin

• Knowledge of travel procedures and regulations including customs laws

• Manage transport and travel related activities of SJVN

• Make arrangement for foreign and domestic travel of employees – booking tickets, arranging passport/visas, foreign exchange etc

• Liaison with various external agencies for seamless arrangement of transport at corp centre and locations of SJVN

• Manage security of establishment and liaison with CISF

• Manage Auto-base and staff cars

• Manage house keeping• Manage commercial and

residential lease• Manage recruitment of

temp-workers, support staff, security staff etc as required from time to time

• Carry out all protocol related activities

• Coordinate VIP visits and manage protocol related work (at airport/station, guest house etc)

• Manage AMC for a/cs, hiring of cars, pest services, civil/electrical/mechanical works, horticulture,

• Manage tender process and invitation of bids for various contracts/procurement related to employee services including furniture,

• Manage inventory and stores for items related to employee services

• Manage acquisition, maintenance and disposal of company owned vehicles, manage contracts for hired vehicles

• Ensure smooth operations• Manage relationships with

external entities like local/state/central govt agencies, electricity boards etc

• Coordinate all protocol related activities – VIP visits to station/Corp Centre

• Coordinate administrative procurement and stores management

• Coordinate maintenance of Corp Centre/local establishments

• Recommend/upgrade changes in Building Management System



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Publication of Communication Material / PR

• Knowledge of editing, printing, journalism, photography

• Plan /as directed by sr management the following activities:

• Manage timely and quality publication of in-house journals

• Manage timely and quality publication of corporate brochures

• Manage production of films, audio –visual shows, organizing road shows, video magazine

• Manage all corporate advertisement

• Print manuals/employee hand book etc for various departments

• Routinely circulates strategic information to be shared with employee ;

• Implements communication initiatives that promote information sharing among employees and works towards developing an environment which openly communicates leadership`s commitment & initiatives towards employees

• Creative skills in writing and visuals

• Conceive and develop communication initiatives for SJVN,

• Projects and Control expenditure on PR activities

Press and Media relations, VIP visits/PR

• Knowledge of corporate communication, mass communication and journalism

• Manage all photographic requirements

• Carry out daily scanning of news papers, compilation of clippings and submission to management

• Carry out collection, compilation and dissemination of news

• Responsible for publication of SJVN diary

• Interact with press, media and manage relations

• Manage logistics and coordination of VIP visits as and when required

• Conceive and develop communication initiatives for SJVN,

• Projects and Control expenditure on PR activities

PR Events, Publication of Annual report/PR

• Coordinate reporting and coverage of all significant events and developments in SJVN and power sector to the press and media

• Ensure quality and timely publication of annual reports, and other print and publicity jobs

• Corp PR events of SJVN and on behalf of MoP as when required

• Conceive and develop communication initiatives for SJVN,

• Projects and Control expenditure on PR activities



Sub Domain Basic Proficient Expert

Law • Knowledge of labour laws, industrial laws, arbitration, land acquisition, contracts and other laws

• Knowledge of company rules and policy

• Experience in handling court cases

• Knowledge of contract management

• Manage court cases, legal opinions and arbitration matters related to SJVN

• Take steps required in defending court cases pending at different levels

• Provide timely feedback /comments to be filled as reply in courts

• Monitor steps required in defending court cases pending at different levels

• Advise SJVN deptts on legal issues

• Ensure timely feedback /comments to be filled as reply in courts

• Ensure timely legal vetting of bank guarantees, contracts, HBA, company lease self lease and bond transmission cases

• Provide support to SJVN deptts on legal issues

• Provide support/advice to legal executives at other sites

• Empanel advocates /arbitrators and appointment of Estate officers

• Provide legal advice on matters affecting whole of SJVN

• Provide inputs on Critical legal issues

• Keeps abreast of all court decisions likely to affect SJVN

• Projects and monitor cost

R&R • Knowledgeable on R&R policy and regulations

• Knowledgeable of executing RAPs

• Formulate and update R&R policy

• Conduct socio economic studies for project sites

• Manage the process of responding to VIP references on matters relating to R&R activities

• Knowledgeable of socio economic impacts of power plants

• Knowledge of global trends in R&R

• Oversee preparation and execution of Rehabilitation action plan (RAP)s

• Manage the preparation of internal and external MoUs relating to R&R activities and monitor performance against MoU targets

• Responsible for Planning, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of R&R projects in a structured way

• Frames R&R policies and practices

• Responsible for R&R budget and Cost

CSR and Sustainability

• Knowledgeable on CSR policy and regulations and SJVN practices

• Knowledgeable of role and responsibilities of CSR Committee

• Knowledgeable of CSR projects, CSR expenditure reporting and CSR annual reporting as per specified guidelines

• Knowledge of Indian and global trends in CSR

• Formulate and update CSR strategy/policy of SJVN

• Identifies CSR projects for SJVN CSR Committee approval

• Responsible for Planning, implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of CSR projects in a structured way

• Frames CSR policies and practices

• Responsible for CSR budget and Cost



Annexure IISample Competency Questionnaire

• Managerial Behaviour

This has two parts: Self Data and work Data. o Self-data part :

In Part A, given particulars along with that of reporting officer are to be entered. In Part B, the broad activities of the job one is responsible for are to be noted.

o Work data part : The work data (Part C) reflects on competencies desired to discharge the responsibilities listed in Part B. Each page of Part C (8 pages) contains a table which contains name of competency, Components thereof and Behaviour exhibited for a specific competency. The behaviours exhibited under the three heads are to be studied first before filling up. Just below this reference table, another small one appears that needs to be rated form 1-5 (low to high) in each page against desired row. The cells needs to be filled up with the ratings are shown with arrows. • Technical/Functional Skills The reporting officer to ensure necessary completion.


Name :- Name :-

Designation: Designation:

Grade: Grade:

Department: Department:

Location: Location:

Age as on Jan 1, 2016:


Activities Performed (Broad groups)

Routine[Daily/ Weekly/Fortnightly]

Periodical[Monthly/ Quarterly/Half-yearly

I Infrequent[Yearly/Unscheduled Emergent]



Sample Behavioral Competency (one of 8 competencies is only shown)


Sample Behavioural Competency

Components ProficiencyLevelsDemonstrates Personal Work Alignment

Promotes team & operational goals Alignment


1/8 Vision & strategic Orientation

Holistic View

Information hungry

Scans Environment

Scenario Building

Identify and leverage strategic opportunity.

Build strategy from vision

Risk Assessment

Holistic view of business beyond functional boundaries in line with companys’

Scan Environment, to keep abreast of External Environment

Gather & organise information

Provide continuous useful feedback to top management

Conceptualise, develop and articulate innovative, insight based and well thought out strategies that consider long term opportunities and challenges

Evaluate information and generates options in various scenario

Monitor and align all processes with best practices.

Display the ability to evaluate and provide inputs to build strategy at the work unit/team level

Leverage strategic opportunities to gain competitive advantage.

Select suitable strategies, modify activities in his/her function or teams to achieve newer goals/objectives.

Define and set standards of excellence and guides implementation to achieve them.

Big picture perspective; translate SJVN’s vision into strategy by balancing short term needs with long term priorities and assessing potential risks and opportunities


(Self Rating)

Reporting Officer Rating (Presennt/Desired)



Sample Functional /Technical Competency for CORPORATE PLANNINGSub Domain

Basic Proficient Expert

Strategic Planning, MoU (Internal & external)

• Demonstrates an understanding of the goals, objectives of the business as well as Govt’s long term plan.

• Demonstrates the ability to identify and collate relevant information/data from different departments/functions which will facilitate in preparing long term business plans of SJVN.

• Working out Corporate plan and implementation details

• Work out the internal/external MoU issues for and for report to the superiors

• Facilitates activities related to participation in Public Enterprises Survey and various Excellence Awards.

• Develop long term business plans for the organization in line with the 5 year plan of Govt in coordination with internal departments as well as external bodies (eg CEA, MoP, Planning Commission, MoF, Central Power PSUs etc)

• Facilitate effective target setting in internal MoU with close consultation with the internal departments and reviewing past performance of various departments.

• Facilitate effective target setting in internal and external MoU with close consultation with the internal departments and reviewing past performance of various departments.

• Prepares issues to be taken up for policy advocacy, study and comment on external policies related to SJVN and Indian power sector

• Facilitates CAPEX budget preparation and obtain approval from Ministry.

• Prepares outcome budget for monitoring physical performance with CAPEX budget.

• Facilitate formulation of business plans and strategies by understanding goals and objectives of the organization, interpreting Govt 5 year plans and continuously interacting with the external and internal stake holders (env scanning) and understanding their inputs.

• Monitors implementation of corp plan of SJVN

• Manages activities pertaining to finalization and monitoring internal MoU targets

• Liaison with different internal functions and ensure the terms of MoU are aligned with the organisation’s policies, strategies and plans.

• Timely signing of internal MoU

• Timely evaluation of internal MoU

• Manages activities pertaining to finalization and monitoring external MoU targets

• Finalise external MoU targets for concerned areas

• Ensure timely submission and subsequent signing of external MoU

• Assist management for review and monitoring of external MoU targets

• Evaluate external MoU and get approval of DPE

PART C (Contd...)

Desired(Self Rating)Reporting Officer Rating (Present/Desired



Annexure IIISample Analysis for Competency Gap

Name XXX Competency Data Rating Gap

Grade XXX BehaviouralDesired (self)

[A]Desired (RO) [B]

Individual by RO

[C]A-C B-C

Communication & Interpersonal Skills

Basic 5 5 5 2 1Proficient 4 5 5 0 1Expert 5 5 5 -1 1Achievement OrientationProactive and Enthusiastic

4 5 5 0 2

Significant Contributor 4 5 5 -1 1

Persuades Excellence 5 5 5 -1 1


Desired (self)


Desired (RO)


Individual by RO

[C]A-C B-C

Strategic Planning, MoU (Internal & External)

Basic 5 5 5 0 0Proficient 4 5 5 -1 0Expert 4 5 5 -1 0

Fund & Investment Planning

Basic 3 5 5 -2 0Proficient 5 5 5 0 0Expert 4 5 5 -1 0

Project Approval processing

Basic 3 5 5 -2 0Proficient 4 5 5 -2 0Expert 4 5 5 -1 0

MoP/Parliament and Parliament Committee

Basic 5 5 5 0 0Proficient 5 5 5 0 0

Expert NA



Annexure IV

Sample IDP (Individual Development Plan)

Name : XXX

Designation : XXX Location: XXX

Department : Corporate Planning

A Development Needs

• Managerial/Behavioral (Short Term)

o Self None

o Team: Team & People Leadership

Managerial/Behavioral (Long Term)

Organizational:Vision & Strategic Planning

B Tools for Development

Book 1. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Strategy, Publisher: Harvard University Press

2. HBR’s 10 Must Reads on Managing People

Training 1. Strategies for Growth, IIMA

2. Transformational leadership, IIMA, XLRI

Movies The Great Escape by John Sturges